American Government Unit 2

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NewsCorp owns Fox, Fox news, the film studio 21st century Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York post, among many other media holdings, NewsCorp is an example of ____ a) a wire service b) a blog service c) a fairness doctrine d) a media conglomerate

A media conglomerate

True or False: republicans generally appeal to citizens in urban america in order to increase their base of support


True or False: retrospective evaluations make incumbents less responsive to constituent demands


True or False: surveys reveal that the average american is fairly content with the federal government


True or False: the candidate who raises the most money in federal elections always wins


True or False: the federalist party and democratic-republican party were competitive during the era of good feelings


True or False: the gender gap favored Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election


True or False: the party platforms for the republicans and democrats are basically the same


True or False: the popularity of party brands for the republicans and democrats tends to be very stable over time


True or False: the principle body in each party organization is the congressional caucus


True or False: the republican party is highly centralized


True or False: the republican party reserves a number of convention delegates spots for super delegates (i.e. party elites)


True or False: the republicans have a brand name but the democrats do no


True or False: the united states has experienced a significant increase in ideological polarization in the past 30 years


True or False: the voting technology used for counting ballots does not influence election outcomes


True or False: there is evidence of voter fraud in most American elections


True or False:The media and politicians are always adversaries


True or False:The public typically demands in depth news coverage of events, especially on the internet


True or False:the equal time provision requires broadcasters to grant free on air time on any non news programming to every candidate


True or false: the top policy priorities for Americans tend to change significantly from one year to the next


Cross ownership a) is illegal in the united states b) cannot occur in the same community c) is becoming more prevalent in american d) was more common in the 19th century than in the 21 century

is becoming more prevalent in America

Attack journalism a) no longer exists b) is decreasing c) is increasing d) has not changed in 25 years

is increasing

Leaking a) is illegal b) is not illegal, in most circumstances c) results in fake news most of the time d) yields information that can never be reveled, even to a judge

is not illegal, in most circumstances

Deregulation a) is supported by owners of media companies b) has prevented media conglomerates c) has prevented cross ownership d) is supported by political liberals

is supported by owners of media companies

Public opinion a)is very predictable most of the time b) is typically a reflection of recent events c) involves a longitudinal analysis most of the time d) is entirely unpredictable all the time

is typically a reflection of recent events

Plurality voting

is very common in US house and senate elections

systemic bias in the media a) is easy to identify b) is very hard to find c) is obviously in favor of republicans d) is obviously in favor of democrats

is very hard to find

______ exists when candidates from a party tend to concentrate their campaign on issues that are priorities for members of their party a) issue ownership b) a party coalition c) party realignment d) party dealignment

issue ownership

True or False: liberal parents usually end up with conservative children


True or False: members of congress are currently responding to public opinion with regard to gun control


True or False: more than one half of all voters cast in 2016 occurred before election day


True or False: most US house and senate elections involve majority voting


True or False: most citizens are issue voters


True or False: Media coverage of politics emphasizes hard news over soft news


True or False: Most politicians do not pay much attention to polls


True or False: Most politicians scientists have concluded that journalists tend to have a definitive conservative ideological bias in the presentation of their news


True or False: Newspapers were widely read after the constitution was ratified and put into effect


True or False: Open seats are less competitive than a race in which an incumbent seeks another term


True or False: Part leaders in America can control what their members do if they are elected into office


True or False: people are more likely to approve of the president during time of economic duress


True or False: people with strong opinions frequently change their minds on political issues


True or False: push polls are designed to gauge public opinion


_____ do not allocate all of the electoral college votes to the winner of the state's popular vote

Nebraska and Maine

True or False: Some beliefs , such as party identification or ideology, can change quickly in response to external events


True or False: The internet has helped to make Americans better informed about politics


True or False: early voting has resulted in lower voter turnout


True or False: focus groups generally yield a more accurate depiction of public opinion that large scale surveys


True or False: ideological differences between the two major parties have decreased over the last 60 years


True or False: if no presidential candidate receives 270 electorate votes, the senate selects the winner


if a state has nine elected officials in the US, how many electoral votes does it have in presidential elections


Wide consumption of the news in the United States occurred initially in the a) 1830's b) 1880's c) 1920's d) 1950's


voter turnout in a primary in America rarely exceeds ____ percent of the voting age population


About _____ percent of Americans believe that global warming is a top policy priority a) 18 b) 38 c) 58 d) 78


Turnout among registered voters in presidential elections in generally around

60 percent

Typically, candidates for federal office spend about _____ percent of their budget on advertising a) 10-20 b) 30-40 c) 60-70 d) 80-90


How do group identities shape the decision someone makes when choosing between being a Republican and a Democrat a) groups identities often influence socioeconomic status... b) group identities effect one's self esteem... c) group identities influence a person's trust in government d) a person pick the party that has more members from the groups with whom the person identifies

A person picks that party that has more members from the groups with whom the person identifies

______ currently has 55 electoral votes in presidential elections


True or False: in order to have an error rate of plus or minus 3 percent, national pollsters need to survey at least 10,000 voters


Among these states, _______ has the lowest number of electoral votes possible for a state to have in presidential elections


While the _____ uses proportional allocation riles in all primaries and caucuses, the _____ uses a combination of proportional allocation and winner takes all to determine convention delegates

Democratic party; republic party

In 2016 a) super delegates nominated Trump b) Trump received the repub nomination cause party leaders supported him c) Trump received the Republican nomination in spite the fact that many party leaders opposed d) Clinton received dem nomination in spite the fact many opposed

Donald Trump received the republican nomination in spite of the fact that many party leaders opposed his candidacy

What can be learned from the 2016 presidential election

Donald Trump was able to win the republican nomination even though he spent substantially less than some of his rivals

