Adult Health Final Exam Review Questions

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To determine whether a client is experiencing acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which component of the electrocardiogram would the nurse analyze? A. P Wave B. PR interval C. QRS complex D. ST segment

To determine whether a client is experiencing acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which component of the electrocardiogram would the nurse analyze? A. P Wave B. PR interval C. QRS complex D. ST segment

A patient is complaining of chest pain. On the bedside cardiac monitor, you observe pronounced T-wave inversion. You obtain the patient's vital signs and find the following: Blood pressure 190/98, HR 110, oxygen saturation 96% on room air, and respiratory rate 20. Select-all-that-apply in regards to the MOST IMPORTANT nursing interventions you will provide based on the patient's current status: A. Obtain a 12 lead EKG B. Place the patient in supine position C. Assess urinary output D. Administer nitroglycerin sublingual as ordered per protocol E. Collect cardiac enzymes as ordered per protocol F. Encourage the patient to cough and deep breathe G. Administer morphine iv as ordered per protocol H. Place patient on oxygen via nasal cannula I. No interventions are needed at this time


The nurse is taking a health history of a new patient. The patient reports experiencing pain in his left lower leg and foot when walking. This pain is relieved with rest. The nurse notes that the left lower leg is slightly edematous and is hairless. When planning this patient's subsequent care, the nurse should most likely address what health problem? A Coronary artery disease (CAD) B Intermittent claudication C Arterial embolus D Raynaud's disease


The nurse is teaching a 17 yo client and the client's family about what to expect with high dose chemotherapy and the effects of neutropenia. What should the nurse teach as the most reliable early indicator of infection in a neutropenic client? A. Dyspnea B. Fever C. Tachycardia D. Chills


The nurse is teaching a nursing student which patients are more at risk for developing Cholelithiasis, which response indicates the nursing student need more teaching? A Obese patients who have sudden changes in weight. B Patients who are on higher doses of opioids. C Patients on treatments with high-dose estrogen therapy D Women who have had multiple pregnancies


The nurse observes red urine and several large clots in the tubing of the normal saline continuous irrigation catheter for the client who is one day postoperative TURP. Which intervention should the nurse implement? A. Remove the indwelling catheter. B. Titrate the NS irrigation to run faster. C. Administer protamine sulfate IVP. D. Administer vitamin K slowly.


What would delay your patient from discharge of the hospital? A Pain is 4/10 while ambulating B Inability to voice since surgery C HR is 100 bpm D WBC of 6,000


Which patient's snack choice indicates that the Nurse's teaching has been effective in safe meal choice for GERD flare-up prevention. a) Buffalo wings b) Egg white omelet with fresh asparagus c) Orange-flavored carbonated beverage d) A large cup of coffee


​​The nurse is caring for a patient with a chest tube. The nurse knows that the drainage system is working correctly if she observes? A) Continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber. B) Intermittent bubbling in the water seal chamber. C) No bubbling appears in the suction chamber d) Titling is absent in the


The nurse is caring for a client whose peritoneal dialysis is beginning to exhibit insufficient outflow. What actions should the nurse perform initially? Select all that apply. A Contact the client's health care provider B Assess for abdominal distension and constipation C Flush the tubing with 100 mL of dialysate D Place the client in a side-lying position E Examine the catheter for kinks and obstructions

B, D, E

A client was diagnosed with primary aldosteronism. What clinical manifestations are consistent with the disease? Select all that apply A Low Sodium B Hyperglycemia C Low potassium D High blood pressure


3. The nurse is admitting a client with hypoglycemia. Identify the signs and symptoms the nurse should expect. Select all that apply. A. Thirst B. Palpitations C. Diaphoresis D. Hyperventilation E. Slurred speech


A patient with late-stage cirrhosis develops portal hypertension. Which of the following options below are complications that can develop from this condition? Select all that apply: A. Increase albumin levels B. Ascites C. Splenomegaly D. Fluid volume deficit. E. Esophageal varices


What are precautions that nurses and hospital staff should follow while handling patients diagnosed with any of the hepatitis functions? Select all that apply. A.) The patient must be in a private room and the door should be closed at all times. B.) Dispose of the needles and syringes used on the patient carefully. C.) Wear gloves while handling articles contaminated by urine or feces. D.) Always wear a mask, gown, and gloves when entering the patient's room. E.) Follow infection control precautions while injecting the patient and avoid getting pricked by the used needle.


