Advanced Topics in Finance Final

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Quinlan Enterprises stock trades for $52.50 per share. It is expected to pay a $2.50 dividend at year end (D1 = $2.50), and the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5.50% a year. The before-tax cost of debt is 7.50%, and the tax rate is 40%. The target capital structure consists of 45% debt and 55% common equity. What is the company's WACC if all the equity used is from reinvested earnings?


Refer to Exhibit 9.1. Based on the CAPM, what is the firm's cost of common stock?


Refer to Exhibit 9.1. What is the best estimate of the after-tax cost of debt?


Refer to Exhibit 9.1. What is the best estimate of the firm's WACC?


Refer to Exhibit 9.1. Which of the following is the best estimate for the weight of debt for use in calculating the firm's WACC?


"Capital" is sometimes defined as funds supplied to a firm by investors.


72. Kenny Electric Company's noncallable bonds were issued several years ago and now have 20 years to maturity. These bonds have a 9.25% annual coupon, paid semiannually, sells at a price of $1,075, and has a par value of $1,000. If the firm's tax rate is 40%, what is the component cost of debt for use in the WACC calculation?


80. Avery Corporation's target capital structure is 35% debt, 10% preferred, and 55% common equity. The interest rate on new debt is 6.50%, the yield on the preferred is 6.00%, the cost of common from reinvested earnings is 11.25%, and the tax rate is 40%. The firm will not be issuing any new common stock. What is Avery's WACC?


A basic rule in capital budgeting is that if a project's NPV exceeds its IRR, then the project should be accepted.


A company's perpetual preferred stock currently sells for $92.50 per share, and it pays an $8.00 annual dividend. If the company were to sell a new preferred issue, it would incur a flotation cost of 5.00% of the issue price. What is the firm's cost of preferred stock?


A firm should never accept a project if its acceptance would lead to an increase in the firm's cost of capital (its WACC).


Adams Inc. has the following data: rRF = 5.00%; RPM = 6.00%; and b = 1.05. What is the firm's cost of common from reinvested earnings based on the CAPM?


As a consultant to Basso Inc., you have been provided with the following data: D1 = $0.67; P0 = $27.50; and g = 8.00% (constant). What is the cost of common from reinvested earnings based on the DCF approach?


As the assistant to the CFO of Johnstone Inc., you must estimate its cost of common equity. You have been provided with the following data: D0 = $0.80; P0 = $22.50; and g = 8.00% (constant). Based on the DCF approach, what is the cost of common from reinvested earnings?


As the winner of a contest, you are now CFO for the day for Maguire Inc. and your day's job involves raising capital for expansion. Maguire's common stock currently sells for $45.00 per share, the company expects to earn $2.75 per share during the current year, its expected payout ratio is 70%, and its expected constant growth rate is 6.00%. New stock can be sold to the public at the current price, but a flotation cost of 8% would be incurred. By how much would the cost of new stock exceed the cost of common from reinvested earnings?


Assume that you are an intern with the Brayton Company, and you have collected the following data: The yield on the company's outstanding bonds is 7.75%; its tax rate is 40%; the next expected dividend is $0.65 a share; the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6.00% a year; the price of the stock is $15.00 per share; the flotation cost for selling new shares is F = 10%; and the target capital structure is 45% debt and 55% common equity. What is the firm's WACC, assuming it must issue new stock to finance its capital budget?


Assuming that their NPVs based on the firm's cost of capital are equal, the NPV of a project whose cash flows accrue relatively rapidly will be more sensitive to changes in the discount rate than the NPV of a project whose cash flows come in later in its life.


Bartlett Company's target capital structure is 40% debt, 15% preferred, and 45% common equity. The after-tax cost of debt is 6.00%, the cost of preferred is 7.50%, and the cost of common using reinvested earnings is 12.75%. The firm will not be issuing any new stock. You were hired as a consultant to help determine their cost of capital. What is its WACC?


Because "present value" refers to the value of cash flows that occur at different points in time, a series of present values of cash flows should not be summed to determine the value of a capital budgeting project.

