AMA Cert Quizzes

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Segmentation involves grouping similar users together and sending each group relevant content. What are examples of typical categories you can use to segment a list of email subscribers? Choose TWO of the following:

-Purchase history -Demographics

In Google Analytics, you can use a specific report to analyze the impact your display campaign has on your website. This report helps you understand the extent to which users engage with your site after they click your ads, and how they convert. What is the name of this report? Choose ONE of the following:

-Google Ads Display Targeting Report

You can link Google Analytics to other marketing tools to gain additional insights. Which tool, when linked to Google Analytics, provides insight into how SEO traffic impacts website behavior? Choose ONE of the following:

-Google Search Console

Marketers must comply with the various data protection regulations associated with web analytics. When using analytics tools, what actions can you take to help ensure you are in compliance with EU data protection legislation? Choose TWO of the following:

-Have a clear policy on how the analytics data you collect is used and managed -Get explicit consent from the consumer when collecting PII

In Google Analytics, you can add multiple Views to your website's property. What is the purpose of a View in Google Analytics? Choose ONE of the following:

-Helps to organize visitor data

List segmentation contributes to the growth and management of a contact database by keeping information about contacts up to date and accurate. What are the benefits for email marketers of combining list segmentation and contact management efforts? Choose TWO of the following:

-Higher open rates -Lower complaints

To use Google Analytics, you first need to install a piece of tracking code on your website. What are the main ways to install Google Analytics code on a website? Choose TWO of the following:

-Implement it using Google Tag Manager -Ask a web developer to hard code it on every webpage

Google Ads Editor is a key tool for optimizing paid search campaigns. What is the key benefit of using Google Ads Editor?

-Implementing bulk changes to Google Ads accounts in a short time period

You have set up your display campaign in Google Ads and want to create a responsive ad. What guidelines should you follow when creating responsive ads? Choose TWO of the following:

-Include a call-to-action (CTA) -Preview multiple ad placements

You want to use a display and video campaign to differentiate yourself from other businesses selling similar products. Which campaign objective should you focus on to educate your customers about your product and to show them your unique selling points?

-Influence consideration

You can use the buyer's journey to ensure you are sending emails to the right recipients at the right time. At what stages of the buyer's journey would you send a promotional email offering a discount on a first purchase to a potential new customer? Choose TWO of the following:

-Interest -Consideration

What are the benefits to marketers of using the 'test and learn' approach? Choose TWO of the following:

-It can improve marketers' creative instincts -It can lead to a higher return on investment

What are the benefits of agile thinking to a marketer? Choose TWO of the following:

-It delivers a higher return on investment at lower cost -It increases team efficiency

Offline marketing activities, like TV appearances and newspaper articles, can have an immediate impact on your website and should be tracked. How can Google Analytics help to develop insight on the value of offline marketing activities? Choose TWO of the following:

-It helps you to understand the ROI of awareness-generating activities -It enables you to analyze traffic spikes in real-time and in reports

Every digital plan should have an overarching strategy. What is the purpose of an overarching strategy when developing a digital plan? Choose ONE of the following:

-It is a simple statement of what you will do and what the objectives are

Search marketers spend a lot of time researching keywords. What are the benefits of using Google Keyword Planner when researching keywords for a PPC campaign?

-It shows month-to-month keyword volume trends that can help pinpoint keywords for seasonal campaigns -It suggests keyword ideas based on historical, current, and emerging search trends

Your email copy needs to grab readers' attention from the start and maintain their interest. What best practices should you follow to write effective email copy? Choose TWO of the following:

-Keep sentences simple and strong. -Ensure the email is easy to scan.

You can apply different types of content targeting in your display and video campaigns. Which content targeting type allows you to target your audience specifically through the content they are reading and the search terms they enter on YouTube? Choose ONE of the following:


Why are keywords important when creating a paid search campaign?

-Keyword selection helps advertisers to target ads to a specific audience -Keywords are what consumers enter into a search engine to find a product or service

The primary goal of conversion rate optimization or CRO is to drive more sales, leads, and conversions on websites by using a number of specific onsite tactics. Which onsite tactics can marketers use to improve conversion rates? Choose TWO of the following:

-Live chat -CTAs that are easy to understand

Google Ads includes features to help manage multiple paid search campaigns efficiently. Using Google Ads, how can you organize and manage lists of keywords to promote different products to different audiences?

