Animal Science 200 Exam 2 UW Madison

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gregarious nesting

won't nest unless there are many birds (use mirrors)

psittacosis (B) birds

"parrot fever" -can affect humans -diarrhea, sneezing, pneumonia -easily treatable

bird heart complexity

-4-chambered heart -no metamorphosis -oviparous -homeothermic

ferret reproduction

-females in estrous twice per year **-females are induced ovulators -altricial kits -gestation = 6 weeks

guinea pig feeding

-fiber!!! -need salt-ring and vitamin C

PBFD (psittacine beak & feather disease) (V)

-first seen in cockatoos -loss of feathers -bad beaks -neurotic behavior and death

rodent housing

-metal cage best to reduce smell -bedding (wood shavings or newspaper)

rabbit sight

-monocular vision -poor ability to focus and see in front of them -wide range of vision -good ability to detect motion, predators

home life/territory/nest building of birds

-most claim a definable area -nests vary from simple to complex -cavity nests = cage birds


-need to be kept cool -bushy fur -nervous -dust bath = keep oil down -precocial young -females may already come pregnant -inbreeding problems

rabbit hair types

-normal: guard hair longer than undercoat -rex: all hair same length -satin: flatten hair (gives shiny look) -Angora: super long hair

sugar gliders

-not common companion animals -Marsupials from Australia & Indonesia -large, protruding eyes -tails = same length as body -lifespan = 5-7 in wild, 10-15 in captivity --> consistent food supply -gray/brown w/ cream underside -males have large scent gland on top of head

hedgehog health

-not much known -common carriers of salmonella tilene -wobbly hedgehog syndrome -parasites are common -obesity = problem

rabbit size

-on average 4-8 lbs, but can range from 2-20 lbs -females are larger than males


-oviparous = eggs ex: platypus & spiny anteater

flight adaptations of birds

-streamlined shape -feathers -fused backbone -pneumatic bones -oxygen = gathering capacity

sugar gliders housing

-tall cage w/ perches, branches -dark sleeping box -feed, water dishes

how egg is produced = male

-testes are inside body (soft) -lack other glands -helps incubate egg with female


-tissue develops from embryo -protects baby -transfers nutrients

rabbit viral disease: myxomatosis

-transmitted through flies and fleas -causes fever & swelling -no treatment -"big head disease" -kill animal and burn it -invasive = infected taken to Australia to kill

bacterial diseases in birds

-tuberculosis -mycoplasmosis -salmonella -psittacosis

rat puberty

-vagina opens -testes descend -weight loss -behavior/voice changes


-viviparous = live -primitive placenta in womb, then birthed and continue growing in pouch -short gestation

tube feeding baby birds

-w/ syringe, put directly into crop -fast and cleaner -costs more $$

candidiasis (fungal disease) in birds

-yeast infection -caused by poor hygiene when hand feeding

hob management

-young hob's odor become strong after 16 weeks -fight in december-august -odor lessened between august-december


acid production

accessory sex glands

add fluids to sperm to help move through female tract

feeding human food to birds (adv/disadv)

adv: can provide great variety, no special feed disadv: can be messy, will rot, bird will become picky

seed feeding birds (adv/disadv) (sunflowers)

adv: cheap, easy to store, birds like disadv: high fat, not nutritional

pellet feeding birds (adv/disadv)

adv: mixes everything, long shelf-life, eliminates picking favorites disadv; boring, tough to switch to after human food

ferret colors

albino, dark color, angora

sexual dimorphism

any noticeable difference between males and females -size, shape color -Ferrets = male twice as big as female

feather loss

caused by health issues -nutritional imbalances -psychological problems -boredom -sexual tension


causes mating and secondary sex characteristics -produced by cells in the follicle

LH (Luteinizing hormone)

causes ovulation -produced in pituitary -stimulates sex steroid hormone production


causes uterine contractions -produced in the posterior pituitary


change from baby food to adult food

small intestine

chemical digestion and absorption of food takes place


chicks bond to whatever raised them

rabbit teeth

large front teeth with small front teeth behind -wide/flat molars for chewing/grinding plant materials


limit bone growth in mammals


long-day breeders


destroys corpus luteum -stimulates production of relaxin

precocial births (guinea pigs, chinchillas)

longer gestation = longer time being pregnant

function of testicles

making sperm


mini breed of chickens


muscular, rocks to grind feed --secretes its own lining

rabbit protozoal disease: coccidiosis

need to keep cages clean so fecal pellets are not ingested


need to produce sperm

rat mating behavior

nocturnal breeders

Diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular

diurnal: active in day nocturnal: active at night crepuscular: active @ dawn & dusk

mammal menstrual cycle

shedding of uterus -average of 28 days -day 14-15 fertilization


similar to rats but not as trainable


skin flap for gliding

legal issues with ferrets

some places (Cali) = illegal to own one w/o permit


period during which secondary sex characteristics develop and capability of reproduction is attained **-long bone growth stops (closes under influence of estrogen)

birds can eat...

