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10. Which of the following is the best strategy for prioritizing features? A. Sorting the desired features based on cycle time. B. Sorting the desired features based on business value. C. Sorting the desired features based on ideal days. D. Sorting the desired features based on story points.


14. Without attention to the highest value for the customer, the Agile team may create features that are not appreciated, or otherwise insufficiently valuable. Which of the following roles is primarily responsible for creating a backlog of the features that are prioritized by value? A. Servant-leader B. Product owner C. Agile team D. Customer...


2. According to Clark and Wheelwright, an individual's percent of time spent on value-adding tasks is maximized when the person performs: A. 4 tasks B. 2 tasks C. 8 tasks D. 6 tasks


21. A steadily declining burndown chart indicates that? A. The velocity is increasing. B. The velocity is constant. C. The velocity is decreasing. D. The velocity is zero.


21. Check-ins are an important section of an iteration retrospective as it helps people articulate what they want from the retrospective and helps them put aside other concerns and focus on the retrospective. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate question for the check-ins? A. What is one thing that's on your mind? B. What tasks you will be completing today? C. What do you need for yourself from this session? D. In one or two words, what is happening for you right now?


22. Most projects contain a tremendous amount of uncertainty. This uncertainty is reflected in the team estimates by the: A. Number of change requests. B. Width of the estimate ranges. C. Total size of the project in story points. D. Observed velocity.


22. Which of the following Agile concepts implies "smallest possible deliverable that meets customer requirements"? A. User story B. Minimum viable product C. Theme D. Epic


28. Which of the following can be classified as an Agile measurement? A. Project's percent of completion. B. Number of finished features. C. Earned value measurements. D. Project's RAG status.


31. You need your team to generate new ideas. In the past, a couple of the team members were more vocal and dominated the entire discussion. This time, you want to ensure everybody gets a fair chance to voice their ideas and at the same time reduce the influence of dominating team members. What should you do? A. Remove the dominating team members from the discussion. B. Use "Triple Nickels". C. Make it clear at the start that people who will try to dominate the group will be reported. D. Do not conduct a face-to-face meeting and ask the team members to email their ideas.


33. Which of the following determines which life cycle is the best fit of any given project? A. Required change control B. Project's inherent characteristics C. Complexity of requirements D. Speed of deliveries


35. The amount of time something takes to go from the start of a process to the end of the process is known as: A. Takt time B. Cycle time C. Lag time D. Lead time


35. You are managing an ERP system design and development project. The business and system analysts are based in the US, while the developers and testers are based in China. Due to time zone difference you cannot conduct daily morning Scrums. What should you do? A. Conduct the standups during Chinese working hours and send the recording over to the US. B. Divide the team into smaller teams. C. Abolish conducting daily Scrums in this environment. D. Alternately schedule the daily Scrums between Chinese and American working hours.


36. You are an Agile process analyst and are assigned to work for Anu who is leading a complex Student Services Design project for a university. Anu insists that the team create highly detailed project plans before commencing the work. What should you do? A. Brush up your resume and start applying for external jobs. B. Show Anu how you have had success in the past using Agile approaches and why they are better. C. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor. D. Put your foot down and don't compromise on Agile values and principles.


4. Which of the following Agile terms means putting requirements in order based on what customers value most? A. Project scoping B. Backlog refinement C. Return on investment (ROI) D. Iteration planning


5. An Agile PMO is value-driven. What does that mean? A. All Agile projects are value-driven and as a result all Agile PMOs are value-driven. B. Agile projects should deliver the right value, to the right audience, at the right time. The Agile PMO's objective is to facilitate and enable this goal. C. Agile PMOs deliver value to the organization by being the command and control center for all organizational projects. D. Agile PMOs must ensure that all organizational projects deliver organizational value. The Agile PMOs ensure that by standardizing the project management approach.


9. If the customer wants to incorporate new ideas or features not originally planned into a not-to-exceed time and materials arrangement, which of the following approaches is recommended? A. Converting the not-to-exceed time and material arrangement to a fixed-price arrangement. B. Replacing original work with new work. C. Issuing a new contract for the additional work. D. Adding new work to the scope of work.


A good planning process supports all of the following except: A. Risk reduction B. Accurate upfront estimates C. Communication D. Better decision-making


A higher than expected velocity would most probably result in: A. Increased costs for the project. B. Reduced number of expected iterations. C. Reduced costs for the project. D. Increased number of expected iterations.


A team estimates that the development of a feature will take four days and the testing of the feature will take two days. In order to account for the uncertainty, the team provides a six day estimate for the development and adds a 2-day lag to the testing activity. What did the team do? A. The team added feeding buffers to both the development and testing tasks. B. The team padded the development estimate and added a feeding buffer between the two tasks. C. The team padded both the development and testing tasks. D. The team added a feeding buffer to the development task and added padding between the two tasks.


Agile teams identify project risks and determine respective mitigation actions during which of the following events? A. Daily standups and retrospectives B. Daily standups, retrospectives and demonstrations. C. Retrospectives. D. Daily standups


Agile teams start a project iteration with loosely defined stories and turn these into functioning software by the end of the iteration. One exception to starting with loosely defined stories rather than putting more thought into the user stories prior to the start of the iteration is: A. When the performing organization is rooted in traditional practices. B. When the project consists of multiple Agile teams. C. When the project duration is greater than one year. D. When the product owner is not fluent with Agile practices.


Agile teams usually limit their estimation to the next few week because: A. Planning for shorter time periods eliminates multi-tasking. B. Planning for shorter time periods is more accurate. C. Planning for shorter time periods is easier. D. Planning for shorter time periods results in higher ROI.


An Agile team can only finish one story at a time. To complete a large feature that contains several stories, the team may not complete that entire feature until several more time periods have passed. Which of the following tools can help the team show its completed value? A. Fishbone diagram B. Product backlog burnup chart C. Scatter chart D. Pareto chart


An Agile team has performed several Agile projects in the past and has been very consistent with their estimating. On their last project, the team was able to achieve a velocity of 30 story points per iteration, which was about 10% higher than their velocity on their second-to-last project. Recently the team has been assigned a new project that involves some state-of-the-art technology. If the team has no experience in this technology, what would be your team's velocity estimate for this project? A. 33 story points per iteration B. Team's velocity cannot be determined until they complete a few iterations C. 30 story points per iteration. D. 27 story points per iteration


An Agile team is currently working with the product owner in defining project requirements. Some of the features would not be developed in the near future. It was recommended to write one much larger user story for such features rather than multiple fine-grained user stories. Such stories are called: A. Macro-stories B. Epics C. Micro-stories D. Tales


By the end of the first iteration, an Agile team has got a number of incomplete stories. A number of actions can be taken at this stage to address this issue and avoid similar future situations, EXCEPT: A. Re-estimating the stories if the original estimates are no longer accurate. B. Calculating the percentage complete of the stories and using that toward calculating the velocity. C. Moving the unfinished work to some future iteration. D. Splitting the stories into smaller stories.


During a planning poker meeting, on the second round of estimating a particular user story, four estimators give you five, five, five, and three. Which of the following is not recommended in this case? A. Ask the low estimator if they are OK with an estimate of five. B. Ignore the three as five has got the majority vote. C. Ask the low estimator to explain their estimate. D. Proceed to the third round.


Forecasting velocity based on the observed velocity on a project generally produces reliable estimates. If the project team has completed its first three iterations and the observed velocity was 20 story points per iteration (on average), what would be a reasonable estimate of velocity for the fourth iteration? A. 12 to 32 story points per iteration. B. 17 to 23 story points per iteration. C. 16 to 25 story points per iteration. D. 18 to 22 story points per iteration.


In Scrum, who is responsible for exploring Scrum tools and techniques and select the right ones to be used by the team? A. Product owner B. Scrum master C. Agile team D. Agile Coach


In projects following Scrum framework, who is responsible for ensuring the Scrum process is upheld and works to ensure the Scrum team adheres to the practices and rules? A. Product owner B. Scrum master C. Development team D. Business analyst


Kanban board are used by Agile teams to manage WIP. For what is WIP an abbreviation? A. Work inventory plan. B. Work in progress. C. Work input parameter. D. Work integrating people.


Like traditional teams, Agile teams also track their progress. Which of the following measures is generally used by Agile teams to monitor its progress rate? A. Cycle time B. Velocity C. Ideal time D. Story points


Most projects with multiple teams benefit from establishing a common estimating baseline at the start of the project. However, the only time separate teams may consider estimating in different units without a common baseline is: A. When some features are better estimated in ideal days while the rest are better estimated in story points. B. When the products being built are truly separate. C. When the product owner is indifferent to the estimation approach. D. When there are three or more Agile teams on a project.


Most projects with multiple teams benefit from establishing a common estimating baseline at the start of the project. Which of the following approaches would you recommend for establishing a common estimating baseline? A. Collaboratively estimating an assortment of new user stories. B. Both approaches are recommended; benchmarking on user stories from the past project and collaboratively estimating new stories. C. Select some user stories from the past project and agree on the estimates for them. D. Each Agile team chooses its own estimating approach.


On traditional projects, a change control board is usually established to authorize change requests. Who is responsible to authorize changes on an Agile project? A. Scrum master B. Product owner C. Agile team D. End users


Organizations just beginning to use Agile approaches may find prototyping challenging due to the associated rework which can also be viewed negatively. Which of the following techniques should be used to address the hurdles of transitioning to the use of Agile approaches? A. Scrum management B. Change management C. Scope management D. Risk management


The "Triple Nickels" activity is designed to: A. Reduce project risk. B. Generate ideas for actions or recommendations. C. Prioritize and schedule ideas. D. Analyze ideas to identify opportunities.


The Kanban method is less prescriptive than some Agile approaches and less disruptive to being implemented. Organizations can begin applying the Kanban method with relative ease. A Kanban board is a: A. Low-tech, low-touch technology. B. Low-tech, high-touch technology. C. High-tech, high-touch technology. D. High-tech, low-touch technology.


The burndown charts are rarely straight lines. There are many reasons why a straight line cannot always be achieved. Which of the following events doesn't affect the burndown chart? A. Addition of scope of work. B. Merging related stories into themes. C. Inconsistent team velocity. D. Incomplete stories by the end of the iteration.


Traditional teams govern vendor relationships by fixed milestones or phase gates focused on intermediate artifacts, rather than a full deliverable of incremental business value. What is the challenge associated with this approach? A. This decreases the team's morale. B. This limits the use of feedback to improve the product. C. This increases the size and the number of features in a product. D. This decreases a project team's throughput.


Two of the senior subject matter experts have different opinions on the use of management tools on a project. The use of Kanban and Agile approaches are being proposed by these experts. In case you decide to use both of the approaches on your project, which of the following can be a valid justification for such a decision? A. Senior subject matter experts cannot be turned down. B. Project teams sometimes blend various methods to achieve project objectives. C. Management approaches are irrelevant as long as majority of the stakeholders are happy. D. Kanban is a part of the Agile Manifesto; the debate was irrelevant.


What does Agile MoSCoW stand for? A. Capital of Russia. B. Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won't Have. C. Motivational Science of Work. D. Materials, Supply Chain, and Work Order.


What is the minimum number of Scrum teams for applying the Scrum of Scrums method? A. 5 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2


When new stories are added throughout the project, the typical line-based burndown chart doesn't reflect the true team's performance. In such cases, the use of a bar chart is recommended and all scope additions are shown below the horizontal axis. When using such a chart, which of the following is NOT recommended: A. When work is removed, the bottom is raised. B. Any time work is completed, the top is raised. C. When work is re-estimated, the top is moved up or down. D. When new work is added, the bottom is lowered.


When planning an iteration, don't: A. Calculate the estimate of expected velocity during the iteration. B. Plan on using 100% of every team member's time. C. Include buffers when multiple teams are involved. D. Select stories based on their business value.


When you divide the team into small groups and keep the people who worked closely with each other together, you are creating: A. ESVP groups B. Affinity groups C. Lean groups D. Pareto groups


Which of the following Agile approaches is known best because of its emphasis on constraint-driven delivery? A. XP B. DSDM C. Lean D. Scrum


Which of the following Agile techniques help in managing the cost of quality and changes on a project? A. Backlog grooming B. Small batch size C. Kanban board D. Collocation


Which of the following Agile techniques requires that multiple team members focus simultaneously and coordinate their contributions on a particular work item? A. Kanban B. Mobbing C. Bullying D. Mura


Which of the following Agile techniques would you recommend if an Agile team wants to prioritize the top issues, ideas or proposals? A. Planning Poker B. Prioritize with Dots C. Hoshin Kanri D. Ishikawa Diagram


Which of the following are the six primary roles on a Feature-Driven Development project? A. Project manager, project coordinator, developer, project sponsor, client and user. B. Project manager, chief architect, development manager, chief programmer, class owner and domain expert. C. Business analyst, project manager, Agile team, Scrum master, and product owner. D. Agile coach, servant-leader, Scrum master, development team, and testing team.


Which of the following is a characteristic of servant-leadership? A. Controlling team members. B. Promoting self-awareness. C. Rewarding the best. D. Micromanagement.


Which of the following is a critical success factor for Agile teams? A. Project duration B. Strong product ownership C. Cost estimates D. Requirements complexity


Which of the following is a term used for a person who has various depths of specialization in multiple skills required by the team? A. I-Shaped B. Broken Comb C. Super Specialist D. T-Shaped


Which of the following is a unit of measure for expressing the overall size of a user story? A. KLOC B. Story Points C. Product backlog D. Velocity


Which of the following is an Agile approach that was originally designed as a way to transition from Scrum to Kanban? A. Lean B. Scrumban C. XP D. Kaizan


Which of the following is bad feature prioritization criteria? A. Features considered valuable by the customer. B. Features considered valuable by the self-organizing team. C. High-risk features. D. Features considered valuable by the product owner.


