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(Fidel) Castro

Cuban dictator that planned to take over the island nation of Grenada in the West Indies

Townshend Acts

External Taxes, set up a board of customs

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's First Lady who helped her husband and was a U.S. delegate to the United Nations

(James A.) Farley

FDR's Postmaster General

(Henry A.) Wallace

FDR's Secretary of Agriculture

(Harold L.) Ickes

FDR's Secretary of Interior

(Frances) Perkins

FDR's Secretary of Labor; first woman to be appointed to a cabinet position

(Cordell) Hull

FDR's Secretary of State

(Henry) Morgenthau, Jr.

FDR's Secretary of the Treasury

Relief, Recovery, and Reform

FDR's Three R's

(Harry S.) Truman

FDR's Vice President that succeeded him after he died of a stroke

Brain Trust

FDR's group of close advisors most of which were college professors

Hundred Days

FDR's plan for massive legislation, social reform, and economic recovery right after his inauguration


FDR's scheme to gain a pro-New Deal majority in the Supreme Court

fireside chats

FDR's way of entering American homes via radio

French and Indian War

From 1754 to 1763... French and Indians against the Brittish


Gadsen Purchase

Unconditional Surrender Grant

General Grants nickname

Gustav Line

German fortification line in Italy

Siegfried Line

German fortification line in the West


German soldiers hired to fight the colonists


German superior air force


Germany introduced this boat in World War 1

Big Bertha

Germany's famous gun


Germany's socialism in which relies on terrorist aggression, fanatical racism, and antidemocratic nationalism

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan

Congress resolutions on April 19

(1) recognized Cuban independence, (2) called for Spain to withdraw her forces from Cuba, (3) granted permission for the President to use military force to stop the fighting between Spain and Cuba, (4) disavowed any American intention to take control of Cuba


(year-year) of French and Indian War

(Porfirio) Diaz

Mexico's aging dictator overthrown by Francisco Madero


Missouri Compromise that slavery be prohibited in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36/30 Line


Model T introduced by Ford


Monroe Doctrine that the U.S. would not interfere with European affairs that did not concern it

Era of good feelings

Monroe's presidency term nickname

John Quincy Adams

Monroes Secretary of State

Fourteen Points

President Wilson's plan for peace

(William) McKinley

President during the Spanish-American War

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

President set up to further U.S. space research and development for defense


President who established the merit system

(Gerald R.) Ford

President who officially announced the end of American involvement in Vietnam

(Clement) Atlee

Prime Minister of Great Britain elected instead of Churchill

Tony Blair

Prime Minister of Great Britain who was friends with President Bush united in fighting terror

(Margaret) Thatcher

Prime minister that shared Reagan's ideal of strong traditional values, limited government, free enterprise, and strength against Communist aggression


Prince of Expositors


Promoted humane treatment of the mentally ill


Savannah, Georgia


Scofield Reference Bible

Sir Ramsay

Scottish archaeologist who proved that Acts is historically true


Sealed trade with Japan in 1854

(William J) Bennett

Sec. of Education under Reagan that argued strongly for the return of morality and discipline in classrooms


Recieved the nickname Stonewall

Edwin m. Stanton

Removed from office by Johnson

USS Constitution

Renamed Old Ironsides after defeating the Java


Replaced Hooker


Replaced Howe as Commander in chief of brittish army

Thomas Gage

Replaced Hutchison as royal governor of massachusets


Replaced McDowell


Act that hurt the british merchants by not buying their products

John Wilkes Booth

Actor who assasinated Lincoln


Adams-Onis Treaty in which Spain ceded all of Florida


American who worked with steel

victory garden

Americans growing their own food so that farm crops could be sent overseas

Battle of New Orleans

Americas most heroic battle of the war of 1812

($) 20 million

Amount United States should pay Spain for the Philippines

(John) Eliot

Apostle to the Indians

R. A. Torrey

Apostle to the Skeptics


Apostle to the Skeptics

(Prime Minister Neville) Chamberlain

British leader who signed the Munich Pact

(John Maynard) Keynes

British left-wing economic theoretician who advocated central planning and massive economic and social intervention

William Howe

Brittish troop commander on land

Richard Howe

Brittish troop commander on sea

embryonic stem cell research

Bush's first veto as president

(Walter) Reed

headed a commission to discover a cure for yellow fever

(Chief Justice Earl) Warren

headed the Supreme Court when Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka court case

Homestead act of 1862

most important factor the encouraged westward migration

Battle of lake Erie

most important naval engagement on the Great Lakes

(John L.) Lewis

headed the United Mine Workers and organized the Committee for Industrial Organizations (CIO) within the American Federation of Labor (A.F. or L.)


hearings in which the transfer of Iranian-derived funds to the Contras was discussed

Stamp Act Congress

held in 1765 to defend rights of Englishmen, to restore the previous charters, and to resume earned grants to the colonies

Royal Air Force (RAF)

held the Germans at Dunkirk to allow 300,000 to cross the English Channel

Veteran's Bureau

helped disabled veterans


helped found the Baptist Bible Union

San Juan Hill

hill Rough Riders valiantly charged

(Ferdinand) Megellan

his crew sailed around the world

(Willie) Mays

hit his 600th home run

Washington Conference (for Limitation of Armaments)

hoped to encourage disarmament and ease tensions in the Far East

Reagan Doctrine

idea that Communist aggressors must be stopped before they can attack and enslave a country


idea that man's reason is the sole criteria for truth


idealist philosopher

partnership for peace

name for Clinton's NATO cooperation with Russia

(Colin) Powell

in command of Operation Desert Storm


name of "Seward's Folly" and "Seward's Ice Box"


incident in which Clinton accepted illegal money from China for his campaign

Cuban Missile Crisis

incident involving Cuban short-ranged missiles and the U.S.

Bay of Pigs

incident where Kennedy promised to help the Cubans but didn't


independent minded Republicans

growth of the nation's bank

indicated the increasing prosperity among all classes of people

meat packing houses

industry in Kansas City and Chicago

W. E. Du Bois

influential black Harvard graduate who opposed Booker T. Washington's belief that black Americans could advance themselves faster by working hard than by demanding equal rights

(Vidkun) Quisling

installed in Norway as the head of the Nazi puppet government


intentional destruction of property

(Sir John) Hawkins

interfered with Spanish trade by smuggling English goods into Spanish colonies in America for Queen Elizabeth


introduced dialectic thinking


introduced tanks to the war

(Bill) Gates

introduced the Windows operating system

(Jonas) Salk

introduced the first polio vaccine


invented a type of wheat that would grow with very little water


invented air brake


invented barbed wire


invented chilled iron plow

Johann Gutenberg

invented movable type printing press in 1440


invented sleeping car


invented the assembly line in 1913


invented the steel plow

(Tim) Berners-Lee

invented the world wide web

wireless telegraph

invention by Guglielmo Marconi

assembly line

invention of Fords for automobiles which dramatically increased speed and cut the price of the Model T


invention that was the direct result of wireless telephone

central heating system

invention used in large cities to heat by pumping steam, hot water, or hot air from a furnace in the basement instead of using firewood

gas lights, electric lights

inventions used to replace kerosene lanterns

Puerto Rico

island that became a U.S. self-governing commonwealth in 1952

(General) Weyler

issued a "reconcentration order"

Emancipation proclamation

issued by lincoln.. stated that all slaves were free

Rosie the Riveter

names for women who took jobs during the war

Great Plains

nations breadbasket

Mercantile Theory

nations wealth in gold belief that colonies are for the good of the mother country

Dust Bowl

natural disaster that damaged crops of the Midwest during the Great Depression

secretary of energy

new Cabinet position created during the Carter administration

(Mikhail) Gorbachev

new Soviet leader that signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty with Reagan

Congress of Industrial Organizations

new name for the (CIO) in which put John L. Lewis as president


nickname for America Forces


northern politicians who went south after the war

dime novels

novels about cowboys and Indians mingled with fact and fiction

contraband of war

items that may be seized when headed for and enemy port during war time

Tenure of Office act

kept the president from removing people from office

Sugar Ray Robinson

known for his flawless boxing style

New England colonies

known for numerous churches

Middle colonies

known for religious diversity, called "bread colonies",

southern colonies

known for the Anglican church


known for the sawdust trail


land between France and Germany in which Germany demilitarized

Three Mile Island

nuclear power plant whose accident was exaggerated by media to support environmentalism


nurse who was influential in creating the American Red Cross

Republic of the Philippines

official name of the Philippines

(Ronald) Reagan

oldest man ever to be elected President of the U.S; "Great Communicator"; first President since Eisenhower to serve two full four-year terms; instituted the largest tax cut in American history: 25% over a 3 year period

Kit Carson

one of the best known heroes of the West

(Robert M.) La Follette

one of the early progressive leaders from Wisconsin


one of the greatest orators of all time

Iroquois League of Five Nations

one of the largest and most civilized groups on the North American continent

Harry Emerson Fosdick

one of the most popular advocates of the social gospel

spheres of influence

large areas along China's coast where they controlled economic affairs and trade with the outside world

Age of methodism

large growth of methodism during the great awakening

Hoover Dam

largest and most impressive public projects on the Colorado river under Hoover's administration

Pillsbury's mills

largest flour mills in the world

50th anniversary of UN

largest gathering of world dignitaries in history

Hispanics (Latin Americans)

largest minority ethnic group in U.S.

Moral Majority

largest politically active Christian group during the 1980 Presidential campaign

Underwood-Simmons Bill

one of the most significant acts in American history


one of the worst school shooting assaults in history

Great Society

largest public welfare program since the New Deal; LBJ's plan to improve education and to eradicate poverty

(James A.) Garfield

last President to be born in a log cabin

Petersburg and Richmond

last confederate cities to fall

Cherokee Mounted Rifles

last confederate group to surrender

Black Codes

laws that put limitations of freedmens rights


lawyer saved two men who murdered a 14 year old boy from the death penalty


leader from the Philippines who revolted against the U.S.

