Abnormal Psychology Midterm

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How does binge eating disorder differ from anorexia or bulimia?

People with binge-eating disorders tend to develop the disorder later in life, typically in their twenties

Depression and eating disorders are correlated. What does this statement mean?

People with eating disorders also tend to experience depression.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the difference between problem solving and excessive worry?

Problem solving is a means to an end, a puzzling through whereas excessive worry is repetitive, unproductive, and often leads to physiological symptoms associated with stress

How are the interpersonal theory of suicide and the sociocultural view of suicide different?

The interpersonal theory describes perceived burdensomeness as a factor in suicide.

What does switching in a person with dissociative identity disorder mean?

The person has changed from one subpersonality to another.

What makes ECT effective in treating unipolar depression?

The reasons for ECT's effectiveness are not understood

Which is the BEST example of dichotomous thinking?

There's only one thing to do, and nothing else matters.

How do sodium amobarbital and sodium pentobarbital work in the treatment of dissociative amnesia?

They free people from their inhibitions, thus allowing them to recall unpleasant events.

Which of these describes conversion disorders in men?

They occur approximately half as often as they do in women.

According to cognitive-behavioral theorists, why do patients engage in compulsive behaviors?

Those behaviors reduce anxiety and are thus reinforced

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to the factor of:

social support.

People with low incomes are _____ as likely as people with higher incomes to experience one of the stress disorders.


In which socioeconomic class of women were anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa most common for most of the twentieth century?

upper-class women

In comparison to the classical psychoanalytic approach put forth my Freud, modern psychodynamically oriented practitioners tend to focus more on

interpreting defense mechanisms including transference within the context of the analyst-client relationship

A couple has been married for almost 50 years, and then one of them dies. The probability that the surviving spouse will commit suicide:

is much higher than normal.

What is another term for the pattern called emotional disregulation

labile mood

Of the following people, the most likely to exhibit a substance use disorder would be an

American Indian

Which statement is the BEST example of a claim that would be made by a developmental psychopathology theorist?

Depression is triggered by many factors that operate together in a developmental sequence.

Which conclusion does research on hypnosis and hypnotic amnesia support?

Dissociative disorders are similar to behaviors seen in hypnotic amnesia.

Eating disorders are associated with dysfunctional brain circuit activity that is also found in each of the following EXCEPT:

dissociative disorders.

Which diagnosis would a person experiencing multiple personalities MOST accurately be diagnosed with

dissociative identity disorder

CBT for anxiety focuses on

exploring unconscious meaning and motivation behind problematic behaviors, thoughts and feelings associated with anxiety

Within the United States, which population most commonly displays somatic reactions in the face of stress

hispanic americans

An enmeshed family with an adolescent child would likely show which of the following

the adolescent's emotional state mirrors that of their mother

A high school studnet asks you, "what's the big deal about using pot at school, anyway?

"Being high makes it harder

A combat veteran says, "The therapist wants me to wear goggles that show me scenes of combat, like I'm in a video game. I don't want to do that! How can this possibly help me?" The BEST response is:

"Therapy using virtual reality technology is considered extremely effective."

blood alcohol concentration


In Western countries, the prevalence of bulimia nervosa among adolescent girls may be as high as:

1 in 5.

What is the average age of onset of unipolar depression?


What percentage of people who suffer from untreated severe depression commit suicide?

20 percent

Among survivors of torture, approximately how many develop PTSD?

30 to 50 percent

About how many suicides are committed annually in the United States


Which statement is NOT true regarding specific phobias?

A fear response comes only after repeated exposure to the object

Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

A person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition.

Effects of unipolar depression on the body do NOT include which of the following?

An increased level of energy

Which statement is true about social anxiety disorder in the United States and other Western nations?

Around 12 percent of people develop the disorder at some point in their lives

Who among the following is one of the pioneers of psychotherapeutic work with individuals suffering from an eating disorder

Hide Bruch

Isaac had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went ot therapy and eventually addressed a traumatic car crash form his past. Over time, he began to walk again. According to his psychodymaic therapst, why did these poslitve changes occur

Isaac became conscious of and resolve his underlying fears, thereby eliminating the need to convert anxiety into physical symptoms

Which of the following best represents the way in which an accurate diagnosis informs best treatment practices?

