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Explaining what we do in simplest terms

Get paid for shopping we're already doing anyway, get paid for the referring we're already doing anyway, maintain some customers, and teach others to do the same thing. You mean that's all I have to do to be a millionaire? That's it.

How long have you been in business and how much money are you making?

Great question, we've been in business for awhile, but in all honestly we just started to get serious, and we're starting to get the results our senior partners have said we'd be getting. So things are getting very fun!

If prospects are looking up stuff on web during meetings and seem skeptical after.

Hey I kind of got the impression, we're you maybe looking something up online? Yes Oh okay, did it make sense when [speaker] mentioned [hearken back to whatever speaker said about looking up information from reputable resources]. [Just guide them to make the right decision] Yeah that makes sense... Yeah, there's a lot of stuff online, and I don't know what you ready, but I can tell you that typically 95% of every doubt, fear concern, what if, I heard this, I looked up this, has nothing to do with what we're talking about here and that's exactly why we have this process. I apologize if it seemed like we were withholding information. In fact what we do is very simple, you'll come to find that, but it does take a certain mindset like we talked about.

If someone doesn't turn on camera for Zoom conversation

Hey can you see us okay, can you hear us? We can't see you is your camera on? If say can't turn on camera. Oh no worries. I know I didn't go over a lot over the phone. So this first meeting we mainly want to get to know you. So we'd love to be able to see you. Usually we talk in person, but unfortunately we've got to do these over Zoom right now. We'd really like to get to know you better. So let's reschedule for a better time where you can have your camera on so we can really get to know each other and then obviously we can take the time to talk about basics, what we do, and what we're looking to accomplish and so what time works best for you where we can reschedule this?

If ppl say too many meetings, ask:

How many working days are there?

Why are you dressed like that? If dressed in dress clothes in a store connecting.

I'm in business so every once in awhile I wear dress clothes for a meeting or an interview I'm doing.

If calling someone to sit down and they say they will call you back around _ time.

I'm not sure when I'll be available around that time, does it work if I call you when I'm free around that time?

Why do this business instead of other ways to create wealth?

I've never seen a business where you can get so much control of time and money with so little work, with such little risk and overhead. It's an amazing return on the investment of time, so why wouldn't I invest my time here instead at some other vehicle that is less stable, I don't own it, and it is a smaller return on investment. Also, the amount of money that you make is a direct reflection of how much value you're providing for other people. So because it's the most amount of money you can make for the least amount of time and money invested in, it means here, you are giving the most amount of value possible to give in such a small amount of work and I want to add as much value to as many people as possible in my life so I can have the greatest possible impact on the world and just help people as much as possible and I found that here.

If talking to people to generate leads is a concern

1. Normalize it and talk about how it is normal in business. Ppl skills is the skill. 2. Real apprenticeship here where we help you wherever you're at and step by step train you and we'll even do some of it for you at the beginning while you're learning your skill set.

If think network marketing is immoral or taking advantage of people.

Ask, is franchising immoral or taking advantage of others? No? Why not? This is basically franchising in the Information Age. Except the problem with traditional franchising is who's winning? The Ray Crocks of the world, right? Because he's the one doing the duplicating. Traditional franchising allows you to open a self employment business. Here you can duplicate yourself as much as you want and anyone can basically be a Ray Crock, anyone can build a big business asset.