A division X project with an 11% return

Bloom and Co. has no debt or preferred stock⎯it uses only equity capital, and has two equally-sized divisions. Division X's cost of capital is 10.0%, Division Y's cost is 14.0%, and the corporate (composite) WACC is 12.0%. All of Division X's projects are equally risky, as are all of Division Y's projects. However, the projects of Division X are less risky than those of Division Y. Which of the following projects should the firm accept?

The market risk premium declines

Burnham Brothers Inc. has no retained earnings since it has always paid out all of its earnings as dividends. This same situation is expected to persist in the future. The company uses the CAPM to calculate its cost of equity, and its target capital structure consists of common stock, preferred stock, and debt. Which of the following events would REDUCE its WACC?

If the firm evaluates these projects and all other projects at the new overall corporate WACC, it will probably become riskier over time.

Careco Company and Audaco Inc are identical in size and capital structure. However, the riskiness of their assets and cash flows are somewhat different, resulting in Careco having a WACC of 10% and Audaco a WACC of 12%. Careco is considering Project X, which has an IRR of 10.5% and is of the same risk as a typical Careco project. Audaco is considering Project Y, which has an IRR of 11.5% and is of the same risk as a typical Audaco project. Now assume that the two companies merge and form a new company, Careco/Audaco Inc. Moreover, the new company's market risk is an average of the pre-merger companies' market risks, and the merger has no impact on either the cash flows or the risks of Projects X and Y. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


Conflicts between two mutually exclusive projects occasionally occur, where the NPV method ranks one project higher but the IRR method ranks the other one first. In theory, such conflicts should be resolved in favor of the project with the higher positive IRR.


Conflicts between two mutually exclusive projects occasionally occur, where the NPV method ranks one project higher but the IRR method ranks the other one first. In theory, such conflicts should be resolved in favor of the project with the higher positive NPV.

If J and F merge, then the merged firm MW should have a WACC that is a simple average of J's and F's WACCs.

Firm J's earnings and stock price tend to move up and down with other firms in the S&P 500, while Firm F's earnings and stock price move counter cyclically with J and other S&P companies. Both J and F estimate their costs of equity using the CAPM, they have identical market values, their standard deviations of returns are identical, and they both finance only with common equity. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


Firms raise capital at the total corporate level by retaining earnings and by obtaining funds in the capital markets. They then provide funds to their different divisions for investment in capital projects. The divisions may vary in risk, and the projects within the divisions may also vary in risk. Therefore, it is conceptually correct to use different risk-adjusted costs of capital for different capital budgeting projects.


For a typical firm, which of the following sequences is CORRECT? All rates are after taxes, and assume that the firm operates at its target capital structure.


For capital budgeting and cost of capital purposes, the firm should always consider reinvested earnings as the first source of capital⎯i.e., use these funds first⎯because reinvested earnings have no cost to the firm.


For capital budgeting and cost of capital purposes, the firm should assume that each dollar of capital is obtained in accordance with its target capital structure, which for many firms means partly as debt, partly as preferred stock, and partly common equity.


Funds acquired by the firm through retaining earnings have no cost because there are no dividend or interest payments associated with them, and no flotation costs are required to raise them, but capital raised by selling new stock or bonds does have a cost.


Granby Foods' (GF) balance sheet shows a total of $25 million long-term debt with a coupon rate of 8.50%. The yield to maturity on this debt is 8.00%, and the debt has a total current market value of $27 million. The company has 10 million shares of stock, and the stock has a book value per share of $5.00. The current stock price is $20.00 per share, and stockholders' required rate of return, rs, is 12.25%. The company recently decided that its target capital structure should have 35% debt, with the balance being common equity. The tax rate is 40%. Calculate WACCs based on book, market, and target capital structures. What is the sum of these three WACCs?


If a firm is privately owned, and its stock is not traded in public markets, then we cannot measure its beta for use in the CAPM model, we cannot observe its stock price for use in the DCF model, and we don't know what the risk premium is for use in the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium method. All this makes it especially difficult to estimate the cost of equity for a private company.


