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Which of the following settings will double the density of a radiograph that is originally produced at 90 kVp and 10 mAs?

90 kVp, 20 mAs

Where should the heel of the hands be placed when performing sternal compressions during CPR?

1.5 inches superior to the tip of the xiphoid process

What is the fraction of the original intensity of an x-ray beam at a meter from the scattering object?

1/1,000 of the original intensity

Compared to a rotating anode, how much area does a stationary anode provide for interaction with an electron beam?


Which of the following is the thickness required for a primary radiation barrier?

1/16 inch lead

Which of the following needle gauges has the largest diameter?

10 gauge

How do you calculate the cumulative effective dose?

10 mSv X age (in years)

A measurement of blood urea nitrogen in serum is part of the assessment of renal function. Which of the following represents a normal blood urea nitrogen (BUN)?

10 mg/dL

How many phalanges does the thumb contain?


If a technologist is performing a radiograph and chooses 110 kVp and 3 mAs, at what speed do the x-rays travel within the vacuum tube?

3.0 x 10^8 m/s

What is the milliampere-seconds value with exposure factors of 17 ms, 200 mA and 70 kVp?


What is the approximate voltage ripple associated with a three-phase, twelve-pulse rectified generator?


What is the degree of rotation for the patient for the right posterior oblique projection of the abdomen in excretory urography?


How much central ray angle is required for the AP Towne projection with the orbital meatal line perpendicular to image receptor?

30 degrees caudal

Which of the following is the correct angle of the CR when performing a PA axial projection of the large intestine?

30 to 40 degrees caudad

Which of the following is the angle of the CR for an AP axial projection of the large intestine?

30 to 40 degrees cephalad

What is the melting point of tungsten?

3370 degrees C

Which of the following degrees of body rotation is correct when performing a PA oblique projection of the large intestine?

35 to 45 degrees

If the exposure rate to a body 6 feet from a radiation source is 100 mR/h, what does should be expected if the distance between the body and radiation source is 10 feet?

36 mR/h

What angle of the central ray will project the dorsum sellae within the foramen magnum from the IOML ?

37 degrees.

If patient is unable to assume the lordotic position the central ray should be angled how much while patient remains in anatomical position?

20 degrees cephalad

Exposure factors of 70 kVp and 8 mAs are used with a 5:1 grid ratio. What should be the new milliamperage-seconds value if the grid ratio is changed to a 12:1 grid?

20 mAs

How long should you wash your hands for?

20 seconds

Which of the following is the smallest needle bore of the below choices? 18 gauge 19 gauge 20 gauge 22 gauge

22 gauge

How much time does it normally take for ingested barium to reach the rectum?

24 hours

Which of the following needle gauges has the smallest diameter? 18 gauge 22 gauge 23 gauge 25 gauge

25 gauge

What is the occupational annual dose limit of radiation for skin/extremities?

50 rem (500 mSv)

How many electrons return to their ground state immediately, resulting in prompt emission of light, after being hit by an x-ray photon?


Which of the following is reported by the NCRP as the percentage of human radiation exposure due to natural background radiation?


When magnifying an object two times with an SID of 50 inches, which of the following represents the correct OID?

25 inches

When imaging Sacroiliac joints, how much should the side being examined be elevated?

25-30 degrees

How many bones are in the hand and wrist?


How many bones make up the bony structure of the hand and wrist?


An alpha particle is a helium nucleus that contains _____ protons and _____ neutrons.

2; 2

Identify this bone.

2nd metacarpal

How many HVLs will reduce the intensity of a homogeneous x-ray beam to 12.5% of its original value?


How many lobes make up the right lung?


Which of the following positions allows a visualization in profile of the coronoid process?

Internal (medial) oblique elbow

Identify the highlighted structure.

Internal Occipital Crest

Identify the highlighted structure.

Internal Occipital Protuberance

Which of the following arteries form the circle of Willis or cerebral arterial circle?

Internal carotid and basilar arteries

What is the unit of energy?


Which projection is best for demonstrating acetabular fractures?

Judet Method

Identify the highlighted structure.

Jugular Processes

Which of the following describes the area from which cranial nerves IX, X, and XI exit the cranium?

Jugular foramen

What part of the manubrium is located on the upper border?

Jugular notch

When considering topographic anatomic landmarks for positioning, what do T2 and T3 correspond with?

Jugular notch

You are taking a chest radiograph on a patient, but you are unable to place the patient in a PA position. Because of this, the patient's heart has an OID of 10 cm. Which of the following SID adjustments will decrease the magnification caused by the increase OID?

Above 72"

Which of the following is not a function of the x-ray tube protective housing?

Absorb heat inside the tube's glass envelope

The amount of x-ray energy absorbed per unit of mass.

Absorbed dose

What is the function of the lead-foil layer behind the rear screen of the IR?

Absorption of backscatter

Which of the following is a secondary radiation barrier? Lead gloves X-ray tube housing Control booth

All of the above

Which of the following is the principle qualitative factor of the primary beam?


Identify the structure indicated by the purple arrow.

Anterior tubercle of the transverse process

What class of drug includes acetaminophen?


Which of the following is a common potential complication of barium contrast?

Bowel impaction.

What surrounds the glomeruli of the kidney?

Bowman's capsule

_________ is described as slow breathing with fewer than 12 breaths per minute.


Which of the following refers to the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures?


What type of x-ray is produced when an electron passes by the nucleus, slowing down, changes course, and then has a reduced kinetic energy in a different direction?

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Which option does not describe an x-ray interaction with matter?

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

High velocity electrons (e-) that completely avoid the orbital electrons as they pass through a tungsten atom, yet come close enough to the nucleus of the atom to come under the influence of its positively charged electric field (P+), will produce what type of X-rays?

Bremsstrahlung X-rays

Which of the following is the direction of the CR in the PA axial projection of the large intestine?


What part of the large intestine contains the appendix?


What portion of the intestine does the appendix form off of?


Which of the following AEC chambers would be appropriate to use for an AP knee?


Which of the following is the appropriate position for a PA projection of the stomach?

Centered midway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus and halfway between the midline and the lateral border of the abdominal cavity.

Which of the following body systems require the largest amount of radiation exposure before producing evident effects?

Central nervous system

What is it called when the x-ray tube is angled towards the head of the patient?


Which of the following describes the correct angulation of the CR in an AP axial view of the large intestine?

Cephalad at 30 to 40 degrees

Which of the following is used to describe something that is superior or toward the head?


For a plantodorsal axial projection of the calcaneus, what angle should be used?

Cephalic angle of 40 degrees to the long axis of the foot

Which option best describes image (A)?

Cervical vertebra

How is the image brightness adjusted in computed radiography?

Change the window level

This X-ray interaction occurs between an incidental x-ray photon and outer-shell electrons. It results in ionization of the target atom, the reduction in x-ray energy, and a change in direction of the x-ray photon.

Compton Scatter

Which of the following cannot be used to couple the output phosphor with the Vidicon TV camera or charge-coupled device?

Closed circuit TV

Which statement is true concerning coherent scatter?

Coherent scatter is of little importance to diagnostic imaging

Which of the following refers to a transverse fracture of the distal radius with posterior angulation and overriding of the distal fracture fragment?

Colles' fracture

Which of the following devices limits the area of patient radiation exposure?


Which of the following is not part of the high-voltage generator?


Which of the following is depicted in the figure below? *

Collimator accuracy calibration.

Which of the following is the most likely cause of the artifact on the image below?

Collimators are mispositioned.

Which of the following refers to the structure labeled number 6 in the figure below?

Common bile duct

Which of the following best describes the spread of infection through a hospital food cart?

Common vehicle transmission

Which of the following refers to transmission of infection by a contaminated device?

Common vehicle transmission

Which of the following refers to a fracture with discontinuity between two fragments of bone?

Complete fracture

Which of the following characterizes surgical asepsis?

Complete removal of all microorganisms.

Which of the following interactions is known as "modified scatter"?

Compton interaction

Which of the following is the source of radiation exposure to a radiographer during fluoroscopy?

Compton interaction

The purpose of a lead apron in fluoroscopy is protection of the radiographer from radiation created by which of the following?

Compton scatter

Which of the following is the primary source of occupational radiation exposure?

Compton scatter

Which of the following photon-tissue interactions results in change of direction of the photon, with a longer wavelength than prior to creation of a recoil electron?

Compton scattering

In which of the following devices is a photostimulable phosphor plate used?

Computed radiography

Which of the following represents the possible genetic effects of ionizing radiation?

Dose response curve B

What type of joint is the Sternoclavicular joint?

Double Gliding

Which of the following examinations usually requires ingestion of gas-producing powder or crystals?

Double contrast GI series

Which of the following is demonstrated in the radiograph seen below?

Double exposure

Which of the following is consistent with CDC infection transmission-based precaution guidelines?

Droplet precautions require the patient to wear a mask.

Which of the following is not necessary to demonstrate in an AP view of the chest?

Duodenal bulb

Which of the following structures requires ingestion of barium sulfate to visualize optimally?


Which of the following terms refers to hair loss as a result of radiation exposure to the skin?


What is the secondary ossification center of a long bone?


Which of the following terms refers to bleeding from the nose?


Which of the following is used on x-ray equipment to achieve a continually decreasing mA for the shortest exposure time?

Falling load generator

Which of the following is used to maximize heat loading potential of an x-ray machine?

Falling load generator

Which of the following is in the same transverse plane as the symphysis pubis?

Greater trochanteric prominence

What will be seen on AP external rotation on the lateral aspect of the proximal humerus?

Greater tuberosity

Which of the following terms refers to the absorption of useful radiation by a grid?

Grid cutoff

Which of the following indicates the efficiency of scatter cleanup by a grid?

Grid selectivity

Which of the following factors does not contribute to the quantity of radiation scatter produced during a diagnostic radiographic study?

Grid size

All of the following are used to control production of scattered radiation when the beam reaches the patient except:

Grid use

Which of the following does not reduce patient dose?


Identify the highlighted structure.

Groove for the Superior Sagittal Sinus

Identify the highlighted structure.

Groove for the Transverse Sinus

Grid ratio is calculated by dividing ____ by ____.

Height; distance

Which of the following medical terms refers to coughing up blood?


Which of the following drugs can be used to increase the time to blood clot?


Management of a patient who requires frequent intravenous injections can include use of which of the following venous devices?

Heparin lock

In 1927, a geneticist by the name of _____________ studied the effects of ionizing radiation by irradiating fruit flies. This same geneticist concluded that the mutations produced by large doses of radiation were not unique, but may also be caused by other factors. The frequency of these mutations increases according to the amount of exposure, but the mutations themselves were not unique. These findings were termed ______________?

Herman Muller, Mutagenesis

Which of the following conditions is characterized by the protrusion of the stomach into the thoracic cavity through the diaphragm?

Hiatal hernia

Patient dose in DR (digital radiography) should be low because of:

High DQE

Why is tungsten used as anode material?

High atomic number

Which of the following increases the likelihood of a photoelectric interaction?

High atomic number of absorber

Which of the following types of radiation is not a primary consideration in radiation protection?

High energy radiation from alpha particles

Which of the following is true of the radiation equivalent dose of different types of radiation?

High ionizing radiations have a high LET.

An image that allows the viewer to easily distinguish two separate objects as distinct from one from the other is said to have_______________.

High spatial resolution

What is represented by the number 5 on the diagram of a simplified x-ray circuit pictured below?

High voltage step-up transformer

The use of ___ mAs, ___ kVp, and ________ image receptors reduces quantum mottle.

High; low; slower

The use of ________ mAs, _________ kVp, and _________ image receptors reduces quantum mottle.

High; low; slower

The inferiorsuperior view of the shoulder will demonstrate what?

Hill-Sachs defect

The blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves enter the lung at which of the following?


Which of the following joints allows motion only in one plane?

Hinge joint

Which of the following is consistent with the legal concept of a reasonably prudent person when considering an action by a radiographer?

How someone trained in radiography would act in the same circumstances.

Which of the following conditions is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain?


Of the 4 types of body habitus, which presents as a broad, deep thorax with a short thoracic cavity?


Which of the following refers to the body habitus of massive build with a broad thorax and high diaphragm?


What is the term used to describe the line just below the eye to the auricular point?

Infraorbitomeatal line

Which of the following terms refers to the filtering effect that is due to the glass envelope of the x-ray tube and its oil coolant?

Inherent filtration

Quantum mottle is caused by:

Insufficient amount of photons

What is the cause of the artifact displayed in the image below?

Insufficient sampling of high frequency digital signals

What separates the atria of the heart?

Interatrial septum

Which of the following is not a type of exposure timer?


Which of the following terms refers to an animal host of an infectious organism that can transmit infection through a bite or a sting?


What is the wavelength equation?

Velocity= Frequency X Wavelength

Which of the following studies is the best choice for demonstration of the subclavian, cephalic, and basilica veins?

Venogram of the upper extremity

Which of the following is accurate concerning venography?

Venography can be performed to visualize thrombophlebitis.

Which of the following patient positions will have the patient lying face down on the examination table?

Ventral recumbent

Identify the structure indicated by the grey arrow. *

Vertebral body

_______ are originated in the electron shells, and ________ originate from the nucleus of a radioisotope.

X-rays; gamma rays

What is the tissue that occupies the central cavity within a long bone in adults?

Yellow marrow

The CR should be directed at which level for the PA oblique projection in the RAO position when performing an UGI examination?


At which level should the CR enter the patient in the upright lateral position for an abdominal projection?


At which level should the CR enter the patient in the supine position for an abdominal projection?


The Dose-Response Relationships in diagnostic radiology is considered?

Linear, non-threshold

Which of the following refers to radiation with no safe level and a directly proportional dose response?


A "silhouette"sign of the left heart border is caused by opacification of which part of the lung?


What chemical is the sensing material in a thermoluminescent dosimeter?

Lithium Fluoride

What type of crystals are used in a thermoluminescent dosimeter?

Lithium fluoride

Which of the following is used in a TLD dosimeter?

Lithium fluoride

Which of the following organs releases glucose by breakdown of glycogen when blood glucose levels are low?


Which of the following is the best projection to demonstrate the ankle mortise?

Medial oblique 15 to 20 degrees

Which of the following views is used to visualize the talofibular joint?

Medial oblique ankle

For which of the following projections is the hand positioned in pronation?

Medial oblique elbow

Which of the following projections will demonstrate the coronoid process without superimposition of other bony structures?

Medial oblique elbow

In which of the following will air be visualized in the colon in a left lateral decubitus position?

Medial side of descending colon

Which of the following refers to the process of germ cell division?


Which of the following refer to the process through which the number of chromosomes in each cell is halved by cellular division?


Which of the following refers to part of the mandible?

Mental foramen

Which of the following is found on the anterior aspect of the mandible?

Mental protuberance

The zygomatic arches can be visualized on which of the following projections?

