Ancient Egypt and Kush

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What 2 rivers join to form the Nile?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile

One of the most important writing of ancient Egypt. It contained spells and prayers for the after life?

The Book of The Dead

Eventually all of the small kingdoms of Egypt fell under the control of the larger kingdoms dividing Egypt into 2 large kingdoms? What were they?

4000 BCE- Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt

About how many people lived in Egypt at its peak?

5 million people

What is the fan shaped areas of fertile Marshland created by the waterways of the Nile called?

A Delta

A long line of rulers from one family is known as what?

A Dynasty

What did farmers pay their taxes with?

A portion of their crops

As centuries passed, Egyptians began to believe what about the afterlife?

All people rich or poor could have an eternal life

When one dynasty dies out, what happened?

Another dynasty took over

Where was Memphis located?

At the border of Lower and Upper Egypt

The pharaoh was the first person to cut the grain at harvest time. Why?

Believed it would produce abundant crops

What does Kemet mean?

Black Land for the dark rich soil there

What was the Sphinx?

Body of a lion with a human head, eagles wings

How were Kush and Egypt alike?

Both built temples and monuments. Both built pyramids for their dead.

What type of food did farmers usually eat? List 3

Bread, vegetables, fruit

Pharaohs appointed government officials to carry out his orders. What are these officials known as?


What did early Egyptians call their land in the northern region of the Nile Valley?


Who built the Great Pyramid known as one of the 7 wonders of the world?


Who was the Great Pyramid built for?


3100 BCE- What king conquered lower Egypt and married one of Lower Egypt's princesses? What did the marriage do?

King Narmer of Upper Egypt. His marriage unified the kingdoms making all of Egypt under one KING.

The Nile borders the largest deserts in the world. What are they?

The Libyan (part of Sahara) and the Eastern Desert

What is the world's longest river? How long is it?

The Nile. It flows about 4000 miles

Each pyramid was built with an entrance facing north. To find north, what did the Egyptians do? What did this lead to?

Studied astronomy and the skies. This led them to developing a 365 day calendar, with 12 months and 3 seasons. It is the basis for the modern calendar.

Who were the Egyptian two most important Gods? Remember they depended on their crops and fertile soil.

Sun God Re and the River God Hapi (also known As Hapy, God of inundation.

What god could take human form, animal form or both and is the God of Writing and Knowledge?


How tall is the Great Pyramid? How many blocks were used to build it?

Tall as 48 story building. 2 million stone blocks

The roles of people in ancient Egypt their social status. Rank the positions or roles of the Egyptians.

1 King/Pharaoh and family had highest position. 2 Small upper class of army commanders, nobles, priests and traders, artisans and scribes made up the middle class. 3 The lowest class were unskilled farmers and workers then slaves.

List 4 typical jobs of enslaved people

1 laborer in agriculture. 2 construction crafts. 3 military or religious service. 4 some helped build the pyramids.

What other physical features protected Egypt? Name 2

1. Cataracts in South stopped enemy ships 2. Delta Marshes stopped invaders from the North

What did bureaucrats supervise?

1. Supervised construction and repair of dams, irrigation canals, and brick granaries

Between 3100 BCE and 332 BCE, how many dynasties ruled Egypt?


Where the Blue Nile and White Nile meet, dangerous fast waters and steep cliffs are found. What are these dangerous waters called?


The Pharaoh owned all the land in Egypt and collected tax payments in the form of grain from farmers. What could the Pharaoh also do with the land?

Distribute it to officials, priests and wealthy people that he favored

Kemet later became what?


This was the Largest social group of Egypt. IT included farmers, unskilled workers and enslaved people. They paid rent to land owners with their crops. Farmers lived in houses made of mud brick. The homes only had one room and a roof made of palm leaves.

Egypt's lower class

These Egyptians owned businesses and held skilled jobs. They worked as scribes, traders, merchants, and artisans. These craft makers made linen cloth, jewelry, pottery and metal goods used by all the classes. They lived in smaller homes and dressed more simply than the rich.

Egypt's middle class

Lived in elegant homes on estates. Homes constructed of wood and sun dried mud bricks sometimes 3 stories tall. Surrounded by lush gardens and pools. They wore fashionable white linen and dark eye makeup and jewelry. Servants waited on them

Egypt's upper class

Egyptians thought animals were pets and sacred as well. What did they do when the animals/pets died?

Embalmed them and mummified them, buried them at the temples of Gods and Goddesses to honor them

Egyptians believed the soul resided in the body, so the body must not decay after death or you could not continue to have an afterlife. What did Egyptians develop to prevent dead bodies from decaying?


What did the Egyptians use to calculate where one field began and another ended after floods washed away land markers?


At first Egyptian kings were called kings, later they were called Pharaohs. What does Pharaoh mean?

Great House-referring to the grand palace of the king

Egyptian writing made up of thousands of picture symbols for objects and ideas combined with symbols that represent sounds like in the alphabet.


Why did many of Egypt's structures survive?

Hot dry climated

Why was the heart left in the body after death?

IT was the center of the person's being and intelligence

It took thousands of workers over many years to build the pyramids. Who was the first great engineering to built pyramids?


Where were poor people's mummies buried?

In caves or sand

Where were wealthy people's mummies buried?

In coffins and tombs

Where did most unskilled Egyptian workers live?

In crowded city neighborhoods in small mud brick houses with dirt floors.

What did Egyptians do during the dry season for the crops?

Irrigation. Scooped out basins to store water and then dug canals from the basins to the crops.

What good did the deserts do for Egypt?

It protected Egypt from outside invaders.

Two civilizations other than Mesopotamia that developed along the Nile

Kush and Egypt

The earliest permanent settlers around the Nile were what two groups?

