Exam 3 zoo 141

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Which of the labeled structures in the diagram serve as attachment sites for tendons of the shoulder muscles?

A, C, D, E

b and f

Which two panels in the figure show a movement of a bone away from the midline of the body?

synovial joint

Which type of joint permits this type of movement? 1. Synovial joint 2. Cartilaginous joint 3. Fibrous joint

Which of the following is a correct description of arthroplasty?

c) surgically replacing a joint with an artificial joint

largest of the tarsal bones is the


Which of the following two minerals are needed in large quantities when bones are growing?

calcium and phosphorous

Which two minerals are stored in major quantities in bone tissue?

calcium and phosphorus

What are the extracellular fluid filled extensions of the lacunae called?


Which of following bones is NOT a tarsal bone?


Which is not a function of the skeletal system?

carbohydrate storage

When bones increase in thickness (diameter) as an individual grows to adulthood, which tissue or cells of the bone begin this growth process?

cells of the periosteum differentiating into osteoblasts

A child has learned how to draw circles in the air by moving the distal end of the index (pointing) finger while holding the rest of his hand still. What type of movement is this?


Which type of movement involves a continuous sequence of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction resulting in a distal body part moving in a circle?


This is the anterior bone that articulates with the manubrium of the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint.


Which of the following bones is NOT part of the axial skeleton?


Which is secreted by osteoblasts during bone deposition?

collagen fibers

An elderly woman trips and falls. She puts out her hand to try to stop her fall, and ends up with a fracture of the lower arm. An x-ray shows that at the break, many pieces of bone have a splintered and fragmented appearance. Which type of fracture does this woman have?

comminuted fracture

Which of the following is NOT a major function of the skeletal system?


Which of the following regions of bone would not undergo bone remodeling as frequently as the other regions?

compact bone

Like other _____, bone tissue contains an abundant extracellular matrix that surrounds widely separated cells.

connective tissues

A prominent ridge or elongated projection on a bone is called a


which part of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium?

d: anterior medial

What structure in the diagram is the only place on a long bone NOT covered by the periosteum?


Which illustration and radiograph in the figure shows a Pott's fracture?


Which labeled structure in the figure is an osteocyte?


Which layer of hyaline cartilage allows the diaphysis to grow in length?

epiphyseal plate

Where could red marrow be found in adult bones?


Which region of a long bone articulates with other bones?


Which is not a function of calcium in the body?

epithelium function

anterior to sphenoid posterior to nasal contains foramina for the olfactory cranial nerve


Which cranial or facial bone has the cribriform plate, a porous structure through which the olfactory nerves pass into the nasal cavity?

ethmoid bone

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting range of motion of a joint?


Which of the following structures include the fibular and tibial collateral ligaments of the knee joint?

extracapsular ligaments

The medial and lateral condyles are distal features of which bone of the lower limb?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of bones of the lower limb, from proximal to distal ends?

femur, patella (kneecap), tibia and fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

What type of joint connects teeth to their bony sockets?


A gomphosis is which type of joint?

fibrous and a syndesmosis

An occipital bone is a ______ bone.


what type of bone is the scapula?


what type of bone is the occipital bone?

flat bone

Bones that are generally thin and composed of two nearly parallel plates of compact bone tissue enclosing a layer of spongy bone tissue are

flat bones

Bending the trunk f0rwArd at the intervertebral discs is an example of what type of angular movement?


A body builder is doing curls, a type of arm exercise, with hand weights. In a curl, the body builder bends his arm and brings the weight closer to his or her shoulder. What type of movement is this?


Nodding head "yes" center to front as if letting the chin tough the chest is what type of movement?


Which of the following represents a type of movement where there is a decrease in the angle between articulating bones?


Which of the following is a type of angular movement?

flexion extension abduction adduction *all of these are examples of angular movement

An opening or hole in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves and ligaments pass is called a:


Near the center of the diaphysis, the nutrient artery and vein pass through a hole in the compact bone called the nutrient ________.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in the repair of a bone fracture?

fracture hematoma, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation, bone remodeling

Which of the following phases of fracture repair includes fibroblasts making new collagen fibers?




In the pelvic girdle, the two hip bones unite posteriorly with the sacrum to form the __________ joint.


Flexion and extension usually occur along which plane?


Which of the following bones of the wrist is more likely to be fractured when a person puts out their hand to break their fall?


