ANT102 ch7

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Cultures around the world have different attitudes toward those who do not fit into cultural gender norms. Identify whether the following statements apply to Western attitudes about gender or Native American attitudes about gender.

native americans: -People who do not fit into cultural gender norms have supernatural powers. -People who do not fit into cultural gender norms have special privileges. western cultures: -people who do not fit into cultural gender norms are ignored or medically "corrected." -People who do not fit into cultural gender norms do not exist.

French social scientist Michel Foucault coined the term biopower when referring to actions surrounding intersex individuals. Identify the meaning of this term.

the power of the state to regulate the body

Gender performance refers to the way gender identity is expressed through action. Identify the following statements about gender performance as true or false.Cultural anthropologists are increasingly focused on gender as an identity that is expressed through action. Both men and women may display stereotypically masculine and feminine characteristics.

-Cultural anthropologists are increasingly focused on gender as an identity that is expressed through action. -Both men and women may display stereotypically masculine and feminine characteristics.

Hijras are transgender individuals and followers of the Hindu Mother Goddess Bahuchara Mata, who is often depicted as transgender. Identify whether or not these are experiences of hijras in Southeast Asia.

-Hijras support themselves through begging, performances, and sex work. -Hijras are revered as powerful religious figures. -Hijras face discrimination in access to housing, health care, and education.

While the "Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer" story still influences contemporary gender ideology, scientific evidence on early human society and behavior does not support the narrative. Identify whether or not these are examples of current scientific evidence

-Hunting may not have been as integral to human survival as was previously thought. -Foraging societies had (and have) a flexible division of labor.

In her ethnography Dude, You're a Fag (2007), C. J. Pascoe explores the construction of masculinity in a racially diverse high school in California. Identify whether or not she observed the following about gender construction in this school.

-Masculinity could be associated with women. -White male students primarily engaged in "fag discourse."

Identify whether or not anthropologist Matthew Gutmann found the following to be true about machismo among the working-class Mexican men of a small community in Mexico City.

-Mexican men negotiate their roles with women. -Mexican men do not fit common understandings of machismo that have spread around the world.

The "Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer" story influences contemporary U.S. gender ideologies. Identify whether or not these statements are components of the story.

-The behavior of early humans was cemented into our DNA and continues to influence human behavior today. -Inventiveness, mobility, and time away from home are natural expectations of human males. -A more sedentary lifestyle, cooperativeness, and nurturance are natural expectations of female humans.

Identify whether or not these findings were made by Carla Freeman in her study of women working in the informatics industry of Barbados.

-Women's status as wives and mothers allows them to access company-provided transportation and flexible work hours. -Women work in comfortable, air-conditioned modern offices.

idonesian and filipino women

-becoming primary breadwinners -unable to fulfill traditional roles as mothers and wives

In September 2015, the United Nations established various goals toward sustainable development including Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls. Identify whether or not these are objectives included within this goal.

-ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care -ensure equal opportunities for women to rise to leadership positions -ensure the elimination of gender-based violence

taiwanese women

-movement into male workforce -unable to fulfill traditional roles as mothers and wive

Place the events that led to the development and evolution of the CO-MADRES organization and movement in El Salvador in order from the first event to the most recent.

-the Salvadorian civil war began- violence against dissentants -CO-MADRES formed to demand info about victims -CO-MADRES protested to bring to light atrocities committed -evolved to demand women's rights, gender violence justice, inclusion for women in government

Early in the textbook, you learned about stratification as the unequal distribution of resources among a group of people. Place in order how Barbados factory workers are stratified, from highest social status to lowest.

1. white collar-office workers and supervisors 2. pink collar-informatics workers 3. blue collar- factory workers

identify the significance of the work of the grassroots women's organization CO-MADRES in El Salvador.

CO-MADRES used ideas about femininity in a unique way to achieve justice and equality.`

Gender roles are split between public (male) and private (female) spheres.

Michelle Rosaldo

Men's greater physical strength is reflected in cultural dominance.

Nancy Chodorow

There is a pervasive symbolic association of men with culture and women with nature.

Sherri Ortner

Identify the significance of the "fairy tale of the egg and the sperm," and "Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer" narratives in U.S. contemporary culture.

They are modern-day cultural myths that reinforce gender ideologies


a gender identity or expression that does not fit with the cultural expectations of one's assigned sex at birth


an outdated and stigmatizing term for people born with both female and male sexual characteristics

Pei-chia Lan studied Filipino and Indonesian women who migrate to Taiwan to work in care industries. How do these workers provide care for their own families?

as primary breadwinners, they send remittances back home to their families

Why did biologist Anne Fausto-Sterling propose a theory of five sexes?

because intersex shows a complex middle ground between male and female

Contemporary gender ideologies are firmly rooted in the natural differences between men and women and gender roles from early human history.


Flexible accumulation refers to the ways in which globalization produces new opportunities for women to set their own work hours to achieve work-home balance.


Gender studies is a new subfield of anthropology, developed in the early twenty-first century.


Historically, biological science has tended to create distinct mental maps of reality for male and female anatomy. Human males and females are said to demonstrate sexual dimorphism, which refers to phenotypic differences between males and females of the same species. Identify whether the following characteristics generally apply to men or women.

females: longer physical endurance, live longer males: larger body size, deeper voice

The tale of "Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer" is used in U.S. culture to explain differences in gender roles

gender ideology

Men in Mexico are uninvolved and uninterested in domestic life.`

gender stereotype

Hijras in India face unequal access to housing, education, and health care.

gender stratification

Identify whether or not these are primary factors that have generally been considered in determining biological sex.

genitalia, chromosome patterns, and gonads

Who does sociologist Pei-chia Lan call "global Cinderellas" and why?

immigrant domestic workers because they dream of escaping poverty but are oppressed in other's homes

The "Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer" tale lies at the heart of U.S. gender ideologies. Anthropologists work to identify scientifically validated truths about the human past. Identify the following statements as based in fiction or science.

science: -Our human ancestors likely had flexible gender roles that shifted in response to the needs of a given situation. fiction: -Our human ancestors had rigid gender roles because they lived on the edge of starvation and needed strict roles in order to secure food. -The pleasure of killing animals developed a hardwired aggression in men that we still see today. -Women today are more nurturing than men because of women's gathering skills developed in the evolutionary past.

- refers to the observable physical differences between male and female, while - refers to the cultural expectations of behavior based on these differences.

sex, gender


the appropriate term that describes the state of being born with a combination of male and female genitalia, gonads, and/or chromosome

When Annette Weiner revisited Bronislaw Malinowski's study of the Trobriand Islanders, what did she find?

women engaged in elaborate economic activity that Malinowski failed to recognize

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