All Pathophysiology Homework and Exam Questions

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The defective gene for Huntington's disease can be detected in carriers.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a/an:


Prolonged vomiting cause a state of acidosis due to:

catabolism of proteins and lipids

Normally, proteins or amino acids are required to produce all of the following EXCEPT:

cellular energy

"A gluten-free diet as required" for the client with celiac disease means avoiding:

certain grains

Hirschsprung's disease refers to:

congenital lack of PNS innervations in a segment of the colon

Uremic signs of renal failure include all of the following EXCEPT:

congestive heart failure

What causes hypovolemic shock to develop with intestinal obstruction?

continued vomiting and fluid shift into the intestine

Signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis usually include:

copious frothy sputum and dyspnea

What are the characteristic changes in the brain with Alzheimer's disease?

cortical atrophy with plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, impairing conduction

Malnutrition may develop in children with celiac disease because of:

damage to the intestinal villi

Mediastinal flutter associated with chest injury is likely to:

decrease venous return to the heart

Circulatory shock causes:

decreased GFR and increased renin secretion

Choose the significant change in arterial blood gases expected with prolonged severe vomiting:

decreased bicarbonate ion, decreased PCO2, serum pH 7.35

Orthopnea is:

difficulty breathing in a recumbent position

Transmission of pathogens may occur by

direct or indirect contact, including oral or respiratory droplet, sexual contact, fomite, or vector.

An epidural hematoma is located between the:

dura mater and the skull

Destruction of alveolar walls and septae is a typical change in:


Choose the basic cause of osteodystrophy associated with chronic renal failure.

failure of the kidney to activate vitamin D

Communicating hydrocephalus causes increased intracranial pressure because of:

failure of the subarachnoid to absorb CSF

The visceral peritoneum:

forms the outer covering of the stomach and intestines

Histoplasmosis is caused by a:


What are common signs of cor pulmonale?

hepatomegaly and edema in the legs

Laryngotracheobronchitis is typically manifested by:

hoarse voice and barking cough

Common causes of urolithiasis include all of the following EXCEPT:


What does congenital pyloric stenosis involve?

hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle n the pylorus

Dehydration limits compensation available for an acid-base imbalance resulting from prolonged vomiting and diarrhea because:

hypovolemia limits renal function

How may a fistula form with Crohn's disease?

recurrent inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis forming a connection between intestinal loops

Antiviral drugs limit viral replication, thus

reducing the active stage, but do not kill the virus or cure the infection.

The infection cycle may be broken by

reducing the reservoir of microbes, blocking transmission, or increasing host resistance.

In which condition is a deficit of protein and vitamins most likely to occur?

regional ileitis

What are early signs and symptoms of infectious rhinitis?

serous nasal discharge, congestion, and sneezing

All of the following apply to tetanus infection EXCEPT:

signs of infection include fever, vomiting, stiff neck, and paralysis

Failure of the spinous processes to fuse but without herniation of the meninges is called:

spina bifida occulta

What are the signs of autonomic dysreflexia in a person with cervical spinal injury?

sudden marked increase in blood pressure with bradycardia

All of the following apply to CVA EXCEPT:

maximum necrosis and infarction develop within several hours of onset

Growth and development of a child with cystic fibrosis may be delayed because of:

mucus plugs obstructing the flow of pancreatic enzymes

What causes elevated serum levels of AST and ALT during the preicteric stage of hepatitis?

necrosis of liver cells

Prolonged or severe stress predisposes to peptic ulcer disease because:

of reduced blood flow to the gastric wall and mucous glands

Following a spinal injury at C5, what is the expected effect during the period of spinal shock?

possible periods of apnea

How is the presence of spina bifida diagnosed?

prenatally by ultrasound or detection of AFP in maternal blood or amniotic fluid

The primary reason for seizures frequently occurring with head injuries is:

presence of blood irritates the neurons

Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, and K occur in patients with cirrhosis primarily because of decreased?

production of bile for absorption

Resident or normal flora refers to

the large variety of nonpathogenic microbes normally present in diverse sites in the body, such as skin, mouth, nose and pharynx, intestines, and vagina.

Infection may be eradicated without drug treatment when

the microbial colony becomes limited in growth, perhaps because of insufficient nutrients, or when host defenses destroy the invader.

The degree of virulence of a specific pathogen determines

the severity of the resulting infection.

Cystitis is more common in females due to:

the urethra is short, wide, and adjacent to areas with resident flora

Antibacterial drugs are classified by

their activity (bactericidal or bacteriostatic, narrow or broad spectrum) and mechanism (e.g., interference with protein or cell wall synthesis).

Typical signs of a TIA include:

transient muscle weakness in a hand or leg

In acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, the glomerular inflammation results from:

type III hypersensitivity reaction

In which type of neuron is progressive degeneration occurring with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

upper and lower motor neurons

Pyelonephritis may be distinguished from cystitis by the presence in pyelonephritis of:

urinary casts and flank pain

Pleurisy associated with lobar pneumonia is manifested by:

cyclic chest pain and friction rub

Reduced urine output resulting from inflammation and necrosis of the tubules is called:


Helminths are

parasitic worms that can infect the gut, liver, bloodstream, or lungs.