How to explain list to prospects

At the end of follow up 2 after extended offer ask, have we talked about the list? Listen real carefully, there's no business you can build long term w/ people you already know. And we really don't want to talk to your close friends, relatives, coworkers, people you go to church with and the average person knows about 3-400 people and there's a pretty good chance, not a guarantee, but there's a pretty good chance that you know someone right now outside your immediate close circle that is looking right now for legitimate options and if we can get to them before they take on something else, they win, you win, we all win and that way we can kick start your business. Now what happens if we don't sponsor someone for you. That's fine, there's no loss because again, there's no business you can build long term with people you already know and you're going to go through an apprenticeship to learn how to talk to people and start sponsoring and if we don't sponsor someone off your pre existing list, you'll sponsor somebody from somebody you've met in developing leads and once you've sponsored that person, we'll work with that person for you. So it's no loss if we don't sponsor somebody off your list, but if we can that's what we want to do. So, you want to start writing down everyone you know and if need be we'll sit down with you and help you put together a list of 3-400 names. Now if you feel like you can do it on your own great, if not we'll sit down with you. And then once you put together that list, we're going to go thru that list. There's a profile we're looking for which we don't want to tell you about just because you have no experience, you'll tend to be too strict with that profile. What we'll do is go through that list, identify the people that meet the profile we're looking for. By the way if there's somebody on that list you wouldn't want us to talk to don't worry about it, we won't talk to them. But you'll want to write on that list even your close friends, relatives, neighbors, etc, even though we're not going to talk to them, because calling random people off your list like your 98 year old grandma, would most likely just be a waste of time, but your write them down still. And why do you write them down? because the way the mind works, the memory of one person, even if it's you best buddy or your grandma, or your dad, but you want to write them down, very commonly those names will trigger the names you otherwise would not have thought of and it's not unusual to have some of those people be qualified candidates. So you write down everyone you know, you look at your wedding lists, Christmas card list if you still have them, FB, your phone, if you ever collected business cards, if you have a rolodex, neighborhood list, you pull them all out and you write them all down and then we sort, and again we take out close friends, relatives, neighbors, people you go to church with, but again, those names will trigger the memory of other names, and then those that fit the profile and your comfortable with us approaching about business, we'll reach out to them with a proven script that Hal has used for decades so we're not going to sell to people at all or be pushy. And if we sponsor just 1 person for you and depending on how far you take this, that name literally could be worth 100s of 1000s dollars, once you understand the comp plan, if not millions. And of course you're at the same time going through your part of the apprenticeship, your part of the partnership and you're not waiting on the work we're doing. And again if we don't sponsor anybody for you it's no loss because you'll be trained and you'll be able to sponsor, but if we do sponsor somebody we'll work with them for you and get to work while you're doing your part of the partnership and if we don't in the mean time you're moving forward, but it gives us a really good shot. So do you think you can do this on your own or should we set up a time to sit down with you? If say can do on own When do you think you could have that done? Because like we said, the reality is, there's a pretty good chance you know people who are looking right now and if we can get to them before they take something else on that's a benefit to everyone, right? So realistically when do you think you could get that done? Sounds good, let's book that time to go over that list. If get to list appointment and they only have like 100 names This is awesome! Now is this everyone you know? If not help them come up with more names see if they want your help right then, or if they want to still do it on their own. Then go thru and find the people you want to sit down with based on if they fit that criteria.

Explaining PV/BV

BV is the revenue that runs through your business and PV is how you calculate your income.

Encouragement to do research well

If I offered you $1 million to figure out if this opportunity was legit, legal, and real, would you do it? [Let them answer.] Why? Because you want that $1 million. How bad do you want to figure out your financial future? [Let them answer.] If $1 million was riding on you getting the answer right if this business is legit, legal, real, and the best financial opportunity for you and your family, how likely would you be to research a random blog or ask a family member with little or no experience over referring to reputable, accurate resources? [Let them answer.] Right, if $1 million was riding on you getting the answer right, you would do legitimate research from the best resources, right? It's all about how bad do you want it. How bad do you want the best financial future for you and your family. If you want the best financial future possible, I would suggest taking the research very seriously because there's actually no cap to the money you can make and it's ongoing generational income.

To answer major objections to not giving all the information up front.

It sounds like a question of trust. Is that correct? Should you trust an organization that doesn't give all the information up front? Maybe. But is it smart to make that call before you figure out why they don't give all the information up front. [If you know they consider themselves faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints] We all are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Do they give all the information up front? Should they be trusted? Well why do they not give all the information up front? Because you have to be prepared for it to do good for you and not harm. That's a good reason. [If they are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints] What about the medical school path. Do they give all the information up front? Should they be trusted? Well why do they not give all the information up front? Why do they not teach you how to do brain surgery in pre-med school? Because you have to be prepared for it to do good for you and not harm. That's a good reason. Why do we not give you all the information up front here? Number one, because there's a lot to it, even though it's very simple, a 12 year old could do it, so we want to know it's worth your time and our time, to go over all the information. If it would even be of benefit to you. Number two, people have to be prepared for it to benefit them. Most people come from the employee and small business background, just like we did, so a foundation of understanding and preparation has to happen before we can dive into the details. Just like in your church [or in medical school]. Do those reasons make sense?

