AIS Exam 3 Multiple Choice

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A business operates by always collecting payments for the entire amount of the sale from customers in advance. It then orders the items from its suppliers, and when they all arrive it ships the entire order to the customer. Which of the following describes the relationship between the Sale and Receive Cash events for this company? SALES ------ RECEIVE CASH - (1,1) (0,1) - (1,0) (0,1) - (1,1) (1,1) - (1,0) (1,1)

(1,0) (1,1)

EZ Construction Company builds residential houses. It sells only homes that it has built. Most of its homes are sold to individuals, but sometimes an investor may purchase several homes and hold them for subsequent resale. Which of the following is the correct way to model the relationship between Sale and Inventory for EZ Construction Company? SALE ------- INVENTORY - (1,0) (1,N) - (N,0) (1,1) - (N,1) (0,1) - (1,1) (0,N)

(1,0) (1,N)

A company has five different cash accounts. It deposits all payments received from customers into its checking account. Which of the following accurately depicts the relationship between the Cash entity and the Receive Cash Event? CASH ------- RECEIVE CASH - (N,1) (1,1) - (N,0) (1,1) - (1,1) (1,N) - (1,1) (0,N)

(1,1) (0,N)

Which of the following most accurately models the sales of low-cost, mass-produced items by a retail store? INVENTORY ------ SALES - (N,0) (1,N) - (N,0) (0,N) - (N,1) (0,N) - (N,0) (1,N)

- (N,1) (0,N)

Which of the following statements about the REA data model is true? - Every event must be linked to at least two agents - Every resource must be linked to at least two agents - Every event must be linked to at least two resources - Every agent must be linked to at least two events

- Every event must be linked to at least two agents

In most cases, the relationship between agent entities and event entities is - 1:1 - 1:N - M:N -O:N


Which of the following is a software program that runs a database system? - DQL - DBMS - DML - DDL

DBMS (Database Management System)

Which of the following would managers most likely use to retrieve information about sales during the month of October? - DML - DSL - DDL - DQL

DQL (Data Query Language)

An employee database that consolidates payroll, personnel, and job skills master files is referred to as - Data integration - Data sharing - Data Independence

Data integration

When a row cannot be uniquely identified, what rule has been violated?

Entity Integrity

The constraint that all primary keys must have nonnull data values is referred to as which of the following? - Referential Integrity Rule - Entity Integrity Rule - Normalization rule - Relation data model rule

Entity Integrity Rule

Which of the following is NOT a basic requirement of a relational database? - Primary keys cannot be null - Every column in a row must be single valued - Foreign keys cannot be null - All non-key attributes in a table must describe a characteristic of the object identified by the primary key

Foreign keys cannot be null

Which of the following is NOT an advantage to using a relational database? - Allows multiple users to share data - Introduces data anomalies - Expedites Updating Records - Minimizes data inconsistencies

Introduces data anomalies

Which of the following is NOT likely to be depicted as an entity in the REA data model? - Customers - Sales - Invoices - Delivery Trucks


Accounts Receivable would appear in an REA diagram as an example of which kind of entity? - Resource - Event - Agent - None of the above

None of the above

A foreign key must first be a ________ in another table, and it's primary purpose is to link _________

Primary Key; Tables

The constraint that all foreign keys must have either null values or the value of a primary key in another table is referred to as which of the following? - Referential Integrity Rule - Entity Integrity Rule - Foreign Key Value Rule - Null Value Rule

Referential Integrity Rule

Which of the following attributes would most likely be a primary key? - Supplier name - Supplier number - Supplier Zip code - Supplier account balance

Supplier number

Data modeling occurs during which stages of database design? - System analysis and physical design - System analysis and conceptual design - Conceptual design and implementation and conversion - Physical design and implementation and conversion

System analysis and conceptual design

The purpose of the primary key is to uniquely identify each record in a table. True or False?


What is each row in a database called? - Relation - Attribute - Anomaly - Tuple


Name two of the three anomalies

Update, Delete, or Insert

Schmaltz' Sandwich Shop keeps records of all its purchases of food products for its sandwiches. In their Purchase Order table, which of the following would most likely be a foreign key? - Employee Name - Purchase Order # - Vendor Address - Vendor # - Purchase Order Date

Vendor #

The relational data model portrays data as being stored in - Hierarchies - Tables - Objects - Files


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