Which of the following is the correct representation of the spectrum of project life cycles? A. Predictive - Agile - Iterative - Incremental B. Predictive - Incremental - Iterative - Agile C. Iterative - Agile - Predictive - Incremental D. Iterative - Agile - Incremental - Predictive


Which of the following is the correct sequence of agenda items in a typical retrospective? A. Gather data -> Generate insights -> Decide what to do -> Set the stage -> Close retrospective. B. Set the stage -> Gather data -> Generate insights -> Decide what to do -> Close retrospective. C. Set the stage -> Generate insights -> Gather data -> Decide what to do -> Close retrospective. D. Set the stage -> Generate insights -> Decide what to do -> Gather data -> Close retrospective.


Which of the following refers to excess time arbitrarily added to an estimate? A. Schedule buffering B. Padding C. Feature buffering D. Adding lags


Which of the following roles is responsible for helping the management of an organization to understand the advantages of Agile practices, tools and techniques? A. Product owner B. Agile coach C. Scrum master D. Agile manager


Which of the following statements is an example of feature buffering on an Agile project? A. Proactively removing roadblocks and facilitating feature development. B. There are two sets of features in a product development plan; mandatory and optional. C. Creating development buffers between the features to avoid schedule slippages. D. Loading a few features on the Kanban board and buffering the rest in a ready state.


Which of the following statements regarding the Net Present Value (NPV) is incorrect? A. NPV calculations take the time value of money into consideration. B. NPV is the ideal financial benefit measurement method. C. NPV values are highly dependent on the magnitude of the project. D. Projects with negative NPV values do not yield any financial benefit.


Which of the following two Agile meetings can be combined into a single meeting? A. Portfolio planning and product planning B. Retrospective and iteration planning C. Strategic planning and iteration planning D. Release planning and daily planning


Which of the following two projects should be selected if the goal of the company is to maximize the return on investment? Project A: NPV = $25,081, IRR = 15%; Project B: NPV = $40,318, IRR = 13%. A. Project B because the NPV $40,318. B. Project A because the IRR is 15%. C. Project B because the IRR is 13%. D. Project A because the NPV is $25,081.


Why do Agile approaches recommend forming dedicated project teams? A. Flexibility in dealing with change. B. Increased focus and productivity. C. Reduced project cost. D. Out of the box thinking


You and your Agile team are developing a new workflow management system for your organization. According to the ICT Systems & Tools Development Policy, you are required to produce detailed software documentation. What should you do? A. Use traditional project management practices to manage this project. B. Develop the required documentation as part of the project. C. Reject the policy as it is against the Agile Manifesto. D. Educate the higher management on why you will not be developing detailed documentation on this project.


You and your team are responsible for delivering an enterprise-wide automation project. Due to the complexity of the project, multiple Agile teams need to be formed. Team size is an important consideration while forming Agile teams. What is the ideal team size in Agile environments? A. Ten to twenty-five members B. Three to nine members C. Fifteen to fifty members D. Five to twenty members


You are about to complete the first iteration of your project. You want to invite the product owner and a couple of other key stakeholders to obtain their feedback on your current progress. Which of the following Agile events should you schedule? A. Retrospective B. Demonstration C. Planning Poker D. Spike


You are estimating a story by estimating the amount of effort required to deliver the story when the team has to focus exclusively on this story and does not face any delays or interruptions. What are you estimating? A. Run time B. Ideal time C. Idle time D. Real time


You are leading a complex Agile project. The team has recently found out that some of the stories selected for the current iteration will not be complete by the end of the iteration. What should you do next? A. Reduce the scope of the stories. B. Consult with the product owner. C. Split the stories into smaller stories. D. Push the stories to the next iteration.


You are leading a complex project with a huge list of features. Due to schedule and budget constraints, you might not be able to develop all of the features. Which of the following would help in developing the feature set that maximizes business value? A. Decision tree analysis B. MoSCoW analysis C. Analysis of variance D. Feasibility analysis


You are leading a critical organizational project and want to setup a visible, physical display that provides information to the rest of the organization enabling up-to-the-minute knowledge sharing without having to disturb the team. What should you setup? A. Project charter B. Information radiator C. Fishbone diagram D. PDCA loop


You are leading an Agile project. The team has proposed using a Kanban board to manage the team's work in progress and spot bottlenecks. The following work flow has been agreed on for the Kanban board: Ready -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> System Test -> Done. According to this Kanban board, the response time of an item is the: A. The time it enters the "Ready" bin till the time it exits the "Develop and Unit Test" bin. B. The time it enters the "Ready" bin till the time it enters the "Develop and Unit Test" bin. C. The time it enters the "Ready" bin till the time it enters the "Dev-Done" bin. D. The time it enters the "Ready" bin till the time it exits the "Dev-Done" bin.


You are leading the deployment of an inventory management system for a multinational client. The project team is geographically distributed and many time zones apart. Conducting daily standups is a major problem. How should this problem be tackled? A. Ask the team members to record their updates and upload on the project site. B. Encourage smaller group meetings (two or three people at a time) instead of whole-project daily standups. C. Schedule standups on a round-robin basis so that each project team member gets at least one standup during his/her working time. D. Schedule standups at a time that falls during the working hours of most of the team members.


You are managing a complex project that requires a lot of knowledge work. The project's objectives are known but the scope cannot be articulated in great detail. You need to hire some experts from a consulting firm to help you with some of the knowledge work. Which of the following contracting approaches would you recommend if the customer wants to have full control over scope variation and cost without exposing the supplier to any financial risk? A. Cost plus fixed fee arrangement with the consulting firm. B. Team augmentation arrangement with the consulting firm. C. Early cancellation option in a fixed-price arrangement. D. Fixed-price arrangement with the consulting firm.


You are your Agile team are currently discussing the variation and the causes of variation between the expected velocity and the observed velocity. Which Agile meeting is this? A. Iteration planning B. Iteration retrospective C. Daily standups D. Release planning


You have been hired as a consultant by a manufacturing firm. You have been asked to develop a standardized project management approach for the organization. You are currently considering the entire continuum of project management which is Agile on one end and waterfall on the other. Before you can decide which model to select, you need to conduct a/an: A. Impact assessment B. Organization culture assessment C. Root cause analysis D. Feasibility analysis


You need to understand how satisfied team members are with a particular focus area on the project. You collect this information in an iteration retrospective and now want to show this visually. What do you need to develop? A. Fulfilment line-chart B. Satisfaction histogram C. Kano model D. Normal distribution


You overhead your colleague saying that he isn't interested in attending the upcoming retrospective but happy that he would get a break from his daily routine job. Which ESVP role closely relates to this attitude? A. Prisoners B. Vacationers C. Distractors D. Pests


You were halfway through your project when the product owner left the company. The new product owner has been assigned to the project but they come from a different part of the business. You were reviewing the product backlog with the new product owner when they requested to reprioritize of some of the backlog items. What should you do? A. Escalate the conflict to the Agile coach or the higher management. B. Reprioritize the items as demanded by the product owner. C. Avoid the confrontation with the product owner and ask the team to negotiate a workable solution with the product owner. D. Tell the product owner that the current ranking was agreed by the team and the previous product owner.


Your organization has recently acquired an HR management system that cost $100,000. The system would need a major upgrade after 10 years which will cost approximately $150,000. If the organization can earn 8% interest on an investment bond, how much money does the organization need to put in the bond now to have $150,000 when the upgrade is required? A. 100000 B. 69479 C. 833334 D. 150000


Your project team has recently completed the 3rd iteration on the project. So far 45 story points have been successfully delivered to the customer. For this project, the iteration size is fixed at three weeks. The team (six team members) is dedicated to working five days per week. Looking at the backlog, you have 150 story points remaining to be delivered. How many more weeks are required to complete the project? A. 10 B. 30 C. 15 D. 1


Your team is currently struggling with keeping up with the number of stories in WIP state. Which of the following tools can help in this situation? A. Planning poker B. Kanban C. Burndown chart D. Information radiator


1. A project team trying Agile methods for the first time is considering Agile reporting methods. Historically the team has been reporting on project baselines and has used earned value management for status reporting. What should be the new approach? A. Continue using earned value management for project reporting. B. Consider ways to report project's ROI. C. Consider ways to report demonstrable value delivery to customers. D. Agile teams do not report project progress.


10. You have recently taken over a complex technological project and are surprised to find out each team member is 100% (of capacity) allocated to project tasks. What should be your main concern? A. A high level of resource utilization has been achieved and the project cannot be further fast-tracked. B. Resource capacities have incorrectly been calculated. C. Inherent variability in typical project tasks might cause bottlenecks on the project. D. Resources are overbooked and this is against the company's health and safety policy.


13. You have recently taken over a project that is halfway through the execution. You are not happy with the team's throughput. You also have noticed that each team member is multi-tasking and has, on average, five concurrently assigned tasks. According to Clark and Wheelwright, what percent of's time is currently being wasted and spent on non-value-adding activities? A. 20 percent B. 40 percent C. 60 percent D. 50 percent


17. An Agile team estimated stories of a complex project in ideal days. During the first few iterations, it was observed that the team significantly underestimated all of the user stories. Can the team predict project completion date in this situation? A. Yes, but the team first needs to re-estimate the entire project. B. No, since the project team is incompetent in accurately estimating ideal days. C. Yes, if all user stories' sizes are consistent and relatively correct. D. No, Agile projects cannot predict completion dates.


18. Which of the following scheduling techniques is typically used on Agile projects? A. Critical chain method B. Critical path method C. Iterative, on-demand, or pull-based scheduling D. Precedence diagraming method


18. Which of the following situations is a bad example of tailoring Agile practices? A. Due to geographic distribution of team members, daily scrums were held through video conferencing. B. Due to the project's complexity, the team decided to have more than one product owner. C. Retrospectives were unpopular so the team decided to drop them. D. Due to the project's complexity, the Kanban board was redesigned to include more categories.


19. Your organization has been awarded a contract to develop and implement a new resource management system for a client based in Asia. Your development team is distributed across Europe. You are also planned to relocate the implementation team to the client location. What would be your biggest challenge in such a setup? A. Documenting sprint retrospectives. B. Controlling project costs. C. Efficient and effective communication. D. Monitoring project progress.


24. What does "Kanban" mean? A. Bucket B. Work C. Visual sign D. Placeholder


26. You are managing an ecommerce-enabled website for a retailing giant. Both the project team and the client organization are happy with the clarity of the original functional and non-functional requirements set out in the contract's SOW. You have recommended the Agile project management approach to the client and they are happy with any management approach as long as they receive a working product. You and your team have a tough decision to make regarding sprint durations. A sprint duration of two weeks would add a lot of pressure on the team as complex requirements will be tough to build in a single sprint. A sprint duration of six weeks would make the project less Agile but the project might get finished early as the customer won't get to see many prototypes. What sprint size should be selected? A. Six weeks should be selected since the project would get finished early and satisfy the customer. B. Two weeks should be selected since Agile Manifesto mandates frequent delivery of working software. C. A print size needs to be determined that maximizes customer value and satisfaction. D. Four weeks should be selected as that is the average of two numbers.


27. The amount of effort required to deliver a user story is known as: A. Sprint duration B. Developer-hours C. Story size D. Iteration risk


27. You are managing a platform migration project. You have a team of experienced engineers and analysts and you are assigning project tasks to them. Which of the following principles will help you maximizing the team's time spent on value-adding tasks? A. Assigning tasks in a way that each team member has two tasks at the most to perform at any given point in time. B. Assigning tasks in a way that each team member has only one task to perform at any given point in time. C. Assigning tasks in a way that each team member has two independent tasks to perform at any given point in time. D. Assigning tasks in a way that each team member has multiple tasks to perform at any given point in time so that they always have something to do.


29. Organizations usually prefer in-house Agile coaching instead of getting it from external coaches. This is due to: A. Internal coaches have a wider breadth of cross-industry experience. B. Internal coaches are more reliable. C. Internal coaches have stronger relationships in their organizations. D. Internal coaches cost less than external coaches.


30. A project team is currently building a warehouse management system. Due to the complexity of the project and ambiguous requirements, the team decided to adopt an Agile management approach. If a higher rate of management process improvement is required by the project team, which of the following can help achieve this objective? A. Deferring the development until all requirements have been collected. B. Using a Kanban board to enable visual management. C. Frequent retrospection and selecting improvements. D. Adopting XP for the development phase.


31. If an Agile project's SPI is greater than the project's CPI, and the CPI is greater than 1.0, what can you infer about the project's schedule performance? A. The project is behind schedule. B. Agile projects do not have Earned Value measurements. C. The project is ahead of schedule. D. This cannot be determined with the given data.


33. You are leading a complex Agile project that is expected to last two years. You have a huge list of features to be prioritized. If you have a large number of stakeholders, which of the following techniques should you use to prioritize these features?...


39. Which of the following is NOT a considered a good planning practice during iteration planning? A. Looking ahead only the length of one iteration. B. The tasks on the iteration plan are estimated in ideal hours. C. Allocating stories to team members. D. Decomposing user stories into tasks.


4. Which of the following graphical tools shows a team's progress by showing the number of story points remaining in the project? A. Sensitivity diagram B. Waterfall chart C. Release burndown chart D. Fishbone diagram


40. You are leading a complex project and are currently doing some high-level planning. You want to schedule retrospectives so that each team member's calendar gets booked. How should you schedule these events? A. When more than a few weeks have passed since the previous retrospective B. At the end of each release. C. You should not schedule these events well in advance, the project team decides when to call a retrospective. D. At the end of each sprint.


