Abdomen review

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Which zone is the peripheral zone of the prostate?


Normal GB wall thickness is approximately:

1-3 mm

A normal kidney measures:

10 cm

The kidneys develop in the pelvis and ascend to their normal position by:

12-15 wks gestation

In the adult, splenomegaly is diagnosed when the length of the spleen exceeds:

13 cm

The approximate length of the normal liver is:

15.5 cm

The thyroid gland consists of the following number of lobes:


On US, the duct of Wirsung is considered abnormal if the lumen is greater than ____.

2 mm

Approximately what percentage of the liver's blood is supplied by the hepatic artery?


How many zones is the prostate divided into?


The liver is anatomically divided into how many lobes?


Which zone is the transitional zone of the prostate?


The normal aortic diameter should be less than ________________.

3 cm

Which area is the fibromuscular stroma?


The normal length of the adult thyroid is

4-6 cm

In a normal adult with the GB intact, the luminal diameter of the common hepatic duct measures less than or equal to ______________.

4-6 mm

The normal dimensions of the prostate gland are:

4x3x4 cm

Normal scrotal wall thickness should measure less than ______ mm.

6 mm

The portal vein delivers approximately what percentage of blood to the liver?


Which lab value is most specific for liver function?


What anatomic landmarks can be used to sonographically locate the left adrenal?

Aorta, spleen, left kidney

A renal lab value is _______________.


Which of the following, when elevated, would be an indication of obstructive uropathy?

BUN and creatinine

Where is the prostate gland located?

Between the bladder and the pelvic floor

Define bladder exstrophy:

Bladder pushing through abdominal wall

Which modality is considered the "gold standard" for imaging the pancreas.

CT scan

What hormone stimulates the GB to contract?


Define ureterocele:

Cyst-like dilatation of the ureter

What definition describes a posterior urethral valve?

Dilated and elongated prostatic urethra

Two hormones produced by the adrenal medulla are ____________________.


From inner layer to outer layer, what are the three layers of supportive tissues surrounding each kidney?

Fibrous renal capsule, perirenal fat, renal fascia

A major branch of the common hepatic artery is the ______________.


The liver is covered by a fibrous capsule called:

Glisson's capsule

On a longitudinal image, which of the following major vessels is located to the right of midline with the cephalic portion curving ventrally?


The head of the pancreas is located anterior to the _____________.


The right adrenal vein empties into:


The _________ courses anterior to the aorta and posterior to the SMA.


What structure is located posterior to the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland?

Longus colli muscle

What separates the intrahepatic right lobe from the left lobe?

Main lobar fissure

The peritoneal space bound by the liver, kidney, colon and duodenum where fluid is likely to collect is _________________.

Morrison's Pouch

What is the largest prostate zone?


Functions of the spleen include all except ____________________. a. destruction of RBC's b. production of enzymes c. production of plasma cells d. blood reservoir

Production of enzymes

What is the most common male pelvic cystic mass found in the midline?

Prostatic utricle cyst

Where is the uncinate process located relative to the head of the pancreas?


Which of the following vessels travel posterior to the IVC?


The GB is located in the:


Where does spermatogenesis occur?

Seminiferous tubules

Which would be a reason for a renal U.S. exam?


What structures transport urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder?


What is the sonographic appearance of bladder diverticula?

Urine-filled outpouchings

Which sonographic technique is used to document a varicocele?

Valsalva maneuver

Adrenal gland tumors can lead to:

adrenal hyperfunction

Catacholemines are produced in the:

adrenal medulla

Which of the following cannot be visualized on a normal liver ultrasound? a. main lobar fissure b. ligamentum venosum c. all can be visualized d. falciform ligament

all can be seen

The common bile duct is joined by the main pancreatic duct. Together they open through the _________ into the duodenal wall.

ampulla of Vater

Which of the following statements is true about the spleen?

an accessory spleen is a normal variant

The persistence of the dorsal and ventral pancreas with the head encircling the duodenum is called:

annular pancreas

The right lobe of the liver is divided into _______________________.

anterior and posterior segments

The GB is located _____________ to the right kidney and _______________ to the pancreas.

anterior, lateral

The GDA is an important landmark of the pancreas head and is located ____________.