With one of the following states about murder over the last 30 years in the United States is accurate a) the murder rate in the united states has never been higher b) the murder rate in the united states has never been lower c) drawing conclusions about the murder rate in a diverse country is a complicated task d) the medias coverage of violent crimes is always balanced

Drawing conclusions about the murder rate is a diverse country is a complicated task

True or False: internet polls are considered more credible that those that use random digit dialing, because internet polls typically rely on a more advanced method of random sampling


The fact that people are socialized into politics by their family and community means that a) they never modify their political principle b) their opinions almost never change c) very little though goes into political opinions d) events early in life can affect one's sense of civic duty into adulthood

Events early in life can affect one's sense of civic duty into adulthood

True or False: Candidates running for US senate tend to spend about one third of their budget on advertising alone


True or False: Donald Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of higher than expected voter turnout in urban communities


True or False: Leaking information to journalists by White House officials is almost always illegal


True or False: Donald Trump was a typical major party nominee in 2016


Which one of the following swing states is the most important in a presidential election


Which one of the following groups won the presidency but actually lost the popular vote

George W. Bush, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, and Donald Trump

Which one of the following is accurate about President Trump's approval rating a)he was very popular in the first year of presidency... b) his approval rating has fluctuated dramatically.... c) he is less popular than his predecessors d) he is more popular than most...

He is less popular than his predecessors

What can be deduced from this chart

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had different positions on all the selected policy issues

______ occurs when citizens define the world in a liberal-versus-conservative manner a) opinion formation b) political socialization c) ideological polarization d) political maturity

Ideological polarization

Most people in America describe themselves as a) democrats b) republicans c) independents d) libertarians


The quality and types of news sources vary most in which media format a) internet b) radio c) newspapers d) tv


In 2016_____ were the first two states holding primaries or caucuses

Iowa and New Hampshire

Which one of the following is the appropriate order of events in presidential elections

Iowa caucus, Super Tuesday, national conventions, electoral college vote

An issue scale a) is a way of measuring people's preferences b) is always biased c) offers respondents one response d) tends to be very lengthy

Is a way of measuring people's preferences

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) journalists cover the issue of gun control more after a mass shooting b) journalists consistently cover gun control... c) journalists consistently oppose gun control.... d) journalists rarely ever cover gun control...

Journalists cover the issue of gun control more after a mass shooting

Which one of the following is accurate about public opinion a) many opinions are latent b) many opinions fluctuate a great deal c) americans are well informed.... d) ideology and party identification are inconsistent

Many opinions are latent

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) most american media outlets are for profit companies b) most media outlets are nonprofit companies c) most journalists and producers of the news make it a point to include in depth coverage of politics d) most journalists and producers of the news are not attentive to public opinion

Most American media outlets are for profit companies

Which one of the following is true about the 2016 presidential election a) 90% of repubs voted Trump b) 65% of dems voted Clinton c) 85% of Independents voted Trump d) 15% of liberals voted Jill Stein

Ninety percent of republicans voted for donal trump

Elections in _____ are help entirely by mail


If a federal official sues to stop the publication of a top secret memo about an ongoing military conflict, a judge agrees and prohibits publication, this is an example of a) partisan politics b) a leak c) a shield law d) prior restraint

Prior restraint

White southerners have generally affiliated with the a) libertarian party in recent decades b) republican party since the civil war c) democratic party since the 1970's d) republican party since the 1970's

Republican party since the 1970's

Which one of the following statements is accurate a)economy is not a priority b) repubs and dems agree of some priorities c) climate change is top priority d) reducing budget is top prioritity for dems and repubs

Republicans and democrats agree on some priorities

______ involves a senate candidate reaching out to voters directly; _____ involved a senate candidate contacting voters indirectly through the mass media

Retail politics; wholesale politics

Which one of the following statements is true a) sampling error can be eliminated from a mass survey b) sampling error is usually lower if the majority of the sample includes people with a bachelor's degree c) sampling error is usually lower if the majority of the sample includes people with strong political opinions d) sampling error decreases as the sample size increases

Sampling error decreases as the sample size increases

Which one of the following statements about sampling error is accurate a) a sample size of 100 typically resulsts in a sampling error of 1 percent b) sampling error generally decreases as the sample size increases c) a sample size of 1000 typically results in a sampling error of 6 percent d) sample size generally does not matter in national public opinion polls

Sampling error generally decreases as the sample size increases

Political conservatives are more likely to view a) msnbc b) Sean Hannity c) cnn d) pbs

Sean Hannity

The democrats and the Whigs competed in the _____ party system a) first b) second c) third d) fourth


What did James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay attempt to do in 1787-1788 a) shape public opinion b) highligh flaws in the constitution c) highlight the flaws in the alien and sedition acts d) manipulate both political parties at the same time

Shape public opinion

Which one of the following statements in accurate? a) media reporting only became controversial in the 20th century b) since the founding of the republic, politicians have understood that americans learn about politics mostly from the medai c) politicians were not critical of the media in the 19th century d) allegations of bias in the media began when tv was created

Since the founding of the republic, politicians have understood that Americans learn about politics mostly from the media

Why is social desirability bias a problem for surveys a) it increased sampling error b) the results fail to account for the opinions of the poor c) the answers from the respondents are not truthful d) it skews the results in favor of republican candidates

The answers from respondents are not truthful

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) the creation of the internet has dramatically increased the amount of information about politics in the united states b) americans know much more about politics today.... c) americans tend to find politics interesting... d) the internet has led to increased voter turnout

The creation of the internet has dramatically increased the amount of information about politics in the United State a) is popular with evangelical's b) typically supports dems. c) typically supports repubs. d) typically supports independents

