ACC Macroeconomics

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The economy is at point A when the money wage rate and the price level both fall by 10%. Firms will be willing to supply output equal to GRAPH: LAS vertical at xvalue 13. SAS1 equals LAS at (13,120); SAS0 equals LAS at (13,110); SAS2 equals LAS at (13,100). Point A is at (13,110).

$13 tril.

the expenditure multiplier equals

1 / (1-slope of AE curve)

required reserves ratio =

= (required reserves)/ (deposits)

velocity of circulation = V=

= [ (price level)(real GDP) ] / (quantity of money) = PY/M

excess reserves =

= [reserves]-[ (deposits)(desired reserve ratio) ]

no taxes/imports/exports. total level of expenditure =

= consumption + investment + government

suppose that the economy currently is at point A. if the inflation rate rises and this rise is NOT expected by the public, the economy moves to a point such as point GRAPH: x-unemployment rate y-inflation rate; LRPC vertical at x=6; SRPC1 below SRPC2 both have curve shape like x&y axis are asymptotes. on SRPC1- point B (4,6) point A (6,4) point E (10,2); on SRPC2 point C (6,6) point D (4, 8)


suppose that the economy is at point A when the quantity of money increases. in the short runt he economy will move to point ____. GRAPH: LAS on 13 (xvalue); AD0 below AD1 both negative slopes; SAS0 below SAS1 both positive slopes; Point A @ (13,100) Point B @ (15,110) Point C @ (13,120) Point D @ (11,110)


suppose that the economy is at point A when foreign countries begin an expansion and buy more US made goods. int he short run, this change creates a movement at point _____ and an eventual increase in _________. GRAPH: LAS on 13 (xvalue); AD0 below AD1 both negative slopes; SAS0 below SAS1 both positive slopes; Point A @ (13,100) Point B @ (15,110) Point C @ (13,120) Point D @ (11,110)

B. money wage rates.

the federal reserve system

Both answers A and B are correct: regulates the nations financial institutions; conducts the nations monetary policy

suppose that the economy is currently at point A. if the inflation rate falls and this fall is unanticipated by the public, the economy moves to a point such as point GRAPH: x-unemployment rate y-inflation rate; LRPC vertical at x=6; SRPC1 below SRPC2 both have curve shape like x&y axis are asymptotes. on SRPC1- point B (4,6) point A (6,4) point E (10,2); on SRPC2 point C (6,6) point D (4, 8)


Which of the following will happen if the Fed buys $x securities from bank?

Fed, as payment, increases bank's deposit account with the Fed by $x

in the short run an increase in government expenditure will: I. shift the aggregate demand curve rightward II. increase real GDP III. increase the government expenditure multiplier IV. increase the tax multiplier

I and II shift the aggregate demand curve rightward increase real GDP

Long run equilibrium

LAS intersects with AD

graph that corresponds to a destruction of part of the nations capital stock

LAS vertical, SAS has positive slope. LAS0 moves left to LAS1, SAS0 moves left to SAS1

graph that corresponds to an increase in the money wage rate

LAS vertical, SAS has positive slope. SAS0 moves left to SAS1

M2 includes

M1(currency and travelers checks + checking deposits) + savings deposites + time deposits + money market mutual funds and other deposits

Which of the following is true

MPS + MPC = 1

Equation of exchange


if demand pull inflation occurs when the economy is already at potential GDP, then following the initial increase in aggregate demand, the

SAS curve shifts leftward

as the economy adjust toward equilibrium GRAPH: AD and SAS make X. LAS is vertical to the left of the short run equilibrium. the lines create a triangle to the left of the short run equilibrium

SAS curve will shift leftward

Which of the following institutions is NOT a depository institution? US treasury, commercial bank, money market mutual fund, thrift institution such as a savings and loan association

US Treasury

on the Fed's balance sheet assets include

US government securities and loans to depository institutions

A money market fund is

a depository institution that sells shares and buys securities such as US Treasury bills.

along the long run Phillips curve,

actual inflation is equal to expected inflation

at equilibrium expenditure

aggregate planned expenditure equals real GDP

The definition of M2 includes

all of the above: M1, savings deposits, time deposits

in the graph: the structural deficit equals zero, any surpluses are cyclical surpluses, any deficits are cyclical deficits, all the above answers are correct GRAPH: x-Real GDP y-expenditures, tax revenues, and budget balance; Line Tax Revenues has positive slope w/ points at (11,2.1) (13,2.2) (15, 2.3); Line Outlays has negative slope w/ points (11,2.3) (13,2.2) (15,2.1); Line Potential GDP is vertical at x=13 w/ mutual point (13,2.2)

all the above answers are correct. structural deficit equals zero any surpluses are cyclical surpluses any deficits are cyclical deficits

which branches of the government play a role in the enacting of the federal budget? I. the president II. the house of representatives II. the senate

all three I. the president II. the house of representatives III. the senate

which of the following shifts the aggregate demand curve rightward?