Modified towne

The resolution or recorded detail of an image is expressed as:

Modulation transfer function

Which of the following is the most effective method of sterilization?

Moist heat

The laser light used to stimulate the PSP is __________.


Electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy by which of the following?


Which of the following is associated with a direct effect of radiation?

Mutation from transfer of energy to RNA

Which of the following examinations is performed after an intrathecal injection?


Which of the following cells is the least radiosensitive?


Which of the following NCRP reports lists the thickness recommendations for lead protective devices?

NCRP Report 102.

Which of the following is the most commonly used method of low-flow oxygen delivery?

Nasal cannula

The CR is directed at what location when performing a Caldwell projection of the skull?


Which of the following lies in front of the medial talus and articulates distally with cuneiform bones?


Which of the following make up the intermediate group of tarsal bones of the foot?


Which of the following characterize high-frequency generators?

Nearly constant potential

A density control change of (-1) will result in a _______ change by ___%.

Negative; 25

What is elongation?

Object appears to be longer

Which of the following is a cause of foreshortening in a radiographic image?

Object at angle to IR

When a radiographer interviews a patient, which of the following can he/she observe?

Objective signs

Which of the following dosimeters can be used as long as 3 months?

Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters.

Which of the following parts is labeled b on the x-ray image intensifier diagram pictured below?


Which of the following interactions between a photon and tissue result in emission of a subatomic particle from an atom?


Which of the following refers to emission of a nuclear fragment after energy is absorbed by the nucleus?


Which of the following refers to the positioning line between the external auditory meatus (EAM) and the outer canthus?

Orbitomeatal (OML)

What is perpendicular to the image receptor when performing a PA mandible?

Orbitomeatal line

Which of the following techniques allows a view of subacromial dislocation?

PA oblique Y view of scapula

For which of the following projections should the digits be flexed?

PA wrist

When performing a radiograph of the 2nd digit of the hand, which of the following views should be performed?

PA, Oblique, and Mediolateral

Which of the following positions are performed for a correct study of the wrist?

PA, oblique, and lateral

Which of the following is the primary determinant of the patient radiation dose?

Photoelectric effect

Which of the following interactions occurs between an incident photon and a K-shell electron?

Photoelectric interaction

Which of the following interactions results in production of the contrasted image on x-ray?

Photoelectric interaction

Which of the following photon-tissue interactions results in the complete absorption of an incoming x-ray photon to produce contrast in a radiographic image?

Photoelectric interaction.

Which of the following is associated with the reaction below?

Photon changes path

When an IR emits light during processing while being exposed to the infrared laser light, this is called _________.

Photostimulable luminescence

In CR (computed radiography), the _________ is what the x-ray is captured on.

Photostimulable phosphor

What type of exposure timer is used to accurately duplicate radiographic densities?


The acronym PACS stands for:

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems

What type of fluoroscopic artifact is represented by the schematic below?

Pincushion effect

Which of the carpal bones is the smallest?


Which of the following bones is the smallest? Hamate Pisiform Lunate Trapezium Scaphoid


Which of the following terms refers to rotation of the forearm with the palm facing down?


Which of the following positions are used when performing a medial oblique elbow projection?

Pronation of the hand

What position is this?


___________ is the process of converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC).


Which of the following convert AC power into DC power?


Which of the following devices converts alternating current to direct current in an x-ray circuit?


The PA axial projection of the large intestines best demonstrates which of the following?

Rectosigmoid portion

Patient positioning for examination of esophageal varices should be:


Which of the following characterizes erythema of the skin in response to radiation exposure?

Redness of the skin in response to irradiation

What are the first set of shutters on the x-ray tube used for?

Reduce off focus radiation

If an exposure is made using 400 mA, 20 ms, and 105 kV, which of the following adjustments will not reduce the density by one half?

Reduction of mAs to 6 mAs

What is the primary function of filtration?

Reduction of the patient skin dose

Which of the following refer to the unique ability of different types of radiation to produce the same biologic response?

Relative biologic effectiveness

_______________ x-rays are those that exit the patient and produce the radiographic image.


What is the likelihood of adverse radiation effects at the recommended occupational exposure for a radiographer?


Which of the following refers to a kidney stone?

Renal calculus

Which of the following conditions refers to a fluid-filled mass in the kidney?

Renal cyst

Which of the following conditions will not be demonstrated during a retrograde urethrogram?

Renal insufficiency

The principle of Claude Regaud's "Fractionation Theory" refers to a tissue's ability to repair itself following radiation induced damage.


What type of magnetic attraction is the image below?


Which of the following legal doctrines is relevant to a case of obvious negligence?

Res ipsa loquitor

What is the most likely biologic response to irradiation during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Resorption of the embryo

Which of the following precautions are used to prevent the spread of aerosolized microorganisms?

Respiratory isolation

Which of the following precautions protect against the spread of aerosolized infectious agents?

Respiratory isolation

Which of the following is an abnormal vital sign in an adult?

Respiratory rate of 22/minutes

Which of the following is a legal doctrine that states the employer is responsible for the actions of the employee?

Respondeat superior

For which of the following procedures should the patient be placed on a urographic-radiologic examination table?

Retrograde urography

What is the cause of the artifact demonstrated in the image below?

Reversal of the imaging plate and cassette in the cassette holder

Which of the following positions provides the best visualization of the orbit?


Which of the following refers to the cellular structure that synthesizes protein?


Which of the following conditions is characterized by softening of the bones as a result of vitamin D deficiency?


If a pneumoperitoneum is suspected, which side should be demonstrated on AP projection of the abdomen with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position?


To evaluate accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum, on which side should air be visualized on an AP projection of the abdomen with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position?


Identify the structure outlined in red.

Right Costophrenic Angle

Identify the highlighted structure.

Right Horizontal Fissure

421 Identify the highlighted structure.

Right Lower Lobe

Identify the highlighted structure

Right Main Bronchi

Identify the highlighted structure.

Right Middle Lobe

Identify the structure highlighted in blue.

Right Secondary Bronchi

Identify the highlighted structure.

Right Tertiary Bronchi

Identify the highlighted structure.

Right Upper Lobe

What chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body by way of the superior and inferior vena cava?

Right atrium

What positioning error renders this PA chest repeatable?

Right costophrenic angle is clipped

Where does the large intestine originate in the abdomen?

Right iliac region

When positioning for Sacroiliac Joints, what will the LPO position demonstrate?

Right joint

How is magnification calculated?


What plane divides the body into right and left sides?


Which of the following is a synarthrotic joint?

Sagittal suture

Isotopes have ______ atomic number, ______ atomic mass number, and ________ neutron number.

Same; different; different

What is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?


When performing a PA ulnar deviation projection of the wrist, which of the following bones is the focus?


Which of the following is best demonstrated in ulnar flexion/deviation?


Which of the following structures is labeled H?


Which of the following identifies the structure labeled F on the figure below?


Number 6 indicates what part of the scapula?

Scapular notch

Which of the following describes the partial transfer of energy from a photon during its interaction with tissue in diagnostic radiology?


Which of the following dosimeters is most sensitive for detection of gamma radiation?


Which coil of the transformer is where the x-ray current is induced?


Which of the following indicates a portion of the ulna that articulates with the humerus, forming part of the elbow joint?

Semilunar/trochlear notch

The structure indicated by the red arrow falls under which category?

Sesamoid bone

Identify this bone and its classification.

Shaft (body) of humerus, long bone

Which of the following is not a location of red bone marrow in adults?

Shaft of tibia

The cycle of infection is as follows:

Source, transmission, host

The diameter of the infrared laser beam affects what aspect of the CR imaging system?

Spatial resolution

Which of the following refers to the ability of a digital system to display details?

Spatial resolution

Which of the following terms refers to the sharpness with which anatomical structures are displayed on an image receptor?

Spatial resolution

What is the purpose of a cathartic?

Stimulate bowel movement

Which of the following characterizes a cathartic?

Stimulates bowel movements

Which of the following refers to the linear nonthreshold late effects of radiation?


Which of the following describes rotation of the forearm with the palm facing upward?


Identify this structure.

Surgical Neck

Of the following which are part of the identifying features of the upper epiphysis of the humerus?

Surgical neck, anatomical neck, greater and lesser tubercles

Which of the following will result from addition of filtration to an x-ray beam?

The average energy of the beam will increase.

Where is the proper centering point for a PA projection of the hand?

Third metacarpophalangeal joint

Which of the following positions can be used to separate overlaying loops of small intestine?


Which of the following terms refers to a position in which the head is lower than the feet?

Trendelenburg position

Which of the following is a proximal carpal bone?


Which of the following structures is visualized medially on the AP projection of the elbow?


What is the lowest part of a wavelength called?


What material is often used as the anode target material?


Which of the following materials is used to make the component labeled B in the diagram below (x-ray tube)?


A kVp linearity test means _______ kVp and a mAs linearity test means _______ mAs.

Variable; variable

What type of medication relax the walls of blood vessels allowing for greater blood flow?


On which of the following bones is the anterior clinoid located?


How many HVLs will reduce the intensity of a beam to 25% of its original value?


Which of the following is the most commonly used negative contrast agent?


In regards to body mechanics how should you carry an item?

Close to your body

Which of the following refers to the diameter of a needle lumen?


Which of the following density settings will increase the exposure by 25%?


What is the minimum thickness of the protective curtain when using fluoroscopic equipment?

0.25 mm lead equivalent

Which of the following suffixes are used in medical terminology to indicate excision?


The following technical factors are selected at the operating console: 70 kVp and 32 mAs. In what kinetic energy range will any Bremsstrahlung radiation produced fall?

0-70 keV

Which of the following exposure times is most appropriate using 400 mA with a 12:1 grid and 90 kVp to maintain the same radiographic density of an exposure made using 5 mAs and 105 kVp with a 5:1 grid at an SID of 60 inches?

0.06 s

What is the approximate ESE for an average upright PA chest x-ray on an average sized man when using 80 kVp without a grid?

0.15 mGy

What is the minimum shielding requirement for the bucky slot opening in the side of the x-ray table for fluoroscopic exams?

0.25mm lead equivalent

A pregnant imaging technologist should wear an additional monitoring badge at waist level ensuring the monthly equivalent dose to embryo-fetus does not exceed.

0.5 mSv (0.05 rem)

What is the recommended protection suggested for a lead apron used in radiographic exposures?

0.5 mm lead equivalent

Which of the following is the location of the CR for a lateral projection of the nasal bones?

0.50 inches inferior to the nasion

What is the minimum lead equivalent for a lead apron recommended for a person entering the direct beam of fluoroscopic equipment ?

0.50 mm

Protective aprons usually contain ___ mm Pb, and reduce occupational exposure by ___%.

0.5; 25

What is the normal creatinine range?

0.6- 1.5 mg/dL

Leakage radiation from the housing of the xray tube should not exceed_____ in one hour at a distance __ meter(s) from the X-ray source.

0.88 mGy at 1 meter

Where should the central ray enter on oblique sacroiliac joint image?

1 inch medial to elevated ASIS perpendicular to image receptor

What percentage of kinetic energy is of the incident electrons is converted to an x-ray photon?

1 percent

Out of all the electrons traveling from the cathode to the anode, around ____% of their kinetic energy produces x-ray photons.


How is patient dose reported? 1) Entrance skin exposure 2) Gonadal dose 3) Bone marrow dose

1, 2, 3

When trying to practice ALARA, which of the following are the cardinal principles of radiation protection? 1) Time 2) Distance 3) Shielding 4) Increasing mAs

1, 2, 3

What percentage of energy is actually converted to X-radiation during the x-ray production process?


If a heart measures 13.6 cm at its maximum width, and its image on a chest radiograph measures 15.9 cm, what is the MF (magnification factor)? Magnification factor is calculated by taking the image size and dividing it by the object size. In this problem, the image size is 15.9 cm and the object size is 13.6 cm. The equation used to solve this problem is: MF= 15.9 cm/ 13.6 cm


If the dose of radiation is 5 R at a distance of 3 feet, what is the radiation dose at a distance of 6 feet?

1.25 R

During scoliosis exams, using a PA (posterior-anterior) projection results in a breast dose of approximately ____% of the AP projection.


At which of the following levels of potential radiation exposure is occupational monitoring required?

10% of the annual dose limit

How many ribs should be visible above the diaphragm on a PA chest?

10-11 ribs.

When performing radiographs on a patient with a large plaster cast, an increase of mAs by ____% or __-__ kVp is necessary.

100% ; 8-10

A kV value of __-__ is required to adequately penetrate and visualize barium filled structures.


One keV equals how many electron volts?


What number indicates the bicuspid valve?


Which of the following diastolic blood pressure readings may indicate hypertension?

115 mm Hg

When performing radiographs on pediatric patients, grids should only be considered when the part measures greater than ____ cm.


What is the minimum source-to-skin distance for mobile radiography?

12 inches

Which of the following is the minimal source to object distance (i.e. source to skin or SSD) in a fluoroscopic examination with a portable fluoroscope?

12 inches

When performing intravenous urography in a child, if an excessive amount of intestinal gas is overlying the kidneys in the scout film, which of the following will be helpful?

12 ounces of a carbonated beverage

When using three-phase power, what is the approximate equivalent increase in kVp compared to single-phase equipment?


What is the normal adult respiration rate?

12-20 breaths per minute

What is the angle of the femur neck to the femur shaft in an adult?

125 degrees

What is the grid ratio of a grid with 0.50 mm lead strips that are 6 mm high and spaced 0.50 mm apart?


How many facial bones are there?


What number indicates the aortic arch?


Which of the following is the angle between the CR and the OML in a Caldwell projection?

15 degrees

When performing an AP axial projection of the bladder, where is the CR directed?

15 degrees caudad

When making a PA axial (Caldwell) projection of the skull, which of the following is the correct direction of the central ray?

15 degrees caudad to the OML

When imaging the small intestine, how many minutes after the patient drinks barium should the first radiograph be taken?

15 to 30 minutes

The foot should be internally rotated how many degrees in order to best view the ankle mortise on a radiograph?

15-20 degrees

What is the angle of the head and the neck of the femur in relation to the body of the femur?

15-20 degrees

When imaging an AP hip how many degrees should the leg and foot be medially rotated?

15-20 degrees

Which of the following is the annual occupational dose-equivalent limit for radiation exposure for the lens of the eye?

150 mSv

How long is the average urethra in a male?

17.5 to 20 centimeters

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be in the Mshell?


A good quality x-ray is made without a grid using a 60-inch SID and 8 mAs. If the distance is changed to 40 inches and a 12:1 grid is used, what should the new milliamperage-seconds value be to achieve the same exposure?

18 mAs

In what year did Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen discover xrays?


At which level should the CR exit the patient when performing a PA projection of the abdomen?

