AMFAS: Act 1 Review

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Where does More live? Where is he currently?

Chelsea, Richmond

How much money does Alice bet that she won't see a falcon stoop from the clouds?

At first 25, then 30 shillings

Who is the dispatch addressed to, and why is it strange that it is addressed to this person?

Cardinal Campeggio, he is not their (England's) ambassador.

What does Norfolk say about Machiavelli?

He calls him "the Italian" and says he wrote a nasty book.

Why does More say he Roper cannot marry Margaret?

He is a heretic

What does Cromwell say about More?

He says that More's innocence is tangled in the proposition that you can't take a new woman without a divorce, and you can't have a divorce unless the Pope allows it.

What does More say about the Devil and the law? How does Roper respond?

He says that he would give the Devil the benefit of the law, to which Roper says that the law is More's god.

What does More say about his office (job)?

He was commanded into office, it was inflicted upon him

What one significant thing does Henry say to More about his opinion on the divorce?

He will have no opposition, that More's conscience is his own affair, but he is the Chancellor

Roper and Margaret say More should arrest Rich. Why?

He's dangerous, a spy, and has committed libel.

What does Norfolk say about Aristotle?

He's never found much use in him, but he is a great philosopher with a wonderful mind

Who taught Margaret Latin? Greek?

Her father taught her Latin, her father's friend, John Colet, taught her Greek.

What does Alice ask Margaret for?

Hot water

What does Cromwell ask about the way More left Cardinal Wolsey?

If More left him in a laughing mood.

What does Chapuys ask about More's parting with the Cardinal?

If it was amicable.

Margaret mention's Henry's book. What is it about?

It asserts the seven sacraments of the Church

What does Roper say about the court?

It has corrupted More, teaching him to study his convenience. It has taught him to flatter.

How does Chapuys correct Cromwell about the boat?

It only has 56 guns, not 66, and only 40 of them heavy.

What does the boatman say about the trip from Richmond to Chelsea? From Chelsea to Richmond?

It's a quiet float downstream, it's a hard pull upstream.

Who is More's daughter?

Lady Margaret

What does Henry site as the reason that Catherine is not his legitimate wife?

Leviticus, Chapter 18, Verse 16: "Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife."

What religion does Roper follow?


What does Margaret say Roper wants to do?

Marry her

Rich says that every man has his price. What are the things he lists as the prices of men?

Money, pleasure, titles, women, bricks-and-mortar.

What does More's Steward tell Cromwell?

More doesn't talk about the divorce, even to his daughter Margaret, which is significant because it means he's worried.

When and where does Wolsey die?

November 29, 1530 in Leicester on his way to the Tower of London for treason (a.k.a. not being able to secure the divorce)

Why does Wolsey die?

Possible reasons were a broken heart, a diagnosis of pulmonary pneumonia, but its effective cause was the King's displeasure.

Before More leaves what does he do with his family

Prays with them before sending them off to bed

Why is Alice upset?

Roper rode off on her horse

What does Margaret say in response to Norfolk's opinion of Machiavelli's book?

She says the book is very practical.

Why is Henry displeased with Margaret?

She speaks better Latin than him

Who else does More meet before boarding his boat home?

Signor Chapuys

What author does More ask if Rich had been recommended? Who recommended this author to Rich?

Signor Machiavelli, Oliver Cromwell

Why is Cromwell so happy?

Sir Thomas Paget, Secretary to the Council, is retiring

What does Rich say he'll be able to buy with the silver cup?

Some decent gowns

What does Alice think More should do?

Stay friends with Henry and not cross him.

Cromwell says he might be tipsy, not from alcohol, but what?


What price does Rich state that finally catches Thomas More's interest?


When Rich returns to the More house, what does he tell More?

That Cromwell is collecting information about More, and that More's steward is one of Cromwell's sources

What does Alice say Norfolk was speaking about in regards to More?

That More could be Chancellor

What does the boatman say about More riding his boat?

That More will make it worth his while (pay more)

When Henry says to Margaret that he's heard she is a scholar, how does Margaret reply?

That for a woman, she passes as one.

What does Alice say about Cromwell?

That he is the farrier's son.

What does the Steward say about Rich?

That he'll come to nothing

What does the steward say about the information he's given Cromwell and Chapuys?

That it is common knowledge and that they'll make the information secretive by somehow making it dangerous.

When Roper shows up again, what does he say about his conscience?

That it is inconvenient (a.k.a. he's Catholic again)

What does Henry say about marrying Catherine?

That it was a sin and this is why he doesn't have a son.

When More asks about the boatman's wife, what does the boatman say?

That she is losing her shape, and fast

What does the Steward say about Thomas More giving things to people?