-Manage the daily budget for Ad Groups using Campaigns -Group keywords into similar themes using Ad Groups

Which examples best illustrate marketers using the 'test and learn' approach when developing campaigns? Choose TWO of the following:

-Marketers adjust a campaign on the fly, based on real-time data -Marketers continually collect and analyze real-time data about a campaign from a CRM system

You can use video ads to reach and engage your audience on YouTube and across the Google Display Network. What basic settings should you apply to a Google Ads video campaign? Choose TWO of the following

-Max CPV -Location targeting

Linking a Google Ads to Google Analytics is often advantageous for search marketers. What are the key benefits from linking a Google Ads account to Google Analytics?

-Measure ROAS for e-commerce clients -Access post click website engagement metrics -Gain deeper insight into how paid search performs against other channels

An effective digital strategy contains a number of core components. Which core component of a digital strategy provides guidance on formats, timings, and platform spends? Choose ONE of the following:

-Media strategy

Before calculating the overall budget required for a paid search campaign, you first need to estimate the number of clicks the campaign should generate. How do you do this?

-Multiply Impressions x CTR

You can use some advanced Google Ads features to optimize your display and video campaigns. Which optional feature in Google Ads enables advertisers to get reports on targeting criteria without restricting the reach of an ad group? Choose ONE of the following:


You are monitoring the success of your display campaign using Google Ads and want to customize the available metrics using the 'Modify columns' feature. What column metric group do you need to modify to add Impressions, Clicks, and Cost to your campaign report? Choose ONE of the following:


In analytics, a goal can be defined as the number of times or the rate at which users take a desired action on your site, such as making a purchase or downloading a file. Why is it important to set up and measure goals for any digital marketing campaign? Choose TWO of the following:

-Provides insight into which content is working well on a site -Helps determine if a campaign is commercially successful

Once you have completed the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) setup, you will be provided with a GA4 tracking code and Measurement ID. What are the primary methods for installing the GA4 tracking code on a website? Choose TWO of the following:

-Publish it using Google Tag Manager -Hard-code it into your website HTML

Linking your YouTube channel to Google Ads allows you to serve your videos as ads on YouTube and across the Google Display Network. What are the benefits of linking a YouTube channel to a Google Ads account? Choose TWO of the following:

-Remarket to users who have viewed your videos -Add CTA overlays on videos

Without careful monitoring and adjustment, your email campaigns may lead to a number of undesirable actions, like email bounces and unsubscribes. What steps can you take to minimize the number of bounces and unsubscribes that result from your email campaigns? Choose TWO of the following:

-Review dips in click rates. -Manage lists with a preference center.

Using Google Ads, marketers can create a range of different campaigns, including search, display, and shopping campaigns. What campaign elements need to be configured in Google Ads when setting up an optimized search campaign?

-Select the objective for the campaign -Select a location and language to target

To ensure your marketing emails are delivered successfully, you should review various key elements before deploying your campaign. Which elements should you review before sending a marketing email? Choose TWO of the following:

-Sender name -Optimum time of day

It's important to craft effective emails that recipients will want to open and read. What are some of the key components you should focus on when writing and designing emails? Choose TWO of the following:

-Sender name -Subject line

You have been asked by senior management to demonstrate that customer engagement offers value to your business. Which metrics can be used to measure customer engagement? Choose TWO of the following:

-Sentiment -Awareness

The Acquisition tab in Google Analytics is one of the most important tabs for marketers running digital marketing campaigns. It contains a number of useful reports. What areas of the Acquisition reports menu would you explore if you wanted more insight on how your audience arrives at your website? Choose TWO of the following:

-Source/Medium -All Traffic

Event tracking is a useful feature in Google Analytics that helps you collect data about interactions with your content. What types of actions can you track and monitor using the Events reports when they are set up in Google Analytics? Choose TWO of the following:

-The number of times a video Play button is clicked -The number of times a brochure is downloaded

