Anatomy Terms ------ Chapter 4

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Most epiphyseal growth plates fuse between ____-_____ years old


_________ _________ is a congenital fissure in the midline of the upper mouth. This can cause problems with ________ because food can travel from the oral cavity into the ________ cavity. This is more common in _______. This can sometimes occur in conjunction with ________ ________

Cleft palate; swallowing; nasal; females; cleft lip

The palm of the hand has ___ __________

5 metacarpals

The most significant growth in the skull occurs by age ______. Brain growth is ______-______% complete by this age and cranial bone growth is nearly complete, and the cranial sutures are almost fully developed.

5; 90-95%

At what age does the frontal sinuses start developing? When are they fully developed? What is surprising about these?

6 years old; 10 years old; Some people never develop them at all and they are unique to everyone so forensic identification can be done just off the frontal sinuses if they've ever had an x-ray taken.

There are _____ large membranous areas of the skull that provide spaces between the developing bones of the fetus and infant. These areas are called _________, which is French for _____ _____. These are also called ______ ______ on baby's heads and allow for rapid growth of the brain during infancy as the brain expands. These are necessary for ______ because the bones can overlap on one another allowing the head to decrease in diameter, which is called ________ and may cause a temporary ______-______ distortion of the shape of the head.

6; fontanels; little spring; soft spots; birth; molding; cone-like

The _______ is composed of four, sometimes five, small vertebrae that become fused at about _____ years old to form a triangular shaped structure. At very old age, it may fuse with the __________. During childbirth, the woman's _______ can fracture.

Coccyx; 25; sacrum; coccyx

The _______ is one of the most commonly injured joint in persons of all ages. A _________ is very common, and can only be distinguished from a _______ by performing x-rays. It is possible for a _______ to cause more long-term damage than a simple ________

Ankle; sprain; fracture; sprain; fracture

Folic acid taken during early pregnancy can reduce the risk of the baby having a ______ _______, either ______ or _______. This was discovered in lab animals and from two questionnaires sent to women with children with a cleft asking their demographics and habits as well as diet and nutrition (supplements). those who didn't take folic acid had an increased risk, and it was determined that ______% of babies with the cleft could have been prevented if the mother took the supplements. What is folic acid found in naturally?

Artical #4: facial cleft; lip; palate; 22; leafy veggies; citrus; beans; and whole grains

___________ is a procedure where medical cement is injected into the fractured vertebrae to strengthen it to relieve pain. But a new study found that it is just as effective at _____ _______ as the placebo surgery, so it may do something, but not really. A similar procedure is __________ where a balloon is inflated in the vertebra to reopen the bone before cement is injected, but this surgery got the same disappointing results.

Article #1: Vertebroplasty; "pain relief"; kyphoplasty

The superior part of the ethmoid bone exhibits a midsagittal elevation called the ______ _______. This is the anterior attachment site for the _______ ______ which is a double-layer part of the meninges which separates the brain into its left and right parts.

Crista Galli; falx cerebri

The single ________ ________ is located in the anterior portion of the floor of the cranium between the orbits. It contributes to part of the medical wall of each orbit, the roof of the nasal cavity, the nasal septum, and the nasal walls.

Ethmoid bone

Adjacent vertebral bodies are interconnected by ligaments and separated by ________ _______.

Intervertebral discs

What process is performed to get fluids into the blood of someone who is severely dehydrated and their veins keep collapsing? Who can this be done on and where is it done?

Intraosseous infusion; on children under the age of 3 (bones are not fully ossified); done just one finger's width below the tibial tuberosity and just medial. Aiming for the medullary cavity, which, in children, has excellent vascularity so whatever is injected will get into the blood.

What is included in the true pelvis? What is the name of the inferior exit? And what is that bounded by?

It is the lower, more narrow portion of the pelvic basin that includes the pubis, ischium, sacrum, and coccyx. This region contains the pelvic organs; the pelvic outlet; the pubic symphonic, the ischial tuberosities, and the coccyx.

