Alcohol Drugs and Society

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The period during which media attention was most strongly focused on drug use and abuse was the: A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s


How does the CDC define binge drinking for men? Amount and time frame.

4 drinks in less than 2 hours

Which of the following data sources results from drug-testing and interviewing a sample of arrestees? A. ADAM B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH


Most of the worldwide heroin originates in _______________________. A. Afghanistan B. Columbia C. Northern Burma D. Laos

A. Afghanistan

In class we looked at an article about the 5 dumbest things you do when you are drunk. One of those is 'Hooking Up with an Unattractive Person". The biological argument for why this happens is: A. Alcohol interferes with your ability to measure symmetry in faces B. Alcohol interferes with your ability to see clearly C. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions D. Alcohol increases your libido

A. Alcohol interferes with your ability to measure symmetry in faces

"Apparent" alcohol consumption is based on: A. Alcohol sales during a given year. B. How much alcohol the public believes is consumed during a given year. C. How much alcohol a respondent thinks he or she has consumed during a given year. D. The relationship between drinking and BAC (blood-alcohol concentration).

A. Alcohol sales during a given year

According to the BBC video, the supplement __________________ has been found to potentially lower the chance of getting a hangover if taken before drinking. A. Borage B. St. John's Wort C. Valerian D. Green Tea Extract

A. Borage

Which of the following categories in the population was more likely to support the national prohibition on the sale of alcohol in 1920? A. Catholics B. Immigrants C. Urban residents D. Members of the working class

A. Catholics

_________________ is the marketing of prescriptions drugs in magazines, television ads, and newspapers to get people to "Ask Their Doctor" about a new drug that might benefit them. This contrasts with how marketing was done decades ago when drug companies approached doctors only. A. DTC (direct to consumer) B. MMP (mass market ploy) C. DMC (disease mongering consumers) D. BPH (big pharma helps)

A. DTC (direct to consumer)

.__________________________ is no longer prescribed in the United States. It is a powerful sedative and was prescribed under the trade names Sopor, Parest, Quaalude, and Optimil? A. Methaqualone B. Paraquale C. Optaqualone D. Methadone

A. Methaqualone

According to the video, Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way, the meth capitals of the United States in 1971 were: A. Missouri and Utah B. California and Texas C. New York and Florida D. Kansas and Wyoming

A. Missouri and Utah

In the video "The House I Live In", Michelle Alexander talks about how the War on Drugs has become the __________________. She offers an example of how drug felons can no longer vote. A. New Jim Crow B. New Red List C. New Gerrymandering D. New Poverty Class

A. New Jim Crow

__________________ are entirely synthetic narcotics. A. Opioids B. Opiates C. Opiagenics D. Methadones

A. Opiods

According to the film, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma", the makers of ________________ knew their patent was about to expire so they added an additional chemical and changed the name. It's essentially the same pill, but sales reps started pushing the "new" pill to keep their profits up. A. Prilosec B. Prozac C. Viagra D. Valium

A. Prilosec

The principal chemical that causes the psychoactive effect of marijuana is: A. THC B. LSD C. MDMA D. PCP


According to the John Oliver video, OxyContin sells more, per year, than _______________. A. Viagra B. ADHD drugs C. Paxil D. Zyrtec

A. Viagra

The 18th Amendment is also known as the _________________ Act. It started Prohibition. A. Volstead B. Harrison C. Controlled Substance D. Pure Food and Drug

A. Volstead

Sociologists refer to an episode during which the public or the media express concern or fear from a given agent or threat that is exaggerated, out of proportion to, and less serious than, its objective danger or potential damage: A. a moral panic B. media overload C. an accurate assessment of the situation D. media objectivity

A. a moral panic

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906: A. addressed false claims about the contents of patent medicines on the product's label B. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained opium C. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained cocaine D. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained marijuana

A. addressed false claims about the contents of patent medicines on the product's label

The legal drug use that is consumed recreationally by more people in the U.S. than any other substance is: A. alcohol B. the nicotine in tobacco C. the prescription amphetamines, taken as a whole D. the prescription narcotics, taken as a whole

A. alcohol

The psychoactive substance with the highest "loyalty" rate and the only drug that a majority of at-least one-time users have taken during the past month is: A. alcohol B. marijuana C. cocaine D. heroin

A. alcohol

According to the article on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in 1988, the United States became the only country to adopt ____________________. A. an alcohol warning label on every can or bottle of alcohol B. life sentences for women who had anything to drink while pregnant C. leniency towards pregnant alcoholics D. mandatory treatment for pregnant women who drink

A. an alcohol warning label on every can or bottle of alcohol

Crack is formed by cooking cocaine with ________________. A. baking soda B. THC C. amphetamine D. crystalized sugar

