English Final Exam 1302

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what effects do rhyme and rhythm have?

(sound effects) both intensify the meaning of a poem, arouse interest and give pleasure

What questions should you ask yourself when reading poetry?

1. Can you paraphrase the poem if necessary? 2. Who is the Speaker? How you describe this persona? 3. What is the speaker's tone? which words reveal this tone? Is the poem perhaps ironic? 4. what heavily connotative words are used? what words have unusual or special meanings? Are any words or phrases repeated? if so, why? which words do you need to look up? 5. what images does the poet use? How do the images relate to one another? Do these images form a unified pattern ( a motif) throughout the poem? Is there a central, controlling image? 6. What figures of speech are used? How do they contribute to the tone and meaning of the poem? 7. Are there any symbols? what do they mean? Are they universal symbols or do they arise from the particular context of this poem? 8. Is the occasion for or the settings the poem important in understanding its meaning? If so, why? 9. what is the theme (central idea) of this poem? Can you state it in a single sentence? 10. How important is the role of metrics (sound effects), such as rhyme and rhythm? How do they affect tone and meaning? 11. How important is the contribution of form, such as rhyme scheme and line arrangement? How does the form influence the overall effect of the poem?

William Shakespeare

1564-1616. Most widely known author in all english literature. He was born in Stratford on Avon, probably attend grammar school there and at 18 married Anne Hathaway(26 years older than him) who bore him three children ( Susan, Judith, hamnet) Hament died at 11 years old. and 1585 or shortly there after he went to London and regain his apprenticeship as an actor by 1594 here he won recognition as a poet but It was in the theater that he made his strongest reputation he produced 35 plays in 25 years including historical dramas comedies romances and the great shredded tragedies. his 154 sonnets are supreme examples of the form. Born April 26,1564( St. George day) Father = well known business man (John) Mother =Mary He learned how to deal with people and real estate that's how he got his money. He had no employment record. Lords chamber men =only group to perform shakes play They had their own threat her build called the global. The Kings men= new group, changed their name bc King James gave them a royal patent. Only visited his family during lent. Spent his time in London bc all forms of art were Abandoned to perform during lent. Nickname was bars of Avon (England ) Died April 23,1616 Left everything to Susan, left the 2nd best bed to Anne Made up @ least 1700 word that we use everyday. Shakes sonnet: - quadtrains - 3 verse of four lines - 2 rhyme lines - each line had 10 syllables - each foot had 2 syllables -5ft= pentameter Wrote in lambic (1st syllables unstressed and 2nd stress)

John Donne

1572-1631 the first and perhaps greatest of the metaphysical poets, wrote erotic lyrics and cynical love poems in his youth. A politically disastrous marriage ruined his civil career, but in 1615 he converted to Anglicanism and later became dean of St. Paul cathedral the most influential preacher in England. But layer years he wrote religious sonnets, elegies, epitome and verse letters. Use or complex concede and compressed phrasing influenced many 20th century poets esp. T.S. Eliot Contemporary ( he and shake lived at the same time) Catholic in England. 1572 dangerous to be a catholic (queen Elizabeth) Henry (brother) his a priest and to jail where he died due to a cold. = distruped his faith in catholic 1604 Elizabeth died, James took over. Wife died in childbirth (#12) still born

Robert browning

1812/1889 Was an english poet who experimented with diction and rhythm as well as with psychological protests in verse. He secretly married Elizabeth Barrett and they moved to Italy In 1846, partly to avoid her domineering father, master of dramatic moonlights , after death of wife returned to England where he wrote what some consider his master work. The ring and the book (1868-1869)

Emily Dickso

1830-1866 Among the greatest of American poets. During most her adult life ,:)3 was a recluse , confining herself to her fathers home in Amherst, Massachusetts, wearing only white and shunning company. She produced more than 1700 lyrics which are characterized you startling imagery , ellipses and h expected juxtapositions. Only s e. If her poems were published in her life time and those without her permission. Her influence is still felt in modern poetry. American Greatest female writer in the American romantic age Father= controlling, inspire her to worship him and serve in court . Politically very important rep. In the house. He monitor what book were read. Religion = Calvinism ( strict) all important question of the day She couldn't believe in Calvinism (original sin) believe in God moments. She thought she would be stunned out of heaven. Travelled with father but was shy Socially awkward!! She was great with people she knew . Bc of this she would go out less. By her late 20 she wouldn't go out at all. She wrote for herself She was sick for a long time Died at 55 from brights disease (kidney failure) told her sister to burn all her letters but published them instead became popular in the 1900 her language and form were different Wrote in a ballad form bc she love music and the connection of music and poems.