What manifestations of Chronic Pancreatitis confirms to the nurse that the patient has a correct diagnosis? Select all that apply A Bulimia b Steatorrhea C Upper abdominal pain D Polydipsia E Weight loss


A patient is being treated at the hospital for a severe asthma exacerbation. When providing patient education, which of the following signs and symptoms would the nurse tell the client to monitor for that are characteristic of an asthma attack? Select all that apply. a) Dehydration b) Wheezing c) Bradycardia d) Chest tightness e) Dyspnea


* Which of the following signs and symptoms of increased ICP after head trauma would appear first? A Bradycardia B Large amounts of very dilute urine C Restlessness and confusion D Widened pulse pressure


*A Patient has just been transferred to the PACU after surgery. What should be the nurse's priority action? A Early ambulation. B Repositioning the patient every two hours to prevent pressure injuries. C Maintaining patient airways and O2 levels D Assessing for signs of infection E Administering pain medications as ordered


*A nurse is providing education in a community setting about general measures to avoid excessive sun exposure. Which of the following recommendations is appropriate. A. Wear loosely woven clothing for added ventilation B. Apply sunscreen only after going in the water C. Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more before sun exposure D. Avoid peak exposure hours from 9am to 1pm


*Your patient reports experiencing dull and achy sensations in the lower extremities. You note that the lower extremities have edema and brownish pigmentation. Pulses are present bilaterally and the extremities feel warm to the touch. To help alleviate the patient's symptoms, the nurse will position the lower extremities in the? A Dependent position B Horizontal position C Elevated position above heart level D Knee-flexed position


2. The nurse knows that glucagon may be given in the treatment of hypoglycemia because it: A. Inhibits gluconeogenesis B. Stimulates the release of insulin C. Increases blood glucose levels D. Provides more storage of glucose"


A 26-year-old woman is being evaluated for vomiting and abdominal pain. Which question from the nurse will be most useful in determining the cause of the patient's symptoms? a "What type of foods do you eat?" B "Is it possible that you are pregnant?" C "Can you tell me more about the pain?" D "What is your usual elimination pattern?"


A 73 year old male is admitted from the ED after a fall. Suddenly he describes a deep pain on the side of his abdomen and his back. His blood pressure drops, and he is experiencing some lightheadedness on top of 10/10 pain. What might this patient be experiencing, and how could it be treated? A Myocardial Infarction; MONA B Coronary artery disease; Statin and dietary modifications C Abdominal aortic aneurysm; surgery D Acute renal failure; dialysis


A client develops malignant hyperthermia. What client symptoms would the nurse most likely observe as the first indicator of the disorder? A Tetanus-like jaw movements B Generalized muscle rigidity C Heart rate over 150 beats per minute D Body temperature increase of 1-2 degrees celsius


A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of renal calculi. The client is experiencing severe flank pain and nausea; the temperature is 100.6 ° F. Which of the following would be a priority outcome for this client? A. Prevention of urinary tract complications. B. Alleviation of nausea. C. Alleviation of pain. D. Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance.


A client is prescribed intravenous (IV) thrombolytic medication after presenting to the emergency department (ED) with substernal chest pain related to an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Which clinical manifestation does the nurse monitor the client for as the most reliable indicator that reperfusion is achieved? A. Increased headache pain. B. Reports of decreased chest pressure. C. ST-segment has returned to baseline. D. The QRS interval has widened.


A client returns to the unit after receiving hemodialysis for the first time. The client vomits once, reports headache, and appears restless and disoriented. What is the priority intervention? A. Administer antihypertensive that were held prior to dialysis B. Administer PRN ondansetron to relieve nausea C. Contact the health care provider D. Place client in Trendelenburg position


A nurse can suspect kidney transplant rejection when a patient starts showing which symptoms A Pain at the incision site and hypotension B Pain at the incision site and hypertension C Diminished Urine output, fever, and weight gain D Abdominal pain


A nurse is admitting a 45-year-old man to the medical unit who has a history of PAD. While providing his health history, the patient reveals that he smokes about two packs of cigarettes a day, has a history of alcohol abuse, and does not exercise. What would be the priority health education for this patient? A The lack of exercise, which is the main cause of PAD. B The likelihood that heavy alcohol intake is a significant risk factor for PAD. C Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a powerful vasoconstrictor and may cause or aggravate PAD. D Alcohol suppresses the immune system, creates high glucose levels, and may cause PAD


A nurse is educating a patient with a hiatal hernia about proper management. Which statement by the patient indicates the need for more teaching? a) "I am going to sit up for 1 hour after meals." b) "I am going to have my family visit after the surgery." c) I am going to order a big lunch today." d) "I will keep my head elevated if I want to lay down."