A. baking soda

On which of the following illicit drugs is the greatest total amount of money spent in the United States? A. cocaine B. Ecstasy C. marijuana D. methamphetamine

A. cocaine

The Fair Sentencing Act signed into law by President Obama made the disparity between ______________ prison sentences and _______________ prison sentences closer to equal. A. Cocaine, Crack B. Cocaine, Heroin C. Marijuana, Alcohol related D. Cocaine, LSD

A. cocaine, crack

One problem with Robert Merton's theory is it assumes____________________. A. criminal behavior is concentrated in the lower classes B. wealthy people commit crimes more than the lower classes C. drug addicted individuals are more criminal D. routine activities are the cause of criminal behavior

A. criminal behavior is concentrated in the lower classes

Humans began using mind-altering substances: A. during prehistoric times tens of thousands of years ago B. less than 200 years ago C. in ancient Greece and Rome D. in Europe during the Middle Ages

A. during prehistoric times tens of thousands of years ago

The primary impact of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was to: A. establish categories or "schedules" of controlled substances B. decriminalize the possession of marijuana C. establish treatment centers for narcotic addicts D. remove cocaine from the list of narcotic drugs

A. establish categories or "schedules" of controlled substances

According to the video, Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way, cocaine is still legally used for what? A. eye surgery B. spine surgery C. appendicitis D. brain surgery

A. eye surgery

Between the 1990s and the year 2000, the use of the club drugs: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year

A. increased

During the course of the 1980s—that is, from 1980 to the end of 1989—the number of prisoners incarcerated in state penal institutions: A. increased B. decreased C. remained the same D. fluctuated wildly and erratically from year to year

A. increased

Surveys indicate that: A. legal drug use (alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco) is higher than illegal drug use B. illegal drug use is higher than illegal drug use C. legal and illegal drug use are roughly the same D. researchers cannot estimate the size of legal or illegal drug use

A. legal drug use (alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco) is higher than illegal drug use

The distribution of which of the following drugs corresponds most closely to the "agricultural" model of illicit drug manufacture and sale? A. marijuana B. cocaine C. methamphetamine D. LSD

A. marijuana

Pharmacologically, a drug "action" takes place at the: A. molecular level B. behavioral level C. chronic level D. societal level

A. molecular level

Among ADAM-II's sample of arrestees: A. most agree to be drug tested B. most refuse to be drug tested C. about half agree to be drug tested D. an unknown proportion agree to be drug tested

A. most agree to be drug tested

According to DAWN, currently, the drug that causes the greatest number of death by overdose, in absolute numbers, is: A. opiates B. cocaine C. alcohol D. antidepressants

A. opiates

Which of the following is not a narcotic drug? A. oxycodone B. opium C. codeine D. diphenhydramine

A. oxycodone

The medical and scientific name for second hand smoke is ___________________. A. passive smoke B. bystander smoke C. secondary smoke D. limited smoke

A. passive smoke

The relationship between alcohol consumption and criminal behavior is: A. positive B. negative C. random D. unknown and unknowable

A. positive

The statistical correlation between the use of all illicit drugs and engaging in criminal behavior is: A. positive B. negative C. random D. unknown

A. positive

Consuming alcohol is: A. positively related to engaging in violent behavior B. negatively related to engaging in violent behavior C. is randomly related to engaging in violent behavior D. is related to engaging in violent behavior in an unknown and unknowable fashion

A. positively related to engaging in violent behavior

According to available, reliable information, over the past few decades the: A. purity of cocaine has increased and its price has declined B. purity of cocaine has increased and its price has increased C. purity of cocaine has decreased and its price has increased D. purity of cocaine has decreased and its price has decreased

A. purity of cocaine has increased and its price has declined

According to the discussion in the text, most researchers feel that: A. sampling is typically an even more important problem than lying B. lying is an even more important problem than sampling C. sampling and lying are equally important problems for the researcher D. neither sampling nor lying is important than the researcher

A. sampling is typically an even more important problem than lying

Which of the following theories emphasizes inadequate parenting as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. social control theory B. self-control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory

A. social control theory

According to the article on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, _________________ is not a risk factor for FAS. A. social drinking B. binge drinking C. mixing alcohol with drugs D. drug abuse

A. social drinking

Stimulants: A. speed up signals passing through the central nervous system (CNS) B. slow down, retard, or obtund signals passing through the CNS C. have no effect on the speed with which signals pass through the CNS D. have an unknown—and unknowable—effect on the speed of signals passing through the CNS

A. speed up signals passing through the central nervous system (CNS)

The "era" during which marijuana's psychoactive effects were discovered and when it began to be used is: A. the "natural" era B. the "transformative" era C. the "synthetic" era D. unknown

A. the "natural" era

According to the BBC video, intoxicated people tend to feel ______________ than non-intoxicated people. A. warmer B. colder

A. warmer

What is the Blood Alcohol Concentration defined as the legal intoxication for adults and minors across most states?

