American History Exam

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In this Topic you read the following text: Hand tools and draft animals sustained an economy that was overwhelmingly agricultural. . . The great majority ofthe people ii'ved in the countryside. Cities, however, were growing, especially in northern Italy and in the... Based on the excerpt. What could you infer about the causes of increasing prosperity in Europe of the 14005? A. Manufacturing was taking place in urban areas, which were growing. B. Manufacturing was taking place at workshops rather than factories . C. Rural areas produced hand tools and draft animals to support agriculture. D. Most people lived in rural areas and depended on agriculture.

A. Manufacturing was taking place in urban areas, which were growing.

A 1754 plan to unite the colonies in a permanent union

Albany plan of union

Opponent of the constitution who wanted a weak central government

Anti- federalist

Under the _____________ the United States government consisted of a legislature which both passed and enforced the laws

Articles of confederation

An uprising of Virginia setters demanding a greater voice in their government

Bacons rebellion

Guarantees that the individual freedoms of American citizens will be protected

Bill of rights

Incident in which five colonies were shot British soldiers in 1770

Boston massacre

Which reason best explains why Columbus believed he had reached the East Indies? A. He encountered people who had an abundant supply of gold and spices B. He calculated he had sailed more than halfway around the globe C. He mistook the islands he reached for islands off the Asian mainland D. He recalled an area previously explored by Europeans

C. He mistook the islands he reached for islands off the Asian mainland

Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine

Common sense

A statement of the reasons for the colonies to separate from Britain

Declaration of Independence

Supporter of the constitution who favored a strong central government


A military struggle in which the British fought against the French and their Native American Allies

French and Indian war

A safe place


Someone who was contracted to work for a master for a set period of time

Indentured servant

The part of government made up of judges and courts that interpret the law

Judicial branch

Part of the government that makes laws

Legislative branch

This was an agreement draw up by the pilgrims to unite themselves as a colony

Mayflower compact

Economic system designed to increase a nations wealth largely through the accumulation of bullion


A foreign soldier hired to fight in a war


Rights that all people are born with

Natural rights

A Native American uprising against the British in the Great Lakes region

Pontiacs rebellion

Protestants who was critical of the Anglican Church


The idea that people of different faiths should live together in peace

Religious tolerance

Government run by the people through their elected representatives


British policy of the early 1700s that allowed the American colonies get freedom in governing themselves

Salutary neglect

The division of government into three branches

Separation of powers

British law that texted colonial newspapers and other printed newspapers

Stamp act

Farm product that is in constant demand like rice or tobacco

Staple crop

What was a common characteristic of the four Southern colonies? a. They began as proprietary colonies and became royal colonies. b. They lacked sufficient resources to support sustained settlement. c. They served as havens for religious refugees and dissenters. d. They shifted economic focus from farming to manufacturing and shipping.

a They began as proprietary colonies and became royal colonies.

According to the treaty of Paris, the new United States would control a. All the land from New England to the Mississippi River and north to the Great Lakes b. British and Canada and the Spanish territory c. Florida and all the lands west d. New England and all the lands west of the Mississippi River

a. All the land from New England to the Mississippi River and north to the Great Lakes

The outcome of the Constitutional convention differed from the original purpose if the meeting because the meeting was originally intended to a. Amend rather than completely replace the articles of confederation b. Prevent the problem of majority tyranny rather than create a more democratic system c. Protecting individual liberties rather than increase the powers of the national government d. Fix the weakness of the state government s rather than the weakness of the national government

a. Amend rather than completely replace the articles of confederation

In this topic you can read the following information. About 3,500 years ago in central Mexico, American Indians developed three important crops: maize, corn, squashes, and beans. The expanded food supply pro,toed population growth, which led to larger permanent villages. What can best be concluded from the information in the excerpt? a. American Indians did not rely on agriculture prior to years ago. b. The population growth tate in central america increased significanly. c. American indians discovered effiicent irrigation methods for crops. d. American Indians preferred tomlive in latger villages than as nomads

a. American Indians did not rely on agriculture prior to years ago.