2 inches or 5 cm above the ASIS

What is the average time frame for a barium meal to reach the ileocecal valve?

2 to 3 hours

General purpose radiographic units must have a minimum total filtration of ___ mm Al.


The minimum amount of Inherent plus added filtration required in x-ray equipment operated above 70 kVp is:

2.5 Al equivalent

What is the position of the CR when performing a Towne projection?

2.5 inches above the glabella.

How many half-value layers are required to reduce an x-ray beam with an intensity of 80 R/min to an intensity of 5 R/min?


What number is the acetabulum of the hip? *


Which of the following milliampere-seconds value should be used with three-phase, 12-pulse equipment to produce a similar radiographic density to a chest x-ray that was performed with single phase equipment using exposure factors of 84 kVp and 8 mAs?

4 mAs

How many minor calyces are in a kidney?

4 to 13

What is the correct mAs value when using exposure factors of 200 mA, 90 kV, 22 ms?


What is the angle of the petrous pyramids that characterizes the dolichocephalic skull shape?

40 degrees

If an exposure is made using 70 kVp and 8 mAs without a grid, what should the milliampere-seconds value be to reproduce the image using a 12:1 grid?

40 mAs

Which of the following exposure factors will produce optimal results when performing the radiographic examination pictured below?

400 mA, 1/20 s, 70 kV

What is the angle formed by the petrous ridge and the MSP in the typical mesocephalic skull?

47 degrees

Which generation CT scanner uses a fixed ring of 4800 detectors that completely surrounds the patient with the full circle of the gantry?


Which metatarsal contains a tuberosity?


What is the annual whole body radiation occupational dose limit?

5 rem (50 mSv)

When performing radiographs on a patient with a small to medium plaster cast, an increase of mAs by ___% -____% or an increase in kV by __-__ is necessary.

50%-60% ; 5-7

Which exposure factor setting will deliver the smallest patient dose?

500 mA, 50 ms, 90 kVp

For the Rhese method the patient is in a PA position with the head rotated so the midsagittal plane is how many degrees to the image receptor?

53 degrees

At which angle should the OML be positioned for the modified Waters view?

55 degrees

What grid ratio is represented in the figure below with d = 0.5mm, D = 1.0 mm, and h = 5 mm?


In fluoroscopy, how far away should the imaging technologist stand from the x-ray tube and useful beam?

6 feet

The mother of a small child is asked to remain next to her child during a fluoroscopy exam, where the radiation exposure level is 400 mR/hr. If the allowable daily exposure is 40 mR, how long may the parent remain by her child during the exam?

6 min

What age does the the frontal sinus begin to form?

6 years old

The following vitals are normal for an adult (male or female): ___-___ pulse and __-__ respiration.


Which of the following technical factors would not produce a diagnostic quality KUB on an averaged sized patient?

65 kVp and 45 mAs

How many tarsal bones make up the foot?


What is the required height for a primary radiation barrier?

7 feet

What is the acceptable range for the target angle?

7 to 20 degrees

What is the minimum energy required for an incident electron to eject a K-shell electron from a tungsten atom?

70 keV

How many bones are in the wrist?


How many bones make up the cranium?


How many carpal bones are there?


What is the number of electrons the outermost shell of an atom can contain?


If the distance from the focal spot to the center of the mirror of the collimator is 8 inches, how far should the distance be from the illuminator's light bulb to the center of the mirror?

8 inches

Which of the following represents the actual diameter of the heart in a PA chest radiograph in which the heart measures 12.2 cm between the widest points if the magnification factor is 1.5?

8.1 cm

Water-soluble contrast studies require a kV range of between __ and __ kV.

80; 90

Approximately how long will an exposed image plate retain some degree of its image?


CR signal loss, and the ability of the IP to be read, becomes objectionable after approximately how many hours?


An 8-inch object that is 6 inches from the IR will be radiographed with an SID of 40 inches. What will be the width of the image?


A patient is exposed to 6 R/hr radiation at a distance of 7 feet from the x-ray source. How far should the patient move to decrease the radiation exposure to 3 R/hr?

9.9 ft

Where is the lowest intensity of scatter radiation from a patient when performing a mobile radiographic study?

90 degree angle from the patient

The normal oral temperature for an adult is ______ degrees Fahrenheit.


In a clinical environment, which patient would be the most radiosensitive?

A 25 year old pregnant female on oxygen

Voluntary motion that causes distortion on a radiographic image can be decreased in which of the following ways?High mA values along with shorter exposure times Careful explanation of procedure and breathing instructions to the patient None of the above A and B

A and B

Which of the following can be used to reduce the quantity of scattered radiation that reaches the IR? Air gap Stationary grid Use of a fast imaging system

A and B

Which of the following determines the heterogeneity of a primary beam? Differing interactions of incident electrons with the tungsten target Movement of electrons to different orbital shells Variable energy of incident photons

A and B

Which of the following factors affect the quality of an x-ray beam? kVp Filtration mAs A and B All of the above

A and B

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a moving grid compared to a stationary grid? Increased patient dose Unable to use short exposure times Phantom images result when the part has parallel motion to the grid. A and B B and C All of the above are disadvantages of the moving grid.

A and B

Which of the following is true when addressing exposure reproducibility in a quality assurance program? The kVp, mA, and time are tested in successive exposures. Variation in measured radiation intensity should not be more than 5%. Adjacent mA stations should be within 10% of one another.

A and B

Which of the following positions allows demonstration of the axillary ribs on the left side? RAO LPO LAO A and B All of the above

A and B

Which of the following will result in increased CR resolution? Decrease in PSP crystal size Decrease in laser beam size Decrease in size of the monitor matrix A and B B and C All of the above

A and B

You are positioning your patient for a 2 view elbow radiograph. You are able to achieve the lateral view easily, but when you go to position your patient for the AP view you realize that your patient cannot fully extend their arm. Which of the following alternate views should be obtained? AP elbow, with humerus parallel to the IR AP elbow, with forearm parallel to the IR None of the above A and B

A and B

Which of the following characterizes tomography? Visualization of structures is enhanced in the area of interest by blurring adjacent structures. A plane is visualized at the pivot point of the x-ray tube and film. The x-ray tube and film move in the same direction. Lower patient doses are possible.

A and B are characteristic of tomography.

Which of the following is a nasogastric tube that is used for gastric decompression? Salem-sump Levin Swan-Ganz PICC line

A and B are nasogastric tubes

The autotransformer supplies power to which of the following? High voltage circuit Filament circuit Operating console A and B All of the above

A and B.

Which of the following can increase the effective energy of an x-ray beam hitting an IR? Kilovoltage Milliamperage Filtration

A and C

Which of the following is a function of the Bucky cover slot? Protection of the radiographic technologist Protection of the patient Protection of the fluoroscopist A and C All of the above

A and C

Which of the following is most likely to be associated with the x-ray tube in a computed tomographic imaging system? Pulsed x-ray beam Low-speed anode rotation High production of heat units A and B A and C All of the above

A and C

Which of the following is used to limit the patient dose of radiation? Filtration Grid Collimation

A and C

Which of the following will occur when using 72 kV in comparison to 60 kV, with all other things equal? Increased scatter radiation Shorter scale contrast Exposure latitude will be greater A and B B and C A and C

A and C

Which of the following occur in digital imaging as the size of the image matrix increases? Spatial resolution increases FOV increases Pixel size decreases A and C A and B B and C

A and C.

Which of the following is true of beam limitation devices used to protect the patient by limiting the area of exposure and volume of tissue that is irradiated?

A collimator that automatically restricts the beam to the size of the IR have a feature known as positive beam limitation.

Which of the following is indicated when performing an AP projection of the foot?

A higher arch requires an angle of approximately 15 degrees to be perpendicular to the metatarsals.

Which of the following conditions can be a reason for reverse isolation, also known as protective isolation?

A patient with immune suppression after an organ transplant

Under which of the following conditions is biologic tissue least sensitive to irradiation?


Which of the following is true concerning the procedure for venipuncture?

A tourniquet should be applied before choosing a vein.

Which of the following can occur during post processing steps of a digital image? Edge enhancement Subtraction of superimposed images Contrast enhancement A and B A and C A, B and C

A, B and C

Which of the following infections can be transmitted by infected blood or body fluids? HIV Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C

A, C and D can be transmitted by infected blood or body fluid.

Which of the following exposure timers uses an ionization chamber to terminate exposure?


Which of the following principles results in radiographers doing everything possible to keep patient and occupational radiation exposure at minimal levels?


You receive an order for a two view lumbar spine radiograph on patient that is on a backboard. What views should be obtained in order to provide the most diagnostic images obtainable and decrease the risk of further injury to the patient?

AP and Cross-table lateral

You are working in the emergency room, when you receive an order for a two view knee radiograph on a patient that has just been in a car accident. The patient is on a backboard and is in severe pain.

AP and Lateromedial Cross-table Lateral

Which of the following techniques is used to view injury of the medial ligaments of the ankle?

AP stress study with eversion stress.

The CR should enter the patient at which level for the PA axial projection of the large intestine to demonstrate the rectosigmoid region?


What view of the scapula is this?


Which of the following is a relatively low risk entry site for inoculation with HIV?

Accidental needlestick

Ligaments attach the head of the femur to which of the following?


What joint is located on the lateral aspect of the clavicle?


Identify this structure.

Acromion Process

Which of the following structures is positioned most superiorly?

Acromion process

Which of the following is an acute life-threatening respiratory disorder characterized by fluid in the interstitial and alveolar spaces?

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Atelectasis, Empyema, and Pleural Effusion are all examples of ________ pathologies and require a/an __________ in technical factors.

Additive; increase

Identify this structure. *

Adductor tubercle

Which of the following will adjust the radiographic contrast in computed radiography?

Adjustment of window width

Which of the following cell types is relatively radio insensitive?

Adult neurons.

Which of the following refers to bowel obstruction caused by lack of peristalsis?

Adynamic ileus

When is a small bowel series complete?

After contrast passes the ileocecal valve

Which of the following is the cumulative exposure effective dose (CEfD) limit?

Age in years x 1 rem (10 mSv)

The ____________ is achieved by placing the patient 8-12 inches from the image receptor to reduce scatter radiation at the IR.

Air gap technique

Which of the following is true of a negative contrast agent?

Air is the most common negative contrast agent.

What type of precaution is indicated to prevent spread of an infection through contaminated droplets?

Airborne precautions

Which is not a concept of body mechanics? Base of support Center of gravity Line of gravity All are concepts

All are concepts

A patient's medical record must contain which of the following? Medical history Informed consent Diagnostic orders Therapeutic orders All of the above

All of the above

Beam restriction results in which of the following effects? Increased radiographic contrast Decreased patient hazard Decreased scatter B and C All of the above

All of the above

In AEC, what ensures proper exposure? Accurate positioning Proper collimation Optical density control

All of the above

Off-focus radiation results in which of the following? Increased patient dose Expanded focal spot size Reduced image contrast

All of the above

The brightness of a fluoroscopic image varies with all of the following except:mA kVp Patient thickness A and B B and C All of the above can cause variations in brightness of a fluoroscopic image.

All of the above

What error makes this AP Towne image Suboptimal? Poor marker placement Poor collimation Low mAs station (quantum mottle) Central Ray centered too high All of the above

All of the above

What is the purpose of breast compression during mammography? Reduction of motion Reduction of geometric unsharpness Decrease the production of scattered radiation

All of the above

Which of the following affect the geometry of the radiologic image? Tube angle OID SID

All of the above

Which of the following affects the patient dose during fluoroscopy? Tissue density Magnification Distance between the patient and the input phosphor

All of the above

Which of the following are immature cells? Stem cells Erythroblast Undifferentiated cells

All of the above

Which of the following can occur from DNA exposure to the effects of ionizing radiation? Cross-linking Alteration of base sequences Single-side rail scission All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following enables another individual to make healthcare decisions when a patient is unable to make healthcare decisions? Healthcare power of attorney Living will Healthcare proxy Advanced healthcare directive All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following factors are associated with an increased risk of a reaction to ionic contrast material? COPD Age Kidney function All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following has an effect on the blur or geometric unsharpness? Distance between the source and object Distance between the source and the image receptor Distance between the object and the image receptor

All of the above

Which of the following indicate a correct SMV skull projection? The mental protuberance is superimposed on the anterior frontal bone. Mandibular condyles are anterior to petrous pyramids. The distance from the lateral aspect of the skull to the lateral border of the orbit is the same bilaterally.

All of the above

Which of the following influences the biologic effect of radiation on a patient? Amount of interaction Type of photon-tissue interaction Tissue type All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a cause of mediastinal widening on chest x-ray? Rotation Incomplete inspiration Thoracic aortic aneurysm Mediastinal mass All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of digital radiographic imaging? Rapid display of the image Solid state detector plates Direct-capture imaging system A and B B and C All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a factor that can affect the quantity and quality of radiation damage to biologic tissue? Absorbed dose Exposure time Quality of radiation All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a parenteral medication route? Intramuscular Subcutaneous Intravenous

All of the above

Which of the following is a part of the standard x-ray imaging system? Operating console X-ray tube High voltage generator

All of the above

Which of the following increases contrast?

Increased collimation

Which of the following is an effect of radiation exposure to an embryo or fetus? Childhood malignancies Spontaneous abortion Congenital anomalies All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is associated with Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs? Love and belongingness Safety and security Self-esteem All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is associated with changes in the brightness of a fluoroscopic image? Changes in milliamperage Patient thickness Changes in kilovoltage A and C All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is different when performing infant CPR compared to adult CPR? Volume of air delivered with rescue breaths Placement of hands Number of compressions Rate of compressions

All of the above

Which of the following is how resolution measured? Line pairs per millimeter Line spread function Modulation transfer function All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is needed to assess patient vital signs? Watch with a second hand Stethoscope Thermometer Sphygmomanometer All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may be experienced by a diabetic patient who has a hypoglycemic reaction after preparing for a fasting radiologic examination? Irritability Restlessness Fatigue A and B only All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may reduce the gonadal dose of radiation? Shadow shield Collimation Gonadal flat contact shield A and C All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following should be demonstrated with adequate contrast in a supine AP projection of the abdomen? Lower border of the liver Psoas muscles Kidneys All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following symptoms can be related to a reaction to contrast medium? Hoarseness Wheezing Cyanosis Dyspnea

All of the above

Which of the following body fluids is not considered potentially infectious? Synovial fluid Blood Sputum

All of the above are considered potentially infectious.

Which of the following characterizes the lateral projection of the ankle? The talofibular joint is not visualized. The tibia and fibula are superimposed. The talotibial joint is visualized. The talocalcaneal joint is visualized. All of the above are correct.

All of the above are correct.