Adults: .08 Minors: .02

In class, we watched a video from John Oliver of HBO on Tobacco. According to the video, what percent of people in the United States smoke? A. 31 B. 18 C. 10

B. 18

Researchers estimate that illicit drug use in the U.S. peaks at which of the following age brackets: A. 16-17 B. 18-20 C. 21-25 D. 26-34

B. 18-20

In the video "The House I Live In", the narrator's nanny's son died from what? A. Cancer B. AIDS C. An overdose D. A car accident


A video watched in class discussed a moral panic started largely by one researcher who published a study about 23 babies. What was the study about? A. Marijuana use during pregnancy B. Crack use during pregnancy C. LSD use during pregnancy D. Alcohol use during pregnancy

B. Crack use during pregnancy

Which of the following data sources is drawn from records of untoward drug effects collected from ER visits and ME reports? A. ADAM B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH


There are several theories about the way that the media is biased. One of which is ________________. This is the belief that the most powerful social class in society controls the content of the mass media. A. Conflict Theory B. Elitist Theory C. Capitalist Theory D. Money Machine Theory

B. Elitist Theory

A drug with a 1:10 ED to LD ratio is _______________________ safe than a drug with a 1:100 ED to LD ration. A. More B. Less C. Roughly the same

B. Less

Some drugs work mainly on the mind (the so called "mind" drugs) while others work mainly on the body ("body" drugs). Which of the following is mainly a "body" drug: A. Valium, a benzodiazepine B. Lipitor, a lipid regulator C. hydrocodone, an opiate D. Seroquel, an antipsychotic

B. Lipitor, a lipid regulator

____________________ is a theory that focuses on narcotic addiction. It proposes that opiate addiction is caused by an incomplete biochemical makeup, which narcotic drugs complete. A. Genetic imbalance B. Metabolic imbalance C. Anomic imbalance D. Problem-Behavior imbalance

B. Metabolic imbalance

____________________ are more popular recreational drugs than heroin. A. Prescription anti-psychotics B. Prescription narcotics C. Prescription anti-depressants D. Prescription hallucinogenics

B. Narcotics

Which of the following countries are the origin of the plant from whose leaves cocaine is extracted? A. Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras B. Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia C. Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam D. Turkey, Iran, and Iraq

B. Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia

In the video "The House I Live In" the film's narrator discussed how ___________________ contributed to the formation of "ghettos" in urban centers. A. Alcohol B. Redlining C. Pay Day Loans D. Credit Card Debt

B. Redlining

Cocaine is a: A. Schedule I drug B. Schedule II drug C. Schedule III drug D. Schedule IV drug

B. Schedule II drug

____________________ is an explanation of a general class or category of phenomena. In this class, these attempt to explain why people use or abuse psychoactive substances. A. Conundrum B. Theory C. Hypothesis D. Hyperbole

B. Theory

The news stories that reported that LSD causes chromosome damage and result in the user passing on birth defects to his or her offspring was: A. verified by research conducted in the 1960s B. a complete media invention—no article published in the scientific literature reported such a finding C. an urban legend that was circulated during the 1960s D. disconfirmed by later scientific research

B. a complete media invention -- no article published in the scientific literature reported such a finding

According to the article on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in Seattle, during the 1970s, it was suggested that pregnant alcoholic patients should ________________. This recommendation continued until 1980. A. submit to daily breathalyzer tests B. abort their pregnancies C. turn themselves in to their local jail D. take valium to deal with withdrawal

B. abort their pregnancies

The social characteristic that correlates most strongly with the use of marijuana is: A. sex or gender B. age C. socioeconomic status (SES) D. race

B. age

The drug or drug type that is most likely to be associated with the number of drug-related deaths is: A. benzodiazepines, or the Valium-type sedatives B. alcohol C. cocaine D. opiates

B. alcohol

Which of the following drugs was the majority of perpetrators under the influence of when committing a criminal homicide? A. heroin B. alcohol C. LSD D. PCP

B. alcohol

Which of the following groups of drugs that appear in DAWN's overdose statistics also makes a substantial contribution to the drugs-crime nexus? A. marijuana, MDMA, and LSD B. alcohol, cocaine, and heroin C. antipsychotics and antidepressants D. Adderall, Ritalin, and amphetamine

B. alcohol, cocaine, and heroin

Which of the following prescription drugs combats dysphoria? A. sedatives B. antidepressants C. narcotics D. hypnotics

B. antidepressants

Which of the following prescription drugs are not addicting or habit-forming: A. tranquilizers B. the antipsychotics C. sedatives D. general depressants

