Ad Media Final

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The SWOT analysis includes an in-depth look at the brand's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and turmoils. (T / F)


The communication brief should clearly state the problem that media must solve for the campaign. (T/F)


The first quarter is always the most competitive when it comes to advertising while the fourth quarter usually sees a drop in advertising. (T / F)


The media plan is most often tied in with the ""Product"" portion of the 4 Ps. (T / F)


The objectives funnel starts with advertising objectives that lead to marketing objectives that lead to media objectives. (T / F)


In outdoor advertising, the short exposure time does not limit the breadth of the creative message being communicated.

FALSE Short message may limit creative breadth and message effectiveness. Continuous exposure, day and night

Earned media relies on consumer participation so there are no guarantees that consumers will love your brand all of the time.


Earned media should attract audiences to the brand, and should complement, not replace or compete, with traditional messages.


In today's over-communicated world, having a strong owned media program can set the brand apart from its competition.


Many advertisers try to select advertising media that reach followers, in hopes of persuading these individuals to learn about products and services and then tell others about them


Media planners typically trade off between the amount of media weight in a given purchase cycle versus the number of purchase cycles covered by the campaign. (T/F)


Media planning is not just a science, it is also an art.


Much like other media, outdoor is making the transition to digital by offering many different options for advertisers in the OOH space.


No audience member will be exposed to your advertisement every time it runs.


One of the main advantages of consumer magazines is flexible scheduling with issues typically offered weekly and monthly.


Ostrow's model relies on evaluating media, message, and market factors to determine optimum levels of frequency. (T/F)


Radio is considred a very intimate form of advertising because consumers often listen to it alone in the car or at the gym.


Real-time biding and programmatic ad buying are considered the future of digital.


Recency refers to the brand exposure closest to the point of purchase. (T / F)


Share of Spending (SOS) is the brand's percentage of total advertising dollars spent in the media. (T / F)


Since each medium can rarely due the job on its own, it is important to evaluate all possible vehicles to insure the most strategic plan.


Social media is unique in that it incudes paid, owned, and earned media.


Some media are shifting from a conduit for brands to tell their stories to being brands themselves. (T / F)


The Brand Opportunity Index (BOI) is calculated by dividing the CDI by the BDI. (T / F)


The future of social advertising is moving toward more hub-based solutions instead of website-based solutions.


The lack of visuals is not a disadvantage of radio because it is considered ""Theater of the Mind.""


There are two categories of paid media - advertising connections and consumer-supported content. (T / F)


When advertisers pay each time an engagement takes place online it is known as cost per action (CPA).


Like most other media, owned media allows you to control the message completely all of the time.

TRUE. Owned media allows you to control the message. There is no other media filter or context so the message you deliver is a pure brand message.

If demonstration is needed to communicate your message then print media is the most effective and broadcast media is not recommended. (T/F)


Media strategy is the specific strategy of using media whereas tactics are the specific media vehicles. (T/F)


Contingency dollars are those set aside for a variety of situations. (T/F)


One percent reach is the equivalent of one rating point. (T/F)


Both CPM and CPP are used to evaluate media efficiencies.


C3 ratings have been developed by Nielsen to help determine ad exposure through DVRs.


Radio offers promotional opportunities such as hosting announcers at off-site events known as ""Promos.""

? Radio offers promotional opportunities including hosting Announcers on site in a "remote," announcers sampling your product on air, or promoting running a competition

A _______________ provides a benchmark for determining how to budget for the coming year. (A) Percent of sales (B) Percent of advertising (C) Percent of market (D) Share of voice (E) None of the above


Advertising media are _________, not ___________. (A) Strategies, objectives (B) Tactics, strategies (C) Objectives, strategies (D) Strategies, tactics (E) None of the above


An online advertising network that offers run-of-site (ROS) and site-wise advertising is known as: (A) Vertical network (B) Blind network (C) Retargeted network (D) Targeted network (E) Horizontal network


Based on there being 52 weeks in the year, most advertising is purchased in _______ week flights. (A) 13 (B) 10 (C) 17 (D) 26 (E) 52


In media planning, a fiscal year and a calendar year are considered the same thing for each client. (T / F)


In outdoor advertising, the standard buy is ______ GRPs over a _____ week period. (A) 100 / 4 (B) 100 / 2 (C) 100 / 12 (D) 100 / 1 (E) None of the above


In the SWOT analysis, opportunities are considered to be what type of factor: (A) External (B) Explicit (C) Implicit (D) Internal (E) None of the above


