Anatomy Chapter 9 Book Questions

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10) An example of a synchondrosis is the articulation of the A) ribs with the sternum.B) radius and the ulna.C) femur with the acetabulum. D) atlas and the axis.E) navicular bone with the cuniform bones.


119) Which of the following is not a member of the rotator cuff? A) teres majorB) subscapularisC) teres minor D) infraspinatusE) supraspinatus


120) Arthritis always involves damage to the ________ cartilages, but the specific cause can vary.A) articularB) intervertebral C) costalD) elasticE) fibrous


121) A general term for pain and stiffness that affects the skeletal or muscular system is A) rheumatism.B) atherosclerosis.C) bursitis. D) bunions.E) arthritis.


14) Syndesmosis is to ligament as symphysis is to A) fibrous cartilage.B) dense regular connective tissue.C) periodontal ligament. D) rigid cartilaginous bridge.E) completely fused.


15) Structurally, the pubic symphysis is classified as a ________ articulation. A) cartilaginousB) bonyC) synovial D) fibrousE) diarthrotic


20) Which of the following is not a property of articular cartilage? A) covered by perichondriumB) lubricated by synovial fluidC) enclosed by an articular capsule D) similar to hyaline cartilageE) smooth, low-friction surface


3) An immovable joint is a(n) A) synarthrosis.B) diarthrosis.C) amphiarthrosis. D) syndesmosis.E) symphysis.


3) Within an intervertebral disc, which structure provides the tough outer layer of fibrocartilage and which structure provides the soft inner core for resiliency and shock absorption? (Figure 9-6) A) anulus fibrosus; nucleus pulposusB) nucleus pulposus; anulus fibrosus C) anulus pulposus; nucleus fibrosus D) nucleus fibrosus; anulus pulposus E) anular ligament; spinous ligament


40) Pronation is defined asA) a rolling of the distal epiphysis of the radius over the ulna.B) a twisting of the ulna medially.C) twisting the forearm so that the palms face anteriorly.D) the shortening of the angle between the radius and the humerus.E) movement of the mandible anteriorly, as seen when biting the upper lip.


47) The joints that connect the four fingers with the metacarpal bones are A) condylar joints.B) saddle joints.C) pivot joints. D) hinge joints.E) condyloid joints.


48) The joint between the trapezium and metacarpal bone of the thumb is an example of a ________ joint.A) saddleB) gliding C) condylarD) hingeE) pivot


5) A ligamentous connection such as an antebrachial interosseous membrane is called a A) syndesmosis.B) symphysis.C) synchondrosis. D) synostosis.E) gomphosis.


55) In a triaxial articulation,A) movement can occur in all three axes. B) movement can occur in only two axes. C) movement can occur in only one axis. D) only circumduction is possible.E) no movement is possible.


64) Which of the following movements is a good example of depression? A) opening the mouthB) turning the hand palm upwardC) extreme bending of the head backwards D) moving the hand toward the shoulder E) spreading the fingers


66) Which of the following movements would you associate with chewing food? A) elevationB) abductionC) flexion D) pronationE) circumduction


7) A suture is an example of a(n) A) synarthrosis.B) syndesmosis.C) symphysis. D) diarthrosis.E) amphiarthrosis.


73) The movement of rotating a limb outward is called ________ rotation. A) lateralB) internalC) medial D) superficialE) abductive


86) The fibrocartilage outer layer of the intervertebral disc is called the A) annulus fibrosus.B) nucleus pulposus.C) synovial fluid. D) gelatinous pulposus.E) gelatinous fibrosus.


92) The elbow joint is extremely stable because A) the ulna and humerus interlock.B) the articular capsule is thin.C) the capsule lacks ligaments. D) several muscles support the joint capsule. E) the joint lacks bursae.


93) Contraction of the muscle that is attached to the radial tuberosity results in A) flexion of the forearm.B) extension of the forearm.C) abduction of the forearm. D) adduction of the forearm.E) rotation of the shoulder.


94) The largest and strongest articulation at the elbow is the A) humero-ulnar joint.B) ulnar joint.C) ulnaradial joint. D) radial joint.E) humeroradial joint.