B. antipsyhotics

Overall, the most effective and efficient analgesics are: A. the narcotics B. aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen C. marijuana D. the sedatives

B. aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen

According to the BBC video, having a nightcap (a drink before bedtime) is _______________ for your overall sleep at night. A. good B. bad

B. bad

Over the past three or four decades, the illicit drug market has: A. become much more centralized, organized, and hierarchical B. become extremely decentralized C. remained at the same level of centralization D. remained secrete—unknown and unknowable E. none of the above

B. become extremely decentralized

According to the video on anesthetics, ________________ was given to women during childbirth. Even Queen Victoria is said to have used it. A. cocaine B. chloroform C. nitrous oxide D. opium

B. chloroform

Which of the following drugs is most reinforcing, that is, the one that laboratory animals (like monkeys seen in the film Hooked) will work hardest to receive? A. alcohol B. cocaine C. LSD D. heroin

B. cocaine

Anomie and early strain theory argue that drug dealers and sellers make use of the following adaptation to society's means to achieve the goal or success: A. innovation B. conformity C. ritualism D. retreatism

B. conformity

"Why should people conform? After all, it's so much more fun and rewarding to deviate from society's norms and laws?" An advocate of which of the following theories would agree most strongly with this statement? A. anomie theory B. control theory C. subculture theory D. problem-behavior proneness

B. control theory

According to the text, ADAM indicates that the use of one of the following drug in its samples is highly regionalized? A. marijuana B. crack C. opiates D. methamphetamine

B. crack

Evidence indicates that the link between the consumption of alcohol and engaging in violent behavior is largely and substantially a result of: A. disinhibition caused by the pharmacological effects of alcohol B. cultural norms, not the pharmacological effects of alcohol C. cognitive guidedness D. unknown factors

B. cultural norms, not the pharmacological effects of alcohol

After 2000, the rate of use of the club drugs: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year

B. decreased

From the early 1970s to today, the number of prescriptions written for the amphetamines has: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year

B. decreased

During the past two decades, the price of cocaine sold on the street in the U.S.: A. has increased B. has decreased C. has remained stable D. remains unknown

B. has decreased

In the past 30 years or so, the number of automobile alcohol-related fatalities: A. has increased B. has decreased C. has remained stable D. has fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year

B. has decreased

In terms of number of people that drug use kills each year in the United States: A. illegal drugs kill roughly 30 times as many people as legal drugs. B. legal drugs kill roughly 30 times as many people as illegal drugs. C. illegal and legal drugs kill about the same number of people. D. the number of people that legal and illegal drugs kill remains unknown.

B. legal drugs kill roughly 30 times as many people as illegal drugs.

Drugs can be classified according to their legal status, and whether they are used instrumentally versus recreationally. A 25 year old drinking alcohol to feel pleasant is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use

B. legal recreational use

Prior to the Harrison Act, most narcotic addicts were: A. African American B. medical addicts C. heroin injectors D. street criminals

B. medical addicts

Researchers have compared the tonnage of heroin and cocaine consumed in the U.S. and concluded that: A. more heroin is used than cocaine B. more cocaine is used than heroin C. roughly the same amount of heroin and cocaine is used D. it is impossible to estimate the amount of these two drugs that is used

B. more cocaine is used than heroin

Which of the following is cross-tolerant with heroin? A. alcohol B. morphine C. marijuana D. psilocybin

B. morhpine

Compared with most of the other drugs, the margin between the ED and LD for narcotics is: A. wide B. narrow C. the same D. unknown

B. narrow

According to the video on anesthetics, _______________ changed the field of dentistry significantly. A. chloroform B. nitrous oxide C. ether D. cocaine

B. nitrous oxide

The size or the gap between ED and LD for a given drug is referred to as the: A. intoxication ratio B. safety or therapeutic margin C. neurotransmitter ratio D. psychoactivity ratio

B. safety or therapeutic margin

MTF collects data in: A. jails and prisons B. school classrooms C. hospitals and morgues D. the households of respondents

B. school classrooms

Research has demonstrated that the use of LSD commonly causes: A. genetic damage B. sensory overload C. psychotic episodes D. death by overdose

B. sensory overload

The high or intoxication resulting from smoking crack cocaine is: A. longer and more intense than from snorting powder cocaine B. shorter and more intense than from snorting powder cocaine C. longer and less intense that from snorting powder cocaine D. shorter and less intense than from snorting powder cocaine

B. shorter and more intense than from snorting powder cocaine

Which of the following is the fastest and most efficient route of administration? A. IV injection B. smoking C. oral administration D. intra-muscular administration

