Academic Honesty

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If you're not positive that information is common knowledge, the best thing to do, other than ask your teacher, is cite the source. (True or False)


Whenever you are at all unsure about whether information is common knowledge, the BEST thing to do is ask a friend. ask your parent. ask your teacher

ask your teacher

If you plagiarize accidentally, you're guilty of plagiarism. (True or False)


You must cite the source of information that you paraphrase. (True or False)


[Select all that apply.] Which is/are most likely to be common knowledge? General descriptions of traditions and social customs Things that are easily observed (toddlers have less impulse control than adolescents) Less familiar facts distinct products of an individual's work


[Select all that apply.] The principle/s of academic honesty is/are: When you say you did the work, you did it. When you use someone else's work, you give them credit. You present other people's work fairly and accurately. You never use anyone else's work in your research.

(three) When you say you did the work, you did it. When you use someone else's work, you give them credit. You present other people's work fairly and accurately.

Which is the correct parenthetical citation for an encyclopedia entry that doesn't name an author? These flightless but otherwise gifted birds live in colonies as large as 1.5 million ("Encyclopedia Britannica" 1015). These flightless but otherwise gifted birds live in colonies as large as 1.5 million ("Penguins"). On page 1015, "Encyclopedia Britannica" says that these flightless but otherwise gifted birds live in colonies as large as 1.5 million.

These flightless but otherwise gifted birds live in colonies as large as 1.5 million ("Penguins").

You must cite the source of information that isn't common knowledge. (True or False)


Cite the source. Express the source passage in your own words and sentence structure. Present the source information fairly and accurately. These are the things you must do to avoid plagiarizing when you paraphrase. principles of academic honesty. reasons you should document sources properly.

things you must do to avoid plagiarizing when you paraphrase.

[Select all that apply.] You must cite the source of information that you summarize. you plagiarize. you quote. you paraphrase. is not common knowledge.

you summarize. you quote you paraphrase is not common knowledge

The following sentence appears in Tom Sizgorich's "Julius Caesar" in ABC-CLIO's World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. Caesar increasingly needed political success to protect himself from his ever-increasing and ever-angrier circle of enemies. Select the version that does NOT plagiarize. NOTE WELL: I'm testing your knowledge of the need to cite, not of paraphrase. Also, he information is not common knowledge.) According to those philosophies, a subsequent existence is reliant on the virtuous and harmful actions of the present one (Baumann). A person's good and bad actions, those views say, determine her condition from one life to the next (Baumann). According to those, the next life is dependent on the deeds of the present life (Baumann).

A person's good and bad actions, those views say, determine her condition from one life to the next (Baumann).

Which statement is the most likely to be common knowledge to an educated American teenager? Donald Trump had never been elected to political office before he became President of the United States. In 2010, the birth rate in the U.S. was 13.0 per 1,000 people.

Donald Trump had never been elected to political office before he became President of the United States.

Which citation refers incorrectly to the author (this is the second use of the source)? Edward Jackson comments Jackson comments Edward comments

Edward comments

As long as you don't repeat phrases or many words from the source, you may use the same sentence pattern. (True or False)


As long as you use a different sentence pattern from the source's, you may use many of the the same words or phrases. (True or False)


As long as you use different words from those in the source, you may use the source's sentence structure (pattern). (True or False)


Regarding paraphrasing: You're not plagiarizing as long as you don't use more than three consecutive words from a source. (There aren't "" around the words.) (True or False)


You don't have to cite the source of information that you paraphrase. (True or False)


You don't have to cite the source of information that you summarize. (True or False)


Which places the correct information in the parenthetical citation? Helen Jones notes in "Dogs Are Smart" that the most intelligent dog breed is the pug (Jones 99). ( Your Answer ) Helen Jones notes in "Dogs Are Smart" that the most intelligent dog breed is the pug (99). Helen Jones notes in "Dogs Are Smart" that the most intelligent dog breed is the pug ("Dogs Are Smart" 99).

Helen Jones notes in "Dogs Are Smart" that the most intelligent dog breed is the pug (99).

Which is the correct form for citing a source the first time? Pan daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10). In "Eats Shoots and Leaves," Pan daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10). In "Eats Shoots and Leaves," daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10). Bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (Pan daBear 10).

In "Eats Shoots and Leaves," Pan daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10).

You're shifting from one source to another source that you've already used. Which citation is correct? The author's first name is Koa, her last name is LaBear, and her work is Unbearably Cute. Trees are great hangouts (LaBear 67). Koa points out that trees are great hangouts (LaBear 67). Koa LaBear points out that trees are great hangouts (67). Trees are great hangouts ("Unbearably Cute" 67).

In "Eats Shoots and Leaves," Pan daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10).

Which is the correct form for citing a source the first time? Matthew Clark says that the Saturn V is the most powerful rocket ever built (34). In "Race for Rockets," Matthew Clark says that the Saturn V is the most powerful rocket ever built (34). Matthew Clark says that the Saturn V is the most powerful rocket ever built ("Race for Rockets" 34).