What is the name of the vessels that run between (divides) the renal cortex and the medulla?


The arteries located at the base of the pyramids of the kidneys are the ____________.

arcuate arteries

The accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal cavity in known as


Rete testis is located:

at the hilum of the testis

This portion of the liver is not covered by the peritoneum and rests directly against the diaphragm.

bare area

The left renal vein courses:

between aorta and SMA

Which of the following lab values are associated with biliary disease?


The endocrine products of the pancreas are transported via the

blood stream

Mickey mouse sign is the.....

bunny sign

What do the parathyroid glands regulate?


Which lobe of the liver is located posteriorly between the IVC and ligamentum venosum?

caudate lobe

Which of the following is seen as the seagull sign on ultrasound?

celiac axis

Which of the following should be done to better image the near field of the liver?

change from a sector to a curved array

Inflammation of the GB is known as:


Which of the following could mimic a mass in the kidney?

column of Bertin

Which three structures form the portal triad?

common duct, portal vein, hepatic artery

The porta hepatis (portal triad) contains the portal vein, hepatic artery, and what other structure?

common hepatic duct

The right and left hepatic ducts emerge from the right lobe of the liver in the porta hepatis and unite to form the:

common hepatic duct

With a normally functioning gallbladder, what is stimulated by ingesting a fatty meal?


The shape of the spleen is _________________.

convex superior concave inferior

The adrenal gland is an endocrine gland that can be divided into

cortex and medulla

Which is more sensitive and specific in determining renal dysfunction?


Which lab value is associated with the kidney?


A muscular structure seen in the upper abdomen at the level of the celiac axis; it aligns the vertebral column before crossing the midline posterior to the IVC and anterior to the aorta. May be mistaken for the right renal artery.

crus of diaphragm

Identify the syndrome that is associated with the adrenal gland?


What connects the GB to the hepatic duct to form the common bile duct?

cystic duct

The hepatic duct is joined by the _____________ to form the ___________ .

cystic duct; common bile duct

Functions of the liver

detoxification bile production storage

A patient presents with a dilated gall bladder and a dilated common bile duct. The level of the obstruction should be at the ______________.

distal common bile duct

Which of the following is a normal variant of the pancreas:


What pancreatic function occurs in the islets of Langerhans?


The testis are considered to be

endocrine glands

Although in most cases the sonographic appearance of the testes remains unchanged after vasectomy, what changes can occur in approximately 40% of postvasectomy patients?

enlargment of the epididymis

Sperm mature and accumulate in the ___________.


The triangular shaped echogenic structure seen within the TRV left lobe of the liver.

falciform ligament

Which ligament extends from the umbilicus to the diaphragm and connects the liver to the anterior abdominal wall?

falciform ligament

The innermost layer, of the tissue layers, surrounding the kidney is?

fibrous capsule

A phrygian cap is:

folding of the GB fundus

The GB contracts in response to:

food entering the duodenum fatty meals release of cholecystokinin

A branch of the common hepatic artery is the:

gastroduodenal artery

Which is the outermost tissue layer surrounding the kidney?

gerotas fascia

The alpha cells are responsible for releasing:


Prominent or bulging eyes with eyelid retraction can be seen in a patient with______________.

grave's disease

Infundibulum is another name for:

hartmanns pouch

Locating the inferior vena cava, superior mesenteric vein, and gastroduodenal artery helps identify what portion of the pancreas?


On a longitudinal scan of the scrotum, the sonographer views a normal image of the testicle. What structure would be visualized superior to the testis?

head of the epididymis

What is the equation used to calculate the volume of the prostate?

height x width x length x 0.52

What is the term that describes embryonic production of blood cells?