In this Topic you read the following text: The earliest kingdom, Ghana, would expand from the Sahara to the Gulf of Guinea and from the the ; Sglger River. Ghana rose to prominence around AD. 800. . . . Attacks from outsiders eventually supplanted 311a 5 control of West African trade. The kingdom's power faded until, finally, Ghana was flawed ManarouMnd AD. 1200 hy a new kingdom known as Mali. The most famous ruler of Mali was a king Atlantic was; "33- Dng hls rergn 1n the early 13005, he expanded Mali's domain westward to the Based on the excerpt, What can you conclude about the nature of the early Mali and late Ghana empires? a. Both kingdoms Wanted control of West African trade routes. b. Ghana supplied Mali with slaves near the Atlantic coast to trade. c. Ghana allowed Mali limited control of trading routes. d. Both kingdoms divided rule of the West African region.

a. Both kingdoms Wanted control of West African trade routes.

Which of the following factors had the greatest influence on the development of regional economic identities? a. Climate b. Ethnic diversity c. Proximity to the sea d. Slave labor

a. Climate

Mercantilism most directly resulted from which of the following circumstances? a. Competition for wealth among European nations b. Conflict between European nations and trading partners in Asia c. Lack of sufficient labor and industry in Europeans nations d. Overpopulation within European nations

a. Competition for wealth among European nations

Which of following phrases best completed the diagram? a. Enslaved Africans b. Fruit and livestock c. Gold and silver d. Weapons

a. Enslaved Africans

How was the battle of Saratoga a turning point in the revolutionary war? a. It brought the patriots foreign support b. It forced the British to abandon their defensive strategy c. It significantly reduced the size of the British army d. It convinced many loyalists to join the patriot cause

a. It brought the patriots foreign support

Many loyalists agreed with which of these claims made by the patriots? a. Parliament should repeal the new Texas levied on the colonies b. The colonists had the military strength to defeat the British army c. The colonists had the right to declare independence from Britain d. Parliament did not have the right to pass laws for the colonists

a. Parliament should repeal the new Texas levied on the colonies

Many loyalists agreed with which of these claims made by the patriots? a. Parliament should repeal the new texted levied on the colonies b. The colonists had the military strength to defeat the British army c. The colonists had the right to declare independence from Britain d. Parliament did not have the right to pass laws for the colonies

a. Parliament should repeal the new texted levied on the colonies

Which of these features of the articles of confederation most dramatically weakened the national government? a. States has the power to tariff b. Congress could issue bulls of credit c. Congress had the power to declare war d. States could improve tariffs on domestic trade

a. States has the power to tariff

The trade of goods between Europe and the americas in known as a. The Columbian exchange b. Bartering c. Triangular trade d. None of the above

a. The Columbian exchange

One of the first decisions made the constitutional convention was to keep the discussion secret. Several of the delegates took extensive notes, but they were not published until decades years later... Which of these statements best explains why the delegates adopted this rule? a. The delegates could speak freely without fearing the consequences of what they said b. Foreign government would not be able to gain an advantage in diplomatic negotiations c. The new plan of government could be crafted to benefit the nations elite without offending common people d. Opponents of the new constitution would have little information about the new plan of government until it was too late to launch their attacks

a. The delegates could speak freely without fearing the consequences of what they said

