adv3001 quiz 1

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Basic Function for Media

Delivering the message to the right people at the right time and in the right place at the right price.

Criteria for a Target Market Profiles

Descriptive in terms of -Demographic criteria -Psychographic criteria (recall VALs) -Attitudes and opinions -About the world at large -Life -Product categories and/or brands

5 Major Categories of Direct Marketing

Direct Response Advertising Direct Mail Telemarketing Direct Selling (a.k.a. Personal Selling) Internet/Cybermarketing/Mobile Media

Brand Character Element

Element that addresses who your brand is. The personage or personality of your specific brand -Complexion -Temperament -Spirit/Soul

Contemporary Examples of Viral Marketing

Email forwards User reviews/recommendations On-line reviews (You Tube, etc.) Paid bloggers

Where Evaluation begins

Evaluation begins with the marketing and communication objectives in mind -What are the goals for the brand? -What are the goals for the product? -What are the goals for targeting? -What are the goals for communication?

Competitive Analysis

• Considers all options consumers might look for in their purchasing decisions • Direct and indirect competitors • Who are the brands major competitors? • Any threat of indirect competitors in the category? • What are the leading competitors brand position? • Pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotions strategy?

Other Useful Information for the Media Planner to Know

• Creative considerations -Is it a new or existing campaign? -Are there specific units that have been developed? • Media mandatories -Should media be planned based on specific audiences? -Are there pre-existing commitments (i.e., sponsorships) that dictate media use? -Others?

Product Analysis

• Focuses on the abstract and concrete qualities of the companys products • Product attributes or functions • Positioning/brand personality (say something about themselves relative to the competition) • Cost/margins -manufacturing costs • Share of industry (Domestic, global) • Price Range • Packaging • Distribution (international saturation) -how are they packaging -advertising distribution methods • Competitive advantages/disadvantages • Promotions used -calendars media expenditures

Brand Proposition

"The role of the proposition is to express in one sentence the essence of what the product or service offers."

Viral Marketing A.K.A.

- Guerilla marketing - "Buzz" Marketing - Grassroots Marketing

Viral Marketing - Purpose

- To increase word of mouth communication about a brand or product -Commercial intent - To generate referral through unpaid communication channels -blogs, street teams, grassroots efforts, etc.

Communication Strategy Template

-Convince: (Target Audience) -That: (Product Benefit based on a Competitive Framework) -Because: (Reason Why) -Specify the Brand Character

Communication Strategy

-Convince: entertainment snack eaters who need an event and convenient "hand food," -That: makes events more fun, bringing the theatre to your home -Because: it has the flavor of theatre popcorn at half the price -The brand character is fun, outgoing -Value Based Payoff is enjoyment

Reason Why (Support) Element

-Element that adds credibility to the main benefit by emphasizing supporting rationale intrinsic to the brand -Makes a connection between those attributes that support the benefit(s) promise

Benefit Element

-Encapsulates the most meaningful product difference between our brand and the competitors -Benefit must be consistent with the product's physical attributes


-How: by means of -nudge: psychology and economics 1. reflective system: slow/thoughtful 2. automatic system: instinctive -persuasion: blink = rapid cognition -hierarchy of needs: physical, safety, social, esteem, self actualization needs.

Marketing-oriented PR Tools

-Mass Media Coverage (Publicity) -Event sponsorships, cause-related marketing

What's Next? Positioning Statement

-The positioning statement sets the stage for the focus of the communication strategy. -The communication strategy statement emphasizes how communication will be applied to complement the brand's position.

Brand Positioning -Definition

-The way we want consumers to think about our brand relative to the competition. -The brand position states the reason for the brand's existence.

Positioning Statement Example

-To (1) entertainment snack eaters who (2)need an event and convenient "hand food,"(3)Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn is the brand of (4)snack foods that (5)makes events more fun, bringing the theatre to your home with a quick cooking convenience. -(6)The reason is it has the flavor of theatre popcorn at half the price and can be prepared in less than 5 minutes -The brand character is (7)fun, outgoing, easygoing -Value Based Payoff is (8)enjoyment

Public Relations- Goals

-To build favorable relationships between an organization and its publics -A vehicle that generates public "goodwill" on behalf of a company or brand

Product Positioning Objectives

-To understand the role of a brand proposition in supporting brand positioning (a.k.a. brand positioning) -To dissect the components of a brand proposition statement -To apply skills in constructing a brand proposition statement

Two Categories of Sales Promotion

-Trade Sales Promotion (B-to-B) -Consumer Sales Promotion

Product Considerations in Target Marketing

-Who are we trying to reach? -Where are we in the product life cycle? -What is our current product positioning? -What are the costs/margins associated with product change?

