History of Latin America Exam #1

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Independent Mexico

1810-1860 Economy in Protracted Recession Caciques & Caudillos Patron-Client Relations

Haitian Revolution

A major influece of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.


(especially in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries) a political manifesto or proclamation 36 changes in the Mexican Presidency with pronunciamientos

Toussiant L'Ouverture

An educated former slave and a millitary genius. Lead the revolt against Napolean on Santo Domingo, indirectly set-up the Louisiana Purchase. (Pageant pg. 221)

Bourbon Reforms

Attempt to reconquest of the Americas Increased taxes extended tribute replaced creoles Allowed Freer trade outside Spanish Empire

Colonial Centers

Central Valley of Mexico, much of Peru large populations during conquest complex indigenous soicial structures strong&effecient Colonial state Colonial system supported by labor &tribute

Peripheral Area

Chile & Much of Brazil Sparse Populations few broad profit making activities ongoing wars with indigenous peoples central state weak and few European institutions

Brazils Coffee Economy

Coffee in state of Rio de Janeiro Relied on Slave Labor Cofffee Trees Took too long to mature

Ten Years War 1868-1878

Cuba's unsuccessful attempt to throw off Spanish rule Mostly Free People of Color

Wage Labor

Demographic decline after conquest made labor more valuable Mining areas Northern Mexico and the Andes were so profitable wage labor developed no state role in wage labor

1903 Reciprocity Treaty

Failed and led to occupation


Forcibly taken to the Americas Worked on Plantations Caribbean &Brazil had largest slave populations

1870 Moret Law

Freed 60 slaves Free Womb Law

Viceregal Power

Had his own court Chief executive Founded towns built roads raised militias appointed officials Technically controlled the Church

Paraguay Revolution

Harvested Yerba Mate Dominated by Tupi Guarani Indians Colonial Backwater

Results of Bourbon Reform

Increased Spanish Control and revenue economic growth and freer trade increased creole elite dissatisfaction Economic growth at the expense of the poor

Draft Labor

Indigenous people forced to provide labor through repartimiento Used in mines and crude factories Brutal system Indigenous Communities often protested conditions directly to the king

Haiti 1790-1840

Inspired by French Rev Free Blacks thought motto should apply to them 93% of the pop was black or Mulatto

Antonio Maceo

Leading black Cuban insurgent general in the Spanish-American War.

Platt Amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble

Caste war of the Yucatan

Long revolutionary struggle (1847-1901) of the Maya people of Mexico against European and mestizo intruders.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876) Was the President 11 times

Mexican Conservatives

Needed Indian Communities and Church to maintain Social Order Fear Trade of Liberals would hurt local producers

Patron-client relations

Neofeudal relations in which "patrons" gain the support of "clients" through the mutual exchange of benefits and obligations.

Francisco Solano Lopez

Paraguayan dictator who was killed along with 20% of the Paraguayan population by 1870 when Brazil and Uruguay waged war against Paraguay in 1865.

Caribbean & Circum-Caribbean

Plantation Societies based on production; especially sugar labor system organized around African Slavery Intensely regulated society Social &race relations extremely hierarchical

Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia

Ruled paraguay from 1814-50, a doctor of theology. El "Supremo". He tried to seal paraguay from Europe, and spied on some European visitors.

Silver V. Tin in Bolivia

Silver mining revived after economical decline Silver elites controlled Bolivia

Pedro I

Son and successor of João VI in Brazil; aided in the declaration of Brazilian independence in 1822 and became constitutional emperor.


The Belief that White people are more advanced and so modern Promoted European Immigration

Gilberto Freyre

This Brazilian sociologist described Brazil as a racial democracy, a society without racism due to racial mixture.

War of the Triple Alliance

This war began between Brazil and Paraguay, and Argentina and Uruguay joined Brazil's side. This war devastated Paraguay, and it was forced to cede territory to the Allies. Name this war.

Mexican Liberals

Wanted US-style Capitalism Free Circulation of Land & Labor break up Indian communities Against the power of the Catholic Church


a product that is the same no matter who produces it, such as petroleum, notebook paper, or milk

Chiles Aristocratic Republic

by 1833, an independent republic independent republic for only the wealthy

Jose Marti

led the fight for Cuba's independence from Spain from 1895 through the Spanish-American War

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