Typically supports democratic candidates

Which on of the following statements is accurate a) the media and politicians are always adversaries b) the media and politicians each have something to offer the other c) the media and politicians typically have a positive relationship d) the media and politicians fail to compromise with it comes to crafting the news

The media and politicians each have something to offer the other

What is the current subscriber trend for newspapers and major tv news networks a) they are both increasing subscribers b) newspapers are increasing and tv is decreasing subscribers c) newspapers are decreasing and tv is increasing subscribers d) they are both decreasing subscribers

They are both decreasing subscribers

Which one of the following is true about mass surveys a) they have become more accurate over time... b) they have become so sophisticated... c) they are a powerful tool for measuring public opinion but should be interpreted carefully d) they should never be trusted because samples are almost always biased

They are powerful tool for measuring public opinion but should be interpreted carefully

True or False: A 527 organization can raise unlimited soft money from individuals or corporations for voter mobilization and for issue advocacy


True or False: American politicians have always complained throughout history about the mass media


True or False: Comcast, Walt Disney, and AT&T are examples of media conglomerates in the United States


True or False: Duverger's Law works against minor political parties


True or False: Ideology and party identification are largely consistent over time


True or False: Journalists tend to highlight conflict and scandals when they cover the news


True or False: Journalists tend to report on stories they think consumers want due to the reality that most media outlets are for profit enterprises


True or False: Most Americans acquire political information accidentally, by talking with family members and friends, or even via social media


True or False: Political parties are used as an accountability mechanism by the american people


True or False: a fundamental strategy in US house election is to build name recognition


True or False: an individual would be expression a latent opinion if asked for the first time to state a position on a complicated issue such as deficit reduction


True or False: campaign donors can contribute to as many candidates and political action committees as theu desire


True or False: get out the vote efforts are part of the ground game in campaigns


True or False: in the 1850's the issue of slavery ended the second party system involving the Whigs and Democrats


True or False: most independents in america each a weak attachments to one of the major political parties


True or False: most people have political opinions that are similar to those of their parents


True or False: the club for growth is an example of the 527 organization


True or False: the democratic party began in early ninteenth century


True or False: the fifth party system was create as a result of the great depression


True or False: the vast amount of information on the internet is of questionable reliability


True or False: the vast majority of incumbents in both parties in the US house and senate get reelected every election


True or False: thejoy main reason that few people have consistent, stable beliefs is because they are forming opinions on the spotzA


True or False: timing is important when it comes to polling


The republican party formed when the _____ party dissolved a) democratic b) federalist a) c) whig d) prohibition


Those who vote______ must be registered party members a) closed primary b) nonpartisan primary c) open primary d) open caucus

a closed primary

The idea of prior restraint refers to a) the willingness of the press to refrain from publishing sensitive information b) the fcc shutting down a station for violating standards of decency c) a judicial order allowing government to stop the press from publishing something d) the ability of the press to stop the government from taking an uncaonstitutional action

a judicial order allowing government to stop the press from publishing something

What is a party system a) the coordination of the party in the electorate, party in government, and party organization b) a period of time in which parties and issues are stable c) a method of selecting nominees for office though political parties d) a set of objective outlining the party's issues

a period of time in which parties and issues are stable

The major nationwide talk radio shows generally offer a) a politically liberal point of view b) a politically conservative point of view c) extensive news coverage throughout the day d) a diversity of viewpoints

a politically conservative point of view

What will happen in 2020

a presidential election

Which of the following actions taken by a campaign would most likely be protected speech based on the precedent established by citizens united v. federal election commission (2010)

a private charity buys time for a televised event two weeks before a general election featuring celebrity speakers who criticize one of the presidential candidates

Roy and Abby are running against each other for a seat in the US senate. Roy's campaign volunteers call voters under the guise of doing a poll and ask "would you be more or less likely to vote for Abby for senate if you know that sho took campaign funds from terrorists" this is an example of

a push poll

What kind of poll is used to affect, rather than measure, public opinion a) a push poll b) a robo poll c) a random sample poll d) an exit poll

a push poll

Survey results are most likely to be accurate when they are based on a) a simple question b) multiple questions c) complex issues d) an unfair topic

a simple question

What is a latent opinion a)a description of whether a person is conservative or liberal b) a long help belief c) a view formed on the spot, as needed d) an attitude about the proper level of government spending

a view formed on the spot, as needed

Today _____ are a key party of the democratic coalition a) southerners b) evangelicals c) african americans d) affluent americans

african americans

When parties decide on their legislative priorities for the year they are engages in the process of____

agenda setting

Lyndon Johnson's Daisy girl was an example of

an attach ad

What is it called when a district has no sitting legislator running for reelection

an open seat


are always campaigning

The democratic national committee and republican national committee a) can both force state and local parties to share their positions of issues b) are both unable to farce state and local parties to share their positions and issues c) operate differently...dnc can force states and locals d) operate differently... rnc can force states and locals

are both unable to farce state and local parties to share their positions on issues

Most core beliefs a) change over time b) become more liberal over time c) become more conservative over time d) are fairly consistent over time

are fairly consistent over time

American political parties

are ideologically diverse

Changes in the policy mood a)tend to have no effect on policy outcome b) are linked to changes in government spending c) are typically knot known to national leaders d) has a strong ideological commitment

are linked to changes in government spending

The news media in America a) are owned by the government b) are mostly profit seeking businesses c) are considered impartial by the general public d) are regulated by public opinion

are mostly profit seeking business

Reporters a) typically succumb to the temptation of providing fake news b) are protected by the 1st amendment c) basically print whatever they want d) always promote a liberal bias

are protected by the first amendment

What is the link between campaign donations and influence with elected officials

at most, campaign donations might buy a donor access to see an elected official

How is the party platform approved

at the nominating convention, held every four years

The increase in coverage of scandals and controversies is all part of the rise of ____ a) media conglomerates b) wire services c) horse race coverage d) attack journalism

attack journalism

to be a part of the party in the electorate, one must a) be a citizen who identifies with a political party... b) be a dues paying member of a party c) vote straight ticket on democratic side d) vote straight on republican side

be a citizen who identifies with a political party, whether it be republican, democratic, libertarian, green, or some other party