Which of the following bones is located in the posterior thorax between the levels of second and seventh vertebrae?


Which of the following bones articulate at the glenohumeral joint?

scapula and humerus

Which condition is characterized by a lateral bending of the vertebral column in the thoracic region?


Bursae are saclike structures that are commonly found between bone and

skin. muscle. ligaments. tendons. *all the other answer selections.*

axis down the body

skull, thoracic cage, spinal cord

"keystone" articulates with every other cranial bone


The sella turcica is a feature of which bone? It also has a depression that provides a bony enclosure for the pituitary gland.

sphenoid bone

Which bone articulates with all other cranial bones and provides stability to the cranial floor.

sphenoid bone

Which of the following is not a function of synovial fluid?

to maintain a sterile environment within the joint cavity

Compact bone is composed of units called osteons. In contrast, spongy bone is composed of _____.


The tubercle found on the neck of a rib articulates with a facet found on the

transverse process of a thoracic vertebra.

Which of the following substances are stored in the structure of adult bones for use by other tissues in the body?

triglycerides phosphorous iron *more than one of these substances is stored in bone calcium

Which of the following structures on the ulna receives the trochlea of the humerus?

trochlear notch

Disuse of a limb, like would occur when the limb is in a cast, leads to muscular atrophy and _____ of the affected joint.

decreased range of motion

A common facial expression which indicates shock or surprise is when one's mouth drops open. The chin drops and the mouth opens wide. What type of movement is this (hint: it occurs at the temporomandibular joint)?


What is another name for the shaft of a long bone?


Which functional class of joints contains joints that are freely movable? 1. Synarthrosis 2. Amphiarthrosis 3. Diarthrosis


In the diagram, where is the olfactory foramina?


In the diagram, where is the palatine bone?


In the diagram, which bone is considered the keystone of the cranial floor?


Which of the following bone markings on the scapula is an indentation into which the head of the humerus fits?

glenoid cavity

Where is the vertebral body?


Which of following selections lists bone cells in the order from unspecialized stem cell to highly specialized mature bone cell?

osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes

______ is a basic structural cylinder-like unit of compact bones.


A highly vascularized and innervated tough connective tissue sheath that covers the external surface of bones, and contains osteoprogenitor cells is called:


What is the fibrous covering on the surface of bone that is involved in thickening of the bone called?


The altlanto-axial joint that permits us to shake head "no" in what type of joint?


What are the three correct components of the nasal septum?

vomer, septal cartilage, and perpendicular plate of ethmoid

With aging, bones can become more brittle. This brittleness is due to which factor?

with aging, there is a reduction in collagen synthesis by osteoblasts, which means a loss of tensile strength

Which feature goes with the knee joint?

zona orbicularis radial annular ligament acetabular labrum *medial and lateral menisci* glenoid labrum

Which structure in the image below represents an osteon, the structural unit of compact bone?

(entire round portion)

Which of the bone features listed below contribute to the elbow joint?

*1 capitulum *2 head of the radius *3 trochlear notch of the ulna *4 trochlea 5 olecranon

Which bone is NOT a part of a knee joint?

*A. fibula B. tibia C. patella D. femur

Which bone is the flat bone? short bone?

a b

Which of the following is not a characteristic of fontanels?

*fontanels are important areas where oxygen can pass through to the developing brain in infancy* -fontanels allow the head to expand in size to accommodate the brain growth that occurs in the first two years of life fontanels allow the skull to change shape during the passage of the infant though the birth -canal, and then allow the skull to regain its shape following birth -infants are usually born with six major fontanels (though he or she may have some smaller ones), all of which will ossify and become incorporated into the bones of the skull in two years or less -fontanels will become ossified by intramembranous ossification

Which of the following is not a hole or other kind of opening through a bone?

*fossa* foramen meatus fissure

In terms of bone health, why would a physician advise an older patient to do more weight bearing activity such as walking, jogging, or use of moderate weights?

-it promotes normal bone remodeling -osteoblasts deposit more minerals salts and collagen fibers as a response to mechanical stress -being sedentary (not physically active) -promotes bone loss through resorption by osteoclasts -bone formation in stressed bones is stimulated by the tug of muscles (when exercising)

Articular discs 1. maintain the stability of a joint. 2. direct flow of the synovial fluid to areas of greatest friction. 3. are made of hyaline cartilage. 4. are only found in the vertebral column.