When using an x-ray tube rating chart, which of the following is needed to determine the maximum safe kilovoltage? Focal spot size Exposure time Milliamperage A and B B and C All of the above are needed

All of the above are needed

Which of the following is not required for valid patient consent? The patient must sign the consent before receiving sedation. The physician named on the consent must perform the procedure. All blanks spaces must be completed before the patient signs the consent. If the patient is a minor, a parent or legal guardian must sign the consent. All of the above are required.

All of the above are required.

Which of the following is a not site of active bone marrow in an adult? Sacrum Ribs Tibia All of the above are sites of active bone marrow in an adult.

All of the above are sites of active bone marrow in an adult.

Which of the following is not a tort? Invasion of privacy Defamation Assault Negligence

All of the above are torts.

Which of the following criteria indicates a proper AP projection of a KUB? The psoas muscles are clearly visualized on each side of the lumbar spine. The spinal processes are visible in the midline of the lumbar vertebrae. The vertebral column is centered in the collimated field. The image should include the region from the upper border of the pubic symphysis to the diaphragm. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

Which of the following should be done to ensure patient safety before a contrasted radiographic study? Ask the patient about previous hypersensitivity reactions to contrast media. Verify that the dosage is appropriate for the patient's weight and age. Obtain informed consent. Observe the patient's skin color, tone and pitch of voice, and presence of apprehension, in order to better recognize changes from baseline. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

Which of the following does not contribute to radiographic contrast in an x-ray image? Pathology Muscle development Ascites

All of the above contribute to radiographic contrast

Latex can cause a severe allergic reaction in patients who are allergic to some of its component proteins. Which of the following contains latex?Foley catheters Gloves Tourniquets Enema tips All of the above may contain latex.

All of the above may contain latex.

Universal precautions are based upon which of the following assumptions?

All patients are infected.

Which ionizing chamber should be used when performing KUB radiographs?

All three chambers or both outer chambers

Which of the following is not a source of electromagnetic radiation?

Alpha particle

What has a quality factor of 20?

Alpha particles

X-ray filtration devices are composed of which of the following?


What device eliminates low energy photons which decreases the potential for scatter radiation within the collimator?

Aluminum filtration

Which of the following is used to detect radiation exposure in an OSL dosimeter?

Aluminum oxide

The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place in which part of the bronchiole tree?


Which of the following is used to treat a patient who has a cardiac arrhythmia?


Which of the following is true of the orientation and placement of an image receptor?

An IR should be large enough to include at least one joint on all long bone studies.

Which of the following occurs when characteristic radiation is produced by an incident electron at the tungsten target?

An electron is ejected from an inner shell of the tungsten atom.

What is geometric unsharpness around the edge of an image?


Which of the following is used to convert energy to digital form in fluoroscopy?

Analog to digital converter

Which of the following characterizes development of flushing, hives, and nausea after injection of a contrast agent?

Anaphylactic reaction.

A patient has a severe allergic reaction after injection of intravenous contrast. Her blood pressure drops to 60/30 mm Hg. Which of the following best describes this patient's reaction?

Anaphylactic shock

Which of the following best describes the rapid onset of hypotension or severe respiratory distress after injection of a contrast agent or ingestion of a food?


Which of the following terms describes an erect position with arms abducted, palms forward, and head forward?


The ___________ is a reference position that defines the specific surface and planes of the body.

Anatomic position

Identify this structure.

Anatomical Neck

____________ is a system in which exposure techniques are pre-set based on what body part is being radiographed, and can be selected by choosing the specific body part on the control panel.

Anatomically programmed radiography

Which of the following is the second stage of the grieving process?


In which direction is the CR directed for a PA axial projection of the large intestine?

Angled 30 degrees caudad

What affects shape distortion?


Which of the following is proximal to the tarsal bones?

Ankle mortise

Which of the following conditions can result in an "apple core" appearance when visualized with a barium enema?

Annular carcinoma

Which of the following terms refers to the positive electrode of the x-ray tube?


The stated focal spot size is the result of measurement directly under the actual focal spot, but it varies along the length of the beam. At which portion of the x-ray beam is the effective focal spot smallest?

Anode end

Which is the simplest form of beam restricting devices?

Aperture diaphragms

What is the upper most part of the lungs?


Which of the following terms refers to a normal developmental outgrowth of a bone arising from a separate ossification center that eventually fuses with the bone?


What is the form of cell death that occurs when cells die without attempting division?

Apoptosis death

What division of the skeletal system is the shoulder girdle?

Appendicular skeleton

If a patient begins to hemorrhage from an open wound, which of the following actions should the radiographer take?

Apply pressure and call for emergency assistance.

What is the most appropriate contrast medium for a study of the gastrointestinal tract when a patient has suspected rupture of the appendix?

Aqueous iodine compound

Who invented the fixed kilovoltage technique?

Arthur Wolfram Fuchs

All of the following characteristics affect radiographic quality. Which of the following characteristics can be avoided if proper examination of the patient and explanation of expectations occurs?


Which of the following describes the result of edge enhancement?

Artificial increase in the visibility at an image edge

What does ALARA stand for?

As Low As Reasonably Achievable

__________ is defined as the threat of touching in an injurious way.


Which of the following refers correctly to the posterior fat pad of the elbow?

Associated with trauma and other pathology

Which of the following refers to a body type with a slender build and long thorax?

Asthenic habitus

Which of the following is correct concerning the inverse square law?

At a distance of 2 meters from an x-ray source with an intensity of 1, the intensity will be ¼ of the original intensity.

When performing the RAO oblique projection of the large intestine, where should the IR be centered?

At the level of the iliac crests

Which of the following is the correct direction of the CR for a lateral projection of the abdomen with the patient in a dorsal decubitus position?

At the midcoronal plane 2 inches above the level of the iliac crests

When performing a lateral projection of the abdomen with the patient in the dorsal decubitus position, where should the central ray enter?

At the midcoronal plane, 2" superior to the iliac crests

Where does the central ray enter for a lateral facial bone projection?

At the zygomatic bone halfway between outer canthus and the external auditory meatus

Which of the following conditions results in difficulty with penetration as the result of collapse of the lung tissue?


Which of the following pathologies would require an increase in technical factors?


Which option best describes image (D)?

Atlantoaxial articulation

What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristic of the element?


An isotope refers to which of the following?

Atoms with the same atomic number and different mass numbers

Which of the following describes the absorption and scatter of the x-ray beam passing through a patient?


Which of the following is characterized by the process in which an x-ray beam passes through an object with reduction in the number of primary photons as a result of absorption and scatter?


Which of the following refers to the process of elimination of microorganisms from the environment using moist heat under pressure?


__________ is a system that provides automatic termination of an exposure time when sufficient radiation is received by the selected ionization chamber.

Automatic Exposure Control.

Which of the following refers to "positive beam limitation"?

Automatic collimation

Which of the following devices is used to ensure consistency of radiographic quality in different exposures?

Automatic exposure control

What part of the x-ray circuit controls the initial kVp?


Which device found within the operator's console is adjusted by the radiographer when selecting a KV?


Which of the following operates using self-induction?


A small bony fragment pulled away from a bone is known as which of the following?

Avulsion fracture

Which of the following is not a vein of the lower extremity? *

Azygous vein

What letter indicates the reflective layer of the intensifying screen?


Direct digital radiography differs from computed radiography in which of the following ways? Resolution is coarse. Flat panel detectors communicate directly with a computer workstation. Patient throughput is higher with DR compared to CR. A and B B and C All of the above

B and C

Total brightness gain of the image intensifier results from which of the following? Focusing gain Flux gain Minification gain A and B B and C All of the above

B and C

Which of the following will improve image quality while decreasing the patient dose?

Beam restriction

Which of the following Honor Code violations can prevent certification by ARRT? Failure of a course in the radiography curriculum. Suspension from the radiography program. Expulsion or dismissal from the program.

B and C

Which of the following are the cause(s) of attenuation? oice Responses Transmission Absorption Scattering A and B B and C All of the above

B and C

Which of the following contributes to radiographic contrast? Milliamperage-seconds values Differing tissue densities Secondary scatter A and B B and C All of the above

B and C

Which of the following devices used in an x-ray circuit operates on the principle of mutual induction? Autotransformer High-voltage transformer Filament transformer B and C A and C All of the above

B and C

Which of the following dose-response curves represents a linear threshold response to radiation?

B and C

Which of the following terms refers to the intensity of radiation that reaches the IR in electronic imaging? Field of view Exposure index Sensitivity number

B and C

Which of the following is true of quality assurance requirements for filtration-beam quality? It is tested using a slit camera. Checked with a digital dosimeter. Adjacent mA stations should be within 10% of each other. A and C are true. B and C are true.

B and C are true.

The differential attenuation of tissue (or the Linear attenuation coefficient), and the corresponding shade of grey that is to be associated with that tissue on a CT image, is denoted by? The attenuation factor The Hounsfield number The attenuation number The CT number B and D A and C

B and D

Which of the following is demonstrated in the radiograph below?


Which of the following is the cause of streptococcal pharyngitis?


When performing which of the following examinations should the patient's diet be restricted?

Barium enema

Which of the following agents is a positive contrast agent?

Barium sulfate

Which of the following contrast mediums would be preferred for routine examination of the UGI tract?

Barium sulfate suspension

What lies immediately below the reflective layer of a PSP storage plate?


Identify the highlighted structure.

Basilar Region

Which of the following charges can be made against a radiographer who performs the wrong examination on a patient?


_______ is define as unlawful touching of a person without consent.


What is the SI unit for curie?


In an unresponsive patient without a palpable pulse or evidence of breathing, which of the following should you do?

Begin chest compressions at least 100 times per minute

Which of the following is the proper placement for the tubing and drainage bag associated with a Foley catheter?

Below the level of the bladder

When performing a Water's view (parietoacanthial projection) of the facial bones, what is the position of the petrous ridges on the image?

Below the maxillary sinuses

Which of the following can help reduce back strain from moving heavy objects?

Bend at the knees and push the object

Through the study of the exposure of rodent testicles, a radiologist and histologist developed this law in 1906.

Bergonie and Tribondeau

Which of the following is considered in the annual dose limit for occupationally exposed individuals?

Beta, gamma radiations and x-rays

Which of the following is the primary advantage of a rotating anode over a stationary anode?

Better heat dissipation

Identify the structure indicated by the yellow arrow.

Bifid spinous process

Which of the following does not influence the occurrence of a photoelectric interaction?

Binding energy of the outer shell

Which of the following occurs during ventricular systole?

Blood flows through the pulmonary artery to the lungs.

Which of the following does not characterize the C1 vertebra?


Which of the following has the highest atomic number?


Which of the following tissues will absorb the largest amount of x-ray radiation in a diagnostic radiographic study?


If an extremity is improperly aligned, that will cause _____? Elongation Foreshortening Both A & B Neither A or B

Both A & B

What is considered a negative contrast agent? Air Carbon dioxide Water

Both A & B

What makes this PA Caldwell image suboptimal? Insufficient tube angle Excessive tube angle Head is rotated Lead Marker not visible Both C and D

Both C and D

Which of the following chambers gets the most exposure from radiation due to cumulative radiology imaging of the chest?

Both outer chambers

What type of x-rays are produced when a traveling electron is is slowed down by the electric field surrounding a target atom's nucleus, thereby releasing some of the electron's energy?

Bremsstrahlung x-rays

Which of the following structures in the brain controls the muscular part of speech?

Broca's area

Which of the following is an example of COPD?


Which of the following refers to a sac filled with synovial fluid where tendons or muscles can slide over underlying parts?


On the diagram below, what is the stator?


Which of the following is at the level of the carotid artery bifurcation?


What joint of the lower leg is a saddle joint?

Calcaneocuboid joint

Which of the tarsal bones is the largest?


PA axial projection of the skull is also known as what method?


What projection is below?


Which of the following methods is used to best demonstrate the frontal sinuses?


When using manual technique charts, the technologist should use a _____________ tool to measure the thickness of the part in the ___________ unit of measurement.

Caliper; centimeters

When a patient is in shock, what should the radiographer do?

Call for help and place the patient in Trendelenburg position.

You have an order for an x-ray of the left humerus, but the patient states she fell on the right arm. Which of the following is the correct course of action?

Call the ordering physician for clarification.

An example of a stochastic effects is?


What is the largest carpal bone?


Which of the following is a somatic effect of radiation?


Which of the following is a destructive pathology?


When viewing a lateral projection of the chest, which anatomic structure is most anterior?

Cardiac apex.

What type of shock is associated with an acute myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism?

Cardiogenic shock

Identify the structure indicated by the intersection of the black lines.


What is the location of the focusing cup?


At which of the following locations is focal spot blur greatest?

Cathode end x-ray beam

What type of radiation is produced at the anode when outer electron shells drop to fill a vacancy in the K-shell, releasing the difference in binding energy?


If high velocity electrons interact with inner-shell (or K-shell) electrons of a target atom, what type of x-rays are produced?

Characteristic X-rays

Which of the following is not a product of Compton scattering?

Characteristic photons

In resuscitation of an infant, which of the following is true?

Chest compressions should be 100 times per minute at minimum.

Which of the following is used to remove fluid or air from the pleural space?

Chest tube

Which of the following is most likely to occur if a sufficiently high dose of radiation is delivered to a fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Childhood malignancies

In which of the following situations should the Heimlich maneuver be utilized?


Which of the following roots refers to cartilage?


Sources of radon exposure include:

Cigarette smoke.

The death of Thomas Edison's assistant prompted researchers to take a serious look at the affects x-radiation on human tissue. What was the name of Edison's assistant?

Clarence Dally

Which of the following interactions results in vibration of an orbital electron?

Classic scatter

Which of the following tissue-photon interactions is characterized by vibration of electrons that results from transfer of energy by a photon?

Classic scatter

What bones compose the shoulder girdle?

Clavicle and scapula

When cleaning a contaminated surface or object, which of the following is correct?

Clean from areas of less contamination to areas of more contamination.

Which of the following male gonadal shields is most effective for use during fluoroscopy?

Contour contact

Which of the following characterizes extravasation?

Contrast medium is injected into the tissue surrounding a vein.

Which of the following refers to an injury opposite the side of the primary force?

Contrecoup fracture

If the actions of both patient and healthcare professional contribute to an adverse outcome, which of the following legal terms characterizes the situation?

Contributory negligence

What is the function of the input phosphor of the image intensifier tube?

Conversion of x-rays to light

Which of the following is the purpose of an electric generator?

Converts mechanical energy into electricity

Identify this structure.

Coracoid Process

Letter H indicates what part of the scapula?

Coracoid Process

What is a plane that passes vertically through the body and divides the anterior from the posterior?

Coronal plane

Identify the structure indicated by the blue arrow.

Coronal suture

Which of the following blood vessels supply blood to the cardiac muscle?

Coronary artery.

Which of the following can result from the delivery of large exposures to a cold anode?

Cracked anode

Which of the following is not a part of the medial arch of the foot?


Which of the following is increased with a step-down transformer?


