Act 1 taming of the shrew
Why does gremio feel Baptsia is treating Bianca unfairly?
He doesnt understand why bianca has to wait until her older sister is married
What comes over lucentio as he watches Bianca?
He falls in love with her instantly because shes beautiful
Describe Katherine how is she different from her sister? How is the audience meant to interpret her behavior?
Her sister is quite and she speaks when spoken to while katheine is aurgmentative. If someone insults her she throws an insult back. Sje speaks her mind
What is lucentios family situation
Hes from a wealthy family
Where is Lucemtio from and what is he doing in Padua
Hes is from pisa and hes passing through padus to go to school.
Lucentio observes of Bianca, "but in the other silences do I see/ maids mild behavior and sobriety." What does this suggest about the view of a woman's ideal role in Shakespeare's era?
Men dont want to marry someone like katherine who is outspoken. They want the women to be obedient and quite
Hortensio believes that it is possible to find a husband for Kate, despite her outspoken nature. What type of man does he think would accept Kate?
Someone will marry kate because of her money
Traino, Lucentios servant, reminds him that "no profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en/ in brief, sir, study what you most affect" what does he mean?
Study what he likes
Lucentio and tranio come up with an elaborate scheme that will enable lucentio to woo Bianca. What is that scheme? How is it further embellished with the arrival of biondello?
The scheme is that lucentio will become a teacher and tranio woll be a student who needs tutoring. At the arrival of biondello someone notices they switched places and told him they killed a guy and had to switch roles because he didnt want to be seen.