The client diagnosed with rule-out myocardial infarction is experiencing chest pain while walking to the bathroom. Which action should the nurse implement first? A. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin B. Obtain a stat 12 lead EKG C. Have the client sit down immediately D. Assess the client's vital signs


The client's underlying heart rhythm is sinus rhythm, but the rhythm is irregular because of occasional early beats. The configuration of the P waves is normal, except the P wave of the early beat does not look the same as the others. The morphology of the QRS complex is the same for all beats. The heart rate is 66 beats per min, and the blood pressure is normal. How should the nurse interpret this finding? A Sinus tachycardia B Normal sinus rhythm C Sinus rhythm with premature atrial contractions (PACs) D Sinus bradycardia with premature ventricular


The patient has been diagnosed with a fractured hip. Which of the following findings did the patient have, that is the most typical sign for a fractured hip? A Pain in the hip and affected leg B Diminished sensation in the affected leg C Misalignment of the affected extremity D Absence of pedal and femoral pulses in the affected extremity


When assessing a client with cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis, which findings might the nurse note during the health history and physical examination? Select all that apply. A Flank pain radiating to the groin b High-protein food ingestion before the onset of pain C Low-grade fever with chills D Pain at the umbilicus E Right upper-quadrant (RUQ) pain radiating to the right shoulder

C, E

The nurse is preparing a client with a new diagnosis of hypothyroidism for discharge. The nurse determines that the client understands discharge instructions if the client states that which signs and symptoms are associated with this diagnosis? Select all that apply. A: tremors B: weight loss C: feeling cold D: loss of body hair E: constipation


The nurse performs the admission history for a 70-year-old client with newly diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which statements made by the client does the nurse recognize as the most significant contributing factors to the development of COPD? Select all that apply. a) "I have been drinking alcohol almost daily since age 20" b) "I have been overweight for as long as I can remember." c) "I have smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 16 years old but quit last year" d) "I know I eat too much fast food" e) "I was a car mechanic for about 40 years and had my own garage."


A 60 year old patient is post-op day 1 after a left total knee replacement. While meeting with physical therapy, the patient refuses to get out of bed. The patient states "it just hurts too much". What response by the nurse is most appropriate? A "Early walking keeps your legs strong." B "Early walking will get you home faster." C "Early mobility will help you get rid of your syncope and pain." D "Early mobility is the best way to prevent postoperative complications."


A 68-year-old female client has been complaining of sleeping more, lack of interest, anorexia, weakness, increased urination, nausea/vomiting, and bone pain that interferes with her going outdoors. Based on these assessment findings, the nurse would suspect which of the following disorders? A: Diabetes mellitus B: Diabetes insipidus C: Hypoparathyroidism Hyperparathyroidism


A nurse is caring for a patient who received abdominal surgery 3 hours ago. During their assessment, the nurse notes that the client, who was previously stable, now appears to be hypotensive (BP of 90/54), anxious, and has cool, clammy skin. Which of the following does the nurse consider is the most likely cause of the client change in condition? A The patient is showing signs of an allergic reaction to anastasia B The patient is showing early signs of infection C The patient is experiencing atelectasis D The patient is showing early signs of shock


A patient is admitted to the hospital with severe exacerbation of ulcerative colitis. Which finding should the nurse act on first? A WBC: 11,000 /μL B Sodium: 148 mEq/L C Hemoglobin: 13 g/dL D BUN: 50 mg/dL


The nurse is admitting a client with cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis. Suddenly, the client vomits 250 mL of greenish-yellow stomach contents and reports severe pain in the right upper quadrant with radiation to the right shoulder. Which intervention would have the highest priority? A Administer promethazine 25 mg suppository B Infuse normal saline 100 mL/hour C Insert nasogastric tube to low suction D Maintain nothing-by-mouth (NPO) status