Ch. 9 Tone of Voice

-character in a few words-> visual elements, music helps, emotional response leads to action. -audience: important so you don't alienate audience -objective -set yourself apart, but stay on strategy

Out-put oriented

-focuses on what the company/brand expects to accomplish in the long term ex. to INCREASE TRIAL among x group of consumers to promote AWARENESS to maximize USAGE among core customers

Ch. 4 Strategy

-how it will achieve its task -demanding aspect of creative brief -potential to help you make that creative leap -"disruptive" advertising: before/after way of thinking -break through -strategies outlast campaigns: needs to be clear (bedrock or brand). single minded yet encompasses change

Ch. 10 Desired Consumer Response

-how you want them to respond -thrive: mental shift -do: urgency --> promo limited

Ch.6 Support

-justification -turn attributes into benefits -attributes: feature, facts -benefits: better for consumer, can be visually, opinion

Ch. 8 Mandatory Elements

-must include

Ch. 5 Proposition

-what you think you'll capture/hook -something of value (essence of the brand) -one sentence: inspire creative team -focused -act as a stimulus, trying to get a response COMMUNICATION CHAIN: fails to involve sender->receiver->medium->message -proposition needs reasons why- value

Ch. 11 Media Requirement

-where/when -push boundaries -make it a two week conversation

The Strategist's Role is...

...not to determine where media are efficient or to negotiate the deal, ...but to look at the world of media from the consumer's viewpoint.

11 basic components of strategic planning

1. Product/service (what) 2. Objectives (for advertising/communications) 3. Target Market (who) 4. Strategy (how) 5. Proposition (the 'hook' to attract the target market) 6. Support (Payoff or benefit to the target market) 7. Competition (context and contenders to your market share) 8. Mandatory elements (must haves) 9. Tone of voice (character, complexion 10. Desired response (do, feel, think) 11. Media requirement

IMC Tools Review

Advertising Sales Promotions Public Relations Direct Marketing Viral (Buzz) Marketing

The creative brief

After the discovery process is complete, strategic thinking is translated into a creative brief that organizes and communicates key decisions needed to execute the strategic plan. (summary)

Step 1 To Understanding the Language of Positioning

Attributes -Objective characteristics associated with a product or object -Can be tangible or easily observable -People tend to agree on the nature of the attribute Benefits -Subjective criteria that describe what one could gain as an outcome to using a product -Tend to be perceptual in nature -Can be subject to individual interpretation of what is important

Criteria associated with "brand value"

Brand awareness Brand allegiance Willingness to recommend the brand Brand identification Perception of quality Acceptance of premium pricing Trust in brand Empathy with the brand Uniqueness Buying intention

Opportunities for communication evaluation

Concept testing -At the beginning of the creative process -During strategy development/refinement Copy testing (Pre-testing) -During creative development near the finish of the process

When to Evaluate Campaign Effectiveness

Concurrent testing -While the advertising is in the media Post-testing -After the advertising has appeared in the media

Concurrent and Post-Testing Inquiries

How are/were the following affected by our communications? -Buying behavior -Purchase intent -Attitude toward the brand -Awareness of the brand -Recall of the message/as -Exposure to the ad (media)

Faberge example

If you tell two friends about Faberge Organics shampoo with wheat germ oil and honey, they'll tell two friends, and so on..and so on...and so on... --Faberge

Distribution Considerations in Target Marketing

Intensive distribution -Think "saturation" Selective distribution -Cooperative Advertising Exclusive distribution

Communication Evaluation Considerations

Is the advertising working? Is the message compelling given the target audience we're trying to reach? Is the creative effective? Is the media strategy effective?

marketing vs comunication objectives

MARKETING expectations for a product performance. concrete terms to generate sales to increase margins to build volume COMMUNICATION expectations for communications influence and consumers attitudes and behaviors intangable to persuade to inform to remind

Advertising Weaknesses

May be perceived as negatively intrusive It clutters the message environment Does not ensure ACTION

Consumer Needs Element

Needs can be exemplified in two ways: Utilitarian Needs -Physical or functional needs that emphasize objective, tangible attributes of products Hedonic needs -Psychographic or emotional needs characterized by subjective, experiential benefits of products

Publicity Tools

News Releases, Press Conferences Special Events for Media...interviews, trips, etc. Sponsorships Cause-related marketing -Avon & Breast Cancer Awareness -American Express & Statue of Liberty Project

According to the textbook, the support component of the brand proposition can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Which of the following is an example of the way that support could appear in the actual ad?

