ACC 202 Chapter 1 Quiz

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in a traditional format income statement, the gross margin minus selling and administrative expenses equals net operating income


in account analysis an account is classified as either variable or fixed based on an analysts prior knowledge of how the cost in account behaves


product costs are also known as inventoriable costs


selling and administrative expenses are period costs under generally accepting accounting principles


the amount that a manufacturing company could earn by renting unused portions of its warehouse is an example of an opportunity cost


the contribution format income statement is used as an internal planning and decision making tool. Its emphasis is on cost behavior aids cost volume profit analysis, management performance appraisals, and budgeting.


the cost of napkins put on each persons tray at a fast food restaurant is a variable cost with respect to how many persons are served


the potential benefit that is given up when one alternative is selected over another is called a sunk cost


the relevant range is the range of activity within which the assumption that cost behavior is strictly linear is reasonably valid


the three elements ordinarily included in product costs are direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead


traditional format income statements are widely used for preparing external financial statements


variable costs per unit are not affected by changes in activity


wages paid to production supervisors would be classified as manufacturing overhead


contribution format income statements are prepared primarily for external reporting purposes


conversion cost is the same thing as manufacturing overhead


conversion cost is the sum of direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost


A fixed cost is constant if expressed on a per unit basis but the total dollar amount changes as the number of units increases or decreases


depreciation on equipment a company uses in its selling and administrative activities would be classified as a period cost


in a contribution format income statement for a merchandising company, the costs of goods sold reports the product costs attached to the merchandise sold during the period.


in a manufacturing company all costs are period costs


in a traditional format income statement for a merchandising company, cost of goods sold is a variable cost that is included in the "variable expenses" portion of the income statement


The concept of relevant range does not apply to variable costs


a contribution format income statement separates costs into fixed and variable categories, first deducting variable expenses from sales to obtain the contribution margin


a cost that differs from one month to another is known as a sunk cost


a direct cost is a cost that can be easily traced to the particular cost object under consideration


a fixed cost fluctuates in total as activity changes but remains constant on a per unit basis over the relevant range.


a step variable cost is a cost that is obtained in large chunks and that increases or decreases only in response to fairly wide changes in activity


a variable cost remains constant if expressed on a per unit basis


although the traditional format income statement is useful for external reporting purposes, it has serious limitations when used for internal purposes because it does not distinguish between fixed and variable costs


as activity decreases within the relevant range, fixed costs remain constant on a per unit basis


committed fixed costs may remain largely unchanged in the short run


committed fixed costs represent organizational investments with one year planning horizon

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