Blows to the eye and orbit may fracture the floor of the orbit causing the eye or the muscles that move the eye, to drop down into the _________ ________, this is called a ________ _______

Maxillary sinuses, blowout fracture.

Getting a cold blocks the normal flow of the sinus, and the _________ sinus is the most common to get infected due to this lack of normal flow. This is called a ________ _________ __________. This is why we take decngestants when we are sick, to prevent this blockage. How can the roots of teeth also cause infection of the sinuses?

Maxillary; secondary sinus infection; the roots can puncture or perforate the sinuses causing infection from the foreign body and improper draining.

What is the proper name for golfer's elbow?

Medial epicondylitis

What and where are the three arches of the foot?

Medial longitudinal arch (medial side of the foot); Lateral longitudinal arch (lateral side of the foot); Transverse arch (across the foot)

Since the cribiform plate contains so many foramina, it is prone to fractures which allows spinal fluid to leak out of the nose and allows bacteria to get inside the cranium. This can result in _________. Bacteria go through the nose, through the fracture to the brain.


What helps the infant pass through the true pelvis during childbirth on the infants side? What can help the mother?

Molding of the infants head, the parietal bones overlap and the occipital bone slides underneath; giving birth in the squatting position to have gravity on her side, but this is not possible with an epidural since it numbs the woman from the waist down;

Fracture of the ______ _____ and damage to the surrounding _______ is the most common facial injury.

Nasal boned; cartilage

The two paired ______ _______ form a bridge where eyeglasses would rest. They support the lateral cartilages found in the face around this structure.

Nasal bones

What can be done to assist the healing of broken ribs?

Nothing aside from bandaging the injured side to provide support

Fracture of both the lower ends of the tibia and fibula (medial and lateral malleoli) is called a _______ ________. Who is this common in? What kind of force must be applied to cause this?

Potts fracture; skiers before they had high boots; sideways or shearing force

Fracture of what can occur when an individual falls on their outstretched hand? Who does this particularly occur in? What is the better way to fall?

Radius and ulna; children; pull in all appendages and hit the floor on the side (tuck and roll)

During pregnancy what hormone is produced? What produces it? What is the function of that hormone?

Relaxin; produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary; It loosens the pubic symphysis and the sacroiliac joint to increase the diameter of the true pelvis and the pelvic outlet to facilitate parturition.

The superior middle portion of the sphenoid bone is a prominent depression called the ________ __________. This houses the inferior portion of the ________ ________ that projects from the base of the brain.

Sella turcica; pituitary gland

Since the pituitary gland is so well anchored inside the _________ ________ of the __________, it is very susceptible to being __________ due to sudden traumatic shifting of the brain. How is this operated on? Can this heal?

Sella turcica; sphenoid; severed (pituitary stalk); they go through the nose and then through the sphenoidal sinuses; possibly, but it will take a long time and they person will require hormone supplements till it is 100% healed.

The most commonly dislocated large joint of the body is the __________. This usually dislocates _________ and then shifts __________. Once this happens once it may reoccur because of damage to supporting _______.

Shoulder (humerus out of glenoid cavity); inferiorly; anteriorly; ligaments

The single _________ ________ contributes to the base of the skull and it resembles a bat or butterfly with outstretching wings. Also called the ________ _______ because it unites many of the cranial and facial bones. It is hollow and houses the _________ _________ that drain into the nasal cavity

Sphenoid bone; bridging bone; sphenoidal sinsuses

What are the four sets of hollow paranasal sinuses? They are lined with _______ and __________, and are located in the bones surrounding the nasal cavity that communicate via ducts into the nasal cavity.

Sphenoidal, Maxillary, Frontal, and Ethmoidal; mucus and cilia

Lumbar pain can be caused by:

Strained muscles, herniation of discs, and dislocation of articular facets. Or any other inflammation or issues with bone or muscle.