Which of these events took place before the colonists officially declared independence from Britain? a. The fighting of battles a Lexington and concord b. The adoption of the articles of confederation c. The repeal of the coercive acts d. The meeting of the second continental congress

a. The fighting of battles a Lexington and concord

Which of the following developments was responsible for the decline in American Indian populations after contact with Europeans? a. The spread of disease b. The destruction of native plants c. The war against conquistadors d. The introduction of guns

a. The spread of disease

What's immediate impact did English colonists most likely have in the physical environment of North America? a. They cleared some of the forests for farming b. They destroyed rivers through shipping c. They eliminated native plants and animals by introducing non native species d. They established political boundaries among colonies

a. They cleared some of the forests for farming

What was a colony's function under the mercantile system? a. To provide raw materials b. To manufacture finished goods c. To ship finished goods d. To provide labor for factories

a. To provide raw materials

The purpose of the first continental congress was a. To unite the colonies in repose to the intolerable act b. to collect taxes c. To protest the stamp act d. To declare the colonies independent

a. To unite the colonies in repose to the intolerable act

It can be inferred from the information on this map that Pontiac's rebellion a. Was a widespread uprising among various American Indian groups b. Threatened trade between British and Spanish settlers c. Succeeded in halting white settlement of the Ohio valley d. Worsened relations between American colonists and the British government

a. Was a widespread uprising among various American Indian groups

Based on the map, what geographical advantage did the colony of Virginia enjoy? a. access to waterways b. fertile land for farming c. Isolation form American Indians d. protection of mountains

a. access to waterways

Relations among American Indians and the puritans in the seventeenth century could be best described as a. contentious b. minimal c. mutually beneficial d. peaceful

a. contentious

Which of the following was a main characteristic of both Spanish and French colonization? a. desire to find wealth and resources b. Invention to create a vast American empire c. development of trading alliances with natives d. Enslavement of native laborers

a. desire to find wealth and resources

Which of these political reforms would have led conservative patriots to worry about the tyranny majority? a. Expanding the powers of the governor relative to the legislature b. Abandoning a bicameral legislature in favor of a unicameral legislature c. Limiting vomiting rights to free white men with a certain amount of property d. preventing the government from providing support for particular religions

b. Abandoning a bicameral legislature in favor of a unicameral legislature

According to the chart, in what way did both the puritans and Europeans most differ from the anglicans? a. Both wanted to separate form the Anglican Church b. Both sought a less hierarchical, more congregational practice of their faith c. Both believed that they could do little to alter God's will regarding salvation d. Both supported the traditional hierarchy and ways of the Anglican Church

b. Both South a less hierarchical, more congregational practice of their faith

The electoral college was created to a. Provide training for newly elected officials b. Limit the people's power to elect a president directly c. Produce a clear majority for one candidate d. Explain presidential candidates positions on the issues

b. Limit the people's power to elect a president directly

Judicial Review is the idea fundamental to the us system of given,net that the action of the executive legislative branch of government are subject to review... Legal Information Institute Which of these constitutional principles does the power of judicial review most directly protect? a. Federalism b. Limited government c. Popular sovereignty d. Direct democracy

b. Limited government

Under the land ordinance of 1785, land would be solid by the government at a. At least five dollars per acre b. Not less than me dollar per acre c. At sixty four dollars per section d. Three hundreds to five hundreds dollars per section

b. Not less than me dollar per acre

Which conclusion about British interaction with American Indians is bets supported by the information in this diagram? a. The British setters attempted to assimilate Indians into their society b. The British colonists attempted to push the Indians away from their settlements c. The British government paid little attention to forging good relations with Indians d. The British colonies relied on trade with the Indians for their survival.

b. The British colonists attempted to push the Indians away from their settlements

Which factor gave France the greatest advantage over British in the completion for territory in North America? a. The control the French Navy excesses over Atlantic trade routes b. The good relations France had with American Indians. c. The steady supple of raw materials from French colonies in the West Indies d. The large number of French settlers in the interior.

b. The good relations France had with American Indians.