None of the options in this set can be excluded -scientific facts -celebrity endorsements -convincing statistics -product ingredient lists

Pricing Considerations in Target Marketing

Pricing Strategies -Introductory price -Everyday low price -Premium pricing strategy -Competitive pricing strategy

The Case of "Mark"

Product: Figure 8 Yoghurt Challenge: To build share and sales of yogurt products among young adult men Research: -Men 'borrow' yogurt from their girlfriend or wife -Yogurt is perceived as "girly" Objectives -To build sales among men aged 18 to 35 -To encourage trial among mean 18 to 35 -To help men overcome negative perceptions about yogurt consumption and men -The TM Profile Charge: -Introduce "Mark" in the first person

The Utility of a Proposition

Proposition can translate into a campaign line -Although it may require some tweaks It also acts as a stimulus to the audience the brand attempts to persuade -It engages or draws in the consumer

The Strategic Planning Brief

Provides media group with information important for delivering the message effectively, as well as efficiently -Demographics -Usage -**Motivation -Other Psychographics

Competitive Framework Element

The competitive framework provides a grouping of like products with which our product competes -Direct & indirect competitors Requirement: Framework must be consistent with the brand's main benefit.

Sales Promotion - Goals

Short term increase in sales To induce trial To provide incentives to buy more To reinforce advertising efforts To build trade support

Essential Elements of Brand Proposition Statement

Target Group (1) Consumer Needs (2) Brand (3) Competitive Framework (4) Benefit (5) Reason Why (6) Brand Character (7) Value-Based Payoff (8)

Measurement & Evaluation

The discussion of "success"should largely be a discussion of brand value and increasing the brand's valuation.

The Value-Based Payoff

The element that captures the value to the target that is associated with the benefit promise

Priority Items for Proposition Development

The nature of the product The [marketing] objective The target audience [profiled] The competitive/environmental landscape

Hedonic Needs: Examples

The need for acceptance The need to trust and be trusted The need to be recognized for one's accomplishments

Utilitarian Needs: Examples

The need to satisfy my hunger, thirst The need for safe shelter The need for reliable transportation The need for an organized work environment

Considerations for Target Market Profiles

The purpose of the target market profile is to provide your marketer with a tangible introduction of to whom marketing efforts should be directed. This description is also useful in helping advertising facilitators make better decisions about how to reach this group. -Marketing communications decisions -Media delivery decisions -Creative execution decisions

The Strategist's Role in Media

The role of a strategic planner in advertising media strategy is to make sure the media team understands the target market and will put a premium on delivering the brand message to this particular audience.

Telling the Story

The target market profile should attempt to introduce the marketer to this group -From a secondary & primary research perspective But should also personalize the introduction as necessary -Through visual images (pictures, collages, etc.) -'Who Are You?' Character sketch

The Brand Building Functions of Advertising - Goals

To generate and sustain attention -awareness, interest, recognition/recall To persuade the purchase decision To educate and/or inform the audience about the benefits of the advertised product To reinforce consumer behavior decisions

Direct Marketing - Goals

To generate... 1. a response in the form of an order (direct order) 2. a request for more information (lead generation) 3. a visit to a store or place of business for purchase of a specific product/service (traffic generation)

Marketing Evaluation Considerations

Tracking studies -Sales -Market penetration -Gross margins -Others

The First Step in Target Market Profiles

Understand Who the Consumer Is -Who's buying my brand? -What are the customers like? (lifestyle, opinions, day-in-the-life, etc.) -Why do they buy the product? -Needs? Motivations?

Concept Testing Inquiries

What attributes are most important? How do they resonate in terms of benefits? To what extent are these benefits functional versus emotional? --------------------------------------------------------------------- What do we expect this advertisement to do? What is our view of how advertising works? How do the advertising elements enhance/detract from our communication objectives/strategy?

