Advertising and Promotion Exam 2

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competitive advantage appeal- informational/ rational appeals

Compares product to another brand and claims superiority on one or more attributes

concept testing

Conducted very early in campaign development to explore consumer's response to a potential ad or campaign. - May just be a headline or rough sketch. - Use focus groups and mall intercepts


Consists of visual elements rather than information. Encourages buyers to associate brand with symbols, characters, or situation.

advantages of public relations

Cost-effective way to reach the market. Highly targeted way to conduct public relations. Endorsement by independent and objective third parties yields credibilty It breaks through the clutter. It can create influence among opinion leaders and trendsetters

Target Market Coverage

Matches the most appropriate media to a market Goal - Extend media coverage to members of the target audience while minimizing waste coverage

test marketing

Measure advertising effects in specific test markets before releasing them nationally

testimonial advertising

Messages presented by a person who endorses and/or elaborates on personal experience with the product

absolute cost

actual total cost required to place the message

Flexibility (Divergence)

ad contains different ideas and educates

ad-to-consumer relevance

ad contains execution elements that are meaningful to consumers

Originality (divergence)

ad elements that are rare, surprising, or non-obvious

Synthesis (Divergence)

ads that combine or connect unrelated objects

artistic value

ads that contain artistic verbal impressions or graphical design

Elaboration (Divergence)

ads that contain unexpected details or add more depth to basic ideas

brand-to-consumer relevance

advertised brand of a product or service is of personal interest to consumers

inbound marketing

consumer driven, "pull" marketing blogging earned social media SEO emails to opt in lists pay per click

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

influencing the visibility of a website or web page in a Search Engine's"Natural" or free search results.

retail store scanner data

provides marketers to understand the incremental sales impact of promotions

Gross Rating Points (GRPs)

reach x frequency

lead generation

the result of a direct marketing offer designed to generate interest in a product or service and a request for additional information

media overlap

the target audience that saw the same ad message on more than 1 media vehicle

advertising execution

the way an advertisement appeal is executed

index number formula

(Percentage of users in a demographic segment/Percentage of population in the same segment) X 100

the media mix

- Adds more versatility to media strategies. - Increases coverage, reach, and frequency levels. - Improves likelihood of achieving overall communications and marketing goals

reminder advertising

- Builds brand awareness and/or helps keep brand name in front of consumers - Repeated exposure can enhance familiarity and generate positive feelings

benefits of emotional appeals

- Competitive differentiation - Reduce price sensitivity - thus higher profits

Television Disadvantages

- Costs. - Lack of selectivity. - Fleeting message .- Clutter. - Limited viewer attention. - Distrust and negative evaluation

cable television

- Delivers TV signals through fiber or coaxial wire. Alternative delivery systems (ADS) such as direct broadcast satellite (DBS). - Cable networks and channels get revenues from ads and subscriber fees.

Television Advantages

- Excellent creativity and impact. - High coverage and more cost-effectiveness - High captivity and attention. - Selectivity and flexibility

Advantages of Direct Marketing

- Highly targeted, - Segmentation: demographic, purchase history, etc. - Personalization. - Testing. - Flexible timing. - Measures of effectiveness

Background Research (fact-finding techniques)

- Internal sources: salespeople, R&D, Customer Service - Use the product or service and become familiar with it. - Gather information on product, market, and competition

favorable price appeal- informational/ rational appeals

- Makes price offer the dominant point of the message. - Announce sales, special offers, or low everyday prices

idea generation (creative process)

- Process: Evaluate ideas. Reject the inappropriate ideas. Refine the remaining ideas. Give ideas final expression

background research (product or service specific research)

- Product and Brand Research - 'Problem Detection' research via consumer feedback • Focus Groups • Ethnographic Research

effective native advertising

- Provides information of value to the reader - Is consistent with the editorial content around

advertising campaigns

- Set of interrelated, coordinated marketing communications activities that center on a single theme or idea. - A campaign appears in different media across for a specified duration

product popularity appeal- informational/ rational appeal

- Stresses the popularity of productor service • Consumer ratings • # consumers using • # consumers that have switched brands • # of experts who recommend brand. • The brand's leadership positionin the market

varieties of magazines

- serve wide range of readers needs in both consumer and business markets - more companies advertise in magazines than in any other medium

Radio Characteristics

-Often viewed as old-school. -Primarily local advertising medium. -Broadest mass reach among all media. -Offers advertisers narrow targeting capabilities. -Considered a pervasive medium.