General Pershing

leader of American Expeditionary Forces


leader of Apaches

Mao Tse-tung

leader of Communist China

(Fulgencio) Batista

leader of Cuba in 1934

(Fidel) Castro

leader of Cuba in 1953; attempted to start a revolution against the Batista government

(Walter) Ulbricht

leader of East Germany who attempted to increase working hours while retaining low wages

(Adolf) Hitler

leader of Germany and led National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party)

Chaing Kai-shek

leader of Nationalist China

(General Tommy) Franks

leader of Operation Enduring Freedom

Martin Luther King, Jr.

leader of civil rights movement

(Lech) Walesa

leader of the Solidarity

(Jimmy) Doolittle

led B-25 bombers in bombing Tokyo and other Japanese cities

(Francisco) Franco

led Spanish socialist government supported by Germany and Italy

(Franklin D.) Roosevelt

only American President to serve more than two successive terms in office


only President to serve two terms not in direct succession with one another


only country who paid their full debt to the U.S.

(William H.) Taft

only man in history to serve first as President and then as chief justice of the supreme court

rule of reason

only those combinations suspected of constituting an unreasonable restraint of trade should be prosecuted



Operation Iraqi Freedom

operation against saddam hussein


opposed Church of England; Puritans and Catholics


opposed legislation to alter the civil service

Senator Lodge

opposed to accepting the treaty unless steps were takes to ensure against jeopardizing American sovereignity

Organization of American States

organization that replaced the Pan-American Union

United Mine Workers

organization that went on strike and Roosevelt was able to fix

Pan-American Union

organized by a conference started by James G. Blaine

24th Amendment

outlawed poll taxes for national elections

False Ecumenism

outward union of all churches and sects into one organization regardless of doctrinal differences


outward union of all churches and sects into one organization regardless of doctrinal differences

Napoleon Bonaparte

overthrew the directory


owned a railroad monopoly in the Northeast; known as the Commodore


owned the Great Northern railroad

Panic of 1907

panic in which Roosevelt was able to save by negotiating more moderate reforms with big business leaders


paper money not backed by gold or any other valuable metal but by the governments credit


paper money used during the war

(James B.) Weaver

part of the Populist party who ran for President

Mariner II

passed Venus and proved that it was unable to live on


pastor of the same church for 43 years

Palestine Liberation Organization

peace process between Israel and her Arab neighbors to grant greater autonomy to the Gaza strip

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin

people in Big Three


people who opposed lincoln


people who supported lincoln

(Albert B.) Sabin

perfected the polio vaccine

(Colonel) (Oliver) North

person associated with the Iran-Contra hearings

Charles Beard

person who claimed that economic factors had an overriding influence upon men's decisions and therefore upon the course of history

(Guglielmo) Marconi

person who devised a wireless telegraph

Harry Rimmer

person who in a series of books, pamphlets, and editorials refuted the theory of evolution

(Marshal) Petain

person who led the French surrender


person who organizes and manages a business undertaking

(Francisco) Madero

person who overthrew Diaz and established a new government and promised to make reforms and to adopt a democratic constitution

(Henry) Ford

person who revolutionized transportation in America

(Upton) Sinclair

person who wrote "The Jungle" which portrayed conditions in Chicago's large meatpacking houses

(Ida M.) Tarbell

person who wrote articles "History of the Standard Oil Company" which attacked practices on big businesses

(Lincoln) Steffens

person who wrote articles "Shame of the Cities" which was a condemnation of corrupt city politics

Francis Gary Powers

pilot of the America reconnaissance plane gunned down over Russian Territory


pilots flying suicide planes loaded with explosives


pilots who downed at least 5 enemy aircraft

(Sir Francis) Drake

pirated Spanish ships for Queen Elizabeth; first Englishman to sail around the world

Tiananmen Square

place in Beijing where students and workers gathered for a demonstration of freedom and they were literally mowed over by Communist tanks


place in Germany where many Nazi leaders were tried for their crimes


place in the Philippines where the three Japanese columns met, MacArthur retreated from this city


place of meeting where FDR gave Stalin part of Poland, let him keep Manchuria, gave him Mongolia; place where it was decided that a permanent world peace organization should be made; *Roosevelt's last conference

Philippine Islands

place where Americans feared Japan would close the Open Door

Puerto Rico

place where General Miles led a U.S. Army invasion

Katyn Forest

place where Russians slaughtered more than 10,000 Polish officers

Saudi Arabia

place where bomb planted in a fuel truck exploded outside an apartment complex

Dumbarton Oaks

place where more concrete plans for a United Nations were drawn up

San Francisco

place where the UN charter was drawn up


place where the discovery of gold in 1897 led to a tension with the Alaskan boundary

commission form

plan that increased efficiency in local governments that gave five commissioners broad powers for one year

(Thornton) Wilder

playwriter who wrote "Our Town"

(T. S.) Eliot

poet who wrote "Ash Wednesday" and "Journey of the Magi"

(Robert) Frost

poet who wrote about the natural beauty of New England

Good Neighbor Policy

policy Roosevelt Administration promoted for friendship toward Latin America

square deal

policy Theodore Roosevelt set up for all Americans

Open Door Policy

policy that agreed not to interfere with trade rights of other nations

North American Free Trade Agreement

policy that eliminated tariffs and other trade restrictions between U.S., Canada, and Mexico

Bull Moose Party

popular name for the Progressive party


popularized pragmatism

William James

popularized pragmatism


port where British and French soldiers crossed the English Channel

Red Cloud

powerful Sioux chief


practical Christian living


preached "Payday Someday"

Circuit riders

preachers who rode on horseback preaching to cities


president after JFK; won 1964 election


led farmers and debtors in rebellion against the government in Massachusetts


led steelworkers strike in 1919

(Field Marshal Erwin) Rommel

led the Afrika Korps; named the "Desert Fox"


led the Bolshevik Revolution

(Mao) Tse-tung

led the Chinese Communists


led the Green Mountain Boys

(Chiang) Kai-shek

led the Nationalist Chinese


led the march to the sea and took atlanta

(General Hideki) Tojo

led the militaristic army-controlled ministry in Japan


led the nation through the Roaring Twenties

(Phyllis) Schlafly

led the opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment

(Norman) Schwarzkopf

led the troops into combat in Iraq

(Claire) Chennault

led the volunteer American squadron airmen called the "Flying Tigers"

21st Amendment

legalized the sale of liquor in 1933 by repealing the 18th Amendment

Atomic Energy Act

legislation that cleared the way for private commercial development of atomic power


lightning war

Iron Act

limited colonial ironworks

22nd amendment

limited future presidents to two terms in office

10 percent plan

lincolns plan to help the south rebuild

Reagan years

longest period of continuous economic growth since World War II

Young Plan

lowered German reparations and limited how long they had to be paid, it also removed outside supervision and control of Germany

Payne-Aldrich Bill

lowered the rates on some items but kept most rates substantially as they were

26th Amendment

lowered the voting age from 21 to 18


made first solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927

Gold Standard Act

made gold the sole standard of monetary value

Smith Act

made it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. government or to belong to a group for that purpose

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

made peace between Russia and Germany

Hatch Act

made state funds available to establish agricultural experiments

Charles Lindbergh

made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean

16th Amendment

made the income tax possible

Dawes Plan

made the total German war debt remain the same but the payments were temporarily lowered to help Germany through economic hard times

Administration of Justice Act

made to help make officials bolder in defending justice


major educational reform program that the Bush administration implemented in 2002

trunk lines

major lines connecting key points

(John G.) Roberts

man that replaced the Chief Justice during the bush administration

(John) Rolfe

man who married Pocahontas; taught colonists to plant tobacco

Human Genome Project

massive effort to identify all of the approximately 30,000 genes in human DNA


master of apologetics, refuted evolution


private vessels commissioned by Congress

(Patrice) Lumumba

pro-Communist Premier of the Republic of the Congo

Cold War

probably the result of Roosevelt's dealings, war that came right after WWII


process by which a stipulated percentage of voters in a state can begin the passage of a law without waiting for the state legislature to propose the law

(sugar) (coffee) (fruits)

products Puerto Rico was able to expand in the market


professor at Princeton as professor of New Testament

Food Stamp Program

program expanded during the Ford administration

Operation Bootstrap

program that was launched in Puerto Rico to increase industrial output which benefited their economy


progressive education

Prohibitory act

prohibited all trade with the colonies

Fair Housing Act

prohibited discrimination in renting or selling houses

1964 Civil Rights Act

prohibited racial discriminaiton in public places

American Servicemembers' Protection Act

prohibited the U.S. from cooperating with the ICC and furthermore gave the president powers to free all U.S. citizens

18th Ammendment

prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages

18th amendment

prohibition amendment

Aswan High Dam

project on the Upper Nile that Nasser sought America's and Soviet Union's assistance

McNary-Haugen Bill

proposed the establishment of a government agency to buy farmers surplus crops and then resell them at a loss


prosecutor in the Scopes Trial, died 5 days later

political asylum

protection from a repressive government

Smith-Hughes Act

provided federal funds to help highschool's finance agricultural programs

National Budget Act

provided for a unified yearly budget for the federal government

National defense Act

provided for an increase in the size of the army

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

provided for the government to purchase and coin at least a limited amount of silver each month

National Youth Administration (NYA)

provided high school and college students with part-time employment to help complete schooling

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

provided legal justification for U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict

North Atlantic Treaty

provided military aid to European nations and other friendly nations

Espionage Act

provided stiff penalties for anyone who furnished information which would aid the enemy

Navajo code talkers

provided the Allies' code that was never broken



war bonds

purchased for the war effort

Volstead Act

put the 18th amendment into effect

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

put thousands of young men working on conservation projects

Queen Liliuokalani

queen who disapproved of the influence of the white settlers on her islands

(Charles E.) Fuller

radio preacher for Old Fashioned Revival Hour

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

raised tariff from 27% to 38.5% and gave the president the right to raise or lower tariff rates as much as 50%

Ford-McCumber Tariff

raised tariff rates

Bartholomew Dias

reached Cape of Good Hope

Treaty of Paris

recognized Cuba not a Spanish possession, and ceded the Philippines to the U.S.

