Academic Orientation Vocabulary

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Ohio University Experience, The:

A book used to introduce you to Ohio University's graduation requirements; address academic issues of importance to first-year, relocating, and transfer students; and help prepare you for the registration process and your first year at Ohio University. Use it as a resource when you meet with your professional or faculty advisor to discuss your plans for future quarters. The Ohio University Experience is available online, at:

Course Descriptions:

A brief description of what information will be covered in the course; this can be found on the undergraduate catalog and course offerings webpages. (pages 10, 75)


A collection of your original work (writing, etc.), usually required for admission to selective majors, such as in the College of Fine Arts or the Scripps College of Communication. (page 14-17)


A degree-granting program of study, usually requiring between 45-70 credit hours of specific coursework. (pages 11-12)

Dual Degree:

A dual degree is defined as pursuing two bachelor's degrees at once. To complete this option, you must declare both programs, fulfill all requirements for each, and complete a total of 208 credit hours (rather than 192). If the majors are in two different departments or colleges, you must meet all requirements for each department/college, in addition to major requirements and university requirements.

Learning Community:

A group of students who take a common set of courses together to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter while they build relationships and learn together outside of the classroom. In most Learning Communities, students are enrolled in two required General Education courses, often large-lecture, as well as a small first-year seminar. Additional information is available online, at: (page 86)

Dean's List:

A list compiled at the end of each quarter that includes the names of all students whose GPA for the quarter is at least 3.5. A course load of 16 credit hours is required to be eligible for the Dean's List. (page 82)

Class Schedule

A list of all the courses you are registered for, including the course title, number, and location. Usually it is organized by day of the week and time so that you can view the entire week at one time. (page 43)


A period of time toward the end of each quarter when students are encouraged or required to meet with their advisors to discuss possible courses for the following quarter. If you are required to meet with your advisor, you will receive your RAC during your advising appointment. (page 71)

Pink Slip:

A piece of paper, that when signed by an instructor or advisor, gives you permission to enroll in a specific course. Signed pink slips have to be taken to the Registrar's Office. (page 47)

RAC (Registration Access Code):

A unique four-digit number given to each student which allows them to register for classes, including adding, dropping and replacing throughout the quarter. Your RAC is different each quarter and you will receive it prior to the following quarter's course registration. Questions about receiving your RAC should be directed to your advisor or your college office. (pages 45, 67, 71)

PID (Personal Identification Number):

A unique number given to each student when they are admitted to Ohio University. It is used to verify your identity throughout your time at OU. It should remain confidential, and you will find it helpful to have it memorized. (page 67)

Allen Student Help Center:

A unit of University College that is good starting place for all students if you have concerns or questions and you do not know where to go. This office provides study skills assistance, academic success workshops, and general walk-in and appointment assistance. Located at 419 Baker Center. Additional information is available online, at: (page 58)

Academic Advancement Center (AAC):

A unit of University College that offers programs and services to enable all students to meet the academic demands of university coursework. It provides many services, including: tutoring referrals, a Math Center, Supplemental Instruction (SI), a computer learning lab, and academic success courses (UC 110, 112, 106). Located on the 1st floor of Alden Library. Additional information is available online, at: (page 56)


Abbreviation for the College of Business. Additional information is available online, at:


Abbreviation for the College of Education. Additional information is available online, at:


Abbreviation for the College of Fine Arts. Additional information is available online, at:


Abbreviation for the College of Health & Human Services. Additional information is available online, at:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):

An application you must complete each year in order to receive any form of financial assistance in paying for the costs associated with attending Ohio University. It should be completed by mid-February and can be found online, at: (pages 50-51)

AlcoholEdu / SexualAssaultEdu:

An online alcohol and sexual assault education course that is required of all first-year students at Ohio University. AlcoholEdu includes three surveys that measure your alcohol-related attitudes and behaviors. SexualAssaultEdu encourages you to reflect on their relationships in college, as well as redefine who can be affected by sexual assault. (page 88)

Continuing Student:

Any undergraduate student, not in their first year. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are considered continuing students.