In this type of media, the advertiser pays to leverage the channel. (A) Paid media (B) Owned media (C) Earned media (D) Shared media (E) None of the above


One way to measure earned media is through quantity which is analogous to the _________ of a brand. (A) Reach (B) Frequency (C) Impact (D) Continuity (E) None of the above


The ____________ is the percent of total media dollars spent in each category. (A) Share of spending (B) Share of voice (C) Share of competition (D) Share of market (E) None of the above


The frequency planning matrix evaluates brands based on maturity and _______________. (A) Awareness (B) Impact (C) Purchase intention (D) Click-through rate (E) None of the above


Thinking about scheduling waves, the high point of the most intense advertising is known as: (A) Flight (B) Sustaining period (C) Hiatus (D) Lift period (E) None of the above


This type of owned digital asset is specifically designed to allow companies to engage with consumers on the go: (A) Mobile apps (B) Delivery trucks (C) Social media (D) Company website (E) People


When advertising focuses on the general consumer rather than the distribution channel, you are using a ________ strategy. (A) Pull (B) Push (C) Maximize (D) Minimize (E) None of the above


When an on-air announcer uses a script to deliver an advertising message it is known as: (A) A live read (B) A produced spot (C) A donut (D) A sponsored post (E) None of the above


While there is not right or wrong way to determine your budget, you should always take into account your: (A) Target and objectives (B) Tactics and strategies (C) Objectves and flowchart (D) Flowchart and strategies (E) None of the above


In the search engine marketing arena, the key player is Bing which accounts for about 2/3 of all online searches.


A _________ is a fictitious person that embodies the characteristics of the group being targeted by the campaign. (A) Target group (B) Target persona (C) Target audience (D) Target market (E) None of the above


A media placement tactic that promotes a brand's websites by increasing their visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) is know as: (A) Search engine optimization (B) Search engine marketing (C) SERP marketing (D) Search engine placement (E) None of the above


A numerical display showing geographic or demographic areas of a brand's relative strength or weakness of sales is referred to as: (A) Category development index (CDI) (B) Brand development index (BDI) (C) Brand opportunity index (BOI) (D) Brand sales index (BSI) (E) None of the above


A television program's ___________ is the percentage of people currently watching that specific show determined from the total number of viewers watching television at that particular moment. (A) Rating (B) Share (C) Unduplicated audience (D) Area of dominant influence (E) Average reach


A website that is generally created and maintained by an individual and which includes regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video is called: (A) Review or opinion site (B) Blog (C) Network site (D) SNS (E) Geo-social network


According to the Geography lecture, a group of people living in a certain geographic area who are likely to buy a given product or brand is referred to as: (A) Spot area (B) Market (C) DSA (D) City (E) Metroplex


All of the following are advantages of newspapers EXCEPT: (A) Timely (B) Hasty reading (C) Broad reach (D) Quick results (E) Complete coverage


All of the following are measures to consider related to television EXCEPT: (A) HUT (B) Circulation (C) PUT (D) GRPs (E) Program share


Characteristics such as age, gender, income, education level and employment status would be classified as: (A) Sociographics (B) Demographics (C) Psychograpics (D) Technographics (E) None of the above


Common media mandatories include budget, geography, timing and creative implications, media already purchased, and _______________. (A) Sweepstakes (B) Sponsorships (C) Contests (D) Protocols (E) None of the above


Consumers typically do a variety of online activities - including all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Directed activities (i.e. goal oriented) (B) Passive activities (C) Social activities (D) Entertainment activities (E) None of the above


Dollars allocated to the creation of programs are known as: (A) Working dollars (B) Nonworking dollars (C) Contingency dollars (D) Agency dollars (E) None of the above


During produced radio spots there will often times be a period of silence in place for the announcer to ad commentary - this period of silence is known as: (A) A pause (B) A donut (C) A break (D) A ring (E) None of the above


If you purchased an ad that was 12 columns high by 3 columns wide it would be a total of ___________ column inches. (A) 15 (B) 36 (C) 24 (D) 12 (E) None of the above


In order to prepare a relevant SWOT analysis, you should always start with this in mind: (A) An executive summary (B) An objective (C) A business plan (D) A media mix (E) None of the above


Insights for the SWOT analysis should be derived from the media objectives rather than the situation analysis.


