Age phisiology and school hygiene

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Sound power is measured in....


What determines muscle strength?

from muscle thickness

The tip of the tongue is most sensitive to...


The edges of the tongue are sensitive to...


Adult skin area

1.5-2 m2

The respiratory rate during quiet breathing is

10 - 12 respiratory movements

Аdult pituitary diameter

10-15 mm

The rate of calcium intake in the body of a one-year-old child:

1000 mg per day

At what age is the hearing aid fully formed?

12 year

The spinal cord of a newborn is

14 cm

The volume of inhaled air in a child of 6 years

156 ml

Tactile sensitivity reaches its maximum at the age of...

17-20 years old

What ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is considered the best for children of primary school age?


EEG registration is a continuous record of the potential difference between __ points of the brain


In a newborn, muscle mass is approximately __ of the total body weight.


Mass of the heart of a newborn baby:

20-24 g

In children in the first years of life, each pelvic bone consists of __ bones


Newborn brain mass

390 g

The total amount of blood in an adult:

4-6 liters

The length of the spinal column of a newborn the child is

40% of the length of his body

In a newborn, the volume of the cerebral region of the skull is __ times larger than the facial


At what age does the process of changing milk teeth to permanent teeth begin?

6-7 years

At what age are all parts of the visual system fully formed?

7 year

The final maturation of the basal nuclei and the formation of their connections with the cortex, which ensures the performance of more precise and coordinated voluntary movements, occurs at

7 years of age

The growth of the thyroid cartilage, the sharpening of the angle between its plates leads to the appearance

Adam's apple

The field of view is determined using

Forster perimeter

Author of "surface rules"

M. Rubner

Founder of School Hygiene

P. Lesgaft

Inspiratory reserve volume is...

air volume when additionally 1500-2000 ml can be injected

What is age periodization

a division into age periods of postnatal human development

What is aging

a genetically determined natural biological process that leads to a decrease in the level of functioning of the whole organism and its individual systems

The ability of children and adolescents to carry out precise, coordinated and rapid movements:


Children have much lower blood pressure than adults because

all options are correct

Currently, studies of mental performance using ...

all options are correct

Focus is assessed...

all options are correct

In the process of individual development, physical development is significantly influenced...

all options are correct

Mental performance depends on...

all options are correct

Nutrients include...

all options are correct

Skin functions:

all options are correct

Tactile receptors are sensitive to...

all options are correct

The electroencephalogram captures the wave:

all options are correct

The magnitude of the pressure is determined mainly ...

all options are correct

The nature of the EEG is determined ...

all options are correct

Which of the types of skin reception is inherent in the human body

all options are correct

At what age do the first teeth begin to erupt?

at 6-8 months after birth

Method for determining the absolute threshold of sensitivity of the human auditory analyzer to sounds of different frequencies


Capturing and processing sound information of a different nature (noises, human speech, etc.). is a function...

auditory analyzer

The amount of food consumed should correspond to the age needs in the 'building material' and energy costs of a person

balanced nutrition concept

The shock-absorbing function of the spine exists due


The root of the tongue is sensitive to...



bone marrow

The set of processes that ensure the exchange of gases between the environment and the body, where the latter receives oxygen, which goes to the reaction of glucose oxidation in cells in order to obtain energy, is called ...


The ability to hold the head and back in children develops

by 2 months

Verbal-logical (theoretical) thinking manifests itself

by 8-9 years

The curvature of the spine in children leads to a high content in the bones


Individual acquired reactions of the body to stimuli of the external and internal environment with the participation of the higher part of the central nervous system - the cerebral cortex

conditioned reflexes

They are formed with a repeated combination of a conditioned signal (light, sound, smell, etc.) and an unconditioned reinforcement (food, pain, etc.).

conditioned reflexes

The smallest distance between two irritated points on the skin surface, at which two irritations are perceived as separate

discrimination threshold

Three parameters (weight, height, chest circumference) correspond to each other

disharmonious development

Muscle strength is measured using:


The recording of biopotentials (biocurrents) of the working brain, which reflects the total postsynaptic activity of cortical neurons, is ...


The human digestive system develops from:


According to the classification of Ivanov-Smolensky, children in whom positive conditioned reflexes are developed easily, negative ones are difficult:


Bactericidal properties of dirty skin

fall sharply 17 times lower than that of clean skin

What processes are regulated by insulin?

growth process

Three parameters (weight, height, chest circumference) correspond to age, or they are all equally increased, or decreased by more than 10%

harmonious development

Somatometric indicators of the body

height, weight, head and chest circumference

A set of complex forms of activity of the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures that ensure the interaction of the whole organism in the environment

higher nervous activity

At what age can a child perceive smells?

immediately after birth

When does the development of the gonads begin?

in embryos at the 5th week

Skin receptors first appear

in the skin of the lips and the mucous membrane of the tongue.