If a firm's marginal tax rate is increased, this would, other things held constant, lower the cost of debt used to calculate its WACC.


If expectations for long-term inflation rose, but the slope of the SML remained constant, this would have a greater impact on the required rate of return on equity, rs, than on the interest rate on long-term debt, rd, for most firms. Therefore, the percentage point increase in the cost of equity would be greater than the increase in the interest rate on long-term debt.


If investors' aversion to risk rose, causing the slope of the SML to increase, this would have a greater impact on the required rate of return on equity, rs, than on the interest rate on long-term debt, rd, for most firms. Other things held constant, this would lead to an increase in the use of debt and a decrease in the use of equity. However, other things would not stay constant if firms used a lot more debt, as that would increase the riskiness of both debt and equity and thus limit the shift toward debt.


If the expected dividend growth rate is zero, then the cost of external equity capital raised by issuing new common stock (re) is equal to the cost of equity capital from retaining earnings (rs) divided by one minus the percentage flotation cost required to sell the new stock, (1 − F). If the expected growth rate is not zero, then the cost of external equity must be found using a different formula.


In general, firms should use their weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to evaluate capital budgeting projects because most projects are funded with general corporate funds, which come from a variety of sources. However, if the firm plans to use only debt or only equity to fund a particular project, it should use the after-tax cost of that specific type of capital to evaluate that project.


Other things held constant, an increase in the cost of capital will result in a decrease in a project's IRR. ANS: F


Perpetual preferred stock from Franklin Inc. sells for $97.50 per share, and it pays an $8.50 annual dividend. If the company were to sell a new preferred issue, it would incur a flotation cost of 4.00% of the price paid by investors. What is the company's cost of preferred stock for use in calculating the WACC?


Since 70% of the preferred dividends received by a corporation are excluded from taxable income, the component cost of equity for a company that pays half of its earnings out as common dividends and half as preferred dividends should, theoretically, be Cost of equity = rs(0.30)(0.50) + rps(1 − T)(0.70)(0.50).

become more risky and also have an increasing WACC. Its intrinsic value will not be maximized.

Suppose Acme Industries correctly estimates its WACC at a given point in time and then uses that same cost of capital to evaluate all projects for the next 10 years, then the firm will most likely


Suppose the debt ratio (D/TA) is 50%, the interest rate on new debt is 8%, the current cost of equity is 16%, and the tax rate is 40%. An increase in the debt ratio to 60% would decrease the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).


Suppose you are the president of a small, publicly-traded corporation. Since you believe that your firm's stock price is temporarily depressed, all additional capital funds required during the current year will be raised using debt. In this case, the appropriate marginal cost of capital for use in capital budgeting during the current year is the after-tax cost of debt.

Project B, which is of below-average risk and has a return of 8.5%

Taylor Inc. estimates that its average-risk projects have a WACC of 10%, its below-average risk projects have a WACC of 8%, and its above-average risk projects have a WACC of 12%. Which of the following projects (A, B, and C) should the company accept?

The company will take on too many high-risk projects and reject too many low-risk projects.

The Anderson Company has equal amounts of low-risk, average-risk, and high-risk projects. The firm's overall WACC is 12%. The CFO believes that this is the correct WACC for the company's average-risk projects, but that a lower rate should be used for lower-risk projects and a higher rate for higher-risk projects. The CEO disagrees, on the grounds that even though projects have different risks, the WACC used to evaluate each project should be the same because the company obtains capital for all projects from the same sources. If the CEO's position is accepted, what is likely to happen over time?


The CEO of Harding Media Inc. as asked you to help estimate its cost of common equity. You have obtained the following data: D0 = $0.85; P0 = $22.00; and g = 6.00% (constant). The CEO thinks, however, that the stock price is temporarily depressed, and that it will soon rise to $40.00. Based on the DCF approach, by how much would the cost of common from reinvested earnings change if the stock price changes as the CEO expects?