and increase in the quantity of money

a fall in income that results in a decrease in tax revenues is an example of

automatic fiscal policy

a graph shows tax revenues and government expenditures in the economy of Meadow Lake. Potential GDP is $13 trillion. if real GDP is $13 trillion, then the government has a ___________.

balanced budget

the majority of money is created when

banks make loans

the keynesian model of aggregate expenditure assumes that

both individual firms' prices and the price level are fixed

reserves are

cash in a banks vault plus its deposits at Federal Reserve banks

what is the marginal propensity to consume? MPC=

change in consumption expenditure divided by the change in disposal income = △C / △ YD

marginal propensitiy to save equals the

change in savings resulting from a one dollar change in disposable income

if the government has a balanced budget, the total amount of government debt is


disposable income is divided into

consumption and savings

the AD curve shows the sum of

consumption expemditure, investment, government expenditures on goods and services, and net exports

AD curve shows sum of

consumption expenditure, investment, government expenditures on goods and services, and net exports

all of the following are part of fiscal policy EXCEPT: setting tax rates, setting government spending, choosing the size of government deficit, controlling the money supply

controlling the money supply

a rise in the real interest rate

creates a movement upward along the demand for loanable funds curve

in the United States today, money consists of

currency and deposits at banks

M1 includes

currency and travelers checks + checking deposits

if the economy's capital stock decreases over time..

depreciation exceeds gross investment

federal reserve policy tools include all of the following EXCEPT: desired reserve ratios, required reserve ratios, discount rate, open market operations?

desired reserve ratios

savings is negative when

disposable income is less than consumption expenditure

which of the following institutions is NOT part of the structure of the federal reserve system? federal open market committee, federal reserve banks, board of governors, federal government

federal government

Which of the following is NOT an asset of the federal reserve? federal reserve notes, government securities, loans to depository institutions, none of the above b/c they are all assets of the federal reserve

federal reserve notes

A rise in the price level changes aggregate demand because

firms increase their investment when prices are higher

a reason the government expenditure multiplier is larger than 1 is because

government expenditure generate changes in consumption expenditure

the aggregate demand curve

has a negative slope

the US governments budget

has mostly been in deficit during the past 30 years

Which of the following does NOT describe a function of money? unit of account, hedge against inflation, medium of exchange, store of value

hedge against inflation

the aggregate expenditure curve shows

how planned aggregate expenditure and real GDP are related

autonomous consumption is that portion of consumption expenditure that is not influenced by


disposal income disposal income

income - taxes + transfer payments consumption + savings

which of the following is NOT one of the feds monetary policy tools? last resort loans, required reserve ratio, income tax rate, buying and selling US government securities

income tax rate

demand-pull inflation is an inflation that results from an initial ______________.

increase in aggregate demand

if the slope of the AE curve increases, the multiplier


a government that currently has a budget deficit can balance its budget by

increasing tax revenues by more than it increases outlays

the sum of the components of aggregate expenditure that vary with real GDP

induced expenditures

the real interest rate...

is approximately equal to the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate

the magnitude of the tax multiplier ________ the magnitude of the government expenditure multiplier.

is smaller than

the structural surplus

is the government budget surplus that would exist if the economy was at potential GDP

the federal open market committee

is the main policy-making organ of the federal reserve

the long run aggregate supply (LAS) curve

is vertical

a banks required reserves are calculated by multiplying

its deposits by the required reserve ratio

The economy is at point A when the money wage rate rise by 10%. If the price level is constant, firms will be willing to supply output equal to GRAPH: LAS vertical at xvalue 13. SAS1 equals LAS at (13,120); SAS0 equals LAS at (13,110); SAS2 equals LAS at (13,100). Point A is at (13,110).

less than $13 trill. rise in wage rate=SAS moves left, price level stays constant.

the slope of the consumption function is

less than 1

in the keynesian model of aggregate expenditure, real GDP is determined by the

level of aggregate demand

the largest component of the fiscal imbalance is


gross investment totaled

money invested that year before deductions

suppose that the economy is at point C. if the inflation rate is lower than expected, GRAPH: x-unemployment rate y-inflation rate; LRPC vertical at x=6; SRPC1 below SRPC2 both have curve shape like x&y axis are asymptotes. on SRPC1- point B (4,6) point A (6,4) point E (10,2); on SRPC2 point C (6,6) point D (4, 8)

neither the LRPC nor the SRPC will shift

credit cards are

not part of money because they represent a loan of money to the user

the largest source of government revenues

personal income taxes

in the very short run, the components of aggregate planned expenditure that depend on the level of real GDP are

planned consumption expenditure and planned imports

the slope of the aggregate expenditure curve equals the change in

planned expenditure divided by the change in the real GDP

the slope of the aggregate expenditure curve equals the change in slope of AE curve

planned expenditure divided by the change in the real GDP (△planned expenditure/ △real GDP

a consumption function shows a

positive (direct) relationship between consumption expenditure and disposal income

the long run aggregate supply curve is vertical because

potential GDP is independent of the price level

all of the following are government outlays EXCEPT: interest on the governments debt transfer payments purchases of corporate bonds expenditure on goods and services

purchases of corporate bonds

equilibrium level of real GDP is

real GDP = consumption expenditure + investment + government expenditure + net exports