The primary objective in the immediate postoperative period is: A Controlling nausea and vomiting B Monitoring hypotension C Relieving pain D Maintaining patent airway


Which ECG finding is most indicative of a severe myocardial infarction? A Wide QRS segment B Peaked T wave C Peaked P wave D ST segment elevation`


* The nurse is teaching a client recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) about home care and management of symptoms. What should the nurse encourage the client to do at home? Select all that apply. A Allow periods of rest in the afternoon B Perform range of motion exercises daily C Place a pillow under the knees at night before sleeping D Use heating packs to relax stiff joints as needed

A, B, D

* Which of the following are expected signs and symptoms of a left sided ischemic stroke? Select all that apply. A. right sided facial numbness B. Left sided weakness C. Difficulty walking or holding balance D. Headache E.A&O X 4

A, C, D

*Which of the following are early signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)? Select all that apply a. change in LOC b. Increased urinary output c. Weakness in one extremity or one side d. Pupillary changes e. Weight loss

A, C, D

Which signs and symptoms are most indicative of a pulmonary embolism? Select all that apply: a) Dyspnea b) Bradycardia c) C) Tachypnea d) D) Chest Pain e) E) Headache

A, C, D

A patient is diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy. What clinical manifestations will the nurse anticipate while assessing the patient. A. Altered mental status B. Asterixis C. Restlessness D. Lower extremity edema E. Headache


A diabetic client presents to the ED with altered level of consciousness. The nurse knows the client is a type 1 diabetic upon assessing which of the following? Select all that apply. a) A BGC of 600 mg/dL b) Fruity odor of breath c) Extreme thirst d) A BGC of 70 mg/dL


A patient has just recently been diagnosed with Hepatitis B virus. They are concerned about the management of the disease. The nurse informs the client of the ways to manage the disease. (Select all that apply) A. Antiviral agents B. Adequate nutrition and fluids C. Increase physical activity D. Avoid sexual contact E. Alpha-interferon IV 3x/week for 16 to 24 weeks


The nurse is caring for a client with multiple renal calculi. Which nursing interventions should be included in the plan of care? Select all that apply. A. Administer analgesic at regularly schedule intervals. B. Encourage fluid intake up to 3L/ day. C. Instruct client to stay in bed rest D. Provide back massages E. Strain all urine for the presence of stones


The nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client with a history of gallstones. Which diet should the nurse​ recommend? (Select all that​ apply.) A High protein B Low sodium C Low fat D High vitamin C E High carbohydrate


A patient has recently been diagnosed with left sided heart failure. What manifestations are common with this disease? Select all that apply: A pulmonary edema B weight gain C shortness of breath D coughing E paresthesia


A 74-year-old male with a past medical history of pulmonary edema, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes comes to the ER with his wife who stated that he "becomes fatigued and has to gasp for breath" when doing any physical activity. Which of the following assessment findings would help confirm a diagnosis of CHF? Select all that apply. A Extra heart sounds and tachycardia B Abdominal cramps and prinzmetal angina C Dizziness and anxiety D Unilaterally diminished radial pulse and tingling in the extremities E Indigestion and decreased urine output


The nurse is admitting a patient who is diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and has serum sodium of 118 mEq/L (118 mmol/L). Which health care provider prescriptions should the nurse anticipate receiving? Select all that apply. A: Initiate an infusion of 3% NaCl. B: Administer intravenous furosemide. C: Restrict fluids to 800 mL over 24 hours. D: Elevate the head of the bed to high Fowler's. E: Administer a vasopressin antagonist asPrescribed.


* A cancer pt has had a rapid decrease in WBCs and is placed on neutropenic precautions. What precautions should the nurse take? Select all that apply. A. Wash hands upon entering the room and wear gloves. B. Bring the client flowers to brighten the room. C: Allow family members to visit so the client does not become lonely. D: Make sure the client does not have any raw fresh fruits and vegetables. E: Place the client in a private room. F: Use communal vital machines to assess vital signs.


A 62-year-old man reports chronic constipation. To promote bowel evacuation, the nurse will suggest that the patient attempt defecation... a) In the mid-afternoon b) After eating breakfast c) Right after getting up in the morning d) Immediately before the first daily meal.