The _________ __________ are two bones forming the lower sides and part of the floor of the cranium. They are joined to the parietal bones by the _________ ________, also known as the _______ ________

Temporal bones; squamous suture; squamousal suture

TMJ stands for?

Temporomandibular joint

The skeleton is divided into two parts:

The appendicular region, and axial region

What maintains the arches of the foot? What is the purpose of the arches of the foot?

The bones themselves along with strong ligaments attaching to the bones and tendons contracting muscles; support the weight of the body like an arching bridge and distribute the force and act like small shock absorbers.

Intervertebral discs are composed of an outer ring of _______ _______, also called __________. And an inner core composed of ________ _______ with a gelatinous consistency. These discs act as _______ ________ and allow for flexibility between vertebrae.

anulus fibrosus; fibrocartilage; nucleus pulposus; shock absorbers

On the proximal-anterior portion of the tibial shaft is the ________ ________ which is the attachment site of the _______ _______

Tibial tuberosity; patellar ligament

The articulation between the atlas and the axis is called the _____________-__________ ______

atlanto-axial joint

The _________ ________ runs through the medial epicondyle which is commonly known as the ________ _________, and sends a tingling sensation when hit.

Ulnar nerve; funny bone

When stress is too great on the uppermost of the cervical vertebrae balancing the head it is called _________, which may result in damage to the muscles and ligaments and potential injury to the _______ ________.

Whiplash; spinal cord

The small, inferior cartilaginous projection of the sternum that doesn't attach to the ribs is called the __________, which is Greek for ______. This doesn't ossify until after age ______. Blunt force trauma to this area may fracture it off and it can be driven through the ______ or ________.

Xiphoid; Sword-shaped; 40; liver; heart

The humerus has two necks, the ________ _______ which is the former epiphyseal growth plate, and the _______ ________ which is the narrowest part where fractures are likely

anatomical neck; surgical neck

List the four spinal curvatures: Which ones appear first (primary)? Secondary?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral; Throacic and sacral during fetal development; Cervical and lumbar appear after birth

The _________ can fracture easily because of its S shape that does not resist stress. The ____________ joint is very strong, so placing stress on this bone and the joint will result in a fracture of the bone. A ________ fracture is more serious than a _________ fracture because the bone splinters can penetrate artery and veins inferior to the bone supply the upper limb. A ___________ fracture is more common.

clavicle; sternoclavicular; posterior; anterior; anterior

The ________ bone is the more commonly fracture carpal bones due to falling on an outstretched hand causing the bone to split into two separate pieces. Usually only one piece maintains blood supply resulting in _________ _________, death of bone tissue in that area. Due to this, they take a long time to heal and can cause degenerative joint disease of the wrist.

scaphoid; avascular necrosis

The ______ grows at a much faster rate than the rest of the body. This is why the _______ of a young child is relatively larger than that of an adult.

skull; cranium

During fetal development and infancy, the bones of the _______ are separated by flexible _________ ________.

skull; fibrous sutures

_______ ___________ is commonly called congenital clubfoot and occurs when there isn't enough space in the womb. The feet are permanently __________ and the ankles are plantar flexed, like trying to stand on tiptoe

talipes equinovarus; inverted

The _________ bears the weight of the body


Since the pelvic girdle is circular, it typically fractures in _________. And these fractures are associated with severe _______ _______ which may be fatal

two places; internal bleeding

Crucifixion involved driving large nails between the _________ and _______ or between the ________ bones of the _____. This is done so they can't pull off and will remain there even as their body decomposes. The nail will also hit the ________ ________ causing involuntary contraction or ________ of the thumb

ulna and radius; carpal; wrist; median nerve; adduction

Intra means ________ while inter means ________

within; between

If the inner _______ _______ of the intervertebral discs comes out of the center, you have a _______ _______.