Native white southerners tend to a) favor the democratic party b) be more inclined to favor same sex marriage c) be less inclined to support affirmative action d) be more inclined to favor government intervention in racial matters

be less inclined to support affirmative action

After a few month in office, presidential approval usually a) fluctuates a great deal b) increases over time c) is affected by the reporting of fake news d) becomes relatively stable

becomes relatively stable

Concerns about media concentration and cross ownership are based a) interpretations of freedom of the press b) public standards about what constitutes quality news programming c) the expansion of the internet and other media technologies d) beliefs that it is better for democracy if the press espouses many different views

beliefs that it is better for democracy if the press espouses many different views

American public opinion is shaped a) almost exclusively by political partisanship b) almost exclusively by political ideology c) by a wide variety of beliefs and ideas d) mostly by the mass media

by a wide variety of beliefs and ideas

When policy mood leans in a liberal direction, how does government tend to respond a) by giving tax cuts and tax credits to corporations b) by expanding the federal governments role in different programs c) by reducing foreign trade d) by following policies designed to reduce deficit spending

by expanding the federal government's role in different programs

The main way that American candidates reach the electorate is through

campaign ads

When an elected official speaks to a reporter on background or off the record the reporter a) cannot use any of the information that is provided b) can use the information but cannot identify the politician in question c) can do whatever she or he wants to do under the 1st amendment d) is free to engage in yellow journalism

can use the information but cannot identify the politician in questions

Which one of the following groups is most likely to run positive campaign advertisements


Which one of the following statements is accurate ch 9

candidates behind in the polls typically resort to attack ads against their opponents

how might a candidate's issue positions in the primaries differ from those in the general election

candidates tend to have more ideologically extreme positions during the primaries

The groups of democratic legislator in the US house is called a ______, while the republicans call their group a _____ a) committee; conference b) conference; committee c) conference; caucuc d) caucus; conference

causcus; conference

Which one of the following is an example of an issue or event that caused a realignment a) the assassination of Lincoln b) the end of WW1 c) civil rights in the 1960's d) the end of the cold war

civil rights in the 1960's

The groups that identify with a party are said to make up its a) coalition b) electorate c) national committee d) conference


in the 1990's, the republican party primarily drew support from evangelical voters, white southerners, and the wealthy. this is an example of a party a) electorate b) caucus c) coalition d) conference


in 1984, Ronald Reagan won a landslide victory over Walter Mondale. he was also able to generate support for other legislative candidates in his party. what is this called


The center for responsive politics and are examples of websites that a) provide search engines or citizens b) have many video from cable news stations c) provide blogs written by active politicians d) collect links to political information

collect links to political information

What was the policy mood during the late 1970's and early 1980's a) conservative b) liberal c) it alternated between conservative and liberal extremes d) moderate


Republican party leaders in 2016

could not prevent Donald Trump from running for the presidency even though they did not support him during the primaries

Nate Silver of is known for what technique a) using internet surveys to conduct his polls b) creating an average of polls that is more accurate that any indevidual poll c) conducting daily pools to get more accurate reading d) writing poll questions in such a way that they push people toward a cerain answer

creating an average of polls that is more accurate that any individual poll

the trend toward single company ownership of several kinds of media outlets is called a) cross ownership b) concentration c) networks d) corporations

cross ownership

In recent years, newspapers have been a) increasing in number b) decreasing in circulation c) increasing their number of reports d) decreasing in thier number of online readers

decreasing in circulation

All ____ primaries and caucuses use proportional allocation to divide delegates


what factor contributed to the transition from the fifth to the sixth party system a) the election of FDR as president b) democratic candidates and party leaders, particularly outside the south, came out against the separate but equal racial discrimination c) the end of WW2 d) the election of Ronald Reagan as president

democratic candidates and party leaders, particularly outside the south, came out against the separate but equal racial discrimination

Which parities were part of the first party system in the United States a) democratic-republicans and federalists b) republicans and whigs c) democrats and rpublicans d) democrats and whigs

democratic-republicans and federlists

What do surveys reveals about the public's perception of media bias a) the public believes the media are biased in conservative way b) the public believes the media are biased in liberal way c) the public believed the media to be impartial d) democrats believe the media are biased towards conservatives; republicans believe the media are biased towards liberals

democrats believe the media are biased towards conservatives; republicans believe the media are biased toward liberals

Which one of the following is an illustration of a hostile media effect a) liberal tend to believe that the media is biased in favor of liberal candidates b) conservatives tend to believe that the media is biased in favor of conservative candidates c) journalists tend to accentuate negativity and onflict d) democrats generally believe that media favors republicans

democrats generally believe the media favors the republicans

Which one of the following statements is true aboutrty identification today a) repubs are the major party in american b) dems are major party in american c) repubs have a slight advantage over dems d) dems have slight advantage over repubs

democrats have a slight advantage over republicans

Public opinion a) doesn't matter in most cases b) does matter to some extent c) only matters during times of crisis d) is very important when it comes to gun control legislation

does matter to some extent

Public opinion changes generated by an event or some other piece of new information are more likely when the individual a) follows politics closely and knows that political issues can be complicated b) is more highly education and is used to considering different possibilities c) is progressive and open minded about different ideas and explanations d) does not have a set of preexisting principles though which to interpret the event

does not have a set of preexisting principles through which to interpret the event