(Winston S.) Churchill

recognized the threat of renewed aggression and global war

scrap drives

recycling materials for the war effort

Teapot Dome Scandal

the biggest scandal to mar the Harding administration


the center of life for most Americans

Trail of Tears

the cherokees trip to Oklahoma


the chief administrative officer of the UN


the confederate ironclad ship

Bataan Death March

the course that led American prisoners from Bataan and Corregidor to prison camps

September 11, 2001

the deadliest attack on American soil since pearl harbor

(Battle of the) Philippine Sea

the desperate Japanese attempt to stop the invasion of Saipan


the end of reconstruction when Hayes pulled out the last troops

Earth Charter

the environmentalists religious document

Haugen Bill

the establishment of a government agency to buy the American farmers' surplus crops and then resell them, at a loss, on the world market

hanging chad

the excess paper from the punched hole that was still attached to the ballot

(Benjamin) Franklin

the first American; founded Philadelphia Academy; first internationally known writer

(Tom) Ridge

the first Secretary of Homeland Security

National Conservation Commission

the first attempt to inventory the nation's natural resources


the first commercial radio station


the first permanent human outpost in space

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

the first written Constitution in America


the fortified island which guarded the entrance to Manila Bay

Cheyenne and Arapaho

the gold rush in Colorado upset what two Indian tribes?

Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsy

the heroes of boxing

Hurricane Katrina

the hurricane that affected New Orleans


the keystone of the Japanese defenses

Ford Foundation

the largest philanthropic organization in the world

Manhattan Project

the largest research and scientific effort of its day; developed the atomic bomb

Burma Road

the last land route into China

Wounded Knee, South Dakota

the location off the last battle between Indians and federal troops

Bush Doctrine

the logic to move against enemies of freedom on foreign soil rather than waiting for domestic attacks

Comstock Lode

the mine worth $300 million

Paris Peace Pact

the most ambitious attempt at achieving permanent international peace during the 1920 the pact renounced war as a means of settling international disputes

Paris Peace Pact

the most astounding attempt to achieve a permanent peace in Europe


the most controversial area in bioethics

Nisei (Purple Heart Battalion)

the most decorated infantry unit in all of the U.S. Army

Model T

the most famous automobile ever built

(Jonathan) Goforth

the most famous survivor of the Boxer Rebellion who was a missionary from Canada

Jefforsonian era

the most important period in history of american politics


the most influential figure for religious freedom in Virginia

Al Capone

the most notorious gangster of the 1920's

(Theodore, Teddy) Roosevelt

the most popular President of the early 1900s

reserve requirement

the percentage of deposits member banks are required to hold in reserve


the perspective that the world needs to unite under one economic, political, and religious system


the process in which the supply of money is increased, the value of the dollar declines, and prices go up


the process of increasing efficiency through the use of self-regulating machines


the proposed law is referred to the voters

discount rate

the rate of interest it charges member banks that borrow money from Federal Reserve Banks

General Assembly

the section of the UN that meets yearly


the settlement of a dispute by a person or persons chosen to hear both sides and come to a decision


the site NOT chosen for building the Panama Canal

Isthmus of Panama

the site chosen for building the Panama Canal

Battle of Chancellorville

the souths costliest victory


the space shuttle that exploded in 2003


the study of the moral implications and applications of biological research

Boxer Rebellion

the super-patriotic band of Chinese nationalists that tried to drive all foreigners out of China


the taking of their land by mortgage holders

Argentina, Brazil, and Chile

the three ABC powers


the truth of knowledge must always be in question

Wake and Guam

the two American outposts between the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands that fell to the Japanese

Belleau Wood and Argonne Forest

the two battles fought in the woods

one-world order

the ultimate goal of the neoconservatists


the unions ironclad

Standard Oil Trust

the very first trust


the working staff of the UN


the world's first nuclear powered merchant vessel


the year Carter promised Panama he would give them back the Panama Canal before 2000


the year Martin Luther was assassinated


the year Nixon's advisors were convicted of the Watergate affair


the year Vietnam and American signed a cease-fire agreement; year in which all U.S. combat troops were withdrawn


the year national prohibition started


the year that the Supreme Court ruled against capital punishment


the year the Supreme Court ruled in favor of abortion with Roe vs Wade


the year when the end of American involvement in Vietnam was announced

(Dr. Carlos) Finlay

theorized and found that mosquitoes carried yellow fever


this presidential economic plan included the following: balanced budget, stable money supply, and less government regulation


those who did not support the constitution


those who opposed the fight against communism


those who supported the constitution


those who supported the fight against communism

Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson

three Presidential administrations who were progressive in nature

Nixon, Kissinger, and Brezhnev

three men present at the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks treaty 1

Paul Revere, William Dawes, Samuel Prescott

three men who rode through towns to warn civilians of attack

(Enrico) Fermi, (Edward) Teller, and (J. Robert) Oppenheimer

three scientists working on the Manhattan Project

Reconstruction Era

time of rebuilding in America After the Civil War


tiny electronic components which made it possible to build smaller computers


title Roosevelt was named because of his actions against big businesses

Equal Rights Amendment

to ban discrimination on the basis of sex and allow for unrestricted abortion and a role for women in the military

Truman Doctrine

to prevent Soviet expansion into Greece and Turkey with $400 million

(Cabez) de Vaca

told stories of the Seven Cities of Cibola

A. Mitchell Palmer

took action to against Communist violence by establishing the General Intelligence Division


took down the Tweed Ring

(Chancellor Konrad) Adenauer and (Ludwig) Erhard

transformed Germany into one of the most prosperous nations in the world after the war

(John) Wycliffe

translated Bible into English; Morning Star of the Reformation

(General George) Marshall

traveled to China and attempted to persuade Chaing Kai-Shek to form a coalition government which would include Communist and Nationalists

Treaty of Washington

treaty between Britian and U.S. that British expressed regret for the "escape" of the ships into Confederate hands and agreed to submit the question of damages to arbitration

Pickney treaty

treaty that set a boundary between the colonies and florida

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

treaty that the U.S. signed with the Soviet Union to destroy some of their nuclear weapons

World Trade Organization

tribunal to coordinate international trade policies

Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation

two Cabinet-level offices established during Johnson administration

(William F.) Buckley Jr and (Russell) Kirk

two conservative leaders focused on the need for Christian values in American society

Greece and Egypt

two countries that Italy attempted to invaded but failed in 1940

de Lome letter and the Maine

two events that encouraged conflict between U.S. and Spain

(George S.) Patton and (Bernard L.) Montgomery

two generals who attacked the German and Italian forces on Sicily


two house

electricity and internal combustion engine

two new sources of power that spurred the industry in the early 1900s

Germany and England

two other countries besides the U.S. who were interested in the Samoan chain

savings and loan scandals

type of white-collar crime that caused billions of taxpayer's money to be spent bailing out failed banks

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips

used everyday in tracking devices on patients, equipment, animals, and inventory

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

used her son to exploit her atheistic ideas


used private funds to build up his railroad company

General Accounting Office

used to audit federal accounts

ration book

used to help the shortage of food for American citizens

Iwo Jima

volcanic island where the most desperate fighting in human history occured

real wages

wages in relation to buying power

Operation Enduring Freedom

war commenced in Afghanistan


warrior class in Japan with war and conquest and absolute submission to the divine emperor as the highest duty of man


Set example for freedmen, best known teacher at Tuskegee


Seward's Ice Box was bought


Single bloodiest day of the war

Sitting Bull

Sioux Medicine Man

(Mohammed Farah) Aidid

Somali warlord whom we specifically had to capture

Samuel Adams, James Adams

Sons of Liberty

KAL Flight '007

South Korean airliner that had apparently strayed into Soviet airspace and was shot down

Philippine Islands

Spanish possession in the Pacific Ocean; first important scene of the Spanish-American War

assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Sparked the beginning of World War 1

Jonathan Edwards

Started the Great Awakening and preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Rhode Island

State that had the most outstanding example for religious freedoms


State that set a precedent of ratifying the constitution


State whose strongest church influence was Anglican

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Strict, militaristic leader of Germany

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The most descisive battle of the war


The most influential figure for religious freedom in Massachusetts


The most powerful voice of the Great Awakening


The prison that was stormed by the French


The right to vote


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican War


Treaty of Paris that ended the War for Independence

Fair Deal

Truman's "welfare of all the people against special privilege for the few"

September 11, 2001

Twin Tower kamikaze bombing

Fort Pickens, Fort Sumter

Two forts in seceded states that had not fallen

Hancock, Adams

Two patriotic leaders

Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty

U.S. and Soviet treaty to remove their medium range missiles from Europe


U.S. gunboat bombed by the Japanese on the Yangtze River

Pearl Harbor

U.S. naval base established by the reciprocal trade agreement

Project Mercury

U.S. program for single-manned space flights


U.S. ship sunk by the Spanish off the coast of Cuba

Explorer I

U.S.'s first man-made satellite


UN founded

International Atomic Energy Authority

UN set up to control all uses of atomic energy


Union General at chattanooga and forced Bragg to chickamuga


Union commander of fort Sumter

Al Capone

United States gangster who terrorized Chicago during Prohibition until arrested for tax evasion

May 8, 1945

V-E Day

November 11, 1918

Veterans Day

Cold War

War of words


What city became known for iron and steel?

Gross National Product

What does GNP stand for?