nucleus pulposus; herniated disc

They intervertebral discs make up aproximately ____-______ of the heigh of the vertebral column. This length _________ over the day and _______ when you lay down.

one-fourth; decrease; increases

The _____ ________ are the most sexually dimorphic bones of the body due to __________

ossa coxae; the requirements of pregnancy and childbirth

Falling onto the knees may result in a fracture of the __________, which usually _______ fragment because it is confined withing the quadriceps femoris tendon, but in severe cases it can be comminuted

patella; doesn't

_______ ________ is the incomplete fusion of the upper jaw resulting in a split from the ________ to one side of one ________. Can be unilateral or bilateral, and is more common in _______. Both _________ and _________ _________ contribute to this condition.

cleft lip; mouth; nostril; males; genetics; environmental factors

There are numerous ______ ________ in the middle anterior portion of the cranium.

ethmoidal sinuses

The coronal suture fuses ______, usually in the _________ to __________

first, late 20's; early 30's

The vertebral column has some ________ because it is not _________ and ________.

flexibility; straight; rigid

The middle and inner ear chambers are __________ to the cranial cavity and house the organs of __________ and _________.

inferior; hearing and balance

Fractures of the scapula occur _________ because it is __________. A severe blow to the back may fracture the scapula as well as ribs _____-_____.

infrequently; well protected by large muscles; 2-7

The radius and the ulna are connected by regular connective tissue called the _____________ ___________. This keeps the ulna and radius at a fixed distance from one another allowing for _________ of the forarms

interosseous membrane; rotation

The squamosal suture doesn't fuse until the ____________ or ___________

late 60's; may never fuse at all!

The single _______ forms the entire lower jaw. Supports the lower teeth in alveoli and provides attachment for the muscles of _________, also known as chewing.

mandible; mastication

The mandibular teeth and gums can be desensitized by an injection of anesthetic near the ________ __________ called a __________ ______ ________ _______.

mandibular foramen; third division nerve block

When a person loses some or all of their teeth, the portion of the _________ and the __________ that cover the alveoli and the roots of the teeth become less prominent and eventually ___________. If the body doesn't need the bone to hold the teeth it will get rid of it!

maxillae; mandible; disappear

What are the 5 differences between a male and woman ossa coxae?

1) Female pelvis has an anterior tilt vs. male vertical pelvis 2) Female ilium flares more laterally giving women wider hips 3) Female sacrum is shorter and wider and the coccyx has a posterior tilt 4) Female true pelvis is spacious, wide , and oval compared to males which is more heart shaped 5) Female pubic arch or subpubic angle is wider than 100 degrees, while males does not pass 90 degrees

Ossification and disappearance of the fontanels is normally complete by ___-___ months of age.

15-24 months

There are approximately _______ bones in an adult skeleton. We have ______ bones at birth because _______

206; more; not all of them are fused together (especially in the skull) so that we can be pushed out of the vaginal canal

The adult vertebral column is composed of ______ bones including ________ individual vertebra and the fused ________ and ________. There are ______ cervical vertebra, _______ thoracic vertebra, ________ lumbar vertebra, the _________ and the ________. As people age the _______ and _________ can fuse together.

26; 24; sacrum; coccyx; 7; 12; 5; sacrum (5); coccyx (4-5); sacrum and coccyx

Fractures of the ribs are common between ribs ______-______.


The sagittal suture and the lambdoidal suture ossify in the _______


Where are the frontal sinuses?

Above the eyes, found within the frontal bone, and they drain into the nasal cavity.

The sutures of the skull fuse and become ossified in __________.


The upper teeth are contained in small sockets called _________


The Aztec priests performed human sacrifices by ripping out the ______ of victims. The used a ______ ________ from side to side then reached in and pulled out the hearts with their ________. This was very quick and relatively painless, except for those who were put in fire and pulled out right before death and then had their hearts ripped out. Anthropologists studied the bones and found _________ cut in half showing their method of using a ______ and _______ cut to give easy access to the heart. They believed human sacrifice would prevent the world from ending in chaos.