B. smoking

The most efficient and effective route of administration of marijuana is: A., injecting it in an oil-based infusion B. smoking it C. eating it in a brownie D. drinking it brewed as a tea

B. smoking it

According to the video, Ancient Drugs, __________________ is probably the first drug that is described in recorded history. It was used in religious ceremonies and was most likely a muscle relaxant. A. catalona B. soma C. phenolona d. synesthesia

B. soma

According to records, researchers estimate that alcohol consumption was greatest in which of the following historical eras? A. the late 1700s B. the early 1800s C. between 1850 and 1919 D. during Prohibition (1920-1933)

B. the early 1800s

According to the text, the countries with the highest rates of criminal homicide are those with: A. a high per capita gross domestic product—that is, average national income B. the most deeply entrenched and contentious drug trades C. high levels of educational attainment D. the most just and honest judicial system

B. the most deeply entrenched and contentious drug trades

The drug that is consumed the greatest number of times in the U.S. is: A. alcohol B. the nicotine in tobacco C. the prescription amphetamines D. the prescription narcotics

B. the nicotine in tobacco

According to the film, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma", prescription companies have over _______________ in annual global sales. A. 600 million B. 12 billion C. 130 billion D. 550 billion

C. 130 billion

According to the CDC, 1 out of __________________ deaths is traced to smoking. Either deaths by smoking or from second hand smoke. A. 10 B. 3 C. 5 D. 20

C. 5

Generic drugs account for approximately what percent of all prescribed drugs? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 95%

C. 75%

In terms of drug mixing, if two substances cancel each other out (1+1=0) than they are considered: A. Additive B. Synesthesia C. Antagonistic D. Eidetic

C. Antagonistic

Which of the following prescription drugs does not produce a high, intoxication, or euphoric state? A. narcotics B. sedative-hypnotics C. antipsychotics D. barbiturates

C. Antipsychotics

Valium is an example of a(n) _____________________________. A. Ace inhibitor B. Antipsychotic C. Benzodiazepine D. Antidepressant

C. Benzodiazepine

_________________ theories are based upon physical causes, such as genes, hormones, and neurological factors. A. Psychological B. Sociological C. Biological D. Neuropsychosmatic

C. Biological

According to the BBC video, alcohol consumption has recently been linked to ____________. A. Alzheimer's B. Parkinson's C. Cancer D. Diabetes

C. Cancer

_________________________ is the scientific name for marijuana. A. Hashish B. tetrahydrocannabinol C. Cannabis sativa D. Diphenhydramine

C. Cannabis sativa

__________________________ is defined as the behavior under the influence of alcohol. A. "Going on the Nod" B. Criminogenics C. Drunken comportment D. BUI

C. Drunken comportment

______________________ is manufactured mainly in Belgium and the Netherlands. A. Methamphetamine B. LSD C. Ecstasy D. THC

C. Ecstasy

In the video "The House I Live In" it was revealed how _____________ loans were part of the formation of the "ghettos" in urban centers. A. Pay Day B. Car C. FHA D. Student


According to Robert Merton, most of our goals in society are based upon ____________ values. A. Upper class B. Lower class C. Middle class D. Working class

C. Middle class

According to the video, Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way, _________________ is reportedly responsible for introducing marijuana to Europe after obtaining it as a spoil of war. A. Hitler B. Queen Elizabeth I C. Napoleon D. Cortez

C. Napoleon

According to the textbook, __________________ have the highest number of prescriptions written each year. A. sedatives B. antidepressants C. narcotics D. hypnotics

C. Narcotics

An individual who is motivated to continue using drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms would be experiencing __________________, according to certain theorists. A. Positive reinforcement B. Anomie C. Negative reinforcement D. Anomic imbalance

C. Negative reinforcement

According to the film, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma", when new drugs are being tested to put on the market, they are tested against ____________. A. Older drugs B. "Me Too" Drugs C. Placebos (sugar pills) D. Nothing

C. Placebos (sugar pills)

Continuing to use drugs because they make you feel euphoric would be an example of ________________. A. Negative reinforcement B. Metabolic imbalance C. Positive reinforcement D. Genetic imbalance

C. Positive reinforcement

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) does not include which of the following categories of the population in its sample: A. teenagers B. residents of large urban areas C. prisoners D. the elderly

C. Prisoners

According to the film, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma", the makers of ________________ repackaged it in a box with a flower and colored the pills pink. They simply renamed it Sarafem to help women deal with PMDD. A. Nexium B. Vioxx C. Prozac D. Xanax

C. Prozac

According to Robert Merton, an individual who has abandoned society's goals and only concentrates on the means would be using this mode of adaptation. A. Conformity B. Innovation C. Ritualism D. Retreatism