Which vessel supplies the liver with oxygen-rich blood?

hepatic artery

The ________drain the liver of venous blood.

hepatic veins

Which vessels are used to delineate the right and left lobes; the right posterior and right anterior segments; and the left medial and left lateral segments?

hepatic veins

Which vessels increase in size as they course superiorly toward the diaphragm?

hepatic veins

Which of the following is considered a functional liver cell?


Hepatocellular disease can be defined as a process that affects the:

hepatocytes and interferes with liver function

Normal portal venous blood flow is ________________.


Accessory spleens are most often located in the:

hilum of the spleen

What is the correct term for kidneys fused at the lower poles?


Which of the following is not an anomaly of number?

horseshoe kidney

The normal thyroid gland is typically ____________ to the neck muscles.


When compare to a normal liver, the echogenicity of the pancreas in a 60 year old patient is:


Which is the routine way to image the thyroid gland?

hyperextend the patient's neck

Which renal vessels are positioned between the medullary pyramids?


The liver is considered _______________.


The lobes of the liver are clearly defined by segmental anatomy which is differentiated by the portal and hepatic veins. The portal veins are ______.


What term describes the echogenicity of the normal splenic parenchyma when compared to the liver?


The sonographic appearance of a normal spleen in relationship to the liver is:

isoechoic and homogenous

The sonographic appearance of the parathyroid is

isoechoic to the thyroid

Elevation of serum bilirubin results in:


The head of the pancreas lies in the:

lap of duodenum

The adrenal glands are located just __________ to the crus of the diaphragm.


A dromedary hump refers to __________________________.

lateral bulging of the left kidney

The LHV (left hepatic vein) is located within which fissure?

left intersegmental fissure

What is the location of a mass detected anterior and to the left of the ligamentum venosum?

left lobe

The left adrenal vein empties into the _____________.

left renal vein

What vessel can be imaged anterior to the aorta and posterior to the SMA?

left renal vein

The embryologic remnant of the obliterated umbilical vein is _____________.

ligamentum teres

The falciform ligament extends from the umbilicus to the diaphragm and contains the:

ligamentum teres

The most appropriate transducer choice for scanning a thyroid is

linear 10 MHz

The enzyme that is the most sensitive over time in the laboratory tests for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is:


Which lab value is most indicative for pancreatitis?


Which of the following is a pancreatic enzyme


Which of the following is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas that is essential to the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients?


Normally, the echogenicity of the pancreas is equal to or greater than that of which organ?


The best acoustic window for the right hemidiaphragm is the ___________.


The _______________ is considered incomplete and runs from the right portal vein to the GB fossa.

main lobar fissure

The right and left lobes of the liver are separated sonographically by __________________.

main lobar fissure

The _____________ extends from the neck of the GB to the _________________ .

main lobar fissure; portal vein

The trachea lies ___________ to the thyroid gland.

medial and posterior

What divides the scrotal pouch into two main compartments?

median raphe

Which of the following is true of the sonographic appearance of the adrenal gland?

medulla is hyperechoic to cortex

From lowest to highest echo amplitude, what is the correct order for the normal renal structures?

medulla, cortex, sinus

The portal vein (PV) is formed posterior to the _________ of the pancreas by the junction of the___________ and splenic vein.

neck, SMV

The functional unit of the kidney is the __________________.


The passage of urine, internally to externally, goes from ______________.

nephron, renal pyramid, calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder

Non-visualization of the GB can be due to:

non fasting

The surgical removal of a testicle is termed:


Which structure does the common bile duct join prior to terminating at the major duodenal papilla?

pancreatic duct

The RT & LT hepatic ducts run ________ to the anterior wall of the intrahepatic portal veins?