Kushites and Egyptians

What did unskilled workers do?

Manual labor such as unloading cargo from boats and taking them to market. Fishermen

King Namer established what city as the capital of Egypt?


As surpluses of food grew, what roles became important to Egypt's economy?

Merchants, Artisans, and Traders

When did the Nile typically flood?

Mid summer leaving thick, rich soil

5000 BCE hunters and gatherers began moving from dry areas to the Nile. Why?

Nile River was ideal for humans because of the rich fertile soil and water source.

The Mesopotamians had a gloomy view of the afterlife, did the Egyptians?

No, they were hopeful and believed the afterlife would be better than life on earth.

Could many Egyptians read and write? Did they use Clay tablets like the Mesopotamians?

No-usually scribes and government officials could read. No-they wrote on papyrus

Did the Egyptians worry about flooding of the Nile like the Mesopotamians had to worry about the Tigris and Euphrates?

No. River flooding was consistent and seasonal from year to year. The floods were also not very heavy.

Where did Egypt begin

Northern part of the Nile River Valley

Egyptians made advances in math in order to calculate how much stone was needed to build a pyramid. They had to measure angles in order to construct the walls. So they invented what?

Numbers based on 10. They also created fractions, using them with whole numbers to add, subtract and divide.

The Egyptians built amazing cities, increased trade, and formed a unified government during this period

Old Kingdom

This kingdom was from 2600 BCE to 2200 BCE

Old Kingdom

The 30 dynasties were organized into what 3 times periods?

Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom

Who ruled together over the world of the dead?

Osiris and Isis

What would the government do?

Oversee construction and repair of irrigation systems, help store grain, settle land disputes

This reed plant was gathered along the Nile by the Egyptians and used to weave rove, make sandals, baskets and river rafts. Later it was used to make paper.


The first Egyptians believed that only who could enjoy the afterlife?


What did the pyramids do for the Pharaoh?

Protected their dead bodies from floods, wild animals and robbers

To honor the pharaohs, the Egyptians built this

Pyramids made of stone that covered an area of several city blocks

The Egyptians thought the Pharaoh was the son of what God?

Re (RAY). The Egyptian sun God. They thought the Pharaoh was the God on Earth protecting Egypt.

The Egyptians called the deserts this because of their scorching heat

Red lands

This influenced every aspect of Egyptian life?

Religion. They believed the Gods and Goddesses controlled natural forces and human activities.

Before the body was embalmed, what did priests do?

Removed the organs and put the liver, intestines, heart and lungs were placed in special jars to be buried with body

The need for government led the villages in Egypt to form what?

Several small kingdoms ruled by a king

Egyptian farmers developed a bucket attached to a long pole that lifts water from the Nile into the basins. It is still used today.


Where did Kush begin?

Southern Part of Nile River Valley

Present Day Egypt still contains these ruins

Sphinx and Pyramids with mummies

Egyptians learned much from embalming. They used herbs and drugs to treat illness. They sewed up cuts and broken bones. What 3 things were the Egyptians first to use medically?

Splints, bandages, and compresses

Sometimes scribes carved hieroglyphs where?

Stone walls and mountains

What did the Egyptians call the Nile since it gave a place for bathing, drinking, and for watering crops?

The creator of All good and the LIFEBLOOD of EGYPT

In the mid 2000s BCE, what did the Egyptians build?

The grandest of the pyramids-The Great Pyramid. It is one of the 3 pyramids still standing at GIZA.

As farm trade increased, what became important?

The need for a government

The Egyptians thought the Pharaoh would be happier if he had his belongings in the tomb. What did they bury the pharaohs with?

Their clothing, weapons, furniture, and jewelry

The families of unskilled workers often gathered on their houses flat rooftops to socialize, play games and sleep. What else did they do on their roof? Why did they do this?

They also cooked on the roof because it was so hot and kept the house cooler.

Egyptians were loyal to the Pharaoh. He had total power and made commands that everyone obeyed. Why were the Egyptians so loyal?

They believed the Pharaoh's leadership would help the kingdom survive wars and famines.

Due to little attacks, Egyptian farmers could do what? What did it lead to?

They could grow a surplus of food. It allowed people to perform other jobs besides farming.

IF an Egyptian's heart was too heavy from being bad in life, what would happen? Who weighed the heart?

They could not board Ra's boat for the afterlife. Goddess Maat weighed the heart.

Some unskilled workers were enslaved people.. Where did these slaves come from?

They were captured in war or enslaved because they had a debt that they could not pay

What are granaries?

They were used to store grain from large harvests so the people wouldn't starve in times of poor harvests

List 3 things the Egyptians planted when the soil was wet.

Wheat, Barley, and flax seeds

Why did the Egyptians study the Book of the Dead?

When you died, if you had been good and Osiris greeted you, you needed to know the spells to have an eternal life.

After the priests took out the organs, they covered the body with a salt called natron and stored it for several days to soak up all of the water. This made the body shrink. They then filled with spices and lastly did what?

Wrapped the body tightly with strings of linen. This all is the process of mummification.

Thutmose the 3rd helped the Egyptian empire grow wealthy because they took gold, copper, ivory, and other valued goods from them and enslaved many prisoners of war. Did enslaved people have any rights?


Were ambitious people in the lower class of Egypt allowed to improve their social position?


Did Thutmose the 3rd conquer Nubia?


a bowl shaped hole


Were the Egyptian people completely cut off from others?

no, they had trade from the Mediterranean and Red sea.

The Old Kingdom had a ruler that controlled the government and religious affairs. What is it called when a leaser is the ruler of political and religious matters?


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