Kate Chopin

1851-1904 was born in St. Louis. After Father died in a train accident when she was four, she was raised by her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother-all widows. In 1870she married Oscar Chopin, the son of a wealthy cotton-growing family. After their marriage , they lived in New Orleans, where she had 5 boys and 2 girls, all before 28. when oscar died of swamp fever in 1882, she returned to St. Louis and to support her young family , began to write stories about people she had known in Louisiana. her explorations of female sexuality and her championing of women's and her championing of women's self worth in her fiction were so shocking that she was denied membership in the St. Louis Literary society

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

1860-1935 A leading figure in the women's movement at the turn of the 20th century, she boldly challenged conventional gender roles in her life and well as in her fiction and non fiction. Born into a prominent family in Hartford, Connecticut ( her relatives included the author Harriet Beecher Stowe) she suffered a difficult childhood and an unhappy first marriage. In 1885 after the birth of her first child , gilman grew increasingly depressed and turned to s. weir mitchell a noted physician who prescribed complete rest and isolation- a treatment that drove her , she said "near the borderline of utter mental ruin." when she recovered, gilman divorced her husband , gave up custody of their daughter, moved to california and eventually remarried. among her works are women and economics (1899). The man made world (1911) and three utopian feminist novels the most famous of which is Herland written in 1915 but not published until 1978. suffering from inoperable breast cancer, gilman took her own life at age 75 Mother forbid them from having friends to avoid attachment. Not allowed to read fiction. Showed affection when they were sleeping 1st wave feminist (social equality, economic and financial, civil equality)

Langston Hughes


Shirley Jackson

1919-1965 did not receive attention as a writer until 1948 when the new yorker published a story that she wrote in two hours. the magazine was flooded with letters almost all of them wanting to what the story meant. while she is best know for her tales of supernatural terror she also wrote about the perpetual pandemonium and the constant crises of her family life. i can't persuade myself that writing is honest work she once remarked its great fun and i love it for one its the only way i can't to sit down.

Marge piercy

1936- Born in Detroit , Michigan Concerned with depicting and dignifying women's experiences, been accused of politicising her work. She explains how her writing can be of use to women. To find ourselves spoken for in art gives dignity to out pain, our anger our list our losses . Popular novels are small changes , woman of the edge of time and gone to soldiers Still alive Greatly effected by Great Depression Dad repair machines in westing house Jewish mother , Protestant father Third grade contracted measles then rheumatic fever No fiends so book were her friends Graduated high school and got a full ride to the university of Massachusetts First person to go to college Won hopwar award for senior year. Covered living expensive and trip to France 1st husband = nice Jew traditional 2nd=computer scientist , open marriage Started feminism group 3rd knew for 6 years writer like her . Safe haven Leap frog press

Joyce Carol Oates

1938- grew up during the depression on a farm in upstate New York. She won a scholarship to Syracuse University where she became valedictorian of her graduating class. has achieved a prodigious literary output , publishing more than eighty books of fiction, poetry, drama, essay and literary criticism. she writes about real people in a real society but her fiction frequently center on the connection between violence and sexual obsession. She has a disorder where she must write and will write on anything. She tweets through her cats eyes. grandmother gave her a typewriter. Earned masters within a year.

Tim O'Brien

1946- was born in just, minnesota. after graduating summa cum laude from mcalester college and doing graduate work at harvard, he was drafted into the army and served in vietnam where he was promoted to sergeant and received the purple heart. good stories he an interviewer, deal with our moral struggles, our uncertainties, our dreams , our blunder , our contradiction, our endless quest for understanding. good stories do not resolve the mysteries of the human spirit but rather describe and expand upon those mysteries.

what is the minimum number of body paragraphs you should have in paper


long quotations that should be in a block quote

3 or more lines

Limited Omniscience

A MINOR CHARACTER NARRATES THE ENTIRE STORY. Ex: "What we talk about when we talk about love" by Raymond Carver's