What statement bets shows the bubonic plagues economic effect on fourteenth-century Europe? a. Agricultural production decreased b. The number of workers decreased c. Populations in urban areas decreased d. The number of livestock decreased

b. The number of workers decreased

Nearly all of the delegates at the constitutional convention would have agreed with which if the following statements? a. Larger states should have more representation in congress b. The powers of the national government need to be expanded c. Ordinary citizens should be involved in all politicos decisions d. Protecting individual liberty is the top of any priority of any republic government

b. The powers of the national government need to be expanded

What does this image about reveal about slaves traders attitudes enslaved Africans? a. They were afforded special accomplishments as skilled laborers b. They were considered goods and cargo rather than human beings c. They were kept seperate form others to protect than from disease d. They were treated as indentured servants

b. They were considered goods and cargo rather than human beings

The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and New Englanders are no more. I am not Virginia but am American. -Patrick Henry 1774 Someone who accepted Patrick Henry's claim in this quote would most likely also believe in which of the following? a. Declaring independence from Britain b. Unity among the American colonies c. Establishing citizen militias d. The wisdom of the Albany plan of union

b. Unity among the American colonies

The Virginia colony survived largely because the English colonists a. developed lasting friendships with Native Americans. b. began growing tobacco for sale. c. were well cared for by the Virginia Company. d. worked cooperatively fo the good of the colony.

b. began growing tobacco for sale.

The trial of John Peter Zenger helped establish the principle of a. separation of church and state b. freedom of the press c. representative government d. trial by jury

b. freedom of the press

Which of the following people would have been likely to serve as a delegate to the constitutional convention in 1787? a. A white small farmer from he northwest territory b. A freed African American landowner from Connecticut c. A wealthy white plantation owner from Virginia d. An immigrant middle class New York City merchant

c. A wealthy white plantation owner from Virginia

The information in this announcement demonstrates that a. George Washington had a strong hand in writing the constitution b. Individuals with different political ideas were united in support of ratification c. All but one of the thirteen states had participated in forming the new plan of government d. No important revolutionary leader had been left out of the constitutional convention

c. All but one of the thirteen states had participated in forming the new plan of government

Which of the following features of the articles of conferences made the plan of government less democratic than the us constitution? a. There was no system if federal courts b. Congress could not levy or collect taxes c. Each state had only one vote in congress regardless of its size d. There was no separate executive branch to enforce acts of congress

c. Each state had only one vote in congress regardless of its size

In the topic, you'll read the following text: Land did not belong to individuals as private property. Instead, land belonged to extended kinship networks, derived from an ancient ancestor. What did West African attitudes towards private property reveal about slick structure in the region? a. Peasants were oftentimes unable to own the land on which they worked b. Land ownership was an acknowledged sign of wealth in west African cultures c. Family wealth and kinship ties were more important than individual wealth d. Kings distributed subjects land to member of their own extended family

c. Family wealth and kinship ties were more important than individual wealth

Sec. 89 Wherever therefore any number of men are so united into one society, as to quit every one his executive power of the law of nature and to resign it to the public there and there is only a political or civil society.... According to the excerpt, from which of the following does the government in a Society derive its political power? a. From absolute monarchs b. From God c. From it's people d. From natural forces

c. From it's people

In this excerpt, written with the non-standard spelling of the time, James Oglethorpe d1" 0fthe Georgia colony: His Majesty [hath] been graciously Pleased to grant a charter for mcorporatmgBa nllllr'nfifcoliny, many the name of The Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. . . . y S d lands. the people families, who would otherwise starve, will be provided for, and made masters of houses a: of a in Great Britain to whom these necessitous families were a burthen, will be relieved; mm:i eihser necessaries; manufacturers will be here employed, for supplying them with clothes, working tools, all: 0 wer of Britain and by giving refuge to the distressed Saltzburghers, and other persecuted Protestants, t e P0 ' as a reward for its hospitality, will be encreased by the addition 0f 50 many rehglous and mdusmous sabjec —James Oglethorpe, 1733 The statement by James Oglethorpe most clearly demonstrates which of the following main ideas? a.. Britain established Georgia to defend against Spanish invasion. b. Colonists in the Carolinas hoped to use Georgia as a buffer against American iridians. c. Georgia began as a refuge for English debtors and European religious relugees. d. Other colonies lacked sufficient resources, resulting in the {blinding oi (icm'gia.

c. Georgia began as a refuge for English debtors and European religious relugees.