Classroom Etiquette:

Appropriate behavior for the classroom, which should include: turning off your cell phone, being respectful and considerate of your instructors and classmates, reading the syllabus, following classroom guidelines, arriving to class before it begins, etc. (page 54)

Search for Open Classes Tool:

Available through web registration, this live tool allows you to look for classes with open or available seats. You must know the department and course number (i.e. ENG 151). (page 46)

General Education Requirements / GenEds:

Courses required for graduation by the university for all undergraduate students, regardless of major (except those in the Honors Tutorial College). Consists of: Tiers I, II, and III. (pages 18-25)


Courses taken that do not meet a specific general education requirement, college requirement, or major requirement. (page 68)

Double Major:

Defined as pursuing two academic major programs, but only one degree. To complete this option, you must declare both programs, fulfill all requirements for each, and complete a total of 192 credit hours. If the majors are in two different departments or colleges, you must meet all requirements for each department/college, in addition to major requirements and university requirements. Second majors may be added in the same way as changing a major.

Math Placement Level:

Determined by ACT or SAT math score, or transfer or Advanced Placement (AP) credit. Students without ACT or SAT math scores, AP credit, or a transferable math course, must take an online Math Placement Exam. (pages 26-28)

Canceling Registration:

Dropping all of your courses before the first day of the quarter. You may do this via web registration, the Registrar's Office, or at your college office. (page 48)

Call Number:

Each class section has a unique 5-digit number that you will need in order to register for it. The call number ensures that you are registering for the correct class, with the instructor, days, and times that you want. (page 74)

Course Number:

Each course has a number that is specific to the title and content of the course. The course number also represents the level of the course; course numbers in the 100's and 200's are generally introductory courses, while course numbers is in 300's and 400's are upper level courses. Course numbers above 500 correspond to graduate level courses. (page 74)

Points Earned:

Each grade you earn gives you a certain number of points. Your cumulative and quarter GPA are calculated using hours attempted and points earned. (pages 67, 79, and 81)

DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System):

Each student has their own DARS, which is an itemized report of exactly what courses you need to take to earn a particular degree. It displays the courses taken, grades received, and what specific requirement those courses fulfilled. It also lists the courses that fill requirements a student has not yet completed. (pages 67-70)

Graduation Requirements:

Earn at least 192 credit hours; earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average); complete general education requirements; complete the requirements of one major with required GPA; complete college requirements; complete at least 48 credit hours at Ohio University. (page 9)

Online Courses / Web-Based:

Everything about the course happens electronically, through the internet. The course includes little, if any, face-to-face contact with an instructor or classmates. Online courses require good time management and self-discipline because it is easy to procrastinate on the assignments since you may not meet in a classroom. (page 40)

Math Center:

Free tutorial help for students with math and science-related questions (math, statistics, accounting, economics, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc.). Students can drop in or schedule a one-on-one appointment. (page 56)

FN / FS (Fail Never Attended / Fail Stopped Attending):

Grades earned when you do not officially drop a class but never attended (FN) or attended at least once (FS). Both FN and FS count as an F grade in your GPA. (page 79)

Hours Earned:

How many credit hours you have earned, or how many you have completed with a passing grade. Includes credit hours you have taken for a grade, Pass/Fail, credit, Advanced Placement (AP), and transfer credit. (pages 67, 81)

Hours Attempted:

How many credit hours you have taken for a grade; includes hours completed for a grade, including failed courses (pages 67, 81)

Open Course:

If a course has sections that still have available seats, it is known as being "open", meaning that it is available and you can register for it. (pages 36-38, 71-72)

Closed Section:

If a section does not have available seats it is known as being "closed", meaning that it is not available and you cannot register for it at this time. Sometimes a different section of the same course does have available seats. (pages 36-38, 71-72)

Open Section:

If a section still has available seats, it is known as being "open", meaning that it is available and you can register for it. (pages 36-38, 71-72)

Academic Probation:

If at any point in your academic career your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 at the end of any quarter at Ohio University, you will be placed on academic probation. You have a maximum of four consecutive quarters of enrollment to be removed from probation if you are a full-time student and you make progress in each of those quarters. You will be removed from probation before this point if your cumulative GPA rises above 2.0. (page 84)

Incomplete Grade:

If you are unable to complete the work required for a course due to extenuating circumstances (extended illness, family emergency, etc.), you may request that your instructor assign your grade as Incomplete or "I." Failing the course is not a legitimate reason for requesting an Incomplete. You must complete the work and the instructor must submit a grade change within the first six weeks of the next quarter of enrollment or the "I" will convert to an "F." (pages 48, 79)