7. ABCon is an ERP consulting firm. For the past 15 years ABCon has been implementing ERP systems for it clients. So far, ABCon has followed traditional project management approaches and is now considering piloting Agile on a relatively small and less complex ERP upgrade project that requires a single small team and then trying it on a more complex green-field ERP implementation project for another client that requires multiple Agile teams. If the pilot is not successful, what must ABCon do? A. Document lessons learned from the pilot project and try avoiding the mistakes made on the more complex project. B. Shelf the Agile transformation program as this is not producing the desired results for the organization. C. Do not try Agile on the more complex project. Instead, address the organizational impediments that prevented the pilot team from working in an Agile way. D. Identify the weaker team members from the team piloting Agile and have them replace with stronger candidates.


7. An Agile team is currently analyzing the project timeline. The team is marking the time when everything was going smoothly and then the energy dropped. The objective is to analyze this information for patterns of events, behaviors or feelings that cause a shift. What activity is this? A. Working Agreements B. Sensitivity Analysis C. Patterns and Shifts D. Kaizen


8. For your upcoming project, you are currently looking for a balanced Agile framework that is neither too narrow in focus nor too prescriptive in detail. You are ideally looking for a process decision framework that integrates several Agile best practices into a comprehensive model. Which of the following Agile frameworks is recommended in this case? A. Scrum B. AgileUP C. Disciplined Agile D. Waterfall


A dedicated Agile team is currently working on an ERP system customization and deployment project five days a week. Each iteration is time-boxed at three weeks. A total of 500 story points were estimated at the start of the project. The team has recently completed its 4th iteration on the project and have successfully delivered 30 story points during this iteration. So far, the team has delivered a total of 120 story points on the project. If no new stories have been added to the project since initiation, what was the response time (in weeks) for the 30 stories delivered during the last iteration? A. 12 B. 2 C. 9 D. 0.5


A software vendor has recently hired you to manage some of its key projects. During your orientation at the organization, you were told that the organization has recently adopted Agile practices for project management. A chart was then shown to you where Agile and Kanban were shown as a subset of Lean. What is your view on this? A. The chart is wrong because Agile, Kanban, and Lean are three different approaches to project management. B. The chart is wrong because Kanban is a subset of Lean while Agile is not. C. Agile and Kanban are subsets of Lean because they are named instances of Lean thinking. D. The chart is wrong because Agile is a subset of Lean while Kanban is not.


A task included in an iteration plan that is being undertaken specifically to gain knowledge or answer a question is known as: A. Workaround B. Epic C. Spike D. Sprint


Agile approaches do not encourage working simultaneously on multiple tasks. In an Agile community, multi-tasking is considered to exact a horrible toll on productivity. According to Clark and Wheelwright, which of the following statements is correct? A. Productivity increases as the number of concurrent assigned tasks decreases until the optimal point is reached when an individual only performs a single task. B. 80% efficiency is achieved when an individual doesn't multi-task. C. 20% or more time is wasted when an individual multi-tasks. D. There is no direct relationship between productivity and the number of concurrent tasks.


Agile teams complete the features usually in the form of user stories. The teams periodically demonstrate the working product to the product owner who accepts or declines the stories. In iteration-based Agile, when are these demonstrations conducted? A. At the end of the project. B. During retrospectives. C. At the end of the iteration. D. When enough features have accumulated into a set that is coherent.


Agile teams measure WIP during the beginning of the project and determine the available options for rapid product delivery. Which of the following is the recommended approach when comparing different delivery options? A. Deliver detailed designs at least halfway through the project. B. Deliver upfront designs instead of value. C. Deliver value instead of upfront designs. D. Deliver detailed designs as early as possible.


An Agile project has a total of 700 story points and each project iteration has a fixed duration of three weeks. At the end of the 4th iteration, the team had successfully delivered 76 story points. The team was able to successfully address some improvement opportunities and during the 5th iteration, the team was able to deliver an additional 24 story points. Assuming that the team will not be able to maintain its current velocity and revert back to the velocity the team was at by the end of the 4th iteration, and no more story points are added to the project, how many more weeks are required to complete the project? A. 75 weeks B. 90 weeks C. 96 weeks D. 87 weeks


An Agile team has identified a number of epics on a project. Each epic consists of one or more related features. The epics were not decomposed into stories and rather loosely estimated, prioritized and put into the release plan. Due to this approach, which of the following issues is the team most likely to face in the near future? A. The team is not likely to face any issues. B. The number of total story points will significantly change after each iteration. C. The team's velocity might not be consistent between the iterations. D. The product themes cannot be identified.


An Agile team has recently established a Kanban board to manage its WIP. Kanban board is a visual tool that shows the flow of work and helps in spotting bottlenecks. What technique allows the team to see how to pull work across the board? A. Response time limits at the top of each column. B. Velocity at the top of each item. C. Work in progress limits at the top of each column. D. Cycle time limits at the top of each item.


An Agile team is currently playing planning poker. What does that mean? A. Team is scheduling tasks. B. Team is developing improvement strategies. C. Team is estimating stories. D. Team is on a well-earned holiday.


An Agile team measures story points without completing the actual feature or story. What is the problem with this approach? A. Ineffective use of a Kanban board. B. Increased response time. C. Violation of Agile Principles


An Agile team wishes to subcontract some of the project work. Rather than formalizing an entire contracting relationship in a single contract, the team wishes to describe different aspects of the relationship in different documents. Mostly fixed items such was warranties and arbitration have been recommended to be locked in the master agreement. However, other items subject to change, series rates and product descriptions, for example, should be listed in a separate: A. Project schedule B. Memorandum of Understanding C. Schedule of services D. Contract


An Agile team wishes to subcontract some of the project work. Rather than formalizing an entire contracting relationship in a single contract, the team wishes to describe different aspects of the relationship in different documents. Which of the following documents should be used to define the mostly fixed items such as warranties, arbitration, etc.? A. Key performance indicators B. Service level agreements C. Master agreement D. Schedule of services


An Agile team's average velocity for the first couple of iterations is 20 story points per iteration. Since the team wanted to increase the velocity, it decided to increase the iteration duration from 3 week to 4 weeks. What is your view on this? A. Increasing the duration doesn't increase the velocity. B. Increasing the duration can actually decrease the velocity. C. Increasing the duration might increase the velocity but this doesn't increase the performance. D. Velocity doesn't depend on iteration duration.


Before starting to plan a release, it is important to know the criteria by which the project will be evaluated as a success or a failure. This is captured in the: A. Scope baseline B. Resource utilization C. Conditions of satisfaction D. Schedule baseline


During an ESVP activity, each participant anonymously reports his or her attitude toward the retrospective as an Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, or Prisoner. Who are the explorers? A. People who want to lead the team. B. People who have recently successfully implemented a new idea. C. People who are eager to discover new ideas and insights. D. People who want to explore other opportunities outside of the project.


During an ESVP activity, each participant anonymously reports his or her attitude toward the retrospective as an Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, or Prisoner. Who are the vacationers? A. People who enjoy the proceeding of the retrospective. B. People who are working part-time on the project. C. People who aren't interested in the work of the retrospective. D. People who want to lead the project.


George is managing a complex financial application development project in an Agile environment. One of the critical success factors for the project is agility and responsiveness to change. In order to foster an Agile environment, George must take a hard look on which of the following processes with an aim to streamline them? A. Production processes. B. Agile processes C. Lengthy processes, causing bottlenecks D. Quality management processes.


How do Agile approaches produce a more valuable product without formal change control procedures? A. By relying on the Agile teams to deliver a higher quality product. B. By establishing self-managed teams who are capable of making changes themselves. C. By delivering in increments and incorporating feedback into future work. D. By relying on the Agile coach to ensure the product meets all quality standards.


How is a project selection decision taken based on its expected NPV value? A. Projects with positive NPV should be rejected. B. Projects with negative NPV should be accepted. C. The project with the highest NPV should be selected. D. NPV alone cannot provide any information that helps in the selection decision.


How many clarifying principles flowed from the Agile Manifesto? A. 8 B. 6 C. 12 D. 4


If $250,000 is invested at 8% with annual compounding. How much will this money be worth in 15 years? A. 78810 B. 1000000 C. 793042 D. 550000


In Agile projects, where are project requirements documented? A. Requirements are documented in the scope management plan. B. Requirements are documented in the requirements management plan. C. Requirements are documented in the product backlog. D. Requirements are documented in the project management plan.


In iteration-based Agile, the product owner often works with the team to prepare some stories for the upcoming iteration, during one or more sessions in the middle of the iteration. The purpose of these meetings is to groom enough stories so the team understands what the stories are and how large the stories are in relation to each other. This is also known as: A. Ground rules B. Retrospectives C. Backlog refinement D. Group norms


Many environments with emerging requirements find that there is often a gap between the real business requirements and the business requirements that were originally stated. How do Agile method identify the right business requirements? A. Through user story size limits. B. Through work breakdown structure management. C. Through prototypes and feedback. D. Through Kanban boards and throughput.


On Agile projects, the product backlog serves as the prime documentation of a project's scope. A Scope Statement, on the other hand, documents the project's scope on predictive traditional projects. The product backlog, in contrast to scope statements on traditional projects, is considered to be more: A. Dynamic and complete B. Static and complete C. Dynamic and incomplete D. Static and incomplete


Once you collect all product requirements, you applied the MoSCoW method. Which of the following MoSCoW results will help you define a minimum viable product (MVP)? A. "Must have" and "Should have" B. "Must have", "Should have", "Could have", and "Won't have C. "Must have" D. "Must have", "Should have", and "Could have"


Return on investment (ROI) is commonly used to measure the financial benefits of an investment. Economists and financial analysts, especially for long-term investments, generally do not prefer this method because: A. The formula doesn't factor in the demand and supply rule. B. The formula doesn't factor in the behavioral aspects of the investors. C. The formula doesn't factor in the time value of money. D. The formula doesn't factor in the risk associated with the investment.


The Agile Unified Process (AgileUP) performs iterative cycles across seven key disciplines and incorporates the associated feedback before formal delivery. Which of the following is NOT one of these seven disciplines? A. Environment B. Project management C. Scope creep D. Configuration management


The practice of leading through service to the team, by focusing on understanding and addressing the needs and development of team members in order to enable the highest possible team performance, is known as: A. Transactional leadership B. Laissez-faire C. Servant-leadership D. Bureaucratic leadership


The project sponsor has requested a project to be delivered using Agile methods. She has strongly encouraged the use of a product backlog, daily stand-ups, and using Kanban boards for WIP management. She has also designed an "Agile-compliance rewards" program that is supposed to handsomely reward the top-performing team members. According to the servant-leadership mindset, what is wrong with this approach? A. Daily stand-ups; this will introduce management overhead. B. Use of Kanban boards; Scrum and Kanban methods are being blended. C. The rewards program; the servant-leadership model encourages creating an environment where everyone can succeed. D. WIP management; the servant-leader is responsible for the WIP management.


What is a date-driven project? A. The one that has each project activity tied to a specific date. B. The one that demands a detailed project schedule and critical paths to be developed. C. The one that must be released by a certain date but for which the feature set is negotiable. D. The one that imposes a deadline for all of the features to be delivered.


What is the "response time" of an item? A. The time required to process an item. B. The total time it takes to deliver including the waiting time. C. The time that an item waits until the work starts. D. Average story points per iteration.


What is the primary benefit of incremental delivery? A. Reduced change requests B. Shorter project duration C. Higher ROI D. Lower costs


When Agile teams, together with product owners, prioritize backlog items, which Agile technique are they relying on? A. Subjective prioritization B. Qualitative prioritization C. Relative prioritization D. Quantitative prioritization


When introducing Agile methods to an organization that has historically managed all its project using predictive life cycles, which of the following approaches is more likely to succeed? A. Trying the new techniques on high-value projects. B. Trying the new techniques on completed projects. C. Trying the new techniques on a less risky pilot project. D. Trying the new techniques on ongoing projects.


When is the ideal time to conduct team check-ins during an iteration retrospective? A. Somewhere during the retrospective. B. At the end of the retrospective. C. After reviewing the goal and agenda. D. After welcoming the participants.


Which of the following Agile techniques uses polling to collect data about how people view their participation in the retrospective? A. Brainstorming B. Check-in C. ESVP D. Focus on/Focus off


Which of the following actions will NOT reduce the lead time of a user story? A. Reducing the response time by using new technology. B. Scheduling the story sooner than later. C. Including more stories in the iteration plan. D. Increasing the velocity by adding new team members.


Which of the following can be classified as one specialized form of cadence? A. Rolling Wave Planning B. Kanban C. Time-boxing D. Story estimating


Which of the following correctly describes the Five Whys technique? A. The team determines five mutually exclusive events that can cause a situation. B. The team determines five solutions to a given problem. C. The team asks "Why?" five times to get beyond habitual thinking. D. The team designs five experiments to reduce the project risk.


Which of the following events might call for early termination of a sprint in an iteration-based Agile project? A. A significant number of new features have been requested. B. The features currently being developed are no longer required. C. A project is no longer required. D. A significant number of change requests against release features have been lodged.


Which of the following is a lean enterprise technique used to document, analyze, and improve the flow of information or materials required to produce a product or service for a customer? A. One Piece Flow B. Theory of Constraints C. Value Stream Mapping D. A3 Reporting


Which of the following is an Agile technique that regularly checks the effectiveness of the quality process, looks for the root cause of issues, and suggest trials of new approaches to improve quality? A. User stories B. Sprints C. Retrospectives D. Backlog


Which of the following is an organizational construct that focuses on the flow of value to customers through the delivery of specific products or services? A. Kano Model B. Business Canvas C. Value Stream D. Pareto Chart


Which of the following is critical for delivering finished work in the shortest possible time, with higher quality and without external dependencies? A. Product owner. B. Generalists C. Cross-functional teams. D. Team facilitator.


Which of the following is generally known as the best Agile estimating technique? A. Disaggregation B. Analogy C. Planning poker D. Expert opinion


Which of the following is the correct way of assigning story points to user stories in a product backlog? A. Sort the user stories by descending order of effort required and assign sequential story points from the selected range. B. Sort the user stories by ascending order of effort required and assign sequential story points from the selected range. C. Select a medium-sized story and assign it a number somewhere in the middle of the range you expect to use. For the rest of the stories, assign relative values from the range. D. Calculate the effort required in person-hours for each user story and map that to the selected range of story points.