The average person in the united states a) has set opinions on public affairs issues b) does not have set opinions c) follows politics closely d) has a strong ideological commitment

does not have set opinions on public affairs issues

What is the public face of the political party a) president and vice pres b) leaders in house and senate c) governors d) official at all levels of government

elected officials at all levels of government

True or False: in general, republican today favor a more active federal government than do democrats


The ____ regulates broadcast media a) federal communications commissions b) secretary of commerce c) corporation for public broadcasting d) attorney general

federal communications commission

Which party most strongly supported a national bank a) federalist party b) democratic-republican party c) republican party d) democratic party

federalst party

Politicians play an active role in creating public opinion by a) paying for push polls that will produce the results they want b) conducting town hall interviews with voters c) framing how they put forward proposals to try and sway the public d) spending campaign money on television advirtising

framing how they put forward proposals to try and sway the public

The purpose of a focus group is to a) gain deep insight to way people hold to opinions they do b) ensure the accuracy of a mass survey c) eleminate sampling error d) provide a less expensive and less labor intensive way to conduct a mass survey

gain deep insight into why people hold the opinions they do

What is the second step in the election process

general election

Social desirability bias occurs when people a) give answers they think the interviewer wants to here b) are honest about their opinions c) are trying to be politically incorrect d) refuse to participate in a poll

give answers they think the interviewer wants to here

Variation in intensity is one reason why a) government policies reflect the will of the majority b) government officials reflect the will of the minority c) most Americans are conservative d) members of congress support gun control

government officials reflect the will of the minority

Which of the following is not currently a key characteristic of most modern American media a) attack journalism b) hard news c) horse race coverage d) soft news

hard news

Most Americans a) are conservative b) are liberal c) have a mix of liberal and conservative positions d) are libertarians

have a mix of liberal and conservative positions

The American media a) were first regulated by the government in the 1830's b) were first regulated by the government after the civil war c) were first regulated by the government during the progressive era d) have always been regulated by the government to some extent

have always been regulated by the government to some extent

In the United states, citizens

have an indirect effect on public policy

Most independents a) oppose both parties b) have some weak attachment to one of the parties c) typically conservative d) typically liberal

have some weak attachments to one of the major parties

Americans a) use the internet to educate themselves about politics b) have a very low interest in politics c) have a high interest in politics d) are more interested in politis than popculture

have very low interest in politic

Andrew Jackson was important to the development of American political parties because a) he was the innovator of conditional party government b) he was the first man to run for president under a party label c) he pioneered the practice of registering voters with a political party d) he helped build democratic party organizations at the state and local levels, which helped to mobilized citizens and bind them to the democratic party

he helped build democratic party organizations at the state and local levels, which helped to mobilize citizens and bind then to the democratic party

When journalists focus on the relative standing of candidates rather than their policy proposals, they are engaged in a) horse race coverage b) attack journalism c) hard news d) filtering

horse race coverage

Which one of the following statements is accurate ch8 pt 2

house and senate candidates are more likely to engage in retail politics than presidential candidates

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) the way that questions are worded typically does not bias the results of a public opinion poll b) how questions are worded can affect the results of a public opinion poll c) questions working in polls is an exact science d) credible public opinion polls often don't consider the effect of question working

how questions are worded can affect he results of a public opinion poll

If a person described herself or himself as moderate, she or he is expression her or his... a) ideology b) party identification c) latent opinion d) socialization


Why do election rules and the implementation matter

in close races, small changed to rule can change electoral outcomes

the general election campaign typically beings

in september

A state decides to elect all members to its US house delegation from one at large district through proportional voting. for example, a party that receives 20 percent of the votes will get 20 percent of the house seats. this change is likely to do which of the following to the state's congressional delegation a) strengthen the control of the current party b) decrease representation of minority party c) increase minor party representation d) make no change

increase minor party representation

What kind of campaign funds are subject to clear limits on how much can be raised but not on how much is spent

independent expenditures

Where do most people's political opinions and ideologies start forming a) interactions with their parents and families b) watching the mass media c) the success of the president during their childhood d) interactions with their teachers

interactions with their parents and families

Fake news a) is something Hillary Clinton used to great effect in the 2016 presidential campaign b) is obvious to all observers c) is a phenomenon that Donald Trump highlighted in the 2016 presidential campaign and during his presidency d) is well understood by the research that exists on media bias

is a phenomenon that Donald Trump highlighted in the 2016 presidential campaign and during his presidency

One of the practical reasons that virtually all prominent candidates for the presidency and congress run as democrats or republicans is that a)the constitution was designed with a two party system in mind b) it is easier to get on the general election ballot as a major party candidate c) most americans want a genuine liberal or conservative... d) most americans don't trust candidates with no party

it is easier to get on the general election ballot as a major party candidate

Which one of the following statements is true today a) there s more consensus between repubs. and dems. that ever before b) it is more difficult for republicans and democrats in congress to achieve common ground c) the repubs are gaining political support in the northeast d) the dems are gaining political support in the south

it is more difficult for republicans and democrats in congress to acheive common ground

what was significant about the disintegration of the federalist party a) it demonstrated that southern parties could not last in the united states b) it was the last responsible party in the nation's ihstory c) it led to the era of good feelings and the the second party system

it led to the era of good feelings and eventually to the second party system

If politicians talk to journalists on background a) it means they are speaking off the record b) it means they are trying to enhance their name recognition c) it means they are trying to get media attention for their campaigns d) it means they are seeking to get personal credit for a policy or program success