In "Race for Rockets," Matthew Clark says that the Saturn V is the most powerful rocket ever built (34).

Which contains a signal phrase? The earth is four billion years old (Harrison 153). In "Rock of Ages," Jennifer Harrison reports that the earth is four billion years old (153).

In "Rock of Ages," Jennifer Harrison reports that the earth is four billion years old (153).

Which answer avoids plagiarizing the following sentence in The Essential Odyssey? Despite Penelope's virtue, Odysseus approaches her with great caution, disguising himself from her as carefully as from the suitors. In "The Essential Odyssey," Sheila Murnaghan claims that Odysseus approaches Penelope with great caution, disguising himself carefully (xvii). Odysseus approaches Penelope with great caution, disguising himself from her carefully. In "The Essential Odyssey," Sheila Murnaghan claims that Odysseus tries to deceive Penelope, who is loyal, just as much as he tries to deceive the suitors (xvii). In "The Essential Odyssey," Sheila Murnaghan claims that Odysseus trusts Penelope, who is loyal, but not the suitors (xvii).

In "The Essential Odyssey," Sheila Murnaghan claims that Odysseus tries to deceive Penelope, who is loyal, just as much as he tries to deceive the suitors (xvii).

In terms of both paraphrasing and citing, which answer avoids plagiarizing the following sentence in The Essential Odyssey? It was a central theme of the Trojan legend that getting home again was at least as great a challenge as winning the war. Getting home was at least as challenging as winning the war: this was a central theme of the Trojan legend (Murnaghan i). In the Trojan legend, a main idea is that beating the Trojans was no more difficult than returning home (Murnaghan i). In the Trojan legend, a main idea is that beating the Trojans was no more difficult than returning home.

In the Trojan legend, a main idea is that beating the Trojans was no more difficult than returning home (Murnaghan i).

If you don't bother to ask Ms. Behar, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Sheridan, or Mr. Muller if something is common knowledge, you knowingly risk plagiarizing. (True or False)


If you're not positive that information is common knowledge, the best thing to do is cite the source. (True or False)


The correct definition of plagiarism is: Using others' ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information Using others' words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information Using others' ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of that information Using others' ideas and words while acknowledging the source of that information

Using others' ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information

To determine whether source information is common knowledge, it's best to rely on your own judgment. ask a friend. ask a parent. ask your teacher.

ask your teacher

Given the use of a signal phrase, which places the correct information in the parenthetical citation? daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10). daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (daBear 10). daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (Pan 10).

daBear argues that bamboo floors are more beautiful than oak (10).

"Your expression in your own words of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else" This is the definition of summary paraphrase quotation plagiarism


It is better than quoting material from an undistinguished passage. It helps you control the temptation to quote too much. The mental process required for successful _____ helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original passage. These statements describe plagiarism. quotation. summary. paraphrase.


The following sentence appears in Kenneth Tuite's "Herodotus" in ABC-CLIO's World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy. Herodotus states that the chief reason for all of his investigations is to preserve the kleos (fame) of the Persians and Greeks, their actions, and their monuments. Select the version that does NOT plagiarize. (The information is not common knowledge.) "Herodotus states that the chief reason for all of his investigations is to preserve the kleos (fame) of the Persians and Greeks, their actions, and their monuments" (Tuite). Herodotus states that the chief reason for all of his investigations is to preserve the kleos (fame) of the Persians and Greeks, their actions, and their monuments (Tuite). Both versions plagiarize. Neither version plagiarizes.

"Herodotus states that the chief reason for all of his investigations is to preserve the kleos (fame) of the Persians and Greeks, their actions, and their monuments" (Tuite).

[Select all that apply.] You must give credit for: Quotation of another person's words Paraphrase of another person's words Summary of another person's information Another person's idea, opinion, or theory and facts, statistics, graphs, or drawings that are not common knowledge

(all) Quotation of another person's words Paraphrase of another person's words Summary of another person's information Another person's idea, opinion, or theory and facts, statistics, graphs, or drawings that are not common knowledge

[Click all that apply.] You must give in-text citations for: Quotation of another person's words Paraphrase of another person's words Another person's idea, opinion, or theory and facts, statistics, graphs, or drawings that are not common knowledge Summary of another person's words

(all) Quotation of another person's words Paraphrase of another person's words Another person's idea, opinion, or theory and facts, statistics, graphs, or drawings that are not common knowledge Summary of another person's words

[Select all that apply.] You should document sources appropriately in order to respect others' work. to avoid plagiarism. to enable your reader to use your sources to pursue her own research. to make yourself more credible (i.e., build your ethos) by showing that you know and value proper research methods.

(all) to respect others' work. to avoid plagiarism. to enable your reader to use your sources to pursue her own research. to make yourself more credible (i.e., build your ethos) by showing that you know and value proper research methods.

