American History I: Chapter 11

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Fort Wagner, SC

Union attack led by the 54th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. Colonel Robert Shaw led black regiment. Union lost and many were varied near fort. Confederates abandoned the fort due to contamination.

Which state was formed (in 1863) from another state that joined the South in the Civil War?

West Virginia

Define the term writ of habeas corpus and explain why did Lincoln suspend it?

Writ of Habeas Corpus is a court order that requires authorities to bring a person held in jail before the court to determine why he or she is being jailed. Lincoln suspended it because he wanted to discourage disloyalty and dissent in states.

What was a copperhead?

a Northerner who sympathized with the South

Which of the following occurred at Appomattox?

the final surrender of the South


18-35 for the south became 17-50. 20-45 for the north.

How many Union soldiers died during the civil war? Confederate soldiers?

360,000 union soldiers and 260,000 confederate soldiers died during the civil war.

Approximately how many deaths were there in the civil war?


Both the North and South used conscription during the Civil War. What is conscription?

A wartime military draft which many people avoided by hiring substitutes.

Election of 1864

Abraham Lincoln against George McClellan. McClellan won over two states. The border states and the confederate states didn't vote so Abraham Lincoln won.

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 (5 days after lee's surrender)?

Abraham Lincoln was shot and assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a southern sympathizer and actor, during a play (at a theatre he worked for), and in the back of the head, on April 14th, 1865 (5 days after lee's surrender) only to die the next day.

Sherman's March

Sherman destroyed Atlanta on September 2nd, 1864. The last major battle fought in the war was at Bentonville, NC.

Which soldiers had a higher mortality rate?

African American soldiers

Though African-Americans could serve in the Union army during the Civil War, how were they discriminated against?

African-Americans were discriminated against in the Union Army during the Civil War in the sense that they served in separate regiments commanded by white officers, they usually couldn't rise above the title of captain, they earned $10 a month (three dollars less than white soldiers), and received no clothing allowance, and they were assigned jobs no one else wanted, and suffered higher mortality rates as a result.

Which of the following was the location of a prisoner-of-war cam where captured Union soldiers died b the thousands?


Which of the following was, at the time, the bloodiest single day-battle in American history?


In which of the following areas did the South have an advantage over the North? a. population b. home field c. industrial capacity d. food production

B. home field

The final Union war strategy included all of the following components EXCEPT a. seizing control of the Mississippi River. b. trench warfare. c. a naval blockade. d. destroying the Confederate economy.

B. trench warfare

Northern diet

Bacon, beans, pickled beef, hardtack

Soldiers suffer

Bad hygiene and lived among disease

What was Sherman's march through Georgia designed to do?

Break the will of the southern people

Trent Affair

British ship, Trent, sailed from Cuba to GB carrying two southern delegates from the south trying to gain British support. Trent was stopped by U.S.S. San Jacinto. Eventually was released. GB was angry. US angry at GB for selling ships to south like the Florida and Alabama since they sunk many northern ships. Both sides avoid war though.

With the fall of Vicksburg, the Union managed to a. capture the Confederate capital. b. convince Britain to remain neutral. c. split the Confederacy. d. force the Confederacy to surrender

C. split the confederacy

Who was Clara Barton and what organization did she help establish?

Clara Barton was a union nurse and she helped to establish the American Red Cross.

Who was Clara Barton?

Clara Barton was a union nurse that worked for the USSC, and often often cared for the sick and wounded at the front lines.

The Battle of Shiloh

Confederate loss allows union to advance into Mississippi.

First Battle of Bull Run

Confederate victory- first major battle of the Civil war; fought in Virginia in 1861, either of two battles during the American Civil War (1861 and 1862)

How did the Congress help pay for the war?

Congress helped pay for the war by tapping into the citizens' wealth. Congress enacted the tax law that authorized the nation's first income tax, a tax that takes a specified percentage of an individual's income.

Why did conscription (the DRAFT) become a problem for both the North and the South?

Conscription, or the draft, became a problem for both the north and the south because there were many casualties and they needed more men. An issue with that was that people could hire substitutes, or would be exempted if they owned 20+ slaves. They both really needed men though.