Burr conspiracy

When Burr wanted to create his own empire

Boston Massacre

When british soldiers killed several bostonians on march 5, 1770


When the Brittish lauched a new campaign to crush the patriots

Gaspee incident

When the british ship ran aground at the colonies and the colonists burned it

First Battle of Bull Run

Where Mcdowell and Beauregaurd met at Manassas Junction


Where Shot Heard Round the World was in April 19,1775

Valley Forge

Where Washington and troops spent the winter

Trent affair

Where union stopped british steamer and removed two confederates


Where washington captured the Hessians

(Battle of) Java Sea

battle in which most of the American and Dutch vessels were sunk, and the Japanese were able to threaten Australia

(Battle of) Midway

battle that turned the tide of war in the Pacific

Battle of the Somme

battle where tanks were first introduced

Battle of Jutland

battle where the British crippled the German fleet of destroyers, battle ships, and cruisers, making it nearly inactive

Guantanamo Bay

bay in Cuba where U.S. maintained a naval base

Manila Bay

bay in the Philippine Islands where the Spanish fleet was stationed

William Pitt the Elder

became Englands Prime Minister in 1757 and appointed general Wolfe

(Winston) Churchill

became Prime Minister of Britain during the Battle of Britain


became a proving ground for World War II


became a temporary protectorate of the United States

George III

became king of england in 1760

(Joseph G.) Cannon

became known for ruling the House with an especially uncompromising hand

(George) Meany

became president of the AFL-CIO

George Grenville

became prime minister in 1763


became the leading producer of iron and steel in the U.S.

Lord North

became the new prime minister of England in 1770

Nikita Khrushchev

became the premier of the Soviet Union after the Geneva Summit

(Colonel William S.) Gorgas

chief sanitary officer in the Canal Zone who helped eliminate the mosquitoes


chieftain of the Aztecs

J. Edgar Hoover

choosen to head teh General Intelligence Division

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

city and state where the first successful powered flight took place in 1903 by the Wright brothers

Pago Pago

city on the island of Tutuila where Americans arranged to establish a coaling station for steam-powered ocean vessels

Dayton, Ohio

city, state that popularized the city-manager plan of government

Waco, Texas

city/state in which the FBI besieged the Branch Davidian cult


claimed that economic factors had an influence on mans decisions

(Nikita) Khrushchev

coined the term "peaceful coexistence"

Kent State University and Jackson State College

college campuses where 4 and 2 students were killed during violent anti-war demonstrations


colony begun for prisoners; started by James Oglethorpe


combined railroads into one large rail system

reconcentration order

commanded that all Cubans who were not fighting be collected in camps and kept under Spanish guard

(Colonel Leonard) Wood and (Lieutenant Colonel Theodore) Roosevelt

commanded the Rough Riders

(Admiral) Cervera

commanded the Spanish Atlantic fleet

(Rear Admiral William T.) Sampson

commanded the U.S. Atlantic fleet

(Commodore George) Dewey

commanded the U.S. Pacific fleet


commander of the Allied forces

(General William C.) Westmoreland

commander of troops in South Vietnam

Committee of Public Information

committee that planned campaigns to keep morale high

Populist party

common name for the Farmer's Alliance

Commonwealth of Independent States

commonwealth formed after collapse of the Soviet Union

(Chester) Nimitz

concentrated his forces in the Central Pacific to crack the Japanese fortress


confederate general at chattanooga


congenial to alter the civil service

(Hernando) Cortes

conquered the Aztecs

(Francisco) Pizarro

conquered the Incas


construction of the Panama Canal that allowed water to be leveled with the ships

(Benito) Mussolini

controlled Italy

Phillip II

controlled more of the earth's surface than any other man in history

(Joseph) Stalin

controlled the Soviet Union after Lenin's death


controlled the railroads in the Southwest

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

controlled wages and prices and limited competition among businesses while encouraging labor organizations

Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenburg

convicted of treason

Puerto Rico and Cuba

countries the U.S. was obligated to protect following the Spanish-American War

Russia and Germany

countries who took control of leases on various Chinese ports

Republic of Panama

country President Roosevelt recognized after three days of the outbreak of the revolution


country U.S. recognized as Communist in 1933


country defeated China in a war in 1894-1895

Dominican Republic

country in Latin America that Roosevelt enforced the Monroe Doctrine


country that took place of the Boxer Rebellion


country that won the space race


country where Hitler stated that he neither wished nor intended to annex but seized


country where Japan strengthened its position


country who had a conflict with its debt with Germany


country who invaded Albania in 1939


country who was angered by Russian expansion in Manchuria and declared war on Russia

Roe vs. Wade

court case in 1973 that legalized abortion

Scopes Trial

court case on evolution vs creation, and the teaching of them in schools

Murray vs. Carlett

court case that went a long way to establishing secular humanism as the national religion

Insular Cases

court case which determined whether or not the American possessions were extended the privileges of the Constitution


chief of the Central Pacific Railroad, hired the Chinese

Chief Joseph

chief of the Nez Perce

Missouri Compromise

created a dividing line between the slave and free states


created an ever deeper relationship between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada

Bureau of the Budget

created by the National Budget Act, draws up the national annual budget

Advanced Research Projects Agency

created in response to Sputnik I; agency to initiate new technology and protect the U.S. from missiles that could be launched from space

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

created the WTO


created the thornless cactus and a type of potato

National War Labor Board

created to act as a court of arbitration to settle labor disputes

Veteran's Bureau

created to build hospitals, begin vocational regabilitaion programs, and to help disabled veterans in numerous ways

Bureau of Mines

created to conserve natural resources and help protect the welfare of miners


created to ensure that heinous crimes did not go unpunished

War Industries Board

created to regulate all phases of industrial production and distribution


creation of Republican party

Remember the Maine

cry of the United States when the ship, the Maine, sunk off the coast of Cuba

Embargo Act

cut all of the exports from america and cut american income

George Herman ("Babe") Ruth

first great home-run hitter

Babe Ruth

first greatest home run hitter


first group of American missionaries to Hawaii


first island in the Philippines that the Japanese invaded

Hillary Clinton

first lady who led effort to implement socialized medicine (specifically the national healthcare plan funded by businesses and employees)


first location of the UN General Assembly (later moved to New York)

Battle of Bunker Hill

first major battle of the War for Independence

(John) Cabot

first modern explorer to set foot on the mainland of North America


first national radio network

(Battle of the)Coral Sea

first naval battle of history in which the opposing vessels did not sight one another

(Sinclair) Lewis

first of seven Americans to win the Nobel prize for literature in the 20th century

Sputnik I

first official satellite to orbit the earth

St. Augustine

first permanent European settlement in the present-day U.S.


first presidential campaign in which the radio was used extensively


first state to ratify the constitution


first successful powered flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Bell Telephone Company

first telephone company

Leif Ericson

first to land in North America

(Amerigo) Vespucci

first to realize that Columbus had discovered a new continent

Telstar and Relay

first two American communication satellites

(Sandra Day) O'Connor

first woman justice to serve on the high court


first year that american missionaries went to hawaii

Admiral Byrd

flew over the North Pole

Admiral Richard Byrd

flew over the North Pole


football star

Board of Trade

forced colonies to follow all the new Acts


forcing people accused of being deserters into the british navy

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

foreign affairs tariff that was the highest in the nation's peacetime history and was supposed to protect American jobs and industry


militia that were trained to be ready in a minute

Mann-Elkins Act

greatly strengthened the ICC by giving it greater control over railroad shipping rates and bringing the supervision of telephone telegraph and cable companies under its control

Rough Riders

group Theodore Roosevelt helped where he won fame in Cuba

Rough Riders

group consisted of cowboys, Indians, and college athletes who were under the command of Colonel Leonard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt

Third International

group in Moscow dedicated to world wide Communism

freedom riders

group of black and whites protesting local segregation laws

American Samoa

group of islands controlled by the U.S. (Tutuila is one of them)


group of writers known for their social criticism on American society


monopoly designed to control the supply and price of Middle Eastern oil

December 7, 1941

month, date, and year Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

September 3, 1939

month, date, and year World War II began with France and Britain declaring war on Germany

October 29, 1929

month, date, and year when the stock market crashed (Black Tuesday)

May 7, 1945

month, day, and year Germany surrendered

15th amendment

guaranteed slaves the right to vote

Civil Rights Bill

guaranteed the civil rights of freedmen

19th Amendment

guaranteed woment the right to vote

(Dr. James) Dobson

had a daily radio program called Focus on the Family

Laissez Faire

hands off policy

(Lieutenant Richard) Hobson

he and seven others performed a heroric strategy for the sinking of the U.S. Merrimac


head of the General Intelligence Division

September 2, 1945

month, day, and year of V-J Day

fiber optics

most exciting development in telecommunications


most famous ace

(Walter) Rauschenbusch

"the Prophet of the Social Gospel"


first commercial broadcasting station in the United States


first controversy between Britian and U.S.; ship that needed to be repaid


first election Bill Clinton won


first election that Clinton won


first election that Ronald Reagan won

Six-Day War

Egypt, Jordan, & Syria attacked Israel, but Israel fought back hard with weapons from the U.S.


League of Nations meeting with the Big Four: Wilson, David Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Orlando


Led the Armies of the colonists


Led the english troops after Braddock

April 9, 1865

Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court Hourse, Virginina

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)

Lenin's new name of Communist Russia

(Muammar Al) Qaddafi

Libyan dictator that sponsored international terrorism


Lincolns running mate for the 1864 election

Annie Oakley

Little Sure Shot, performed in Wild West Shows

New York City

Locatation of the first capital


Louisiana Purchase

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

MLK helped to form this group for nonviolent resistence for civil rights

Bataan (Peninsula)

MacArthur retreated to this peninsula after the Japanese invasion of the Philippines


Magna Carta

(Francisco) Coronado

discovered Grand Canyon

(Vasco de) Balboa

discovered Pacific Ocean

(Captian James) Cook

discovered the Hawaiian Islands

(Hernando) de Soto

discovered the Mississippi River

(Jaques) Cartier

discovered the St. Lawrence River

Sir William Ramsay

discovered the book of Acts to be historically correct in all aspects


discovered to treat scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and diphtheria


discovery used to kill bacteria

Munich Pact

dismembered Czechoslovakia and gave the Sudetenland to Germany

Venezuelan boundary dispute

dispute of land between Great Britian and Venezuela


disputed election with Tilden and Hayes

38th Parallel

divided Korea

Land ordinance of 1785

divided land in Norhtwest territory into townships

Monroe Doctrine

document in 1823 that stated that the United States would oppose any European interference in the affairs of independent Latin American nations

Gentlemen's Agreement

document in which Japan's government agreed to withhold passports from Japanese laborers seeking to come to the U.S.