A Patient presents with a butterfly shaped erythematous rash around the bridge of the nose and cheeks. This is a sign of what autoimmune disease? A Graves' disease B Systemic Lupus Erythematosus C Crohn's disease D Multiple sclerosis


A client comes into the clinic and the nurse assesses they appear to have jaundice. As a patient that developed acute cholecystitis, what should the nurse consider the reason for the patient having jaundice? A Viral infection of the gallbladder B Obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone C Accumulation of bile in the hepatic duct D Accumulation of fat in the wall of the gallbladder


A client with chronic kidney disease is at risk for which hemodynamic complications due to low erythropoietin? A Blood clots B Anemia C Hemophilia D Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma


A nurse is educating a client about the importance of understanding her post op needs. The nurse knows that the client understands with which response? A "I can sign the consent for the procedure after the procedure when I'm about to go home" B "If I am given anesthesia or a sedative during the procedure, my husband will have to drive us home" C I will learn the exercises to prevent clots after the procedure D I will wait til the pain is severe before asking for medication.


A patient comes into the emergency room complaining of epigastric pain that is progressing to RLQ pain. The patient has symptoms of a low grade fever, nausea, and vomiting. The nurse believes the patient has... A Irritable bowel syndrome B Appendicitis C Diverticular disease D Peritonitis


A patient with a peptic ulcer and has an NG tube in place. The patient then develops sudden, severe upper abdominal pain, diaphoresis, and a firm abdomen which action should the nurse take? a) Irrigate the NG tube b) Check vital signs c) Give the ordered antacid d) Elevate the foot of the bed


A patient with advanced cirrhosis asks why his abdomen is so swollen. The nurse's best response is based on the knowledge that: a. a lack of clotting factors promotes the collection of blood in the abdominal cavity b. portal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia cause fluid shift into the peritoneal space c. decreased peristalsis in the GI tract contributes to gas formation and distention of the bowel d. bile salts in the blood irritate the peritoneal membranes, causing edema and pocketing of fluid


After teaching a patient with chronic stable angina about nitroglycerin, the nurse recognizes the need for further teaching when the patient states: A. "I will replace my nitroglycerin supple every 6 months" B. "I can take up to 5 tablets every 3 minutes for relief of chest pain" C. "I will take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to treat the headache caused by nitroglycerin" D. "I will take the nitroglycerin 10 minutes before planned activity starts hat usually causes chest pain"


An older client presents to the emergency department with a 2-day history of cough, pain on inspiration, shortness of breath, and dyspnea. The client never had a pneumococcal vaccine. The client's chest x-ray shows density in both bases. The client has wheezing upon auscultation of both lungs. Would a bronchodilator be beneficial for this client? A) It would not be beneficial for this client. B) It would help decrease the bronchospasm. C) It would clear up the density in the bases of the client's lungs. D) It would decrease the client's pain on inspiration.


The nurse is assessing a client with possible Cushing syndrome. In a client with Cushing syndrome, the nurse would expect to find: A: hypotension B: Deposits of adipose tissue in the trunk and dorsocervical area. C: coarse hair D: weight gain in the arms


* A client has an arm cast and reports that it feels really tight, and the fingers are puffy. What is the nurse's best response? A Elevate your arm on two pillows and apply ice to the cast B Continue to take ibuprofen (Motrin) until the swelling subsides C It is normal for a new cast to feel a little tight for the first few days D Please come to the clinic today to have your arm checked by the health care provider


*The nurse recognizes the value of leg exercises in the prevention of postoperative thrombophlebitis. When should the nurse teach the correct technique for leg exercises to a patient? A Upon transfer from post anesthetic care unit to the post surgical unit B Prior to surgery C When early signs of venous stasis are evident D In post anesthetic recovery


. A client is taking NPH insulin daily every morning. The nurse instructs the client that the most likely time for a hypoglycemic reaction to occur is: A. 2-4 hours after administration B. 6-14hours after administration C. 16-18hours after administration D. 18-24 hours after administration


Which of the following values is considered normal for ICP? 1. 0 to 10 mm Hg 2. 25 mm Hg 3. 35 to 45 mm Hg 4. 60 to 75 mm Hg


* A client who has sustained a crush injury to the right lower leg reports numbness and tingling of the affected extremity. The skin of the right leg appears pale. Which is the nurse's first intervention? A Assess pedal pulses. B Apply oxygen by nasal cannula. C Increase the IV flow rate. D Document the finding.