What is the definition of a Copperhead?

Copperheads were northern democrats who advocated for peace with the south. (The most famous one being Clement Vallandigham)


Creation of a single unified economy 13th amendment abolished slavery Increased power of the federal government The US became an industrial nation Western lands increasingly opened to settlement South was economically and physically devastated with plantation system crippled. Reconstruction rebuilds the US 4 million freed slaves South hates north still

Southern diet

Cush- cube of beef- and cornbread.

What were the four border states that remained in the Union during the Civil War?

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri

What caused food shortages in the South during the Civil War?

Food shortages in the South during the Civil War were due to the drain of manpower into the army, the union occupation of food growing areas, and the loss of slaves to work in the fields.

Which of the following was the location of a massacre of African-American prisoners of war?

Fort Pillow

Which pair of early Civil War conflicts were clearly Union defeats?

Fort Sumter & Bull Run

What is the significance of the battle of Antietam?

General Lee moved troops into Maryland. Single bloodiest day of war and ever. Union victory. Lincoln fired McClellan for not making a move and Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

Battle of Gettysburg

General Lee takes the battle to the north. The union wins and it became the largest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere. This battle was the turning point in the war. Lee never again invaded the north.

How much do historians estimate the Civil War cost (combined total)?

Historians estimate that the civil war cost $3.3 billion in combined total.

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves..?

In areas of the Confederacy except those under Union control.

Leader of the south

Jefferson Davis

How was Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation a strategic move?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was a strategic move because it gave the war a high moral purpose. The emancipation movement was also a big thing in Britain; so, it discouraged the British from supporting the confederacy.

Battle of Vicksburg

Part of the North's anaconda plan. It splits the confederacy in two. Splitting the south from the east and the west (Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana). The north then gained control of the Mississippi River.

Lincoln's main goal

Preserve the union

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Ran Fort Pillow and started the KKK.

Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia.

Robert E. Lee defeats union genera Joseph hooker. Stonewall Jackson was accidentally shot by his own men and died of pneumonia after having his arm amputated. Lee decides to invade the north because he hoped it would pull union troops from Vicksburg, Mississippi. His decision was a mistake.

Great Britain

South thought GB would help them against North because of King Cotton but Britain had stockpiled before war and found new sources. British were against slavery; began trading north for grain.

Battle of the ironclads

Steam-propelled warship covered by iron. The north's ironclad was called monitor and the south's was Merrimack.

Which Civil War battle is considered a turning point because it crippled the Confederate forces so badly that they never again invaded a Northern state?

The Civil War battle that is considered a turning point because it crippled confederate forces so badly they never invaded a northern state again was Gettysburg.

Where did the Emancipation Proclamation free the slaves?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves behind Confederate lines, outside union control. Although, it did not apply to Southern territory already occupied by Union troops nor to the slave states that had not seceded.

How did the Gettysburg Address "remake America?"

The Gettysburg address remade America because people changed the way they thought about it. They used the say, "the United States are" but changed are to is after the renown address. Lincoln also gave the reason behind the war, while supporting slave liberation. In addition to that, he reminded the people of the nation's original unification with our founding father's.

Economically, how did the Civil War affect both sides?

The civil war affected the south economically by depriving them of a large portion of their income. It freed slaves and removed a bulk of the south's workforce. They lost a source of income and prices skyrocketed due to inflation. The civil war affected the north economically by causing a boom in industry and a lot of economic growth. Companies began hiring free slaves and immigrants for cheaper prices. The quality of life declined and prices increased. The government began charging an income tax.

Describe the condition of prisoners at Fort Pillow (p352) and at Andersonville.

The condition of the prisoners at Fort Pillow was awful. The confederate soldiers killed two hundred African American slaves and some whites as they begged for their lives in a massacre one day. Andersonville was the most infamous prison in the south. There was no shelter. There was a huge population, and there were food shortages, overcrowding, and disease that killed about 100 men a day during the summer months.

Where did the final surrender of the Confederate Army take place?

The final surrender of the confederate army took place at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia

Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired at?