Which of the following arteries supplies the gallbladder?

Cystic artery

Which of the following is the structure labeled number 5 in the diagram below?

Cystic duct

Which of the following is an inherited lung disorder marked by increased secretion of mucus in the lungs and bronchi?

Cystic fibrosis

Which letter indicates a useful beam?


Before performing a radiographic study for a female patient of childbearing age, which of the following questions is necessary?

Date of the last menstrual period

You receive an order for a two view forearm radiograph on a patient with extensive osteoporosis. When normally performing a forearm radiograph, an AP view would be obtained using 62 kVp and 6 mAs. Because of the patient's pathology, which of the following adjustments in technical factors should be made?


Which of the following results from an increase in the digital image matrix size in electronic imaging?

Decrease in pixel size

A pneumothorax will result in which of the following?

Decrease in tissue density and decrease in contrast

Spatial resolution improves with a/an _______ in motion blur and a/an ________ in geometric blur.

Decrease, decrease

What is the most likely cause of decreased density on the lateral edges of an x-ray when using a parallel grid?

Decreased SID

Which of the following will be likely to increase the patient skin dose?

Decreased SID

What would be the effect of use of the outer photocells for a lateral projection of the chest when making an exposure of an asthenic patient?

Decreased density

What is the effect of incremental delivery of a quantity of radiation compared to the same amount of radiation delivered to the body over a short period of time?

Decreased effect of radiation.

Which of the following result in an increase in the patient dose of radiation during fluoroscopy?

Decreased field of view

Which of the following decreases contrast?

Decreased grid ratio

Anemia is characterized by:

Decreased hemoglobin.

This image shows what type of projection?


The LUT refers to which of the following?

Default gradient curve applied to the data set of an image determining initial display contrast

Which of the following refers to a mechanical device that is used to stun the heart and allow the natural pacemaker of the heart to restart the cardiac conduction system?


Which of the following instruments is commonly used in QA programs to measure varying degrees of x-ray exposure?


When using 30 inch SID and a 14 x 17 inch IR to radiograph a structure with homogenous density, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Density variation at opposite ends of the IR

Intussuception, ulcerative colitis, and pneumoperitoneum are all examples of _______ pathologies and require a/an ________ in technical factors.

Destructive; decrease

Which of the following is an indication for hysterosalpingography?

Determination of the patency of the oviducts or Fallopian tubes

Another name for Nonstochastic effects is?


Which of the following refers to radiation effects that increase in severity at higher levels of exposure after a threshold level of radiation has been reached?

Deterministic effects

Which of the following refers to the effects of radiation that become more severe at higher levels of exposure but do not occur below a certain threshold?

Deterministic effects

Which of the following is demonstrated in the figure below?

Dextrocardia In this PA projection of the chest, the heart is on the right side, which is known as dextrocardia.

What type of movement classification is the shoulder joint?


What is defined as the relaxation phase of the heart muscle?


The acronym DICOM stands for:

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

An x-ray tube is which of the following?


What is a common treatment for moderate iodinated contrast media reactions?

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Laser beam intensity and the emitted signal have a/an _________ relationship.


The ionization of the target molecule by an x-ray photon is termed ________?

Direct effect

Which of the following describes hypochlorite bleach (Clorox)?


Which of the following is the proper procedure for disposing of a contaminated sharp?

Dispose the entire needle and syringe in a dedicated container without recapping the needle.

Identify this structure.

Distal tibiofibular joint

What is the best protection against occupational radiation exposure?


Misrepresentation of the size and/or shape on a radiographic image compared to the actual size of the structure being imaged is?


What type of drug is used to increase urine output?


Pouch like herniations of the wall of the colon characterize which of the following conditions?


When the patient is lying down on his back with the central ray parallel to the floor, what is the position called?

Dorsal decubitus

Which of the following characterizes the radiographic position of the abdomen with the patient supine and the CR directed to a lateral side and directed to the midcoronal plane?

Dorsal decubitus

What is the top aspect of the foot called?


Which of the following characterizes the mitotic cycle of somatic cell division?

During mitosis, DNA is synthesized in the S phase.

What is the cause of the artifact on the image below?

Dust on the light guide in the CR reader

The target of the anode of the x-ray tube is noted by which letter?


Which of the following procedures is used to endoscopically evaluate the biliary and pancreatic ducts?


Which of the following conditions will necessitate increased penetration or x-ray photon energy?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of x-ray photons?

Electrically positive

What type of radiation is xray?


The type of energy that is used in an x-ray is ___________.

Electromagnetic energy

How is a rotating anode powered?

Electromagnetic induction motor

The strength of attachment of an electron to the nucleus is called _______________.

Electron binding energy

Which of the following is produced as a result of thermionic emission?

Electron cloud

Which of the following is not a function of the anode in an x-ray tube?

Electron production

What type of timer for the x-ray unit is mostly used today?


Which of the following controls the path of electron flow from the photocathode to the output phosphor to maintain image clarity?

Electrostatic lenses

What is the condition that results in loss of elasticity of pulmonary alveoli, causing permanent inflation of the lungs?


Which of the following conditions may cause widening of the intercostal spaces?


Which of the following refers to a conditioned that results in alveolar air trapping and flattened diaphragms?


Which of the following refers to the smooth continuous inner covering of the heart


When scheduling an endoscopic procedure, which of the following is correct?

Endoscopic procedures should be performed first if a series of procedures is to be performed.

Which of the following does not govern the cardinal principles of radiation protection?

Equivalent dose

Which of the following positions will be most comfortable for a patient who is experiencing orthopnea?


Which of the following describes the anatomic position?

Erect, arms extended with palms forward, heels together.

Which of the following cannot be evaluated by an esophagram?


Which cranial bone is associated with the cribriform plate?

Ethmoid bone

Which of the following forms the superior part of the nasal septum?

Ethmoid bone

Which of the following is the location of the perpendicular plate?

Ethmoid bone

What is the purpose of a compensating filter?

Even out the varying tissue densities

Which of the following refers to a primary malignant bone mass that arises from the bone marrow and is found in children and young adults?

Ewing sarcoma

Which of the following terms refers to image-producing or remnant radiation?

Exit radiation

The artifacts shown in the chest radiograph above are examples of __________ artifacts.


What type of artifact is present in the below radiograph?

Exposure artifact

The _______________ initiates the spinning of the anode and thermionic emission at the cathode.

Exposure switch

The AEC's role is to determine which of the following exposure factors?

Exposure time

Which of the following increases the angle of a joint?


Which of the following terms describes the accidental injection of contrast medium into tissues that surround the vein?


________ is the administration of IV infused medications into the extravascular space/tissue around the infusion site.


Where does the distal esophagus empty its contents?

Gastric cardia

When performing spine radiographs on patients on a backboard, lateral views can be obtained by rolling the patient onto their side.


The following pelvis image is of what gender?


Which of the following exams does not routinely require 3 projections?


Which of the following is not a part of the axial skeleton?


Which of the following does not represent an ossification center in the elbow?

Fibular head

Which of the following does not affect the exposure rate of the primary beam?

Field size

Thermionic emission is the release of electrons from a heated ______.


When adjusting mA what factor is affected?

Filament current

The focusing cup surrounds the _____ and is most commonly made of _____.

Filament; Molybdenum or nickel

Which of the following devices used to monitor occupational exposures is not reusable?

Film badge

Which of the following dosimeters measures the quality of radiation (energy) with filters?

Film badge

Which of the following is a diarthrotic saddle joint?

First carpometacarpal joint

All of the following are types of technique charts except:

Fixed mAs-fixed kVp

A grid in which the lead strips are angled to coincide with the divergence of the beam is referred to as a _________ grid.


Which of the following refers to a grid with strips that are angled to coincide with the divergence of the beam?


What aspect of the x-ray tube is responsible for reducing the spread of electrons that tends to occur as electrons travel from the cathode to the anode?

Focusing Cup

Parietal Bone

Focusing cup

Which of the following is located in the cathode assembly of the x-ray tube?

Focusing cup

Scattered radiation on an image results in which of the following?


Identify the structure marked with an X. *

Foramen Magnum

Which of the following accurately describes shape distortion?

Foreshortening is the result of angulation of the anatomic part of the body in relationship to the IR.

What describes the number of waves that pass a particular point in a certain time frame?


Which of the following is the number of x-rays that pass a given point per a unit of time?


______________ is the number of wavelengths that pass by a given point each second, and is measured in ______.

Frequency; hertz (Hz)

Which sinuses are located the most superior?


The bregma fontanelle is found between what cranial bones?

Frontal bone and parietal bones.

What bones form the orbit?

Frontal, lacrimal, ethmoid, zygoma, maxilla, palatine, sphenoid

Which bones below make up the skull cap?

Frontal, right and left parietal, occipital

What is the upper portion of the stomach called?


Which of the following forms of radiation are governed by the inverse square law with respect to distance and intensity?

Gamma rays

Which of the following is a type of electromagnetic radiation?

Gamma rays

The gonadal dose that would produce the same genetic effect on all members of a population as the same actual dose received by various individuals in the population is the:

Genetically significant dose

What is the genetic dose of radiation common to each member of the reproductive population?

Genetically significant dose

What is the correct term for the period between conception and birth?


Which of the following in the most superior of the following positioning landmarks?


Which of the following is located at the superior aspect of the nasal bones?


What needs to be visualized on the Grashey method?

Glenohumeral joint

Identify this structure.

Glenoid Fossa

Which of the following articulates with the proximal portion of the humerus?

Glenoid fossa

What movement type is tarsometatarsal joints?


What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?


Which of the following is recommended in the guidelines for gonadal shielding?

Gonadal shielding should be used in all patients with reasonable reproductive potential.

When taking a portable chest x-ray in a contact isolation room, which of the following are required of the radiographer?

Gown and gloves only; disinfect mobile x-ray unit after use

Which of the following is inconsistent with sterile technique?

Gowns are sterile in the front and back to the waist, including the arms.

Identify this structure.

Greater Tubercle of the humerus

What connects the stomach to the spleen and transverse colon?

Greater omentum

Which of the following lists policies and procedures regarding release of patient information?


______ is the data exchange standard that integrates hospital information systems such as RIS and HIS.


What method will demonstrate the occipital region of the skull?


Which of the following positions best demonstrate the occipital bone?

Haas and Townes

The _________ of a radioisotope is the amount of time it takes for the radioactivity of a substance to decrease to half of its original value.


The thickness of a designated absorber required to decrease the intensity of the primary beam by 50% of its initial value is defined as _______________.

Half-value layer

Which of the following is required in all patient encounters?

Hand washing

Which of the following precautions is most effective method of preventing the spread of infection?

Hand washing

Which of the following devices is commonly used to measure in-air radiation exposure in a fluoroscopy room?

Handheld ionization chamber

Which of the following fractures results from hyperextension of the head and neck, resulting in a fracture of the arch of C2 and anterior subluxation of C2 on C3?

Hangman's fracture

Which of the following is the result of hyperextension of the head, causing a fracture of the arch of C2?

Hangman's fracture

Which of the following rules should be used for good body mechanics?

Have a wide base of support.

What is the proximal end of the radius?


Locate the pathology of this radiograph.

Head of middle 5th phalange

Which of the following methods was used to obtain the image in the figure seen below?

Head on extended chin, MSP perpendicular to IR, OML at 37 degree angle to the IR plane and CR perpendicular to IR, exiting acanthion.

The acronym HIS stands for ____________.

Hospital Information Systems

Which of the following is associated with Grave's disease?


Which body habitus is thin and lean, possesses less than normal musculature and is approximately 35% of the population?


Which of the following characterizes low blood pressure that results from loss of large amounts of blood?

Hypovolemic shock

During CR image processing, some of the signal produced during laser beam stimulation is lost as a result of: I. Collection efficiency of the photodetector II. Scattering of emitted light III. Imaging plate materials IV. Scan speed

I and II

The effectiveness of the focusing cup is determined by which of the following principles? I. Focusing cup size II. Focusing cup shape III. Filament size IV. Filament shape V. Position of filament within focusing cup

I, II, III, IV, and V

The most important characteristics of radiographic quality are: I. Contrast resolution II. Spatial resolution III. Noise IV. Artifacts

I, II, III, and IV

Distortion depends on: I. Object thickness II. Object position III. Object shape IV. Object material

I, II, and III

When electrons strike the anode, the following effects take place: I. Production of heat II. Characteristic x-ray production III. Bremsstrahlung x-ray production

I, II, and III

Which of the following are considered to be geometric factors? I. Distortion II. Magnification III. Blur IV. Contrast

I, II, and III

Which of the following is considered a mild reaction? I. Anxiety II. Nausea/vomiting III. Hypotension IV. Syncope

I, II, and IV

What is to be parallel to the image receptor for a submentovertical projection?


A "Swan Ganz catheter" refers to which of the following?

IV catheter

Which of the following is the correct scheduling sequence of studies?


When using mobile radiographic equipment, which of the following is not true?

If the cassette needs to be held in position, the radiographer should hold it while making the exposure.

After injection of contrast medium:

If the patient becomes faint, check vital signs immediately.

Which of the following is correct concerning biohazardous chemicals?

If there is contact of skin with a chemical, rinse the area immediately with cool water for at least 5 minutes.

Which structure separates the large and small intestine?

Ileocecal valve

What is the longest portion of the small intestine?


What part of the small intestine connects to the large intestine?


Which of the following refers to the distal portion of the small intestine?


Which part of the small intestine is the longest?


Which of the following pathologies would require a decrease in technical factors?


Where is the IR centered for a delayed radiograph of the small intestine barium study?

Iliac crest

What bone is the ASIS located on?


Which of the following is a principle component of PACS?

Image Acquisition

The four principal components of a PACS are the ______ system, the ______ system, the ________ system, and the _______ system.

Image acquisition, display, network, storage

Which of the following receives remnant beam, converting it into light, then increasing the brightness of the light?

Image intensifier

What type of movement does the sternocostal joint (first rib and sternum) have?


Which of the following will not result in underexposure of a radiograph?

Inadequate SID

Which of the following will result if the angle of the central ray is increased?

Increased distortion

Which of the following is an advantages of using a fixed kVp chart?

Increased exposure latitude

What change in SID is required to overcome magnification when an 8 inch OID is introduced?

Increase SID by 56 inches

You are performing a PA chest radiograph on a patient who is experiencing severe anxiety. The patient is hyperventilating and is finding it difficult to follow your breathing instructions. You are using the following technical factors: 110 kVp, 12 mAs, and 72" SID. What adjustments can be made to compensate for the patient's inability to fully suspend respiration?

Increase kVp and decrease mAs

An image of the wrist is made using 400 mA, 25 ms, 70 kV, a focal spot of 0.4 mm, minimum OID, and a 30 inch SID. Which of the following changes will result in the largest increase in magnification?