1 and 2

Which of the following structures is used to reduce friction in joints? 1. Bursae 2. Synovial fluid 3. Accessory ligaments 4. Elastic fibers

1 and 2

Which of the following types of joints do NOT have a synovial cavity? 1. Fibrous joints 2. Cartilaginous joints 3. Synovial joints

1 and 2

Which distal feature(s) of the humerus articulate with the proximal head of the radius? 1 capitulum 2 radial fossa 3 trochlea

1 and 2 only

Which bones form the acetabulum? 1 ilium 2 ischium 3 pubis

1 ilium 2 ischium 3 pubis

Which of the following types of joints lacks a joint cavity and is held together by a fibrous connective tissue? 1. Fibrous joints 2. Cartilaginous joints 3. Synovial joints

1 only

A person who has what is often called head cold will have difficulty breathing through their nose and will notice that their voice sounds different from when they don't have a cold. Which aspect of the functions of the paranasal sinuses helps explain this? 1. swelling of mucous membrane, and congestion from overproduction of mucus within the sinuses reduces the flow of air through the sinuses, giving that stuffy feeling 2. the air being warmed in the sinuses is becoming overly warmed and dried from fever, affecting the voice 3. congested sinuses result in smaller spaces for the voice to resonate (echo), so the voice sounds different than it normally does


How many phalanges are in each hand?


Which of the following is a type of fibrous joint composed of a thin layer of dense irregular fibrous connective tissue found between the bones of the skull? 1. Syndesmoses 2. Gomphosis 3. Suture

3 only

Which is the proper sequence of steps in the healing of a fracture (the steps are listed below but are not in the correct sequence of events): 1 osteoblasts form trabecular bone that joins together the fractured ends of the bone and bony callus replaces fibrocartilage callus 2 bone remodeling occurs and compact bone replaces the spongy bone around the periphery of the fracture site 3 fibroblasts and chondrocytes from the periosteum form the fibrocartilage callus 4 a fracture hematoma forms and bone cells in the region of the fracture die 5 phagocytes and osteoclasts begin to remove the dead cells and damaged tissue around the hematoma

4, 5, 3, 1, 2 4- fracture hematoma forms and bone cells in the region of the fracture die 5- phagocytes and osteoclasts begin to remove the dead cells and damaged tissue around the 3- fibroblasts and chondrocytes from the periosteum form the fibrocartilage callus 1- osteoblasts form trabecular bone that joins together the fractured ends of the bone and bony callus replaces fibrocartilage callus 2- bone remodeling occurs and compact bone replaces the spongy bone around the periphery of the fracture site

In the diagram of the humerus, this structure receives the head of the radius when the forearm is flexed.


Which bone cell in the diagram below is an osteogenic cell?


Which of the labeled structures in the diagram are fragments of older osteons that have been partially destroyed during bone rebuilding or growth?


Which of the following labeled structures in the diagram is a site of red blood cell production in adult bones?

A (at top and bottom)

The effect of aging result in

A. a decreased production of synovial fluid. B. a thinner articular cartilage. C. shorter and less flexible ligaments. *D. all of the above.*

All synovial joints:

A. are enclosed by an articular capsule. B. contain a cavity filled with synovial fluid between articulating bones. C. are diarthrosis. D. all of the above are correct.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a cartilaginous joint?

A. pubic symphysis B. intervertebral disks C. epiphyseal growth plate D. interosseous membrane

hich ligament limits hyperextension of the knee and prevents the anterior sliding of the tibia on the femur?

Anterior cruciate ligament

The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the


In the diagram of the ulna and radius, where is the radial tuberosity?


In the diagram, where is the trabeculae?


What type of bone cell starts forming the bone matrix?


Which of the labeled structures in the diagram are circumferential lamellae?


Which of the structures in the image below represents concentric lamellae, the layers of mineralized extracellular matrix in bone tissue?


where is the articular cartilage located?


Where is the epiphyseal vein? part 2: nutrient artery


Which of the following is NOT a function of joints? A. Joints allow our body parts to bend. B. Joints produce movement. C. Joints hold bones together. D. All of the above are the functions of joints.

B. Joints produce movement

In which region of the diagram would you find the medullary cavity?


Which bone cell in the diagram below is a mature bone cell that helps maintain bone tissue?


