Anatomy & Physiology 2 Final Review (Ch 23-29)

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*PICTURE* Which letter indicates absorptive cells (enterocytes)?


When we ingest large molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, they must undergo catabolic reactions whereby enzymes split these molecules. This series of reactions is called __?__.

Chemical digestion

Pepsinogen, a digestive enzyme, is secreted by the __?__.

Chief cells of the stomach

Which hormone causes an increased output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice and stimulates the gallbladder contractions that release bile?


Which of the following increases the output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice?


Chemical digestion in the small intestine involves __?__.

Cholecystokinin, an intestinal hormone responsible for gallbladder contraction

The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to __?__.

Collect the absorbed nutrients for metabolic processing or storage

Which of the following statements best describes a dietary COMPLETE PROTEIN? A protein that __?__.

Contains all the body's amino acid requirements for maintenance and growth.

Which of the following is not true of saliva?

Contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of proteins

Short-chain triglycerides found in foods, such as the butterfat molecules found in milk, are split by a specific enzyme in preparation for absorption. Which of the following enzymes is responsible?


The __?__ contains lobules with sinusoids that are lined with macrophages which lead to a central venous structure.


The sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold the digestive tract in place are called __?__.


What is the outcome of ketosis?

Metabolic acidosis

A baby is admitted to the hospital with a history of projectile vomiting after each feeding. Upon examination, it is found that the sphincter controlling food passage from the stomach to the duodenum is thickened and does not fully open or close. This allows gastric acid to continually leak into the duodenum and causes his blood to become __?__.

More alkaline leading to alkalosis

From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same four basic layers. Arrange them in order starting with the lumen.

Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

Which of the following mechanisms produces the most ATP during cellular respiration?

Oxidative phosphorylation

Which of the following produces enzymes that are released into the small intestines and which break down all categories of foodstuffs?


Which of the following cells produce intrinsic factor?


Why is the stomach pH acidic?

Pepsin is activated and has maximal activity at low pH

Wavelike smooth muscle contractions that move foodstuffs through the alimentary tube are called __?__.


What process primes a molecule to change in a way that increases its activity, produces motion, or does work?


The ability of the intestines to absorb nutrients is enhanced by increasing the surface area of the mucosal lining. Which of the following accomplish this task?

Plicae circulares, villi, and microvilli

Hepatocytes do not __?__.

Produce digestive enzymes

The function of goblet cells is to __?__.

Produce mucous that protects parts of the digestive tract from the effects of powerful enzymes and acids needed for food digestion.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that helps create the stomach mucosal barrier?

Production of intrinsic factor

Which of the following is the major role of leptin in the body?

Protect against weight loss during times of nutritional deprivation

Gastrin is a digestive hormone that is responsible for the stimulation of acid secretions in the stomach. The secretions are stimulated by the presence of __?__.

Protein and peptide fragments

Hormones or paracrine chemicals that inhibit gastric secretion include __?__.


The salivary glands are composed of which two types of secretory cells.

Serous and mucous cells

What kind of epithelium lines the small intestine?

Simple columnar epithelium

Which of the following is (are) NOT important as a stimulus in the gastric phase of gastric secretion?


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the large intestine? It __?__.

Is longer than the small intestine

Which organ contains villi and microvilli which act to increase the absorptive surface area?

small intestines

Chyme is created in the __?__.


Which organ is responsible for the synthesis of intrinsic factor?


The layer of the digestive tube that contains blood vessels, lymphatic nodes, and rich supply of elastic fibers is the __?__.


Which of the choices below is not a mechanism of heat production?


When proteins undergo deamination, the waste substance found in the urine is mostly __?__.


The mechanical and chemical receptors that control digestive activities are located in the __?__.

walls of the tract organ

Which of the choices below is not a source of glucose during the postabsorptive state?

Absorption of glucose from the GIT

You have just eaten a meal high in complex carbohydrates. Which of the following enzymes will help to digest the meal?


Which of the choices below happens during the absorptive state?

Anabolic processes exceed catabolic ones

Ms White goes to the emergency department in severe abdominal pain, she is nauseous and has been vomiting. The nurse gently palpates her abdomen and finds the pain located in Ms Wong's lower right abdominal quadrant. The nurse alerts the attending that Ms Wong may need a surgeon. Why? Ms Wong most likely has __?__.


*PICTURE* Which letter indicates Goblet cells?


Intrinsic factor is required to absorb vitamin __?__.


There are three phases of gastric secretion. The cephalic phase occurs __?__.

Before the food enters the stomach and is triggered by aroma, sight or thoughts of food.

*PICTURE* If this section is from the duodenum, and the clusters of blue-stained cells at the base of the villi are a gland, what does this gland secrete and why

Bicarbonate rich mucous to neutralize stomach acid.

A fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion that contains cholesterol, emulsification agents and phospholipids is __?__.


Choose the incorrect statement regarding bile.