*2. The nurse is admitting a 32-year-old woman to the presurgical unit. The nurse learns during the admission assessment that the patient takes oral contraceptives. Consequently, the nurse's postoperative plan of care should include what intervention? A Early ambulation and leg exercises B Cessation of the oral contraceptives until 3 weeks postoperative C Doppler ultrasound of peripheral circulation twice daily D Dependent positioning of the patient's extremities when at rest


*A client arrives in the emergency department with an ischemic stroke and receives tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) administration. Which is the priority nursing assessment? A Time of onset of current stroke B Complete physical and history C Current medication D Upcoming surgical procedures


*The nurse is providing teaching to a patient regarding pain control after surgery. What time does the nurse inform the patient is the best time to request pain medication? A Before the pain becomes severe B After the pain becomes severe and other relaxation techniques have failed C When the patient experiences pain rating of "9" on a 1-10 pain scale D When there is no pain, but it is time for the medication to be administered


A 78-year-old client is admitted to the emergency department with numbness and weakness of the left arm and slurred speech. Which nursing intervention is a priority? A. Prepare to administer a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA). B. Discuss the precipitating factors that caused the symptoms. C. Schedule for A STAT computer tomography (CT) scan of the head. D. Notify the speech pathologist for an emergency consultation.


A patient has undergone a recent surgery after a stroke and is admitted to the PACU. Their vitals are HR: 86, RR: 27, BP: 141/88, Temp: 99.2 F. What common post-op complication can be seen with these vitals? A Atelectasis B Shock C DVT D Myocardial Infarction


A patient is admitted with chest pain to the ER. The patient has been in the ER for 5 hours and is being admitted to your unit for overnight observation. From the options below, what is the most IMPORTANT information to know about this patient at this time? A. Troponin result and when the next troponin level is due to be collected B. Diet status C. Last consumption of caffeine D. CK result and when the next CK level is due to be collected


The nurse is caring for a 75-year-old client with a UTI. Which assessment finding would be the most concerning and require immediate follow up by the nurse? A.Confusion B.Heart rate of 60 bpm C. WBC count of 12,000/mm3 D.Temperature of 100F


The nurse is interviewing a male client about his past medical history. Which preexisting condition may lead the nurse to suspect that a client has colorectal cancer? A. Polyps B. Weight gain C. Hemorrhoids D. Duodenal ulcer


The nurse is monitoring a female client for the early signs and symptoms of dumping syndrome. Which of the following indicate this occurrence? A. Sweating and pallor B. Bradycardia and indigestion C. Double vision and chest pain D. Abdominal cramping and pain


The nurse is providing supportive care to a client receiving hemodialysis in the management of acute kidney injury. Which statement from the nurse best reflects the ability of the kidneys to recover from acute kidney injury? A. The Kidneys can improve over a period of months B. Once on dialysis, the need will be permanent C. Kidney function will improve with a transplant D. Acute kidney injury tends to turn to end-stage renal failure


What is the best way to check for patency of the arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis? A Pinch the fistula and note the speed of filling on release. B Use a needle and syringe to aspirate blood from the fistula. C Check for capillary refill of the nail beds on that extremity. D Palpate the fistula throughout its length to assess for a thrill.


When caring for a male client with diabetes insipidus, the nurse expects to administer: A vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic) B furosemide (Lasix). C regular insulin. D 10% dextrose.


Which physical examination should the nurse implement first when assessing the client diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease? a) Auscultate the client's bowel sounds in all four quadrants. b) Palpate the abdominal area for tenderness. c) Percuss the abdominal borders to identify organs. d) Assess the tender area progressing to nontender.


* 1. The nurse is caring for a 72-year-old patient who is in cardiac rehabilitation following heart surgery. The patient has been walking on a regular basis for about a week and walks for 15 minutes 3 times a day. The patient states that he is having a cramp-like pain in the legs every time he walks and that the pain gets "better when I rest." The patient's care plan should address what problem? A.decreased mobility r/t to VTE B. Acute pain r/t Intermittent claudication C.Decreased mobility r/t venous insufficiency D.acute pain r/t vasculitis


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