Article #2: heart; horizontal cut; hands; sternums; long; hard

_______ ________ is known to be taken before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects (brain and spinal cord), but a new study found it also reduces the risk of severe ______ ______. This is the most critical prental supplement, without it could lead to _____ _______ in the infant (neural tube develops poorly into the spinal cord causing a bubble). This supplement is a ___ vitamin with a lot of derivatives called ________. They are coenzmes that are critical in reactions that involve ______ and ______ acids. This supplement is most necessary in _______ development.

Article #3: folic acid; language delay; spina bifida; B; folates; amino; nucleic; early

Encouraging babies to sleep on their backs to decrease of rate of _________ had some consequences, specifically __________, which is the misshaping of the head which has increased drastically in recent years. What are the three types? What can help? Why is fixing this crucial? What causes this? What is torticollis? This can only be corrected for how long?

Article #5: SIDS; plagiocephaly; Asymmetrical, brachycephaly (flat but symmetrical), and a combination; wearing a helmet to limit growth and round the head; helps with proper brain development and cosmetic fixes (helmets, hats, and glasses fits as well as alignment of the TMJ preventing under or over bites); Lack of "tummy time" or torticollis or restricted space in the womb; when a baby has a weak side of the neck so they lay on that side more, can cause this; 18 months!!

What age-related changes occur to the ossa coxae?

Articular surfaces of the pubic bones become flattened and loose their roughness around 30-40 and develop a well-defined rim around them. Eventually, these surfaces begin to develop concavities and arthritic changes.

The second cervical vertebra is called the ________, which is easily identified by the presence of a peg-like projection called the ________ ______, which is Greed for _______, or _____ which is Latin for ________. It acts as a pivot point for the rotation of both the atlas and the skull in a side-to-side motion

Axis; odontoid process; tooth; dens; tooth

Treatment of lower back pain is guided by the severity of the injury and includes:

Bed rest, spinal manipulation by a chiropractor, and exercises to strengthen postural muscles (either anterior or posterior). Surgery is the last resort

Where are the sphenoidal sinuses located?

Behind the eyes, inside the sphenoid

_______ ________ occur when a rib splits into two separate portions when it reaches the sternum, they are typically asymptomatic and can only be discovered by _________. They are very common among _________.

Bifid ribs; x-rays; Samoans

The distal end of the humerus has two parts that articulate with the radius and ulna. The rounded _________, is the lateral condyle that receives the radius. And the _________, is the medial condyle that articulates with the ulna. And above both of these condyles are the ________ and _________ ____________.

Capitulum; trochlea; medial and lateral epicondyles;

A ________ ________ forms when the seventh cervical vertebra elongates, this can compress the artery and nerves extending toward the ______ _______, causing tingling or pain, usually surgically removed

Cervical rib; upper limb

List the four spinal curves:

Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral curvature

The _______ is the most commonly fractured bone in the body.


The _________ is an S-shaped bone that binds the shoulder to the axial skeleton and positions the shoulder joint away from the trunk for freedom and movement. __________ on modern-day military uniforms are descended from ancient parts of armor used to protect this bone.

Clavicle; epaulettes

What is the name of a fracture of the distal radius? Second name? This typically occurs when a person extends their _______ while trying to ________. The radius is typically displaced __________, and the force of the break is transmitted by the __________ __________ to the ulna so a distal ulnar fracture can occur as well. These breaks are common in elderly with __________. What are some common symptoms?

Colles fracture; silver fork deformity; hand; break a fall; posteriorly; interosseous membrane; osteoporosis; swelling wrist, wrist bent at an angle like a dinner fork

_____________ is the premature fusion or closing of one or more cranial sutures often causing malformed skull and possibly face shape. What causes this problem? What are the two types? What do they cause?