Website users can follow many different paths to purchase. In Google Analytics, which report type within the Multi-Channel Funnels report should you use if you wish to develop granular insight into the most frequent customer journeys that purchasers make on your website? Choose ONE of the following:

-Top Conversion Paths

A digital strategy provides a framework that enables you to deliver on digital marketing objectives. What are the key outputs required in the early stages of your digital strategy? Choose TWO of the following:

-Understanding of available resources -Review of current activity and future expectations

Google Analytics can provide you with valuable data about the visitors to your website. What are the best practices for ensuring that you track data effectively using Google Analytics? Choose TWO of the following:

-Use Internal IP filtering with Views to avoid skewing data reports -Add analytics tracking code to every page and across all relevant domains and websites

To maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, look for opportunities to optimize your emails. How can you optimize your email click-through rates? Choose TWO of the following:

-Use explicit CTAs -Offer deals for a limited time

It's a good idea to include a mix of text and images in your marketing emails. What best practice should you follow when including images in an email? Choose ONE of the following:

-Use pixel-tracking images.

Email deliverability is the measure of how many emails are delivered successfully to a recipient's inbox. Which factors affect the deliverability of an email? Choose TWO of the following:

-Using URL shorteners -Including too many images

You can use a number of different analytics tools to measure a website's performance. What tools can be used to collect and analyze data on a social media campaign? Choose TWO of the following:

-Woopra -Google Analytics

You are responsible for creating a new email campaign and have just completed the work to define the campaign requirements. What is the next step in the email campaign creation process? Choose ONE of the following:

-Write the email copy.

Which are examples of the MVP concept being applied to digital marketing campaigns? Choose TWO of the following:

-You strip back a marketing idea for your clothing range to its most essential constituent parts -You post a 'factoid' to Twitter to gauge reaction before commissioning a video shoot

You can create a simple website using a content management system like WordPress, Magento, or Shopify. Put the steps for building a basic website in order, beginning with the first step.

1. Choose a hosting provider, CMS, and domain name 2. Install CMS and website plugins 3. Format website plugins and design theme 4. Add website tracking and analytics 5. Add pages and content 6. Test and launch 6. Monitor for bugs as needed

Google Analytics collects data about visitors to websites using cookies. Put the steps that enable Google Analytics to track a visitor's browser session into the correct order, beginning with the first step.

1. Google Analytics code is implemented on each web page 2. The tracking code is executed every time the page loads 3. A temporary or persistent cookie is dropped onto the user's browser 4. Session data is sent to Google and processed by the analytics tool 5. The cookie expires after the browser session finishes

How do you measure valuable click actions generated on a website using Google Ads?

-Add conversion tracking

You have clicked the 'Upload' icon at the top of your YouTube page, set your privacy settings to public, and selected a video from your computer to upload. What is the next step to successfully upload your video to YouTube?

-Edit basic information

PPC advertising, by its nature, needs to work within a budget. What are the basic principles for setting a budget and configuring bids for paid advertising in Google Ads?

-A budget is the amount you are willing to spend each day on a specific campaign A bid is the amount you are willing to pay for a click -Setting a higher bid can improve the position of your ad in a SERP

You can create and manage a display campaign in Google Ads. What setting in Google Ads can you apply to a display campaign to control the days and times your ads will be shown to your audience?

-Ad scheduling

When you integrate Google Ads with Google Analytics, you can uncover valuable information about your paid search activities. What insights can you develop using the Google Ads report in Google Analytics? Choose TWO of the following:

-Find information on click costs -Identify high-performing times of day

The Audience tab in Google Analytics contains a number of different reports on the visitors that come to your website. What types of insights can you develop on your website's visitors using the Audience reports? Choose TWO of the following:

-Language and location -Affinity categories and interests

You can use different buying mechanisms for display and video advertising. Which buying mechanism is priced on a cost-per-day basis and is typically used by larger advertisers because it incurs high costs?