That some say it's good, others say it's bad, but he says that More can't help it, which is bad, because someday More is going to want to keep something someone asks for and will be out of practice.

What does Norfolk say in reply to Alice's criticism of Cromwell's background?

That the Cardinal is a butcher's son

What does Cromwell say in response to the boatman's implications?

That the fares are fixed

When Rich tells Cromwell that he got a silver cup from More from the Court of Requests, what does Cromwell say?

That the next time Rich shares information, it will be easier.

What does More believe about statesmen?

That when they forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead the country on a short route to chaos

Until More comes down to earth, Wolsey says More has an enemy. Who?

The Cardinal himself

Who is More called by? What about?

The Cardinal, the King's business

Who is Lady Alice, More's wife, arguing with?

The Duke of Norfolk

What is Rich's new occupation?

The Duke's secretary

When More says he is being called away on the King's business, what does Alice say that the king's business implies?

The Queen's business

What does Cardinal Wolsey say More might like to look at?

The dispatch for Rome

Who is significant that More includes in their prayers?

The king

What does Cromwell offer to Rich?

The position of Collector of Revenues for York Diocese.

What does Rich say about the opinion of Aristotle on mists?

They are an exhalation of the earth

What does Henry say about Norfolk's legs?

They are wrestler's legs.

Who is the next Chancellor

Thomas More

Who does More think will come after Wolsey as Cardinal?


Why does Henry say Wolsey failed him?

Villainy, and that Wolsey was all pride. Wolsey wanted to be Pope. It was never merry in England while Cardinals were there.

When More returns home, who is Margaret with?

William Roper, her Protestant boyfriend

What does Wolsey say about More?

Without his horrible moral squint and a little common sense, More could've become a statesman

What does Henry call the Pope and the King of Spain?


When Rich asks what happens if More has no sense, what does Cromwell say?

"Sir Thomas has plenty of sense; he could be frightened."

When Chapuys says More is a good son of the Church, what does Cromwell say in response?

"Sir Thomas is a man."

When Chapuys asks how they should introduce Cromwell, what does Cromwell say?

"The King's Ear"

What is the pub where Cromwell and Rich meet called?

"The Loyal Subject"

When More says Roper wants to marry Margaret, what is Alice's reaction?

"What! Impudence!"

After Cromwell hold Rich's hand in the candle flame, horrified, Rich says what?

"You enjoyed that!"

What time is it when More receives the letter?

11 o'clock

What time does Cardinal Wolsey say More arrived? What time did More actually arrive?

1:30, 1:00

What time is it when Henry decides to leave More's house?

8 o'clock

Who is Signor Chapuys?

A Spanish diplomat in the court of King Charles of Spain, the nephew of Queen Catherine of England

What is the silver cup?

A bribe given to More from a woman who has put a lawsuit into the Court of Requests. More gives it to Rich

When Norfolk, Alice, and Margaret finally find More before the King's arrival, what is More wearing?

A cassock

What does Cromwell say More should have been?

A cleric

What has Roper been offered?

A seat on the next Parliament

What are they arguing about?

About whether or not a falcon could stoop from a cloud.

When Wolsey suggests that Cromwell might be cardinal, what does More say?

"Me rather than Cromwell."

What does Chapuys say in farewell to More? How does More reply?

"Dominus vobiscum" (The Lord be with you), "spiritu tuo" (and with your spirit)

What ship is the king sailing? Where are they launching? What will the King be wearing?

"Great Harry," they are launching from Deptford, and he will be wearing a common pilot's uniform, but in cloth of gold.

When asked if he would keep what is said a secret or divulge information, what does Rich say?

"It would depend what I was offered."

What does Cromwell say is the constant aim of the administration? And for whom?

Convenience, first for them (Cromwell and Rich), then the people.

What does Norfolk say that shocks More, Margaret and Alice?

Cromwell is the Cardinal's Secretary

Who is Rich talking to? And about what?

Cromwell, their positions, as well as various other "available" positions in court

What does Henry say he does superlatively?


What does the narrator say overlaps in a babble?

Expostulation, explanation, and exclamation

What does More say he'd like to do?

Govern the country with prayers

What does Wolsey ask More in regards to the English rule?

He asks if More would favor a change of dynasties from Tudor to York, which he believes will occur if Henry does not have a son.

What does More's Steward tell Chapuys?

More rises at 6 and prays for an hour and a half. During Lent, he lived entirely on bread and water. He goes to confession twice a week to the parish priest who is a Dominican

What does More say to Roper in regards to trust?

More would trust Roper with his life, but not his principles.

Does More want to be Chancellor


Is Cromwell generally well liked?

No (Alice says that if Rich likes Cromwell, he's the only man in England if he does)

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