Craniosynostosis; Genetics, teratogens, and environmental factors Sagittal synostosis (skull cannot expand laterally so it grows anteriorly and posteriorly - long and narrow - causing scaphocephaly); Coronal synostosis (skull becomes short and wide since it cannot grow forward; Both of these types can cause increased intracranial pressure leading to intellectual disability and nerve compression

Fracture of the maxillary sinus may lead to _________, which is a crackling sound caused by the escape of air under the skin. Bones such as _____ _______ could puncture the maxillary sinus causing this.

Crepitus; teeth roots

Egyptians punched through the ______ _______ with metal instruments to remove the brain during the embalming process (mummification)

Cribiform plate

Immediately lateral to each side of the Crista galli is the _______ _______, which has numerous foramina that allows the passage of _______ _______ _______ to travel from the nose to the brain.

Cribiform plate; olfactory nerve fibers (nerves of smell)

___________ may lead to sunken fontanels, and ___________ and increased ________ ________ may lead to bulging fontanels.

Dehydration; meningitis; intracranial pressure

What can cause a closed fracture of the pelvis?

Direct compression which literally crushes the pelvis, or indirect forces like impact of the knees into the dashboard in a car crash, or old people falling over with osteoporosis.

This usually occurs in teens and young adults as an athletic injury. The ________ and _________ are displaced posteriorly making the ________ more prominent.

Dislocation of the elbow; radius; ulna; olecranon of the ulna

_________ __________ fractures are seen following severe trauma and are commonly open causing significant blood loss which can be deadly. Following this fracture the large muscles go into spasm and can cause more problems, why? and how is this stopped?

Femoral shaft; trauma causes muscles to contract and the jagged edges of the broken bone keep cutting the tight surrounding muscles and tissues so more bleeding occurs; Using a hare traction splint (pulls on the legs to decrease muscle tension and stop the damage)

When three or more adjacent ribs are fractured each in two places, the segment of the chest wall between the fractures become a free-floating segment (island) which is called ________ ______ and the injured area demonstrates _________ _______. This is when a person inhales and their chest goes ________ instead of ______. This can damage the ______.

Flail chest; paradoxical movement; down; up; lungs

Which bones form through intramembranous ossification?

Flat bones of the skull, some facial bones, central part of the clavicle, and sesamoid bones.

What are the three things the skeleton does?

Forms an internal framework to support soft tissues, protects vital organs, and helps us move.

Because the sphenoid is hollow to house the sinuses and contains many foramina, what is it very susceptible to?

Fracture due to traumatic movements of the brain.

What does a hip fracture refer to? What two groups are susceptible to these?

Fracture of the neck of the femur; old people with osteoporosis (especially females with decreases estrogen) and young adults from traumatic injury

__________ of the vertebrae can occur following lateral displacement or compression, this can result in _________. This is why you shouldn't __________, and Christopher Reeve fell off his horse and became a __________ when he fractured _____ and ____ of his vertebrae

Fractures; paralysis; dive into shallow pools; quadriplegic; C1; C2

The ________ ______ is a single bone of the skull that develop from two ossification centers that eventually fuse at the midline

Frontal bone

________ is the necrosis (death) of soft tissues due to obstructed arterial blood supply. Usually targets _________ and _________. Who is this a big problem for? What are the different types of this?

Gangrene; fingers; toes; diabetics; Intestinal, Dry (usually result of constricted blood vessels from extreme cold - frostbite), Wet (from bacterial infection of tissues when cells rupture and release fluid causing bacterial flourish and pus - staph, strep, etc need antibiotics), and Gas (caused by Clostridium, usually affects muscles release gas forming bubbles that crackle in the tissue - fever, pain, edema - similar to wet)

The central body, the longest part, of the sternum is called the _______.