Magazines & Newspapers

-Present detailed information that can be processed at the reader's own pace -Not intrusive- High-involvement media -readership across multiple platforms -Newspapers reach broad audience while magazines reach specific types of consumers and market segments

Budget Considerations

-absolute cost -relative cost

Lead Nurturing

.• Building relationships with prospective customers ('prospects') who are not yet ready to buy .• Delivers marketing messages to prospects over time at various points in the customer's buying journey

process of developing creative advertising

1) background research 2) idea generation and evaluation 3) develop campaign theme 4) creative brief

media strategy and the marketing plan

1) marketing plan and objectives 2) the advertising (IMC) plan and objectives 3) the media plan and objectives - set media objectives - determine media strategy - select media channels - select media tactics

media planning follows the same overall process as marketing and IMC plans

1. Insights 2. Objectives 3. Strategy 4. Execution 5. Measurement & Evaluation

Developing the Media Plan

1. Market analysis 2. Establishment of media objectives 3. Media strategy development and implementation 4. Evaluation and follow-up

emotional integration (emotional appeal)

Characters in ad experience emotional benefit or outcome from using product or service.

market analysis and target market identification- insights

1. To Whom Will We Advertise? 2. Where Will We Advertise?

Key elements in a creative brief

1. basic problem or issue the communication must address or solve 2. communication objectives 3. target audience 4. insights to drive creative work 5. key benefits or major selling idea to communicate 6. reason to believe/ supporting information 7. tone and manner/ brand personality 8. deliverables (what is needed and when) 9. measures of success (should be tied back to objectives)

Advertising Execution Styles

1. straight sell or factual message 2. scientific/ technical evidence 3. demonstration 4. comparison 5. testimonial 6. slice of life 7. animation 8. personalty symbol 9. imagery 10. dramatization 11. humor

Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans

1. the media mix 2. target market coverage 3. geographic coverage 4. scheduling 5. reach and frequency 6. recency 7. creative aspects and mood 8. flexibility 9. budget considerations

Public Relations (PR)

A nonpaid form of strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their public

advertising appeal

An advertising approach to attract consumers' attention and/or influence their feelings toward a product


Any 'Identifiable Person' expressing interest in the brand by: - filling out a contact form on a webpage - registering to receive brand e-mail - completing an online survey - entering a contest or promotion

emotional appeals

Appeals to the customer's social and psychological needs for purchasing product or service


Appropriate media used to create a mood that enhances the creativity of message

television network

Assembles a series of affiliates to which it supplies programming and services

low BDI and low CDI

Both the product category and the brand are doing poorly; not likely to be a good place for advertising

direct marketing

Brands or companies communicate directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction

teaser advertising

Builds curiosity, interest, and/or excitement about a product or brand by talking about it but not actually showing it often used for product launches to generate interest and publicity

creative brief

Document that specifies key elements of the creative strategy and serves as basis for communication between client and advertising agency

transformative advertising (emotional appeal)

Dramatizes the experience a consumer will feel when using the brand A great technique to differentiate the brand from competitor

Creative Aspects

Effective implementation of creativity requires appropriate medium. Requires media and creative departments to work together to achieve greatest impact with audience.

positioning (creative strategy development)

Establishes product or service in a particular place in consumer's mind. Done on basis of distinctive attributes. Basis of firm's creative strategy when it has multiple brands competing in same market

media scheduling options

Flighting Pulsing Continuity

dramatization advertising

Focuses on telling a short story with the product or service as the star. Problem-solution approach but uses more excitement and suspense

Creating a Brand Image

Image advertising: Strategy used to develop a strong, memorable identity for a brand To be successful: Associate the brand with symbols or artifacts that have cultural meaning. Use visual appeals that convey psychosocial associations and feelings.

creative execution style

Manner in which a particular appeal is turned into an advertising message eg -demonstration -testimonial -factual -imagery -humor -slice of life


Independent local stations that send signals nationally via satellite to cable operators. - Audience fragmentation due to expanded viewing options

where to promote?

Indexes give media planners insight into the relative value of a market geography

index number

Indicates the potential of a consumer segment based on product usage

broadcast emails

One-time "push" to opted-in audience • Product launch announcements • Website content/professional resource updates • Press releases

Category Development Index (CDI)

Potential development of a product category and not specific brands

to whom will we advertise?