Extended Metaphor

An imaginative comparison worked out through several lines or perhaps even an entire poem, accusing meaning as it goes along.

who determined dramatic structure more than two thousand years ago?


everyday use

Author: Alice Walker Point of view: First Person (Central Character) Characters: Mama - The narrator of the story. Maggie - The shy, retiring daughter who lives with Mama. Dee - Mama's older daughter, who has renamed herself Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo hakim-a-barber - Dee's boyfriend or, possibly, husband a Black Muslim Setting: mama'house What was going on in the world at the time of story: Civil rights movement Symbols: -Quilts Theme: The Meaning of Heritage The Divisive Power of Education

The Yellow Wallpaper

Author: Charlotte Perkins Gilman Point of view: First Person Characters: -The Narrator -A young, upper-middle-class woman, newly married and a mother, who is undergoing care for depression. her doctors believe she has a "slight hysterical tendency." -John - The narrator's husband and her physician -Jennie - John's sister. Jennie acts as housekeeper for the couple. Setting: -isolated countryside estate, around 1885. What was going on in the world at the time of story: -Dr. Weir Mitchell bed rest treatment Symbols: -The Wallpaper Theme: -The Evils of the "Resting Cure" -The Importance of Self-Expression - The Subordination of Women in Marriage

Hills like White Elephants

Author: Ernest Hemingway Point of view: Third Person (Objective) Characters: -The American - The male protagonist of the story. -The Girl - The female protagonist of the story. The American calls the girl "Jig" Setting: - A train station, overlooking the Ebro River, somewhere between Barcelona, Spain and Madrid, Spain What was going on in the world at the time of story: -difficulty building meaningful relationships. Symbols: -White Elephants= symbolizes something no one wants—in this story, the girl's unborn child Theme: -Talking versus Communicating

a good man is hard to find

Author: Flannery O' Connor Point of view: Third Person (Limited Omniscient) Characters: The Grandmother - An irksome woman who lives with Bailey and his family. The Misfit - A wanted criminal who stumbles upon the family Bailey - The frazzled head of the family. John Wesley - A loud, obnoxious, eight-year-old boy June Star - An obnoxious young girl. - The Mother - Bailey's wife and the mother of John Wesley, June Star, and a baby. Red Sammy Butts - The owner of the Tower restaurant. Bobby Lee - One of the escaped criminals. , looks like a pig. Hiram - One of the escaped criminals. wears a gray hat and inspects the family's car. Setting: family trip to florida What was going on in the world at the time of story: Symbols: The Grandmother's Hat Misfit's car pale horse on shirt 6 graves Theme: -The Elusive Definition of a "Good Man" -The Unlikely Recipients of Grace

Where are you Going, where have you been?

Author: Joyce Carol Oates Point of view: Third Person (Limited Omniscient) Characters: -Connie - The fifteen-year-old protagonist of the story. Connie is in the midst of an adolescent rebellion. -Arnold Friend - A dangerous figure who comes to Connie's house and threatens her. -Ellie - A friend of Arnold's. Setting: - Connie's house What was going on in the world at the time of story: -young killer in Arizona Symbols: -Music -The Car -The Look -Death and the Maiden -The Home Theme: -Fantasy versus Reality -The Search for Independence

The story of an Hour

Author: Kate Chopin Point of view: Third Person (Omniscient) Characters: -Louise Mallard - A woman whose husband is reportedly killed in a train accident. When Louise hears the news, she is secretly happy because she is now free. She is filled with a new lust for life, and although she usually loved her husband, she cherishes her newfound independence even more. She has a heart attack when her husband, alive after all, comes home. -Brently Mallard - Louise's husband -Josephine - Louise's sister. -Richards - Brently's friend. Setting: - One Hour at the Mallard's House What was going on in the world at the time of story: -feminist issues Symbols: -Weeping - The Open Window Theme: -The Forbidden Joy of Independence -The Inherent Oppressiveness of Marriage

the lottery

Author: Shirley Jackson Point of view: Third Person (Objective) Characters: -Tessie Hutchinson - The unlucky loser of the lottery. -Old Man Warner - The oldest man in the village. -Mr. Summers - The man who conducts the lottery. -Bill Hutchinson - Tessie's husband. -Mr. Harry Graves - The postmaster. helps Mr. Summers prepare the papers for the lottery and assists him during the ritual Setting: some small town What was going on in the world at the time of story: Symbols: -The Black Box -The Lottery Theme: -The Danger of Blindly Following Tradition -The Randomness of Persecution