seeds, fruits, nectar, and meat

why feed birds rocks?

to store in their gizzard to break down food -oyster shells provide calcium (laying eggs)

plantigrade movement

walking on palms (bears and humans)

presence of muscular diaphragm in mammals

separates heart & lungs from digestive -4-chambered heart


delivers sperm

feeding baby birds basics

-feed often -should double weight in 5 days -wean @ 4-8 weeks

incubation period for egg

21 days, both male and female incubate

ferrets: non-infectious

**-aplastic anemia = female, red blood cells run out, high estrogen --Solution: spay, get her a male to ovulate -intestinal blockage -urolithiasis -adrenal gland -cancers

rabbit colors

**agouti: bands of colors in fur, wild type Himalayan: dark tips and lighter body

monocular vision in birds

- birds can see all around, BUT they have bad depth perception -good for prey species

hedgehog housing

-"litter-trainable" -individually kept -dark sleeping box -heavy, shallow feeding and water dishes **-cedar bedding may be good, can use other shavings, fleece

estrus phase (in heat)

-FSH and estrogen high -progesterone level low -LH rapidly increases -only time female will accept males

proestrous phase

-FSH increases -follicles grow and mature and produce estrogen

house rabbits

-House Rabbit Society -"rabbit-proof" your house -litter box training may be difficult -keep caged when not around

artificial incubation (THAT)

-Temperature: constant, high temp -Humidity: lose moisture -Air: need to ventilate O2 and CO2 -Turning: turning eggs important for development

pot-bellied pigs health care

-b/c of domestic pigs = more info --> vaccines -parasite control -clip canine teeth -castrate male = aggressive, odor -spay female = less common, noisy in heat

sugar gliders nutrition

-best = insects, nectar -calcium, vitamin D supplement -many are toxic w/ exotic animals

ferret equipment

-cage (not wood = odor) -sleeping box -food dish -water bottle -litter boxes -carrying crate

sugar gliders health

-calcium/vitamin D deficiency -"pneumonias"


-can affect humans -transmission by spores (dry) -respiratory illness


-can be destructive -keen sense of smell -reproduce very quickly -varies in species, colors

things that are generally bad for birds (toxic agents)

-carbon monoxide -overheated teflon -too much salt -"hardware" problems --birds will eat shiny or interesting objects

ferret feed

-carnivorous -commercial ferret feed is best -dry cat food = protein -treats/supplements

ferrets: viruses

-cat diseases -canine distemper = vaccinate -rabies = vaccinate

marek's disease (V) birds

-causes paralysis in chickens

signs of health probs in birds

-change in poop -weight loss -fluffed feathers -respiratory signs -behavioral changes = sleeping more than normal, less vocalization

spoon feeding baby birds

-cheaper -messier -more humane


-chickens, pheasants, peacock -domesticated -can fly short distances -precocial young -few migrate -homeothermic

Protozoal diseases & describe (birds)

-coccidiosis: common in Galliformes, diarrhea -giardiasis: common in budgies; intestinal

rodent feed

-commercial pellets -fruits and veggies -can feed human foods but comes w same issues as birds -food can be left out

pox (V) birds

-common -wet & dry types -not fatal

tuberculosis (B) birds

-common in birds -can affect humans (immunocompromized)

Pot-Bellied Pigs

-common in the 90s -may live 20 years -act like pigs = normal behavior -if cross-bred = HUGE --> know the breeder -mature weight = 80-100 lbs

diestrus phase

-corpus lute forms in ruptured follicle -progesterone level high in case pregnancy -prostaglandin causes CL regression

embryonic development of eggs

-day 19: yolk sac gets absorbed through chick's belly button --chick can live off of yolk for a few days --egg tooth to break out of shell, tooth falls off


-don't need food/water for first few days -precocial chicks need supplemental heat

rabbit parasite diseases

-ear mites -mange mites -worms

mycoplasmosis (B) birds

-especially in galliformes and passerines -swollen respiratory

cursorial birds

-flightless birds -precocial young -no keel bone ex: ostrich, emu

metestrus phase (ovulation)