In order to provide a framework for tactics, media planners should incude a description, rationale, cost and total ____________________ for each tactic. (A) Rating points (B) Impressions (C) Scenarios (D) Consumer journeys (E) None of the above


In order to seed a message strongly with a target audience, media planners often _______________ the campaign. (A) Back load (B) Front load (C) Heavy up (D) Heavy load (E) None of the above


In social media, a representation of the user including name, image, and a list of interests is known as: (A) A web page (B) A profile (C) A smart list (D) A news feed (E) None of the above


Many consumers trust __________ more than they do traditional types of advertising. (A) Owned media (B) Earned media (C) Paid media (D) Pull media (E) Push media


Media spending typically accounts for roughly _____ or more of the total budget. (A) 0.7 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.6 (D) 0.5 (E) None of the above


Newspapers have two types of advertising available: classified ads and _________ ads. (A) Layout (B) Display (C) Push (D) Sponsor (E) None of the above


Radio does not develop _______ to the extent of other media vehicles. (A) Frequency (B) Reach (C) Impact (D) Continuity (E) None of the above


The Gap has decided to divide their target market based on purchase behavior such as usage, volume, or purchase occasion. This type of strategy would be characterized as: (A) Niche marketing (B) Behavioral targeting (C) Lifestyle marketing (D) Geographic targeting (E) None of the above


The ___________ takes into account actual impressions delivered as a percent of total impressions - i.e. the delivery is considered in additional to the amount spent. (A) Share of spending (B) Share of voice (C) Share of competition (D) Share of market (E) None of the above


The formula for Cost Per Point (CPP) takes the price of the ad and divides it by the ____________________. (A) GRPs (B) Rating (C) TAIs (D) Cume (E) None of the above


The quote ""Unless your campaign contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night."" was said by famous ad man, _______________. (A) Bill Bernbach (B) David Ogilvy (C) Leo Burnett (D) Lee Clow (E) John Wanamaker


There are three basic ways to view timing relative to the consumer's purchase of the brand, including all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Pre-need (B) During-need (C) At-need (D) Post-need (E) All of the above are correct


This scenario is an example of what media attribute: ""daytime television dramas and talk shows do a good job of covering women who are heads of households, but a relatively poor job of reaching teenage boys who are employed full time."" (A) Selectivity (B) Coverage (C) Preemptions (D) Responsiveness (E) Relevance


Touchpoints are where the brand reaches the consumer with an advertising message - this is also referred to as: (A) Content (B) Contact (C) Interaction (D) Connection (E) None of the above


Two broad categories exist for paid media. In _____________ media, the media provide content to consumers with a revenue model that is primarily based on advertising. (A) Consumer supported (B) Advertising supported consumer content (C) Advertising connections (D) Advertising supported brand content (E) None of the above


When an advertiser pays for each time an application is downloaded by a user, they are using the ____________ method. (A) Cost per action (B) Cost per install (C) Cost per engagement (D) Cost per profile (E) None of the above


When evaluating media vehicles, planners begin by analyzing the frequency, reach, and ____________ of each media vehicle in consideration. (A) Continuity (B) Impact (C) Scheduling (D) Geography (E) None of the above


When it comes to new brand introductions the industry practice is to project ad spending based on _________ year market predictions. (A) First (B) Second (C) Third (D) Fourth (E) None of the above


When media planners consider the geographic location for their campaign, they are deciding on what ________ to focus on. (A) Target group (B) Target market (C) Target audience (D) Target location (E) None of the above


When thinking of the Five M's, ________ refers to who we are trying to reach with the campaign. (A) Medium (B) Markets (C) Measurement (D) Money (E) Messages


Which of the following IS NOT a type of owned media? (A) Physical assets (B) Sponsored assets (C) Digital assets (D) Created assets (E) All of the above are owned media


The Big Idea is the key takeaway for the brand and should be conveyed in more than one sentence. (T/F)


____________ addresses when your advertising should appear and what cycle it should be on for the campaign. (A) Frequency (B) Continuity (C) Reach (D) Geography (E) Impact


A _______________ is a television market made up of counties that achieve the largest market share. (A) MSA (B) MSR (C) DMA (D) DMR (E) DSA


A good __________________ will be able to track and assess the type of content that is shared most often by members of the brand's target audience in order to have the best opportunities for a message to go viral. (A) Account Director (B) Creative Director (C) Earned Media Director (D) Paid Media Director (E) Owned Media Director


A type of spending that focuses on planning through the lens of the consumer is known as: (A) Above the Line (ABL) (B) Below the Line (BTL) (C) Through the Line (TTL) (D) In the Line (ITL) (E) None of the above