Are you not giving me information because you don't want me to look you up on the web?

No I'm not worried about what you find on the web because I know every company, every business, every religion has good and bad on the web. If you were to Google and search you would find negative on us, you would find negative on Mother Theresa for crying out loud. It's not so much that you would find negative information and that would away you. You'd find negative about Google on Google. It's the fact that we are looking for people to partner in business with to invest in and we want to make sure we can build a friendship and a trust with those people, that we're going to be in a real business relationship and we can't do that if they don't allow us to step into that space of partnership and trust. So it's more for can we build that relationship than what are you going to find. We would never offer any kind of partnership if they're not educated fully on what we do, why we do it and who we're partnered with. That would be a ridiculous investment. That's not what we're worried about.

After make aware. Is this SEO, click funneling, affiliate marketing?

Not really (or "kind of" if they ask if it's affiliate marketing). We're actually completely unique in the industry. We leverage a few trends, online shopping, social networking, it's basically affiliate marketing.

I'm not a people person, or I'm not good at sales

Oh I totally hear you. The good thing is you don't have to naturally be a people person like we talk about it in our society, super bubbly and talkative and all that. Anyone can learn how to build this business just like anyone can learn to be a good friend, honestly. Have you ever made a friend before? Then you can be great and great at this business. 😊

Drop message and they say too busy right now

Oh yeah, hey that totally makes sense, I know you'd explained that you have a lot going on, but yeah, you know we should keep in touch and if things change in the future maybe I could reach out to you in a few months or so. Like I said, we're looking to expand and you seem to really possess what they're looking for, you might really be a good fit for it. [Then call later for a shot in the dark]

If anyone says something about me being white or if they are racist to me:

Say with cheerfulness and a smile 😊 Do you want me to judge you by the color of your skin or by the content of your character? The content of your character okay, sounds good. I just ask that you treat me the same, please. I'm sick of racism. I'm done with racism. Go watch Remember the Titans and Glory Road. They realize that after all the differences, we're all just people. We're all brothers and sisters. Let's solve the problem by actually understanding one another as people instead of making a new one.

Isn't it lying to say you got interviewed with Hal when you didn't?

That's a great question and one we had as well. It's not lying because our goal is not to deceive or trick anyone. It's simply to teach the interviewee how to think and to show where we learned how to think. In a way everyone really is interviewed by Hal, by proxy, we're interviewing on behalf of Hal, in duplication of Hal.

Could you help me drive traffic to the company I own or want to start?

That's a great question, they basically take care of the contracts. We just leverage those contracts they already have in place. So I wish I could help you, but there's not really anything I could do for you there, but if you're serious about sitting down...

Since it's possible if everyone in the world got sponsored, doesn't that make it not fair? It's basically a question about saturation.

That's a great question. Right now, there's less than 3 million IBOs in the world. Guess how many people graduated high school and college last year? About 4 million people graduated high school and 4 million people graduated college. That's about 8 million people in just the United States. We aren't even scratching the surface of saturating even just the United States let alone the 100 some odd other countries that Amway operates in. The skies the limit really. We'd love for you to try to saturate it and spread the benefits of owning your own retail business and shopping from yourself and putting that money that your putting in the pockets of Walmart and Target and Amazon in your own pocket. Not to mention the great culture It would actually be great if you tried to saturate it. Also, you can consider how big the retail market is. It's like over $2 trillion in just the United States. That's huuuge!! And you'd basically be getting your family their own cut of it. Do you think there are 50 people out of those 8 million people who just graduated and are looking for careers added to all the adults in the country also looking for opportunity whom you can teach to switch just $300 a month from other stores to their own store and get some customers to allow your family to have 60k passive income? I think so. I had the same concern at one point, but thinking of it with this perspective I'm not worried about saturation any more.