-follicle opens and releases ovum -rats & mice = spontaneous ovulators

potential probs when feeding baby birds

-food in lungs -crop burns from hot food "sour crop"


-geese, ducks, and water fowl -thick down coat for insulation -female is louder -precocial young

preventing disease in birds

-good husbandry --reduce stress, clean water, good nutrition, exercise -vaccinations -practice good biosecurity

baby feed for birds

-hand feed birds to "train" them -feed temp must be precise -moist food

Rodent characteristics

-herbivores -teeth need to be worn down -most altricial -short reproductive, gestation periods

rabbit diet

-herbivores -veggies, grains, grass, corn, alfalfa


-hooked bills -X shaped feet, 2 toes forward, 2 toes back -can "talk" -altricial young ex: macaw, cockatoo, parrots

pot-bellied pigs are smart animals

-housebroken easily -not very trainable = destroy things -smell food = get it -require time, attention, money -diet control = easily obese

disease spreading to birds

-humans are common carriers -can be spread through flies, mosquitos, and other animals -most common reason is poor biosecurity

nutritional diseases in birds

-hypocalcemia --laying birds, grains are low in calcium -obesity

rabbit reproduction

-induced ovulates: will only ovulate around males -parturition="kindling" -females have concentrated milk

hedgehog feeding

-insectivores = meal worms, bugs -should add vitamin -some cat food, meat, eggs, fruit -consume a lot of food, relative to size

function of hair on mammals

-insulation -camo -protection -sensory organs (whiskers) -communication

why keep a rodent?

-intelligent -small -clean -inexpensive -low maintenance -durable w/ kids -short-lived

salmonella (B) birds

-kills young birds -respiratory and intestinal in older birds -can affect humans

sight in birds

-large eyes -can see colors -monocular vision

parasitic diseases in birds

-lice & mites: suck blood -air sac mites: canaries, finches -worms: roundworms

how to have good biosecurity

-limit contact w/ hands -clean and disinfect -keep other animals away

rabbit shelter

-live in hutch/cage -can live outside or inside -wire floor = feces fall through -wire on inside of wood frame (chewing)

bird mating

-long day breeders -courtship -artificial insemination

Bird muscles

-make up more than half of birds weight -breast muscle = very strong (35% of weight) -unique pulley and tendon arrangement to lift wings

guinea pig (cavy)

-male: boar -female: sow -shaped like football = no tail -precocial birth, only 2-3 per litter -must mate before 6 mo. or not at all


-pigeons and doves -produce "crop milk" -altricial young

viral diseases in birds

-pox -marek's disease -pacheo's disease -PBFD

general characteristics of mammals

-produce milk -advanced brain -advanced parental care -skin rich in glands -presence of hair

pacheo's disease (V) birds

-psittacines can die w/o symptoms


-relatively new as companion animals -quills are not barbed -smell & hearing good -sight = limited -nocturnal -solitary -territorial


-relatives: mink, weasel, skunk -originally domesticated for rodent control -not indigenous to US --> Europe

bird urogenital system

-removes nitrogen waste, water, and non-essential material -uric acid

avian influenza

-respiratory -mutates often so its hard to vaccinate for

rabbit fungal diseases

-ring worm: patches of lost hair and rashes, contagious

miniature pot-bellied pigs

-royal dandies, dandie extreme (20-40 lbs) -only sold spayed/neutered -expensive (thousands of $$)

respiratory of birds

-series of tubes through lungs, to air sacs, to lung capillaries -gas exchange takes place on both inspiration and expiration -**No thoraco =abdominal diaphragm -important for cooling = birds don't sweat

hedgehog reproduction

-sexually mature = 1 year -immediately postpartum = leave alone, cannibalism of young -only live 4-6 years -"hoglets"

sugar gliders reproduction

-short gestation -altricial babies -10 weeks in pouch = joeys -tiny = size of grain of rice -unspoken rule = must have license


-short tails -don't get along well with each other -nocturnal -cheek pouches for food


-similar to hamster -don't drink a lot of water --> desert animals -less odor -seizures

how egg is produced = female

-single ovary (left side ovulation) -takes about 24 hrs for egg to be laid are ovulation -chicken can hold sperm in body up to 2 weeks to fertilize eggs -UV junction = sperm host glands (female stores)

skeletal differences of mammals

-skull and mandible attached -teeth set in sockets -epiphyses

Bird bones

-small and hollow --> for flight -pneumatic bones = air flows through them

rabbit bacterial diseases

-snuffles: most common, runny nose and wet front feet, need ventilation -mastitis: inflammation of mammary glands