The things they carried

Author: Tim O'Brien Point of view: third t Characters: -Jimmy Cross - The lieutenant of the Alpha Company, -Mitchell Sanders - One of the most likable soldiers in the war. he is a type of father figure. -Kiowa - O'Brien's closest friend and a model of quiet, rational morality amid the atrocities of war. -Norman Bowker - A man who embodies the damage that the war can do to a soldier long after the war is over. - Setting: Vietnam During the Vietnam War; What was going on in the world at the time of story: - Vietnam war Symbols: Theme: -Physical and Emotional Burdens -Fear of Shame as Motivation -The Subjection of Truth to Storytelling


Canvas-covered frames that make up a traditional set

In literary criticism, what is usually called a thesis?


what are the building blocks of effective argument?

Claim, Evidence, Reasoning and Refutation

alice walker

Contemporary author, black , calls herself a mutt, travels, activities. 1st legally married interracial couple in mississippi ( jewish man). Brother shot her in eye with BB gun. Doctor took money and left after promising to save her eye for 250.00 dollars= why she distrust white males. Physical mark= warrior mark. 1944- war born in eatonton Georgia the daughter of poor sharecroppers. when playing with her brothers at age eight she was blinded in her right eye by a bb gun pellet. after attending superman and Sarah Lawrence colleges, she became a civil rights activist. in 1965 she married mel leventhal a jewish civil rights lawyer; they became the first legally married interracial couple in Mississippi . she later coined the term domains meaning a feminist of her novel the color purple won the 1983pulitzer prize and was made into a popular film.

Sylvia Plath

Daughter of German immigrant. Auto= dad, biology teacher (bees) American (1st generation) Dx with diabetes auto died when she was 8 He was strict and she could never please him Won scholarship, went to England met ted hue She bit him in the cheek she drew blood (1st meeting) They got married , he dressed all in black (never the same shade ) he was sloppy, cheater!!! 2 kids together 2 suicide attempts, UNdx biopolar Well known for bell jar He left her for another women Left her with all the money Feb 11, 63 She sealed off the kitchen. Turned in the gas and stuck her brad in the oven. She killed herself. Hue gf killed herself the same way but killed their daughter too. They blame hue for Plath death

Sure Thing

David Ives


Early clues about what will happen later in narrative or play

what is the most common pattern for poetry written in English?



Involves explication but differs b focusing on some element of the poem and examining how that element ( tone, persona, symbolism, imagery, metric, etc.) contributes to an understanding of the meaning or purpose of the whole

what do we mean when we say poetry has form?

It has design or structure


Jane Martin

Drama is ___ as flexible as other forms of literature



Proceeding carefully through the text, interpreting it usually line by line; best suited to writing about a short poem or a key section of a longer work; concerned mainly with revealing hidden meanings in the poem

Because I could not stop for Death

Quadtrain Ballad Characters; speaker, death, immortality She is slowing dying Passing through the stages of life Wearing a wedding dress(new life) No time in eternity She feels safe


Results when rhythm has a regular pattern that is when the stress recurs at regular intervals


Sensory impression literature provides

when quoting only a couple of lines of poetry, what do you use to indicate the end of each line

Slash /


Straightening out the word order and replacing any unfamiliar words or phrases with everyday language


Susan Glaspell


Two rhymed lines, usually of equal length and similar meter

Barbie Doll

Written by Marge piercy How society see girls and how deadly it becomes

My last duchess

Written by Robert browning

Let me not to the marriage of true Minds

Written by Shakespeare Still love when they're change or situation change. Love is prices less


a character created by the poet thorough whom the poet can speak


a comparison between two things using like or as

what should a good thesis statement be?

a complete sentence that clearly conveys the point you plan to support


a group of four lines with any number of rhyme schemes


a pattern of identical or similar images recurring throughout a passage or entire work


a phrase or statement that on the surface seems contradictory but makes some kid of emotional sense (Ex: sounds of silence , perfect vision false and hard)


a series of casually related events or episodes that occur in a narrative or play

With what must you approach poetry?

