Abeka Biology 10th Grade ( Unit 8) 8.3 cont.

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mind and brain


limbic system

a number of complex brain structures lie clustered around the brain, surrounding the brain stem at the core of hte brain, surrounded by the cerebrum this is what it is called by neurobiologists


a study of behaviour

cerebral palsy

damage to the cerebral motor area


helps generate emotions and processes emotional memories


is at the uppermost end of the brain stem it acts like a switchboard, routing activation signals from the reticular formation and sensory impulses from various parts of the body to the appropriate areas of the cerebral cortex

brain stem

is located between the cerebrum and the spinal cord consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain


is the second largest brain region. it lies behind the brain stem and just below the occipital lobe of the cerebrum. the primary function is to coordinate skeletal muscle activity. HANDLES COMPLEX MUSCLE COORDINATION


just above the medulla oblongata. it links the cerebrum with the cerebellum. they insist the medulla in regulating breathing it also helps coordinate some eye movements and facial expressions


lies above the pons nerve centers helps coordinate the movements of both eyes, adjust the size of the pupils in response to light, and operate the lens muscles to focus the eyes on the object of your attention


processes factual memory for storage


the control unit for your body's automatic system, is responsible for the physical effects of emotions

medulla oblongata

the lowest part of the brain stem it contains nerve centers that monitor and regulate breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, and other vital body functions such as swallowing it is also responsible for triggering you to sneeze

reticular formation

within the brain lies an intricate network of neurons means " small net" its most important function as the " master switch" of the cerebrum. it also helps keep your body balanced and upright when you are not moving and plays a role in carrying out certain functions of the autonomic nervous system

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