Primary and secondary research are used to determine which specific groups to target

slice of life advertising

Portrays a problem or conflict consumers might face in daily lives. Based on a problem-solution approach

Brand Development Index (BDI)

Potential brand usage in a geographic area


Series of drawings that present a proposed commercial's visual layout

Identifiable Person

Someone Who Provides Their Contact Information • The person's name, email address

SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time specific

network advertising

Spreading messages by purchasing airtime from a television network

Advantages of Publicity

Substantial credibility News value Significant word-of-mouth Perception of media endorsement

duplicated reach

The % of the target audience who have been exposed to the same ad message in more than 1 media vehicle


The actual percentage of people in the target audience that were exposed to the ad message

Divergence (creativity)

The extent to which the ad contains elements that are novel, different, or unusual. Is the ad unique?

unduplicated reach

The total % of unique individuals in the target audience exposed to an ad message


The total number of times a person is exposed to an ad message in a specified period


Timing promotional efforts so they coincide with highest potential buying times

major selling idea (creative brief)

What is the strongest singular thing a company can say about its product?

triggered emails

automatically sent based on: 'Thank You' For Recent purchases • Anniversary dates • Last visit to the website

Finding Inherent Drama

behind every buyer need is a uniquely human dramatic situation, and the core of that dramatic situation is the inherent drama for the product Advertising should: - Be based on foundation of consumer benefits. - Emphasize the dramatic element in expressing those benefits

using a unique selling proposition

benefit- if you buy this product, you will get this benefit unique- proposition must be unique to the brand; competitors can't or don't offer it potent- promise must be strong enough to move mass millions

email campaign types

broadcast multi touch (nurture) triggered


changing channels to avoid commercials

continuity media schedule

continuous media exposure

Advantages of Radio

cost and efficiency receptivity selectivity flexibility,


fast forwarding through commercials

informational/rational appeals

focus on the consumer's practical, functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service and emphasize features of a product or service and/or the benefits or reasons for owning or using a particular brand

Feature Appeal - Informational / Rational Appeals

focuses on dominant traits of product or service

earned media

free publicity generated by brand fans and influencer mentions, shares, reposts, reviews

Advantages of Magazines

highly targeted (demographics. psychographics) -cost efficient -high selectivity -high creative impact -high audience attention

relevance (creativity)

is the ad relevant to the target audience? Degree to which elements of the ad are meaningful, useful, or valuable to the consumer.

Outbound Marketing

marketer driven "push" marketing broadcast and print ad social media ad search engine ad emails to purchased lists display advertising

flighting schedule

media exposure is 'on again / off again' over a long time period

pulsing media schedule

media exposure is continuous but concentrated during certain times

specific media objectives

media objectives determined by the media situation analysis • Limited to goals that can be accomplished through media strategies


modifying the media mix as the market environment changes. Influenced by: Market opportunities . Market threats. Availability of media. Changes in media or media vehicles

Divergence Factors (5)

originality, flexibility, elaboration, synthesis, artistic value

owned media

owned and controlled by the brand website, email, podcasts and live events, social media posts

paid media

paid advertising and sponsorships social media ads, display ads, paid search, sponsorships, retargeting

sales promotion examples

samples coupons premiums contents/ sweepstakes reminds/ rebates bonus packs price-offs loyalty programs event marketing

multi touch (nurture) emails

series of regularly scheduled emails


test versus control programs are sometimes used to measure promotion effectiveness prior to a national rollout

High BDI and Low CDI

the category is not selling well, but the brand is; probably a good market to advertise in but should be monitored for declining sales

campaign theme

the central message or idea that is communicated in all advertising and other promotional activities -should have longevity -guided by specific goals (brand awareness, trial)

Low BDI and High CDI

the product category shows high potential but the brand is not doing well; the reasons should be determined

relative cost

the relationship between the price paid for advertising time or space and the size of the audience delivered used to compare media vehicles

High BDI and High CDI

this market usually represents good sales potential for both the product category and the brand

primary objective is sales promotion

to create an immediate sale

Split-run tests

variations of the ad appear in different copies of the same print medium

Animatic storyboard

videotape of storyboard along with audio soundtrack

sales promotion

• Direct inducement that offers extra value or incentive for the product to: • Sales force. • The Retail Trade • Ultimate consumer


• Generation of news about a person, product, or service appearing in media. • Differs from public relations by: • Being a short-term strategy .• Not always being controlled or paid by the organization

Advantages of TV advertising

• Message Impact • Sight-Sound-Motion • Audience Reach • Mass Coverage • Targeted Reach • Audience Attention • An 'Attentive' Viewer • Brand 'Prestige' • TV still the most prominent medium

Power of Publicity

• Publicity is often more powerful than other IMC programs because: • It is highly credible. • It has news value and frequently generates exposure. • Publicity information may be perceived as an implied endorsement


• Traditional form of PR. • Evaluates public attitudes. • Identifies policies of an organization with the public interest. • Executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance

types of advertising appeals

•Informational/Rational Appeals • Emotional Appeals

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