AEC 480 - Exam 1

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A fully constructed and operational building project is referred to by design and construction professionals as a:


A key aspect of the Integrated Project Delivery method is that risks and rewards are shared by emphasizing the project's best interests rather than the best interest of the participants.

Commissioning Authority

A third-party entity engaged to verify the quality of the construction in relation to the owner's project requirements is called the:


A written historical record of project decisions reduces potential risk for the architect/engineer or contractor (T/F)

Independent Reference Standards Development Organizations

ASTM International and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) are:

Risk Retention

Accepting and absorbing losses as part of a risk to reward proposition is an example of:


Although standardized agreements and forms created by professional associations are quicker and less costly to prepare that custom contracts, they are difficult to modify to fit the unique requirements of a specific project. (T/F)


Assuming no change in the project scope, the Construction Manager at Risk is liable for all construction cost overruns beyond the guaranteed maximum price.

The local Building Official

Building codes are enforced by:

Risk Avoidance

Choosing not to take on a project that involves significant risks is an example of:

Turnkey Contracts

Contracts that include all the services an owner needs to realize a new, usable facility ready for occupancy are called:


Courts have ruled that general notes take precedence over specific information on drawings and in specifications. (T/F)

A Homeowners or Condominium Association

Covenants are created and policied by:

Bridging Documents

Design documents prepared by a separate architect hired by the owner as a basis for Design-Bid proposals are called:


Expectation of perfection by the owner can potentially expose the design team and contractor to risk. (T/F)

The Facility Life cycle

From the decision to build through occupancy of a completed facility, the sequence of stages that a project goes through is called:


Historically in the building industry, most law suits (70%-75%) are initiated by:

A Series

In standardized agreements developed by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Owner-Contractor documents belong to the:

Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)

In the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery method, the contract price for a finished project is generally called the:

The Contractor

In the Design-Bid-Build competitive proposal method, the sub-contractors are generally selected by:

Negotiation Option

In the Design-Bid-Build project delivery method, the contractor participates in the design process in which option?

The Design-Build contractor

In the Design-Build project delivery method, the architect within the design-build team has a direct contractual relationship with:

Bringing on a contractor through bidding or negotiation

In the design and construction process, "procurement" means:


In which project delivery method does the architect have a contractual relationship with the contractor?


It is typical on a construction project for the owner to select the architect/ engineer team on the basis of lowest price.


Local jurisdictions have the authority in most cases to modify model code requirements to address local concerns and circumstances.


One of the main benefits to the owner with the Owner-Build project delivery method is that it requires less in-house management personnel and lower overhead.


Organizations or individuals actively involved in a major portion of the project delivery process or are affected by the project in a critical way are called:

Private Owners

Owners of projects where funding is not derived from taxation or governmental appropriation are called:

Competitive bid and competitive proposal options

Procurement documents are complete when the contractor begins pricing in which of the following Design-Bid-Build options?

Risk Sharing and Transfer

Purchasing professional liability insurance is an example of:


Reference standards are not mandatory in the same way as codes and regulations; but they can be incorporated into specifications in the construction documents thereby making the adherence to specific reference standards by the contractor a condition of the contract.


Requirements for residential septic systems, commercial kitchens, and child care facilities are typically enforced by the local department of environmental control, sometimes called the Health Department or Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

Risk Reduction

Requiring the owner to sign off on final decisions is an example of:

All of the above

Risk Management Involves:


Subcontractors and suppliers normally have a contractual relationship with the:


Supplier's product representatives are responsible for sales and marketing of products, but they also play a major role in providing technical consulting throughout the design and construction process.

Professional Association

The American Institute of Architects is a:

Withholding building permits and certificates for occupancy

The Building Official enforces the building code by:

Government Standards Development Agency

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is a:

Three Years

The International Code Council (ICC) normally issues code updates every:


The United States Green Building Council's LEED rating system is a mandatory program that rates and certifies the level of sustainability of all new facilities.

Important information enhancing the student's future career success in the building industry

The content of this course is:


The designer team on a building project is normally selected on the basis quality, experience, and unique skills of design team members that match up with project requirements and not solely on the bases of lowest bid. (T/F)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The entity that regulates wastewater and storm water is:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The federal legislation that requires uniform accessibility standards for buildings used by the public is:

The Spearing Doctrine

The legal doctrine that says a contractor is entitled to rely on the construction documents being sufficient for the intended purposes is called:

Fast-track scheduling

The preparation and issuance of several construction bid packages throughout the design process in lieu of one overall bid package at the end of the design phase is called:

Protecting the health, safety and welfare of the people who occupy and interact with the building

The primary purpose of build codes is:

A Project

The process of designing, constructing and delivering a facility to its owner referred to by design and construction professionals as:


The remedy for breech of an contractual agreement is generally left up to the courts and not identified within the standardized agreement. (T/F)


The services of surveyors, environmental engineers, and geotechnical engineers are normally retained by the:


The services of the civil engineer, the structural engineer, and the mechanical engineer are normally retained by the:

Design-Bid-Build (DBB)

What is the most traditional and most common project delivery method?

The zoning code

What regulates parking and transportation on a building site, which use groups and functions can be constructed on particular sites, and the size, height, and density of buildings?

The general contractor

When construction begins, the Construction Manager at Risk acts as:


When local jurisdictions adopt a model code, they are required by law to abide by the latest issued update of that code.


Which documents in the Construction Document Phase of design prescribe qualitative aspects of the project?

Construction Drawings

Which documents in the Construction Document Phase of design prescribe quantitative (size, shape, location) aspects of the project?

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)

Which entity regulates workplace health and safety?

A proposed exterior wall mockup

Which is not a typical component of a Design-Build proposal?

Project Completion, Design, Construction Documents, procurement, construction, facility management (All of the above are stages of a life cycle)

Which is not considered a stage of the facility life cycle?

Legal (Liability)

Which is not one of the three factors that most influence the quality of a building project?


Which project delivery method involves one construction contract with the owner for design and construction services?

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

Which project delivery method is most likely to utilize building information modeling (BIM) as one of the fundamental strategies to enhance collaboration of team members throughout the entire design and construction process?


Which project delivery method tends to be the most litigious?

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