Which of the following statements doesn't correctly depict Agile values? A. Quality must be designed. B. Quality must be planned. C. Quality must be inspected-in. D. Quality must be built-in.


Which of the following statements regarding Agile retrospectives is correct? A. Retrospectives help teams groom product backlog. B. Retrospectives help teams develop release plans. C. Retrospectives help teams improve. D. Retrospectives help teams develop iteration plans.


1. When a project manager assumes the role of a coach and a facilitator for the project team, in an Agile environment, this role is known as: A. Servant-leader B. Project sponsor C. Domain expert D. Product owner


10. A project has dynamic requirements. Project activities are required to be performed once for a given increment but each increment is supposed to produce deliveries for the customer. Further, the focus is on the speed of deliveries. Which of the following life cycles is most suitable in this scenario? A. Incremental B. Agile C. Predictive D. Iterative


8. You have recently setup a daily team stand-up. For the first few days, the stand-ups were flowing smoothly, until today when a number of issues have been reported by the team. What should be done next? A. Park the issues and create another meeting to solve them. B. Ask the team members to follow the change control process. C. Tell the team members that they can't report issues during daily stand-ups. D. Resolve the issues and park them so that everyone can see them.


A fishbowl window can increase a team's productivity by facilitating communications. A fishbowl window reduces the: A. Collaboration lag B. Project scope C. Direct project costs D. Required coordination


A key influence on cycle time is the variability in the time it takes to develop a new feature. One of the best ways to reduce variability is to: A. Work with reasonable small and similarly-sized stories. B. Cycle time variability is inevitable and cannot be reduced. C. Grouping relates stories into themes and prioritizing based on theme desirability. D. Decomposing stories into tasks and estimating tasks instead of estimating stories.


An Agile coach has to wear multiple hats from time to time. All of the following are such roles except: A. Release manager B. Problem solver C. Facilitator D. Advisor


Which of the following Agile techniques can be used in conjunction with a timeline to gather data about feelings in a longer iteration, release, or project retrospective? A. Color Code Dots B. Sticky Notes C. Kanban D. Six Sigma


Which of the following two tasks need to be completed prior to starting the next iteration of the project? A. Demonstration and retrospective. B. Backlog grooming and iteration planning. C. Release planning and iteration planning. D. Iteration planning and retrospective.


Who can provide best estimates for a given piece of work on an Agile project? A. Those who will do the work. B. Scrum master C. Product owner D. Customer


You are responsible for designing a new lessons learned management system for an organization. As a part of the project, you need to consult with a number of senior stakeholders and assess their needs and requirements. You then have to facilitate consensus on the system features, workflows, processes, and procedures. Once the system is developed, it has to be rolled out across the organization and all employees have to be trained in effective use of the system. You have chosen to use a hybrid project life cycle. Which of the following life cycles should be adopted for the user training phase of the project? A. Predictive B. Iterative C. Incremental D. Agile


Which of the following statements regarding a release burndown chart is incorrect? A. A release burndown chart shows the number of story points remaining in the project. B. The irregularity of the burndown chart comees from the change in team's veelocity due to inacurate estimates. C. A release burndown chard can be used to accurately forecast the project completion. D. A team's. burndown is rarely perfectly smooth.


You have recently been assigned to an ongoing Agile project. During the sprint retrospective, the project manager asked all of the team members to put sticky dots on the project timeline to show events where emotions ran high or low. What activity is this? A. Color Code Dots B. Pareto Charts C. Affinity diagrams D. Dalmatian


You have recently taken charge of a team managing a complex project that heavily relies on knowledge work. Your team is currently spending four hours per week in refining user stories. What is the probable cause behind this? A. The product owner could be over-preparing or the team may be lacking some critical skills. B. The product owner is not available for the team. C. The previous project manager was following a hybrid development approach. D. The scrum master is not available for the team.


You have recently taken charge of an Agile project. While observing the release burndown chart you saw a burnup during the third iteration of the project. What can be the possible cause of this? A. New scope has been added to the project. B. The observed velocity is less than the expected velocity. C. This is a plotting error as burndown charts always go downwards. D. Epics were decomposed into smaller stories but the overall story points didn't increase.


Your project has a big number of features that you now wish to classify according to the Kano model. Which of the following approach will yield the best results? A. Use questionnaires and survey users to accurately classify features. B. The Agile team, facilitated by the servant-leader, classifies the features. C. Ask the product owner to classify the features. D. Estimate story points and categorize the features based on their sizes.


Which of the following statements regarding iteration planning is correct? A. An Agile project can do without iteration plans if a detailed release plan has been developed. B. The release plan extends the iteration plan by including more detailed cost and schedule estimates. C. The primary purpose of iteration planning is to refine suppositions made in the more coarse-grained release plan. D. While the release plan is focused on the project management processes, the iteration plan is more focused on the product development.


"Working software over comprehensive documentation" is one of the key Agile Manifesto values. Which of the following Agile approaches helps in achieving this value? A. Daily standups B. Demonstrations and reviews C. Agile measurements D. Chartering the project and the team.


38. Which of the following Agile approaches encourages sitting together and pair working? A. Lean B. XP C. Scrum D. Kanban


Agile methods and practices have both direct and indirect benefits. In Agile projects, which of the following Agile techniques also helps in managing quality of deliverables? A. Backlog grooming B. Rapid feature delivery C. User story sizing D. Team chartering


Which project attribute determines the right Crystal method to be selected for a project? A. Expected velocity B. Team size C. Number of user stories D. Duration of the sprint


You are leading an XP project. The analytics expert is of the view that he should single-handedly develop the analytics module since nobody else on the team has the subject matter knowledge. How should you react? A. Request the expert to train another person on the team. B. Encourage using a pair programming approach. C. Hire another analytics expert on the team. D. Acknowledge the dedication of the analytics expert.


Your Agile project team is currently having communication issues. You underestimated these risks earlier and did not establish clear ground rules and group norms upfront in the project. Which document typically includes these items? A. Sprint backlog B. Team charter C. Agile Manifesto D. Product backlog


Your Agile team is dispersed in three different time zones. You have decided to deploy fishbowl windows at each work location. What is a fishbowl window? A. A management report. B. A video conferencing link. C. An information radiator. D. An online document management system.


Which of the following statements regarding planning poker is incorrect? A. Planning poker brings together multiple expert opinions to do the estimating. B. Cross-functional representation in the estimation team is recommended. C. Planning poker is played by senior team representatives and the product owner. D. A lively dialogue ensues during planning poker and estimators are called upon to justify their estimates.


Which of the following statements regarding the Agile Manifesto is INCORRECT: A. Working software is valued more than comprehensive documentation. B. Customer collaboration is valued more than contract negotiation. C. Processes and tools are valued more than individuals and interactions. D. Responding to change is valued more than following a plan.


Which of the following tools are used by Agile teams to focus product development in small increments? A. Spikes B. Retrospectives C. User stories D. Kanban boards


You are about to start the third iteration on your project. The team believes that some of the high priority items on the backlog are high risk items. What should you do to manage this risk? A. Increase the duration of the iteration. B. Schedule the risky items at the very end of the project. C. Include fewer story points in the current iteration. D. Call a retrospective meeting.


You are conducting an iteration demonstration to a group of stakeholders when the CFO expresses their displeasure over the missing reporting module. You explain to the CFO why the module was rescheduled to be developed in a later iteration. How could you have better managed this? A. By including a prototype of the module in the demonstration. B. By deferring the demonstration until the module was complete. C. By taking the CFO in confidence when the team took the rescheduling decision. D. By not rescheduling the module development.


20. The practice of attempting to solve problems by just using specific predefined methods, without challenging the methods in light of experience is known as: A. Traditional PDCA B. Kaizan C. Single loop learning D. Lessons learned


25. A project team is currently struggling due to frequent interruptions by various delays and impediments. During the sprint retrospective, it was agreed to adopt some form of visual management that can help with work-in-process management and improve the flow. Which of the following tools should be used to facilitate this? A. Formal change management process B. Ground rules C. Kanban board D. Silos


A programmer estimated ideal time for the development of a user story to be five days. If the programmer is assigned another project in parallel, what would be the effect of multi-tasking on the ideal time of the user story? A. The ideal time will increase by 80%. B. The ideal time will double. C. The ideal time will not change. D. The ideal time will decrease to half.


When should an Agile team reflect on how to become more effective and tune its behavior accordingly? A. Daily B. At the start and end of the project. C. At regular intervals. D. At the end of each iteration.


Which project artifact first documents the "definition of done" for the project? A. Product backlog B. Sprint backlog C. Project charter D. Product roadmap


You have just been assigned a new project. As an Agile project leader, which of the following should be your first focus? A. How to conduct retrospectives and document lessons learned. B. How quickly can you develop an exhaustive product backlog? C. How you can create a team that is cross-functional and 100% dedicated. D. Gather a reasonable number of high-priority user stories to kick start the project.


You are developing a financial application for a client with complex business requirements. After a cost/benefit analysis was performed for each requirement, you found that the requirements can be sorted based on their expected business value. Further these requirements are mutually exclusive and can be developed individually. Which of the following project life cycle would result in an earlier return on investment in this scenario? A. Predictive life cycle; the traditional approach reduces uncertainty and results in lower costs. B. Incremental life cycle; the team can only provide finished deliverables. C. Agile life cycle; the team can deliver highest value work first. D. Iterative life cycle; the team can obtain feedback on partially completed on unfinished work.


You are forming the first Agile team in your company that will deliver a complex human resources management system. Which of the following should be your top most challenge? A. Establishing efficient communication and collaboration tools for a geographically dispersed team. B. Prioritizing system features based on strategic value. C. Building a foundational trust, a safe work environment and an Agile Mindset D. Acquire a cross-functional team that is 100% dedicated to the project.


You are helping an organization transform to Agile practices. You are currently developing guidelines regarding forming Agile teams. All of the following would be your recommendations EXCEPT: A. Most or all team members should be "T-shaped". B. Teams should be small. C. Most or all team members should be "I-shaped". D. Teams should be collocated.


You are helping an organization transition to Agile approaches, tools and techniques. You have noticed that historically the organization has followed traditional project management approaches and has highly valued the accuracy of the estimation effort. What is your view on estimating? A. Agile teams highly value getting the estimates right. B. Agile teams do not estimate or plan. C. Agile teams do not strive for accurate estimation. D. Estimation is time consuming activity, hence considered a waste.


You are managing a 20-member Agile team on a complex project. You have noticed that the daily standups are not very effective. Due to the range of issues discussed, the team is not able to focus. What should you do? A. Ask the team to take notes during the meeting. B. Limit the number of issues discussed. C. Divide the team into smaller teams. D. Increase the duration of the daily standups.


You are managing a complex, high-change project. Although the project doesn't have a completion deadline, there is a general expectation that the project should complete in nine to twelve months. The project team is currently struggling to collaborate to expedite work across the board. Which of the following actions might help the situation and facilitate collaboration? A. Adopting traditional project management approaches. B. Crashing the project by increasing the work in progress. C. Limiting the work in progress. D. Increasing the team size and shortening the delivery iterations.


You are managing an Agile team developing a high-tech gadget for the organization. The gadget will monitor and report on different aspects of the business and report performance. If you want to assume a servant-leader role, how should you respond to team conflicts? A. Develop a structured conflict management approach. B. Escalate all conflicts to higher management. C. Becoming an impartial bridge-builder. D. Withdraw from the conflicts and let the team resolve them.


You have analyzed all the themes of your project and have assigned each one of them to one of the four quadrants of a risk-value matrix that has a risk rating (high and low) on the y-axis, and a business value rating (high and low) on the x-axis. What is the recommend approach to be taken for the themes that fell under the "Low Risk" and "High Value" quadrant? A. Do first B. Avoid C. Do second D. Do last


You have analyzed all the themes of your project and have assigned each one of them to one of the four quadrants of a risk-value matrix that has a risk rating (high and low) on the y-axis, and a business value rating (high and low) on the x-axis. What is the recommended approach to be taken for the themes that fell under the "High Risk" and "High Value" quadrant? A. Avoid B. Do last C. Do first D. Do second


You have been hired by an organization as the Agile Consultant. The organization has recently embarked upon the Agile journey. Which of the following is not a change-friendly characteristic for organizations beginning to use Agile approaches? A. Focus on short-term budgeting and metrics versus long-term goals. B. Executive management's commitment. C. Existence of departmental silos. D. Talent management maturity and capabilities.


You have been made responsible to quickly deploy a new supply chain management system in an organization. You have been given authority to select any organizational resources to deliver the project and you have also been promised that the selected resources will remain dedicated to the project. However, you have also been asked to deliver features in increments so that necessary changes can be made as early as possible. You have also been asked to select team members in a way that the project team can perform independently. How should you select your team? A. Select 3 to 9 team members. B. Select team members with Agile certifications. C. Select cross-functional team members. D. Select team members that can be available 100% of their time.


1. If a team has planned 50 story points to be completed in the upcoming project sprint, this implies that the: A. Benchmark velocity is 50 story points. B. Actual velocity is 50 story points. C. Aspirational velocity is 50 story points. D. Expected velocity is 50 story points.


12. You are the servant-leader on an Agile team developing a new financial application for an insurance company. You need to identify the stories to be developed for the first iteration. Which of the following is not a recommended action at this stage? A. The product owner is asked to select the stories for the iteration. B. The Agile team estimates the size of the stories. C. The Agile team decides the sprint duration and expected velocity. D. You help the team analyze the stories and decide the priorities of the items.


