Anatomy 2 Exam 2

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Cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells differ in a few ways. Which of the following is not one of them?

Cardiac muscle cells lack transverse tubules.

The earlike extension of the atrium is the


Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of

cardiac muscle cells.

The cusps (leaflets) of atrioventricular valves attach directly to

chordae tendineae.

The term ________ refers to blockage in the coronary circulation.

coronary artery disease

The great and middle cardiac veins drain blood into the

coronary sinus.

When a blood clot forms on a ruptured plaque in a coronary artery, the condition is referred to as a(n)

coronary thrombosis.

The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from

depolarization of the atria.

The atrioventricular valves permit blood flow

in one direction only.

The foramen ovale in the fetal heart is located in the

interatrial septum.

Pericardial fluid

is a lubricant between the heart and the pericardial sac.

The coronary sulcus is a groove that

marks the border between the atria and ventricles.

The muscle layer of the heart is the


Identify the structure(s) labeled "8."

papillary muscles

Thick projections of muscle in the ventricles that anchor chordae tendineae are called

papillary muscles.

Prominent muscular ridges in the anterior atrial wall and auricles are called

pectinate muscles.

The pulmonary valve prevents backward flow into the

right ventricle.

The endocardium consists of this type of tissue.

simple squamous epithelium

The ________ circuit carries blood from the aorta to the right ventricle.


Blood is supplied to the myocardium by

the coronary arteries.

If the connection between the SA node and AV node becomes blocked,

the ventricles will beat more slowly.

The connective tissues of the heart are important for all of the following reasons except

they produce the pericardial fluid.

Muscular ridges on the inner surface of the ventricles are called

trabeculae carneae.

Which of the following statements is true concerning differences between the right and left ventricles?

The efficiency of the right ventricle is increased by the left ventricle because the wall of the left ventricle pushes into the right ventricle.

In a procedure known as ________, an inflatable balloon at the end of a catheter is used to press plaque back against the vessel wall.

balloon angioplasty

The superior portion of the heart where major blood vessels enter and exit is the


The bicuspid or mitral valve is located

between the left atrium and left ventricle.

The ________ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium.


A hole in the interventricular septum in an infant may cause all of the following symptoms except

build-up of atherosclerotic plaque.

The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to

calcium channels remaining open.

Identify the structure labeled "6."

cusp of tricuspid valve

The ________ lines the chambers of the heart, covers the heart valves, and is continuous with the endothelium.


The ________ covers the outer surface of the heart.


The visceral pericardium is the same as the


Cardiac muscle layers form this distinct pattern.

figure eight

The structure that permits blood flow from the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetal circulation is the

foramen ovale

If the pacemaker cells in the SA node become more permeable to potassium ions, the

heart rate will decrease and cells will hyperpolarize.

The pulmonary veins carry blood to the


Blood leaves the right ventricle by passing through the

pulmonary valve.

The right atrium receives blood from all of the following structures except the

pulmonary veins.

A fine tubular wire mesh called a ________ may be inserted into a coronary vessel, holding it open


As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac action potential, cardiac muscle cannot exhibit


Tetanic muscle contractions don't occur in a normal cardiac muscle because

the refractory period lasts until the muscle relaxes.

The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in

the sinoatrial node.

The term used to describe fluid collecting in the pericardial cavity that restricts the movement of the heart is known as

cardiac tamponade.

The coronary sinus drains the ________ into the ________.

cardiac veins; right atrium

Rheumatic fever causes generalized inflammation of the heart called


The function of an atrium is to

collect blood then pump it to the ventricle.

As blood leaves the right ventricle, it passes through the ________ and then into the pulmonary trunk.

conus arteriosus

The first blood vessels to branch from the aorta are the ________ arteries.


A procedure in which a length of the patient's vein or artery is used to create a detour around an obstruction in a coronary artery is called

coronary artery bypass graft.

The ________ carry blood toward the heart


The T wave on an ECG tracing represents

ventricular repolarization.

The heart beats approximately ________ times each day.


Which chamber receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary circuit?


There are ________ pulmonary veins.


The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle 3. AV node 4. SA node 5. bundle branches

4, 3, 2, 5, 1.

The following is a list of vessels and structures that are associated with the heart. What is the correct order for the flow of blood entering from the systemic circulation? 1. right atrium 2. left atrium 3. right ventricle 4. left ventricle 5. venae cavae 6. aorta 7. pulmonary trunk 8. pulmonary veins

5, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6

The heart pumps approximately ________ liters of blood each day.


________ is the symptom generally brought on by coronary ischemia.

Angina pectoris

Which statement correctly describes the term left atrioventricular valve?

Its cusps open into the left ventricle.

Abnormally slow depolarization of the ventricles would most change the shape of the ________ in an ECG tracing.

QRS complex

Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an electrocardiogram by the

QRS complex.

Identify the structure labeled "19."

pulmonary semilunar valve

If there is a complete block between the SA node and the AV node, how would the ECG be affected?

The rate of P waves will be faster than the rate of QRS complexes.

Which of the following is not true regarding the right atrioventricular valve?

The valve closes when the right atrium contracts.

The adult heart is roughly the size of

a man's clenched fist.

In cardiac muscle,

about 20 percent of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell.

Cardiac cells damaged by infarction will show all of the following except

an increase in metabolic activity.

The left ventricle pumps blood to the


Which valve(s) cusps open up toward the base of the heart?

aortic and pulmonary valves

Identify the structure labeled "22."

aortic arch

These structures keep the aortic valve cusps from sticking to the wall of the aorta.

aortic sinuses

The inferior point of the heart is called the


The ________ carry blood away from the heart.


in cardiac muscle, the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result of

increased membrane permeability to sodium ions.

The ________ is shared by the two ventricles.

interventricular septum

Which valve(s) contains 2 cusps?

left AV valve

Blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the

left atrium

Blood is supplied to the muscular wall of the left atrium by the

left coronary artery.

The circumflex branch and the anterior interventricular artery are branches of the

left coronary artery.

Which chamber has the thickest wall?

left ventricle

An MI that affects the ________ side of the heart is more severe because it has to pump blood with ________ force.

left; more

The ________ is a remnant of an important fetal blood vessel that once linked the pulmonary and systemic circuits.

ligamentum arteriosum

The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the


In the middle of the thoracic cavity is a region occupied by the heart, great vessels, thymus, esophagus, and trachea called the


Rupture of the papillary muscles in the left ventricle may result in

mitral valve prolapse.

The ________ is an important ridge of muscle extending horizontally around the right ventricle from the interventricular septum to the base of the anterior papillary muscle containing part of the conducting system.

moderator band

The right pulmonary veins carry ________ blood to the ________.

oxygenated; left atrium

The heart lies within the ________ cavity.


Contractions of the papillary muscles

prevent the atrioventricular valves from reversing into the atria.

Oxygen is added to blood as it flows through the ________ circuit.


The ________ circuit carries blood to and from the lungs.


Compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle has all the following characteristics except

pumps a greater volume.

One possible consequence of untreated strep throat is a disease causing inflammation of heart called

rheumatic fever.

The right ventricle pumps blood to the

right and left lungs.

Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the

right atrium.

Coronary veins empty into the

right atrium.

The marginal branch and posterior interventricular branch are branches of the

right coronary artery.

Which of the following are involved in the pulmonary circuit?

right ventricle, pulmonary trunk, left atrium

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