Aging exam 1 (quiz questions and models)

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CRUNCH model

-Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits Hypothesis, describes how the aging brain adapts to neurological decline by recruiting additional neural circuits to perform tasks adequately


A developmental psychologist wants to survey several cohorts of people aged 60-years-old to get their opinions concerning Medicare (e.g., assessing 60-year-olds in 2010, then another group of 60-year-olds in 2015, and yet another in 2020). Which research design is best suited to this task?

HAROLD model

A model that explains the empirical findings of reduced lateralization in prefrontal lobe activity in older adults (that is, the reduced ability of older adults to separate cognitive processing in different parts of the prefrontal cortex).


A resident of an assisted living center experiencing a marked decline in intellectual abilities in the years directly preceding death, known as terminal drop, is an example of which type of aging?


According to Willis' model of everyday competence, one's health and the availability of health insurance would be considered

lower levels of disability; higher health-related quality of life

Across all racial and ethnic groups, more affluent older adults have _____________________ and _____________________ than individuals in lower socioeconomic groups.

secondary appraisal.

After doing poorly on an exam, you ask yourself, "What can I do to improve my performance next time?" This is an example of a


If you are using a questionnaire to assess memory in older individuals, and each time you administer the questionnaire it produces different results, it can then be said that the measure has low:


John, a former master bricklayer back in his day, has recently moved into a special care facility. One of the nurses at John's nursing home always speaks to him in a way he feels is belittling. She often says things such as "Johnny, dear, we need to get you ready for the day, so hurry, hurry" or "Uh¬oh sweetie, it looks like you have made a big mess here. We better get this cleaned up quickly." This type of speech is known as

high competence.

Laura, who turned 85 on her last birthday, lives in an area in which women are frequently victims of violent crimes, but she was the top student in her self-defense for the elderly class. In terms of Lawton and Nahemow's model, she has

competence-environment press model.

Many older adults compensate in their environments in order to effectively cope. Or, they select a different place to live. This description fits with the

preventable if one limits exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays and doesn't smoke.

Most facial wrinkling experienced by adults is

compression of morbidity.

Mrs. Smythe became first disabled when she was elderly, at 88-years-old. She then died two years later. This example illustrates

it takes longer for them to raise their internal body temperature, or warm up.

Older adults have slower vasoconstrictor response. This means

context dependent.

Older adults sometimes show reduced activation of appropriate prefrontal regions. At other times, they show the same or greater recruitment of these areas, when compared with younger adults, depending on the task they are doing. This indicates that prefrontal recruitment is

adapt to

Park and Reuter-Lorenz argue that the integrative approach provided by the STAC-r model embraces a "lifelong potential for plasticity and the ability to ______ age-related changes."


development and aging involving both decline and growth.

primary appraisal

initial decision regarding whether an event is harmful


instrumental activities of daily living


physical limitations

-difficulty in regulating body temperature, which may account for some sleep difficulties. -decreased learning may result in a decreased need for sleep. -moving from a two-phase pattern to a multiphase pattern.

All of the following are associated with changes in sleep as we age

Person-centered planning

Allowing residents to decorate their own rooms, choosing what they want to eat from a buffet, and deciding whether they want to take a shower or a bath, is a description of which of the following?

so will the extent of chronic conditions as health problems.

As the number of older adults increases rapidly

Alzheimer's disease.

Atrophy of the temporal lobe has been connected to

problem-focused coping

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor.

the immune system

Changes in increase the older adult's vulnerability to infection, viruses, and certain types of arthritis.

chronological and perceived.

Denise is 51-years-old. However, posting selfies in a bungie jumping harness to her social media page made her feel much younger than her 51 years. The two types of age described are:

the positivity effect.

Donald is 71 years old and is more motivated to derive emotional meaning form life and to maintain positive feelings. Donald's feelings are characteristic of

slower absorption of medication. increased risk of toxic effects from medication. increased side effects from medication.