What is inflammation of one or more costal cartilage called?


In the diagram of the humerus, where is the trochlea?


Where in the figure is the periosteum located?


Which bone cell in the diagram below is an osteoclast?


Which of the labeled structures in the diagram is formed as the result of cartilage being replaced by bone after the cessation of bone growth?


Which structure in the image below is one of a series of *small channels* that connect adjacent osteocytes with each other and with central canals. These canals allow nutrients, oxygen, and wastes to be properly routed even when a cell isn't immediately next to a blood vessel?


Which of the following is not considered a "special movement" that occurs at only certain joints?

Depression Protraction Elevation Supination *All of these are special movements*

Which special movement occurs when you bend your foot at the ankle in the direction of the foot's superior surface as would occur when you stand on your heels?


Which of the following is the correct term for the knee joint?

tibiofemoral joint

In the diagram, where is the central (Haversian) canal?


Where in the diagram is the endosteum located?


Which of the structures in the image below is a tissue that *protects bone surfaces*, assists in healing fractures, stabilizes the entry and exit points of blood vessels associated with bone tissue, and provides a firm attachment site for tendons and ligaments?


1 the head of the femur is completely replaced by a prosthesis 2 the acetabulum is replaced by an artificial acetabulum 3 part of the shaft of the femur is replaced

Examine the sequence of images below. These show a total hip replacement. Why is this arthroplastic procedure considered a total replacement, and not partial?

Which gender shows the coccyx pointed inferiorly?


The lateral malleolus is found on the distal end of what bone?


In the diagram of the wrist and hand, where is the capitate bone?


Where in the figure is spongy bone located?


Which of the following labeled structures in the diagram stores triglycerides in adult bones?


Which of the labeled structures in the diagram are composed of trabeculae, which are bony structures that lack osteons?


Which type of motion results from relatively flat bone surfaces moving back and forth and from side to side with respect to one another?


Which of the following diseases is characterized by sodium urate crystals being deposited in the soft tissues of joints?

Gouty arthritis

Which of the following is a structural category of synovial joints?

Hinge Planar Condyloid Saddle *all of the above

Which of the following is a factor affecting range of motion of a joint?

Hormones Structure of articulating bones Tension of the muscles Disuse


Identify bone "F" in figure

occipital condyl

Identify structure "D" in figure:

inferior process/facet

Identify structure "F" in figure:

synovial membrane

Identify the structure on this image labeled C.

In the standard anatomical position, the _____ is the bone of the pelvis found the most superior.



In the diagram of the wrist and hand, where is the trapezoid bone?


In the diagram, what represents a pivot joint?


In the diagrams of the pelvis, where is the ischial tuberosity?


In the figure, what represents a saddle joint?

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of synovial joints?

Include elastic cartilage

Which of the following statements about bone remodeling is FALSE?

It occurs at a faster rate in compact bone than spongy bone.

Which of the vertebrae listed below would be the largest and strongest vertebra in adult humans?


Which of the following bones contains a sac that collects tears and passes them into the nasal cavity?


Which of the structures listed below is NOT part of the knee joint?

Lateral malleolus of the fibula

Which of the following is the largest foramen in the human skeleton?

Obturator foramen

What bone marking found on the second cervical vertebra projects superiorly into the anterior portion of the vertebral foramen of the atlas?

Odontoid process

The type of bone fracture characterized by the broken ends of the bone protruding through the skin is known as a(n)

Open (compound) fracture

Which of the following is a degenerative joint disease in which joint cartilage is gradually lost due to a combination of aging, obesity, wear and abrasion of the joints?



Which structure in the pelvis is where the longest nerve in the body passes?

Which of the following activities has the greatest effect on bone remodeling and bone deposition?

RUNNING and jumping

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Sella turcica is a bony depression found in this cranial bone.


The pituitary gland is contained in a depression found in this cranial bone.


What is the function of the pelvic girdle?

Support for vertebral column. Attachment site for lower limbs. Attachment site for gluteal muscles. Attachment site for lower limbs and for gluteal muscles. +All of these choices are correct.

The epiphyseal plate in a long bone is an example of which type of joint?


Which of the following statements is NOT true with regard to bones of the skull?

The bones of the skull contain foramina but no fissures.