96) The ligaments that limit the anterior-posterior movement of the tibia and maintain the alignment of the femoral and tibial condyles are the ________ ligaments.A) cruciateB) fibular collateral C) patellarD) poplitealE) tibial collateral


98) The structures that assist the bursae in reducing friction between the patella and other tissues are theA) fat pads.B) medial menisci. C) lateral menisci.D) popliteal ligaments.E) cruciate ligaments.


108) The joint that permits the greatest range of mobility of any joint in the body is the ________ joint.A) hipB) shoulder C) elbowD) kneeE) wrist


11) A freely movable joint is a(n) A) synarthrosis.B) diarthrosis.C) amphiarthrosis. D) syndesmosis.E) symphysis.


117) The glenoid fossa is rimmed by the fibrocartilaginous A) fovea capitis.B) glenoid labrum.C) menisci glenoidum. D) annulus fibrosus.E) nucleus pulposus.


125) The most common type of joint inflammation is called A) rheumatism.B) degenerative joint disease.C) rheumatoid arthritis. D) osteoporosis.E) gouty arthritis.


18) Which of the following is not a function of synovial fluid? A) shock absorptionB) increases osmotic pressure within jointC) lubrication D) provides nutrientsE) protects articular cartilages


2) The synarthrosis that binds the teeth to the bony sockets is a A) suture.B) gomphosis.C) synchondrosis. D) synotosis.E) syndesmosis.


23) Mike falls off his skateboard and sprains his ankle. Which of the following most likely occurs with this type of accident?A) A bursa is damaged and leaks synovial fluid.B) A ligament is stretched and collagen fibers in the ligament are damaged. C) Articulating bones are forced out of position and ligaments are torn. D) Dislocation of the ankle occurs.E) The tibia is broken and must be set in a cast.


32) ________ subdivide synovial cavities, channel the flow of synovial fluid, and allow for variations in the shapes of the articular surfaces.A) Fat padsB) Menisci C) BursaeD) LacunaeE) Fasciae


34) The three functions of synovial fluid are nutrient distribution, shock absorption, and A) stabilization.B) lubrication.C) padding. D) strengthening.E) enzyme secretion.


4) What two bones does the acromioclavicular ligament connect? (Figure 9-9) A) acromion and clavicleB) scapula and clavicleC) sternum and clavicle D) humerus and clavicleE) rib 1 and clavicle


41) A movement away from the midline of the body is called A) inversion.B) abduction.C) adduction. D) flexion.E) extension.


42) To pinch with a thumb and finger involves a movement called A) rotation.B) opposition.C) circumduction. D) eversion.E) retraction.


50) Which type of joint is found between the carpal bones? A) saddleB) glidingC) hinge D) ball-and-socketE) pivot


52) Curling into the "fetal position" ________ the intervertebral joints. A) hyperextendsB) flexesC) abducts D) extendsE) rotates


59) Which foot movement enables the ballerina to stand on her toes? A) dorsiflexionB) plantar flexionC) inversion D) rotationE) eversion


60) Which of the following movements is a good example of supination? A) opening the mouthB) turning the hand palm upwardC) extreme bending of the head backwards D) moving the hand toward the shoulder E) spreading the fingers


76) Identify the incorrect pair. A) gliding joint; sacroiliac joint B) pivot joint; hip jointC) hinge joint; ankle joint D) condylar joint; radiocarpal jointE) saddle joint; first carpometacarpal joint


85) The gelatinous core of an intervertebral disc is called the A) annulus fibrosus.B) nucleus pulposus.C) synovial fluid. D) gelatinous pulposus.E) gelatinous fibrosus.


91) The posterior longitudinal ligament isA) a paired ligament that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.B) a fibrous band that connects the posterior surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies.C) a band of fibrous tissue connecting the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.D) a longitudinal fibrous band that is attached to the tips of spinous processes from C7 to the sacrum.E) a wide fibrous band that connect the anterior surfaces of the adjacent vertebral bodies.


97) In the knee joint, the medial and lateral menisci A) are cartilages that bind the knee to the tibia.B) act as cushions between the articulating surfaces. C) take the place of bursae. D) are found between the patella and femur.E) are prominent fat pads to protect the articulating bones.


1) What structure covers the bony surfaces of a synovial joint to prevent the surfaces from touching? (Figure 9-1)A) fibrous joint capsuleB) synovial membrane C) articular cartilageD) elastic cartilageE) meniscus


102) Complete dislocation of the knee is rare because A) the knee is protected by the patella.B) the femur articulates with the tibia at the knee.C) the knee contains seven major ligaments. D) the knee contains fat pads to absorb shocks. E) the knee is extremely resilient.