Industry Analysis

What do we know about the industry with which the product/brand is affiliated? -in what industry does the brand compete -which industry is most relevant to the brand situation -what trends define/have defined the industry in the past years -what are industry growth projections -how saturated is the industry -who are the top players and what is their share

The Importance of Measurement

Without measurement at points through the campaign, advertisers have no way of knowing if and where objectives are being achieved

A group of people to which a promotional message is intended for is called

a target audience

singularity of purpose

each objective should be worded so that ONE result is associated with each statement ex. to increase awareness by 30% among the consumer target within 12 months of introducing the same campaign

time bounded

expecation that specific results will be achieved by specific dates ex. to achieve brand awareness for brand x in 50% of the target within the first 3 months of the campaign

All of the following could be a value a customer might associate with using one brand over another EXCEPT:


The word that should come to mind when an advertising professional contemplates strategy is


Opportunities and threats

o Industry/competitive/consumer analysis o External issues that are beyond the company's or brands direct control, but that affect its business nonetheless o Opportunities- external factors that could benefit the company if pursued strategically o Threats- external variables that could have a negative effect on the company if ignored

Strengths and weaknesses

o Strengths refer to what the company does well r has been successful at o Weaknesses refer to what a company needs to correct or is internally disadvantaged by to date o Likely going to find in the company/product/brand analysis

SWOT analysis

o The swot analysis gives meaning to information uncovered in the situation analysis o It is the "so what" conclusion to the situation analysis o Purpose of the swot analysis • To identify the main issues that could be addressed in the strategic plan to give the brand some competitive advantage • It clarifies opportunities • It identifies problem spots • Issues identified in the SWOT analysis will be used to define the marketing objectives and strategies


objective should be obtainable and cost effective ex. pizza hut will increase traffic by 100% among the target audience by the conclusion of the 6-month campaign period.


objectives must be quantifiable in order to provide some means for evaluating if the intended effects of IBC were achieved. by how much! ex. to increase awareness by 30% among the consumer target within 12 months of the new campaign introduction

Which of the following summarizes the major categories of decisions needed for implementing a marketing strategy?

product, price, place, promotions

communication effects

set in term of soft measures, such as awareness. knowledge and preference

sales driven objectives

this type of objective sets goals in terms of consumer repeat sales

behavioral effects

this type of objective uses consumer behavior to measure ad effects

According to the textbook, who is the primary author of the creative brief?

the account planner

Disney strives to ensure that the marketplace of consumers view its brand persona as fun, caring, wholesome, creative, and imaginative. In the context of the brand proposition statement that we've applied in class, these criteria are best associated with:

the brand character

According to the textbook, there are 11 major sections that should be addressed in the document that directs the art director's and copywriter's efforts in creating an ad. Which of the sections is applied to clarifying the brand's contenders for market share?

the competition section

What element of the marketing plan give exclusive attention to the introducing the group that will be the focus of marketing communications and campaign promotions?

the target market profile

Environmental Analysis

• Industry trends • Sales, growth, expansion, etc. • Technological trends • Media, technology use, availability • Economic trends • Gross domestic product, per capita income, income distribution, economic class structure • Political trends • Government structure, political stability and other issues of interest and their influence on the culture • Regulatory environment • Legal issues surrounding import products, foreign companies, business practice, natural conservation, cultural preservation • Advertising agency and promotions environment

Consumer Analysis

• Information that helps us gain a grasp on the present or potential consumer • Who are they, what motivates them to buy, what values define their culture • Culture profile o MAS/FEM o Hofstede profile • What is important to them in a product, how do they look at life, what are their media uses/preferences -how do they use the product -how are they categorized in usage/loyalty

How Media Fit into A Target Audience's Life

• Receptivity= How is media being used? • Relevance=How meaningful is the media message to me (the target audience)? -Involvement with the brand, category, message • Core user=What is the target's involvement with the vehicle? •Venue for delivery= Where do I interact with the media •Consumer Susceptibility: Where, when will I be most receptive to the message? • Where/How is the brand purchased? -At retail? On line? Via salesperson? • Is it an impulse purchase or planned purchase? • What are the stages of the product purchase process? • In what stage is the customer? -What factors play an influence at the stages? • Does the customer/consumer audience represent a general or specialized target?

Market Analysis

• What geodemographics exist to help us understand where and among which markets the product performs the best or worst? • Demographic vs psychographic trends within the product category • Cohorts vs individuals • Geodemographic nuances • Regional x demographics -where are the heaviest brand/category users -brand development index profile (BDI) what is the catrgory INDEX PROFILE (CDI)

Company Analysis

• What the company is concerned with and what it represents • Corporate mission • History • Sales and profits (annual reports) • Market standing/ category share • Product offerings/product line and key personnel • Capital resources • Global affiliates

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