When it comes to the design, construction, maintenance, and optimization of websites, marketers are involved in many different tasks. What are some of these tasks? Choose TWO of the following:

-Setting branding guidelines -Ensuring all website analytics and tracking tools are set up correctly

To increase sales, it's important to capture the email addresses of leads and prospective customers, and target them with relevant emails. What sources should you explore to collect additional information about new leads and potential customers? Choose TWO of the following:

-Social media channels -Sales and customer service reps

Google Ads is an advertising service provided by Google. What do you need to set up a Google Ads account for a business that wants to advertise on Google?

-A log in account for Google -A website address for the business you want to advertise

Improving quality score is the most cost-effective way to improve the ranking of a page for a given search term. What factors help determine how Google ranks a landing page for quality score?

-Ad relevance to keywords -Device optimization -Page speed

You need a realistic budget to successfully implement a digital marketing strategy. What are the key factors to consider when developing an effective budget plan for a digital strategy? Choose TWO of the following:

-Ad spend allocation -Objectives

You can use the Events reports in Google Analytics to develop insights into how users are interacting with your website and content. What actions do you need to take before using the Events reports? Choose TWO of the following:

-Add additional code to any website elements you want to track -Configure the eventCategory and eventAction variables

It's important to optimize your display and video campaigns to ensure you achieve your goals and objectives. What steps can you take to optimize your display and video campaigns? Choose TWO of the following:

-Adjust ad scheduling -Amend targeting

Ad Groups help marketers manage thematically linked campaigns. What search campaign elements are entered using Ad Groups in Google Ads?

-Ads -Keywords -Manual Bids

Marketers can gain a number of benefits by linking a Google Analytics account to other Google marketing tools. What are some of those benefits? Choose TWO of the following:

-Allows you assess the value of channels in more detail -Increases the amount of data available

Which statements best align with agile thinking principles relevant to marketers? Choose TWO of the following:

-Assemble the project team on a daily basis to discuss progress -Recognize that the best work emerges from self-organized teams

You can use various metrics to track the effectiveness of your campaigns across all channels. What metrics are typically used to measure the level of success for digital marketing activities? Choose TWO of the following:

-Average sale cost -Revenue per lead

You can generate a number of different reports in Google Analytics. Which report can help you make decisions about how to improve the content and overall user journey on a website to drive users more effectively towards a conversion? Choose ONE of the following:

-Behavior Flow

Marketing automation uses software to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending out confirmation or thank-you emails. What are the benefits of using marketing-automation tools? Choose TWO of the following:

-Better results from more frequent testing -More time for other marketing projects

There are many bidding options available on the Google Display Network. Which bidding approach allows you to increase or decrease the bid amount for a specific targeting method and can be set at the campaign level for time of day, specific days, location, and/or device? Choose ONE of the following:

-Bid adjustment

You need to ensure you have the resources you need to implement your digital strategy. What are the core elements in a resource map developed to support a digital strategy? Choose TWO of the following:

-Budget -Timelines

You can use a number of different ad formats when advertising on YouTube. Which YouTube ad format can be up to six seconds long and can't be skipped?



-Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. It requires marketers to obtain permission from a user before they may send marketing material via email or SMS.

You can customize the layout of your YouTube channel to make it more engaging and to encourage viewers to watch your videos. What elements can you add to customize your YouTube channel?

-Channel icon -Channel art

You can create different kinds of video ads to run on YouTube and Google Ads. What actions should you take when creating a skippable in-stream ad for these platforms? Choose TWO of the following:

-Choose a thumbnail -Write ad copy

You can use an Email Service Provider or ESP to manage your email campaigns. What features and capabilities does an ESP typically offer? Choose TWO of the following:

-Contact database management -Automated emails

Targeting allows you to place your ads in front of the right people and on the right websites. What type of targeting focuses on where you want video and display ads to be shown? Choose ONE of the following:


In Google Ads, you can opt out of showing your ads alongside certain categories of content that may be unsuitable for your brand. What setting can be selected in Google Ads to ensure an ad appears on a site that is free, for example, from profanity and rough language? Choose ONE of the following:

-Content exclusions

Web analytics involves the collection, measurement, and analysis of website data. What types of insights do web analytics tools provide for digital marketers? Choose TWO of the following:

-Content performance -Source of traffic


-Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing. This is a law that established certain mandatory opt-out practices and requires email senders to clearly identify themselves.