Which of the following resolved the dispute between the Virginia and New Jersey plans? a. Bill of rights b. Pinckey's plan c. Great compromise d. Three- fifths compromise

c. Great compromise

The Constitution created a bicameral legit because the delegates reached a compromise about a. Which power congress should have b. What limits to place on powers of congress c. How states should be given congressional representation d. Who should have the rights to vote in congressional elections

c. How states should be given congressional representation

The map best indicates that the northwest territory presented the United States with a problem of a. Enforcing farming regulations throughout the new region b. Deciding on appropriate actions to pacify relations with American Indians c. How to admit new western states to the union d. Dividing territory among all the regions new setters

c. How to admit new western states to the union

Which of the following can be best be generalized from this table, which describes loyalists? a. Many loyalists had little interest in westward expansion or the problem of the frontier b. Many loyalists had been born in Great Britain and did not insider themselves American c. Loyalists believed they would benefit from counting to support British rule d. Loyalists tended to include the least powerful people in colonial society

c. Loyalists believed they would benefit from counting to support British rule

Which three colonies were founded in an attempt to escape religious persecution? a. New York, Virginia, and Georgia b. New York, New Jersey, and Georgia c. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland d. North Carolina, South Carolina. and Virginia

c. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland

How did Thomas Paine's Common Sense affect the move towards independence? a. Paine recommends compromise as the first course of action. b. More colonists accept the idea of limited representation in Parliament. c. Paine's Common Sense encourages rebellion against Britain. d. The idea of forming a new republic becomes the goal for many colonists.

c. Paine's Common Sense encourages rebellion against Britain.

Passage of the stamp act led the colonists to begin making which of these arguments? a. Citizens should be prepared to join a local militia b. The colonies would be better off with a unified government c. Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies directly d. No government has the right to engage in censorship

c. Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies directly

In this excerpt written with non standard spelling of the time, the travelers in the mayflower make several significant agreements. We whose names are underwritten, doe by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of god and one another covenants and combine ourselves together into a civil body.. - the mayflower compact 1620 Based on the agreement given here, what political principle did the government of Plymouth most closely embrace? a. Aristocratic absolution b. Democratic representation c. Popular sovereignty d. Totalitarianism

c. Popular sovereignty

In this except, written with the non-standard spelling of the time, roger Williams shares some of his beliefs God requireth not an uniformity to be inacted and informed in any civil state, which inferences uniformity is the greatest occasion.... In this statement, roger Williams makes an early plan for what political principle a. Democracy b. Representative government c. Separation of church and state d. Separation of powers

c. Separation of church and state

Which of the following led de,engages to constitutional convention to agree to the three fifths compromise? a. Debate between Virginia and New Jersey b. Disagreements over taxation c. Slavery in the southern states d. National vetoes of state law

c. Slavery in the southern states

In this topic, you read the following text: In Africa's, slaves were adopted by their families into which they were sold. They could also marry and as a rule, their children did not inherit the statute of slaves.... Which statement best shows the relationship between west Africa kings and their slaves? a. Slaves contributed to the economic well being of many kings and their kingdoms b. Many kings political strength was dependent on slaves voluntarily joining the military c. Some slaves were used or maintain a kings political and military strength d. Some slaves encouraged to odder loyal to the king and kingdom

c. Some slaves were used or maintain a kings political and military strength

Which of the following bets shows the relationship between missionaries and Spanish soldiers in the Americas? a. Spanish soldiers supported the conversion of Indians to Christianity b. Spanish soldiers killed Indians who refused the missionaries efforts c. Spinach soldiers protected missions from attack by Indians d. Spanish soldiers were a source of labor for Spanish missions