a willingness to understand

when writing a paper a single play instead of acting page numbers you need to give

act, scene and line numbers for verse plays


all knowing narrator, WHO IS NOT A CHARACTER in the story. Ex: "Hands" by Sherwood Anderson ****Third Person

what can rhyme do?

also enhances tone and meaning, helps to set poetry apart from ordinary expression and calls attention to the sense, feeling and tone of the words. also gives a certain pleasure to the reader by fulfilling the expectation of the sound patterns


an extreme paradox in which two words having opposite meaning are juxtaposed (Ex: deafening silence, elaborately simple)


an image that becomes so suggestive that it takes on much more meaning than its descriptive value


an imaginative comparison between tow things that makes use of the connotative values of words

the space extending from the bottom of the curtain to the footlights


what is the heart of the dramatic story


which of the following is not one of the standard components of dramatic literature


who pointed out that the most important element of drama is the fable?


where should your thesis statement be located in your paper

at the end of the introduction

Ernest Hemingway

born in Oak Park, a Chicago suburb he described as a " town of wide lawns and narrow minds." Rather than attend college, he became a newspaper reporter, job that helped develop his spare, forceful writing style. as a volunteer ambulance driver in world war I, he was seriously wounded (both legs). Fell in love with nurse anagus who was 7 years older, she left him. he married the first of his four wives in 1921 and took her to paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent, wrote fiction and became a voice of the "Lost Generation" of american expatriates. In 1954 he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. When he was 62 and terminally ill with cancer, he committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. kanas city star= where he develop his writing style. Used: short sentences, short 1st paragraph, vigorous english, be positive pauline= wife#2 Martha= wife #3 Mary= wife#4

Situational irony

can stem quite literally from irony of situation Ex: The lottery --can also involve the contrast between the hopes, aspirations, or fears of a character and the outcome of that person's actions or eventual fate. Ex: A Good Man Is Hard to Find

what is the final sentence of you conclusion called


which not an archetypal symbol mentioned in this chapter


two themed lines usually of equal length and similar meter


what marks the end of the play


What do playwrights rely almost entirely on?


toward the apron


which thesis statement specifically states what you paper is about


what are the two types of thesis statement

explicit and implied

How is poetry measured?



fixed form that has been used most frequently by the greatest variety of notable poets in England and America; fourteen lines with ten syllables per line arranged in a set thyme scheme

it is impossible to separate ____ from meaning



giving human qualities to non human objects

in A Good Man Is Hard to Find, who is the christ figure


if your entry on a works cited page has more than one line what kind of indent is used on additional lines

hanging indent

what is the title of chapter 16

how do i read a play

what thesis statement hints at what your paper is about


which of following statements is false

in all poems sound controls the patterns

which of the following statement is false

in all poems sound controls the patterns

how stage direction printed

in italics


indirect references to famous persons, events , places or to other works of literature

how do you quote poetry in essays?

inserting slash

which paragraph is theoretically shaped like funnel


verbal irony

involves a major discrepancy between the words spoken or written and the intended meaning. For example Crane writes "War is kind" , but actually means (and shows) war is hell

logical order

involves arranging ideas in a way that will appeal to your readers' intelligence and good sense. Will keep your paper from sounding like a mere plot summary

Dramatic irony

involves the difference between what a character know or believes and what the better informed reader or audience know to be true. (character vs. reader) Ex:Susan Glaspell's "Trifles"

chronological order

involves writing about events in the order in which they occur

what do we mean when we say that poetry has form

it has design or structure


lack of agreement between expectation and reality

what is the most common pattern poetry written in English


Flannery O' Connor

lived in south, is catholic (protestant) died at 39 from lupus had a chicken that walked backward= highlight of her life. Born in savannah Georgia, raised a devout roman catholic in the largely protestant south. studied sociology and english at georgia state college for women and was one the first students at the university of iowan renowned writers workshop. her first short story appeared in 1946 five years later, she diagnose with lupus erythematous a disease that had taken her fathers life. although she published only two novels and a collection of stories during her short lifetime her uncanny blend of wicked humor brutal violence and religious concepts produced the unmistakeable literary voice of one of the most important short story writers of the 20th century. 1925-1964