13. Which of the following contract types allows the supplier a higher hourly rate when the delivery is early but penalizes the supplier with a lower hourly rate when the delivery is late? A. Not-to-exceed time and materials B. Fixed-price C. Cost-plus D. Graduated time and materials


During which Agile planning event does an Agile team first consider user stories? A. Daily planning B. Demonstration planning C. Iteration planning D. Release planning


Which of following is not an Agile approach: A. Crystal B. XP C. ScrumBan D. Lean


Which of the following Agile methods focus on the activities of a single, small, usually collocated, cross-functional team rather than for initiative that requires collaboration of multiple Agile teams in a program or portfolio? A. Disciplined Agile B. Scaled Agile Framework C. Large Scale Scrum D. eXtreme Programming


Which of the following Agile plans is generally the most precise? A. Release B. Task C. Iteration D. Daily


Which of the following Agile tools help a team to micro-commit to each other, uncover problems, and ensure the work flows smoothly through the team on a continual basis? A. Team charter B. Backlog refinement C. Retrospectives D. Daily stand-ups


Which of the following actions is NOT recommended when planning a large project with multiple Agile teams? A. Adding a detail to user stories as soon as possible. B. Look-ahead planning C. Incorporating feeding buffers into the plan. D. Allowing each team to establish its own basis of estimates


Which of the following activities can be used to close a retrospective? A. Five Whys B. Fishbone C. Brainstorming D. Appreciations


Which of the following arrangements allows least flexibility to the buyer to alter the contracted scope of works? A. Not-to-exceed time and materials arrangement. B. Dynamic scope option. C. Early cancellation option. D. Fixed-price arrangements.


You are attending a retrospective as the team's servant-leader. What is your responsibility during this event? A. Ensure that the meeting ends with a workable iteration plan. B. Observe the team identifying improvement opportunities and create action plans. C. Ensure that the meeting ends with a workable release plan. D. Participate in identifying improvement opportunities and creating action plans.


You are leading a retrospective and feel that things are not progressing as planned. There is a lot of negative energy in the room due to the drop of team velocity during the previous iteration. Which of thE FOLLOWING AGILE ACTIVITIES CAN HELP YOU PROVIDE A BALANCE? A. Brainstorming B. Backlog grooming C. Timeline D. Locate Strengths


You are leading a workflow automation project. The project team wants to outsource some piece of work but is hesitant as they want to maintain highest Agile standards. What is your view about this? A. The team shouldn't outsource as the vendor might not have dedicated teams. B. The team shouldn't outsource as Agile teams value customer collaboration over contract negotiation. C. The team should outsource as you can never fully conform to Agile standards. D. The team should outsource work if that is in the best interest of the project.


You have called in key stakeholders for a brainstorming session. The main agenda item is to identify suitable project life cycles for a number of new initiatives launched by the organization. Two of the stakeholders are proposing exclusive use of predictive and Agile life cycles respectively. What should be your response? A. Exclusive use of Predictive life cycle is recommended as this is a tried and tested method. B. Exclusive use of Agile life cycle is recommended as this is new way to manage projects. C. Exclusive use of a life cycle on all projects is not recommended. D. A blended life cycle needs to be designed which can then be exclusively used on all projects.


You have recently been asked to design and build a "complex" project that is supposed to somehow reduce the production costs by 20% or more. Although the project's vision is clear, the project requirements are not. You and team need to understand the high level project requirements to start project work. How should you proceed? A. Develop a project charter followed by a team charter. B. Develop a team charter followed by a project charter. C. Build a product roadmap using user story mapping and impact mapping. D. Groom the product backlog and select the high-value requirements.


You have recently been hired as a senior business analyst on a complex system integration project. The chief programmer has asked you to review the project BRD prior to arranging a meeting with him. What is a BRD? A. High-level schedule of a project. B. Collection of user stories sorted by themes. C. Listing of all requirements for a specific project D. Business risk document.


You have recently joined an Agile team. The team is new to Agile approaches and occasionally struggles with some of the Agile tools and techniques. You have noticed that during each daily standup meeting the team discusses WIP statuses with a focus on where different items are during the development cycle. You think this is a waste and the team should rather focus on the objectives of the standups. Which of the following tools can help the team in this situation? A. Fishbone diagram B. Spikes C. Kanban board D. 5 Whys


You just found out that a team doesn't conduct daily stand-ups. You were able to successfully convey the advantages of daily stand-ups as these help teams to micro-commit to each other, uncover problems, and ensure the workflows smoothly through the team. What should be the ideal duration for these meetings? A. 30 minutes B. 45 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 1 hour


Your organization has announced a major transformation program. You have been selected as the project manager for one of the process improvement projects. You are now selecting your project team. Which of the following should be one of your considerations while selecting your team? A. Select team members who can either be collocated or are at least 25% available for the project. B. Select team members who are geographically distributed but 100% available for the project. C. Select team members who can be collocated and are 100% available for the project. D. Select team members who can either be collocated or are at least 50% available for the project.


Your organization needs to select one of the following two projects: Project A: IRR = 8%, NPV = $25,500, duration = 3 years; Project B: IRR = 12%, NPV = $18,700, duration = 6 years. What is the opportunity cost of project A? A. 25500 B. 6800 C. 18700 D. -6800


"Responding to change over following a plan" doesn't imply that: A. Agile teams value change management. B. Agile teams acknowledge that change is inevitable. C. Agile te teams highly value responding to change. D. Agile teams do not value planning.


14. A senior programmer on your Agile team is usually keen on trying and experimenting with new technologies and ideas. As a result of some of her successful spikes, some of the business requirements were delivered earlier than planned. Which ESVP role closely relates to this type of team members? A. Experimenter B. Shopper C. Vacationer D. Explorer


16. One of the challenges of planning a release is estimating the velocity of the team. Which of the following is NOT a valid Agile approach to estimate a team's velocity? A. Making a forecast. B. Using historical values. C. Running an iteration. D. Conducting a sensitivity analysis.


17. Which of the following statements regarding Agile planning is incorrect? A. Agile plans are changed as new knowledge becomes available. B. Agile plans do not cover all of a project's planning at the outset. C. Agile planning is spread more or less evenly across the duration of a project. D. Agile planning focuses more on change rather than project objectives.


2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of collocation? A. Ability to utilize usual tools. B. Increased velocity. C. Increased communication. D. Controlled changes.


20. You have been assigned to lead a complex project. Which of the following types of people would be your LAST choice to be included in your team? A. Paint-Drip B. Broken Comb C. T-shaped D. I-shaped


25. An Agile project's product backlog contains 25 user stories estimated at 10 story points each. The team estimates that 60% of the effort will be required to develop the stories, while 40% of the effort will be required to test and deliver the stories. During the first iteration, the team was able to develop five stories but was only able to complete three of them. What was the team's velocity? A. 12 story points B. 42 story points C. 18 story points D. 30 story points


26. How does Agile estimating and planning support the efficient exploration of new product development solution space? A. Converging user stories into epics and themes for the ease of the users and the product owner. B. Designing a fully functional prototype before starting the product development. C. Developing an exhaustive list of user stories and grooming these stories throughout the project. D. Frequently planning and progressively elaborating solution requirements.


26. If you are conducting an ESVP activity to set the stage of a retrospective, you need to be careful about: A. Converting the polling results into a frequency-based histogram. B. Limit the polling to the permanent team members. C. Non-disclosing polling results. D. Conducting anonymous polling.


3 Which of the following models can be used to categorize a product features based on organizational desirability? A. PDCA model B. Business operating model C. Salience model D. Kano model


3. Which of the following is the management framework that emerges when teams employ Scrum as the chosen way of working and use the Kanban Method as a lens through which to view, understand, and continuously improve how they work? A. Scrum of Kanban B. WIP C. Task Board D. Scrumban


32. If the size of a task cannot be reliability estimated, which of the following Agile actions is recommended? A. Using PERT estimates adjusted by the estimate standard deviation. B. Assigning a random duration estimate to the task. C. Using Monte Carlo analysis to simulate task duration. D. Adding a spike and a task placeholder with a rough duration estimate.


34. In Agile teams, a single person's throughput is not relevant. Focusing on a single person's throughput may be risky because it might: A. Increase the chances of scope creep. B. Increase the cost of the project. C. Increase the sprint duration. D. Create a bottleneck for the rest of the team.


37. Unlike financial measures such as IRR and NPV, the primary disadvantage to the payback period is that it fails to take into account the time value of money. Which of the following financial measures eliminates this drawback of the payback period calculation? A. Time-valued Payback Period. B. Adjusted Payback Period. C. Modified Payback Period. D. Discounted Payback Period


37. You are leading an Agile team developing an inventory management and control system for a major retailer in your country. Halfway during the iteration you discover that the predictive analytics module that is currently being developed is no longer required by the customer. What should you do? A. Freeze the iteration and immediately call a retrospective meeting. B. Continue developing the feature until a minimum viable product is developed. C. Delete the code and return the story to the backlog. D. Reprioritize the backlog and start developing the next priority item.


8. You are leading a complex Agile project and have added a 10% schedule buffer to mitigate the schedule risk on the project. How should you communicate this to the product owner? A. Task padding was carried out in line with the Agile Manifesto. B. Don't communicate this information and expand the task durations to include the padding. C. The project tasks have been padded to manage the scheduling risk. D. The buffer is intended to provide a schedule everyone can be confident in.


9. You have recently taken over an Agile team that is half way through the project. You noticed that the team is developing a work breakdown structure of the project scope during the first retrospective meeting. What would you recommend to the team? A. Do not forget to sequence the work packages. B. Do not forget to include control accounts. C. Do not forget to develop data dictionaries. D. Do not develop the work breakdown structure.


A fast food retailer has recently hired a team to develop a bespoke inventory management system. The team has never worked with each other in the past. Further, the team requires coaching on Agile approaches. If the firm does not have in-house Agile coaches, what should be done? A. Nothing needs to be done; an Agile team is self-managed. B. Select the senior-most team member to provide the required coaching. C. Product owner should provide the required coaching. D. Invite external Agile coaches to help the team.


A servant-leader gives colored sticky dots to the team and asks them to put these on a poster containing team issues. The team then starts placing their dots next to the items under consideration. What is this team doing? A. Conducting a root cause analysis. B. Developing a fishbone diagram. C. Identifying issues. D. Prioritizing issues.


A team is developing an online appraisals management system using an incremental project life cycle. The customer is complaining about the number of bugs that are detected by the customer which should have been detected by the project team. Which of the following techniques encourage a mistake-proofing discipline? A. Cost of quality B. Team penalties C. Individual penalties D. Test-driven development


According to the Agile principles, which of the following enhances agility? A. Continuous change requests. B. Chain of command within an Agile team. C. Time-boxed iterations and a fixed project scope. D. Continuous attention to technical excellence.


Agile approaches emphasize early and frequent delivery. However, this accelerated delivery might not suit some organizations due to their ability to accommodate rapid deliveries. If an organization resists a project's outcome, which of the following risks becomes more likely to occur? A. Project costs skyrocket. B. Scope creep becomes unmanageable. C. Story points get doubled for each item in the backlog. D. Targeted return on investment is delayed.


Agile contracting best practices require structuring milestones and payment terms on: A. Stage gates B. Fixed milestones C. Phase gates D. Value-driven deliverables.


Agile task estimates during iteration planning are expressed in: A. Story points B. Cycle time C. Spikes D. Ideal time


Agile teams strive for rapid product delivery. A set of features goes through a series of development and testing stages until the release. Which of the following is considered the first delivery stage? A. Storyboarding B. Regression testing C. User acceptance testing D. Demonstration


Agile teams, along with the product owners, generally prioritize stories based on their business value. However, there are some situations where some of the lower value stories are selected to be developed first, for example: A. Stories that are least expensive to develop. B. Stories that involve tested technology. C. Stories that can be developed very quickly. D. Stories that help in eliminating some significant risk.


An Agile team has recently been put together to deliver a system upgrade project. The product owner has provided the product backlog but is hesitant in prioritizing the stories. What should you do? A. Do not proceed unless the backlog is prioritized by the product owner. B. Follow a traditional project life cycle on this project. C. Let the team prioritize the stories if the product owner cannot prioritize them. D. Educate the product owner regarding the importance of prioritization in Agile projects.


An Agile team is halfway through the iteration when it feels that it needs detailed feedback on some of the features. What should be done? A. Compromise and use some other feedback gathering techniques, such as questionnaires. B. Wait for the current iteration to be finished and then arrange a demonstration. C. Terminate the current iteration and arrange a demonstration. D. Arrange a demonstration during the iteration.


An Agile team is working on a SCM project. At the end of the 3rd iteration, the team had successfully delivered 81 story points. The team was able to successfully address some improvement opportunities and during the 4th iteration the team was able to deliver 39 story points. What is the team's current velocity? A. 120 story points per iteration. B. 39 story points per iteration. C. 27 story points per iteration. D. 30 story points per iteration.


Chris will be conducting an introduction to Agile workshop in the next few days. On one of the slides, he put a number of areas that Agile teams highly value. The list included customer collaboration, working software, responding to change and attention to detail. What mistake did Chris make? A. Showed "Responding to change" as a value instead of showing "Change management". B. Showed "Attention to detail" as a value instead of showing "Individuals and Interactions". C. Showed "Customer collaboration" as a value instead of showing "Contract negotiation". D. Showed "Working software" as a value instead of showing "Individuals and Interactions".


During a planning poker meeting, the team was not able to converge on a single estimate for a particular story after the third round. What needs to be done next? A. Park the user story on the parking lot. B. Take the average of the estimates at the end of the third round. C. Remove the user story from the estimating process. D. Continue to repeat the process.


During a retrospective event, you want to identify which project events created a positive or negative team atmosphere. Which of the following activities can be used in conjunction with a project timeline to obtain and analyze this information? A. Histograms B. Sampling C. Round Robin D. Color Code Dots


How can an Agile team ensure that the features an Agile team is developing and releasing delivers the maximum value to the business? A. Team collaborates with the feature users/customers. B. Team collaborates with the product owner. C. Servant-leader collaborates with the team. D. Product owner collaborates with feature users/customers.