A _______ __________ occurs when the gelatinous nucleus pulposus protrudes into or through the anulus fibrosus. The bulging into the vertebral canal pinches the ______ ________ and/or ________ of the spinal cord. Which vertebra are most commonly effected? And damaging these places causes what? What are treatments for this?

Herniated disc; spinal cord; nerves; cervical (lot of motion) and lumbar (bears the most weight); cervical - neck and upper limb pain, lumbar - lower back pain and sciatica (pain down the entire lower limb); Wait-and-see if it heals on its own, NSAIDS, surgery (microdiscectomy - remove herniated portion of the disc) or (discectomy - fixing laminae and using artificial discs to replace herniated ones)

The pituitary gland produces ________ __________ ________, also known as ___________, which regulated growth

Human growth hormone; somatotropin

What is the superior-most ridge of the ilium? What is the anterior projection? Posterior? And what does the posterior portion cause

Iliac crest; anterior superior iliac spine; posterior superior iliac spine; skin dimples that can be seen just above and lateral to the natal cleft

What is the proper name for tennis elbow? What is the cause of this? What can help cure it?

Lateral epicondylitis; repetitive contraction of the muscles that extend the arm causing strain on the periosteum and tendons resulting in pain around the lateral epicondyle; Discontinuing the activity or an elbow support strap

Which area of the back has the most issues?


The teeth of the _________ should align or _________ with the teeth of the __________.

Mandible; occlude; maxillae

The _______ _________ is a hole in the medial side of each ramus which has one of the three branches of the __________ nerve pass through it giving sensations from the teeth and gums of the lower jaw to the brain.

Mandibular foramen; trigeminal

The two paired ______ unite at the midline to form the upper jaws. This is Latin for _________, and contribute to the anterior portion of the face, form the anterior portion of the hard palate in the mouth, the anterior floor and walls of the nasal cavity, and inferior parts if the orbital. The nerve for this runs through the ______ ________

Maxillae; jawbone; foramen rotundum

Lateral to the nasal cavity, each maxilla contains a large, spacious cavity called the ________ ________ which drains into the nasal cavity througn an opening ________ and __________ within the sinus. This is the only cavity that has to push mucus _______ and ________, this is why they are ________ and are the most prone to ________.

Maxillary sinus; high and medial; up and out; ciliated; infection.

The _________ ________ is a single bone that forms the back and much of the base of the skull. It is connected to the parietal bones by the ________ ________, also known as the _________ _______

Occipital bone; lambdoidal suture; lambdoid suture

There are two ______ _______ of the maxillae that project horizontally and form the greater portion of the hard palate. If these fail to join during early prenatal development (at about ___-____ weeks) a ______ _______ results which may or many not be accompanied by a ______ ______, also known as a _____ ______. With these abnormalities, the baby cannot _______ so they cannot _______.

Palatine processes; 10-12; cleft palate; cleft lip; hare lip; suck; nurse

The ________ ________ are two bones forming the lateral walls and roof of the cranium. They are separated down the midline into right and left pieces by the _________ _________. They are also separated from the frontal bone by the ________ _________.

Parietal bones; sagittal suture; coronal suture

What is the name of the process to measure the pelvic outlet to determine if a normal vaginal birth is possible? What if the outlet is too small?

Pelvimetry; They will have to do a caesarian section, but remember that there are a lot of variables during childbirth, head sutures overlap on the baby and several joints of the pelvis shift during childbirth, so it is hard to get an accurate measurement.

___________ _________ or clawfoot is characterized by excessively high longitudinal arches, the joints between metatarsals and phalanges are overly extended, gives the foot a claw look

Pes cavus

________ _________ commonly known as flat feet occurs when the medial longitudinal arch is flattened so the sole touches the ground. Caused by excessive weight, bad posture, or weakened supporting tissue.

Pes planus

__________ is the asymmetric head shape where one part of the skull (usually frontal or occipital region) has an oblique flattening. What causes this? How can it be corrected?