Jones Act

document that abolished the appointed commission and allowed the Philippine voters to elect a senate as well as the assembly

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

document that granted a zone ten miles wide through the isthmus

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

document that granted the U.S. the right to build and police a canal through Central America

Elkins Act

document that made it illegal for a shipper to accept a rebate from a railroad

Newlands Reclamation Act

document that provided that money from the sale of public land in western states was to be used to initiate irrigation projects to make arid land productive

Tydings-McDuffie Act

document that provided the Philippines to be independent in 1946

Expedition Act

document that sped up the handling of antitrust cases in the federal courts

Platt Amendment

document that stipulated the conditions under which Cuba would be independent

Hepburn Act

document that strengthened the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission over the railroads

Meat Inspection Act

document which granted federal authorities the power to inspect all meat shipped in interstate commerce

Foraker Act

document which stated that Puerto Rico would become an unorganized territory and the President of the U.S. was empowered to appoint a governor and an executive council

Pure Food Act

document which was designed to prevent the manufacture and sale of adulterated foods and drugs

Pope Alexander VI

drew line of demarcation (to divide territory between Spain and Portugal


drilled first oil well in the country

Prince Henry the Navigator

encouraged navigation


end of Reconstruction

postwar economic boom

ended the great depression

Treaty of Versailles

ended the war

Treaty of Ghent

ended the war of 1812 in 1814

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

erected dams and hydroelectric plants along the Tennessee River

(Charles) de Gaulle

escaped to Great Britain and organized the Free French government


established General Intelligence Division, wanted to stop the violence of Communism

Social Security Act

established a government fund for unemployment and old-age insurance

Greenfield Village and Ford Museum

established by Ford to promote history of America

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

established the Interstate Commerce Comission

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

established to protect the stated rights of unions and to mediate labor-management disputes

Fuel Administration

established to supervise the rationing of fuel in factories and in homes

Gipsy Smith

evangelist born as a gypsy


evangelist who wrote over 60 books


existentialism, "leap of faith"


experience is the only source of knowledge

Christopher Columbus

explored New World in 1492

(Juan) Cabrillo

explored the coast of California

Marshall Plan

extended as much as $20 billion for European recovery

Geneva Conference

failed attempt at peace with the Treaty of Versailles among Germany, France and others


famous crusade to drive the Moors from Granada, Spain

Man O'war

famous racing horse


fees on imported goods


fiercest Southern Plain Indians

(Samuel) Alito

filled O'Connor's spot

Battle of Yorktown

final battle of the War for Independence

(Alan B.) Shepard, Jr.

first American to enter space

(John H. ) Glenn, Jr.

first American to orbit the earth


first Democrat to win the Presidency after the Civil War

(Virginia) Dare

first English child born in North America

Hillary Clinton

first First Lady to be elected to the Senate

Townshend harris

first Japanese ambassador

(Daniel Ken) Inouye

first Japanese-American to serve in U.S. Congress

(Patsy Takemoto) Mink

first Japanese-American woman to serve in Congress

(Woodrow) Wilson

first President since John Adams to make a personal appearance before Congress

Calvin Coolidge

first President to use the radio extensively in his campaigning


first U.S. possessions outside the North American continent

Calvin Coolidge

first Vice President to attend cabinet meetings

(Wilt) Chamberlain

first basketball player to score 100 points during a single professional game

(Jackie) Robinson

first black American baseball player

(James) Meredith

first black American to attempt to enroll in an all white college

(Robert) Weaver

first black american cabinet officer

(Thurgood) Marshall

first black associate justice of the supreme court

(Benjamin O.) Davis

first black commander of the 99th


governor of virginia who sent George Washington to warn the french fort

Jones Act

granted the people of Puerto Rico American citizenship


great Chicago fire


greatest decade of railroad growth

Archduke Maximilian of Austria

sent by Emperor Napoleon III to establish a French empire in Mexico

(General John) Pershing

sent by President Wilson with 15,000 troops into Mexico to capture Villa

Green Berets

sent to aid South Vietnam

Federal Reserve System

serve as the banker for the federal government

USS Baltimore

ship in Chile when there was a dispute between U.S. and Chile

taking the country off the gold standard

shook public confidence in the U.S. monetary system

Operation Desert Storm

shortest war our nation has ever fought

(John) Hinckley Jr.

shot President Reagan and three of his companions

Camp David Peace Accord

signed by Carter, Begin, and Sadat; 1st time in 2000 years Jews and Arabs sat down and negotiated peace treaty

Japanese Peace Treaty Conference

signed by Japan with 48 former enemy nations; officially ended the Allied occupation of Japan


site of the first atomic bomb drop in Japan (August 6, 1945)


site of the second atomic bomb drop (August 8, 1945)


sitting-down war

xyz affair

situation where french officials tried to brive the american commisioners

Speak softly and carry a big stick

slogan of Teddy Roosevelt for foreign affairs

Join the Navy and See the World

slogan that the Great White Fleet gave the navy

feeder lines

smaller lines bringing in business from diverse points along the main route


social gospel


space shuttle that exploded upon takeoff and slowed the space program down for several years


spent 45 years studying and then wrote about what he studied

(William Jennings) Bryan

spoke the Cross of Gold speech


staple food on the prairie

Committees of Correspondence

started by Adams, made to inform the colonies


started the Food Administration

(Oliver H.) Kelly

started the Grange


started the Sword of the Lord


started the camp meeting revivals

John R. Rice

started the revival weekly, the Sword of the Lord

Berlin Air-Lift

started to save West Berliners from starvation


started to support the WTO in its endeavor to establish global trade liberalization

Teller Amendment

stated "that the United States disclaims any intention of control over said island except for the pacification thereof"

Tallmadge Amendment

stated that all slaves were free at the age of 25 if they were born to slaves

New Mexico and Arizona

states admitted in 1912

liberty ships

streamlined vessels that aided supplies for the Allies

1965 Voting Rights Act

strengthened previous voting rights laws


succeeded Lincoln as president

(Albert) Einstein

suggested the use of an atomic bomb to FDR, though Truman decided to use the atomic bomb

John Dewey

supported progressive education

(Gamal) Nasser

supported terrorist groups that frequently raided Israeli settlements resulting in many deaths


swam English Channel

Gertrude Ederle

swam the English Channel

Spoils system

system of putting friends and those who did favors for you into positions after being elected into office

Strategic Defense Initiative

system of space-age weaponry designed to destroy enemy missile warheads in flight; allowed the U.S. to have technological marvels that the bankrupt Soviets could not match

primary election

system that all registered voters of a party decide by ballot which candidate will run against the opposing party's candidate in the final election

Presidential primary

system that party voters in a state indicate their preference for a candidate to be supported by their delegates to the party's national nominating convention


systematic murder of an entire ethnic group

Island hopping

tactic of only attacking major islands used to work American forces closer and closer to Japan

Dr. Paul Carlson

taken hostage and murdered in the Congo


taking of land by mortgage holders

McKinley Tariff

tariff that set up the reciprocity clause

Protective tariffs

tariffs that were high enough to discourage importation of certain products

excise tax

tax on a product that is produced, sold, and consumed in America

Poll Taxes

taxes taken before voting

Bill of Rights

ten ammendments made to the constitution in 1791

rugged individualism

term Hoover termed for allowing people to become dependent on government assistance could only destroy individual initiative


term that means that machines operate and regulate themselves automatically


territory that serves as an important U.S. air and naval base in the Pacific

al Qaeda

terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden

Literacy tests

test taken before one could vote

global warming

that idea that the general temperature of the earth and its oceans is being warmed...

Fighting Red Tails

the 332nd division in the black air force


the 49th state; admitted into the Union in 1958


the 50th state; entered the Union in 1959

Screaming Eagles

the American airborne division that defeated the Nazis in the Battle of the Bulge

Emperor Napoleon III

the French emperor who tried to build an empire in Mexico

(Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad

the Iranian president who spoke at Columbia University and refused to answer when asked if he wanted Israel destroyed


the Iranian supported Islamic movement

El Camino Real

the King's Highway; oldest road in U.S.


the U.S., Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China

Model T

the automobile Henery Ford produced in 1903

Billy Sunday

the baseball evangelist


the beginning of the Allied counteroffensive in the South Pacific; the first location of island hopping


the belief that an idea or an action should be judged soly by its results, regardless of any moral or Scriptural considerations


the belief that matters of morality should be based on consideration of teh well-being of mankind in the present life, to teh exclusion of all considerations drawn from belief in God or in a future state


wrote A Century of Peace


wrote The Fundamentals


wrote Wealth of Nations

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

wrote by John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson

(John) Steinbeck

wrote the propaganda book of the Great Depression entitled "The Grapes of Wrath"


year Alaska became the forty-ninth state to join the Union


year Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone


year Charles Lindbergh made his flight across the Atlantic Ocean


year Communist leader Fidel Castro came under control of Cuba


year Congress proclaimed war on Spain


year Ford introduced the Model T


year Guam became a U.S. territory


year Gutenberg invented movable type printing press


year Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the Union


year Israel became a nation


year NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was established


year Nixon visited Communist China and started relations with them


year Panama Canal was opened


year Philippines became independent


year President Johnson sent the first combat troops, marines, to South Vietnam


year Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth of the U.S.


year U.S. broke relations with Cuba


year for creation of NAFTA


year that KDKA went on air


year the 18th Ammendment was ratified


year the Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States as a territory


year the Senate ratified to purchase Alaska


year the Titanic sank


year the Wright brothers flew the first successful powered flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


year the constitutional convention was held


year the radio station KDKA went on the air

Progressive Era

years 1900-1920 in which there was a widespread conscious effort to make changes in the American political system