All of the following are advantages of outdoor advertising EXCEPT: (A) Cost effective (B) Reaches customers close to point of sale (C) Short message (D) Message available 24/7 (E) Repetition


CPM is a metric that tells you how much it costs to deliver a message to __________ audience members. (A) 10 (B) 100 (C) 1000 (D) 10000 (E) None of the above


Eighty percent of the total target audience heard the radio spots for Oakley's Delicatessen once during a four-week period. The average frequency of the campaign was three. Calculate the GRPs. (A) 26.67 (B) 480 (C) 240 (D) 2.4 (E) None of the above


Generally speaking, brand strategies boil down to increasing brand penetration and ________. (A) Social media engagement (B) Earned media (C) Buy rates (D) Owned media (E) None of the above


Communication strategies should include both media mix and media scheduling components. (T / F)


In a ___________ plan, advertising is one of many solutions, whereas in a _________ plan, advertising is the only solution. (A) Media / Communication (B) Media / Marketing (C) Communication / Media (D) Marketing / Media (E) None of the above


In the book, three roles of communication are specifically outlined. Which one of the following statements IS NOT a role of communication: (A) Communication can help increase awareness of a brand (B) Communication can help change attitudes or perceptions of a brand (C) Communication can help change distribution channels for a brand (D) Communication can help associate the brand with a specific image (E) All of the above are communication goals from the book


Media costs tend to be the most expensive during which quarter of the year? (A) First quarter (B) Second quarter (C) Third quarter (D) Fourth quarter (E) Prices are equal across all four quarters


Media planners must have a variety of skills and are often thought of as all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Part marketers (B) Part behavior scientists (C) Part visual artists (D) Part negotiators (E) Part researchers


Media planners typically set reach goals between ______ and 80% when developing a campaign. (A) 0.3 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.6 (E) None of the above


Media strategies are the answer to ______ you will achieve your media objectives. (A) When (B) Where (C) How (D) Why (E) None of the above


Most advertising for radio is purchased in large blocks to maximize ______________. (A) Reach (B) Continuity (C) Frequency (D) Impact (E) Recency


Newspapers are bought at different rates - when no discounts are available no matter how much advertising is purchased you are working with a ___________. (A) Short rate (B) Open rate (C) Flat rate (D) Circulation rate (E) None of the above


Nielsen's Ad Views is popular among packaged goods marketers because, in addition to tracking advertising, they also track: (A) Sweepstakes (B) Sampling (C) Free standing inserts (FSIs) (D) In-store promotions (E) Coupons


One of the main advantages of radio is that it builds frequency of ____________ to the brand message. (A) Impact (B) Continuity (C) Exposure (D) Insertion (E) None of the above


Social media represents a blending of traditional and digital media with a dose of _________ thrown in for good measure. (A) Referrals (B) Humor (C) Word of mouth (D) Recommendations (E) None of the above


The display funnel shown in lecture begins with awareness and ends with: (A) Interest (B) Intent (C) Consideration (D) Purchase (E) Conversion


The evolution of media planning has taken many brands from a ___________ strategy to a ___________ strategy. (A) Omni Channel / Multi Media (B) Multi Media / Omni Channel (C) Multi Media / Multi Channel (D) Multi Channel / Multi Media (E) None of the above


The process of analyzing media placement and strategies used by the competition is known as: (A) Share of voice analysis (B) Share of market analysis (C) Competitive media expenditure analysis (D) Competitive share of advertising analysis (E) None of the above


The three stages of planning include: (1) objectives and goals,( 2) strategies, and (3) _________. (A) Measurements (B) Feedback (C) Tactics (D) To do Lists (E) None of the above


This type of objective deals with overall sales goals and is expressed in terms of sales levels, revenue, or sales shares, (A) Media objective (B) Advertising objective (C) Marketing objective (D) Corporate objective (E) None of the above


To insure that your SWOT analysis is thorough it should contain both ___________ and communication elements. (A) Message (B) Media (C) Marketing (D) Money (E) None of the above


When it comes to communication goals, ________ refers to how many people you want to see your ads. (A) Frequency (B) Continuity (C) Reach (D) Geography (E) Impact


When it comes to weighing media and creative decisions, planners face the age old trade-off between efficiency and ________. (A) Frequency (B) Reach (C) Impact (D) Continuity (E) None of the above


Which is one of the common pricing methods used to purchase Internet advertising? (A) Market share (B) Percent of sales (C) Cost per thousand (CPM) (D) Objective / task method (E) None of the above