It is important to maintain an up-to-date broad understanding of possible medical conditions that can mimic psychiatric conditions and refer to an MD where indicated

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person in fact never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. Most likely, the patient is suffering from:

Korsakoff's syndrome

Which of the following is not true with regard to eating disorders

LGLBTQ individuals are buffered

When Logan was 5 years old, he was playing with a stuffed bunny when a burglar broke into his home. Now, as an adult, Logan is terrified of rabbits. Why do cognitive-behavioral theorists believe Logan dreads rabbits, even though he should know they are harmless?

Logan never got close enough to rabbits to learn they are actually harmless

What is the general relationship between gender and somatic symptom disorder?

More women than men are diagnosed with both the somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder.

A client has body dysmorphic disorder and is considering plastic surgery. Is this a recommended treatment for this client?

No. Often, people who have plastic surgery for body dysmorphic disorder actually feel worse afterward.

How does the multicultural view explain the fact that transforming personal distress into bodily symptoms is more common in non-Western cultures than in Western ones?

Non-Western cultures are more approving of somatic forms of stress response.

Which of the following accurately describes a problem with animal studies of depression?

One cannot be sure that depression-like symptoms in laboratory animals reflect human depression.

A person says, "I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and my therapist wants me to use drug therapy, not psychological therapy. I don't know which to choose." Based on current research, the BEST answer would be:

Some therapists think psychological therapy should always be used, even with drug therapy; there's less chance of relapse

One of the nutraceuticals shown to be frequently helpful in treating unipolar depression is:

St. John's wort.

A friend asks, "what works best to keep suicidal people from following through?" The best answer to this question is

Try cognitive behavioral therapy

The term "biological challenge" in CBT treatment for anxiety refers to

Using procedures to mimic the situations that bring on anxiety for clients. For example, having a client climb stairs as a way to increase their heart rate during the session allows the therapist to address the associated automatic maladaptive thoughts as they occur, such as the debilitating fear of a having a heart attack

A person who eats large amounts of food in a short period and does this repeatedly, with no other symptoms would be said to have

a binge eating disorder

Herbert Benson was

a cardiologist who became one of the pioneers in the field of mind-body/integrative medicine in the west

Which child is most likely to develop a stress disorder later in life after experiencing a trauma?

a child who lives alone with a single mother who is working multiple jobs

Which description is LEAST likely to characterize the behavior of someone experiencing anorexia nervosa?

a hesitancy to think about food

Which individual is MOST at risk for suicide?

a military veteran who has headaches and seizures because of a traumatic brain injury

Which person recovering from bulimia nervosa is MOST likely to experience a relapse?

a person who had a pattern of frequent vomiting during the disorder

Best practices for the treatment of the most severe forms of eating disorders involves working with

a team comprsed of a physican, a psychotherapist

John was feeling suicidal and received crisis intervention from a counselor. Because the center provided only short-term crisis intervention services, to best help John, the counselor referred him to

a treatment center that offers long-term therapy

Which professions put one at GREATEST risk for an eating disorder?

actors and certain athletes

In research on suicide, abnormal serotonin levels and a dysfunctional depression-related brain circuit seem MOST related to:


Who among the following is not associated with bringing a mind-body focus into the practice of western medicine

albert bandura

Which class of drug has the highest risk of causing severe lasting mental and behavioral changes


Despite both having a depressant effect on the central nervous system, one important difference between alcohol and heroine

alcohol has sedative and tranquilizing effects while heroin is activating and energizing

Which problem is common in anorexia nervosa


The medical problem that is twice as frequent in women with anorexia nervosa as it is in women with bulimia nervosa is:


According to Freud, children who are prevented from expressing id impulses (for example, making mud pies, playing war, and exploring their genitals) are at risk for developing:


Eldon occasionally has a racing heartbeat. When this happens, he panics and thinks he is going to die. Gradually, he has developed panic attacks if he even thinks that his heart is beating strongly. Eldon apparently has a high degree of:

anxiety sensitivity

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Do you have a gun? Is it loaded, and do you know how to use it?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

assessing suicide potential

Sheryl views events as beyond her control, yet constantly asks herself why this is so. This is an example of:


The _____ is the extensive network of nerve fibers that connect the central nervous system to all the other organs of the body.

autonomic nervous system

The use of a food diary to keep track of eating behavior as part of the treatment of patients with bulimia nervosa is MOST likely to be suggested by a therapist who relies on the:

behavioral perspective.

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia, is experiencing:

binge-eating/purging-type anorexia nervosa.

In terms of cognitive theories explaining generalized anxiety disorder, a good deal of research supports:

both metacognitive theory and intolerance of uncertainty theory

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) comes with a risk of brain damage. How is that risk guarded against?

by administering oxegyn

Individuals experiencing dissociative amnesia sometimes are given sodium amobarbital or sodium pentobarbital because those drugs:

calm people and reduce their inhibitions.

For a child with an inborn disposition toward fearfulness and timidity, the parenting style used to raise the child:

can to some degree reduce the impact of later negative life events.

The age group LEAST likely to commit suicide in the United States is:


Colton has dissociative identity disorder. Fat Freddy and Carmen are two personalities who are aware of all of the others but do not interact with them. Fat Freddy and Carmen would be described as:


A friend who has unipolar depression says, "I can't do anything right. Nobody will ever love me again." This statement reflects a(n):

cognitive symptom.

A patient with anorexia nervosa who says, "My self-worth is not dependent on my weight," has most likely received:

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

A therapist treating a client with illness anxiety disorder repeatedly shows the client how the client's body is less than perfect, while not allowing the client to seek medical attention. MOST likely, this therapist's viewpoint is:


A therapist describes a patient who believes her personal worth is tied to each task she performs. She draws negative conclusions from very little evidence, amplifies minor mistakes into major character flaws, and suffers from repetitive thoughts that remind her of her flaws. You conclude that the therapist holds which theoretical orientation?


Unlike factitious disorders, psychophysiological disorders:

come from an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

When a client in treatment for substance abuse comments: "My family and friends


Baker and Sam are born into different families and raised in very different environments. Yet as adults they have similar personalities and both suffer from anxiety disorder. This outcome illustrates what is called the principle of:


A person who has a disorder in which she is translating conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms is said to have a _____ disorder.


Miguel lost all of his family when his village was bombed. He throws himself off a cliff to die, in order to be reunited with them. Edwin Shneidman would classify Miguel as a:

death ignorer

Carla sees life in "right or wrong," "all or none" terms. She is engaging in:

dichotomous thinking.

An individual who formerly knew how to speak a foreign language and play a musical instrument can no longer remember how to do so as a result of a dissociative disorder. The dissociative disorder MOST likely present is:

dissociative identity.

According to Sleligoman's research, dogs that were initially exposed to inescapable electric shocks learn to ____ when given the opportunity to avoid subsequent escapable shocks

do nothing

The model of seeking safety developed by Lisa Najavits

does not require clients to retell and thus relive their trauma narratives

Daniela has been married to Tony for years but constantly suspects him of cheating on her. She occasionally visits a palm reader or tarot card reader, seeking reassurance about this possibility. Daniela would BEST be described as yielding to an obsessive:


A study showed a positive correlation, among adolescent girls, between the time spent on social media and the likelihood of experiencing an eating disorder. This result showed that:

exposure to social media might be related to an increase in eating disorders.

Research indicates that suicides by people with schizophrenia occur in response to:

feelings of demoralization.

If you were assessing a person for suicide potential, which would be the most critical to notice because it is likely related to suicide risk?

feelings of hopelessness

In one study, prospective parents rated a picture of a chubby child as less _____ than an average-weight child.

friendly and intelligent

GABA has been found to play a causal role in:

generalized anxiety disorder.