First person

narrator recounts events in which he or she has been involved as a major participant. IDENTIFIED AS "I", often present only their side of the story. Ex: "A&P" John Updike


part of a narrative that interrupts the chronological flow by relating events from the past

beware of Engfish: Engfish

phony, pretentious, stuffy, and often impossible to decode


poetry which uses lines of varying length and avoids prescribed patterns of thyme or rhythm

Closed Form

poetry with lines of equal length arranged in fixed patterns of stress and rhyme

the arch from which the curtain hangs


Why should you pay close attention to punctuation?

provides clues to meaning

what is the most common stanza in English poetry


You have to use your imagination to do what?

recreate the sound of the spoken medium

what can rhythm do when used skillfully?

reinforces the meaning and tone of a poem.


repeating similar sounds in an effective scheme produces this

which point goes in your first body paragraph

second strongest

which author was highly influenced by life after WWII and suspicious tensions resulting from that

shirley jackson

what is the fixed form of poetry that has been used most frequently by the greatest variety of notable poets in England and America


also watch out using jargon:Jargon is

specialized language used by a particular group.


storyteller misrepresents the facts. Ex "The Cask of Amontillado" by Poe. Writers use this point of view to emphasize the subjective of experience or to reveal the shallowness or self-absorption of the main character

rhythm is produced by

stressing or accenting words and syllables


stressing or accenting words or syllables produces this

which point goes in your last body paragraph


Point of View

the angle or perspective form which a story is reported and interpreted


the antagonism between opposing characters or forces that causes tension or suspense in the plot


the arch from which the curtain hangs


the attitude of the writer toward the subject matter of the work


the central or dominating idea advanced by literary work usually contain some insight into the human condition


the character or force in a drama, poem, or work of fiction who's actions oppose those of the protagonist ( hero or heroine)


the dictionary definition of a word


the emotional overtones associated with a term


the main character in drama or fiction sometimes called the hero or heroine.

What will sharpen you sensitivity to poems?

the meaning of a few terms in literary criticism


the narrator disappears and the story seems to tell itself through action and dialogue. Does not get into the minds of the character; gives only what could be RECORDED BY A CAMERA OR MICROPHONE. also called dramatic point of view because its similarity to the script of a play.


the point toward which the action of the plot builds as the conflicts become increasingly intense or complex; the turning point.


the repetition of consonant sounds either at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables (Ex: "The Soul selects her own Society")


the repetition of similar vowel sounds that are not followed by identical consonant sounds (EX: grave and gain; shine and bright)


the space extending from the bottom of the curtain to the footlights


the time and place in which a story, play or novel occurs

what does critical reading mean?

the use of analysis, inference, synthesis and evaluation to seek the meaning beneath the surface of any text written or visual; the process of seeing and judging implications, connections and assumptions that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Why is play written?

to be performed

why do you read critically?

to derive meaning from a work

What is crucial to the interpretation of poetry?


what is the first sentence or two of you body paragraph called

topic sentence


toward the apron (in drama)


toward the back (in drama)

how many times should you read each story?


Before you begin interpreting a poem, you must be sure that you what?

understand the literal meaning


universal symbols (such as colors, numbers, seasons, the sea, serpents, etc)

toward the back


what is the most important tone to recognize?

verbal irony

which of the following is not one of the standard components of dramatic literature


Verbal irony

when what is meant is the opposite of what is said.

what is a good question to begin with them attempting to identify persona and tone?

who is the speaker

with what question should you being when interpreting poetry?

who is the speaker


words that have the same or similar pronunciation but different meanings and different spellings (Ex: accept, except; lose loose; idol, idle; weather, whether)

How are sound effects produced in poetry

writing with organized repetition

how are sound effects produced in poetry

writing with organized repetition

Death be not proud

written by John Donne.


written by Sylvia Plath. Nine lines, nine syllables , nine letters in title= nine months of pregnancy. general reader is being addressing. Message: Pregnant. Images contribute: she is far along. Symbols suggest she is pregnancy. How does it all fit together: show a woman in the late stage of her pregnancy. Significant of the title: explains each line is a metaphor


written by Sylvia Plath. she feels trapped ( lived in a shoe) by her father. Images show how big and powerful he is and how controlling he is ( her feeling trapped). He=Nazi her= Jew. She tried to please and even attempted suicide. Married someone just like her father. She killed them both= she cut them out of her life.

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