Anatomy Exam 3

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carotid sinus

Respond to blood pressure, Carotid Body responds to partial pressures of O2/CO2, supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve

hypoglossus muscle

Retracts and pulls down side of tongue

ventricular fibulation

SA node, AV node all going at once (uncoordinated contraction)

Conduction system of the heart

SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers


The same in all directions (light can pass through)

the descending aorta becomes

Thoracic aorta then abdominal aorta

The Azygous vein drains ?

Thorax and lower body into SVC

posterior and anterior leg muscles (Tom, Dick, and Harry)

Tibialis Posterior, flexor digitorum longus, tibial artery, tibial nerve, flexor hallucis longus

The largest muscle of the upper back is the:


small cardiac vein

Vein that travels along side the right marginal artery.

the jumping muscle


Palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva

Conjunctiva that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and the anterior aspect of the globe to protect the eyeball from debris


Connective tissue layer of the digestive tract

What are the thinnest blood vessels?


moderator band (septomarginal trabecula)

carries a portion of the cardiac conduction system, the right bundle of the AV bundle, to the anterior wall of the right ventricle prevents over expansion of right ventricle

hepatic artery proper

carries oxygen rich blood to the liver

deltoid origin: Insertion:

Origin: clavicle and scapula Insertion: humerus

Deltoid (origin, insertion, action)

Origin: clavicle, scapula Insertion: humerus Action: abduction, flexion and extension of arm

The middle ear is made up of

Ossicles (MIS), auditory tube, tensor tympani and stapedius muscles

superior mesenteric artery supplies (P-D-S-L)

Pancreas, Duodunem, Small intestine, large intestine

When contracted, the soleus assists in the action of ____________ of the foot, while the tibialis anterior assists in the action of ______________ of the foot.

Plantar flexion, Dorsiflexion

what connects the basilar artery and internal carotid arteries

Posterior cerebral and posteriorcommunicating arteries

Right Coronory Artery

RIP (Right give to intervent posterior)

gonadal arteries branch to ___ in males and ___ in females

testicular arteries, ovarian arteries

Layers of blood vessels

tunica intima, tunica media, tunica externa

Venules lack

tunica media

unencapsulated vs encapsulated receptors

un: tactile discs (merkel), root hair plexus {Free nerve end} en: tactile corpuscle, pacinian, bulbous corpuscle

types of tactile receptors

unencapsulated and encapsulated

extensor carpi ulnaris

extends and adducts wrist

rectus femoris

extends leg at knee

A muscle that flexes the knee would originate on the:

femur or coxal bone

Myocyte = Muscle _____ = Muscle ____

fiber, cell

2 parts of the pericardium

fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium

the _____ band of the right ventricle Prevents _____ of the thin-walled right ventricle

moderator overextension

The endomysium is a layer of connective tissue that:

surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber and therefore binds each muscle fiver to its neighbor, and supports capillaries that supply individual fibers.

skeletal muscle facia

surrounds grouping of muscles

nocireceptors respond to



parallel muscle with an expanded midsection

serous pericardium layers

parietal and visceral

Which of the following muscles were used to perform a punch if we are discussing movement at the level of the SHOULDER joint?

pectoralis minor

Pericardial fluid located in the ______ _____ lubricates the space to reduce _____

pericardial cavity friction

Between the parietal and visceral layers

pericardial cavity with pericardial fluid

Layers of the heart (outer to inner)

pericardium (fibrous, serous), epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

The gastrocnemius acts to do the following:

plantar flex ankle, flex knee

the posterior leg muscles do this action

plantar flexion

muscles involved with plantar flexion are in the ____ of the leg and muscles involved with dorsiflexion of the the foot are are in the ____ of the leg

posterior anterior

Functions of the fibrous pericardium

prevents overstretching of the heart, provides protection, and anchors the heart in the mediastinum

abduction of shoulder muscles is also called _____


phasic receptors

rapidly adapt to a constant stimulus and turn off

the only leg flexor that starts at hip joint is ____ _____

rectus femoris

Which of the following adducts the scapula?

rhomboid minor

left and right gonadal vein draining differences

right drains directly to inferior vena cava left drains to left renal vein then into vena cava

splenius capitis function

rotates head, bends head to one side, or extends neck

great cardiac vein

runs alongside the anterior interventricular artery

middle cardiac vein

runs alongside the posterior interventricular artery

flexion of knee

semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, sartorius

tactile receptors are found in the ____, barorecptors are found _____, and proprioceptors are found _____

skin within body end of nerves, (body position without looking)


small crystals in the fluid-filled vestibular sacs of the inner ear that, when shifted by gravity, stimulate nerve cells that inform the brain of the position of the head

olfaction is the sense of ___, which is accomplished with the help of olfactory ______. This sense is sent to CN #___ or _____ _____, then to the olfactory bulb to the _____

smell olfactory epithelium 1, olfactory nerve tract

sympathetic vs parasympathetic neurons of the heart

symp: increase heart rate and force of contractions para: decrease heart rate and force of contractions