The Lincoln Company sold a $1,000 par value, noncallable bond several years ago that now has 20 years to maturity and a 7.00% annual coupon that is paid semiannually. The bond currently sells for $925 and the company's tax rate is 40%. What is the component cost of debt for use in the WACC calculation?


The cost of preferred stock to a firm must be adjusted to an after-tax figure because 70% of dividends received by a corporation may be excluded from the receiving corporation's taxable income.

The decision not to adjust for risk means that the company will accept too many projects in the manufacturing division and too few in the data processing division. This will lead to a reduction in the firm's intrinsic value over time.

The Tierney Group has two divisions of equal size: an office furniture manufacturing division and a data processing division. Its CFO believes that stand-alone data processor companies typically have a WACC of 9%, while stand-alone furniture manufacturers typically have a 13% WACC. She also believes that the data processing and manufacturing divisions have the same risk as their typical peers. Consequently, she estimates that the composite, or corporate, WACC is 11%. A consultant has suggested using a 9% hurdle rate for the data processing division and a 13% hurdle rate for the manufacturing division. However, the CFO disagrees, and she has assigned an 11% WACC to all projects in both divisions. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


The before-tax cost of debt, which is lower than the after-tax cost, is used as the component cost of debt for purposes of developing the firm's WACC.


The component costs of capital are market-determined variables in the sense that they are based on investors' required returns.


The cost of capital used in capital budgeting should reflect the average cost of the various sources of long-term funds a firm uses to acquire assets.


The cost of common equity obtained by retaining earnings is the rate of return the marginal stockholder requires on the firm's common stock.


The cost of debt is equal to one minus the marginal tax rate multiplied by the average coupon rate on all outstanding debt.


The cost of debt is equal to one minus the marginal tax rate multiplied by the interest rate on new debt.


The cost of debt, rd, is normally less than rs, so rd(1 − T) will normally be much less than rs. Therefore, as long as the firm is not completely debt financed, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) will normally be greater than rd(1 − T).


The cost of equity raised by retaining earnings can be less than, equal to, or greater than the cost of external equity raised by selling new issues of common stock, depending on tax rates, flotation costs, the attitude of investors, and other factors.


The cost of external equity capital raised by issuing new common stock (re) is defined as follows, in words: "The cost of external equity equals the cost of equity capital from retaining earnings (rs), divided by one minus the percentage flotation cost required to sell the new stock, (1 − F)."


The cost of perpetual preferred stock is found as the preferred's annual dividend divided by the market price of the preferred stock. No adjustment is needed for taxes because preferred dividends, unlike interest on debt, is not deductible by the issuing firm.


The firm's cost of external equity raised by issuing new stock is the same as the required rate of return on the firm's outstanding common stock.


The higher the firm's flotation cost for new common equity, the more likely the firm is to use preferred stock, which has no flotation cost, and reinvested earnings, whose cost is the average return on the assets that are acquired.


The internal rate of return is that discount rate that equates the present value of the cash outflows (or costs) with the present value of the cash inflows.


The lower the firm's tax rate, the lower will be its after-tax cost of debt and also its WACC, other things held constant.


The president and CFO of Spellman Transportation are having a disagreement about whether to use market value or book value weights in calculating the WACC. Spellman's balance sheet shows a total of noncallable $45 million long-term debt with a coupon rate of 7.00% and a yield to maturity of 6.00%. This debt currently has a market value of $50 million. The company has 10 million shares of common stock, and the book value of the common equity (common stock plus retained earnings) is $65 million. The current stock price is $22.50 per share; stockholders' required return, rs, is 14.00%; and the firm's tax rate is 40%. The CFO thinks the WACC should be based on market value weights, but the president thinks book weights are more appropriate. What is the difference between these two WACCs?


The reason why reinvested earnings have a cost equal to rs is because investors think they can (i.e., expect to) earn rs on investments with the same risk as the firm's common stock, and if the firm does not think that it can earn rs on the earnings that it retains, it should distribute those earnings to its investors. Thus, the cost of reinvested earnings is based on the opportunity cost principle.