The adrenal glands are separated from the kidneys by the:

perinephric fat

What is the reticuloendothelial function of the liver?

phagocytosis by Kupffer cells

A fold in the fundus of the gall bladder is known as a ________________.

phrygian cap

The triad of the portal vein, common bile duct, and hepatic artery entering/existing the liver is known as:

porta hepatis

In which vessels does the right branch bifurcate into an anterior branch and a posterior branch?

portal vein

What structure lies posterior to the CHD (common hepatic duct) and anterior to the IVC?

portal vein

Which of the following does not describe the area labeled SV in the image below?

portal-splenic confluence

The largest part of the pancreas lies__________ to the wall of the stomach.


The uncinate process lays directly _______ to the SMV.


The epididymal head is located:

posterior and superior to the testis

The retroperitoneal space is defined as the area between which of the following?

posterior portion of the parietal peritoneum and the posterior abdominal wall muscles

Characteristics of a simple cyst include all of the following except: A. anechoic appearance B. posterior shadowing c. through transmission d. smooth, thin walls

posterior shadowing

The left renal vein courses ___________ to the SMA and ____________ to the aorta before draining to the IVC.

posterior, anterior

The caudate lobe occupies the _____________________ surface of the liver.


The esophagus is seen ___________ to the thyroid gland and slightly _________ of midline.

posterior; left

One of the functions of the kidneys is:

produce urine

Triangular shaped areas in the medulla between the renal columns are which of the following?


An inferior tongue-like projection of the right lobe of the liver, which is a normal variant:

reidel's lobe

Compare the echogenicities of the following structures and place them in order. Begin with the least echogenic and end with the most echogenic.

renal parenchyma//liver/pancreas/renal sinus

Urine in the major calices next passes into the:

renal pelvis

Urine passes in the order given, through the following structures?

renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

The lower urinary tract is:


The pancreas is a(n) __________________ gland.


The main portal vein bifurcates at the porta hepatis into

right and left portal veins

The IVC courses vertically to enter the:

right atrium

Which of the following vessels do not branch off of the celiac trunk?

right gastric artery

During a renal sonogram on an adult, the sonographer notes a normal right kidney measuring 11 cm. When evaluating the left upper quadrant, the left kidney appears to be absent. The sonographer should

scan the pelvis

Which of the following is a function of the adrenal cortex?

secrets steroid hormones

Which of the following are the symmetric, paired structures superior to the prostate?

seminal vescicles

The three layers of the gallbladder wall are:

serous, mucosa, epithelial

The left kidney is in contact with the:

spleen, pancreas, colon, and jejunum

The central area of the spleen that allows vascular and lymph structures to emerge or enter

splenic hilum

A vascular landmark that will aid in localizing the pancreas is:

splenic vein

Which vessel lies posterior to the pancreas and is reliable for identifying the body and tail?

splenic vein

Which of the following vessels form the confluence of the main portal vein?

splenic vein SMV IMV

Which of the following structures may mimic the pancreatic duct?

splenic vessels

What anatomy is located on the anterior border of the spleen?


The function of the GB is:

store bile

The muscle group that forms the anterior border of the thyroid is______.


The base of the prostate is the most:


The thyroid gland sits directly __________ to the clavicle bones.


The __________ artery is located anterior to the aorta and originates 1-2 cm below the celiac trunk.

superior mesenteric artery

The gastroesophageal junction exhibits a ______________ appearance.


Sperm is produced in the ____________.


Each scrotal compartment contains


The splenic artery is ________________.

the branch of the celiac trunk found superior to the pancreas

The spleen is ________

the largest lymphoid organ in the body

What statement is true about the kidneys:

the left kidney is more superior

The adrenal glands are similar to the kidney because ___________________.

they have a cortex and medulla

Gallbladder sludge is:

thick bile

What is the smallest prostate zone?


In the patient is in the standard anatomic position, what is the course of the portal vein?


The _____________ is the name of the fibrous capsule which surrounds the testes.

tunica albuginea

What is the term for enlargement of the veins in the spermatic cord?


The ___________ isa continuation of the epididymis.

vas deferens

Which criteria accurately differentiate portal veins from hepatic veins?

walls are more echogenic

An urachal cyst is a tubular structure:

where urine becomes trapped within fused ends

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