The KPIs you track should reflect the business's goals and how they can be achieved. What KPIs are typically used to measure the success of paid search campaigns?

-Conversion traffic -Awareness -Brand searches

Effective paid search ads drive higher conversion rates and lower the cost-per-click for advertisers. What are best practices for creating effective ads that connect with a searcher's intent?

-Create copy aligned to the keyword list and include the company brand in all adverts -Craft and include a compelling call-to-action -Use Ad Extensions to provide store locations, prices, and additional product context

You are about to launch a new email campaign but before you do, you want to test how different colors on the CTA button will perform. What are the A/B testing practices you should follow? Choose TWO of the following:

-Create only two variations of the element you are testing. -Test early and often.

You can apply various themes when crafting a subject line for your email, to make it more enticing to recipients. What theme has been applied to this subject line? 'Want to know how to create amazing social ads?' Choose ONE of the following:


You can use the various tools available in YouTube Studio to manage and improve your YouTube content. How can you use YouTube Studio to enhance your videos?

-Cut out sections from the middle of a video -Trim the start and end of videos

You are setting up a Google Analytics account to report on PPC and display campaigns. What setting needs to be configured when reviewing data from Google Ads and Google Search Console? Choose ONE of the following:

-Data sharing

When advertising on the Google Display Network (GDN), there are different campaign types available to advertisers. What campaign type matches your banner ads to websites that include content related to your business or to your customers' interests?

-Display Network Only

It's important that the videos you upload to your YouTube channel follow best practices, and are effective and engaging. Which questions should you ask yourself before uploading any video to your channel?

-Does the video attract attention from the start? -Does the video connect with the viewer through emotion and storytelling?

Display and video advertising are awareness-generating digital channels. What are the key benefits of using display and video advertising in your marketing strategy?

-Drives frequency of exposure -Increases brand reach

Remarketing can be a valuable component of a display and video advertising campaign. Which remarketing option in Google Ads enables you to show ads for specific products or services to people who have previously viewed these items on your website? Choose ONE of the following:

-Dynamic remarketing


-EU's General Data Protection Regulation. It requires strict user data and permission practices in relation to the collection and use of Personally Identifiable Information.

Google Analytics is the most commonly used analytics tool. What are the benefits of using the standard version of Google Analytics? Choose TWO of the following:

-Easy to implement and install -Free of charge

Well-written ad copy drives more clicks on PPC ads. What are best practices when creating PPC ad copy?

-Effective ad copy can contain a number of keywords and a directional CTA -Use ad extensions to provide additional context for the product or service -Headlines must be 30 characters or less

There are four default goal templates to choose from when setting up goals in Google Analytics. What goal template should you use to track video plays or content sharing on your site? Choose ONE of the following:


You can use different reports in YouTube Analytics to analyze the performance of your video content. Which report in YouTube Analytics provides information on your subscribers and the performance of your annotations?


Your life-coaching website targets an older audience who wish to change careers in middle age or later life. What design methods can you use to improve the user experience on your site? Choose TWO of the following:

-Ensure your phone number and address are clearly visible, in case people want to interact with you offline -Use larger font sizes and bigger headers in your web content

Managing how much you pay for a click in a Google Ads bid auction is critical to optimizing a PPC campaign. What key factors help determine how much you pay for a click in Google Ads?

-Estimated CTR of your landing page -Quality score and max CPC bid of competitors -Quality score of your landing page

Google Analytics contains a number of key features that marketers should be familiar with. What feature in Google Analytics enables you to enhance reporting accuracy by classifying and segmenting visitors, and removing unwanted traffic? Choose ONE of the following:


You can use the various Conversion reports in Google Analytics to find out if you are meeting, exceeding, or missing your KPIs. Which report highlights parts of the conversion process that can be improved on to enhance the user journey and increase conversion rates? Choose ONE of the following:

-Funnel Visualization

You can create an online presence for your company or brand without even having a website. What are some effective ways of creating an online presence? Choose TWO of the following:

-Get listed on Google Maps. -Create a social media profile.

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