To help them estimate the company's cost of capital, Smithco has hired you as a consultant. You have been provided with the following data: D1 = $1.45; P0 = $22.50; and g = 6.50% (constant). Based on the DCF approach, what is the cost of common from reinvested earnings?


The text identifies three methods for estimating the cost of common stock from reinvested earnings (not newly issued stock): the CAPM method, the DCF method, and the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium method. However, only the CAPM method always provides an accurate and reliable estimate.


The text identifies three methods for estimating the cost of common stock from reinvested earnings (not newly issued stock): the CAPM method, the DCF method, and the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium method. However, only the DCF method is widely used in practice.


The text identifies three methods for estimating the cost of common stock from reinvested earnings (not newly issued stock): the CAPM method, the DCF method, and the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium method. Since we cannot be sure that the estimate obtained with any of these methods is correct, it is often appropriate to use all three methods, then consider all three estimates, and end up using a judgmental estimate when calculating the WACC.


To estimate the company's WACC, Marshall Inc. recently hired you as a consultant. You have obtained the following information. (1) The firm's noncallable bonds mature in 20 years, have an 8.00% annual coupon, a par value of $1,000, and a market price of $1,050.00. (2) The company's tax rate is 40%. (3) The risk-free rate is 4.50%, the market risk premium is 5.50%, and the stock's beta is 1.20. (4) The target capital structure consists of 35% debt and the balance is common equity. The firm uses the CAPM to estimate the cost of common stock, and it does not expect to issue any new shares. What is its WACC?


To help estimate its cost of common equity, Maxwell and Associates recently hired you. You have obtained the following data: D0 = $0.90; P0 = $27.50; and g = 7.00% (constant). Based on the DCF approach, what is the cost of common from reinvested earnings?


Trahern Baking Co. common stock sells for $32.50 per share. It expects to earn $3.50 per share during the current year, its expected dividend payout ratio is 65%, and its expected constant dividend growth rate is 6.0%. New stock can be sold to the public at the current price, but a flotation cost of 5% would be incurred. What would be the cost of equity from new common stock?

If a company's tax rate increases, then, all else equal, its weighted average cost of capital will decline.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

The accept/reject decision depends on the firm's risk-adjustment policy. If Weatherall's policy is to increase the required return on a riskier-than-average project to 3% over rS, then it should reject the project.

Weatherall Enterprises has no debt or preferred stock⎯it is an all-equity firm⎯and has a beta of 2.0. The chief financial officer is evaluating a project with an expected return of 14%, before any risk adjustment. The risk-free rate is 5%, and the market risk premium is 4%. The project being evaluated is riskier than an average project, in terms of both its beta risk and its total risk. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


Westbrook's Painting Co. plans to issue a $1,000 par value, 20-year noncallable bond with a 7.00% annual coupon, paid semiannually. The company's marginal tax rate is 40.00%, but Congress is considering a change in the corporate tax rate to 30.00%. By how much would the component cost of debt used to calculate the WACC change if the new tax rate was adopted?


When estimating the cost of equity by use of the CAPM, three potential problems are (1) whether to use long-term or short-term rates for rRF, (2) whether or not the historical beta is the beta that investors use when evaluating the stock, and (3) how to measure the market risk premium, RPM. These problems leave us unsure of the true value of rs.


When estimating the cost of equity by use of the DCF method, the single biggest potential problem is to determine the growth rate that investors use when they estimate a stock's expected future rate of return. This problem leaves us unsure of the true value of rs.


When estimating the cost of equity by use of the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium method, we can generally get a good idea of the interest rate on new long-term debt, but we cannot be sure that the risk premium we add is appropriate. This problem leaves us unsure of the true value of rs.

The beta coefficient of " the market," which is the same as the beta of an average stock

When working with the CAPM, which of the following factors can be determined with the most precision?

Accounts payable

Which of the following is NOT a capital component when calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for use in capital budgeting?

