Anth 140: Exam 2

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Alcohol taxes in Sweden

- vodka: 40% - Wine: 14% - Beer: 4.5%

Norway capital


Ireland: overview

- 84,421 km2 (32,595 mi2) - Roughly size of South Carolina - 6.3 million people picture on slide: foxes

Russia: Capital

Moscow - 20 million people

Russia: Alcohol Poisoning Deaths

~Irkutsk, Russia -December 2016 -76deaths ~ Boyaryshnik - Bath oil - 65% alcohol - 500g - $1 - Methanol

Russian word for alcohol

алкоголь alkogol'



Scandinavia: Brannvin

"Burn-wine" - distilled from fermented grain or potatoes - vodka is the highest grade of brannvin - flavored and unflavored

Drinking and Driving in Sweden


Atlantic Wall


20% of Uganda's exports is...


Scandinavia: History

•Pre-Roman Iron Age -500 BC - 1 BC •Roman Iron Age -AD 1 - 400 •Germanic Iron Age -AD 500 - 800 •Viking Age -AD 800 -1050

Russia: Languages

•Russian (official) •27 other "official" languages •Over 100 minority languages spoken

Russia: Ethnic groups

•Russian - 81% •Tatar - 4% •Ukrainian - 1.5% •Bashkir - 1% •Chuvash - 1% •Chechen - 1% •Other - 10%

Slainte mhaith!

"good health"

maisha marefu !

"good health"

Scandinavia: Vodka

*Vodka Belt: areas with significant produces and consumers of vodka - Sweden and Norway, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine

Scandinavia: Prohibition in Norway

- 1917: referendum on prohibitions was approved by voters; only spirits, overturned in 1926 - Scandinavian Lutherans played a large part in supporting Prohibition in the United States

Ghana: Overview

- 238,535 km2 (92,099 mi2) - Roughly size of Minnesota - 27 million people

Uganda: overview

- 241,038 km2 (93,065 mi2) - Roughly size of Minnesota - 38 million people

Russia: Beers

- 2nd most popular drink (after vodka) -Categorize beer by color vs. fermentation process -Light, red, semi-dark, dark -Stepan Razin Brewery (1795) -Oldest Brewery in Russia Started by Abraham Krohn (GermanImmigrant)

Alcohol taxes in Norway

- 30-50%

Ireland and Scotland: Bronze Age

- 3000 BC-700 BC - Hill forts are introduced around 1000BC Picture on slide: Eildon Hill, Scotland

Ireland and Scotland: Iron Age

- 600 BC - AD 200 - arrival of the Celts (later Gaels): Speakers of the Proto-Celtic language - Broch: Hollowed structure for defensive and living quarters

Scotland: overview

- 77,933 km2 (30,090 mi2) - Roughly size of South Carolina - 5.3 million people - 6.5 million sheep

Scotland: drinking culture

- 84% of Scots think alcohol causes either a 'great deal' or 'quite a lot of harm in Scotland - Most people disapprove of excessive drinking - only 19% thought that getting drunk is a perfectly acceptable thing to do on the weekends.

Uganda: Drinking culture

- 88.6% of the alcohol consumption in Uganda is unregulated - estimates of 23.7 liters (6.2 gallons) of pure alcohol annually per person - United State is 9.2 liters (2.4 gallons)

Scandinavia: Beers

- A staple in Scandinavia since the Middle ages (AD 500-1500) - Today, lager beet is the most popular: stor stark ("large strong"). About 17 ounce (American pint = 16 ounces) - lattol (a 2%) is popular at lunch: latt (light); ol (beer); :"small beer". Possible to deink and stay below legal drinking limits

Ghana: Alcoholic Beverages

- Akpeteshie - Pito - Palm Wine

Ghana: Historic

- Ashanti Empire: 1701-1957 - Portuguese Slave Trade: Elmina Castle - 1482; Dutch Rule - 1637-1872, (30,000 slaves per year - 7 million) - British control: 1874-1957

Uganda: Prehistory

- Bantu Expansion (100 BC): Metallurgists - iron smelting - Agriculturalist and Pastoralists (AD 1000): bananas, plantains, millet, sorghum, yams - State level societies (1200s)

Ireland and Scotland: Whiskey process

- Barley - Malt the Barley: steeping (raise moisture content), germination (enzyme induction, cell wall digestion), kilning (drying, flavor development), grinding the malt -Grist and water in the mashing tank - heat to 60-80 degrees Celsius - add yeast - rests for a few days - 6-8% abv-wort - wort enters the still - 97 degrees Celsius - 23% of the run are "low wines", removed and reintroduced to the still at a later time 9heads and tails) - The Hearts go to the Spirit Still: 65-68% abv, heads and tails removed again, hearts go to the barrel for aging - White whiskey enters barrel at 635% abv, aged minimum of 3 years and 1 day - aging process: 2% loss per year, 15 year barrel = 30% loss, Angel's share

Ghana: Pito

- Beer made from millet or sorghum - household level - typically served in a gourd - important source of income for cash poor families in rural areas - never found bottled or canned - female dominated trade in Ghana - 1-8% abv