(Theodore) Roosevelt

youngest man ever to become President

(John Fitzgerald) Kennedy

youngest man to be elected president


Eisenhower's Vice President

Russo-Japanese War

President Roosevelt's first experience with problems in the Far East

dollar diplomacy

President Taft's foreign policy to other nations

(Robert F.) Kennedy

candidate against Nixon in 1968 who was assassinated


capital of South Vietnam

Richmond, Virginia

capital of the Confederacy

John Paul Jones

captain of the Bonhomme Richard

Fort Duquesne

captured from english for the French

Sacco-Vanzetti court case

case when two Italians were charged for murdering a paymaster and a guard during a robbery


"Fighting Game Cock"


"Give me Liberty or Give me Death"

Friedrch Nietzsche

"God is dead"

Lyman Stewart

"God's Oilman"


"Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitors of the British Colonies"


"Pearl of the Antilles"

G. Campbell Morgan

"Prince of Expositors"


"Swamp Fox"

Samoan Islands

chain of Pacific islands over which German and American battleships almost went to war in 1889

Bobby Jones

champion golfer

Napoleon III

Leader of France who favored a south victory

(Irving) Kristol

"father of Neoconservatism"

Soren Kierkegaard

"leap of faith"

William Jennings Bryan

"the Great Commoner"

Magna Carta

1215; established first form of limited government


1607; first English settlement in New World

Boston Tea Party

1773, When the colonists dressed up as indians and destroyed and threw the tea into the harbor

Second Continental Congress

1775, Led by John Hancock as president

Battle of Saratoga

1777, turning point of the war

Nationalist Era


(Richard) Nixon

1st American President to resign from office


1st permanent French settlement in North America; founded in 1608

(Bill) Clinton

2nd President to be impeached


3.5 million freed slaves

New Mexico and Arizona

47th and 48th states

Joseph McCarthy

charged that the U.S State department had been infiltrated by large numbers of Communist spies


African nation that U.S. troops were stationed in to keep peace between rival warlords

(Dwight D.) Eisenhower

Allied commander in Europe

Monroe Doctrine

America wont mess with Europe if they dont mess with the Americas

Vietnam War

America's longest war and first no-win war

Operation Desert Storm

America's offensive against Hussein's Iraq; the first time since WWII when Congress followed counsel of a military leader

(General Leonard) Wood

American army general who took charge of Cuba


American colony for freed slaves

(General Douglas) MacArthur

American forces leader who stopped the Philippines from guerrilla warfare against the Japanese and conquered the islands


Assisted Robert Livingston in the negotiations of buying the Louisiana Territory


British Luxury Liner that was sunk

Internal Security Act

designed to bring the activities of the Communist party under close surveillance and control

Battle of Monmouth

Battle in which the British reached New York City

Battle of Kings Mountain

Battle in which the Patriots stopped brittish advanced into north carolina


Battle of New Orleans


Battle of Saratoga the turning point in America's War for Independence


Battle of Yorktown

Battle of Trafalgar

Battle that lord Nelson defeated the French

Point Four Program

designed to give assistance to underdeveloped countries


Bell invented the telephone


Biggest hero of the Tripolitan war


Bill of Rights

Homer Rodeheaver

Billy Sunday's music director

William Bonney

Billy the Kid's real name

October 19, 1987

Black Monday when the value of American stocks dropped

October 19, 1987

Black Monday, when the value of American stock dropped by $550 billion

Admiral de Grasse

Blocked the Chesapeake Bay preventing cornwallis to come in

War Production Board (WPB)

Board Donald Nelson was appointed to for production in the war effort


Boston Tea Party

Olive Branch Petition

Called for ammends to be made, sent to George III as final attempt to avoid war

Silent Cal

Calvin Coolidge's nickname

Quebec Act

Cancelled the Colonists western claims and gave them to quebec


Captured Mobile bay

Fort Ticonderoga

Captured by the Green Mountain Boys


Captured by washington

human rights

Carter built his foreign policy on this philosophy

McColluch vs maryland

Case that Marshall used loose interpretation and inserted implied powers

26th of July Movement

Castro's attempt to seize the Cuban government in 1953

Adams-Onis Treaty

Ceded all of Florida to the US in 1810

Charles Townshend

Chacellor of The Exchequer

Freedmens Bureau

Establishment that provided food and clothing for freedmen


China's capital city where the Boxers took control

Quemoy and Matsu

Chinese islands that Nationalist Chinese occupied


Choosing of the party canidate


Christian Workers Commentary


City of Brotherly Love; largest city in the colonies


City where Kennedy was assasinated

Operation Torch

Codename for allied invasion of North Africa from November 1942 to September 1943

April 20, 1999

Columbine high school shooting


Columbus landed on San Salvador

Tet Offensive

Communist began a devastating series of battles in Vietnam where America could not fight

(Fidel) Castro

Communist dictator of Cuba

Viet Cong

Communist guerrillas that began a campaign of terrorism and subversion in the villages in South Vietnam

Wade-Davis bill

Congress' plan of reconstruction


First secretary of state

April 9, 1865

Date of meeting of Grant and Lee at appomatox court house

14th amendment

Declared all slaves to be citizens


Defeated the creek indians at the battle of Horseshoe Bend


Defeated when he tried to take Fort Duquesne and was beat by the indians

Bourgoyone, Howe, Leger

Defeted by the colonists at Saratoga

(Alfred E.) Smith

Democrat who lost the Presidential election of 1928; first Roman Catholic to seek Presidency

(Franklin Delano) Roosevelt

Democrat who won the Presidential election of 1932 on the plan called the "New Deal"

Rush-Bagot agreement

Disarmament of the Great Lakes


Discovered Hawaii


Discovered Pikes Peak and was captured for exploring spanish lands

National Council of Churches

Ecumenism led to what organization?

incandescent electric light bulb

Edison's invention that had the most profound effect on the 20th century


First state to ban liquor

Henry VIII

English king that broke ties with the Roman church


Erie Canal finished by DeWitt Clinton

mint act of 1772

Established a mint and provided for the coinage of gold, silver, and copper

Permanent Court of International Justice

Established in 1920, headquarters at the Hague, established to settle disputes between member nations


Father of American Missions


Father of Atheistic Existentialism, said "God is dead"


Father of French Romanticism

(Samuel de) Champlain

Father of New France


Father of Theological Liberalism


Father of the Constitution


Father of the Enlightenment


Father of western africa missions


Favorite Sons Election


First Attorney General

Intolerable Acts

First Boston Port Bill, cllosed the port of Boston


First Chief Justice of the supreme court


First Postmaster General


First Secretary of War


First Secretary of finance

African Methodist Episcopal church

First black methodist denomination


First president to die in office


Founded 1500 Sunday Schools

Booker T. Washington

Founder of Tuskegee Institute

Princetown, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth

Four colleges that formed from the revival

Maginot Line

French fortification line


French fortress city where the French forced Germans to retreat


French government that cooperated with the Germans

(Premier Edouard) Daladier

French leader who signed the Munich Pact

(Lyman) Stewart

God's oilman

December 25, 1991

Gorbachev resigned

Wilderness Campaign

Grants campaign to richmond, lost 55,000 men


Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Romania, Japan, Portugal, Montenegro, Greece, and Italy

Five Power Treaty

Great Britain, United States, Japan, France, and Italy agreed to stop building battleships for 10 years, and use a tonnage ratio

Four Power Treaty

Great Britain, United States, Japan, and France agreed to respect each others rights in regard to their island possessions in the Pacific


Greatest sectional difference


Greek New Testament



The American System

Henry Clays plan

Alvin York

Hero at Argonne Forest; killed 20 Germans and captured 132

(Hermann) Goring

Hitler's Third Reich Marshal

Mein Kampf (My Struggle)

Hitler's autobiography written in prision

Third Reich

Hitler's government of Nazism

Operation Sea-Lion

Hitler's plan for conquering Great Britain


House of Burgesses


Important rail center in tennessee


Indian Messiah, Ghost Dance

"God Bless America" and "White Christmas"

Irving Berlin's songs that popularized during WWII


Israel became a nation


Italy's socialism in which exercised a total control of everything

New Frontier

JFK's social program for America


Jamestown; first permanent English settlement in the New World


Jeffersons vice president for his second term

The Bonus Bill

John C Calhouns Plan

Methodist revival

John and Charles Wesley started it, and later became known as the Great Awakening


Johnson sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam

Five-Year Plans

Joseph Stalin's plans to making Russia a modern industrial and military state

Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776, Written by Jefferson

Stanton, Mott, Anthony

Leaders in Womens Suffrage

Louis XVI

Leader in charge of France during the French Revolution

Marbury vs Madison

Marshalls most important deciscion while in the supreme court


Martin Luther's 95 Theses




McClellans greatest foe


Mexican War declared

September 18

Month/day when Italy formally surrendered to the Allies


Moody of the South

Sam Jones

Moody of the south


Muslim religious leader that captured the American embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage

Du Bois





NASA's first space shuttle



(Ben Nighthorse) Campbell

Native American who won a seat in the U.S. Senate


Nazi sympathizers in Norway called

Treblinka and Auschwitz

Nazis' two most infamous concentration camps located in Poland


New chief justice of the supreme court

Contract with America

Newt Gingrich's signed promise to the American people to reform the nation

(Spiro) Agnew

Nixon's VP who resigned because of his involvement in the Watergate affair

(Henry) Kissinger

Nixon's secretary of state; spokesman for detente

Kim Jung-Il

North Korean Communist dictator who agreed to "freeze" his nuclear program in exchange for technological and economic aid from the U.S.