How do Agile projects manage quality? A. Quality review is conducted during recurring retrospectives and daily standups regularly check on the effectiveness of the quality processes. B. Quality control is conducted during recurring retrospectives and quality assurance is conducted at the end of the project. C. Quality review is conducted during daily standups and recurring retrospectives regularly check on the effectiveness of the quality processes. D. Quality and review steps are built-in throughout the project and recurring retrospectives regularly check on the effectiveness of the quality processes.


How is the activity ROTI conducted? A. At the end of the retrospective, ask team members how do they plan on utilizing their non-working time. B. At the start of retrospective, ask team members to give feedback on whether they spent their time well. C. At the start of retrospective, ask team members how do they plan on utilizing their non-working time. D. At the end of the retrospective, ask team members to give feedback on whether they spent their time well.


In Agile communities, people with expertise in one domain, less-developed skills in associated areas, and good collaboration skills are known as: A. U-shaped people B. I-shaped people C. H-shaped people D. T-shaped people


In Agile projects with evolving requirements, high risk, or significant uncertainty, the scope is often not understood at the beginning of the project or it evolves during the project. How do Agile projects handle project scope in such circumstances? A. Developing a preliminary product backlog at the start of the project and prioritizing the backlog during the course of the project. B. Spending more time in defining and agreeing on scope and spending less time in establishing the process of its ongoing discovery. C. Developing an exhaustive product backlog at the start of the project and prioritizing the backlog during the course of the project. D. Spending less time in defining and agreeing on scope and spending more time in establishing the process of its ongoing discovery.


In Agile settings, what is the ideal frequency for conducting product demonstrations? A. The ideal frequency for conducting product demonstrations is three weeks. B. The ideal frequency for conducting product demonstrations is two weeks. C. The ideal frequency for conducting product demonstrations is one week. D. There is no ideal frequency, but rather a general guideline of conducting demonstrations at least once every two weeks.


In Agile software development, what does the term "technical debt" means? A. The estimated cost of opportunity lost by not selecting a more lucrative project. B. The pro-rated cost of external technical experts hired by the project. C. The accrued cost of debt taken by the technical team members. D. The deferred cost of work not done at an earlier point in the product life cycle.


In projects following Scrum framework, who is responsible for maximizing the value of the product? A. Scrum master B. Development team C. Testing team D. Product owner


Lucy is the lead programmer on your project. She wasn't successful in getting selected for another project that involved some state-of-the-art technology. You feel that, due to this reason, she hasn't been pulling her weight. Which ESVP role closely relates to her behavior? A. Vacationers B. Explorers C. Shoppers D. Prisoners


Many activities can be conducted to set the stage for an iteration retrospective. All of the following are such activities except: A. Check-in B. ESVP C. Focus on/Focus off D. Kaizen


On a burndown chart, the intersection of the work remaining trend line and the horizontal axis indicates the: A. Cutover date B. Handover date C. Completion deadline D. Most probable completion of work


One of the 12 Agile principles states that, "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation". Which of the following Agile techniques help achieve this? A. Backlog preparation B. Backlog refinement C. Team composition D. Daily standups


Selection of the right project management approach is dependent on the team size in which of the following Agile approaches? A. XP B. Kanban C. Scrum D. Crystal


Some organizations resist starting projects without having any idea how long those projects will take. You are not comfortable in sharing any estimates until the first few iterations are completed. What should you do? A. Determine the management's risk tolerance and estimate accordingly. B. Forecast values based on historic data on past projects. C. Stress that you desire to run a few iterations to provide reliable estimates. D. Revert back to traditional project management approaches as the organization is not ready for Agile.


Team members in successful Agile teams work to collaborate in various ways. Which of the following is not a valid example of these ways? A. Swarming B. Mobbing C. Pairing D. Multi-tasking


The Manifesto for Agile Software Development was published in: A. 2003 B. 2002 C. 2004 D. 2001


The product design your project team developed was extremely well-received by the customer. There were two key contributors to this design who went above and beyond the call of duty. The customer calls you to tell you how pleased he is with the design. What do you tell him? A. Tell the customer you worked very hard on the design, and you are happy he is pleased. B. Thank the customer. C. Ask to negotiate a bonus payment. D. Thank him on behalf of the team and call out the contributions two of the team members made.


Traditional project management stresses the importance of project integration management and expects the project manager to be in control of the detailed product planning and integrating different aspects of project integration with each other. In an Agile setting who is primarily responsible for integration management? A. Servant-leader B. Product owner C. Agile coach D. Agile team


What does an Agile team achieve by prioritizing project stories and features? A. Stakeholder engagement B. Risk reduction C. Determine conditions of satisfactions D. Optimize delivery of business value


What is a starting point of an Agile project? A. Iteration plan B. Daily plan C. Retrospective D. Release Plan


What is the "Payback Period"? A. The amount of time it takes for the annual revenues to equal annual expenses. B. The amount of time it takes the project's interest rate to reach MRR. C. The day a project start to recover and yield a profit. D. The amount of time required to earn back the initial investment.


What is the highest priority of an Agile team? A. Abandon traditional project management. B. Whole hearted acceptance to change. C. Relying less on documentation. D. Early and continuous delivery of valuable product.


When developing project timelines, which of the following adds the LEAST value to the timeline? A. Color coding functions B. Color coding feelings C. Color coding events D. Color coding user stories


When does an Agile team reconfirm its commitments and identify project impediments? A. Release planning B. Iteration planning C. Retrospectives D. Daily Standups


Which of the following events doesn't warrant adding a burnup to a release burndown chart? A. New scope of work is added to the project. B. A team realizes that the remaining work was underestimated. C. The product owner wants to add new features to the project. D. A team wishes to extend the project deadline.


Which of the following is NOT a recognized Agile metric for user stories? A. Cycle time B. Ideal time C. Story points D. Conditions of satisfaction


Which of the following is a collaborative approach to defining requirements and business-oriented functional tests for software products based on capturing and illustrating requirements using realistic examples instead of abstract statements? A. Work Instructions (WI) B. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) C. Requirements Manual (RM) D. Specifications by Example (SBE)


Which of the following is a critical consideration for Agile teams? A. Eliminating the need for servant-leadership. B. Using correct Agile lexicon. C. Planning on following the "perfect" Agile process. D. Tailoring Agile processes to ensure positive outcomes.


Which of the following is an artifact that an Agile team must produce by the end of each retrospective? A. Work breakdown structure B. Product acceptance criteria. C. Risk register. D. List of improvement actions.


Which of the following is regarded as the most collaborative contracting approach? A. Graduated time and materials B. Not-to-exceed time and materials C. Dynamic scope option D. Team augmentation


Which of the following is the best strategy for forming an Agile team? A. Team of specialists B. Team of generalists C. Team of versatilists D. Mixed team of generalists and specialists


Which of the following is the critical problem associated with change control policies used in traditional approaches to project management? A. These focus on reviewing change and associated impact in detail before approving/rejecting them. B. These do not help in controlling gold plating. C. These do not help in controlling scope creep. D. These constrain product changes, even highly valuable changes.


Which of the following measures determines the interest rate of a cash flow stream? A. ROI B. DCF C. NPV D. IRR


Which of the following models can help in empowering Agile project teams? A. Theory X B. Root cause analysis C. Rewards and penalties D. Servant-leadership model


Which of the following project conditions leads to increased cycle times? A. Decrease in work in progress. B. Increase in number of features. C. Decrease in number of features. D. Increase in work in process.


Which of the following statements regarding Agile environments is incorrect? A. Many Agile frameworks and approaches do not address the role of the project manager. B. Pragmatic Agile practitioners realize that project managers can add significant value in many situations. C. Agile teams are self-organizing and self-managing. D. The role of the project manager has been clearly articulated in many Agile frameworks.


Which of the following would you avoid during retrospectives? A. Identifying small improvements. B. Identifying major breakthroughs. C. Learning from previous work. D. Blame game.


Who determines the "Conditions of Satisfaction" for the user stories? A. Scrum Master B. Agile Team C. Agile Coach D. Product Owner


You and your Agile team are currently analyzing your project's backlog. You want to identify the stories that have historically delighted the users but now have become their basic requirements. Which Agile techniques are you applying? A. Fishbone analysis B. Backlog grooming C. Value stream mapping D. Kano analysis


You are conducting a workshop on Agile methods, tools and techniques. Most of the participants have a background in traditional project management which pivots around managing project baselines. How does Agile view project baselines? A. Agile teams focus primarily on scope baseline and disregard cost and schedule baselines. B. Project baselines are promises that Agile team strive to meet. C. All project baselines are consolidated into a single product backlog. D. Baselines are often an artifact of attempted prediction.


You are examining your project's statistics. For the iterations, one to six the team's velocity has been 40, 50, 43, 47, 46, and 44 story points respectively. What is the most reasonable velocity estimate for the next sprint? A. Future velocity cannot be predicted. B. 40 story points. C. 50 story points. D. 45 story points.


You are leading a 500 story date-driven project that should produce the final release in six months. If the expected velocity is 25 story points per three-week iteration. How many iterations will be required to complete the project? A. 20 B. 75 C. 167 D. 9


You are leading a five year long project. Your cost analyst reported that the accounting rate of return is 50% which can only be realized at the end of the project. You are not sure how meaningful that information is as the inflation rates haven't been factored in by the cost analyst. Which of the following financial measures will produce a more reliable estimate in this situation? A. Discount rate B. Net future value C. Interest rate D. Net present value


You are leading a major automation project for an external client. So far over a thousand user stories have been captured by your business analyst. Due to the number and the limited functionality of each user story, the product owner is struggling to prioritize them. How should you resolve this issue? A. Estimate relative story points and prioritize user stories by their sizes. B. Merging related stories into larger epics and then prioritize the themes relative to one another. C. Estimate ideal days and prioritize user stories by their sizes. D. Combine related stories into larger themes and then prioritize the themes relative to one another.


You are leading a traditional to Agile transformation initiative for your organization. Which of the following is the best way of using a Kanban board on this project? A. Showing new approaches already in use as "tested", those being tried as "in-tray" and those still waiting to be introduced as "out-tray". B. Showing new approaches already in use as "in-tray", those being tried as "tested" and those still waiting to be introduced as "ready". C. Showing new approaches already in use as "in progress", those being tried as "in trial" and those still waiting to be introduced as "to do". D. Showing new approaches already in use as "done", those being tried as "in progress" and those still waiting to be introduced as "to do".


You are leading an Agile project that will introduce a disruptive technology to the market. The team and the product owner have brainstormed together to define a huge list of features. These features were then classified according to the Kano model. If the project budget and duration are critical considerations, which of the following approaches is NOT advisable? A. Developing as many linear features as possible. B. Developing at least a few delighters. C. Developing all of the must-have features. D. Developing all of the identified features.


You are leading an Agile project with a significant number of requirements. You want to group the product features for the product owner. Which of the following will provide the most flexibility to the product owner in prioritizing the requirements? A. Features must be grouped by functionality. B. Features must be sorted based on their story size. C. Features must be sorted based on business value. D. Features must be written so as to minimize the technical dependencies between them.


You are leading an Agile project. The team has proposed using a Kanban board to manage the team's work in progress and spot bottlenecks. The following work flow has been agreed on for the Kanban board: Ready -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> System Test -> Done. If the team wants to limit its WIP, where are these limits shown on the board? A. The WIP limits are shown in the "Ready" column. B. The WIP limits are shown in the "Done" column. C. The WIP limits are shown against each work item. D. The WIP limits are shown at the top of each column.


You are leading an Agile team developing a factory automation system. From time to time, you rely on customer feedback to validate the functionality of the system being developed. Which Agile event is used to capture this feedback? A. Backlog grooming B. Retrospective C. Spike event D. Iteration demonstration


You are managing a complex organizational redesign project. Reviewing project's statistics you determined that the team completes 75 story points on average per iteration. Reviewing the backlog, you determine that there are about another 750 points remaining. If each interval is time-boxed at two weeks, when you do expect to complete the project? A. Agile teams cannot predict project completion. B. In about 75 weeks from now. C. In about 10 weeks from now. D. In about 20 weeks from now.


You have just been assigned as the project manager for a new project. The goal of the project is to cut the production cost of raw materials in the next six months so that the company can lower the price of goods and obtain a competitive advantage. According to the feasibility report there a couple of feasible approaches that have been analyzed that can result in reasonable cost savings. What is the problem with this objective? A. It is not time-bound. B. It is not attainable. C. It is not specific. D. It is not measurable


You have recently noticed that many of the daily team stand-ups are turning into a status meeting and swaying away from the stand-up principles. You think this is more of a facilitation issue than a team issue. Which of the following might help you in this situation? A. Encourage the project manager to facilitate the stand-ups. B. Encourage the scrum master to facilitate the stand-ups. C. Encourage the product owner to facilitate the stand-ups. D. Encourage team members to facilitate the stand-ups in a round-robin fashion.


You want to use your project team to generate a large number of ideas and then prioritize them against a defined set of criteria. Which of the following activities can help the team generate a large list of divergent ideas? A. Affinity diagrams B. Multi-voting C. Pareto Analysis D. Brainstorming


You will be leading a complex organizational restructure project in the near future. The goal of the project is to optimize organizational workflows and reduce costs by at least 20%. Since, everybody will be affected by this project, you need to consider a big number of stakeholders. During the project, you would need some timely business decisions to be taken. Who makes business decisions on Agile projects? A. Servant-leader B. End customer C. Functional managers D. Product owner


Your organization has a standing ethics review committee, and you are a member of this committee. A complaint has been filed against a project leader for allegedly violating a number of company policies. If the allegations are proved, they would be terminated for cause. During the investigation, their boss has been uncooperative. He asked the committee investigators not to contact his employee directly and has tried to slow down the process of investigation. What should you do? A. Check into the nature of the relationship between the project leader and the boss. B. Conduct a more detailed investigation. C. Call the project leader for an interview. D. Refer the issue to the appropriate management.