Increase the OID to 3 inches

What is the effect of an increase in filtration of the x-ray beam?

Increased HVL

Which of the following is associated with the use of a small anode angle?

Increased areas of unexposed image receptor when using a large field

Which of the following will occur with an increase in the focal spot size?

Increased blur

Which of the following will result from an increase in tube current?

Increased x-ray photon quantity

What happens to scatter as kVp is increased?


What is the effect of filtration on the primary beam?

Increases average energy of the primary beam.

During what part of an infection do pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply?


When performing a myelogram, which of the following is true?

Indication includes degenerative CNS disease.

The proximity of a projectile electron, in relation to the target nucleus, and electrostatic attraction has a/an ___________ relationship.


What is the most likely interaction between ionizing radiation and a target molecule?

Indirect effect

Which of the following describes the major cause of cellular damage from radiation?

Indirect effect

Which of the following refers to an interaction between ionizing radiation and water molecules to form a free radical?

Indirect effect

Which of the following refers to the process of radiolysis?

Indirect effect

Which of the following does not operate on the principles of an automatic exposure control (AEC) device?

Induction of current in a conductor through motion of magnetic fields.

Identify the structure indicated by the Yellow arrow.

Inferior articular process

In which of the following shoulder positions is the greater tubercle visualized superimposed on the head of the humerus?

Internal rotation

In which of the following views of the shoulder is the posterior aspect of the hand positioned against the leg?

Internal rotation

At an exposure of 5 rad, which of the following radiation sources will result in the greatest effective dose to the individual?

Internal source of alpha particles

What group is the international authority on safe uses of ionizing radiation?

International Commission on Radiological Protection

Identify this structure. *

Intervertebral foramen

Which of the following is NOT a proper evaluation criteria for a KUB placement?

Intervertebral foramina are open.

When administering contrast agents, which of the following routes of administration require sterile technique?


Which of the following routes of administration is used for contrast agents when demonstration of the spinal canal is desired?


Disclosure of confidential patient information by a radiographer to unauthorized individuals is known as:

Invasion of privacy

As the SID (source to image distance) increases, the intensity of the x-ray beam decreases. This statement describes which law?

Inverse Square Law

How are frequency and wavelength related?

Inversely proportional

The two major types of iodinated contrast media used in urology are ______ and _______.

Ionic; nonionic

Which of the following occurs in diagnostic radiography?


Which of the following refers to the process of removal of electrons from an atom by radiation?


Which statement is true regarding the differences between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation damages DNA.

The mean marrow dose of radiation:

Is used to estimate the risk of leukemia.

Which of the following refers to an atom with the same mass number and different atomic numbers?


Which of the following characterizes a transformer?

It converts electric potential and current to higher or lower intensity.

Which of the following is not true of electromagnetic energy that originates in an x-ray tube?

It includes gamma rays.

Which of the following is true of the radiograph below?

It is a PA projection because the scapula is in the periphery of the thorax

When a biologic material is irradiated under anoxic conditions, which of the following is true?

It is less sensitive than when irradiated under hypoxic conditions.

Which of the following describes the location of the spine on the scapula?

It is located on the posterior aspect.

Which of the following is correct concerning transmission of patient health information by facsimile?

It is preferable to use facsimile only when patient information is urgently required.

Which of the following characterizes an iatrogenic infection?

It is the result of physician or medical intervention.

Which of the following characterizes dual x-ray absorptiometry?

It is uncomplicated to perform.

Which of the following is true of a controlled or restricted area?

It is under the supervision of the Radiation Safety Officer.

Which of the following is true of the target in a stationary x-ray tube?

It is usually alloyed with rhenium to give it added mechanical strength.

Which of the following is correct concerning a nasogastric tube?

It may be used to suction the patient's stomach.

Which of the following is true of a chest drainage system associated with a chest tube?

It should be below the level of the patient's chest.

If the source to image distance is halved, how will the beam intensity of an x-ray beam be affected?

It will be increased four times.

You are doing post- BE radiographs. Which view of the abdomen best demonstrates the left colic (or splenic) flexure?

LAO centered 2.5 to 5 cm above the iliac crest

Which of the following positions when performing an upper gastrointestinal examination is most likely to demonstrate a double contrasted pylorus and duodenal bulb and a barium filled fundus ?


Identify the highlighted bone.

Lacrimal Bone

Which of the following describes the union of the parietal bones and the occipital bone in an adult?

Lambdoid suture

Identify the structure indicated by the red arrow. *


Which of the following structures is part of the vertebral arch (neural arch)?


What is the name of the image before it is processed?

Latent Image

Which of the following is the best position to demonstrate an elbow fat pad?


Identify the highlighted structure.

Lateral Angles

Identify the structure labeled B on the figure above.

Lateral epicondyle. Explanation: The figure is an AP radiograph of the knee. "B" is the lateral epicondyle. The patella is marked "K." The lateral epicondylar eminence is "G." The median femoral epicondyle is "J." The medial intercondylar eminence and medial tibial plateau are at "H." The femur, "A", femorotibial joint, "C", fibular head,"D," fibular neck, "E," and tibia, "F," are all marked.

Which of the following is the best projection for visualization of the interspaces between the first and second cuneiform bones?

Lateral oblique foot

When performing retrograde cystography, which of the following projections will demonstrate the anterior and posterior bladder walls?

Lateral projection

Which of the following projections of the foot provides the best visualization of the longitudinal arch?

Lateral weight-bearing

Which of the following describes cell radiosensitivity?

Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau

Identify the highlighted structure.

Left Bronchioles

Identify the highlighted structure.

Left Lower Lobe

The LAO position allows good demonstration of which two structures?

Left colic flexure and descending colon

When performing a flattened/upright abdominal radiograph, if the patient is unable to stand for the upright view, which of the following alternate views should be performed?

Left lateral decubitus

Which of the following describes the position with the patient's left side placed downward in the recumbent position with the cassette positioned in vertical bucky against the posterior aspect of the trunk.?

Left lateral decubitus

The black arrow on the following figure points to which of the following?

Left posterior rib fracture

Identify the object labeled with the number 7 in the image below:

Left ventricle

Which of the following part of a "Scotty dog" is represented by the inferior articular facet of a lumbar vertebrae in a correctly positioned oblique view of the lumbar spine?


Fiberglass casts require ______ of a change in technical factors compared to small to medium plaster casts, and ______ of a change compared to large plaster casts.

Less; less

Which curvature of the stomach is located on the medial aspect?


Which of the following describes the legal doctrine of respondeat superior?

Let the master answer.

Which of the following radiation effects is associated with the longest period of latency?


The Radiographic quality of spatial frequency is measured in______________.

Line pairs/mm

Which of the following represents the dose-response curve for genetic effects of radiation?

Linear nonthreshold

Which of the following is represented by the dose response curve shown below?

Linear nonthreshold curve

When performing radiographs on patient's with prosthetics, the AEC will expose ________ and soft tissues may be _________ on the radiograph.

Longer; overexposed

Which of the following refers to an exaggerated concavity of the lumbar spine?


Bremsstrahlung x-rays are produced when the projectile electron, under the electromagnetic influence of the atom's nucleus, ____________.

Loses kinetic energy and changes direction

What is the probable cause of the artifact on the image below?

Low amperage and high kilovoltage

Which of the following is not normally included in performance of high-quality mammographic examinations?

Low contrast

Which of the following is most affected by use of aluminum filtration?

Low energy x-ray photons

Which of the following accurately describes diagnostic radiation?

Low energy, low LET

Which of the following is accurate regarding venipuncture in radiography?

Lower gauge needles are associated with more bleeding at the site compared to higher gauge needles.

Which option best describes image (C)?

Lumbar vertebra

Which of the following are the most radiosensitive blood cells in the body?


When performing a lateral skull radiograph, which of the following must be parallel to the IR?


Which of the following refers to the measure of the ability of the imaging system to preserve signal contrast as a function of spatial resolution?


Which of the following procedures requires the patient to remove all jewelry, metal prostheses, credit cards, and coins before entering the room?

Magnetic resonance imaging

Which of the following studies requires a focal-spot size that is 0.33 mm or less?

Magnification radiography.

Which of the following is a fracture of the proximal fibula associated with injury to the medial side of the ankle and disruption of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis?

Maisonneuve fracture

Can you identify the gender of this pelvis?


Which of the facial bones do not contact the maxilla?


Which of the facial bones is the largest?


Which of the following bones is not part of bony margins of the orbit of the eye?


Which of the following articulates with the first rib and clavicle?


Which of the following is an additive pathology?

Marble Bone

____________ is anything that takes up space and is made up of two main components: _______ and _______.

Matter; atoms, molecules

On which of the following bones is the acanthion?


Which are the largest sinuses?


What is the purpose of a filter used in a film badge?

Measurement of radiation quality

___________ are inserted into the x-ray tube housing below the x-ray window to absorb low energy x-rays.

Metal filters

Which of the following is a possible side effect after administration of an intravenous iodinated contrast medium?

Metallic taste in the mouth

Which of the following refers to the phase of somatic cellular division in which the nucleus of the cell elongates?


Which of the following provides growth in bone length?


Which of the following structures is part of the brainstem?


For a PA axial projection of the large intestine, which body plane should be centered to the midline of the table?


When performing a PA projection of the small intestine, which of the following planes should be centered to the grid device?


Which body plane should be centered to the midline of the image receptor for an AP abdominal radiograph?


Which of the following planes divides the body into right and left halves?

Midsagittal plane

Which plane passes vertically through the midline from front to back?

Midsagittal plane

Which of the following allows demonstration of the thoracic apophyseal joints?

Midsagittal plane 20 degrees to the IR

Where should the CR be positioned for Norgaard Method?

Midway between both hands at the metacarpophalangeal joint

What is considered a moderate reaction to iodinated contrast media?

Mild bronchospasm

Which of the following units of measurement is used to express blood pressure measurements?

Millimeters of mercury

The purpose of a short exposure time when performing a chest radiography is required for which of the following reasons?

Minimization of involuntary movement

Which of the following valves in the heart lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle?

Mitral valve.

Which of the following is not a form of intentional misconduct?


Which of the following is not demonstrated during retrograde urography?


Which of the following tissues consists of differentiated, non-dividing cells?


Which of the following age groups is most likely to manifest Hirschsprung disease?


Which of the following medications is used to dilate blood vessels to decrease blood pressure and relieve angina?


When performing spine radiographs on a patient with scoliosis, which of the following adjustments in technical factors should be made?

No adjustment should be made

What type of contrast agent will be less likely to produce an adverse reactions?

Non-ionic low-osmolar contrast

Which of the following factors do not affect the quantity of x-rays that reach the patient? kVp mAs Distance Filtration A, B and C None of the above choices are correct, since all of the above affect the quantity of x-rays that reach the patient.

None of the above choices are correct, since all of the above affect the quantity of x-rays that reach the patient.

Which of the following is represented by the dose response curve shown on the right in the figure below?

Nonlinear threshold curve

Which of the following ethical principles refers to "do no harm."


Which is not a structural classification of joints?


Which of the following organizations enforces radiation protection standards related to use of radioactive material at the federal level?

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Which of the following is not a source of natural radiation?

Nuclear medicine

Which of the following refers to grid frequency?

Number of lead strips per inch or per centimeter

Which of the following does not influence the attenuation of x-ray photons?

Number of x-ray photons

Which of the following factors affects size distortion in a radiographic image?


On which bone is the inion located?


Identify the highlighted structure.

Occipital Condyles

Which of the following is included in the annual dose limit for radiation for radiographers?

Occupational exposure

When calculating the annual dose limit for a radiographer, which of the following radiation sources are included?

Occupational exposures

Which of the following characterizes the somatic effects of radiation?

Occurs during the lifetime of the exposed person.

Which of the following can occur when the planes of the x-ray tube are angled against the lead strips of a grid during an exposure?

Off-level error

What is the unit of resistance?


The current along a conductor is proportional to the potential difference is the definition of?

Ohm's law

Letter A indicates what part of the elbow joint?

Olecranon process

The surface anatomy is used to position a part correctly for radiographic study. Which of the following refers to the large bony prominence on the posterior elbow?

Olecranon process

What is negligence?

Omission of reasonable care

Where is the outer canthus located?

On the lateral border of the orbits

Which of the following refers to a cause of light-headedness after a patient stands from a recumbent position?

Orthostatic hypotension.

Which of the following diseases specifically involves only the tibial tuberosity?

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Which of the following refers to the total number of dissolved particles per liter of water in a solution of IV contrast agent?


Which of the following refers to a condition of joint degeneration in one or more joints?


Which of the following is characterized by a small benign round tumor of the bone?


Which of the following pathologies requires an increase in technical factors?


The Compton Effect involves the interaction between the incident x-ray and ______ shell electron.


What error makes this Lateral Skull suboptimal?


If you use a center photocell instead of the lateral photocells when making a PA chest projection, what will result?


Which of the following is demonstrated in the radiograph below?


Which of the following is true of oxygen?

Oxygen must be ordered by a physician and is classified as a drug.

What is the preferred projectionn in abdominal radiography for reduction of radiation to the radiosensitive gonadal tissue?


Which of the following projections is the preferred projection for examination of the skull?


Which of the following is the projection that best demonstrates the right colic flexure?


You are working in the emergency room and you receive an order for a chest radiograph on a patient with a possible collapsed lung. Which of the following views would best demonstrate this pathology?

PA inspiration, PA expiration, and Lateral

Which of the following is associated with barium fluorohalide?

PSP storage plates

Which of the following conditions results in bone destruction with unorganized bone repair?

Paget's disease

Which of the following photon -tissue interactions includes interaction between a photon and an atomic nucleus?

Pair production

What type of circuit does the diagram depict?


Postoperative cessation of peristalsis can result in which of the following?

Paralytic ileus

Which of the following is not a type of mechanical obstruction of the intestine?

Paralytic ileus

Identify the highlighted bone.

Parietal Bone

Which of the following projections of the skull best demonstrates the facial bones?


Which of the following bones is a sesamoid bone?


Identify this structure.

Patellar ligament

When a patient with a respiratory infection needs a chest x-ray in the radiology department, who should wear a mask?


Which of the following is the greatest source of scatter in fluoroscopy and radiography?


Which of the following is the greatest source of scatter in radiography and fluoroscopy?


Radiographic images are required by law to include which of the following?

Patient name and/or identification number

Digital radiography can be conducted at higher ______, resulting in lower patient dose.

Peak kilovoltage (kVp)

Identify the structure indicated by the yellow arrow.


When evaluating a lateral projection of the abdomen, which of the following structures should be examined to determine whether or not the patient was rotated?

Pelvis and lumbar vertebrae.

Identify the structure indicated by the red arrows.


What is the double walled membrane in the abdominopelvic cavity called?


What is the ability of a material to become magnetized?


The central ray is to be_________ to the anatomical part being imaged.