The first shots of the civil war were fired at Fort Sumter. The confederate attack at South Carolina's Fort Sumter signaled the start of the civil war.

In what ways did the North have an advantage over the South?

The north's advantages over the south were that they had a larger population, they were industrial, they had an efficient railroad system, they had a better navy, and they had good leaders.

What was the North's plan in achieving military victory (name and the actual plan)?

The north's plan in achieving military victory was called the anaconda plan. Strategy #1: The union navy would blockade southern ports, so they could neither export cotton nor import much needed manufactured goods. Strategy #2: Union River boats and armies would move down the Mississippi River and split the confederacy in two. Strategy #3: Union Armies would capture the confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia.

What other new weapons made war on the battlefield more deadly?

The other new weapons that made war on the battlefield more deadly were rifles and minié balls. They were faster, more accurate, and more destructive.

What was the purpose of the United States Sanitary Commission?

The purpose of the United States sanitary commission was improve hygienic conditions of army camps and to recruit and train nurses.

What did General McClellan not do that caused Lincoln to fire him after the Battle of Antietam?

The reason that General McClellan was fired by Lincoln after the battle of Antietam was because McClellan had the "slows" and waited instead of pursuing the battered confederate army and possibly ending the war.

What revolution in shipbuilding changed naval warfare?

The revolution in shipbuilding that changed the way naval warfare was a new type of war machine: the iron clad ship. It could splinter wooden ships, withstand cannon fire, and resist burning.

Appomattox Courthouse

The south was very low on supplies and the confederates were outnumbered. Lee surrenders and the civil war ends. The union had finally won.

What were the South's advantages over the North?

The south's advantages over the north were that they had excellent generals, they were defending their homeland (which was easier than attacking), and better in combat (since farmers fought better than industrial workers).

Which amendment in the constitution abolished slavery?

The thirteenth amendment in the constitution abolished slavery.

What did the Union victory at Vicksburg do to the Confederacy?

The union victory at Vicksburg divided the confederacy in two.

Which of the following abolished slavery in the United States?

Thirteenth Amendment

Six semper tyrannis

Thus be it ever to tyrants ; muttered by Booth after he shot Lincoln.

What was total war according to Sherman and Grant and describe Sherman's March?

Total war, according to Sherman and Grant, was that they believed it to be essential to fight not only the south's armies and government, but it's civilian population as well. Sherman's March occurred when the confederate army tried to cut his railroad supply lines. He abandoned his supply and marched through Georgia, burning it down. He continued on to help grant take out Lee, causing more damage than in Georgia.

During the Civil War, Northern women a. entered nursing/field previously dominated by men. b. did not become involved in the conflict. c. did work mostly at home. d. organized anti-war protests.

a. entered nursing/field previously dominated by men.

The Civil War was the first war in which all of the following were used EXCEPT for the a. poison gas b. gatlin gun c. ironclads d. minie ball

a. poison gas

Lincoln fired George McClellan after Antietam and appointed a. Ambrose Burnside. b. Ulysses S. Grant. c. George Meade. d. Winfield Scott.

b. Ulysses S. Grant

At the outset, President Lincoln held that the Civil War was being fought to a. end all state sovereignty. b. preserve the Union. c. free the slaves. d. carry out the goals of the abolitionist movement.

b. preserve the union

In foreign affairs, President Lincoln's most significant achievement was his success in a. establishing claims to islands in the Pacific. b. restraining the foreign powers from recognizing the Confederacy. c. negotiating the demilitarization of Canadian-American boundary. d. gaining the support of the czar of Russia.

b. restraining the foreign powers from recognizing the Confederacy.

Why did both the South and the North experience rioting during the Civil War?

c. in the South, over food; in the North, over the draft

Clara Barton is best known for her effort to a. feed soldiers on both sides. b. spy for the Union Army. c. spy for the Confederacy. d. improving soldier's health conditions.

d. improving soldier's health conditions.

King Cotton diplomacy a. succeeded for the South mainly because of slaves on plantations. b. enabled the South to get all the war material it needed from Europe. c. worked for the North. d. was a failure.

d. was a failure

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