it means they are speaking off the record

Members of congress a) know that americans are very interested in politics b) know that americans know very little about politics c) are likely to pass gun control legislation d) rarely care about gun control

know that Americans know very little about politics

A female college student is asked to take a survey, one of the questions asks about her views on the new head of the environmental protection agency, while the young woman had not really thought about this matter before, she was able to come up with an answer. This is an example of... a) policy mood b) latent opinion c) partisan identification d) policy perception

latent opinion

Which one of the following most directly contributes to an incumbent president facing competition for the party;s nomination during a reelection bid

low apporval ratings

the internet has _____ the barriers of publication, while leading to an increase in ______ reliable sources a) lowered; more b) lowered; less c) raised; less d) not affected; more

lowered; less

in some democratic nations, citizens use a system of elections where is no one candidate gets more than 50 percent of the votes, everyone is eliminated except for the top two contenders. citizens then vote again and may select either of the top candidates. this is an example of a _______ election system

majority with run off

A low level of trust in government a) leads to higher voter turnout b) creates less competitive elections c) prompts pandering on the part of elected officials d) makes it more difficult to elected officials to make public policy

makes it more difficult for elected officials to make public policy

Minor- party candidates like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have a difficult time winning office because

many people consider a vote for minor party candidate to be wasted one because such candidates almost never win

The purpose of a mass surveys is to a) influence the public to support a particular candidate or policy b) measure the attitudes of a particular population c) instruct elected officials on the rules of congress d) educate and inform the public about the details of public policy

measure the attitudes of a particular population

the 2018 election was a _____ election; the 2016 was a ______ election

midterm; presidential

An important activity of any campaign is ______, which most directly involves______

mobilizing supporters; the ground game

With regard to age cohorts, young people are a) less incline to embrace diversity b) more likely to support gays and lesbians c) more likely to vote than older americans d) more informed about policy debates than older Americans

more likely to support gays and lesbians

Which one of the following best describes the liberal-conservative profile of the American public a) a majority of american describe themselves as conservative b) most americans are neither strongly conservative or liberal c) most americans lean towards being more liberal... d) americans are deeply divided...

most Americans are neither strongly conservative nor strongly liberal

which ones of the following statements is accurate when it comes to incumbency reelection rates in congress

most incumbents in both chambers routinely get reelection because they insulate themselves from electoral challenges through a variety of tactics

With regard to advertising, what happened in the 2016 presidential election

most partisam interest groups relied on negative ads

Which one of the following is accurate regarding by product theory a) most people acquire political information accidentally b) most people acquire political information intentionally c) most people are likely to consume their news mostly by reading newspapers d) most people find politics to be interesting

most people acquire political information accidentally

Self identified republicans and democrats judge government spending differently depending on whether a republican or democrat made the proposal. This demonstrates that.. a) poll results depend on the wording of the question b) most people form their opinions on the spot... c) random samples are hard to obtain d) party leaders manipulate voters into supporting their ideas

most people form their opinions on the spot using a wide range of considerations

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) most people's political opinions are latent and are only formed when needed b) people have strong and informed opinions... c) most people seek out information on political issues... d) people typically have well formed opinions on most issues...

most people's political opinions are latent and are only formed when needed

the principal body in each party organization is the ______, which consists of representatives from______ a) party in the electorate; the US congress b) party in government; the parties' presidential nominating conventions c) leadership caucus; various interest groups d) national committee; state party organizations

national committee; state party organizations

Who is in charge of a major American political party a) the national party chairperson b) the speaker of the house c) the president d) no single person

no single person is in charge of the party

During the third and fourth party systems the republican party had significant strength in the _____, while the democratic party had significant strength in the ______ a) Northeast; miswest b) south; northeast c) northeast; south d) minwest; northeast

northeast; south

Journalists a) are almost always biased b) often act as watchdogs in the political system c) are not regulated by the government d) routinely resort to yellow journalism

often act as watchdogs in the political system

About _____ of the electorate is consistently ideological a) one fifth b) one half c) two thirds d) three forths

one fifth

in 2016,

one major political party nominated a woman for president for the first time in history

Maine has a closed primary, meaning that

only registered party members can participate

In an effort to raise doubts about their opponents, almost all candidates use _______ as a key part of their campaign strategy

opposition research

the loyalty that people have to one party is called a) party service b) partisan commitment c) party identification d) party polarization

party identification

What is the most significant reason why most people do not know much about politics a) the inept mass media b) not enough availability of information c) people are not that interested in politics d) there is too much corruption in the political world

people are not interesting in politics

Which one of the following groups does not typically turn out in large numbers to vote

people with less than a high school education

A voting system where the candidate with the most voted wins is called

plurality voting

Americans' collective demands for government action on domestic policies are measured by ______ a) ideological polarization b) policy mood c) trust in government d) the reelection rates of incumbent officholders

policy mood

How are presidential primaries different for presidential caucuses

primaries involve voting by ballot, whereas caucuses take place in a local meeting

Mass surveys a) are not a useful gauge of public opinion b) are an exact measure of public opinion c) are rarely used in campaigns and elections d) provide accurate estimates of public opinion

provide accurate estimates of public opinion

Social Media a) provides extensive coverage of politics b) provides light coverage of politics c) has completely replaced traditional news sources in the contemporary world d) is no longer utilized for political coverage

provides light coverage of politics

What is one way to get a good sample for mass survey a) focus groups b) random digit dialing c) push polls d) convenience sampling

random digit dialing

Which one of the following terms described a situation in which the issues that dived the political parties change in a way that cuts across existing political coalitions a) polarization b) realignment c) party evolution d) divided government