To obtain a lateral projection of the sacrum, where should the CR be positioned?

Perpendicular to the IR, entering 3 inches posterior to the ASIS.

What is the correct direction of the CR in a lateral hand projection?

Perpendicular to the second MCP joint.

Which of the following is the proper location for the central ray when performing a lateral projection of the hand?

Perpendicular to the second metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint

Which of the following is the correct direction of the CR when performing an oblique PA projection of the hand?

Perpendicular to the third MCP joint

When performing a PA oblique hand projection, which of the following is the correct location of the central ray?

Perpendicular to the third metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint

Which of the following terms refers to the continued emission of light by a phosphor after the activating source is terminated?


Which of techniques maximizes intrahepatic ductal filling in a postoperative cholangiogram?

Placement of the patient in the Trendelenburg position

Which of the following allows visualization of the talocalcaneal joint?

Plantodorsal projection of the os calcis

Asbestosis is a disease that is the result on inhalation of asbestos particles. Which of the following terms describes the class of respiratory disorders like asbestosis?


Which of the following is demonstrated on the chest x-ray below?


Which of the following refers to air in the pleural space?


Which of the following is an acceptable method of monitoring radiation exposure in individuals who are occupationally exposed to radiation?

Pocket ionization chamber device

Which of the following radiation monitoring devices can provide an immediate reading?

Pocket ionization chamber device

What is the most sensitive personnel dosimeters?

Pocket ionization chambers

Which of these is not a concern when using barium sulfate?


Which of the following findings is seen in the radiograph below?

Poor inspiration

Which of the following techniques can help to avoid excessive overlap of the metacarpophalangeal joint in the oblique hand projection?

Position the hand at less than 45 degrees oblique

Your patient has weakness on the left side of the body. When helping the patient onto an x-ray table, you should:

Position the right side closest to the table.

_____________ collimators are devices that automatically sense the size of the image receptor and adjust the collimating shutters to that size.

Positive Beam Limiting (PBL)

Which of the following is designated by the number 3 on the figure below?

Posterior arch of C1

Which term is used to describe the back of the arm?

Posterior dorsal

Identify the structure indicated by the maroon arrow.

Posterior tubercle of the transverse process

Which of the following refers to a fracture of the medial and lateral malleoli of the ankle with dislocation of the ankle joint?

Pott's fracture

Which of the following is not an indication for an acute abdominal series?

Preliminary examination before administration of contrast

_____________ x-rays are those that exit the x-ray tube before interacting with the patient.


Which of the following refers to a wall that an x-ray beam can be directed toward in diagnostic radiology?

Primary barrier

Which of the folowing refers to x-rays that are emitted through the window?

Primary beam

The immediate response of radiation sickness is called:

Prodromal period

Three-phase equipment:

Produces a greater number of x-rays per mAs than single-phase equipment

When imaging fingers 2-5 what joint does the central ray enter?

Proximal Interphalangeal

When imaging the 5th digit, where should the CR be placed?

Proximal interphalangeal joint

Where is the location of the intertrochanteric crest?

Proximal posterior femur

Which of the following is a synovial pivot articulation?

Proximal radioulnar joint

Which of the following refers to the point where the parietal, frontal, and sphenoid bones meet?


At what level is the IR centered for AP oblique projection during cystourethrography in an adult female?

Pubic symphysis

What bones form the obturator foramen?

Pubis and ischium

PASS stands for:

Pull pin, Aim nozzle, Squeeze handle, Sweep

Identify the structure outlined in red.

Pulmonary Hilum

Which of the following is an obstructive condition characterized by narrowing of the sphincter at the distal portion of the stomach?

Pyloric stenosis

Which of the following is the most distal portion of the stomach?


The grainy appearance of this image is a result of __________________.

Quantum mottle

Which of the following will occur on a digital image as a result of inadequate mAs?

Quantum noise

What PA projection of the ribs will foreshorten the right side of the torso?


Which of the following positions is not typically taken during a barium enema for demonstration of the rectosigmoid area?


You are performing oblique T-Spine radiographs on a patient, and you have your patient facing the board with their right side closest to the wall bucky. What position is your patient currently in?


When looking to visualize the right intervertebral foramina of the cervical spine, which of the following positions will demonstrate this anatomy?


Which of the following refers to the ability of different types of radiation to produce the same biologic response?


What is the effect on the RBE when there is a decrease in LET?

RBE decreases

The information management and database portion of PACS is called ______.


The ileocecal valve is located in which quadrant?


What position must patient be in in order to demonstrate the left sacroiliac joint?


Which position would best demonstrate the up side zygapophyseal joints of T-spine?


Which of the following is a vector?


Which of the following is the shallow depression located on the lateral aspect of the proximal ulna?

Radial notch

_________ is the transfer of energy through space.


Which of the following are associated with the greatest occurrence of somatic effects of radiation?

Radiation oncology treatment

Which of the following persons is responsible for ensuring adherence of all radiation guidelines?

Radiation safety officer

_________ is the emission of particles and energy in order to become stable.


What is the effect of OID on recorded detail?

Radiographic detail is inversely proportional changes in the OID.

____________ is the fidelity in which the anatomical structure that is being examined is demonstrated on the radiograph.

Radiographic quality

____________ refers to the accuracy to which the anatomical structure that is being x-rayed is imaged on the radiograph.

Radiographic quality

Which of the following is battery?

Radiographing the wrong body part

Which of the following is correct concerning study of the acromioclavicular articulations?

Radiographs should be taken with and without weights.

The acronym RIS stands for _______________ and is a computer software that sends requests for images to be delivered to the appropriate PACS archive area.

Radiology Information System

Which of the following refers to a substance through which electromagnetic waves can travel?


Which of the following refers to the breakdown of water molecules within the body as a result of irradiation?


What is the largest source of natural radiation?


Which of the following types of radiation accounts for the largest source of background radiation?

Radon and thoron

Quantum mottle is described as what?

Random absorption of xray photon absorbed by the image receptor

Which of the following is not a "fomite?"


What law governs the adjustment of milliamperage and exposure time to produce the correct mAs value to reproduce radiographic exposure when using different milliamperage or exposure times?

Reciprocity law

In the simplified diagram of an x-ray circuit, what is represented by the number 6?


Which of the following positions is characterized by patient placement in the right lateral recumbent position with the horizontal CR directed along the MSP, entering the abdomen anteriorly at the level of the iliac crests?

Right lateral decubitus

Which of the following views would best demonstrate possible pleural effusion in the right lung?

Right lateral decubitus

Right lateral decubitus of the chest would show which of the following?

Right sided pleural effusion, left sided pneumothorax

Which of the following best demonstrates the posterior portion of the colon in a double contrast study?

Right ventral decubitus position

An example of size distortion on an image is?


What is represented by the letter R?


What is the structure that is labeled X in the diagram below?


Which of the following is located in the anode assembly of the x-ray tube?


What is not a classification of bones?


What is the equation for the total resistance in a series circuit?

Rt=R1+ R2 + R3

Which of the following factors has the largest effect on the radiographic exposure of an image?


Which of the following has written instructions for handling biohazardous chemicals including safe use, cleanup, and disposal?


Which of the following refers to the dose of radiation that will cause a noticeable skin reaction?


Which of the following minimizes involuntary motion unsharpness?

Shorter exposure times

Which of the following changes in contrast occurs with use of beam restriction?

Shorter scale of contrast

A predictable action or effect of a drug other than that desired is called a/an _________.

Side effect

Which of the following does not refer to a portion of the small intestine?


Which of the following is a component of the design of contemporary rectifiers?

Silicon-based semiconductors

Which of the following is consistent with a biphasic GI examination?

Single contrast and double contrast study of the UGI tract.

The waveform associated with the highest percentage voltage ripple is:

Single phase

Which of the following is the lowest frequency generator?

Single phase

Which of the following has its primary effect on radiographic sharpness?

Size of the focal spot

Which of the following is used to allow the continuous rotation of the x-ray tube and simultaneous movement of the patient couch?

Slip ring technology

Which of the following is the standard way to measure focal spot size in most radiographic systems?

Slit camera

________ is when the drive mechanism moves the IP at a consistent, decreased pace along the long axis of the IP.

Slow scan

Bremsstrahlung radiation results in which of the following?

Slowing of the electron with release of a photon.

Which of the following portions of the gastrointestinal tract is most sensitive to radiation exposure?

Small intestine

Which of the following unpaired bones articulate with the frontal bone?


Identify the highlighted bone.

Sphenoid Bone

Which of the following is located most posterior?

Sphenoid sinuses

Which of the following is not visualized on the PA projection of the sinuses (Caldwell method)?

Sphenoid sinuses

Which of the following disorders is characterized by a defect of the posterior aspect of the spinal canal as a result of failure of the vertebral arch to form properly?

Spina bifida

Which of the following is caused by failure of formation of the vertebral arch?

Spina bifida

Which of the following is an indication to "logroll" a patient?

Spinal injury

What device is used to test the accuracy of a timer on an x-ray circuit?

Spinning top

Which of the following part of the vertebra extends backward from the point of union of two laminae?

Spinous process

This image shows what type of fracture?


Which structure is located between the transverse colon and descending colon?

Splenic flexure

Which of the following refers to a defect in the pars articularis of the vertebra with displacement of the vertebra?


Which of the following refers to one vertebra slipping forward on the one below?


Which of the following is most likely to occur with radiation exposure one week after conception?

Spontaneous abortion

What are the divisions of the temporal bone?

Squamous, Mastoid, Petrous

Which of the following does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend for protection of patients and healthcare workers against transmission of disease by blood borne pathogens?

Standard precautions

Which of the following is correct concerning infectious waste?

Standard precautions should be used for all infectious waste.

What part of the xray tube is located outside the glass envelope?


Which of the following refers to an immature cell?

Stem cells

The _______ modifies current before it reaches the cathode filament.

Step down transformer

Which of the following terms describes a transformer that moves from 1500 windings to 500 windings?

Step down transformer

What transformer is located in the filament circuit?


What type of transformer is used in the high-voltage section of an x-ray circuit?


Which of the following devices are operated on the principle of mutual induction?


Identify the structures outlined in red.

Sternoclavicular joints

What is the purpose of an antibiotic medication?

Stop the growth of bacteria

Which of the following is not a function of a picture archiving and communication system (PACS)?

Storage of analog images

X-rays travel in a(n) _____________ direction at _______________ miles/second.

Straight line; 186,000

Which of the following is a type of voluntary muscle that affects motion?


Into which of the following is contrast introduced when performing a myelogram?

Subarachnoid space

Which of the following is the best projection for demonstration of the ethmoidal sinuses?


Which skull position is most useful to demonstrate the sphenoid sinuses?


What is the appropriate response when a patient requests to see their medical record or chart during a radiologic procedure?

Suggest the patient request the medical record/chart through his or her physician so that it can be interpreted correctly and concerns can be addressed.

Which of the following describes a groove in a bone?


Which of the following terms refers to a material that exhibits no resistance to electrical current below a critical temperature?


Why should the patient be in the RAO position when imaging the sternum?

Superimpose the sternum on the heart shadow

Which of the following refers to the structure indicated as the letter C?

Superior articular facet

Identify the structure indicated by the pink arrow

Superior articular process

Identify the structure indicated by the Black arrow.

Superior costal facet

What is considered a mild reaction to iodinated contrast media?


Which of the following is not required for an adequate spine series of the cervical spine?

Swimmer's view

Which of the following is not a subclass of a fibrous joint?


________ are immovable joints and an example of this type are ________.

Synarthrodial; skull sutures

Which of the following exposure timers operates based on the frequency of the alternating current supplied to the imaging system?


Which of the following is a symptom of a vasomotor reaction to contrast agent?


What joint classification is the shoulder joint?


What type of joint classification is the 1st through 12th costovertebral joints?


Which of the following represents the first sound heard when measuring blood pressure?

Systolic pressure

The target on the anode of the x-ray tube is noted by which letter?I *


What level of the spine is the jugular notch located?

T2 - T3

What level on the body is the sternal angle located?


Which of the following is at the approximate level of the sternal angle?


When considering adequate radiation safety in during fluoroscopy, which of the following is correct?

Tabletop radiation intensity can go as high as 20 R/min with high level fluoroscopy equipment.

_________ occurs when the heart rate of a patient is greater than 100 BPM.


Which of the following refers to congenital clubfoot?


Which of the following is not an articulation of the ankle mortise?


All of the following are carpal bones except: Trapezium Trapezoid Talus Hamate


Which of the tarsal bones helps make up the ankle joint?


In what projection is the central ray positioned so that it skims the body surface to profile a body part and project it free of superimposition?


Which of the following positions allow demonstration of the sesamoid bones of the foot without superimposition of the metatarsals or phalanges?

Tangential metatarsals/toes

_________ is the transfer of images and patient information to remote sites.


__________ is the process of remote transmission and viewing of images.


Identify the highlighted bone. *

Temporal Bone

What is an example of Natural Radiation?


The red arrow indicates which structure?

The C-7, T-1 disc space

Which of the following is true when performing a RAO (PA oblique) projection of the large intestine?

The CR enters at the midline at the level of the iliac crest.

Which of the following is correct when performing a lateral projection of the scapula?

The CR enters the medial border of the scapula.

Which of the following projections will reduce superimposition of the sigmoid colon and rectum in the AP axial projection?

The CR is angled 30 to 40 degrees cephalad with AP projection entering at the inferior margin of the symphysis pubis.

When performing a Caldwell projection of the skull, which of the following is correct?

The CR is directed 15 degrees caudad to the OML.

Which of the following is correct when imaging the clavicle?

The CR should be directed 25 to 30 degrees caudad for a PA axial projection.

When performing a PA tangential projection of the patella, which of the following is accurate?

The CR should be directed 45 degrees cephalad through the joint

When performing an AP elbow projection, which of the following is correct?

The CR should be directed perpendicular to the joint.

What is the result on the ESE of an increase in mA to maintain the output intensity while increasing the source to skin distance (SSD)?

The ESE will increase.

Which of the following is indicated when making a unilateral projection of the zygomatic arches?

The IOML is parallel to the plane of the IR with the MSP rotated 15 degrees toward the affected side.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about the IP in computed radiography?

The IP should exclude all white light.

Which of the following is correct when positioning the patient for a PA view of the sternoclavicular joint?

The IR should be centered to T3.

Which of the following is true for a lateral projection of the rectosigmoid area?

The IR should be positioned at the level of the anterior superior iliac spine.

Identify this structure.

The Lesser Tubercle

Which of the following is correct when performing a lateral projection of the facial bones?

The MSP is parallel to the IR.

When performing a unilateral tangential or May projection of the zygomatic arches, which of the following is correct?

The MSP is rotated 15 degrees toward the side being examined.

Identify the highlighted bone.

The Mandible

Identify the highlighted bone.

