American History Chapter 23 Study Guide

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What islands in the Pacific did Secretary of State Seward acquire in 1867? How were they used?

He arranged to acquire the Pacific islands of Midway. They provided a stopping place for ships traveling to China

What were George Washington's views on trade?

He wasn't for it. His words were to "steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world"

What is an armistice?

Truce, an agreement

What was the effect of Queen Liliuokalani wanting Hawaiians to take back control of their islands from the American planters?

Wanted to force her from power

Tell about William H. Seward

1. He arranged for the United States to buy Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars. 2. Governor of New York 3. He imagined a canal across Central America.

Tell about James G. Blaine

1. Member of Congress 2. Senator of Maine 3. Thought that the United States should improve and expand its trade with the nations of America 4. He was the Republican nominee for president 5. He invited Latin American leaders to join him at a conference

What is an isthmus?

A narrow strip of land connecting 2 larger bodies of land

What was their purpose or force after Washington left office?

After Washington left office, Americans expanded their territory by moving west and south. This expansionism was a driving force in American history

Why was "Remember the Maine" a popular rallying cry in 1898?

Because it was a big tragedy that killed many people and places. Lead to declaring war on Spain

What did President Theodore Roosevelt mean when he said "speak softly and carry a big stick"?

Go into the argument ready to get business done but in a calm way

Which 3 countries were competing for trading rights in Samoa in the 1890s? How did they settle their dispute?

Great Britain, United States, and Germany. They met with each country to help try and settle their dispute.

What is imperialism?

Imperialism is the late 1800s and the early 1900s. The policy of extending a nation's over other territories and countries.

Explain isolationism and expansionism

Isolationism and expansionism are different. Isolationism is the non-involvement in the world's affairs. Staying out of their business. Expansionism is expanding their territory by moving west and south. It is about moving out. Isolationism wanted to stay where they were, not move, and stay out of the world's affairs whereas expansionism wanted to get involved in it and branch out into other places.

Why did the United States support Panamanian independence?

It allowed him to be able to build the canal. They had been refused before. They would help. They wanted to be separate from Cuba

What did the Jones Act of 1917 grant to the people of Puerto Rico?

It granted them U.S. citizenship

In what ways did the merchants benefit from the canal?

It reduced travel time and cost

What are spheres of influence?

Sections of a country in which a foreign nation enjoys special rights and powers. This could case problems with other nations.

What things were grown in Hawaii and what was the needed climate?

Sugarcane was grown in Hawaii. It could grow in a warm, wet climate

What did other nations learn from America's experience in Mexico?

They showed other nations that it would use it power when its interests were threatened. They had national power.

Why were Cubans rebelling in the late 1800s?

They wanted the Spanish people to leave

Why were the American newspaper readers concerned about the struggle of the Cuban people?

They were horrified by Spain's treatment of the Cuban people. This type of journalism was called yellow journalism.

Which United States president favored the Dollar Diplomacy?

William Howard Taft

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