How come someone else I know did/does Amway was/is not successful?

That's a great questions. Most people who have a contract with Amway are not a part of Worldwide. It's like 3 different Ford dealerships. They are 3 different entities and they all get results. If someone "does" Amway and is not a part of Worldwide, they are not doing what we're doing. Worldwide is the fastest growing "line of sponsorship" in Amway and last I heard Worldwide was outgrowing Amway by 60%. There's people in every industry that get the job or start the business and aren't successful. Same with where you work. It' up to them use the proven methods and principles in any industry ti be successful. Here is no different.

How long been doing this and how much money are you making?

We've been actually trained and working our business for about [give them length of time]. And as far as how much we're making, that's a little personal actually, but, like I may have mentioned, we're on track to replace both our incomes this year. I can tell you how much money I made in graphic design school after a year of going. A big fat $0. I was putting money in. I made negative money after 2 years into pursuing a graphic design career. Here we're profiting big time after just [give length of time working the business] years of actually working the business.

How long been in business?

We've been seriously running our business for _ and we're making great money so far, but it's an asset so I'm thinking 5 years and the people I'm working with are making tons of money and as soon as I started doing what they said, it started to work.

Expensive products objection

Well if it works for you would it still be too expensive? Would it be worth it I guess? Yes Well you're in luck, because if you use it and it doesn't work, there's actually a 100%, 180 day, that's 6 months, guarantee and we can just get you your money back. So, you don't have anything at risk here, but if it works it's obviously worth the money.

What do you get out of this?

What do you mean by that? [Let them answer] Like I mentioned, we're expanding in business. Things are going well so we're looking to bring on some additional partners, additional owners in what we do. Well aren't you trying to make money off me? Like I said, we're looking to expand and bring on additional partners, additional owners in what we do. Yes, we'll all benefit from this. Just like in any business, as you expand because your doing so well, we look to cover more ground, cover more territory if you will. And we'll all benefit from this because our business will continue to grow and we'll continue to grow our brand.

Is it moral to do network marketing and make money off of other people?

What is franchising? Giving people the opportunity to buy into your successful system and teaching them to utilize it correctly so they can have the same or similar success. That's what Ray Crock did with McDonald's and that's what every franchise does. The franchisees pay the McDonald's corporation to help them be successful. Is it moral for McDonald's to get paid if they're the ones who gave them the opportunity and the training to be successful? Do you think it's moral? I do? Now here the people we partner with don't pay us for giving the opportunity to be apart of our successful system and to teach them to utilize it correctly so they can have the same or similar success. Amway pays us for helping others to be successful. Is ir moral for Amway to pay us for helping others be successful themselves? What do you think? I think it is. What about your job? Do they make money off of your success there? BIG TIME. They make probably 95% of the money you generate for them and there you don't get an opportunity to have the same or similar success at all because you don't own anything. Is that moral?

Do you take advantage of the people you work with?

You could ask them. We actually pour more time and effort and money into helping them, with no promise of return, than probably anyone in their lives since they've been adults. We're probably some of the only people who believe 100% believe in them as well. When someone earns an offer and partners with us they don't work for us we work for them, we just ask they don't treat us like it.

If people say not into money, but into making a difference:

You know that's exactly why I mentioned it. I know that you had said, [how want to make a difference], and you seem like you have a similar mindset to my wife and I, that's actually a huge part of what we do, really making a difference, so like I said they're looking to expand and if you're really serious about all that, we could sit down and have that conversation.

If family member balks at you building a business:

_, think about your wife. Think about your kids. You want to provide best for them right? And take care of them right? Which your doing. No person's tomorrow is certain though. Think seriously about what would happen if you died. What would happen to [spouse]? What would happen to [kid's names]. How would you like your wife to have to start supporting the whole family without you there? How would you like your wife to find the first guy who can take care of her and her kids. If I die I know Brittany has an ongoing income stream backed by not just employees, but other business owners who are financially vested in keeping our business going long after I'm gone. That's why I'm building my business.

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