Due to physiological changes, older adults are at risk for all of the following

nursing home

Eighty-two-year-old Robert is recovering from an ATV accident from which he now has numerous broken ribs, a broken arm, and a surgically reconstructed ankle. Where is Robert most likely living at the moment?

only experimental studies can demonstrate cause and effect relationships.

Even if age is positively correlated with speed of cognitive processing, we cannot conclude that age "caused" this increase because:

increase; decreased

Evidence has shown that the in frontal activity in older adults may be a response to the efficiency of neural processing related to the perceptual areas of the brain.

have difficulty factoring out false information in an article they are reading.

Executive functioning failures in older adults can be seen when older adults


Factors that make the situation worse than it originally was are called

A natural gas odor detector

For her mother's 60th birthday, Ginni is thinking of what to buy for a gift. According to the findings of a large-scale survey conducted by The National Geographic Society, which of the following would be the best choice for her mother's gift?


Functional imaging techniques focus on the of the brain.

Maintaining good levels of certain nutrients in blood plasma can reduce structural changes in the brain and cognitive declines.

Given what you have learned about the relationship between nutrition and cognitive functioning over time, what is one piece of advice you could give others?


Relative to the population of older European Americans, the number of older ethnic Americans is:

episodic; speed

Research has found that declines in the dopaminergic system are related to declines in memory and tasks.

activities of daily living.

Robert is having problems with bathing and feeding himself since his stroke. These problems are known as

rheumatoid arthritis.

Shawnee awakens in the morning with stiff, swollen joints and pain in her fingers, wrists, and ankles. Shawnee most likely has

intraindividual factors.

Sixty-five-year-old Maggie has joined an exercise program and is trying to keep a positive outlook since her diagnosis of arthritis. These activities are examples of

This behavior is due to high personal competence and low environmental press.

Sophie, an 80-year-old woman with several chronic medical conditions, was placed in a nursing home. At first, she was cheerful and active, but now she is agitated, aggressive toward other residents, and acting out toward the nursing staff. This nursing home is for people with severe cognitive deficits. How would this situation be analyzed in the competence model of Lawton and Nahemow?

yellowing of the lens.

Tanaina keeps mixing her blue and green socks when she is folding the laundry. The most likely cause of her difficulty with blues and greens is due to

normative history-graded event.

The advent of social media internet technology is an example of a:

behavior is a function of the person and the environment.

The basic assumption of person-environment interactions is that


The posterior-anterior shift in aging (PASA) is thought to reflect age-related

universal versus context-specific

Understanding the cultural and ethnic differences between !Kung African and European American family structures falls under which controversy?

People tend to lose weight and height across late adulthood.

What typically occurs with regard to height and weight in old age?

Relatively constant levels of testosterone Longer time needed to reach orgasm Little change in sexual interest

Which of the following is a reproductive change in men?

has little effect on other hearing abilities; affects the ability to understand speech

While sensory presbycusis , neural presbycusis .

cohort effects likely account for the observed differences.

You recently read a study in which the researchers concluded that after age 60, women's IQs drop dramatically. This conclusion was based upon comparisons of women born between 1910 and 1930 and women born between 1960 and 1980. Based on this information, the comment you would most likely make is:

compression of morbidity

a shortening of the time a person spends ill or infirm, accomplished by postponing illness


activities of daily living

secondary appraisal

an evaluation of your coping resources and options for dealing with the stress

emotion-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction


changing one's emotional experience by changing the way one thinks about the emotion-eliciting stimulus

PASA model

proposes that the front (anterior) of the brain in older adults becomes more responsive to make up for the lower responsiveness found in the rear (posterior) of the brain


scaffolding theory of cognitive aging-revised model is based on the idea that age-related changes in one's ability to function reflect a life-long process of compensation for cognitive decline by recruiting additional brain areas, and reflect a life-course factors that enhance or deplete neural resources into account.

P-FIT model

specific networks connecting the parieto-frontal structures explains some individual differences in intelligence

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