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding the male and female pelves? acetabulum pectilineal line lesser sciatic notch pubic symphysis ischial tuberosity ilium and ischium ilium and pubis the anterior edge of the acetabulum and the pubis the ischium and pubis the ilium, ischium, and pubis The angle of the female pubic arch is greater than that of the male. The female obturator foramen is oval, whereas that of the male is round. The female pelvic inlet is heartshaped and smaller than that of the male, which is larger and more oval. The female pelvis is more flexible than that of the male. The male false (greater) pelvis is deeper than that of the female.

The female pelvic inlet is heartshaped and smaller than that of the male, which is larger and more oval.

Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to the human hand?

There are 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 14 phalanges

What is the purpose of the nucleus pulposus region of intervertebral discs?

To help absorb vertical shock to the spinal column


Trapezoid bone

This is a spoolshaped process on distal end of the humerus that is found medial to the capitulum and articulates with the ulna.



What type of joint is shown in the diagram?


What type of joint is shown in the diagram?


Which of the following labeled panels in the figure shows extension?


Which of the following labeled panels in the figure shows flexion?


Which of the following types of movement is shown in diagram E?

b and c

Which of the joints shown in the figure is classified as a monaxial joint?


Which of the joints shown in the figure is classified as a multiaxial joint?


Which of the joints shown in the figure only permits back and forth and sidetoside movements between the articulating bones?


Which of the joints shown in the figure represents a condyloid joint?


Which of the panels in the figure shows a movement called lateral flexion?

This fontanel usually closes within 18 to 24 months after birth.


Which structure in the diagram is the superior articular process?


Where in the diagram can you find red bone marrow in an adult?

a and b

Which of the following could contribute to a decreased range of motion if a person wore a cast for several weeks which prohibited movement at a particular joint, such as the elbow?

a decrease in synovial fluid thus reducing the lubrication of the joint muscle atrophy thus resulting in weakness in the muscles that would move and stabilize the joint reduced flexibility of the tendons and ligaments at the joint *all of these could be contributing factors none of these are factors that would limit range of motion

Gravity and the pull of muscles against bone are the main mechanical stresses experienced by bone. Stress promotes deposition of mineral salts, collagen, and the strengthening of bone in stressed areas. Which of the following individuals would have a lower rate of bone deposition and would therefore be at greater risk for bone loss through bone resorption?

a secretary who works at a desk job and does not do any regular weight-bearing exercise

Lifting the leg away from the midline laterally is what type movement?


Moving the humerus laterally at the shoulder joint is an example of which type of movement?


The head of the femur articulates with what feature of the hip bones to form the hip (coxal) joint?


Which of the following tissues could be found on or within a bone, such as the humerus?

adipose tissue nervous tissue cartilage osseous tissue

Which statement about the vertebral column is correct?

an adult has fewer vertebrae (26) than a child (33) thoracic and sacral curves are primary curves (present at birth) lumbar and cervical curves are secondary curves (develop after birth) the sacrum and coccyx are made of individual vertebrae that later fuse *all of these are correct statements about the vertebral column*

The hard sharp ridge of the shin that can easily be felt below the skin is the

anterior border (crest) of the tibia.

The __ has 126 bones

appendicular skeleton

arches of the foot

are formed by metatarsal and tarsal bones

the arches of the foot

are formed by metatarsal and tarsal bones

Which structure reduces friction between bones involved in a joint?

articular cartilage

Another term for menisci is

articular discs


articulates with the clavicle and the humerus

The ____ has 80 bones.

axial skeleton

In the diagram, where is the perpendicular plate?


Where in the diagram is the metaphysis?


Which labeled structures in the figure are lamellae?


ethmoidal sinuses


Which of the cervical vertebrae contain a unique process that is responsible for the ability to move your head from side to side signifying "no"? "yes"?

b a

Which of the labeled structures in the image of the vertebra and short section of the vertebral column below would serve as attachment sites for muscles?

b and d

Which type of joint permits rotation in the shoulder and hip joints?

ball and socket

Shoulder and hip joints are examples of which type of synovial joint?

ballandsocket joint

Which type of joint confers the greatest range of motion?

ballandsocket joint

The carpometacarpal joint consists of the

base of metacarpal bones and distal row of carpal bones.

In the diagram, where is the foramen ovale?


Which labeled structures in the figure are canaliculi?