There are no taxes and no imports or exports. equilibrium level of expenditure is:

real GDP = total level of expenditures

At the point where AD quals SAS (short run equilibrium point)

real GDP exceeds potential GDP

In the long run

real GDP is equal to potential GDP

at a price level of 110 GRAPH: SAS & AD equilib @ (13, 100) (real GDP, price level)

real GDP is greater than the aggregate quantity demanded and firms will cut production

short run equilibrium real GDP short run equilibrium price level

real GDP value where AD and SAS interesect price level value where AD and SAS intersect

changes in all of the following SHIFT the supply curve of loanable funds EXCEPT: real interest rate wealth disposable income expected future income

real interest rate

a discretionary fiscal policy is a fiscal policy that

requires action by congress

one characteristic of automatic fiscal policy is that it

requires no legislative action by congress to be made effective

according to the intertemporal substitution effect, when price level increases, the interest rate

rises and the quantity of real GDP demand decreases

the Fed buys securities for $x from Bank. What is the effect?

securities increase by $x, Bank reserves increase by $x

when a depository institution "pools risk," it

spreads loan losses across many depositors so that no one depositor faces a high degree of risk

the federal government debt equals

sum of past budget deficits - sum of past budget surpluses

if actual GDP = $15 trillion, there is a budget ____________ equal to _____________. GRAPH: x-Real GDP y-expenditures, tax revenues, and budget balance; Line Tax Revenues has positive slope w/ points at (11,2.1) (13,2.2) (15, 2.3); Line Outlays has negative slope w/ points (11,2.3) (13,2.2) (15,2.1); Line Potential GDP is vertical at x=13 w/ mutual point (13,2.2)

surplus, $0.2 trillion

the Gaffer curve is the relationship between

tax rates and tax revenue

an example of automatic fiscal policy is when

tax revenues decrease as real GDP decreases

the discount rate is the interest rate

that the fed charges on its last resort loans

the structural deficit is the deficit

that would occur at full employment

the long run philips curve shows the relationship between then inflation rate and the unemployment rate when

the actual inflation rate equals the expected inflation rate

equilibrium expenditure occurs where

the aggregate expenditure curve crosses the 45-degree line

what might have shifted the short run Phillips curve from SRPC1 to SRPC2 while leaving the long run Phillips curve unchanged at LRPC? GRAPH: x-unemployment rate y-inflation rate; LRPC vertical at x=6; SRPC1 below SRPC2 both have curve shape like x&y axis are asymptotes. on SRPC1- point B (4,6) point A (6,4) point E (10,2); on SRPC2 point C (6,6) point D (4, 8)

the expected inflation rate increased

and open market operation involves

the federal reserves purchase or sale of securities

the federal funds rate is

the interest rate banks charge other banks for overnight loans

1-MPC equals

the marginal propensity to save

If there are not taxes or imports and MPC = x

the multiplier = 1 / (1-MPC) = 1 / MPS

the term "capital," as used in macroeconomics, refers to

the plant, equipment, buildings, and inventories of raw materials and semi-finished good

aggregate supply curve depicts the relationship between

the price level and the aggregate quantity supplied

gross investment

the purchase of new capital

the supply of real GDP is a function of

the quantities of labor, capital and the state of technology

the quantity theory of money predicts how changes in

the quantity of money affect the price level

the monetary base is

the sum of federal reserve notes, coins, and depository institutions' deposits at the federal reserve federal reserve notes + coins + depository institutions' deposits at the federal reserve

fiscal policy involves

the use of tax and spending policies by the government

Which of the following is NOT included in the M1 definition of money? currency held outside banks, time deposits, traveler's checks, checking deposits at savings and loans

time deposits

net investment totaled

total expenditures - depreciation total invested-loss

governments budget deficit or surplus equals

total tax revenue - total government outlays

Government outlays include

transfer payments, expenditure on goods and services, debt interest

the equation of exchange states that the price level is equal to P=

velocity of circulation multiplied by the quantity of money divided by real GDP = VM/Y

the long run phillips curve is

vertical at the natural unemployment rate

deficit on a graph

when different points share an x value or y value before the point of equilibrium or balance

surplus on a graph

when different points share an x value or y value past the point of equilibrium or balance

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