Which of the following is an example of owned media? (A) TV ad (B) Press release (C) Company website (D) Twitter comments (E) Direct mail


Which of these combinations is most likely to cause audience irritation? (A) High reach / low frequency (B) Low reach / high frequency (C) High reach / high frequency (D) Low reach / low frequency (E) None of the above


With this type of ad sales, brands will commit up to 75% of their advertising budgets when fall schedules are announced for television. (A) Opportunistic buying (B) Scatter buying (C) Upfront buying (D) Preemptive buying (E) None of the above


Your ________ will always dictate the scope of your campaign. (A) Creative strategy (B) Media strategy (C) Budget (D) Marketing objective (E) None of the above


A brand exhibiting a low CDI but high BDI should be monitored for: (A) Good market potential (B) Low market share (C) Poor market potential (D) Declining sales (E) None of the above


All of the following are characteristics of objectives EXCEPT: (A) Quantifiable (B) Consistent with other goals and objectives (C) Uses infinitive form of a verb (D) Consistent with earned media (E) Consistent with message strategy


All of the following are considered types of transit advertising EXCEPT: (A) Vinyl bus wrappers (B) Taxicab signs or placards (C) ""Car cards"" inside buses (D) Sandwich boards (E) Posters inside bus stations


All of the following are key tools for assessing target audience characteristics EXCEPT: (A) MediaMark Research Inc. (MRI) (B) Spectra (C) Prizm (D) SRDS (E) Nielsen


All of the following are strengths of owned media EXCEPT: (A) Personal (B) Timely (C) Controlled (D) Time consuming (E) Lasting


All of the following are types of TV commercials EXCEPT: (A) Participations (B) Spot advertising (C) Network spots (D) Product placements (E) Infomercials


All of the following were identified as types of radio EXCEPT: (A) Network radio (B) Satellite radio (C) Spot radio (D) Mobile radio (E) Online radio


An example of a micro-blogging site which provides short messages primarily in text format would be: (A) Pinterest (B) Instagram (C) Flickr (D) Twitter (E) YouTube


In the SWOT analysis, strengths are considered to be what type of factor: (A) External (B) Explicit (C) Implicit (D) Internal (E) None of the above


S. C. Johnson & Son, the manufacturer of Raid Bug Spray, relies on advertising to promote cockroach killer in Houston and New York cities, where roaches are endemic, and flea spray in Tampa and Birmingham cities, where fleas are common. Johnson is using a ____ segmentation strategy. (A) Demographic (B) Psychographic (C) Behavioral (D) Geographic (E) None of the above


The media contribution to impact does not come from: (A) The use of color (B) The use of bleed (C) The Length of an ad (D) The creative message (E) None of the above


Even though the media plan is part of a larger communication plan, it is often crafted in isolation without input from other departments. (T / F)


When thinking about the purchase funnel, it is important that you look at the experience through the eyes of the ________________. (A) Account Planner (B) Client (C) Executives (D) Consumer (E) None of the above


When you are using search-based or contextual advertising it is typically bought through what type of network? (A) Vertical network (B) Blind network (C) Retargeted network (D) Targeted network (E) Horizontal network


When you have distribution in at least ________ or more of the national markets, buying media at the local level rarely makes sense. (A) 25% or 1/4 (B) 33% or 1/3 (C) 50% or 1/2 (D) 66% or 2/3 (E) None of the above


Which of the following IS NOT an advantage of using TV advertising? (A) Mass coverage (B) Demonstration (C) Versatile (D) Mortality rate (E) Prestige of medium


When you compare media across the board using measures like CPM, you are using _________ costs. (A)Absolute (B)Fixed (C)Variable (D)Relative (E)None of the above


A broadcast calendar is based on the number of __________ in a given month. (A) Mondays (B) Fridays (C) Wednesdays (D) Saturdays (E) Sundays


A purchase of 100 GRPs of outdoor advertising in intended to reach _____ of the local adult population with a frequency of slightly more than once a day for a 28-day period. (A) 0.5 (B) 0.7 (C) 0.8 (D) 0.85 (E) 0.9


Digital OOH displays are most commonly located in: (A) Stores (B) Sports arenas (C) Shopping centers (D) Restaurants (E) All of the above


Measuring media effectiveness is done with all of the following variables EXCEPT: (A) Reach (B) Influence (C) Frequency (D) Efficiency (E) Continuity


Owned media allows you to deliver content that is highly relevant and customized which capitalizes on which of the following strengths? (A) Control (B) Cost efficient (C) Timely (D) Lasting (E) Personal