Treaty of Paris

Officially ended the war in 1783

Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens

Opposed allowing the south to be re-admitted


Panama Canal opened

Greenback Labor party

Party that advocated that the federal government increase the number of greenbacks in circulation


Peace of Paris that ended the French and Indian War

Kyoto Protocol

designed to require nations to reduce greenhouse emissions to decreasing levels


People who helped the carpetbaggers and the freedmen for their own good

(Ferdinand) Marcos

Philippine authoritarian President exiled to Hawaii for voting fraud and for sapping the Filipino's money




Polish nationalists that decided to challenge the Soviets

(Gifford) Pinchot

President Roosevelt's chief forester who published conservation articles in National Geographic

Hat Act

Protected British Hat manufacturers

halfway Covenant

Provided descendents of church people with full priviledges and membership

G.I. Bill of Rights

Provided discharge pay, hospitalization, government loans for purchase of homes, farms, or businesses, and educational benefits for veterans.

New Federalism

Reagan's idea for state and local governments to assume more responsibility for government programs, decreasing the power of the national government

(Herbert) Hoover

Republican who won the Presidential election of 1928

Navigation Acts

Restricted Colonial Trade 1660, 1663

Standard Oil Company

Rockefeller's oil company

Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt's interpretation on the Monroe Doctrine


Rough Riders march to on June 30

Warsaw Pact

Russia's response to NATO


Second Continental Congress

Albert Fall

Secretary of Interior

(William) Seward

Secretary of State who demanded that the French withdraw their troops from Mexico

(James G.) Blaine

Secretary of State who organized/started Pan-American Union

(William) Seward

Secretary of State who persisted on the addition of Alaska

(Cordell) Hull

Secretary of State who sent a note to all foreign nations for non-interference of the war


Secretary of state for Jefferson

(Theodore) Roosevelt

Secretary of the Navy who ordered Dewey that if war should be declared, he should proceed to the Philippine Islands and "capture and destroy" the Spanish fleet


Secretary of the Treasury for Jackson


Secretary of the treasury that was influential in the adding of 'In God We Trust' as our motto

(George) McGovern

Senator that Nixon had a landslide Presidential victory over in 1972

(Barry M.) Goldwater

Senator which LBJ ran against in the 1964 election

First Constitutional Congress

September 5, 1774

(Slobodan) Milosevic

Serbian president that arranged a ceasefire with a U.S. envoy after he had attacked Bosnia


Sunday's song leader

Second National Bank

Supported by Henry Clay in 1816

(General Dwight D.) Eisenhower

Supreme Allied Commander in Europe

(General Douglas) MacArthur

Supreme Commander of the Allied occupation in Japan

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Supreme Court case that "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional

Abington School District vs. Schempp

Supreme Court case that banned school prayers and Bible reading in public schools

Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

Supreme Court case that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional

Engel vs. Vitale

Supreme Court case which forbidden required the recitation of prayers in public schools


Systematic Theology

Tariff of 1828

Tariff of Abominations


Taught the circuit riding preachers

Solid south

Term for the south as they had voted solidly democratic


Texas War for Independence

Dawes Plan

The American plan to loan money to Germany, who would pay their reparations to France and Britain, who would pay back their debt to America


The Eyes of the Confederacy


The First Black female writer in America


The best known missionary to the indians

(William Howard) Taft

Theodore Roosevelt's hand-picked successor for President


Third leader of the Union army


desire to return to minority peoples to their tribal roots and religion


Time of reconstruction


Titanic sank


Tried to recharter the bank in 1832

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Triple Alliance

Great Britain, France, and Russia

Triple Entente


Wizard of Menlo Park


Won the Election of 1814


Won the Election of 1868 for president


Won the election of 1828


Won the election of 1876 for president

Woolens Act

Woolen goods restricted by this act


Wrote "Common Sense"

de Tocqueville

Wrote Democracy in America


Wrote the South Carolina Espositions and Protest


Year Cornwallis surrendered


Year that the Louisiana Territory was purchased

1730's to 1740's

Years for the Great Awakening

William Z. Foster

a Communist who led the voilent steelworkers strike of 1919

Roosevelt Dam

a big construction dedicated to a former President

revolutionary nationalism

a desire to break loose from their established governments and rule themselves based on what they saw as natural boundaries of natural religion

United Arab Republic (UAR)

a drive toward Arab unity set up this republic under Nasser as president


a firm league of friendship

Hindenburg Line

a fortified German defense line formed by an intricate system of trenches and dugouts

Implied powers

a loose interpretation of the constitiution

Loose construction

a loose interpretation of the constitution

Lake Mead

a man-made reservoir from the Hoover Dam


a new executive department to promote the safety of the American people and their homeland

subprime lending

a problem of the housing bubble; lending to buyers whose credit records were not very stable or credible


a psychological theory which places man "beyond freedom and dignity"

Strict construction

a strict interpretation of the constitution

Alaska Pipeline

a way to get oil that supposedly lessened American dependence on Middle Eastern oil

13th amendment

abolished slavery in all the states

(Gerald R.) Ford

accepted Nixon's nomination as replacement for Vice President Spiro Agnew; suspiciously granted Nixon a full pardon

Sherman Antitrust Act

act that broke up monopolies

Sherman Antitrust Act

act that broke up trusts

Higher Education Act of 1965

act that continued federal grants for the construction of college buildings and ensured student loans and grants

Reconstruction act

act that divided south into 5 different districts governed by 5 military leaders

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

act that granted the first direct federal funding of local public schools

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

act that inaugurated programs for the "War on Poverty"

National Budget Act

act that provided for a unified yearly budget for the federal government

Medicare Act of 1965

act that was designed to provide medical care for the elderly under the Social Security system

Appalachian Development Act

act that was intended to raise the standard of living in the Appalachian Mountain region

Berlin and Milan decrees

acts in which Napoleon cut off all trade with America

Neutrality Act of 1937

adopted the "cash-and-carry" principle for dealing with warring nations

GI (Government Issue)

affectionate nickname for the average American soldier during WWII


agreement called for a further reduction of nuclear warheads and missiles, giving a greater weapons advantage to the Soviets; didn't stop the Communists from invading Afghanistan less than 6 months later

melting pot

all cultures in America must work together regardless of ethnic heritage or skin color

Nine Power Treaty

all nations represented at the Conference agreed to respect China's independence and territorial integrity and to maintain the "Open Door" in this treaty

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

alliance formed among Germany, Italy, and Japan in 1940

Federal Farm Board

allotted $500 million with which to make low interest loans to help cooperative farm groups pay the cost of storing crops

Lend-Lease Act

allowed any means of defense which belonged to a friendly belligerent could be refitted or repaired in the U.S.

20th Amendment

amendment in 1933 that eliminated the "lame duck" sessions of Congress

negro spiritual

americas greatest contribution to music


an act immediately following the 9-11 terrorist attacks

reciprocal trade agreement

an agreement beneficial to both parties; agreement U.S. signed with Hawaii


an economic system in which individuals are free to ffollow their economic pursuits as they see fit

Pontiacs Conspiracy

an indian uprising in the colonies


an official can be removed from office before his term expires


an official policy of lessened hostility between nations

Third International

an organization founded in Moscow which was dedicated to the worldwide Communist revolution


an organized persecution or massacre

London Blitz

another name for the Battle of Britain in which the Lutwaffe bombed the city of London


anything that follows as a natural or logical result of something else

6 million

approximate death toll of Jews in the Holocaust

(Colonel George Washington) Goethals

army general who took charge of the Panama Canal


arrested under the Espionage Act

(Lee Harvey) Oswald

assassinated President Kennedy


assassinated RFK


assassinated by an anarchist in his second term

Granger Laws

attempted to force railroads to charge equal freight rates to all shippers

Bureau of the Budget

authorized to receive requests from all departments and then, in colsultation with the President, draw up a proposed annual budget thaqt estimated receipts and expenditures for the coming year

Nobel Peace Prize

award given to Theodore Roosevelt in 1906

James M. Gray

developed a synthetic approach to Bible study which he incorporated in "The Christian Worker's Commentary"

short ballot

ballot that allowed only the key state officers; policy-making officers were to be elected and policy-enforcing officers were to be appointed

(Saddam) Hussein

dictator of Iraq who invaded oil-rich Kuwait




belief of anti-slavery

Secular humanism

belief that matters of morality should be based on consideration of the well being of man kind in the present life


best known evangelist of the Second Great Awakening


best remembered for his attempts to reform the civil service program


best remembered for the Pendleton Act


biggest industry in the west

(Rosa) Parks

black American woman who would not give up her seat on a city bus in Montgomery, AL; backed by Martin Luther King, Jr.

civil rights movement

black Americans involvement in the 1950s and 1960s

(Thomas) Sowell

black economist of the 20th century, argued that careless welfare programs hurt ethnic minorities by destroying the family and the work ethic in the inner cities

Malcolm X

black separatist leader assassinated in 1965


bought steel company from Carnegie, wealthiest financier of the 20th century

Tunney and Dempsey

boxing heroes

Dawes Act

broke up tribal lands

(Wilbur and Orville) Wright

brothers who made the first successful powered flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903

Interstate Highway System

building program of 41,000 miles that linked U.S. together

Cumberland Road

built form Cumberland, Maryland to Virginia

St. Lawrence Seaway

built in partnership with Canada and U.S.


business operated for the benefit of its members


buying land hoping it would go up and sell for a profit

on margin

buying stock when one pays as little as 10 percent of the price of stock in cash and secures a loan to cover the balance

(Manuel) Noriega

dictator of Panama that was smuggling illegal drugs into the U.S.

(Adolf) Hitler

called "Der Fuhrer"

Free Silver Movement

called for unlimited coinage of silver


called the Pittsburgh of the South?