In the presence of fatigue in the central nervous system, the latent period of the reaction...


According to the classification of Ivanov-Smolensky, children who have difficulty developing positive and negative conditioned reflexes:


According to the classification of Ivanov-Smolensky, children whose (positive conditioned reflexes are difficult to develop, negative ones are easy):


Depends on the number of molecules of gustatory substance of the stimulus and the number of active centers ...

intensity of taste reaction

The number of movements that the child is able to make per unit of time:


__ reflects the ability of the optical system of the eye to build a clear image on the retina

isual acuity

According to the classification of Ivanov-Smolensky, children who easily form positive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes:


The time during which a person responds with motor reactions to an external stimulus is called ...

latent period

Time of passage of the nerve impulse from the receptor to the muscle

latent period

The space within which all its points are visible at a fixed position of the eye

line of sight

Arterial blood pressure in children compared to adults:


The vital capacity of the lungs is

maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after maximum entry

.Methods of age physiology are

observation and experiment

Basal metabolic rate is measured using...


Measurements of body functions (muscle strength, arterial blood pressure, lung capacity, etc.) are


What delays the process of ossification of the phalanges of the fingers, which leads to their lengthening

playing musical instruments from an early age

Assessment of the body structure by external signs (shape of the spine, posture, puberty, etc.) are


When proportionality indices correspond to age norms

proportional development

Rh factor is...

protein agglutinogen

Methods for studying mental performance

psychophysiological methods

In children, the ability of muscles to __is poorly expressed.


The most common hypovitaminosis in children:


An indicator that characterizes the general state of the nervous system and shows how quickly the processes leading to the body's response to some stimulus are carried out

speed of excitation

The vital capacity of the lungs is measured using:


-is a person's ability to prolonged muscle contraction, that is, it characterizes the ability to continue muscle work with developing fatigue.

strength endurance

What does age-related anatomy and physiology study?

study of the patterns of formation and development of the structure and functions of the body throughout its life path - from fertilization to the end of life

By the time of birth, the most mature food unconditioned reflexes are:

sucking, swallowing

Oval-shaped formations that contain receptor (taste) cells are

taste buds

The method of "transverse sections" is

that in a large group of children of different ages, the main age indicators of the body are measured

What is acceleration

the acceleration of age-related development by shifting morphogenesis to earlier stages of ontogenesis

The functional residual capacity is...

the amount of air that remains in the lungs after a quiet exhalation

With complete muscle rest, lying down, on an empty stomach, after 14-16 hours of fasting at an external temperature of 16-18ºС, __ is measured

the basal metabolism

The energy costs of the body at rest, associated with maintaining the minimum level of metabolic processes necessary for the life of cells, is called

the basic metabolism

The total lung capacity is...

the largest amount of air that completely fills the lungs

The absolute sensitivity threshold of the auditory analyzer is

the minimum sound intensity that can cause an auditory sensation or some kind of response

What does the human nervous system develop from?

the outer germ layer (ectoderm)

What does school hygiene study?

the science of strengthening and maintaining the health of children and adolescents by creating optimal conditions for education and upbringing

Respiratory volume is...

the volume of air that a person inhales and exhales during quiet breathing

What is growth?

this is an increase in the length, volume and body weight of children and adolescents, associated with an increase in the number of tissue cells

What is ontogeny

this is the period of individual development of a living organism from the moment of fertilization of the egg to the natural end of individual life

What is the curvature of the spine in the thoracic region called?

thoracic kyphosis

The maximum amount of information that the organs of vision are able to register per unit of time


The human kidney grows

to 30-40 years

Deficiency of thyroid hormones and the newborn can lead

to cretinism

Blood pressure is measured using:


Congenital protective reactions of the body to stimuli of the external and internal environment with the participation of the lower parts of the central nervous system - the spinal cord or brain stem

unconditioned reflexes

Boys and girls have the same muscle strength

up to primary school age

Blood pressure is

variable pressure under which blood is in a blood vessel

By determining the smallest distance between two points, sufficient so that they do not merge, so that the rays from them fall on different receptors of the retina, it is measured

visual acuity

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