College Reading Ability:

Includes both your reading comprehension and speed, and how much you enjoy reading. It may be determined by your ACT Reading or SAT Verbal score. If you have low reading ability, you should not schedule more than one reading-intensive course and you may want to consider taking UC 112: College Reading. (pages 28, 39)


Includes courses on the study of human art and thought, including: classics, history, literature, music, philosophy, etc. Part of the college requirements expected by the College of Arts & Sciences. (page 9)

Natural Sciences:

Includes courses on the study of principles, methods, and achievements of science, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, the environment, physics, etc. Part of the college requirements expected by the College of Arts & Sciences. (page 9)

Letters of Recommendation:

Letters written by individuals who can speak well to your skills and strengths. These are required for admission to selective majors, such as in the College of Fine Arts or the Scripps College of Communication. At times, it is specified that a letter of recommendation be written be a faculty member or an employer, so it is important to pay attention to this detail. (pages 14-17)

Attendance Policy:

Many instructors have specific expectations regarding students' presence in class. Each attendance policy is different so it is important that you know the policy for each course. The following are a few examples: you may be given a specific number of allowed absences, you may lose points for each class you miss, you may be required to swipe you student ID to verify your attendance. The information is typically included in the class syllabus. (page 87)

Scholarship Requirements:

Most academic scholarships require that students maintain 16 credit hours per quarter. Incoming first-year students are automatically considered for university scholarships. After arriving on campus, you must complete the electronic scholarship application each winter quarter to be considered for scholarships for the next academic year. You should also complete the FAFSA each year since some scholarships consider financial need as well as merit. (pages 50-51)

Academic Resources:

Offices, staff, and initiatives provided to students to help them be successful at Ohio University. These include, but are not limited to: the Academic Advancement Center, Alden Library, the Allen Student Help Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Education Abroad Programs, Office of Institutional Equity, Student Writing Center. (pages 56-58)

Residency Requirement:

Ohio University requires that you be "in residence" for a certain number of credit hours in order to graduate. Some colleges have additional residency requirements, so check with your advisor or college office to make certain all requirements are being met. Residence credit is defined as any credit earned by regular enrollment at Ohio University. If you are a transfer student you must complete at least 48 credit hours at Ohio University in order to graduate. (page 67)

Quantitative Skills:

Part of Tier I of the general education requirements: an education person should possess the ability to use quantitative or symbolic reasoning in order to participate effectively in society. All students must complete at least one Quantitative Skills course. Which course you are permitted to take is determined by your math placement level. (page 18)

English Composition:

Part of Tier I of the general education requirements; the ability to communicate effectively through the written word is one of the qualities of a well-educated person. All students must complete a first-year composition course (English 151, 152, or 153) and an advanced composition course taken during the junior year. (page 18)

Breadth of Knowledge / Tier II:

Part of the general education requirements that ensure exposure to broad knowledge of the major fields of learning. All students must complete a total of 32 credit hours from an approved list of courses in the following six areas: Applied Science and Mathematics, Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Fine Arts, Humanities and Literature, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. At least 3 credit hours in each of the six areas are required. (pages 19-25)

Certification Program:

Similar to a minor, but these are interdisciplinary, meaning that they combine courses from different departments and schools. (page 13)

College Requirements:

Some colleges require either prerequisites for transfer (e.g., Business) or additional graduation requirements for all majors (e.g., Arts & Sciences foreign language requirement). See the undergraduate catalog or contact your college to determine their specific requirements. (pages 10, 14-17)

Foreign Language Requirement:

Some majors expect their students to have an intermediate knowledge of a foreign language. Some of the majors that require a foreign language include: all majors within the College of Arts & Sciences, computer science, etc. Language taken in high school may or may not count towards your requirement, depending on your college. (pages 29-33)

Pre-major / Non-degree

Students are considered a "pre-major" if they have been accepted to their college, but have not yet been accepted to their specific selective major (i.e. Social Work, Education, Athletic Training, etc.). Students who are "pre-majors" are required to declare a major by the time they earn 75 credit hours. If a student is not accepted into the major of his/her choice by this point in time, he/she will need to change to an alternate, non-selective major. There is no limit to the number of times a student can change his/her major, but he/she must be aware of the different major requirements. (pages 11-12 and 14-17)