(Victoriano) Huerta

came to power after Madero was murdered and established a new government

Casey Jones

died while driving the Cannonball

June 25, 1950

date North Korea invaded South Korea

June 6, 1944

date for D-Day invasion

November 22, 1963

date for JFK's assassination

December 25, 1991

date for collapse of Soviet Union; aka: when Gorbachev resigned


date for the Scopes Trial

September 24, 1869

date for the stock market crash

April 6, 1917

date that Congress declared war on Germany

July 28, 1914

date that the war started

April 12, 1861

date when the civil war officially began

April 6, 1917

day and year U.S. declared war on Germany

November 11, 1918

day and year for Armistice Day

September 24, 1869

day and year for Black Friday

October 29, 1929

day and year for Black Tuesday when the stock market fell in the Great Depression

June 6, 1944

day and year for DDay at Normandy

May 8, 1945

day and year for V-E Day

December 7, 1941

day and year for bombing of Pearl Harbor

April 20, 1999

day and year for the Columbine shooting

March 5, 1770

day and year of Boston Massacre

July 4, 1776

day and year of Declaration of Indepenence

September 5, 1774

day and year of First Continental Congress in Philadelphia

April 19, 1775

day and year of shot heard 'round the world at Lexington

April 12, 1861

day and year of the beginning of the Civil War; when Beauregard attacked Anderson's Fort Sumter

June 28, 1914

day and year that Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated beginning the Great War

May 10, 1869

day and year when transcontinental railroad was finished at Promontory Point, Utah

(FIRST) Potsdam Declaration

declaration that called upon the Japanese to surrender un-conditionally and to withdraw to the home islands

Clayton Antitrust Act

declared certain business practices illegal (the interlocking directorate and holding company)

Proclamation of Rebellion

declared that the Americans were in proper and avowed rebellion


declared war by Japan because Japan was angered by the expansion of Russian Manchuria


defeat of the Invincible Armada

17th Amendment

defeated the original Constitutional purpose of the Senate-the representation of the state government at the federal level


defended the house of burgesses

Great White Fleet

demonstrated America's increasing military strength to the world; sent by President Roosevelt

Department of Commerce and Labor

department that included a Bureau of Corporations and had the authority to investigate large industrial combinations; discovered in 1903

(Nelson) Mandela

first black president of South Africa; South African Communist leader who focused on abolishing apartheid racial segregation

(William Howard) Taft

first civil governor of the Philippines

installment plans

easy credit that made a small down payment and then paid monthly installments over time


editor of the Princeton Review


elected in 1920


elected president in 1872


election Ronald Reagan won

Favorite Sons election

election in 1824 with Adams, Crawford, Jackson, and Clay


election that George H W Bush won


election that George W Bush won


election that Grant won


election that William Henry Harrison won


election that Woodrow Wilson won


election that Zachary Taylor won

Haile Selassie I

emperor of Ethiopia

(Emperor) Hirohito

emperor of Japan who announced their defeat

Public Works Administration (PWA); Works Progress Administration (WPA)

employed jobless people on construction improvements

J. Wilbur Chapman

forerunner of Billy Sunday


forerunner of Billy Sunday, Winona Lake Bible Conference

city-manager government

form of local government that allows the city council to hire a city manager regardless of party

commission government

form of local government that allows voters to vote for five commissioners to hold responsible for one department of the city government

mass production

form of the assembly line Ford was able to contribute to America

Albany Plan

formed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754

America First Committee

formed by Charles Lindbergh dedicated to keeping the U.S. out of a general European war


formed to resist Communist aggression and expansion


formed when a group of businessmen receive a charter of incorporation from a state government

Whittaker Chambers

former Communist party member and Soviet spy who had become horrified with Marxist totalitarianism

Sigmund Frued

formulated phychoanalysis


fought at the Battle of O.K Corral


found uses for sweet potato, peanut, and soybean

Mel Trotter

founded 67 rescue missions

(Roger) Williams

founded Rhode Island; wrote Key Into the Language of America

Booker T. Washington

founded Tuskegee Institute

American Legion

founded by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. in Paris which lobbied aggressively for veteran's benefits

American Legion

founded by Teddy Roosevelt Jr. in Paris


founded in 1636; 1st college in U.S.


founded rescue missions


founded the Five points Mission

(Thomas) Hooker

founder of Connecticut

England, France, Spain, Portugal

four leading nations of the Middle Ages

Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and (the) Philippines

four places the armistice stated that Spain agreed to surrender to the U.S.

"bank holiday"

gave banks a time to calm the fears of depositors and assure them that their money was safe

Emergency Banking Relief Act

gave the President broad power to control banking policies and to reopen banks as he saw fit

Defense Production Act

gave the President the authority to fix wage and price ceilings

Eisenhower Doctrine

gave the President the power to use force against Communist aggression in the Middle East and appropriated $200 million for economic and military help to the Arab world.

Tariff of 1833, Force Bill

gave the president the powere to use the military against the state

(Douglas) MacArthur

general sent to prepare the Philippines against the Japanese

Office of War Mobilization (OWM)

general staff appointed by President Roosevelt for the war front

(Bernard L.) Montgomery

general who marched from Egypt to meet Eisenhower and fight Rommel in North Africa

direct primary

gives voters a voice in nominating candidates to run for public office

Bobby Jones

golf champion

federal system

government in which the power is distributed among national, state, and local governments

Federal Reserve System

government interference that contracted the money supply in the Great Depression

(Boris) Yeltsin

reformer that became the president of the Russian Republic, the largest of the Soviet Republics

Polish Corridor

region Hitler demanded Poland to relinquish


region in China that Japan aggressed and conquest

Agriculture Adjustment Act

regulated more government control in agriculture and business by paying farmers not to plant


reinforced rosecrans to win at Chattanooga, in 1864 became supreme commander of the union forces

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

released large sums of tax money to state and local agencies for direct relief of the unemployed

Compromise of 1877

removal of federal troops from the south, 1 southerner to the cabinet,and money for the south to reconstruct

Taft-Hartley Act

removed certain labor abuses and curb the growing power of labor unions over individuals and employees


replaced Burnside

(Condoleezza) Rice

replaced Colin Powell as National Security Advisor

(Clarence) Thomas

replaced federal judge Thurgood Marshall

Union Party

republican party of the 1864 election

Selective Service Act

required all men between 18 and 65 to register with their local draft boards

Selective Service Act

required all men from age 21 through age 30 to register with the local draft boards

(Timothy) McVeigh

responsible for the bomb exploding in Oklahoma City outside a Federal building


responsible for the rise of socialism and Father of Communism

Jay Gould and Jim Fisk

responsible for the stock market crash on Black Friday

Amnesty act

restored political rights to those who cooperated with the south



Second Great awakening

revival in America during the 19th century


risky investments for the chance of making a quick profit

post roads

roads that connected larger cities

Neutrality Act of 1939

sacrificed the principle of "freedom of the seas" while trying to keep America out of war

Young Plan

said Germany's total war debt would be reduced and the the payment period be extended over an even longer time span

Professor G. F. Wright

said that darwinism is one-tenth bad science and nine-tenths bad philosophy

(Huey "Kingfish") Long

same party as FDR who opposed of his New Deal and called for heavy estate taxes and redistribute wealth to the masses

(Kate) Smith

sang and popularized "God Bless America"

Whitewater (Affair)

scandal in which Pres. Clinton granted special illegal privileges to a real estate firm

Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe

scenic railroad route

the Fundamentals

scholarly essays that presented the fundamenals of the Christian faith


second largest immigration group in U.S.; have the highest percentage of advanced degrees than any other ethnic group in America

(John Foster) Dulles

secretary of state under Eisenhower, transformed the Federal Security Agency into the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


secretary of the treasury for Jefferson

World Bank

section of the UN that lends money to countries

World Health Organization

section of the UN that tries to solve the world's health problems

Security Council

section of the UN with five permanent members and six elected members with two year terms

yellow journalism

sensational and sometimes unfound stories


was the supposed winner of the 1876 election

weapons of mass destruction

weapons designed to kill large numbers of people

New England

what area of the country became well known for textiles, shoes, and paper?


when Eisenhower's troops hit the beaches of Normandy, France

Yom Kippur War

when Israelis drove the Egyptians back (after they had been attacked the 2nd time) and prepared to invade Egypt but Kissinger stopped them

flex fuels

when biofuels are combined with regular gasoline

sit ins

when black college students sat in sections reserved for whites

bank runs

when depositors lose confidence in a bank and rush to withdraw their money


when one company controls the industry


when plantation owners separated land to freedmen to farm

San Salvador

where Columbus first landed in New World


where Hitler's 1942 summer offensive was crushed (Hitler's defeat in Russia)

Pikes Peak

where gold was discovered in 1858

Pusan Perimeter

where outnumbered and outgunned South Koreans and Americans withdrew to a battle line in the southeast corner of Korea

(Battle of) Leyte Gulf

where the Japanese lost almost all of their remaining ships and planes

Formosa Strait

where the President ordered a build up of American naval and air forces making it possible for the beleaguered Nationalists to receive supplies


where the boomers came from


where the greatest resistant to Communist tyranny occurred

Promontory Point

where the two railroad lines met May 10, 1869

(Matthew B.) Ridgeway

who Truman replaced MacArthur with

(Fidel) Castro

who the Clinton administration gave appeasement to and who he funded to maintain his power over the Cuban people

(Margaret) Mitchell

who wrote "Gone with the Wind"

Red Scare

widespread fear of communism

(Jimmy) Carter

winner of the 1976 election

Calamity Jane

woman whose rifle skills surpassed most men; scout for general Custer

Women's Army Corps (WACS)

women's branch of the Navy now known as the WAVES


won the 1876 election


won the 1968 election

(George W.) Bush

won the 2000 election


won the election of 1880


won the election of 1888

Warren G. Harding

won the election of 1920

Mackinac Straits Bridge

world's longest suspension bridge

60 million

worldwide death toll from World War II

Teapot Dome Scandal

wrecked the Harding administration; Albert Fall secretly leased out oil reserves

(Pearl S.) Buck

writer who grew up in China and wrote "The Good Earth"

(William) Faulkner

writer who wrote of "decayed" Southern aristocrats such as "The Sound and the Fury" and "Absalom, Absalom!"

(Irving) Berlin

wrote "God Bless America"

(Clarence) Day

wrote "Life with Father" which turned into a popular play

(Thomas) Wolfe

wrote "Look Homeward, Angel"

(Carl) Sandburg

wrote "The People, Yes"


wrote "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Approved"

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