If you plagiarize acccidentally, you're guilty of plagiarism. (True or False)


[Select all that apply.] Which is/are least likely to be common knowledge? Widely known historical and scientific facts; historical date Anything that's debatable or controversial within a particular group or field of study Ideas or interpretations that are widely accepted or discussed (Einstein's theory of relativity, Darwin's theory of evolution) Images, graphs, illustrations

Anything that's debatable or controversial within a particular group or field of study Images, graphs, illustrations

The following sentence appears in Martin Baumann's "Buddhism" in ABC-CLIO's World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. Basic to the Four Noble Truths and Buddhist teaching is that every existence is unsatisfactory. Select the best paraphrase of Baumann's sentence. Buddhist doctrine, in particular the Four Noble Truths, is rooted in the idea that life is "unsatisfactory" (Baumann). Basic to the Four Noble Truths and Buddhist teaching is that every existence is unsatisfactory (Baumann). That every existence is unsatisfactory is the basis for the Four Noble Truths and Buddhist teaching (Baumann). Buddhist doctrine, in particular the Four Noble Truths, is rooted in the idea that life isn't "unsatisfactory" (Baumann).

Buddhist doctrine, in particular the Four Noble Truths, is rooted in the idea that life is "unsatisfactory" (Baumann).

If a long passage of information comes from the same page in one source, which citation format provides enough, but not redundant, information? (Assume that the author is now shifting to this source.) De la Bédoyère adds that in addition to changes in the border, Rome occasionally completely lost control of Britain (60). In 260, Postumus declared himself emperor and protector of Britannia, Hispania, and Gaul amid political instability in Rome and invasions elsewhere (60). The rightful emperor, Gallienus, was not able to recapture it for another 15 years, finally reabsorbing it when Tetricus defeated Aurelius at a decisive battle, forcing Aurelius' surrender (60). In addition to changes in the border, Rome occasionally completely lost control of Britain. In 260, Postumus declared himself emperor and protector of Britannia, Hispania, and Gaul amid political instability in Rome and invasions elsewhere. The rightful emperor, Gallienus, was not able to recapture it for another 15 years, finally reabsorbing it when Tetricus defeated Aurelius at a decisive battle, forcing Aurelius' surrender (De la Bédoyère 60). De la Bédoyère adds that in addition to changes in the border, Rome occasionally completely lost control of Britain. In 260, Postumus declared himself emperor and protector of Britannia, Hispania, and Gaul amid political instability in Rome and invasions elsewhere. The rightful emperor, Gallienus, was not able to recapture it for another 15 years, finally reabsorbing it when Tetricus defeated Aurelius at a decisive battle, forcing Aurelius' surrender (60).

De la Bédoyère adds that in addition to changes in the border, Rome occasionally completely lost control of Britain. In 260, Postumus declared himself emperor and protector of Britannia, Hispania, and Gaul amid political instability in Rome and invasions elsewhere. The rightful emperor, Gallienus, was not able to recapture it for another 15 years, finally reabsorbing it when Tetricus defeated Aurelius at a decisive battle, forcing Aurelius' surrender (60).

To be acceptable, a paraphrase must: Express the source passage in substantially different words; use quotation marks to identify words copied from the source; cite the source; accurately present the information taken from the source Express the source passage in substantially different words and sentence structure; use quotation marks to identify words copied from the source; cite the source; accurately present the information taken from the source Express the source passage in substantially different words and sentence structure; use quotation marks to identify words copied from the source; cite the source Express the source passage in substantially different words and sentence structure; use quotation marks to identify words copied from the source; accurately present the information taken from the source

Express the source passage in substantially different words and sentence structure; use quotation marks to identify words copied from the source; cite the source; accurately present the information taken from the source

You don't have to cite the source of information that you quote. (False)


You're shifting from one source to another source that you've already used. Which citation is correct? Peter Parks argues that Spiderman is widely admired (104). Spiderman is widely admired (104). Spiderman is widely admired (Parks 104).

Peter Parks argues that Spiderman is widely admired (104).

Which passage is the BEST paraphrase of "The Fourth Noble Truth explains how the transition from samsara to nirvana is to be made"? The Fourth Noble Truth explains how the transition from samsara to nirvana is to be made. The Fourth Noble Truth indicates how the step from samsara to liberation is to be achieved. How the transition from samsara to liberation is made is explained by the Fourth Noble Truth The Fourth Noble Truth sets out a method for liberating oneself from samsara.

The Fourth Noble Truth sets out a method for liberating oneself from samsara.

When you say you did the work, you did it. When you use someone else's work, you give them credit. You present other people's work fairly and accurately. These are the ways to avoid plagiarism. principles of academic honesty. reasons you should document sources properly.

principles of academic honesty

to respect others' work to avoid plagiarism to enable your reader to use your sources to pursue her own research to make yourself more credible (i.e., build your ethos) by showing that you know and value proper research methods These are the things you must do to avoid plagiarizing. principles of academic honesty. reasons you should document sources properly.

reasons you should document sources properly

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