Plagiocephaly; unilateral coronal craniosynostosis or asymmetric lambdoid synostosis, or by sleeping on the same side of the head (which has increased from the push to have babies sleep on their bad to decrease chance of SIDS); mild forms need a helmet, severe may need surgery

What two regions are good for bone marrow biopsies?

The posterior superior iliac spine and the sterum

What is included in the false pelvis?

The upper portion of the pelvic basin, the wing-like sides of the flared iliac bones. This forms the inferior region of the abdominal cavity.

What are the three functions the sinuses serve?

They lessen the weight of the skull, moisten inhaled air, and give resonance to the voice.

Breaking both bones and causing an open fracture is frequently seen in which bones of the body? How is this repaired?

Tibia and fibula; by pounding a rod through the medullary cavity of the tibia through the tibial tuberosity and the fibula is left to heal on its own since it bears no weight of the body.

The ___________ joint is frequently dislocated by football players. This is known as a ____-_____ __________. How can injury be detected?

acromioclavicular; A-C separation; by comparing the shoulder and if one has a bump or is raised more than the other it is likely separated.

A ________ is a localized swelling at the first metatarsophalangeal joint, causing the toe to point toward the second toe, this is caused by wearing ________ _________.

bunion; tight shoes

Of the tarsals bones, the _________ is the most frequently injured, usually occurs when a person ___________.

calcaneus; jumps and lands from high places on their heels.

The manubrium and gladiolus have lateral _________ ________ where ribs 2-7 attach.

costal notches

Since the _______ and the ________ ________ occupy the vertebral foramen at the level of the axis, any trauma that fractures or dislocates the dens often damages the spinal cord or even the brain. When fractured, the dens acts like a blade which can cut the spinal cord if the head is moved.

dens; spinal cord

The most common TMJ disorder occurs from alterations in the ligaments securing the joint causing ____________ of the articular disc, this causes a __________ or ___________ noise when the person open or closes their mouth. Symptoms include? This disorder is common in people who habitually _____ _______ or ____________, and patients are advised to follow a _______ diet as well as wear a __________ ________. Surgery is the last resort.

displacement; popping; clicking; headache and sinus pressure and pain throughout the face and lower jaw; chew gum; grind/clench their teeth; soft; grind guard

The brachium contains a single bone called the _______, which is the longest and largest bone in the upper extremity. The head articulates with the ________ ______ on the lateral portion of the _________. It contains two tubercles, the _________ located more laterally and the _________ located medially. Between the two is the __________ _________.

humerus; glenoid cavity; scapula; greater; lesser; intertubercular groove

Children frequently fracture the distal end of the _________ , and a fracture of the shaft of this bone is typically associated with a violent event. _______ and ______ ________ damage is common with this fracture.

humerus; nerve; blood vessel

A congenital defect of the vertebral column resulting from a failure of the laminae of the vertebrae to fuse, exposing the ______ and/or _________ _______ is called ________ _______. The _______ area is often mainly affected, usually only a ________ vertebrae. Over ______% of these defects can be prevented by increasing the amount of _______ ________ taken during the baby's development!

meninges; spinal cord; both; spina bifida; lumbar; single; 50%; folic acid

A __________ _________ _________ results when repetitive pressure or stress on the foot causes a small crack to develop in the outer surface of the bone. __________ are especially prone to this.

metatarsal stress fracture; runner

The gladiolus and manubrium articulate at the ___________ ________, a horizontal ridge that can be felt under the skin. This is an important landmark because this is where the _______ ________ attach, so is can be used to ______ the ribs.

sternal angle; second ribs; count

A _______ ________ occurs in the body of the sternum (gladiolus) representing an ossification anomaly - failure of right and left ossification center to fuse completely. This is sometimes confused for a _________ ________, and can cause problems (death) if the condition is unknown and the person does ___________.

sternal foramen; bullet wound; acupuncture

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