3 types of mechanoreceptors

tactile receptors, baroreceptors, proprioceptors

gustation is the sense of _____, which is accomplished with buds aka ____ cells as well as hairs aka _____. This sense travels from the _____ --> Thalamus --> _____ cortex of ______

taste gustatory microvilli tongue --> thalamus --> gustatory cortex of insula

tendon vs ligament

tendon: muscle to bone ligament: bone to bone

flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexes and adducts wrist


Flexes and laterally rotates the head

biceps brachii

Flexes and supinates forearm

utricle and saccule

detect linear acceleration and the effects of gravity

Muscles that open the mouth

digastric and mylohyoid

The perimysium is a layer of connective tissue that:

divides the muscle into a series of internal compartments, each containing a bundle of muscle fibers called a fascicle

the anterior leg muscles do this action


deep palmar veins

drain into radial and ulnar veins from the digital veins

Posterior vein of the left ventricle

drains the area supplied by the circumflex artery Parallels the posterior left ventricular branch

Mechanoreceptors respond to

touch, pressure, vibration, stretch

What does acetylcholine do in skeletal muscles

triggers release of Na+

Cava foramen

where the inferior vena cava passes through

tonic vs phasic receptors

*Tonic receptors* show slow or no decline in action potential frequency. *Phasic receptors* adapt quickly by decreased frequency.

unipennate, bipennate, multipennate

- unipennate: 1 grouping to point - bipennate: 2 groupings come to point - multipennate: 3+ groupings to point

vena caval foramen

-T8 -Inferior vena cava -Right phrenic nerve

abdominal aorta branches (Chris Stop, I really gotta itch)

-celiac trunk -superior mesenteric artery -inferior mesenteric artery -renal artery -gonadal artery -right and left common iliac arteries

12 cranial nerves

1. Olfactory 2. Optic 3. Oculomotor 4. Trochlear 5. Trigeminal 6. Abducens 7. Facial 8. Vestibulocochlear 9. Glossopharyngeal 10. Vagus 11. Accessory 12. Hypoglossal

collateral arteries

Are connections, or anastomoses, between the branches of the coronary circulation. Protects the heart from ischemia. Are formed by arteriogenesis or angiogenesis.

lacrimal fluid

Basic Liquid that lubricates the eye.

Which muscle moves the arm and forearm

Biceps brachii

muscultaneous nerve


which cranial nerve passes through esophegeal hiatus


Chemoreceptors respond to

Chemical interaction (smell and taste)

Which of the following abducts the arm?

Deltoid and supraspinatus

The inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the:

Descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum

inferior mesenteric artery supplies (the shi-De artery)

Descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum

extensor carpi radialis longus

Extends wrist and abducts hand

muscles that adduct the arm

Lady double major: Latissimus dorsi teres major pectoralis major

celiac trunk

Large unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta that supplies the liver, stomach, and spleen.

cephalic vein

Large vein on the outermost side of the upper arm

extortion of eye

Lateral or temporal rotation of the eye around its anterior-posterior or torsional (Z) axis. Opposite of INTORTION.

ciliary zonule

Ligament that holds the lens in place

intortion of eye

Medial or nasal rotation of the eye around its anterior-posterior or torsional (Z) axis. Opposite of EXTORTION.


Membrane surrounding the heart

Vastus lateralis origin: Insertion:

O: Femur(greater trochanter & linea aspera) I: tibia (tibial tuberosity)

Vastus intermedius origin: Insertion:

O: femur I: tibia

Vastus medialis origin: Insertion:

O: femur (linea aspera) I: tibia (tibial tuberosity)

Rectus femoris... origin: Insertion:

O: os coxa I: Tibia (tibial tuberosity)

internal carotid artery

Ophthalmic artery (supplies the eyes), Anterior cerebral artery (supplies frontal and parietal lobes) Middle cerebral artery (supplies the midbrain)


Short vessels that link arterioles and capillaries

The myofibril is as long as the entire cell (T or F)


pectoralis minor and serratus minor both do this action

abduction/protraction of scapula

gluteus medius

abducts and medially rotates thigh (good for walking)

tonic receptors

adapt slowly or not at all

medial thigh muscles _____


genoglossus muscle

allows for the tongue to protract or stick out

gap junction in cardiac muscle

allows the cardiac muscle to communicate with itself, and allowing them to be controlled by the autonomic system. its self stimulating system

inversion of the ankle is accomplished by:

anterior leg muscles, posterior leg muscles

Venoconstriction of veins shifts blood toward _______ side of the circulation


both ventricles contract ____?