c. Spinach soldiers protected missions from attack by Indians

Which one of these assumptions was fundamental to Patrick Henry's Virginia resolves? a. Every citizen has a right to freedom of speech no press b. The American colonies should be a single unified nation c. Taxation without representation is illegitimate d. Citizens should organize militias to fight tyranny

c. Taxation without representation is illegitimate

Which of the following is an outcome of the French and Indian war that contributed to future tensions between the British and American colonists? a. British defenses against the Spanish were significantly weakened b. American settlers in the west had to pay for the land taken from the Indians c. The British government has a large war debt to pay off d. The number of British troops stationed in North America was increased significantly

c. The British government has a large war debt to pay off

The distribution of territory shown on this map resulted from a. The resolution of Pontiac's rebellion b. The French acceptance of the proclamation of 1763 c. The British victory in the French and Indian war d. The Americans victory

c. The British victory in the French and Indian war

How did the fur trade affect relations between the French and Canada's original peoples? a. The fur trade led to conflict over natural resources between the two groups b. The French built a fur trading post at Quebec in response to hostile Indians c. The fur trade encouraged both groups to work together for economic gain d. The French refused to take slides in local Indian wars to maintain their colonies.

c. The fur trade encouraged both groups to work together for economic gain

Which of these events had the most direct influence over the writing of the Declaration of Independence? a. The meant if the first continental congress b. The passage of the coercive acts c. The publication of common sense d. The announcement of the Albany plan

c. The publication of common sense

For what main reason did the Dutch and the seeded pursue colonies in North America? a. To ally with the French against the English b. To block other European nations from gaining a foothold c. To gain wealth from trade and resources d. To spread Christianity

c. To gain wealth from trade and resources

The federalist was written a. To warn against the dangers of tyranny b. To promote Washington for president c. To persuade New York to support the constitution d. To make a case for limited national government

c. To persuade New York to support the constitution

"The states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other for their common defense the security of their liberties and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist... " - Articles of Confederation Article III a. To protect the rights of citizens b. To ensure uniformity of the laws c. To protect each other against attacks d. To guarantee republican governance

c. To protect each other against attacks

3. Based on the map, which statement best explains the relationship between the location of West African kingdoms and their economic success? a. West African kingdoms maintained access to the Senegal and Niger River deltas. b. West Africa contained natural resources valued by Europeans and Asians. c. West Africa stood at the center of trade routes connecting Africa, Europe, and Asia d. West African kingdoms were about to connect a significant portion of the Sahara desert

c. West Africa stood at the center of trade routes connecting Africa, Europe, and Asia

In the excerpt, write me with non standard spelling at the time. Join smith discusses the colonists first action in Virginia. The first land they made called cape Henry. Where thirty of them recreating themselves on shore were assaulted by five salavaged who hurt two of the English very dangerously... According to the excerpt, which of the following did the colonists at Jamestown do first after making landfall? a. attack American Indians b. begin building a fort c. establish a government d. survey the land

c. establish a government

In their attitudes toward the Revolutionary war, John Adams estimated that colonists were split a. two third Patriots and one third in loyalists b. two thirds Loyalists and one third Patriots. c. one third Patriots, one third Loyalists, and one third neutral. d. one half Patriots and one half Loyalists.

c. one third Patriots, one third Loyalists, and one third neutral.

The changes brought by the Treaty of Paris did the most to expand the policy power of a. native peoples on the frontier. b. free blacks. c. property-owning men. d. unmarried women.