C. Ritualism

According to the video "The House I live In", what happens to the money that is confiscated during drug arrests and drug raids? A. Given back, after individuals are found "not guilty" B. Put into a trust for the community to use for projects C. Taken and used by the police department that arrested the individuals D. It is destroyed

C. Taken and used by the police department that arrested the individuals

Drug "effects": A. are the same as drug "actions" B. are highly specific and constant C. are nonspecific and variable D. are as predictable as mixing two chemicals in a lab

C. are nonspecific and variable

The harm that the media attributed marijuana with causing during the 1930s was that use of the drug would cause the user to: A. develop the "amotivational syndrome" B. progress to more dangerous drugs C. become insane and violent, and commit rape and murder D. drop dead of a drug overdose

C. become insane and violent, and commit rape and murder

Late in the nineteenth-century, Sigmund Freud, the "father" of psychoanalysis, wrote about and abused which of the following drugs? A. amphetamine B. methamphetamine C. cocaine D. heroin

C. cocaine

When we look at drug harms—drugs that are associated with untoward, harmful effects such as hospital admissions and deaths by overdose—which of the following is on a list of the "big four" substances, those that rank high on both lists? A. marijuana B. PCP C. cocaine D. oxycodone

C. cocaine

Which of the following was the most common ingredient in a number of 19th century soft drinks? A. Ecstasy (MDMA) B. marijuana C. cocaine D. heroin

C. cocaine

Conflict theory emphasizes which of the following factors in explaining deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. community or neighborhood disorganization B. the influence of unconventional peer groups C. differences in power among socioeconomic strata D. the absence of bonds to conventional society

C. differences in power among socioeconomic strata

If someone thinks they could jump off a building and fly, they have most likely taken what type of substance? Ketamine and PCP are examples of this type of substance. A. general depressants B. hallucinogens C. disassociative anesthetics D. analgesics

C. disassociative anesthetics

Psychopharmacologists classify ketamine as a: A. benzodiazepine—a sedative/hypnotic B. narcotic C. dissociative anesthetic D. stimulant

C. dissociative anesthetic

According to the video on anesthetics, ________________ was the first anesthetic developed for surgery. A. chloroform B. alcohol C. ether D. nitrous oxide

C. ether

Which of the following illustrates a constructionist definition of or approach to what a drug is? A drug is defined by a substance's: A. chemical structure B. psychoactivity C. criminogenic effects—the fact that it causes criminal and violent behavior D. illegal or illicit status—the fact that its possession and sale are against the law

C. illegal or illicit status -- the fact that its possession and sale are against the law

Another term for "ice" is: A. cocaine B. heroin C. methamphetamine D. amphetamine tablets

C. methamphetamine

According to the text, illicit drug selling is: A. a pure economic loss; every cent that's spent on illegal drugs should be subtracted from a nation's total gross domestic product B. a pure economic gain; every cent that's spent on illegal drugs should be added to a nation's gross domestic product C. mixed in its economic impact; some of what users spend on drugs enriches the economy, providing income and jobs for workers, while some depletes the economy through death, extortion, and suppressed earnings D. unknown in its economic impact—and unknowable

C. mixed in its economic impact; some of what users spend on drugs enriches the economy, providing income and jobs for workers, while some depletes the economy through death, extortion, and suppressed earnings

In the BBC video, The Truth About Alcohol, the doctor looked to science to answer some questions about alcohol. According to the video, __________________ is considered the "healthiest" drink because it lowers blood pressure. A. White wine B. Mixed drinks C. Red wine D. Vodka

C. red wine

During the past decade or so, the use of methamphetamine has: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year

C. remained stable

Over the past few decades, numerous major drug traffickers who were heads of huge smuggling operations, have died, been arrested, imprisoned, or killed; what has happened subsequently: A. their trafficking operation was shut down and illicit drugs stopped moving through their former territory. B. drug trafficking increased tenfold in their territory since their removal. C. virtually no change took place; the drug trade continued unabated because an underling stepped in and resumed the operation. D. is unknown—and unknowable. E. none of the above

C. virtually no change took place; the drug trade continued unabated because an underling stepped in and resumed the operation.

According to the BBC video, one's ______________ tends to affect how quickly they become intoxicated. A. gender B. body weight C. water content D. All the above

C. water content

In alcohol studies, the rule of equivalency is the principle that: A. all people are influenced in the same way by a given quantity of alcohol B. people are influenced equally by a given quantity of an alcoholic beverage—whether it is distilled spirits, wine, or beer C. what counts in the effects of alcohol is determined by a given quantity of absolute alcohol consumed, other factors being equal, and not the quantity of the beverage consumed D. mixing different kinds of drugs produces greater intoxication levels than sticking to the same kind of drink over a period of time

C. what counts in the effects of alcohol is determined by a given quantity of absolute alcohol, other factors being equal, and not the quantity of the beverage consumed

According to the video, Ancient Drugs, Catholic nuns were associated with what substance?