at the same time

The atrioventricular valves are open during ____ _____

atrial systole

Top of the heart is called


venous anastomoses

bed formed between two veins

Quadratus Lumborum

bilateral action: extends vertebral column unilateral action: laterally flexes vertebral column

all special senses use ____ neurons


coronary arteries

blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle

Vertebral artery supplies the ____ and _____, the right & left vertebral arteries join and become _____ artery

brain, spine Basilar

Thermoreceptors respond to

changes in temperature

The AV valves are supported by ____ ____ so that they do not blow back up into the atria during ventricular contraction

chordae tendineae

vascular portion of eye

choroid, ciliary body, iris

transverse abdominis

compresses abdomen

desmosome in cardiac muscle

connects two adjacent cardiac cells


controlled by nervous system

fibrous portion of eye

cornea, sclera

in order for a muscle to move a bone, it needs to ____ a _____

cross a joint

3 types of arteries

elastic, muscular, arterioles

AV valves are formed from folds of ______


visceral layer of pericardium is called ______


3 layers of the heart

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

Muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg ____ and muscles of the medial compartment of the leg _____

evert, invert

tensor fasciae latae

flexes and abducts thigh


flexes and adducts arm


flexes hip, laterally bends vertebral column

flexor carpi radialis

flexes wrist and abducts hand

Which action is performed by most of the muscles located on the anterior compartment of the forearm?


Adduction at the wrist involves contraction of the:

flexor carpi ulnaris & extensor carpi ulnaris

aqueous humor

fluid in the eye, found between the cornea and the lens

AV valves are formed from

folds in the endocardium

_____ produces tears and ____ drains the tears

fornix, lacrimal punctum

Interatrial septum contains the _____ _____ which (during fetal stages) was called ____ _____ and allowed fetal blood to bypass the lungs

fossa ovalis foramen ovale

interarterial septum contains _____

fossa ovalis which results from closure of opening during developmental stage

____ _____ has the highest resolution in the eye

fovea centralis

smooth muscles are joined by _____ _____ and move as _____ _____.

gap junctions, whole unit


generated within muscle tissue

____ is muscle that sticks the tongue out and ____ is the muscle that brings the tongue in

genioglossus, styloglossus

What Bone FEATURE does Gluteus Maximus insert on?

gluteal tuberosity

Coronary sulcus

groove that marks border between atria and ventricles


having different properties in different directions (light can't pass through)


inflammation of the pericardium

sternocleidomastoid insertion and origin

insertion: mastoid process origin: sternum and clavicle

cardiac muscles contain ____ discs and the two types of connections present are ____ and ____ junctions.

intercalated desmosomes gap


internal carotid artery and vertebral artery supply blood to the brain (Cerebral arterial circle)

trabecular carneae muscle

internal ridges in both ventricles

eversion of the ankle is accomplished by:

lateral muscles of leg

gluteus maximus movement

laterally rotate, abduct, and extend thigh at hip

the ___ ventricle is Six to seven times more powerful than the ___ ventricle

left right

vastus medialis pulls the patella _____


The heart is located in the


the retina is pigmented with _____ and contains ____ and ____ photoreceptors

melanocytes rods, cones

trabeculae carneae

muscular ridges on the internal surface of the ventricles

retina of eye is made up of

neural tissue and pigments

2 types of excitable cells

neurons and muscle cells

capillaries are typically as wide as ______

one RBC

aortic hiatus

opening in diaphragm for the aorta to pass from the heart to the abdomen

The optic nerve crosses at the ________ and then forms the _____

optic chiasm optic tract

Biceps brachii origin: Insertion:

origin: scapula insertion: radius

the walking muscle


great sephenous vein

superficial foot, leg, and thigh most commonly harvested veins

circumflex artery

supplies the left atrium and the posterior walls of the left ventricle

Rotator Cuff (SITS)

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

rotator cuff muscles (SITS)

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

arterial anastomosis

surgical connection between two arteries

endolymph of cochlear duct

the long processes of hair cells of the spiral organ extend into this


the muscle attached to the stapes; tensing the stapedius decreases vibration

arteries are ____ than veins because they bring blood ____ the heart

thicker, away

serous pericardium

thinner, more delicate membrane that forms a double layer around the heart

all general senses use ____ neurons


CN VIII to temporal pathway

vestibulocochlear nerve, mesencephalon, thalamus, temporal lobe

esophageal hiatus

where the esophagus passes through the diaphragm


yellowish region on the retina containing only cones

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