The image below is demonstrating a type of movement at the wrist. This movement could be seen in the waving gesture made by a beauty queen on a parade float, or by a real queen, such as Her Majesty Elizabeth II waving from the balcony at Buckingham Palace. What type of movement is this?

gliding movement

Which type of fracture is considered a partial fracture and is only seen in children?


Which of the following carpal bones is named for its large hookshaped projection on its anterior surface?


Which of the following is NOT present in a spongy bone structure?

haversian canals

Which condition is the protrusion of the nucleus pulposus posteriorly or into one of the adjacent vertebral bodies in the vertebral column?

herniated disc

While the bones of this joint may fracture, they rarely become dislocated. The articular capsule and accessory ligaments of this joint make it one of the strongest structures in the body.

hip joint

Which bone articulates with the scapula at the glenoid cavity?


Which of the following bones articulates with the scapula?


The glenohumeral joint is formed by articulation of the

humerus and scapula.



Which of the following bones is the largest of the three bones that make up the hip bone?




A condyloid joint

is considered to be biaxial. is also called an ellipsoidal joint. can be found in the wrist. *all of these choices.* allows both flexion-extension and abduction-adduction of the joint.

You are given a case study to work on in the laboratory. You are given two different bony pelves to examine. You are told one is female and one is male. Your group notices that one of the pelves has a wide greater sciatic notch (nearly 90°), and that the angle of the pubic arch is greater than 90°. What does your group conclude about this pelvis?

it is a female pelvis

What is the function of the interosseous membrane between the ulna and radius?

joins the shafts of two bones

This joint is the largest and most complex of the body, and consists of three joints contained within its synovial cavity.

knee joint

Which condition is characterized by an increase in the thoracic curve of the vertebral column?


Once osteoblasts have surrounded themselves with the extracellular matrix of bone tissue, they remain inside little chambers called __________ where they carry on the metabolic functions that maintain bone tissue. At this point, the cells are called osteocytes.


Which of the following structures contain osteocytes?


In comparison to the male pelvis, the female pelvis is NOT

larger in the acetabulum

which is the only part of the clavicle that articulates with the scapula?


Which of the following markings is located on the medial side of the femur?

lesser trochanter

Which of the following is(are) made from dense regular connective tissue?


Which of the following would not be a common occurrence at joints due to aging?

ligaments become stretched and lengthen

When classified according to shape, the humerus, femur, and radius are all called ________ bones. Use the image below to help in determining the answer.


Which condition is characterized by an increase or exaggeration of the lumbar curve of the vertebral column?


The distal end of the radius articulates with which three bones of the wrist? 1 lunate 2 capitate 3 scaphoid 4 triquetrum 5 hamate

lunate, scaphoid, triquetrum 1,3,4

lacks a paranasal sinus


The clavicle articulates with which of the following structures to form the sternoclavicular joint?


The hormone relaxin stimulates changes that lead to increased range of motion in the

pubic symphysis.

The hollow, cylindrical space within the diaphysis that contains fatty, yellow bone marrow in adults is called the

medullary cavity

Some synovial joints contain special crescentshaped pads that provide additional shock absorption, and provide for a better fit between the articulating surfaces of the bones. These special pads are called __________.


In which region of a long bone, such as the humerus, would you find the epiphyseal plate (growth plate)?


What is the region of long bone found between the diaphysis and the epiphysis called?


Which of the joints shown in the figure is classified as a biaxial joint?

more than one selection is correct

Calcium is involved in all of the following important body functions EXCEPT

muscle contraction. acting as a cofactor in some enzymatic reactions. *being the primary cation that regulates osmotic balance in cells.* blood clotting. nervous system communication.

Which of the bones below is not part of a pair of bones?

nasal *sphenoid parietal zygomatic temporal



Which of the following is a function of calcium in the body?

nerve cells require extracellular calcium ions (Ca2+) for proper functioning Ca2+ is a cofactor needed for many enzymes to function properly Ca2+ is required for the process of blood clotting Ca2+ is needed by muscle cells for contraction

What forms the prominence (point) of the elbow?


Which special movement involves moving your thumb across the palm to touch the tips of the fingers on the same hand?


The process of bone formation is referred to as ____.


Which of the following conditions results when the articular cartilages in a joint degenerate to the point where the bony ends of articulating bones touch?


Which of the following are considered to be bone-building cells?


Which is formed from the fusion of as many as 50 monocytes (a type of white blood cell)?


What are bone-dissolving cells called?