A woman being treated for peripartum depression after the birth of her first child will:

have a 25 to 50 percent chance of experiencing peripartum depression with a later birth.

What identifies foreign invaders and cancer cells, and responds by multiplying and triggering the production of other kinds of immune cells?

helper T-cells

What identifies foreign invaders and cancer cells, and responds by multiplying and triggers the production of other kinds of immune cells?

helper T-cells

Which term might a news organization discourage its reporters from using?


When a dangerous situation is recognized, what brain structure releases neurotransmitters to trigger the firing of neurons and the release of chemicals throughout the body?


Excessive activity of the neurotrasmitter norepinephrine contributes to a slowdown of the

immune system

According to Hilde Bruch, ineffective parents put their children at risk for eating disorders by:

incorrectly interpreting their children's needs.

For an antidepressant to be effective against obsessive-compulsive disorder, it must:

increase serotonin activity

Among transgender individuals, which group is at greatest risk of being subjected to sexual assault?

individuals experiencing homelessness

GABA acts by

inhibiting neuronal firing in the brain

An older person retires and begins experiencing health problems. The person consequently loses contact with old friends and becomes unpleasant to be around. A cognitive-behaviorist would explain the resulting depression in terms of:

loss of positive social rewards.

Your aunt says, "I know I'm depressed, and I think and worry about my depression constantly; however, I never actually do anything about it." She is:

making ruminative responses.

The behavior of those who engage in self-injurious behavior such as cutting:

may represent an unconscious attempt at suicide.

A person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. A therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly, and praises her for what she did well. Which behavioral technique did the therapist NOT use?


When a rash of suicides occurs in the aftermath of a celebrity's suicide or a case that has been highly publicized by the media, behavioral theorists believe it is attributable to:


Research shows that suicide is ___ likely for students than on students of the same age and sex


People with panic disorder experience body sensations:

more intensely than those people without panic disorder.

Fiona and Tré are sisters who were raised together, went to the same schools, and had the same friends. Yet as adults they are very different. Fiona is modestly successful in her profession, and generally happy. Tré earns a much higher income but is in therapy for severe generalized anxiety disorder. This outcome illustrates what is called the principle of:


What is the term for when all of the subpersonalities in a person with dissociative identity disorder are aware of one another?

mutually cognizant pattern

Which method for delivering ketamine into the body has become the treatment of choice?

nasal spray

In which group of women are eating disorder least on the rise

non hispanic white women

Antidepressant drugs are frequently effective in treating panic attacks. This disorder is related to levels of the neurotransmitter:


The psychological disorder that anorexia nervosa most resembles is

obsessive complusive disorder

A psychodynamic theorist finds that a client is experiencing a battle between anxiety-provoking id impulses and anxiety-reducing ego defense mechanisms. He thinks that in this case this usually unconscious conflict is being played out in an open and obvious manner. He is sure this underlying conflict explains his client's

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Suicide prevention programs:

offer crisis interventions.

"It seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." A person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to make this statement?

one with the cognitive-behavioral view

The way a person generally responds to life reflects that person's:

personality style.

Although all of these mental disorders are of concern for increase suicide risk, the least likely to be linked to suicide is

posttraumatic stress disorder

Years after the U.S. Civil War was over, many veterans diagnosed with "soldier's heart" still experienced vivid flashbacks of their combat experiences, as well as nightmares and guilt about what they had done. Today, their symptoms are considered consistent with:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

After Caroline's plane crashed but she survived, her mother came to stay with her. Her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with Caroline occasionally. This situation probably contributed to Caroline's coping ability after the accident. Which of these relates as a factor in her response to stress?

presence of social support

A culture-sensitive therapist would typically encourage clients to do all of the following EXCEPT

preserve a sense of separateness from the dominant culture

A woman who is particularly threatened by any display of her own anger becomes unable to speak when she is most angry with her husband, thereby keeping the anger out of her awareness. According to psychodynamic theorists, she is achieving _____ from her illness.

primary gain

According to the psychodynamic view, conversion disorder symptoms function to keep unacceptable thoughts and conflicts out of consciousness. This is called:

primary gain.