The Maxillary Bone

430 Identify the structure outlined in red.

The Mediastinum

When imaging the shoulder joint, which of the following is correct?

The PA oblique view offers the best visualization of the posterior shoulder dislocation.

This X-ray interaction occurs when an incident x-ray is completely absorbed during the ionization of an inner (or K)-shell electron. The incident photon vanishes, and the K-shell (or photoelectron), is ejected from the atom.

The Photoelectric Effect

Identify this articulation.

The Sacroiliac joint

Which of the following is not a source of secondary radiation?

The X-ray beam as it leaves the tube

Identify the structure indicated by the yellow arrow.

The anterior arch of C-1

Which of the following should be seen with a correct projection of the true AP ankle?

The anterior tubercle of the tibia should overlap the fibula by 6 mm or 42% of the width of the fibula.

Identify the structure outlined in beige.

The aortic arch

When performing a LPO projection of the kidneys, which of the following is true?

The body should be rotated obliquely to 30 degrees. The kidney farther from the IR is imaged in profile.

When performing a medial oblique projection of the ankle, which of the following is correct?

The bony structure can be well visualized with the ankle in medial rotation at 45 degrees.

When measuring blood pressure, which of the following occurs when the arterial tension is controlled with the sphygmomanometer?

The brachial artery collapses.

When performing an AP examination of the pelvis, which of the following is correct?

The center of the image receptor should be approximately 2 inches inferior to the level of the ASIS and 2 inches superior to the symphysis pubis.

When imaging the calcaneus in the axial view, which of the following is correct?

The central ray should be 40 degrees cephalad to the long axis of the foot.

Which of the following is accurate when performing a non-weightbearing medial oblique projection of the ankle?

The central ray should be directed vertically between the malleoli.

Which of the following is true of an exact PA projection of the skull?

The central ray should be perpendicular to the image receptor, exiting the nasion.

Which of the following should be done when performing a lateral knee projection?

The central ray should enter the joint inferior to the medial condyle.

When performing a lateral projection of the cervical spine in a trauma patient, which of the following is correct?

The cervical collar should not be removed.

Identify the structures outlined in green.

The clavicles

Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the mechanics of respiration?

The diaphragm relaxes during expiration.

Which of the following is consistent with a correct parietoacanthial projection of the sinuses?

The distance between the lateral border of the skull and the orbit should be bilaterally symmetric.

When evaluating the adequacy of a chest radiograph, which of the following is true?

The distance between the vertebral processes and clavicle should be equidistant on both sides.

When performing a PA axial projection of the skull, which of the following should be demonstrated in a correct projection?

The dorsum sella and posterior clinoids should be projected within the foramen magnum in the Haas projection.

The accuracy of positioning on an AP humerus is best shown by:

The epicondyles shown parallel to the IR.

Which of the following criteria indicate the small bowel series was properly performed?

The examination is complete when barium is visualized in the cecum.

Which of the following is a requirement of radiation safety guidelines for fluoroscopy?

The exposure switch must be a dead-man type.

Which of the following techniques will improve visualization of the lower ribs?

The film should be made after full exhalation.

Which of the following are correct when performing an AP elbow projection?

The forearm and humerus should be in the same plane.

The theory that states that breaking up doses of radiation and spreading it out over a longer period of time gives healthy tissue a greater chance to recover is called __________?

The fractionation theory

When considering the amount of energy absorbed by an object, which of the following is true?

The gray is equivalent to a joule of energy deposited per kilogram of tissue.

When positioning the patient for an AP projection of the forearm, which of the following is correct?

The hand should be supinated.

Which of the following characterizes production of Bremsstrahlung radiation?

The incident electron is deflected, resulting in loss of energy.

Which of the following is true when comparing the input phosphor of the image intensifier to the output phosphor?

The input phosphor is larger.

The following equation represents what Law? mA x s = mAs

The law of reciprocity

The red arrow is pointing toward which structure?

The left lateral mass of C-1

What part of the body is more radiosensitive?

The lens of the eye

What structure on the proximal humerus is seen in profile medially in this AP projection of the shoulder with internal rotation?

The lesser tubercle

Which of the following is true when comparing a low-ratio grid with a high-ratio grid?

The low ratio grid will allow greater centering latitude.

When performing an AP femur projection, which of the following is correct?

The lower leg is rotated internally 15 degrees.

Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning the lungs? The left lung is smaller than the right lung. The right lung has three lobes. The left lung has two lobes. The lungs are located in the pleural cavity. There are ten bronchopulmonary segments in each lung.

The lungs are located in the pleural cavity.

Which of the following is true of the differences in the male and female pelvis?

The male pelvis has a heart shaped outlet.

Identify the structure indicated by the yellow arrow.

The odontoid (Dens)

When performing a lateral projection of the skull, which of the following indicate a good projection?

The orbital roofs are superimposed

When performing a lateral skull projection, which of the following indicates a correct position and projection?

The orbital roofs are superimposed.

For a lateral knee projection, which of the following is correct?

The patella is perpendicular to the IR with the IR centered 1" distal to the medial epicondyle.

Which of the following is an example of subjective data that may be obtained when obtaining a patient history?

The patient complains of severe headache pain.

Which of the following is true when comparing a stationary grid to a moving grid?

The patient dose is increased with a moving grid.

When performing a lateral projection of the thoracic spine, which of the following is correct?

The patient may be recumbent or erect.

Which of the following is true when performing a correct RAO position of the esophagus?

The patient should be rotated obliquely with the left side elevated to 35 to 40 degrees.

When performing a PA oblique projection of the shoulder, which of the following is correct?

The patient should be rotated so the midcoronal plane forms a 60 degree angle with the IR.

When performing an AP lordotic study of the chest, which of the following is true?

The patient should hyperextend at the waist, leaning backward.

When assisting a patient from a wheelchair to an x-ray table, which of the following is correct?

The patient's strong side should be positioned next to the x-ray table.

Which of the following describes the line-focus principle?

The projected focal spot is smaller than the actual focal spot.

What is the significance of an "M" reading on a film badge?

The radiation exposure is below the sensitivity of the film.

When a radiographer is assisting with a sterile procedure but is not gowned and gloved, which of the following is correct?

The radiographer should avoid the sterile field at all times or it will be contaminated.

The left ribs are demonstrated by the blue arrows and the right ribs are demonstrated by the red arrows in the magnified view of a lateral chest x-ray. Which of the following is correct?

The right ribs are projected posterior to the left ribs in a true lateral view.

Which of the following is a necessary condition of proving malpractice?

The standard of care was violated.

Which of the following is a valid criteria for evaluation of the PA projection of the chest for lungs?

The sternal extremities of the clavicle should be equidistant from the vertebral borders.

Which of the following techniques can help demonstrate a hiatal hernia in an AP projection of the abdomen?

The table should be tilted to the Trendelenburg position.

Identify this structure.

The talocalcaneal joint

Identify the structure indicated by the white arrow.

The thoracic transverse process

Which of the following refers to the effective dose of radiation?

The whole body dose of radiation

Which of the following characterizes a secondary protective structural barrier to radiation exposure?

The x-ray control booth is a secondary protective barrier.

Which of the following occur in a photoelectric interaction?

The x-ray photon ceases to exist.

Which of the following is true of iodinated nonionic contrast agents?

Their primary advantage is because they don't separate into positive and negative charges.

Which of the following represents the relationship between the SID and recorded detail?

There is a direct relationship between recorded detail and SID.

What is the most likely effect of using a large IR (14 x 17 inches) with a short SID (24")?

There will be an increased anode heel effect.

What is the process of heating the cathode filament to boil off electrons?

Thermionic emission

What type of dosimeter uses small chip within the badge, which is then heated to release the absorbed radiation?

Thermoluminescent dosimeter badge

Which of the following characterizes a thermoluminescence dosimeter?

They emit light in proportion to radiation exposure.

Which of the following is true of genetic effects of radiation?

They follow a linear-nonthreshold dose-response curve.

What is the relationship of LET and biological damage?

They increase in direct proportion.

Which of the following interactions does not result in ionization?

Thompson interaction

Identify the structure indicated by the Yellow arrow.

Thoracic Spinous process

Which option best describes image (B)?

Thoracic vertebra

Which of the following is added to tungsten to increase the efficiency of the filament?


Which of the following is a late somatic effect of radiation?

Thyroid dysfunction

The three cardinal principles of radiation protection are?

Time, distance, and shielding

What part of the x-ray circuit ends the exposure?

Timer circuit

Which of the following factors contributes to differences between tissues in the effective dose of radiation?

Tissue weighting factor

When performing retrograde urography, why is the head of the table raised 35 to 40 degrees?

To demonstrate filling of the ureters

During retrograde urography, the table is tilted 10 to 15 degrees in the Trendelenburg position for which of the following reasons?

To prevent the contrast medium from escaping from the kidneys

Automatic beam limitation devices are used for which of the following reasons?

To reduce scattered radiation

What is the correct way to place footrests on a wheelchair when assisting a patient in or out of the wheelchair?

To the side

Which of the following is a direct means of disease transmission?


Identify the highlighted structure.


Which of the following projections is used to demonstrate the relationship of the humeral head to the glenoid when the patient is unable to abduct the arm?

Transthoracic lateral

Identify the structure indicated by the green arrow. *

Transverse foramina

Identify the structure indicated by the black arrow.

Transverse process

Which of the following is correct concerning a lateral lower leg projection?

Two joints should be included.

Which of the following is a type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease?

Ulcerative colitis

Which of the following is characterized by inflammation of the colon and rectum?

Ulcerative colitis

Which of the following characterizes the radiographic image below?


Which way do you flex the ankle with dorsiflexion?


After replacement of a grid, which of the following grid errors will result in normal exposure in the center with decreased exposure on the sides of the image receptor?

Upside down

What is the artifact shown on the radiograph below? *

Upside down cassette

In terms of grid cutoff, decreased density on both sides of the image describes the grid error of __________.

Upside down grid

Which of the following is the most frequent site of nosocomial infection?

Urinary tract

Which of the following refers to hives?


________ kVp systems can easily make small incremental changes, whereas _______ kVp systems cannot.

Variable; fixed

Which of the following refers to the amount of time the primary beam is directed to a wall?

Use factor

A procedure involving a barium enema increases the possibility of contact between the patient's body fluids and the radiographer. Which of the following is recommended in this situation?

Use of a disposable gown and gloves

How can spatial resolution be improved when using the same field of view (FOV)?

Use of a larger matrix

When the structure of a body part prevents use of a short OID, which of the following can be adjusted to compensate for magnification distortion?

Use of a long SID

Which of the following is true concerning placement of an intravenous catheter?

Use of an IV catheter allows greater flexibility compared to a hypodermic needle.

What is an effective method for minimization of scattered radiation at the IR when performing a projection of a large body part?

Use of collimation

When performing a contrast study with an iodinated contrast agent in a patient who is taking metformin, which of the following is correct?

Use of metformin with intravenous iodinated contrast increases the risk of renal failure.

Which of the following organs is not located in the abdominal cavity?


______ is the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom.


Which of the following factors does not influence the resistance of a conductor?


Which of the following is not a property of a photon?


Which of the following conditions is associated with a "corkscrew" sign or tapering pattern of air?


Which of the following methods of storage or preparation can decrease the viscosity of contrast medium?

Warming to body temperature.

When a surface is contaminated by body fluids, which of the following is indicated?

Wash the area with bleach.

Which of the following is the primary component of a somatic cell?


What projection is below?


Which of the following projection requires the OML to be positioned at 37 degrees?


Which of the following projections allows the best visualization of the maxillary sinuses?


Which of the following refers to the parietoacanthial projection?


Which of the following refers to a parietoacanthial study of the facial bones?

Waters view

The measurement of the distance from one wave crest to another is called _____________.


Which of the following will increase when the kVp is decreased from 100 to 85?


A pregnant radiographer should:

Wear two dosimeters, including a fetal dosimeter worn under the lead apron during fluoroscopy.

Definition of workload.

Weekly radiation usage of the x-ray unit

When is implied consent used?

When patient is in need of immediate medical care but unable to consent

When performing cystourethrography on an adult male, when the patient is urinating, which of the following is correct?

When performing cystourethrography on an adult male, when the patient is urinating, which of the following is correct?

What marks the completion of a small bowel series?

When the contrast agent passes through the ileocecal valve

Which of the following is a factor for consideration in the design of barrier protection for a radiology department?


Which of the following is a gliding joint?

Wrist joint

Libel refers to:

Written information

Which of the following is powered by the capacitor in a capacitor-discharge mobile x-ray unit?

X-ray tube

Which of the following uses direct current to operate?

X-ray tube

Which of the following bones is not a skull bone?


Identify the highlighted bone.

Zygomatic Bone

Which of the following refers to movement of a part away from the midline of the body?


Which of the following types of joint characterizes the attachment of the femur to the pelvis at the acetabulum?

ball and socket joint

Which of the following structures is not found on the ulna?


Which of the following represents the direction of travel of electrons in the x-ray tube?

cathode to anode

When performing an UGI examination, which of the following is the best position to center the asthenic person?

centered to the iliac crest

Which of the following is not visualized on an AP projection of the shoulder?

coronoid process

Which of the following is not part of the sphenoid?

crista galli

Quantity and mAs have a/an ___________ relationship, and quality and kVp have a/an ____________ relationship.

direct; direct

In which radiographic position of the abdomen is the patient supine with the CR directed horizontally and directed to the midcoronal plane, 2 inches above the level of the iliac crests?

dorsal decubitus

Which of the following is not a facial bone?


Which of the following views demonstrates the greater tuberosity in profile?

external rotation

All of the following methods are commonly used to limit exposure of a fetus to radiation except:


Which of the following is considered a geometric factors?

focal-spot blur

What change in kilovoltage is required to compensate for 2 centimeters of increased patient thickness when mAs is fixed and kV is variable?

increase 4 kV

What border of the patella is the apex?


The ability of x-rays to interact with matter and remove orbital electrons from their atoms is called ___________________.


Which of the following refers to the automatic exposure device located under the x-ray table above the cassette?

ionization chamber

What affects the penetrability of the x-ray beam?


What affects the penetrability of the xray beam?


Which of the following directly affects the quality of x-rays produced?


____ affects the quality of the x-ray beam and _________ affects the quantity of the x-ray beam.

kVp and mAs.

What organs are located in the retroperitoneal space?

kidneys, ureters, aorta

What is the unit of image resolution?


The quantity of the electron stream as it travels through the x-ray tube from the cathode to the anode is controlled by -------?


Which of the following directly affects the amount of exposure reaching the image receptor?


Which of the following formulas is used to determine the total number of heat units produced by three-phase six-pulse equipment?

mAs x kVp x 1.35

Which of the following contributes to the formation of the foramen magnum?

occipital bone

A tangential projection of the facial bones demonstrates which of the following?


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