Bile contains enzymes for digestion

The ingestion of a meal high in fat content would cause which of the following to occur?

Bile would be released from the gallbladder to emulsify fat in the duodenum

*PICTURE* Which letter indicates Lamina propria?


Which of the choices below is NOT a fate of carbohydrate taken into the body?

Direct conversion into nucleic acids

The solutes in saliva include __?__.

Electrolytes, digestive enzymes, mucin, lysozyme, wastes and IgA

What part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?


The term BASAL METABOLIC RATE reflects the __?__.

Energy the body needs to perform only its most essential activities.

Gastrin, histamine, endorphins, serotonin, cholecystokinin, and somatostatin are hormone paracrines that are released directly into the lamina propria. Which of the following cell types synthesize and secrete these products?

Enteroendocrine cells

Which of the following is NOT a phase of gastric secretion?


Paneth cells secrete __?__.

Enzymes that are lethal to bacteria

Which of the following are types of papillae on the tongue that contain taste buds?

Fungiform and circumvallate

Select the correct statement about the regulation of gastric secretion.

Gastric secretion can be stimulated before food has entered the stomach.

The process of splitting glucose into two pyruvic acid molecules through a series of 10 steps in the cytosol is called __?__.


Which of the choices below describes the pathway of cellular respiration (the complete oxidation of glucose)?

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation

The ducts that deliver bile and pancreatic juice from the liver and pancreas, respectively, unite to form the __?__.

Hepatopancreatic ampulla

Parietal cells o the stomach produce __?__.

Hydrochloric acid

Which of the following is NOT a component of saliva?

Hydrochloric acid

When digestive enzymes breakdown food, the chemical reaction involves __?__.


Select the correct statement about absorption.

If intact proteins are transported across the villus epithelium, an immune response may be triggered

There are at least 20 organisms commonly found in the large intestine that are also common pathogens. It is our __?__ antibody-mediated response that restricts them from penetrating the intestinal mucosa and causing an infection.


In addition to the storage and mechanical breakdown of food, the stomach __?__.

Initiates protein digestion and denatures proteins

Which hormone directs essentially all the events of the absorptive state?


What stomach secretion is necessary for normal hemoglobin production in RBCs?

Intrinsic factor

Select the correct statement about electrolyte absorption.

Iron and calcium are absorbed mostly by the duodenum

A woman is admitted to the emergency department complaining of severe pain in her left iliac region. She reports that it has happened repeatedly in the past and is worsened by constipation but relieved once she passes feces. A large, tender mass is palpated in the left iliac fossa and a barium study reveals a large number of diverticula in her descending and sigmoid colon. What are diverticula?

Small herniations of the mucosa that penetrate the colon wall.

Which of the following is an essential role played by the bacterial flora of the large intestine?

Synthesize vitamin K and B-complex vitamins

Select the correct statement about digestive processes

The enterogastric reflex decreases gastric activity when chyme enters the duodenum

The term METABOLISM is best defined as __?__.

The sum of biochemical reactions involved in building and breaking down molecules.

Select the statement that is true concerning primary teeth.

There are 20 primary teeth, and by 24 months of age, most children have all 20

Which of the following is true concerning the number and type of permanent teeth?

There are 32 permanent teeth and the wisdom teeth are the last to emerge

Transamination is the process whereby the amine group of an amino acid is __?__.

Transferred to a keto acid

Which of the following enzymes is specific for proteins?


Nervous control of gastric secretion is provided by the __?__.

Vagus and the enteric plexus

Peristaltic waves are __?__.

Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of a tubular organ along its tract

Maxwell is admitted to hospital complaining of severe chest pain. He is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, which is most commonly related to __?__.

Weakness of the gastroesophageal sphincter, overeating or alcohol consumption

How are most nutrients absorbed through the mucosa of the intestinal villa?

active transport

The principal pigment found in bile is __?__.


The dental formula for an adult is 2-1-2-3. What does the 1 stand for?

canine toth

Chemical digestion reduces large complex molecules to simpler compounds by the process of __?__.


Which food type is considered to be the most important for athletes to eat to improve performance?

complex carbohydrates

The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called __?__.


Which of the following nutrients yield the highest amount of energy per gram when metabolized?


When ketone bodies are present in the blood and urine in large amounts, it usually indicates increased metabolism of ___?__.

fatty acids

The longest portion of the small intestine is the __?__.


The capillaries that nourish the epithelium and absorb digested nutrients lie in the __?__.

lamina propria

Digestion of which of the following would be affected the most if the liver were severely damaged?


The lamina propria is composed of __?__ connective tissue.


Surgical cutting of the lingual frenulum would occur in which part of the body?

oral cavity

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which of the secretory cells of the stomach?

parietal cells

Chief cells secrete __?__.


If an incision has to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction, the first layer of tissue (of the intestine) to be cut is the __?__.


When a person's hypothalamic thermostat is set to a higher level and the actual body temperature is below that level, the person may __?___.


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