Anatomy 1 - Chap 8

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3 tarsal bones lie just distal to the navicular are the _____

knee to the ankle

By anatomical definition the leg extends from the ______

the medial end is cone-shaped, the lateral end is flat, and the inferior surface is ridged

How is it possible to tell whether an isolated clavicle is the right or left one?

the radius is lateral to the ulna

In anatomical position, ______


In anatomical position, the ____is the most lateral bone in the leg.


In the proximal row of carpals, there are the scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, and pisiform, from lateral to medial.


In the wrist, lateral to the lunate is the scaphoid, and medial to the lunate is the ____


The ____is the tarsal bone lateral to the navicular

is an extension of the scapular spine

The acromion of the scapula _____

proximal to the tubercles

The anatomical neck of the humerus lies _____


The apex of the patella points distally

false pelvis

The area between the crest of the ilium and arcuate is called the ____


The bone in the upper limb that corresponds to the femur in the lower limb is the ____


The bone of the forearm that directly and functionally articulates with the carpals is the ______


The bone that has a trochlear notch, olecranon process, coronoid process is the _____


The bones that has a trochlea, capitulum, greater tubercle is the _____

glenoid cavity

The bony landmark at the lateral angle of the scapula is the _____


The calcaneal tuberosity is the region of the foot that makes contact with the ground while walking

transmit compression forces from the upper limb to the axial skeleton

The clavicle functions to _____


The coracoid process of the scapula articulates with the clavicle


The coronoid fossa is found on which of the bones?


The coronoid process is found on which bones?


The coronoid process is part of the ____


The deltoid tuberosity is found on which of the bones?


The distal of the ulna is the olecranon process

medial malleolus

The fibula has all the features except: 1. head 2. inferior tibiofibular joint 3. medial malleolus 4. lateral malleolus


The greater and lesser tubercles are sites of muscle attachment on the proximal lateral aspect of the femur

fovea capitis

The head of the femur has a ____, from which a ligament extends that attaches to the inner surface of the acetabulum

glenoid cavity

The head of the humerus articulates with the scapula at the _____

superior ramus

The ischium has all these features except: 1. ischial tuberosity 2. ischial spine 3. body 4. superior ramus

inferior pubic ramus

The ischium joins the pubis in the acetabulum and at the _______


The large processes on the proximal end of the humerus are called tubercles, but the similar landmarks on the femur are called ___


The medial malleolus is found on which bone?


The metacarpus is the palm of the hand


The olecranon process is found on which of the bones?


The pectoral girdle consists of the clavicle and the _____

coxal bones

The pelvic girdle consists of the paired _____

from side to side

The pelvic inlet (brim) is widest


The proximal end of the fibula is the lateral malleolus


The pubic symphysis is a pad of hyaline cartilage between the two pubic bones


The rotator cuff muscles attach to the humerus at the ______


The styloid process on lateral side of the antebrachium is found on which bone?


The tallest arch of the foot is the ___arch.


The thumb has no middle phalanx


The trochlear notch is found on which of the bones?


The ulnar notch is found on which bone?

compression of the median nerve

What is the cause of the carpal tunnel syndrome?

neck of the femur

When an individual "breaks a hip" the most common location of the fracture is the _____


When the forearm is flexed at the elbow, the coronoid process of the ulna fits into the ____fossa of the humerus.


When you sit cross-legged for a while on a hard surface, your "rear end" hurts because you have beeen distributing weight directly over your bony ______tuberosities


Which border of the scapula is proximal to the vertebral column

the male pubic arch is wider than that of the female

Which of the following statements about the male pelvis is FALSE. 1. bones are heavier and rougher than female 2. males pelvis is narrow and deep 3. male pubic arch is wider than female 4. cavity of the true pelvis is smaller than female

it articulate with the femus, tibia, and fibula

Which of the statements about the patella is false? 1. it is roughly triangular in shape 2. it is a sesamoid bone 3. it acts to protect the knee joint anteriorly 4. it articulate with the femur, tibia, and fibula


Which tarsal bone lies directly anterior to the talus?

ulna and radius

bone combinations representing a pair of pivoting bones?

7th vertebra

bone not articulating with the clavicle? 1. scapula 2. rib 1 3. manubrium 4. 7th vertebra


bones of the appendicular skeleton are unpaired? 1. humerus 2. clavicle 3. os coxae 4. none


bones primarily bears the weight of the body?

articulates with the sacrum

false statement regarding acetabullum: 1. where 3 pelvic bones intersect 2. participates in the hip joint 3. is cup-shaped 4. articulates with the sacrum

they are numbered 1-5 from lateral to medial, just like metacarpals

false statement regarding metatarsals? 1. they are numbered 1-5 from lateral to medial, just like metacarpals 2. articulate proximally to the cuneiforms and cuboid 3. contribute to the 3 arches of the feet 4. support some of the body's weight


not an appendicular skeleton? 1. patella 2. femur 3. sacrum 4. navicular

forms part of the greater sciatic notch

pubic bone is characterized by all except: 1. forms part of the obturator foramen 2. forms part of the acetabulum 3. forms part of the greater sciatic notch 4. fuses with the ischium

The fibula

stabilizes the ankle joint

metacarpal V

the bone of the palm that articulates with the shortest digit is ____


the bony landmark which is the attachment point for the patellar ligament is found on which bone?


tibia articulates distally with the trochlea of the talus


which bone is not a carpal bone? 1. cuboid 2. triquetral 3. scaphoid 4. hamate


which bone is the heel bone?


which bone is the keystone of the medial arch of the foot?

obturator foramen

which of the appendicular foramen is "closed up" and has very few nerves, vessels passing through it?

it helps stabillize the knee

which of the ff statements concerning the fibula is false? 1. it helps stabilize the ankle 2. it helps stabilize the knee 3. it is the thinnest of the 2 leg bones 4. it forms the lateral malleolus


All of the bones of the digits are collectively known as ____


As it runs from the hip to the knee, the femur projects ____as well as inferiorly


At the distal humerus, the trochlea articulates with the ____

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