105) The knee joint is stabilized by ________ major ligaments. A) 3B) 5C) 7 D) 9E) 11


114) Which of the following explains the occurrence of a hip fracture rather than a hip dislocation?A) There is a severe lack of capsular fibers in hip joints compared to other synovial joints. B) Only three ligaments are present in hip joints to provide stability.C) Stress gets transferred from head of femur to the diaphysis via the thin neck.D) Muscles surrounding the hip joint are altogether small and thus provide little stability. E) All of the above.


124) In ________ an autoimmune response attacks joints and causes an inflammation condition. A) rheumatismB) degenerative joint diseaseC) rheumatoid arthritis D) osteoporosisE) gouty arthritis


16) Identify the incorrect pair.A) synarthrosis; immovable jointB) amphiarthrosis; slightly movable jointC) chondrosis; freely moving jointD) gomphosis; articulation between tooth and bone E) They are all correct; there is no incorrect pair.


24) Which of the following is not a property of synovial joints? A) freely movableB) lined by a secretory epitheliumC) covered by a serous membrane D) contain synovial fluidE) covered by a capsule


31) Small pockets of synovial fluid that reduce friction and act as a shock absorber where ligaments and tendons rub against other tissues are calledA) fat pads.B) menisci. C) bursae.D) lacunae.E) fasciae.


36) A collagenous type of connective tissue that reinforces the synovial joint and is found outside the joint capsule is called theA) extracapsular tendon.B) intracapsular ligament. C) extracapsular ligament. D) intracapsular tendon. E) meniscus.


4) A synovial joint is an example of a(n) A) synarthrosis.B) amphiarthrosis.C) diarthrosis. D) symphysis.E) syndesmosis.


44) The ankle joint is an example of a(n) ________ joint. A) condylarB) saddleC) hinge D) ball-and-socketE) gliding


46) A twisting motion of the foot that turns the sole of the foot outward is known as A) inversion.B) plantar flexion.C) eversion. D) dorsiflexion.E) pronation.


53) The movements known as dorsiflexion and plantar flexion involve moving the A) hand.B) arm.C) foot. D) leg.E) hip.


6) A slightly movable joint is a(n) A) synarthrosis.B) diarthrosis.C) amphiarthrosis. D) gomphosis.E) synostosis.


62) Which of the following movements is a good example of hyperextension? A) opening the mouthB) turning the hand palm upwardC) extreme bending of the head backwards D) moving the hand toward the shoulder E) spreading the fingers


65) Nodding your head "yes" is an example of A) lateral and medial rotation.B) circumduction.C) flexion and extension. D) pronation and supination.E) protraction and retraction


8) An epiphyseal line is an example of a A) gomphosis.B) synchondrosis.C) synostosis. D) symphysis.E) syndesmosis.


80) The movement of a body part downward is called A) retraction.B) pronation.C) depression. D) protraction.E) eversion.


82) ________ is a type of angular movement that decreases the angle between articulating bones. A) AdductionB) AbductionC) Flexion D) ExtensionE) Rotation


84) All of the following movements occur at the intervertebral joints except A) flexion.B) rotation.C) dorsiflexion. D) lateral flexion.E) extension.


89) The interspinous ligament isA) a paired ligament that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.B) a fibrous band that connects the posterior surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies.C) a band of fibrous tissue connecting the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.D) a longitudinal fibrous band that is attached to the tips of spinous processes from C7 to the sacrum.E) a wide fibrous band that connect the anterior surfaces of the adjacent vertebral bodies.


95) The ligament that provides support to the front of the knee joint is the ________ ligament. A) anterior cruciateB) posterior cruciateC) patellar D) poplitealE) tibial collateral


106) In nursemaids elbow the radial head is dislocated from the A) ulnar collateral ligament.B) radial collateral ligament.C) articular capsule. D) anular ligament.E) antebrachial interosseous membrane.


