Africina Study Midterm Review

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From 1500-1800----------- Africans were forcibly moved from African to the Americans

10-12 million


12 years after Civil War 1865-1877 former Confederate States restored to Union, former slaves became citizens,gained rights to vote, and hold political offices. KKK

What percentage did not survive the 6-8 week voyage


The Declaration of Independence was signed in ----- Britain didn't recognize American Independence until------


Dred Scott v. Sanford case

1857 Missouri slave D.S. black people (not just slaves) had no rights in America and therefore could not bring lawsuits before the courts

13th Amendment

1865 abolished slavery and involuntary servitude

15th Amendment

1870 right to vote

After the American Revolution, how many slaves were in the U.S.?

700 thousand

In West African Society, many families were polygnous

A family unit consistenting of a man, his wives, and their children

Moral Suasion

AASS in 1830. slaveholders and others to support immediate emancipation on the basis of Christian Principles

The origin of humanity lie in which of the following continents?


Richard Allen founded the first independent black church

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)

In Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson stated that

Africans were inferior to whites in terms of beauty and intelligence


After Civil war, former slaves worked land owned by whites,paid for the use of land and tools , seeds, fertilizer, and mules by sharing crops (mostly cotton) with owner

Who became president after Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson


Anti-Slavery movement . Began in U.S. 1820, demanded that slavery be abolished immediately

Black codes

Applied to only Black People rights to marry, contract a debt, own property , restricted rights and opportunities

How is the issue of freedom form blacks connected to the subject of land after the Civil War ?

Blacks wanted their own private lands after receiving freedom

Freeman Bureau

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land in Feb. 1865 to assist black and white southerners left destitute by Civil War

Westward expansions of U.S. encouraged 1 million American-born slaves to be sold into Deed South in 1790-Civil War

Domestic Slave trade

Cotton gin

Eli Whitney in 1793 speed production of cotton, separate cotton seeds from fiber

---------- was the basis of revolutionary ideology

European Enlightenment

Manumission, North West Ordinance of 1787, the free black class


Lord Dunmore, of VA's, proclamation promised

Freedom to escaped slaves who joined the loyalist army

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Cause of the American Revolutionary War

Harsh and the lack of an American voice in the British Parliament

Concerning Human Understanding , John Locke applied Issac Newton's philosophy of laws of physical universe to

Human and Politics

The type of slavery exists before chattle slavery

Indentured Servitude

The two religious traditions in the 15th century in West Africa

Islam and Indigenous

how did the Emancipation Proclamation change the nature of the war

It became a war to free slaves, giving North a moral advantage

What is true about the end of Reconstruction ?

It left few lasting benefits for blacks

What did the 14th Amendment accomplish

It made all people born in the U.S. citizens 1868 due process

Why we know about the Underground Railroad

It was a secret and unofficial organization with no centralized command

Which scholar / philosopher was an influence on the Enlighten thought in Europe

John Locke

Americans that wished to remain within the British Empire


What was a common feature of many sharecropping agreements

Most of the time landowners accepted a share of the crop for rent

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Nearly doubled the size of U.S

Americans that favored independence from Britain


largest transporters of African slaves during the Atlantic slave trade


Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln , Jan.1, 1863, freed slaves in in areas of the the Confederate states not under Union control

Which black man was selected from South Carolina to participate in the 1864 Republican National Convention

Robert Smalls

What was a common characteristic of a typical slave ship?

Slave captains packed their ships as tightly as possible


Slave chained together that was typical of the domestic slave trade

U.S Constitution , cotton, Louisiana Purchase


True about black officeholders during Reconstruction?

Some had been free before war ; some had been slaves

How did some former masters react to the emancipation of their slaves

Some were tremendously hurt and surprised when their slaves chose to leave after freedom

True about punishment for slaves

Southern whites though black would not work unless they the threat of physical punishment

Which is a limitation of the Freedmen's Bureau?

The FB was given huge responsibilities but insufficient funds to carry out its tasks

What is the connection between the Ku Klux Klan and Reconstruction?