The reabsorption of water and electrolytes by the kidneys is directly controlled by:

1, 2 1. atrial natriuretic hormone,2. antidiuretic hormone

Persistent thick mucus in the bronchioles of a child with cystic fibrosis may cause:

1, 2, 3, 4-1. air trapping,2. atelectasis3. repeated infections4. irreversible damage to lung tissue

In cases of noncommunicating hydrocephalus, why does excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulate?

An obstruction is present in the aqueduct of Sylvius or other channel.

Under what circumstances do cells in the kidneys secrete renin?

Blood flow in the afferent arteriole decreases.

Only a few fungi are pathogenic;

Candida is an example of an opportunistic member of resident flora in the human body.

Rust-colored sputum in a patient with pneumonia usually indicates:

Streptococcus pneumoniae is the infecting agent

How does a volvulus cause localized gangrene in the intestine?

The mesenteric arteries are compressed in the twisted section of intestine.

In which disorders do biochemical abnormalities involving the neurotransmitters in the brain occur?

1. bipolar disorder2. schizophrenia3. Huntington's disease 1-2-3

Identify a major reason making it difficult to prevent the spread of hepatitis B.

Infection is often asymptomatic.

How does chemical peritonitis and shock frequently result from acute pancreatitis?

Inflammation and increased vascular permeability of the peritoneum affect fluid balance.

How does localized peritonitis develop from acute appendicitis before rupture?

Intestinal bacteria escape through the necrotic appendiceal wall.

How is respiratory failure defined?

PaO2 less than 50 mm Hg or PaCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg

What characteristic is common to all individuals with cerebral palsy?

a form of motor disability

Following gastric resection, the onset of nausea, cramps, and dizziness immediately after meals indicates:

a large volume of chyme has entered the intestines, causing distention

What causes a herniated intervertebral disc?

a protrusion of the nucleus pulposus through the annulus fibrosis

An alkaline environment is required in the duodenum to:

activate intestinal and pancreatic enzymes

What causes massive inflammation and necrosis in acute pancreatitis?

activation and spread of proteolytic enzymes

From the following, choose the substance likely to appear in the urine when the glomerulus is inflamed.


Adverse effects of antibacterial agents are

allergic reactions, secondary infections, and increasing numbers of drug-resistant microbes.

The basic pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis is considered to be:

an abnormality of the exocrine glands

In the liver, amino acids are used to produce complex molecules by means of:

anabolic processes

An accurate assessment of the extent of permanent spinal cord damage can usually be completed:

approximately 10 days to 2 weeks following injury if no complications arise


are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. They may be classified and identified by their characteristics, such as size, shape, component parts, and requirements for growth and reproduction.


are protein-like molecules that cause deformation of proteins within the central nervous system. Their mode of action is not well understood. Prions are transmitted by ingestion of undercooked meat contaminated with prions or by organ donation from an infected donor.


are single-cell organisms enclosed within a cell wall and sometimes an outer capsule. They reproduce by binary fission. They may secrete exotoxins, endotoxins, or enzymes that damage the human host cells.

Pancreatic cancer may be diagnosed early if obstruction of bile or pancreatic secretions develops when the tumor is located:

at the head of the pancreas

Oral candidiasis is considered to:

be an opportunistic fungal infection of the mouth

Predisposing factors to cholelithiasis include excessive:

bilirubin or cholesterol concentration in the bile

The rabies virus is usually transmitted by:

bites from infected animals

Universal precautions, as outlined by the CDC, assume that

blood and body fluids from any person may be a source of infection; therefore, appropriate preventative measures must be taken with all individuals.

Through what area does the cerebrospinal fluid circulate around the brain and spinal cord?

in the subarachnoid space

What causes the dark urine associated with acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis?

increased glomerular permeability resulting in gross hematuria

The micturition reflex is initiated by:

increased pressure distending the bladder

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by:

infection in the brain by a prion

What are the typical changes occurring with Crohn's disease?

inflamed areas of the wall of the ileum alternating with thick fibrotic or normal areas

What causes the characteristic rigid abdomen found in the patient with peritonitis?

inflamed peritoneum resulting in reflex abdominal muscle spasm

Urinary casts are present with acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis because of:

inflamed tubules mold RBCs and protein into a typical mass

Signs of infection are not apparent until sufficient numbers of microorganisms are established and reproducing in the body. Local signs of infection include

inflammation and necrosis of tissue. Systemic signs include fever, headache, fatigue, anorexia, and malaise.

In a case of bacterial meningitis, where does swelling and purulent exudate form?

involving the pia, arachnoid, and surface of the entire brain


is a respiratory infection caused by a virus that frequently mutates, preventing long-term immunity by vaccination or experiencing the infection.

A virus

is an intracellular parasite requiring a living host cell for reproduction. Each viral particle contains either DNA or RNA. They cause disease by destroying human cells during replication or by altering human cell DNA.

Aspiration pneumonia is usually caused by aspiration of:

liquids such as oils or milk

To which site does colon cancer usually first metastasize?


What does a vegetative state refer to?

loss of awareness and intellectual function but continued brainstem function

What causes polyuria during the stage of renal insufficiency?

loss of tubule function

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