New Hampshire has a semi closed primary, meaning that

registered party members and independents can participate

Which one of the following statements is accurate today a) white southerners tend to be democrat b) african americans have largely left the democratic party c) republicans have lost supporters in new england d) republicans have gained support on the west coast

republicans have lost support in new england

Katherine is running for congress. she spends a lot of her time attending town halls and meeting withe individual voters to talk about their concerns. these are examples of

retail politics

voters hold incumbents accountable through a _____ evaluation


analyzing the job performance of an incumbent is an exercise in

retrospective evaluation

What does a political party do a) satisfies all political interests and factions b) lobbies elected politicians with eh goal of influencing policy c) picks the winners and losers of a primary election d) runs candidates for political office and coordinates the actions of officials elected under the party banner

runs candidates for political office and coordinates the actions of officials elected under the party banner

a 527 organization a) typically coordinates electoral strategy with candidates... b) is illegal c) contributes a significant amount of money to campaigns... d) seeks to influence elections through voter mobilization efforts and issue ads

seeks to influence elections through voter mobilization efforts and issue ads

The national conventions are not responsible for

selecting the party's congressional nominees

Which one of the following statements is accurate regarding the 2016 election

seventeen candidates competed for the republican nomination

A lasting change in overall approval of the president would take a) a dramatic event such as 9/11 b) significant shifts in partisanship that are sustained over time c) a reelection victory d) a presidential veto

significant shifts in partisanship that are sustained over time

Which one of the following is true of soft money

soft money cannot be used to elect or defeat a specific candidate

a 527 organization can accept unlimited amounts of ____ but cannot use that money on behalf of a specific_____

soft money; candidate

Media coverage of politics emphasized a) hard news b) soft news c) the details of public policy debates d) the important of politics in the daily lives of citizens

soft news

A hostile media effect a) exists because conservatives know that journalists have a conservative bias b) exists because liberals know that journalists have a liberal bias c) suggests that americans do not trust media coverage d) democrats generally believe the media favors the republicans

suggest that American do not trust media coverage

Which one of the following statements is accurate a) support for democracy is higher among those individuals who take who take a high school civics class b) people are generally not influence by their communities... c) people who have high levels of agreeableness then to favor less spending... d) there tends to be a low correlation between the party identification.....

support for democracy is higher among those individuals who take a high school civics class

What did Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have in common in the 2016 presidential campaign a) supporters of both candidates preferred fox news b) supporters of both candidates preferred msnbc c) supported of both candidates used the major television networks as well as local television stations for their information d) supporters of both candidates utilized the internet for their information

supporters of both candidates used the major television networks as well as local television stations for their informations

the media a) tends to influence what people think about b) does not influence what people think about c) is always biased in an ideological manner d) generally has cooperative relationship with prominent politicians

tends to influence what people think about

The tops issues for Americans have not changed over the past few decades, with the exception of _____ a) the economy b) social security c) education d) terrorism


____ has the motto, "All the news that's fit to print" a) the new your journal b) the washington post c) the new york times d) the boston globe

the New York times

Horse race journalism emphasizes a) substantive public policy issues b) philosophical differences between and among candidates c) the actual competition between and among politicians d) the background and history between and among candidates

the actual competition between and among politicians

What is the ground game

the campaign's effort to get out the vote on election day

What promoted the creation of the democratic party a) the election of James Monroe b) the election of John Adams c) the election of Andrew Jackson d) the election of Henry Clay

the election of andrew jackson

_____ is in charge of administering federal election laws

the federal election commission

Which important political event led to the new deal coalition a) WW1 b) great depression c) bombing of pearl harbor d) civil rights act

the great depression

Constitutional requirements are least stringent for

the house of representatives

What happens if no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral college votes

the house of representatives decides who wins, with each state getting one vote, and voting continues until someone gets a majority of the votes

What is the party principle a) the identification of elected officials and citizens with different political parties b) groups of individuals who associate with a political party c) the idea that parties are organized distinct from their elected officials d) those politicians who are elected to office under a common party label

the idea that partied are organizations distinct from their elected officials

What was the reason for the rise of the republican party a) the issue of slavery split the second party system b) southerners were demanding a more conservative party in american politics c) business leaders wanted a party to represent their interests d) some political leaders opposed progressive reforms that had recently become law

the issue of slavery split the second party system

Which one of the following statements is accurate about the media a) the media give american the coverage they want b) the media try to manipulate citizens... c) the media outlets avoid competition... d) the media will likely stop focusing on scandal and negativity in the near future

the media give Americans the coverage they want

the equal time provision requires a) the media to offer equal air time to opposing candidates on any non new program b) that candidates advertise equal amount of tv and radio c) broadcast media to present several points of view to ensure balanced coverage d) giving all companies a reasonable chance of owning multiple media outlets

the media to offer equal airtime to opposing candidates on any non news program

Some Americans may not vote because the likelihood of one vote being the decisive one is very small

the paradox of voting

The leaders and workers of a party at the national, state, and local levels are known as a) the party caucus b) the party in government c) the party organization d) the parties in service

the party organization

What is political socialization a) the process when people become educated... b) attitudes toward social issues that come up in politics c) the influence of politicians on people's views about society d) the process by which and individual's political opinions are shaped by others

the process by which an individual's political opinions are shaped by others

Which issue split the major parties in the fifth and sixth party systems and remains relevant today a) whether we should encourage industrialization b) the appropriate tariff rate c) presidential veto powers d) the proper size and role of the federal government

the proper size and role of the federal government

Survey results are most likely to be accurate when a) the survey in completed through face to face interview b) the survey over samples high education respondents c) the questions are based on a topic familiar to most americans d) the questions are complex and convoluted