The Klan promoted violence in the interest of Southern Democrats who ended Reconstruction

Which of the following statements best describes the thringular trade produced by the Atlantic Slave Trade

The middle part of the trade included traders carrying African Slaves to the West Indines and exchanging

How would an African most likely become a slave

Their town or village was conquered by another African Army

Which of the following was true about Black Codes

They denied blacks the rights to serve on juries

True about the importance of education to blacks after Reconstruction ?

They saw education as freedom as closely linked and often went to great lengths to form schools and attend them

Main author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Black people recognized long before most white northerners that the fact of the Union was inextricably tied to the issues of slavery


The Idea that blacks had no rights in the U.S. , as declared in the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case, was fully scuttled when Congress passed the 14 Amendment


The end of slavery created initial social opportunities for blacks to create segregated religious institutions


why did African enslave other Africans and sell them to Eurpoeans?

Warfare among Africans tribes led to selling defeated tribes to make money and get rid of opponents

Which side of the Revolutionary War did African Americans join?

Which side offered them freedom

How do blacks and whites interact in the image of the Confederate assault on Fort Pillow

White troops massacre innocent blacks and defenseless black and white Union troops


a headquarters for a European company that traded for slaves or engaged in other commercial enterprise on West African coasts

Hired their own time

a master allowed slaves to work for wages paid by someone other than the master himself


act of freeing a slave by the slave's master


association of slave state that left the Union 1861

How did whites react to blacks attempting to establish schools in the south?

by using violence , killing teachers

Best characterizes slave childhood

childhood was minimal and kids were doing adult work at between ages 8-12

European Industrial Revolution saw increase in textile, which caused and increase in demand for -----from America


Slave dependent crop the most important


Industrial Revolution

economic change that began in England during the early 18th century and spread to Continental Europe and the U.S. Industry from agriculture became the dominant form of enterprise


enslaved are treated legally as property

In the hierarchical society of West Africa, slavery

functioned as a means of assimilation into West African Societies

How were black volunteers greeted by the U.S. government in 1861

government accepted the early volunteers as contraband, but didn't enlist them

American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) goals

immediate end slavery, with no compensation for owners

Indentured servant

individual who sells or looses his or her freedom for a specific number of years

True about the KKK

it conducted campaigns of violence, murder, and terrorism against blacks

What were the terms of Special Field Order #15

it was issued by General Sherman, set aside land and allowed some former slaves to use army mules

Freedom suits

legal cases where slaves sued their masters for freedom

True of slave marriages on plantations

masters allowed pairings among male and female slaves

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

masters can recapture slaves who reached free states and return them to their home states


newly arrived Africans were broken into slavery in the Americas


process by which people of different backgrounds become similar to each other in culture and language

What was the first concern of many African Americans once they achieved freedom

reuniting with lost family members

How did African women experience differ from African men's experience on slave ship

sexual violence from crew

Which slave group had the highest status on plantation

skilled slaves

(AASS) arguments to convince people that slavery should be abolished

slavery led to brutality and violence

Underground Railroad

slaves escape from the upper south to Canada and North, 19th century

Unique about slave population of U.S. compared to other slave populations in the New World

slaves in U.S. population grew by natural reproduction

Result of Nat Turner's rebellion

slaves in the uprising killed at least 50 whites

Contraband of war

slaves who escaped to Union or were captured by Union troops during Civil War, considered enemy property


social system based on class rank

What crops grown in America that needed labor and helped lead to slave trade?

sugar cane, tobacco, cotton

In 1800, VA, Gabriel planned to revolt to

take control of VA government and end slavery


taxes on goods

Clause in U.S. Constitution gave white planters power in government

the 3/5 clause

Fugitive slave law of 1850 strengthen previous laws

the law would punish citizens who failed to help capture runaways

American Colonization Society goals

to gradually free slaves, through purchasing them and sending them to Africa

What was the main purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

to help assist the newly freed slaves in their transition to freedom

What was Lincoln's initial aim regarding the Civil War when it began in 1861

to preserve the Union without ending slavery

How were the concepts of freedom and education interrelated in the minds of blacks after the Civil War

to remain illiterate was to remain enslaved

Domestic Slave Trade

trade in America, slaves purchased in the border south and sent overland or by sea to the cotton growing regions of the Old Southwest

African Americans come primrialy from which region of Africa?



worship of many gods

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