11. You are leading an Agile project. The team has proposed using a Kanban board to manage the team's work in progress and spot bottlenecks. Which of the following is the correct order of categories for the flow of work items on a Kanban board? A. Ready -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> System Test -> Done B. Ready -> Done -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> System Test C. Develop and Unit Test -> Ready -> Dev-Done -> System Test -> Done D. Ready -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> Done -> System Test


12. A dedicated Agile team is currently working on an ERP system customization and deployment project five days a week. Each iteration is time-boxed at three weeks. A total of 500 story points were estimated at the start of the project. The team has recently completed its 4th iteration on the project and have successfully delivered 30 story points during this iteration. So far, the team has delivered a total of 120 story points on the project. If no new stories have been added to the project since initiation, what was the lead time (in weeks) for the 30 stories delivered during the last iteration? A. 12 B. 0.5 C. 2 D. 9


15. If the amount of new functionality to be developed is fixed, how should a good release plan account for the project uncertainties? A. By providing a date range for project completion. B. By keeping the project open-ended. C. By providing an estimate of standard deviation along with the deadline estimate. D. By keeping the completion estimates within the team.


15. You are currently conducting a culture assessment for an organization. As a first step, you want to identify areas where organizational emphasis is often applied. How should you start collecting this information? A. Thorough conversations with stakeholders, team members, and senior management. B. Thorough a review of lessons learned from the completed project. C. Thorough a review of enterprise environmental factors. D. Thorough a review of organizational policies and procedures.


16. You have recently completed a project iteration and prior to the commencement of the next iteration, a few defects have been found. Rather than fixing the defects, the project team is insisting on converting these into user stories and prioritizing with the rest of the stories. What is your view? A. The project team is right. B. The project team is wrong, the next iteration cannot commence until all defects have been fixed. C. The project team is wrong, the defects need to be fixed immediately. D. The project team is always right.


19. Which of the following user stories can be best estimated? A. Those that are within one order of magnitude in size. B. Those that are part of the highest valued theme. C. Those that fulfil the non-functional requirements of a product. D. Those that involve state-of-the-art technology.


23. Agile approaches promise better user experience of project deliverables in comparison to the traditional waterfall-based approaches. This is due to: A. Early and continual involvement of users. B. Early development of an exhaustive product backlog. C. Relying less on documentation and more on processes. D. Relying less on processes and more on documentation.


23. An Agile team has recently completed the project release planning stage. What is the next step in the planning cycle? A. Iteration plan B. Product roadmap C. Daily plan D. Product vision


28. What do we mean by "backlog grooming"? A. Adding, removing and reprioritizing items in the feature list. B. Estimating user stories using story points. C. Arranging work packages into a logical sequence. D. Developing Agile team and helping them perform.


3. During which of the following Agile approaches is project planning managed through weekly and quarterly cycles? A. XP B. Scrum C. Lean D. Kanban


32. Your project's next iteration retrospective is coming up. The last retrospective didn't go well and the team went off track. This time you want to help the team put aside other concerns and focus on the retrospective. What do you need to do this time? A. Set the stage using check-ins B. Keep the distractors out of the meeting. C. Request the product owner to lead the session. D. Conduct the retrospectives on a daily basis


4. You have been assigned as the Agile coach for an Agile team. Which of the following is your correct role? A. Mentor B. Facilitator C. Problem solver D. Information radiator


4. Your firm, a tunnel construction company, has recently won a contract to construct a network of underground tunnels for a new metro project in the city. The project site contains a network of interconnected geysers and hot springs. These network paths cannot be accurately mapped due to the complexity of the terrain and available technology. Which of the following is the best approach to be used on this project? A. Deliver the project in increments, one line at a time and adjust the designs as new information becomes available. B. Do a detailed design before commencing project work and keep the costs under budget. C. Given the complexities, the project needs to be abandoned. D. Start all lines at the same time and be prepared to tackle probable flooding of the lines.


5. Which of these techniques is used during the retrospective closing that helps generate feedback on the retrospective process and gauge the effectiveness of the session from the team members' perspectives? A. ROTI B. IRR C. ROI D. NPV


6. Which of the following is a technique used during retrospectives to identify team strengths and improvement opportunities? A. Delta B. Gamma C. Beta D. Alpha


6. Which of the following techniques requires frequent incorporation of work into the whole, no matter the product, and then retest to determine that the entire product still works as intended? A. Continuous integration B. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) C. S pikes D. Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)


A project team has recently adopted Agile approaches to project management. However, the team is still not proficient in these methods as it has only recently adopted these approaches. Which of the following questions should the team address to ensure it has successfully adopted an Agile Mindset? A. How can the team deliver quickly and obtain early feedback to benefit the next delivery cycle? B. How to ensure all contractual obligations are fulfilled? C. How can project management processes be tailored to suit each project? D. How to handle confidential information during the project?


A resource on your project has asked for a copy of the word processing software in use at your company so that they can install it at home and complete project work from there. What do you do? A. Refer him to the IT group for assistance. B. Show him where to download a copy on the Internet. C. Loan him your personal copy. D. Burn a copy of the software on CD.


A software vendor on your project is hoping to be awarded a contract providing software for another project at your company. You are not leading the other project. However, the vendor offers you tickets to an upcoming professional sports event if you will "put in a good word" for his company to the vendor selection team of the other project. What do you do? A. Decline the tickets and notify appropriate management of the situation. B. Accept the tickets if company policy allows it and provide a recommendation for that vendor to the other project team. C. Fire the vendor. D. Decline the tickets but provide a recommendation for the vendor.


A team is new to Agile approaches and is currently struggling with the new concepts, tools, and techniques. How would you explain ideal time to them. A. How long a story will take to complete without any interruptions. B. The expected time required to deliver a story considering team assignments C. The shortest duration required to deliver a story. D. The ideal time to include stories in an iteration plan.


A team is planning its first iteration on a project. The team is considering using historical values to forecast the team's velocity on this project. Which of the following is irrelevant to this consideration? A. Is the project charter the same? B. Is the working environment the same? C. Is the domain the same? D. Is the technology the same?


A team is using the Five Whys technique to uncover the underlying root cause of a problem. However, after the fifth iteration the team thinks that the real root cause hasn't been discovered. You may proceed in a number of directions from this point EXCEPT: A. Using the cause identified in the fourth iteration. B. Include some subject matter experts during the activity. C. Use a fishbone chart to see if other areas are also explored. D. Do a couple of rounds to see if the root cause is found.


A variation between story points completed and the story points planned on a burndown chart can indicate a number of things. Which of the following is usually not a cause of such variations? A. Duration of the iteration. B. Effect of team members C. Effect of large stories. D. Team members out of the office.


Agile teams rely on simplified cost calculations for each iteration rather than developing extensive project budgets during a planning phase at the start of the project. In Agile lexicon, this is also known as: A. Run rate B. Burn down C. User stories D. Epics


All of the following are data gathering activities EXCEPT: A. Fishbone B. Mad Sad Glad C. Triple Nickels D. Timeline


Although the payback period is very commonly used to financially compare two or more projects, the primary disadvantage to the payback period is that: A. It fails to take into account the time value of money. B. It fails to take into account the future cash flows beyond the breakeven period. C. It calculates the breakeven point based on the estimated cash flows. D. It discounts the cash flows based on market interest rate.


An Agile team collected all the requirements for a particular project iteration. These requirements were translated to the design specifications followed by the development work. During the acceptance testing, the team realized that some of the design assumptions were not valid and most of the features requires rework. What went wrong? A. The team fell into the trap of mini-waterfall. B. The team didn't document the assumptions in the design specifications. C. Nothing went wrong, Agile teams welcome rework. D. The requirements collection process was probably flawed.


An Agile team has a firm release date. As a result of this constraint, not all of the identified features will be developed. In such a situation, which of the following features would you recommend to be dropped from the release plan? A. High risk and low value. B. High risk and high value C. Low risk and low value. D. Low risk and high value.


An Agile team is working on a complex enterprise resource management system development project. The huge product backlog was prioritized based on their relative values. During each iteration, the team develops and successfully demonstrates the completed user stories. However, due to the prioritization of the user stories, user stories selected for a particular iteration may not be related with the user stories completed during the previous iteration. Which of the following activity will be a challenge in this situation? A. Continuous integration. B. Prototyping of the completed features. C. User stories sizing. D. Backlog refinement.


An organization has recently begun its Agile transformation. Which of the following can help motivate more frequent handoffs across departments, and thus more frequent interactions and a faster flow of value across the organization? A. Size of project deliverables. B. Highly functionalized structures. C. Agile PMO. D. Geographically distributed project sites.


During a retrospective meeting, team members work in pairs to brainstorm all the tasks necessary to complete an improvement idea. After brainstorming, team members eliminate redundant tasks and fill in gaps. The tasks are then arranged in order, and team members sign up for tasks they will complete. What Agile activity is this? A. Retrospective planning game. B. Developing a release plan. C. Planning poker. D. Developing an iteration plan.


Earned value in Agile is: A. Based on finished features. B. Similar to the traditional earned value management. C. Not a valid technique. D. A measure of the project's ROI.


Geographically distributed teams need virtual workspaces. Which of the following are the techniques generally considered for managing communication in a dispersed team? A. Fishbowl windows and remote pairing B. Video conference and collocation C. Fishbone diagrams and pair programming D. Kanban boards and burndown charts


Ideally, Agile team members should be collocated. However, there could be a number of reasons why this might not be practical. Which of the following are some of the benefits of having a dispersed team instead of a collocated team? A. Global presence, economy of scale, and reduced costs. B. Global presence C. Reduced costs D. Economy of scale


If a project costing $125,000 produces a $139,000 return at the end of a year, what is the interest rate? A. 0.112 B. 0.106 C. 0.114 D. 0.101


If all features on a project have been classified by their risk and business value, which of the following group of themes would you recommend starting at the very last A. The features that have less impact on the total value and have low risk. B. The features that have low value, especially those that are also high risk. C. The features that deliver high value and eliminate the maximum risk from the project. D. The features that deliver high value but are less risky.


In an Agile team, who is responsible for resolving project bottlenecks? A. Project team B. Project manager C. Agile coach D. Servant-leader


In contrast to waterfall teams, Agile teams do not report a percentage of completion of each WIP item. Which of the following is the biggest problem associated with traditional status reporting? A. Predictive measurements often do not reflect reality. B. Projects are never completed on time. C. Project scope can change anytime. D. Status reporting encourages documentation which is not an Agile way to solve problems.


It's easy to tell when a feature is 0% done (we haven't started it) and it's relatively easy to tell when we're 100% done (all tests passed for all the product owner's conditions of satisfaction). It is often hard to measure the progress anywhere in between. How should you report progress when faced with such a situation? A. Stick with 0% for work in progress and 100% complete once all conditions of satisfactions are met. B. Decompose stories into tasks and sub-tasks and do a bottom-up percentage of completion estimation. C. Mark the feature 50% complete upon completion of development and 100% complete when the conditions of satisfactions are met. D. Mark the feature 80% complete upon completion of development and 100% complete when the conditions of satisfactions are met.


Many traditional plans are created with the assumption that all identified project requirements will be completed and so the work is typically prioritized and sequenced for the convenience of the project team. What is the main disadvantage with this sort of requirements prioritization? A. Lower value requirements might get delivered earlier than higher value requirements. B. Requirements might get changed during the course of the project. C. Once requirements have been prioritized, they become a baseline for progress measurement. D. Formal change control procedures influence all change requests.


On a Scrum project, who is responsible for helping the team remove project impediments? A. Scrum master B. Project sponsor C. Product owner D. Agile Coach


On your project, you are not required to meet a precise deadline with a precise set of delivered functionality. Instead, you are required to deliver a high-quality software as fast as possible over a sustained period. How should you add buffers to your project? A. Don't add any buffers. B. Add feature buffers. C. Add schedule buffers. D. Add both the feature and schedule buffers.


Recently a handful of defects have been reported on the product. Fixing these defects during the current iteration would add significant workload. What do you recommend? A. Fixing all defects in the iteration once they are discovered. B. Scheduling all defect repair for the next iteration. C. Scheduling all defect repair for the last iteration. D. Ignoring the defects until project closure.


Some people insist new organizational structures be installed before any cultural shift can begin. Others argue that new organizational structures are only superficial adjustments until the collective culture moves in a meaningful direction. What is your view on this? A. One cannot progress without the other. B. Culture first needs to move in a meaningful direction. C. Organizational structure needs to be installed first. D. Organizational structure is not related to the organizational culture.


Story points are the most widely used unit of measure for estimating Agile story sizes. How does an Agile team determine the size of a story? A. By comparing the size of a story with already estimated stories. B. By performing a bottom-up estimate. C. By estimating the number of person hours required. D. By estimating the time requirements.


The Kanban Board is a work in process management tool originated from: A. Toyota Production Systems B. Six Sigma C. ISO's Quality Management System D. Total Quality Management


The linear trend of a burndown chart is usually: A. Downward sloping B. Upward sloping C. Horizontal to the y-axis D. Vertical to the y-axis


The project sponsor took over the leadership of your Agile project while you were away on a holiday. In your absence, the sponsor asked for a detailed project schedule and the team developed a detailed task-level, resource-loaded Gantt chart. What should be your next step now? A. Revoke the detailed schedule and explain your reasons to the sponsor. B. Create feeding buffers and pad the schedule. C. Continue tracking the project against the recently developed schedule. D. Retain the schedule but drop the resource assignments.