______ resorb (break down) the extracellular matrix of bone tissue.


Which represents the correct sequence of development of bone cells?

osteogenic cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes

part of the axial skeleton

palatine and zygomatic

How are osteons in compact bone tissue aligned?

parallel to the length of the diaphysis.

Which bone develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle and protects the knee joint?


In which type of synovial joint does a rounded or pointed surface on one bone articulate with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament?

pivot joint

The radioulnar joint allows a person to turn their hands so that the palms face anteriorly (as in anatomical position) or to face posteriorly. The radioulnar joint is an example of what type of synovial joint?

pivot joint

Which of the followings structures is not found in the foot?


What type of special movement occurs in your clavicles at your acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints when you cross your arms in front of your body?


The coxal bones unite anteriorly at a joint called the

pubic symphysis

Which joint consists of a fibrocartilage pad that joins the two pubic bones anteriorly?

pubic symphysis

A condition in which a muscle or muscle and tendon is stretched or partially torn is called


Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the type of movement and range of motion possible at a synovial joint?

strength and tension of the joint ligaments. structure of the articulating bones. arrangement and tension of the muscles. hormones. use of the joint.

Stan is a 35 year old man who is a dedicated long distance runner. He spends hours every week running along neighborhood streets. Recently Stan has had to go to the doctor due to pain in his lower legs that intensifies when he tries to run. There is no swelling or obvious damage, so he is surprised to hear the doctor say he has a fracture of his tibia. Stan is most likely to have which type of fracture?

stress fracture

Which factors help to keep the articular surfaces in contact and affect the range of motion?

structure or shape of articular bones strength and tension (tautness) of the joint ligaments arrangement and tension of the muscles contact of soft parts *all of these choices

The hyoid bone is suspended by ligaments and muscle that extend from the _____ of the temporal bone.

styloid process

flip hand


The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are connected by pads of fibrocartilage (the intervertebral discs). The articulations between adjacent vertebrae are called __________.


In which of the following types of joints are the bones that are held together by cartilage, with no synovial cavity?


A suture joint in an adult fits into which functional joint classification?


Because it is an immovable joint, the sagittal suture, which joins the two parietal bones of the skull, is classified as a _______.


Sutures are immovable joints between the skull bones categorized as ______.


A fibrous joint in which there is a greater distance between the articulating surfaces and more dense irregular connective tissue than in a suture is called a


Based on the structural classification of joints, which of the following is a fibrous joint?


A joint in which there is a complete fusion of two separate bones into one bone is called a


Most of the freely movable joints of the body could be classified both structurally and functionally as __________.

synovial and diarthroses

Which of the following tarsal bones transfers the weight of the body to the other bones of the foot?


Which bones form the talocrural (ankle) joint?

talus, tibia, fibula

what forms the inferior later aspects of the cranium and part of the cranial floor


Which bones form the zygomatic arch?

temporal and zygomatic

Which bone includes an opening for the ear canal (the external auditory meatus) and articulates with the mandible?

temporal bone

The medial and lateral epicondyles are found on the distal end of the humerus and are used for

tendon attachment

Which of the following is NOT an anatomical component of the elbow?

tendon of the biceps brachii muscle.

Which of the following is an example of a pivot joint?

the atlantoaxial joint that allows the atlas to rotate around the axis

Which of the following is an example of a uniaxial joint?

the hinge joint of the elbow

The obturator foramen is the largest foramen in the body, but is nearly completely closed by the obturator membrane (but nerves and blood vessels are still able to pass through). This foramen is formed by which structures of the pelvic girdle?

the ischium and pubis

This joint is a complex and weightbearing joint, and is the most frequently injured joint in the body. The articular surfaces of the bones do not have complementary surfaces, so the stability of the joint depends mostly on its ligaments and the muscles that move the joint.

the knee joint

Most people can see and feel the bony prominences on the medial and lateral sides of the ankles. What bone features and bones form these two prominences?

the medial malleolus of the tibia, and the lateral malleolus of the fibula

The hip joint is the joint found between

the pelvis and femur.

When walking down stairs or a steep hill, the knee is flexed. Which structure prevents the tibia from sliding too far posteriorly, and the femur from sliding too far anteriorly?

the posterior cruciate ligament

The portion of the bony pelvis that is found inferior to the pelvic brim is called

the true pelvis

About 25% of all stress fractures involve which bone?


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