A torture victim who is subjected to threats of death, mock executions, and degradation is experiencing which type of torture?


Research shows that the earlier someone receives treatment after a traumatic event the faster the progress is made and often the better the outcome. It is thought that this is due to the idea that

receiving treatment before memories are consolidated means they are more accessible and more to change

Cora has just been prescribed lithium. In the initial period of its use, Cora should expect:

regular blood and laboratory test monitoring.

Teaching people to relax their muscles at will is a form of:

relaxation training.

Ruminative responses are defined as

repeatedly mentally dwelling on one's mood without acting to change it.

A man received kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute. What kind of gains is he receiving from his beahvior, according to psychodynamic theory


The avoidance theory of generalized anxiety disorder suggests that worrying

serves to reduce bodily arousal

Which disorder is most commonly a factor in suicide attempts?

severe depressive or bipolar disorder

Researchers are coming to realize the brain is part of the body, and both are part of a _____. All three are intertwined.

social context

After a person completes a successful ECT treatment of depression, current research suggests:

some type of continuation or maintenance therapy is needed.

Laurent has three subpersonalities. Fiona emerges when Laurent is in an awkward social situation, Grace surfaces during sporting events, and Carlos appears when Laurent is angry. The therapist believes that the mood and conditions under which each subpersonality appears are critical to understanding this disorder, demonstrating a belief in:

state-dependent learning

Looking for rainbows while walking the dog in the rain is an example of a:

stress response.

Having to walk the dog several times a day when it is raining is an example of a:


Based on the fact that one suicidal act can serve as a model for another, which of these would NOT be a common trigger for a suicide attempt?

suicide by someone with a terminal illness

Researchers have found that when an identical twin has unipolar depression, there is a 38% chance that the other twin already had or will eventually have the same disorder. A fraternal twin is only 20 percent likely to have the same disorder. This finding

supports the idea that people may inherit a predisposition for developing unipolar depression

In response to a threat, we perspire, breathe more quickly, get goose bumps, and feel nauseated. These responses are controlled by the:

sympathetic nervous system

Someone who drinks alcohol and takes Valium is at risk of death because the substances create a(n):

synergistic effect

Assume that a recent local suicide attempt was clearly a case of modeling. The person who would MOST likely model another's suicide would be a(n):


In treating clients with PTSD, the pacing of the treatment is an important consideration because

the client needs to feel in control of the process and the pacing given how out of control they were at the time of the traumatic experience itself

You would expect to see the biggest impact of lithium on which part of the neuron?

the firing of the receiving neuron

Suicide rates in the weeks after Kurt Cobain's suicide held steady, contrary to the modeling effect seen with other celebrity suicides. The text notes that a possible reason for this was:

the media coverage of the event, which included a "Don't do it!" message.

One tool in treatment for eating disorders is called body tracing. This consists of:

the patient drawing an image she believes represents her body size.

If a person taking lithium began experiencing vomiting, tremors, and seizures, one would suspect that:

the person is experiencing lithium toxicity.

When Kelly was in a passenger plane, he watched as all four engines quit at once and then saw the plane explode. From 5,000 feet in the air, he landed, severely injured, in deep snow in a heavily wooded area. When he regained consciousness several weeks later, he had a stress reaction that lasted for years, and he could never fly again. The factor that probably MOST contributed to his extreme posttraumatic stress reaction was:

the severity of the trauma

Someone interested in how social change, poverty, and race affect the risk for generalized anxiety disorders probably supports which perspective?

the sociocultural perspective

How much more likely is dissociative identity disorder to be diagnosed in a woman compared with a man?

three times more likely

Why are patients who undergo electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) now given barbiturates before a session?

to avoid physical injury by minimizing convulsions

Researchers were searching for drugs to treat schizophrenia when they came across imipramine, which alleviated the symptoms of depression, although it was not effective against schizophrenia. It became the first of a class of drugs, all sharing a similar molecular structure called


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