109) Which of the following is false?A) The rotator cuff functions to limit the range of movements of the shoulder joint.B) The shapes of the articulating surfaces within the joint help prevent movement in a particular direction and strengthen and stabilize the joint.C) The tighter two bones are held together within a joint, the stronger the joint.D) The more movement a joint allows, the stronger the joint.E) The tension produced by muscle tendons surrounding a joint help stabilize the joint


112) Which of the following athletes are at greatest risk of developing a rotator cuff injury? A) tennis playersB) soccer playersC) runners D) baseball pitchersE) high jumpers


118) The shoulder joint, or ________ joint, permits the greatest range of motion of any joint. A) coracocondylarB) humeroacromialC) clavicoscapular D) glenohumeralE) deltobrachial


19) Bursae are found in all of the following areas except A) tendon sheaths.B) beneath the skin covering a bone.C) within connective tissue exposed to friction or pressure. D) around blood vessels. E) around many synovial joints.


33) A ________ occurs when articulating surfaces are forced out of position. A) fractureB) bunionC) bursitis D) dislocationE) sprain


35) A ________ is a tender nodule formed around bursae over the base of the great toe. A) spurB) blisterC) callus D) bunionE) pimple


38) The joint between the forearm bones and the wrist is a ________ joint. A) saddleB) glideC) hinge D) condylarE) pivot


39) Ankle extension is also called A) dorsiflexion.B) inversion.C) eversion. D) plantar flexion.E) protraction.


45) Which of the following movements is a good example of flexion? A) opening the mouthB) turning the hand palm upwardC) extreme bending of the head backwards D) bending the elbowE) spreading the fingers


54) The elbow joint is an example of a(n) ________ joint. A) saddleB) glidingC) condylar D) hingeE) pivot


77) You ________ your mandible when you grasp your upper lip with your lower teeth. A) rotateB) extendC) pivot D) protractE) pronate


78) The movement of a body part upward is called A) extension.B) protraction.C) supination. D) elevation.E) abduction.


81) ________ is a type of angular movement that increases the angle between articulating bones. A) AdductionB) AbductionC) Flexion D) ExtensionE) Rotation


83) Which of the following is not a type of synovial joint? A) glidingB) hingeC) pivot D) symphysisE) condylar


88) The supraspinous ligament isA) a paired ligament that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.B) a fibrous band that connects the posterior surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies.C) a band of fibrous tissue connecting the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.D) a longitudinal fibrous band that is attached to the tips of spinous processes from C7 to the sacrum.E) a wide fibrous band that connect the anterior surfaces of the adjacent vertebral bodies.


1) Joints can be classified structurally as A) bony.B) fibrous.C) cartilaginous. D) synovial.E) All of the answers are correct.


100) The back of the knee joint is reinforced by ________ ligaments. A) tibial collateralB) anterior cruciateC) posterior cruciate D) patellarE) popliteal


101) The medial surface of the knee joint is reinforced by the ________ ligament. A) cruciateB) fibular collateralC) patellar D) poplitealE) tibial collateral


103) The most common athletic knee injury produces damage to the A) patella.B) lateral meniscus.C) ligaments. D) tendons.E) medial meniscus.


104) The ligament that encloses the ________ attaches to the tibial tuberosity. A) head of the femurB) greater trochanterC) medial malleolus D) lesser trochanterE) patella


107) Which ligament connects the clavicle and the acromion? A) coracohumeralB) coracoacromialC) coracoclavicular D) glenohumeralE) acromioclavicular


110) The "rotator cuff" of the shoulder functions to A) reinforce the joint capsule.B) limit the range of movements.C) allow biaxial movement. D) allow monaxial movement.E) reinforce the joint capsule and limit the range of movements.


111) Which of the following ligaments assists in stabilization of the shoulder joint? A) coracoacromialB) subscapularisC) coracoclavicular D) coracoacromial and subscapular ligamentsE) coracoacromial and coracoclavicular ligaments


113) Which of the following ligaments is not associated with the hip joint? A) iliofemoral ligamentB) pubofemoral ligamentC) ischiofemoral ligament D) ligamentum teresE) anterior cruciate ligament


115) Factors that increase the stability of the hip joint include A) strong muscular padding.B) tough capsule.C) almost complete bony socket. D) supporting ligaments.E) All of the answers are correct.


116) The coxal bones articulate with the sacrum at the ________ joint. A) vertebrocoxalB) coxosacralC) iliocoxal D) vertebroilialE) sacroiliac


12) The intervertebral disc joint is called a A) synarthrosis.B) glide joint.C) condylar joint. D) synchondrosis.E) symphysis.