Two projects are currently being analyzed. Project A will yield a net profit of $300,000 at the end of the second year. Project B will yield a net profit of $310,000 by the end of the fourth year. Assuming a 3% interest rate, which of the following is correct? A. Project A has a PV that is $7,348 higher than Project B's PV. B. Project B has a PV that is $7,348 higher than Project A's PV. C. Project B is financially more attractive than Project A. D. These projects are equal in net returns.


What are the typical five W's on a fishbone diagram? A. What, Who, When, Where, and Why B. Work, Workflows, Waste, Weather, and When C. Defects, Overproduction, Transportation, Waiting, and Inventory D. Plan, Do, Check, Act and Confirm


What is Hoshin Kanri? A. A strategy or policy deployment method. B. Visual feedback system. C. A philosophy that reminds us to get out of our offices and spend time on the plant floor. D. Part of the manufacturing process limiting the overall throughput.


What is a team's velocity? A. The rate of story points delivery. B. The average of story points delivered in an iteration. C. The median cycle time of user stories. D. The rate of change of story points.


What is the difference between an Epic and a Theme? A. An epic is a large user story while a theme is a collection of user stories. B. A theme is a large user story while an epic is a collection of user stories. C. A theme is a subset of a user story while an epic is a superset of user stories. D. An epic is a subset of a user story while a theme is a superset of user stories.


What is the purpose of conducting a "Color Code Dots" activity during an iteration retrospective? A. Show how people experienced events on the timeline. B. Show resource requirements for completing the backlog items. C. Show the delays occurred on the project. D. Show the progress of the project.


What is the role of the product owner in a planning poker meeting? A. The product owner answers any questions that the estimators have. B. The product owner can assume any role but the moderator of the planning poker meeting. C. The product owner assumes the role of chief estimator. D. The product owner estimates story sizes.


When conducting a Triple Nickels activity with six team members, which of the following is NOT recommended: A. Dividing the group into smaller teams. B. Ask the participants to write their ideas on a piece of paper and pass on every five minutes. C. Passing the ideas paper only five times. D. The retrospective leader should facilitate the activity.


When conducting a release planning meeting, what should be the prime goal of the Agile team? A. Deliver smallest increment that provides the highest value to the customer. B. Develop a minimum viable product. C. Deliver all captured requirements in the smallest possible time. D. Deliver the product in the least possible cost budget.


Which of the following attributes of an Agile team facilitate better communication and improve team dynamics? A. Collocation B. Stable work environment C. Cross-functional team members D. Dedicated people


Which of the following financial measures help us look at a cash flow stream as a single, present value amount? A. NPV B. Payback Period C. ROI D. IRR


Which of the following is NOT considered a good Agile practice? A. Forming a large Agile team proportional to the project size. B. Restructuring large projects as multiple smaller projects. C. Reducing the team down to its critical core members. D. Trying a technology trial project first and then an implementation project.


Which of the following is an effective and light-weight iteration or release retrospective closing technique that helps the retrospective leader get feedback to improve skills and processes? A. Helped, Hindered, Hypothesis B. Inputs, Process, Outputs, Feedback loop C. Current State, Future State, Gap Analysis D. Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer


Which of the following is generally considered the LAST option to estimate a team's velocity? A. Making a forecast. B. Running an iteration. C. Using historical values. D. Running a few iterations


Which of the following is not a typical component of an Agile project charter? A. Feasibility Study B. Intended flow of work C. Project vision D. Release criteria


Which of the following is not an Agile approach to project management? A. Front-loaded planning. B. Avoiding work in order to focus on high-priority items. C. Obtaining early feedback. D. Acting in a transparent manner.


Which of the following is the correct formula for estimating the number of iterations remaining on the project? A. Points remaining/velocity B. Total story points/number of user stories) * velocity C. Total story points/number of user stories D. Number of user stories/total story points


Which of the following methodology involves a system design and validation practice that uses test-first principles and English-like scripts? A. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) B. Kanban method C. Agile Unified Process D. Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)


Which of the following planning techniques allows detailed planning of only the work that needs to be accomplished in the near term, while the work in the future is kept at a higher level? A. Rolling Wave Planning B. Planning Poker C. Hoshin Kanri D Kanban Planning


Which of the following regarding AgileUP and Unified Process (UP) is correct? A. AgileUP features more accelerated cycles and less heavyweight processes than Unified Process. B. AgileUP features less accelerated cycles and more heavyweight processes than Unified Process. C. AgileUP features less accelerated cycles and less heavyweight processes than Unified Process. D. AgileUP features more accelerated cycles and more heavyweight processes than Unified Process.


Which of the following requires system-level testing for end-to-end information, unit testing for the building blocks, and, in between, determines if there is a need for integration testing? A. Test at all levels. B. Continuous integration. C. Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). Behavior Driven Development (BDD).


Which of the following situation will increase an Agile project's ROI? A. Releasing the prioritized features sooner than planned. B. Employing Agile tools such as Kanban board and burndown charts. C. Investing the unused budget in the stock market. D. Focusing primarily on the "Must have" features.


Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding Agile approaches: A. Agile is a blanket term for a unique approach. B. Agile is based on a values driven mindset. C. Lean is a superset of Agile. D. Agile includes many approaches such as Scrum, XP, FDD, etc.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Kanban method? A. The Kanban method is less prescriptive than some Agile approaches and less disruptive. B. The Kanban method is relatively difficult to implement. C. The Kanban method prescribes the use of timeboxed iterations. D. The Kanban method is based on the principle of pushing items through the process.


Which of the following statements regarding Agile release planning is incorrect? A. Agile release planning focuses on features that will be released by the end of each project iteration. B. Release planning is the process of creating a very high-level plan that covers a period longer than an iteration. C. The product owner and the whole team decide how much must be developed and how long that will take before they have a releasable product. D. A typical release plan will cover perhaps three to six months and maybe three to twelve or more iterations.


You are currently forming a team for a project that will be developed on Agile principles and practices. You requested a full-time accountant on the team but got a part-time accountant. What should you do first? A. Negotiate with the functional manager for a full-time resource. B. Ask the part-time resource to maintain daily time-sheets. C. Escalate the issue to the product owner. D. Plan enough work in each iteration so that the part-time resources do not get overloaded.


You are invited to lunch by the manager of a seller organization. Your organization does not permit receipt of gifts from vendors. You should: A. Insist on paying for your lunch. B. Avoid going out to lunch with anyone from the seller organization. C. Accept the offer since it has a very small value. D. Go out for lunch and refrain from informing your managers about the lunch.


You are leading a project that involves some safety-critical products that will require additional documentation and conformance checks beyond what Agile processes suggest. What should you do? A. Have appropriate additional layers of conformance review, documentation, and certification that is required by the project. B. Complete the project using Agile approaches and then develop the required documentation using traditional approaches. C. Arrange Agile training sessions for the customer in hopes that they relax the documentation and conformance requirements. D. Switch to traditional project management approaches as Agile approaches will not be effective in this environment.


You are leading a project that was initiated as a result of your organization's Blue Ocean Strategy. The product of the project will have features that have never been developed by anyone. These features are supposed to serve the unknown needs of the customers. According to the Kano model, these features are known as: A. Delighters B. Linear C. Must-have D. Threshold


You are leading an Agile project. A big number of features need to be developed and due to the uncertainty involved the effort level required to develop each feature cannot be reliably estimated. If all of the identified features have to be developed, which of the following techniques can protect the on-time completion of the overall project? A. Schedule buffer B. Cycle time C. Feature buffer D. Ideal time


You are leading an Agile project. The team has proposed using a Kanban board to manage the team's work in progress and spot bottlenecks. The following work flow has been agreed on for the Kanban board: Ready -> Develop and Unit Test -> Dev-Done -> System Test -> Done. According to this Kanban board, the lead time of an item is the: A. The time an item enters the "Ready" bin till the time it exits the "Done" bin. B. The time an item enters the "Develop and Unit Test" bin till the time it exits the "Done" bin. C. The time an item enters the "Develop and Unit Test" bin till the time it enters the "Done" bin. D. The time an item enters the "Ready" bin till the time it enters the "Done" bin.


You are leading an Agile team responsible for developing an ERP system for an organization. The enterprise PMO has asked to develop a detailed schedule Gantt chart and report Red/Amber/Green status against each project task on a weekly basis. What's your opinion about the enterprise PMO? A. Enterprise PMO hasn't transitioned to Agile practices. B. Enterprise PMO cannot exist in an Agile organization. C. Enterprise PMO has the right to demand project status reports in the format they deem fit. D. Enterprise PMO should also focus on project risk and issues and not primarily on the project schedule.


You are leading an ERP development project and currently developing a release plan. Which of the following are the general steps involved during a release plan? A. Conditions of satisfaction -> estimating user stories -> prioritizing user stories -> selecting release date. B. Estimating user stories -> prioritizing user stories -> conditions of satisfaction -> selecting release date. C. Estimating user stories -> conditions of satisfaction -> selecting release date > prioritizing user stories. D. Selecting release date -> conditions of satisfaction -> estimating user stories -> prioritizing user stories.


You are managing a complex project. The project objectives are known but the exact scope of work cannot be defined. Which of the following provisions can allow you to withdraw from a contractual relationship halfway through the project? A. Early cancellation clause B. No-contest clause C. Force majeure clause D. Non-compete clause


You are responsible for deploying a new supply chain management system for a client organization. You need to analyze the client organization's current processes and procedures, design future-state processes in consultation with the subject matter experts at the client organization, and customize the supply chain system to suit these processes. According to the contract, all prototypes presented to the client must accompany user instruction sets. Your team is objecting to this documentation requirements and insist in developing a user manual only at the very end of the project. What should you do? A. Let the team know that producing the user instruction set with the released prototype is a contractual requirement. B. Negotiate with the client organization and convince them to drop the documentation requirement. C. Negotiate with the team and convince them to develop comprehensive documentation before releasing any prototypes. D. Accept the team's demand; Agile Manifesto values working software over comprehensive documentation.


You are the project leader of a project executing work under a contract signed with a buyer organization. Just after the project has started, you notice that the buyer organization had made a mistake in the financial terms, and your organization stands to benefit considerably from this oversight. What should your stance be? A. Bring the error to the notice of the buyer organization and have an amendment made to the contract since this was in good faith. B. Do not take any action since a contract is a binding and legal document. C. Informally check with your counterpart in the buyer organization to see whether he or she noticed this error. D. Discuss with your management on how you could gain a bonus due to the increased revenue your company stands to gain.


You have been assigned to automate the core processes of an organization. Due to the size and the complexity of the project you would need multiple Agile teams working concurrently to achieve the project objectives. Which of the following approach is NOT recommended in this situation? A. Scrum B. Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) C. Scrum of Scrum of Scrums D. Scrum of Scrums


You have been assigned to lead a massive enterprise process reengineering and automation project. Due to the size and complexity of the project, a very large team has been formed. You have split the larger team into smaller teams and have asked each team to estimate a subset of stories. However, before each team starts their own estimating, which of the following activities must first be conducted? A. Start all teams together in a joint planning poker game for an hour or so and have them estimate 10 to 20 stories. B. Assign one estimating chief for each team and appoint a chief of chiefs. C. Conduct a detailed feasibility and cost-benefit analysis for the project. D. Decompose all epics and themes into smaller user stories so that they can be more accurately estimated.


You have been hired as an Agile coach by an organization that has recently decided to transition to Agile approaches. Which of the following Agile approaches can help the in shifting a team's focus from creating a perfect plan at the start of the project to creating a plan that is more useful in the short term? A. Re-planning frequently. B. Selecting no more than 30 story points per iteration. C. Creating smaller Agile teams. D. Replacing the project manager with a Scrum master.


You have been recently hired in an organization as an Agile Coach. The organization has recently recognized the benefits of the Agile approach to project management and have also successfully piloted a couple of projects using the approach. You have overheard Rupesh, a project manager at the organization, claiming that an Agile project doesn't need to be planned and the project team should always be ready to accommodate all sort of changes. What is your view about this? A. Rupesh is wrong, while responding to change is valued more than following a plan, that doesn't mean Agile projects do not require any planning effort. B. Rupesh is always wrong, further he's is not PMI certified. C. Rupesh is correct, the Agile Manifesto mandates responding to change over following a plan. D. Rupesh is correct; he has recently completed a couple of Agile projects.


You have just been awarded a new project. The goal of the project is to cut the indirect production cost of your manufacturing client by 15% with a focus on inventory management costs. You are confident that you can achieve this goal as you have recently helped several other organizations in the same industry to achieve a similar objective by introducing your proprietary inventory management and control framework. What is the problem with the project objective? A. It is not time-bound. B. It is not measurable. C. It is not specific. D. It is not attainable.


You have recently been hired to head the projects management office of a government organization. The projects management office is responsible for managing a wide range of improvement and transformation projects. Historically all past projects were managed using a traditional waterfall approach. You believe a hybrid of Agile and waterfall approaches is most suitable for most of the projects. How should you approach this transformation? A. Plan a gradual transformation. B. Switchover to a hybrid model immediately for all projects. C. Continue with the waterfall approach for ongoing projects but use the hybrid approach for all new projects. D. Stick to the waterfall approach as this method is best suited for governmental setups


You have recently helped an organization transition to Agile. The new Agile teams have started to work in a cohesive and cooperative manner. You are expecting this transition to challenge some of the traditional HR policies in the company, because: A. Individual incentives would make less sense and managers might struggle with the performance appraisals of the self-organizing teams. B. Individual incentives would become more relevant and managers might conduct better performance appraisals of the self-organizing teams. C. Individual incentives would become more relevant and managers might struggle with the performance appraisals of the self-organizing teams. D. Individual incentives would make less sense and managers might conduct better performance appraisals of the self-organizing teams.


Your project manager has called a team meeting. The meeting agenda is to obtain team's consensus on multiple items such as, what "ready" means, what "done" means, how time-box will be respected, and what work in process limits will be used. What is the project manager trying to develop? A. Working agreement B. Project charter C. Iteration plan D. Kanban board


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Ch8. Database Application Development

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