Think about the common metrics used to evaluate media - which of the following is NOT a delivery metric: (A) Rating (B) Frequency (C) CPM (D) ROI (E) Both C and D


When it comes to physical assets owned by the brand, all of the following would be examples of those EXCEPT: (A) Brick and mortar locations (B) Product packaging (C) People (D) Trucks or delivery vehicles (E) Facebook page


Which of the following is NOT considered a type of earned media? (A) Word of mouth (B) News commentary (C) Promotions (D) Viral marketing (E) Publicity


A good strategy statement would be ""To reach 80% of the target audience at least three times a week."" (T/F)


Behavioral targeting is most common in traditional media rather than digital media. (T / F)


CPM is the best apples to oranges comparison when evaluating media vehicles.


Content is where the brand communicates while contact is where the brand connects with the audience. (T / F)


Coupons are commonly used in outdoor advertising as they are easy to integrate into the creative execution. (T/F)


Business magazines are typically structured by industry vertical (a job function across many industries) or horizontal publications (everything within one category).

FALSE Structured by vertical publications (everything within one category), horizontal publications (a job function across many industries) or industrial publications (everything within an industry)

In outdoor advertising, the standard buy is 100 GRPs over a 12-week period.

FALSE. 100 GRP over a four-week period

The average commercial pod has between two and five advertisements

FALSE. 2-9 ads

Ratings for radio are collected by Nielsen in the exact same way as television ratings.

FALSE. Collected by Arbitron, similar to Nielsen. Nielsen Net-ratings track online viewing of digital media similar to how Nielsen tracks TV viewing

In general, you don't need to worry about matching the goals of your earned media placements to your media plan since you don't pay for them.

FALSE. Earned media considerations: Match the goals of the earned media plan to the goals of the overall media plan

When it comes to SNS involvement, the second level of involvement entails online ads that incorporate user interactions that the consumer has agreed to display and to share.

FALSE. FB ads, promoted tweets, video ads on YouTube

When an advertiser fails to earn the discounted rate in a newspaper, they must pay the difference in costs which is know as an open rate.

FALSE. Known as the short rate

There are no legal restrictions with outdoor - none of the states in the US have bans on outdoor advertising.

FALSE. Legal restrictions: some states and municipalities ban some types of outdoor

Nielsen NetRatings focus on many digital measurements including mobile and social media.

FALSE. Nielsen Net-ratings track online viewing of digital media similar to how Nielsen tracks TV viewing. ComScore focuses on many digital measurements including mobile and social media

Company websites are often considered a form of earned media

FALSE. Owned media (a digital asset)

HUT and PUT can be used interchangeably when it comes to TV measurement.

FALSE. PUT and PVT (Persons viewing television) are interchangeable terms

There are three types of owned media: digital assets, social assets, and physical assets.

FALSE. Physical, digital, created assets

A popular method of targeting involves sociographics which help explain the psychological differences amongst consumers of your brand.

FALSE. Psychographics concentrates more on people as a group (stereotypes) and sociographics concentrates on the person as an individual.

Newspapers are no longer struggling to gain an equitable revenue balance between advertising and subscription rates.

FALSE. Still looking to gain a more equitable balance between subscription and advertising revenue

CPM and CPC are the two common measurements used to evaluate online advertising.

FALSE. These are payment methods, CPM (Cost per thousand) and CPC (Cost per click)

All of the following are considered strengths of owned media: timely, lasting, personal, cost efficient, and time consuming.

FALSE. Time consuming is a weakness not a strength. Time Consuming: Owned media may not cost a lot in terms of media outlay but it can be time consuming. This is especially true of manning digital assets such as a Facebook page or Twitter feed. Developing continuous content takes time and dedicated people to do it.

When TV advertising first became available, a 30-second commercial was standard whereas now 60-second commercials are the norm.

FALSE. Traditional advertising format is a 30 second ad. Today, a number of different offerings are available on both network and digital television, including units lasting as little as 10 or 15 seconds as well as longer 60 or 90 second units.

Blind networks offer two types of advertising online: run of site (ROS) and site-wise advertising.

FALSE. Vertical networks offer two types of ad placement: ROS (run-of-site) advertising across specific channels (e.g., auto or travel) and site-wise advertising in a single website. Blind networks: Advertisers are blind to where ads will run

CPM can be used to evaluate media vehicles in a vacuum - you don't need to consider audience characteristics or levels of engagement.

FALSE. With CPM you must consider audience quality, audience usage characteristics, audience engagement, ad environment

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