-songbirds, perching -not often kept as pets -developed syrinx for singing -altricial young ex: finches, canaries

Ferrets: need to descent and neuter

-still will have odors -skin glands produce musky scent -may want to bathe occasionally, not too much = more oil

bird digestive system

1. beak 2. crop: stores food 3. proventriculus: secretes acid 4. gizzard: has rocks in it to grind feed 5. small intestine w/ duodenal loop 6. pancreas: digestive enzymes 7. cecum: microbes to digest fibers 8. cloaca: exit of bird

estrous cycle steps in rats

1. proestrous 2. estrus 3. metestrus 4. diestrus

rodent teeth

2 upper and 2 lower chisel-like incisors -no canines -back teeth for chewing

hormones during estrous cycle GRAPH

FSH a little higher than estrogen, both in hill-like movements LH rising drastically progesterone rising then plateau

viral diseases in rodents

immune suppression

Do humans have muscles that can pull?

No. They can only push, which will pull something on the other side


babies more mature when born


babies not mature when born, less developed

exotic pets

bad: small info, can't always buy feed from store, difficult to find a vet, may turn into something unexpected good: can be interesting and challenging

non-rodent examples

bats, badgers, ferrets, rabbits, sugar gliders, hedgehogs

Why hand feed baby birds?

better pets, more valuable as pets, tamer as adults, less likely to bite

birds vs reptiles

both: hinged jaw, simple ear, same development birds have: feathers, homeothermic, 4 chambered heart, flexible neck

natural incubation

can "candle" eggs to see viability/development

human influenza: ferrets

can get & transmit (from labs)

wing clipping

clips couple outside wings so birds can't fly

6 orders of birds

cursorial psittaciformes passeriformes columbiformes anseriforms galliformes

what does it mean to be polyestrous?

cycle from puberty until death -length = 4-5 days

bird migration

day-length and migration -guidance system = magnetic field, sun & stars


exit from body, waste excreted

Ferrett terminology

female = jill male = hob baby = kit male (castrated) = gib female (spayed) =sprite group = business


filled with microorganisms, digest fiber

ferrets: parasites

fleas, ear mites, heartworm

function of feathers

flight and insulation they do molt, way of replacing worn feathers

bird sense of taste

generally very bad

rabbit terminology

girl: doe boy: buck baby: kits

parturition in rats

giving birth or "pupping"

human foods that are OK to feed birds

grains, fruits, veggies, meats, legumes, very little dairy

easy or hard to diagnose a sick bird

hard, because they mask illness for survival purposes

bird hearing

hear about same range as humans


hedgehog = drools, licks over body -possibly an aid for senses

examples of herbivores omnivores, and carnivore mammals

herbi: bunny, rodent omni: pig carni: ferret, dog, cat

rabbit malocclusion

overgrown front teeth (have to trim so rabbit can eat)

induced ovulation

ovulation occurring as a result of mating, if seduced -rabbit and hare

spontaneous ovulation

ovulation under cyclic hormonal control (rats, humans)


prevents ovulation or maintains pregnancy -produced in Corpus Luteum

antibiotics can cause....

problems with bacteria in GI track


procedures intended to protect humans or animals against disease or harmful biological agents


produces bile


rabbits eating CECAL, not fecal pellets (good source of Vitamin B)

rabbits vs hares

rabbits: altricial, rounder body hares: precocial, long thin body

post partum estrus

rats can mate/go through estrous cycle immediately after giving birth

lop rabbits

really big ears, ears lop down


relaxes cervix for birth -blood level increases prior to the onset of birth

largest mammal order



stimulated follicles -produced in pituitary


stimulates milk production and release


storage, digests food slowly over time

gall bladder

stores bile, secretes into small intestine


stores sperm -sperm undergo changes = able to swim/fertilize egg

handling rabbits

support butt and hind legs, may break their backs if not

unguligrade movement

walking on nails (horses)

Ferrets differ from rodents

teeth = sharp canines and molars = carnivores


the bird's voice box

2 methods of feeding baby birds

tube feeding and spoon feeding

rodent health

tumors are common, which contribute to short life span

rabbit hearing

very good bc large ears

rabbit smell

very good, nose always twitching, lots of receptors

digitigrade movement

walking on digits/toes (cats and dogs)

Is it safe to feed uncooked rice to birds?

yes it is safe to feed rice

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