c. property-owning men

In this Topic you read the following text: In many places, such as along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, Africans held traditional beliefs. These involved a supreme creator supplemented by many spirit beings who inhabited every object and culture and the natural world. The people of West Africa believed, just as the American Indians did, that spirits lived... Which idea best summarizes many West African religious beliefs? a. There are many gods in the world who deserve equal veneration. b. The supreme creator should be worshipped as the one true god. c. Humans have an obli ation to care for all living things in the world. d. A spiritual connection exists between humans and the world in which we Iive

d. A spiritual connection exists between humans and the world in which we Iive

What was Columbus searching for when he sailed from Spain? a. Proof that the world was a sphere b. The North American continent c. A water route to Africa d. A western route to the indies

d. A western route to the indies

What effect did the American Revolution have on the world? a. The idea of overthrowing an old regime seemed impossible. b. Many European nations were inspired to rewrite their existing constitutions. c. French soldiers who fought with the Americans returned to France determined to support the existing monarchy. d. Achieving liberty and equaiity realistic goals and inspired other revolutions.

d. Achieving liberty and equaiity realistic goals and inspired other revolutions.

The Constitution had to be ratified by a. The seven largest states b. All thirteen states c. A simple majority of the states d. At least nine states

d. At least nine states

The image was intended to promote the Albany plan of union. What problem faced by the colonies did the Albany plan address? a. Slow economic growth resulting from inconsistent trade policies b. The British quartering their soldiers in private homes c. Lack of citizen participation in state and local militias d. Attacks by hostile Indians and foreign settlers

d. Attacks by hostile Indians and foreign settlers

What potential problem can you predict will lost likely result from the data shown? a. Colonial forces will need more troops to keep order b. Colonial governments will have to invite more civic participation c. Colonies will develop new diseases if they do not slow immigrants d. Colonists will want to settle more Americans Indian territory

d. Colonists will want to settle more Americans Indian territory

And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to our Interest, and to the security of tribes Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, and who live under not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of our Dominions and reserved to , or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds. —Proclamation of 1763 Which statement best explains the British rationale for the Proclamation of 1763? a. Preserving Indian hunting grounds would provide the government with a steady supply of food for its fast-growing colonies. b. Protecting American Indian leaders from attack would prevent French fur traders from reestablishing their dominance in the Ohio River Valley. c. Setting aside territory for American Indians to occupy in the interior would make it easier to purchase Indian lands along the Atlantic Coast. d. Halting the westward progress of colonial settlement would reduce further conflict between American Indians and colonists.

d. Halting the westward progress of colonial settlement would reduce further conflict between American Indians and colonists.

The principle of popular sovereignty is most to the selection of members of the a. Supreme Court b. Executive branch c. President's cabinet d. House of Representatives

d. House of Representatives

The anti federalist argued against the constitution because they felt a. It created a weak executive branch b. It gave too much power to the people c. The articles of confederation did not need to be reformed d. It made the national government too strong

d. It made the national government too strong

The representation from five states that gathered at Annapolis and congress to call another meeting because they a. Did not want their political opponents to accuse them of acting in secrecy b. Felt that they should meet in a location that was easier to reach from all thirteen of the states c. Believed that articles of confederation needed to include better protection for indictable rights d. Know that the consent of every state would be needed to change the articles of confederation

d. Know that the consent of every state would be needed to change the articles of confederation

The members of the militia who were ready for action at a moment's notice were known as a. Conservatives b. Second men c. Soldiers d. Minutemen

d. Minutemen

The federalist strategy for gaining ratification included a. Acceptance of a state right to declare federal laws null and void b. Guarantees that particular states would have a certain number of seats in congress c. Promising positions in the executive branch to important leaders in reluctant states d. Promise to add protections for individual liberties once the new system was in place

d. Promise to add protections for individual liberties once the new system was in place

Which one of the following was the most widespread form of protest against the news laws passed by parliament after the French and Indian war? a. Quitting jobs with the British government b. Attacking the homes of wealthy British merchants c. Destroying shipments of weapons for British army d. Refusing to buy British made goods

d. Refusing to buy British made goods

Which conclusions doe the information in the web support? Ethnic origins of the middle colonies a The Middle Colonies experienced a gem: deal of internal strife. b. The Middle Colonies had a larger populaiif'ln than the other colonial regior c. The Middle Colonies lacked central government oversight and laws. d. The Middle Colonies were characterized by great ethnic diversity

d. The Middle Colonies were characterized by great ethnic diversity

Why did most enslaved Afi'icans live in the Southern Colonies? a. Enslaved Africans only agreed to work in that region. b. New England and the Middle Colonies did not permit slavery. c. Spanish and Portuguese slave ships would not sail farther north. . d. The Southern Colonies depended more heavily on labor-intensive agriculture.

d. The Southern Colonies depended more heavily on labor-intensive agriculture.