Advisor / Advising:

Students should meet with their faculty/staff advisor at least once a quarter to get advice on making progress towards graduation requirements. Undecided first-year students are required to meet every quarter; all other students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor this often. (page 53)

Retaking a Course:

Taking a course again so as to improve your grade; this is often the quickest and most effective way to raise your cumulative GPA. You should consider retaking any courses in which you earn a grade of D+ or less as long as you are confident you can earn a higher grade. The last, most recent grade is calculated in your cumulative GPA and hours, even if it is lower than the earlier grade. UC 115 and PED (Recreation & Sport Sciences - Physical Activity) courses may not be retaken. (pages 75, 81, 84-85)

Bursar / Fee Payment

The Office of the Bursar is the office at which students can pay their university bill in person; it is located at 010 Chubb Hall. A statement of your bill will be available at: You will receive a notification in your Oak email account when your eBill is available for viewing and payment. Payments can be made online with a credit card or e-check. You can also print your eBill to send through U.S. Mail or pay in person at the Cashier's Office. Additional information is available online, at: (pages 49-51)

Email Etiquette:

The appropriate, professional manner in which to write an email to an instructor or advisor should include: a clear subject heading, a greeting (Dear, Hello, etc.), your full name and PID, etc. (page 54)


The chief academic officer of the university. Ohio University's Provost is Dr. Kathy Krendl. Additional information is available online, at:


The minimum amount of knowledge you must have in order to be successful in a course; often this knowledge is reached through prior classes or placement levels (i.e. Math, Chemistry). Other classes require a certain student status (e.g. freshman only, majors only, non-majors only, etc.). Prerequisites can be found on the undergraduate catalog and on course offerings webpages. Always check prerequisites before planning to schedule a class. (pages 18-25, 71, 75)

Credit Hour / Credits:

The number of hours you will spend in class per week. The majority of courses at Ohio University are four credit hours, or four hours spent in class each week. The average number of credit hours per quarter needed for graduation is sixteen. (pages 9, 36)

Grade Point Average (GPA):

The number of points earned divided by the number of credit hours attempted. Scale for points earned is as follows: A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0. The minimum GPA required to graduate from the university is 2.0. Selective majors and colleges have higher requirements, ranging from 2.5-3.0; check with your college regarding this requirement. GPA is calculated each quarter and cumulatively. (pages 79-81)

Quarter / Term GPA:

The number of points earned that quarter, divided by the number of credit hours attempted that quarter. GPA is calculated each quarter and cumulatively. (pages 81)

Course Offerings:

The online system, found at:, that students use to search for information about courses. The following can be found through Course Offerings: course number and title, call number, section number, days and times the class meets, credit hours, instructor, and much, much more! (pages 73-75)

Major Requirements:

The specific courses that are required to complete your major. (pages 10, 29-33)

Permission Required:

This means that you are not allowed to register for a course without permission from the instructor or another university staff member. Often permission is granted using a pink slip. (page 47)

Registration Worksheets:

Various worksheets that will help you plan your courses for future quarters. (pages 41-44, 76-77)

Academic Integrity:

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, un-permitted collaboration, forged attendance, fabrication (e.g. use of invented information or falsification of research or other findings), using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g. unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time), knowingly permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one's work, submitting the same assignment in different courses without consent of the instructor. All forms of academic misconduct are prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct. (page 8)

Academic Dismissal:

You can be academically dismissed from Ohio University if you: (1) complete four consecutive quarters on academic probation and your cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, or (2) complete one quarter on academic probation and do not make satisfactory progress (term GPA below 2.0 and/or no retakes). If you are academically dismissed, it is generally required that you wait 12 months before a petition for reinstatement can be submitted. (page 84)

Cumulative GPA:

Your GPA for all of your quarters at Ohio University. The total number of points earned, divided by the total number of credit hours attempted. For the first quarter, your quarter GPA and cumulative GPA are the same. (page 81)

Registration Hold:

A "hold" may be placed on your account, meaning that you are not able to register for classes. It may mean one of the following things: you owe fees, have an overdue book or DVD, have not submitted a final high school transcript, have not submitted a final college transcript, if a transfer student, etc. (pages 67, 71)


A piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work; the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own (page 8)

CAP (College Adjustment Program):

A program that helps new students to adjust to college and meet their academic goals. It is operated by the Academic Advancement Center.