In the film, "The House I Live In", the 5 stages of genocide were discussed towards the end of the film. List three of the 5 stages.

Classification, Annihilation, and Dehumanization

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is: A. 0 percent "absolute" alcohol B. 25 percent "absolute" alcohol C. 75 percent "absolute" alcohol D. 100 percent "absolute" alcohol

D. 100 percent "absolute" alcohol

In comparison to moderate drinkers, an alcoholic's life is shortened roughly ___________ years. A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15

D. 15

The first LSD "trip" took place in: A. prehistoric antiquity B. ancient Greece C. the 1800s D. the 1940s

D. 1940s

The year that drug use was most frequently in the news was: A. 1956 B. 1966 C. 1976 D. 1986

D. 1986

The year the American public most strongly believed that drug abuse was the nation's number one problem was: A. 1959 B. 1969 C. 1979 D. 1989

D. 1989

According to surveys, the use of LSD among American high school students peaked in the: A. 1960s B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s

D. 1990s

In class, we watched a John Oliver video about Opioids. According to the video, how many deaths a year are attributed to opioid and heroin deaths? A. 2,000 B. 10, 000 C. 20, 000 D. 30,000

D. 30,000

According to the film, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma", adverse reactions to prescription drugs are the __________ leading cause of death in the U.S. A. 10th B. 2nd C. 8th D. 5th

D. 5th

______________________ argues that nonconforming behavior is the product of a malintegrated society whose culture encourage material achievement but whose social structure and economic structure denies that same achievement to most members. A. Problem-behavior proneness theory B. Social control theory C. Self-control theory D. Anomie theory

D. Anomie theory

Which of the following corresponds most closely to the pure "chemical" model of illicit drug manufacture and sale? A. cocaine B. morphine C. opium D. LSD


According to the article on drug scares, _____________________ manufacture public morality through a multi-stage process, beginning first with the generation of awareness of a problem. A. Moral Interpreters B. Moral Leaders C. Moral Constructionists D. Moral Entrepreneurs

D. Moral Entrepreneurs

Which of the following data sources is the result of a survey conducted among a sample of households in the United States? A. ADAM B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH


In the same video mentioned in Question 10, one company was discussed. This company owns Marlboro and has sued multiple countries for trying to decrease smoking. What is this company? A. Winston International B. Gold Label International C. R.G. Reynolds International D. Philip Morris International

D. Philip Morris International

The first "war on drugs" was launched by President: A. Woodrow Wilson in 1918 B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 C. Harry Truman in 1946 D. Richard Nixon in 1971

D. Richard Nixon in 1971

The most principal psychoactive chemical in marijuana is: A. LSD B. PCP C. MDMA D. THC


Current alcohol consumption in the United States is at: A. an all-time high B. an all-time low C. a fairly high point compared with most other periods of history D. a fairly low point compared with most other periods of history

D. a fairly low point compared with most other period of history

The first psychoactive substance that American states attempted to control was: A. opium B. marijuana C. heroin D. alcohol

D. alcohol

Which of the following pharmaceutical drugs or drug types are frequently prescribed for thought disorders? A. stimulants B. sedative-hypnotics C. antidepressants D. anti-psychotics

D. anti-psychotics

An example of a "chronic" effect of a drug would be: A. getting high or intoxicated B. ataxia, or motor discoordination C. dying of an overdose D. cirrhosis of the liver

D. cirrhosis of the liver

Which of the following has the highest concentration of "absolute" alcohol? A. beer B. "fortified" wine (such as sherry) C. wine D. distilled spirits (such as gin, vodka, Tequila, or Scotch)

D. distilled spirits (such as gin, vodka, Tequila, or Scotch)

What is "punding"? A. feeling the sensation of bugs crawling underneath one's skin B. being unable to go to sleep C. experiencing the withdrawal symptoms after long-term, high-dose amphetamine abuse D. engaging in a specific activity compulsively and repetitively, repeatedly

D. engaging in a specific activity compulsively and repetitively, repeatedly

Psychedelics are also called: A. euphoriants B. general depressants C. disassociative anesthetics D. hallucinogens

D. hallucinogens

Which of the following corresponds most closely to the "mixed" model of illicit drug manufacture and sale? A. Ecstasy (MDMA) B. opium C. marijuana D. heroin

D. heroin

Taking No-Doz, an over-the-counter caffeine pill, to cram all night for a final exam is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use

D. legal instrumental use

The drug of choice among—the drug most likely to be used by—arrestees is: A. methamphetamine B. cocaine C. opiates D. marijuana