A cost should be assigned to reinvested earnings due to the opportunity cost principle, which refers to the fact that the firm's stockholders would themselves expect to earn a return on earnings that were distributed rather than retained and reinvested.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A firm's cost of reinvesting earnings is the rate of return stockholders require on a firm's common stock.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

ANS: The relevant WACC can change depending on the amount of funds a firm raises during a given year. Moreover, the WACC at each level of funds raised is a weighted average of the marginal costs of each capital component, with the weights based on the firm's target capital structure.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

Beta measures market risk, which is, theoretically, the most relevant risk measure for a publicly-owned firm that seeks to maximize its intrinsic value. This is true even if not all of the firm's stockholders are well diversified.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

If a company assigns the same cost of capital to all of its projects regardless of each project's risk, then the company is likely to reject some safe projects that it actually should accept and to accept some risky projects that it should reject.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

If a company's tax rate increases but the YTM on its noncallable bonds remains the same, the after-tax cost of its debt will fall.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

If a firm has been suffering accounting losses that are expected to continue into the foreseeable future, and therefore its tax rate is zero, then it is possible for the after-tax cost of preferred stock to be less than the after-tax cost of debt.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

Surveys indicate that the CAPM is the most widely used method for estimating the cost of equity. However, other methods are also used because CAPM estimates may be subject to error, and people like to use different methods as checks on one another. If all of the methods produce similar results, this increases the decision maker's confidence in the estimated cost of equity.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

The WACC that should be used in capital budgeting is the firm's marginal, after-tax cost of capital.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

The cost of equity is generally harder to measure than the cost of debt because there is no stated, contractual cost number on which to base the cost of equity.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

There is an "opportunity cost" associated with using reinvested earnings, hence they are not "free."

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

When calculating the cost of debt, a company needs to adjust for taxes, because interest payments are deductible by the paying corporation.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

The cost of equity is always equal to or greater than the cost of debt.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Assume a company's target capital structure is 50% debt and 50% common equity.

Project A has a standard deviation of expected returns of 20%, while Project B's standard deviation is only 10%. A's returns are negatively correlated with both the firm's other assets and the returns on most stocks in the economy, while B's returns are positively correlated. Therefore, Project A is less risky to a firm and should be evaluated with a lower cost of capital.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Assume that the firm is a publicly-owned corporation and is seeking to maximize shareholder wealth.

Increase the percentage of debt in the target capital structure

With its current financial policies, Flagstaff Inc. will have to issue new common stock to fund its capital budget. Since new stock has a higher cost than reinvested earnings, Flagstaff would like to avoid issuing new stock. Which of the following actions would REDUCE its need to issue new common stock?


You are a finance intern at Chambers and Sons and they have asked you to help estimate the company's cost of common equity. You obtained the following data: D1 = $1.25; P0 = $27.50; g = 5.00% (constant); and F = 6.00%. What is the cost of equity raised by selling new common stock?


You have been hired as a consultant by Feludi Inc.'s CFO, who wants you to help her estimate the cost of capital. You have been provided with the following data: rRF = 4.10%; RPM = 5.25%; and b = 1.30. Based on the CAPM approach, what is the cost of common from reinvested earnings?


You have been hired by the CFO of Lugones Industries to help estimate its cost of common equity. You have obtained the following data: (1) rd = yield on the firm's bonds = 7.00% and the risk premium over its own debt cost = 4.00%. (2) rRF = 5.00%, RPM = 6.00%, and b = 1.25. (3) D1 = $1.20, P0 = $35.00, and g = 8.00% (constant). You were asked to estimate the cost of common based on the three most commonly used methods and then to indicate the difference between the highest and lowest of these estimates. What is that difference?


You were recently hired by Garrett Design, Inc. to estimate its cost of common equity. You obtained the following data: D1 = $1.75; P0 = $42.50; g = 7.00% (constant); and F = 5.00%. What is the cost of equity raised by selling new common stock?


Your consultant firm has been hired by Eco Brothers Inc. to help them estimate the cost of common equity. The yield on the firm's bonds is 8.75%, and your firm's economists believe that the cost of common can be estimated using a risk premium of 3.85% over a firm's own cost of debt. What is an estimate of the firm's cost of common from reinvested earnings?

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