122) The clinical term for joint inflammation is A) rheumatism.B) atherosclerosis.C) bursitis. D) bunions.E) arthritis.


123) In ________ crystals of uric acid form within the synovial fluid of joints. A) rheumatismB) degenerative joint diseaseC) rheumatoid arthritis D) osteoporosisE) gouty arthritis


13) Which of the following is one of the four major types of synarthrotic joints? A) sutureB) gomphosisC) synchondrosis D) synostosisE) All of the answers are correct.


17) Which of the following occurs when the articular cartilage is damaged? A) The matrix begins to break down.B) The exposed surface appears rough.C) Friction in the joint increases. D) Normal synovial joint function is unable to continue. E) All of the answers are correct.


2) List the various types of angular movements. (Figure 9-3) A) inversion and eversionB) dorsiflexion and plantar flexionC) circumduction D) pronation and supinationE) flexion/extension/hyperextension, abduction/adduction, and circumduction


21) The surface of articular cartilage is A) slick.B) flat.C) smooth. D) rough.E) both slick and smooth.


22) Which of the following is not considered an accessory synovial structure? A) fat padsB) menisciC) tendons D) bursaeE) synovial membrane


30) Usually found outside the capsule, ________ protect the articular cartilages and act as packing material for the joint.A) ligamentsB) tendons C) bursaeD) menisciE) fat pads


37) Which one of the following is not a stabilizing factor of synovial joints? A) skeletal muscles around the jointB) the presence of a meniscusC) collagen fibers of the joint capsule D) fat pads around the jointE) the synovial membrane


43) A common injury to the ankle occurs by excessive turning of the sole inward, called A) eversion.B) protraction.C) dorsiflexion. D) plantar flexion.E) inversion.


49) Monaxial joints are known as ________ joints. A) saddleB) glidingC) ball-and-socket D) condylarE) hinge


51) Which of the following types of joints is monaxial, but capable of only rotation? A) saddleB) glidingC) hinge D) ball-and-socketE) pivot


56) An extension past the anatomical position is known as A) double-jointed.B) extension.C) flexion. D) rotation.E) hyperextension.


57) Which of the following joints is an example of a ball-and-socket joint? A) elbowB) kneeC) ankle D) wristE) shoulder


58) The joints between vertebrae are examples of ________ joints. A) saddleB) pivotC) condylar D) hingeE) gliding


61) Lifting a stone with the tip of foot is A) circumduction.B) eversion.C) inversion. D) plantar flexion.E) dorsiflexion


63) Which of the following movements is a good example of abduction? A) opening the mouthB) turning the hand palm upwardC) extreme bending of the head backwards D) moving the hand toward the shoulder E) spreading the fingers


72) The movement of rotating a limb toward the anterior surface of the body is called ________ rotation.A) frontalB) external C) lateralD) outwardE) medial


75) The movement of the forearm while twisting a doorknob is A) protraction and retraction.B) abduction and adduction.C) flexion and extension. D) lateral rotation and medial rotation. E) supination and pronation.


79) Which of the following types of movement are not permitted at a synovial joint? A) eversionB) flexionC) retraction D) glidingE) They are all permitted.


9) Dense fibrous connective tissue is to a suture as a periodontal ligament is to a(n) A) amphiarthrosis.B) syndesmosis.C) synostosis. D) synchondrosis.E) gomphosis.


90) The anterior longitudinal ligament isA) a paired ligament that connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.B) a fibrous band that connects the posterior surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies.C) a band of fibrous tissue connecting the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.D) a longitudinal fibrous band that is attached to the tips of spinous processes from C7 to the sacrum.E) a wide fibrous band that connect the anterior surfaces of the adjacent vertebral bodies.


99) The normal movement of the knee joint during walking involves A) abduction.B) adduction.C) flexion. D) extension.E) both flexion and extension.


87) The flava ligament isA) a paired ligament that connect the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.B) a fibrous band that connects the posterior surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies.C) a band of fibrous tissue connecting the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.D) a longitudinal fibrous band that is attached to the tips of spinous processes from C7 to the sacrum.E) a wide fibrous band that connect the anterior surfaces of the adjacent vertebral bodies.


74) The atlantoaxial joint is an example of a ________ joint. A) ball and socketB) pivotC) gliding D) condyloidE) saddle


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