D. marijuana

"Inferential" statistics: A. measuring relationships between variable, in quantitative terms B. describe what something is like, in qualitative terms C. avoid making causal inferences among their variables D. measure cause-and-effect relationships among two or more variables or factors in qualitative terms

D. measure cause-and-effect relationships among two or more variables or factors in qualitative terms

Sensationalistic stories of drug harm erupted for different drugs at different times. For these stories, match up the decade with the drug during which these stories most typically erupted. A. marijuana in the 1910s B. crack cocaine in the 1950s C. PCP in the 1990s D. methamphetamine in the late 1980s to the 2000s

D. methamphetamine in the late 1980s to the 2000s

When heroin enters the body, it breaks down into: A. opium B. methadone C. oxycodone D. morphine

D. morphine

For which of the following uses do many physicians today most frequently write legitimate prescriptions for amphetamine? A. students staying up all night to cram for an exam B. truck drivers staying up for several nights running to transport cargo cross-country C. athletes seeking alertness and quickness on the playing field D. narcolepsy

D. narcolepsy

The dominant ethnic or national group that controls the international illegal drug trade is now: A. Italian B. Italian-American C. Latin American, mainly Colombian, Mexican, and Dominican D. none of the above; there is no single ethnicity or national group that controls global trafficking

D. none of the above; there is no single ethnicity or national group that controls global trafficking

The drug or drug type most likely to be associated with the number of emergency department visits that take place in the U.S. in recent years is: A. methamphetamine B. PCP C. MDMA (Ecstasy) D. opiates/narcotics

D. opiates/narcotics

Which of the following explanations for the "progression" of users from the use of marijuana to the use of more dangerous drugs focuses on properties inherent within the drug that cause this phenomenon? The: A. sociocultural school B. predisposition school C. selective interaction/socialization school D. pharmacological school

D. pharmacological school

Which of the following is not considered one of the common effects of the hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs? A. eidetic imagery B. synesthesia C. the perception of a multilevel reality D. psychotic episodes

D. psychotic episodes

According to the BBC video, which drink would most likely give you the worst hangover? A. Vodka B. Gin C. White wine D. Red wine

D. red wine

In what region of the country is methamphetamine most likely to be used? A. the Mid-Atlantic region of NJ, NY, DE, MD, DC, and PA B. the New England states C. the South D. the West Coast states of CA, OR, and WA

D. the West Coast state of CA, OR, and WA

What are descriptive statistics?

Describing someone in quantitative terms

List two of the 6 big media corporations that control 90% of what you see and hear.

Disney and Viacom

According to the video on Anesthetics, the first working ventilator was used on what animal?


Which of the following drugs or drug categories of prescription drugs is rarely if ever used as a recreational drug? A. sedative-hypnotics B. narcotics C. barbiturates E. antipsychotics

E. Antipsyhotics

The illicit drug of choice (that is, the illegal drug that was most likely to be used) during the 1960s was: A. LSD B. cocaine C. heroin D. amphetamine E. marijuana

E. marijuana

According to the video Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got that Way, a famous psychologist used cocaine for a very long period. Who was the psychologist?


What drug was associated with Jazz music during prohibition?


List two elements of a drug scare?

Media and a kernel of truth

Name two of the top 5 ¬grossing ($$$) prescription drugs from either lecture or the textbook:

Nexium, Lipitor

What is an example of a social control mechanism? __________________________________


In class we watched a video about "crack babies". What were these babies' symptoms (low birth weight, tremors) most likely related to? (Hint: not crack)


In the first stage of genocide, we came up with examples in class. List one of them.


Marijuana is considered by the government to have no medical utility and have a high risk for abuse. Therefore, it is put into which schedule of drugs?

Schedule 1

In class we watched a short video about a woman who had permanent synesthesia. What was her experience with it?

She could see colors associated w/ words & letters

What is important about redheads and anesthetics?

They need a higher dosage

According to the video, Ancient Drugs, Native Americans introduced explorers to what substance?


Which of the following data sources is drawn preponderantly or exclusively from surveys of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, as well as college students and non-college adults? A. ADAM B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH

c. MTF

What are two acute physical effects, according to the lecture, of marijuana use:

coughing and red eyes

The correlation between drinking alcohol and illicit drug use is: A. positive—drinkers are more likely to use illicit drugs than nondrinkers B. negative—drinkers are less likely to use illicit drugs than nondrinkers C. random—drinkers are equally as likely to use illicit drugs as nondrinkers D. unknown and unknowable with any available data

positive—drinkers are more likely to use illicit drugs than nondrinkers

The three eras of drug use are Natural, Transformative, and _________________ ?


According to the video on Anesthetics, what was a major problem with using ether during surgeries?

the face mask was hard to work with, and it caused patients to throw up

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