Afier eight years of war the Treaty of Paris recognized the independence awarded it an enormous tem'to stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to .the MISSISSIPPI . 1781i treaty created difficulties as well as opportunities for the new nation ~L1brary of Congress What was one of the problems created by the provision of the Treaty of Paris in this excerpt? a. The United States did not have a large enough population to settle the vast territory it controlled for then b. The United States did not have popular support for the settlement and development for the frontier regions. c. The United States had no political structures for governing territory that were not established in the states d. The United States would have to deal With American lnd1an hostility without British military support.

d. The United States would have to deal With American Indian hostility without British military support.

What change in British policy resulted from the end of the French and Indian War? a. Colonists were given free land west of the Appalachian mountains b. Royal governors were replaced with governors elected by the colonists. c. Frontier settlements were required to organize and maintain citizen militias. d. The government began enforcing tax laws that had largely been ignored in the past.

d. The government began enforcing tax laws that had largely been ignored in the past.

What was the main difference between the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan? a. The types of powers given to congress b. The number of branches of the federal government c. The method for electing members of two houses on congress d. The number of representatives in congress each state would have

d. The number of representatives in congress each state would have

Which of the following best describes the status and role of most colonial women? a. They could not own property has they fli'iilifi participate in government. b. They focused on raising children and engaged in few other economic activities. c. They had numerous ecm'eémtit: app-1m entries and other rights but lacked sufli'age. d. They contributed to economic activities of their families but had no political rights

d. They contributed to economic activities of their families but had no political rights

Amerigo Vespucci's explorations of South America had what effect in Europeans knowledge of the globe? a. They believed there was no direct western route to the indies b. They no longer believed that the globe was flat c. They recognized South America as a new continent d. They now recognized South America as a continent

d. They now recognized South America as a continent

Based in the image, what conclusion can be drawn about the crusades? a. They were paid for by European monarchs b. They involved Christians from multiple European kingdoms c. They were an attempt to retake territory controlled by Muslim d. They were supported by both the Catholic Church and kings

d. They were supported by both the Catholic Church and kings

In this topic you read the following text: Together, the warning climate and the spread of Palio Indians hunters killed off the mammoths and other large mammals. Meanwhile, the environment became more diverse. The northern grasslands... Which is the most accurate description of paleo Indian adaptation to the cumulate change described in the excerpt? a. Choosing to migrate back b. Turning to agricultural methods to sustain larger populations c. Choosing to migrate to coastal areas to find new food sources d. Turning to a combination of hunting, gathering, and fishing

d. Turning to a combination of hunting, gathering, and fishing

Shays rebellion grew out of a. The widespread desire for more power for state government b. Protest against strong government under the articles of confederation c. Dissatisfaction with the outcome of the Annapolis convention d. Unrest among Massachusetts farmers over taxes

d. Unrest among Massachusetts farmers over taxes

In Europe, the Black Death of the 13005 brought on a. rapid growth of cities. b rapid population growth. c. an end to belief in the Church's authority d. death to one third of the entire population .

d. death to one third of the entire population .

The Puritans migrated to New England to a. start tobacco plantations. b. maintain the practices of the Anglican Church. c. establish Catholic missions. d. escape religious persecution

d. escape religious persecution

What key purpose did the Navigation Acts serve? a. to control shipping lanes in the Atlantic b. to grow the slave trade c. to maintain order in the colonies d. to reinforce mercantilism

d. to reinforce mercantilism

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