A shorter program of study than a major (usually around 30 credit hours); cannot be substituted for a major, but can be added to a major. Some areas of study are only offered as a minor, not as a major. (page 13)

Department / School:

A specific academic area within a college (e.g. the School of Theater is within the College of Fine Arts). (page 11-17)


A sub-set of courses. Most courses are offered at different times and/or different days of the week and each of these is considered a section. (page 74)


Abbreviation for the College of Arts & Sciences. Additional information is available online, at:


Abbreviation for the Honors Tutorial College. Additional information is available online, at:


Abbreviation for the Russ College of Engineering & Technology. Additional information can be found online, at:


Abbreviation for the Scripps College of Communication. Additional information is available online, at:

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):

All students receiving financial aid are required by federal regulations to make satisfactory academic progress. These requirements include: (1) maintain at least a 2.0 overall GPA, (2) earn at least 12 credits per quarter, and (3) complete a bachelor's degree in no more than 288 credit hours. (page 51)

College / College Office:

An academic area in which majors, schools, and departments are housed. There are nine colleges within Ohio University; these are: Arts & Sciences (CAS), Business (COB), Communication (COM), Education (EDU), Engineering & Technology (ENT), Fine Arts (FAR), Health & Human Services (HHS), Honors Tutorial College (HTC), and University College (UNC). (pages 11-17)


Blackboard is an easy-to-use online course delivery and management system. Students can view syllabi, readings, and assignments; communicate via email; conduct virtual chats; and participate in discussion boards. Additional features include: course announcements and calendar; online quizzes and surveys; course study groups; online file exchange; and much more! Ohio University's Blackboard page is available online, at:

Add Class:

Choosing a class to include in your schedule. (pages 45-47)

Drop Class:

Choosing to remove a class from your schedule. (pages 45-47)

Counseling and Psychological Services:

Confidential counseling and psychological therapy by a staff or professional counselors and psychologists is available in both individual and group settings. Can help you with a variety of problems, such as: adjustment, depression, stress, anxiety, relationships, eating disorders, procrastination, sexual assault, loneliness, perfectionism, alcohol/drugs, anger, juggling responsibilities, and psychological disorders. Located on the 3rd floor of Hudson Health Center. Additional information is available online, at: (page 58)

Introductory Courses:

Courses that may be beneficial to take if you think you may be interested in exploring a major; also, 100 and 200 level courses that are likely to not require prerequisites. (pages 29-33)

Office Hours:

Days and times each week when instructors make themselves available in their offices for students to stop by to ask questions. Instructors usually include their office hours in their class syllabus and sometimes on their office doors. Ohio University instructors are very approachable; most will arrange meetings with you if their office hours are not convenient. (page 83)

Office of Institutional Equity / Disability Services:

Helps students with disabilities to coordinate the services they need in order to fully participate in academic programs and campus life. Provides services and accommodations for students with: ADD/ADHD, chronic illness, hard of hearing/deafness, learning disabilities, mobility impairments, psychological disabilities, and visual impairment/blindness. Additional information is available online, at: (page 57)

Hours Enrolled:

How many credit hours you are enrolled in for the current quarter. (pages 67, 81)

Replace Class:

Keeping the same class but changing the day or time that you are taking it. (pages 45-46)

Closed Course:

None of the sections of the course have available seats, meaning that the entire course is not available and you cannot register for it at this time. (pages 36-38, 71-72)

Career Services:

Provides assistance to students and alumni with making career decisions, exploring major and career options, attending career fairs, and conducting effective job searches. Located at 533 Baker Center. Additional information can be found online, at:

Repeating a Course:

Taking a course more than once for credit. This is common for PED courses (Recreation & Sport Sciences - Physical Activity). (page 75)

Registrar's Office:

The university office that coordinates and facilitates all aspects of course registration, including the following online tools: course offerings, undergraduate catalog, web registration, etc. Located at 110 Chubb Hall. Additional information is available online,a t:

Catalog of Entry / Undergraduate Catalog:

This online tool, found at:, is assigned to the you based on your enrollment as a degree-seeking student (e.g. not based on enrollment as a PSEO high school student or as an OPIE special student). It determines your graduation requirements (General Education, College, and Major). (page 10)

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