the questions are based on a topic familiar to most Americans

What led to regulation of the media a) yellow journalism b) excessive media bias c) the rise of broadcast media d) public opinion

the rise of broadcast media

How has the political landscape of the south changes in the last 50 years a) there has not been partisan change in the south b) the south has gone from being a toss up to being democrat c) the south has gon from tossed up to republican d) the south has gone from being democrat to republican

the south has gone from being solidly democrat to solidy republican

If a women spends and year working on a candidate's presidential campaign, and her candidate subsequently wins and she is appointed to a federal job, this is an example of a) spoils system b) party principle c) civil service system d) party coalitions

the spoils system

Rewarding party supporters with benefits, such as government jobs, is known as a) civil service system b) spoils system c) party in government d) political horse training

the spoils system

The term yellow journalism refers to a) the use of sensational headlines and illustrations to sell newspapers b) press stories that are highly critical of government c) fair and balanced coverage of politics d) investigative stories that call for reform of government

the use of sensational headlines and illustrations to sell newspapers

the fact that parties have brand names means a) only thing distinguishing them is reputation b) their names evoke certain positions of issues c) citizens have a record of support d) citizens are likely to grow tired of their party...

their names evoke certain positions or issues

What contributed to Donald Trump's presidential victory in 2016

there was higher than expected voter turnout in key swing states

what marked the era of good feelings a) George Washington served as president b) there were no political parties c) there was only one political party d) Andrew Jackson served as president

there was only one political party, the democratic-republicans

Why are swing states so important in campaign strategies

they can potentially be won by either major party candidate

What can you conclude about voters who know a lot about climate change and vote according to that knowledge

they have a high interest in politics and are knowledgeable about candidate positions

According to researchers, well informed people are unlikely to change their minds when they learn something new from the news media because a) they do not trust the news media b) they believe that media sources contain political bias c) they have already decided what they think d) they cannot remember all the information they read or hear

they have already decided what they think

Party platforms are important documents because a) they offer detailed and specific solutions to problems b) they has significant influence c) americans read then over carefully d) they proved a general guide for policies winning candidates are to vote for if elected

they provide a general guide for the types of policies winning candidates are likely to vote for if elected

which statement is true about independents a) they are better informed b) they tend to participate less in politics c) they side with dems more d) they side with repubs more

they tend to participate less in political campaigns that Republican or Democrat identifiers

What is the most common relationship between parents and children when it comes to political ideology and partisanship a) they tend to have different opinion because of their different generations b) they often disagree on the most controversial issues... c) they rarely agree on whom to vote for in an election... d) they tend to share the same political ideology and partisanship

they tend to share the same political ideology and partisanship

What can be concluded about the 2014 and 2016 elections

they were similar at the congressional level

George Wallace and Ross Perot are examples of

third party candidates who attracted significant numbers of votes

The party in government comprises a) members of the party with the most elected officials in congress b) the heads of the major national party organizations... c) voters who identify with a party d) those politicians who have been elected into office under a party label

those politicians who have been elected into office under a party label

The party organization, the party in government, and the party in the electorate are considered a) three connected components that make up a realignment b) three separate and largely independent pieces that compose american political parties c) three necessary components... d) three necessary conditions...

three separate and largely independent pieces that compose American political parties

Although newspapers are limited in the _____ of their coverage, the ____ of their coverage means that they can provide more detailed knowledge to their readers a) depth; timeliness b) breadth; timeliness c) timeliness; breadth d) timeliness; depth

timeliness; depth

What does an issue scale ask people a) to state how close they are to one of several policy options b) how liberal or conservative they feel c) why they are republican or democrat d) to identify their socioeconomic status

to state how close they are to one of the several policy options

Groups such as the young democrats and young republicans a) are 527's that exist to raise funds for elections b) are only active at the local level c) are made of politicians elected d) work to support party candidates in elections

work to support party candidates in elections

What can be concluded from the data presented in this figure

turnout was highest during this timer period in 2008

Prior to the 2018 midterm elections

unified Republican party government existed in national politics

Voters in American national elections

use many kinds of cues when deciding for whom to vote

According to political scientists, what helps make something a reasonable vote

voting cues

Yellow Journalism a) has always been practiced in the united states b) started as a propaganda effort to build support for the cause of independence during the revolutionary war c) was done primarily to pursue material profit d) was done initially to weaken the political parties

was done primarily to pursue material profit

A recent development in measuring public opinion is a) increased use of focus groups b) weighing of data from different polls based on their accuracy in previous elections c) door to door surveying d) use of push polling techniques

weighing of data from different polls based on their accuracy in previous elections

Public opinion is best defined as.. a) the complexity of an individual's beliefs b) an opinion formed on the spot c) the process by which an individual learns about politics d) what the public thinks about government and politics

what the public thinks about government and politics

When is the president likely to have higher approval rating

when economic growth is high

When is the president likely to have higher approval rating a) after a school shooting b) when a controversial bill is being debated c) when economic growth is high d) when there is high profile scandal

when economic growth is high

Duverger's Law hold that there will only be two political parties

when there are single member districts and plurality voting

Media effects explore a) whether exposure to media coverage of politics changes what people think or do b) the extent to which media coverage has a conservative bias c) the extent to which media coverage has a liberal bias d) the extent to which media coverage has a structural bias

whether exposure to media coverage of politics changes what people think or do

______ tend to affiliate with the republican party a) african americans b) white evangelicals c) union workers d) less affluent

white evangelicals

the rise in the use of television advertising in campaigns is an important component of

wholesale politics

A caucus (or conference) is an organization a) within government that meets to discuss party positions on issues b) primarily exist to raise money c) designed to represent... d) consists of representatives...

within government that meets to discuss party positions on issues

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