Alcohol taxes in Denmark

- Beer/wine/spirits: 25%

Ireland and Scotland: Alcoholic Beverages

- Beers - Whiskey/Whisky alcol - Gaelic

The Grauballe Man

- Bog body from Jutland, Denmark - embedded in peat at time of discovery - 2300 years old

Uganda: History

- British protectorate (1894-1962) - Independence (1962): Presidential Republic - Civil war and Lord's Resistance Army Picture on slide: Joseph Kony

Russia: Tarasun

- Distillation of fermented mare's milk - Buryat people of Siberia - national drink of Buryatia - ceremonial drink

Ghana: Akpeteshie

- Distilling palm wine or sugar cane juice - Began with European colonization (15th century) - Roughly 50% abv

Uganda: Environments

- East African Plateau - Tropical Climate (hot and humid)

Ghana: languages

- English - Asante Twi - Dagbani - 8 other official language

Ireland: languages

- English - Irish (140,000 people) - Ulster Scots (17,000 people) *The percentage of respondents who said they spoke Irish daily outside the education system in the 2011 census in that State

Uganda: languages

- English - Swahili - 19 localized language pombe - swahili (alcohol)

Scotland: Languages

- English - Scots (120,00 people) - Gaelic (80,000 people)

Russia: Prehistory

- FIRST inhabitants: homo erectus - 1.5 mil years ago - Oldowan tools (Dagestan region near Caspian sea) - MODERN HUMANS: 40,000 years ago (Kostenki site on the Don River) - NEANDERTHAL: some of the last surviving; infant Neanderthal found in Mezmaiskaya cave in the Republic of Adygea 29,000 years ago

Uganda: Tonto

- Fermented beverage made from bananas - Ripening green bananas in a pit for several days - extract, filter, and dilute the juice - mixed with roasted and ground sorghum - ferment for 2-4 days - 6-11% abv - source of income for many families in the banana growing regions of Uganada

Uganda: Malwa

- Fermented beverage made from millet - germinate millet - dry it out - pulverize it - ix with water - boil it - add yeast - 1-3 days to ferment (then malwa!) - 6-8% ABV

Ireland and Scotland: Prehistory

- First inhabitants - Modern Humans - 12,000 years ago (evidence) - No doubt, much earlier - Last Glacial Period (Ice Age) - 110,000 - 12,000 years ago - Destroyed archaeological evidence - Small hunter-gatherer groups • 12,000 - 8500 BC picture on slide: reconstruction of a hunter-gatherer hut and canoe- Irish National Heritage Park

Uganda: Prehistory

- First inhabitants: Australopithecus afarensis - 3.9-2.9 million years ago - Lucy - Laetoli Footprints - Homo habilis (handy man): 2.8 million years ago - Modern humans - homo sapien sapien: 100,000 years ago - small hunter-gatherer groups: ended around 2000 years ago

Lindores Abbey

- Founded in 1178: Tironensian Abbey - First mention of Whisky production 1494 - Building new distillery on site

Scandinavia: Environments

- Highly varied from the North to the South - Norwegian fjords - Scandinavian mountains - lowlands of Denmark - Archipelagos of Sweden and Norway

Ireland and Scotland: Gin

- Jenever-Netherlands: Bruges 13th century, Antwerp 16th century - barley mash: flavored with juniper berries

Ireland: History

- Kingdom of Ireland: 1542 - Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 181 - Partition of Ireland (Northern Ireland and Republic or Ireland, 1921)

Scotland: History

- Kingdom of Scotland: AD 843 - Joins Kingdom of England to form the Kingdom of Great Britain: 1707

Scandinavia: Prohibition in Sweden

- Late 1800s - 1977: warm food had to be served with alcohol - 1922 failed referendum on prohibition - temperance movement still very strong: straight edge (sXe, XXX, or X) - Bratt System (1917 - 1955): rationing of liquor, booklet called a motbok (stamped added with each purchase)

Scandinavia: Akvavit

- Made from grain or potatoes, flavored with herbs, spices, or fruit oils (Caraway, Cardamom, Cumin, Anise, Fennel. Lemon or orange peel) - Aged in old sherry casks - Aquavit (akvavit) from Latin aqua vita "water of life" -Earliest reference is April 13, 1531 (a letter and package from a Danish Lord to a Roman Catholic archbishop: "some water which is called Aqua Vite" and is a help for all sort of illness which a man can have both internally and externally") - traditionally consumed at festive gatherings and as an aperitif (Christmas, dinners, weddings) - sipped or shot from a stemmed shot glass - often consumed immediately after a snapsvisa

Scotland: beers

- NOT GERMAN - Brewing beer in Scotland since 3000 BC - Ale: brewed without hops, historically used gruit; Herb mixture

Drinking age in Denmark

- On premise: 18 all alcohol - Off premise: 16 beer/wine & 18 for spirits

Drinking age in Sweden

- On premise: 18 all alcohol - off premise: 18 beer/wine & 20 for spirits

Drinking age in Norway

- On/off premise: 18 beer/wine & 20 spirits

Ireland and Scotland: History

- Romans arrived in Scotland AD 71: completely withdrew by 410 - Romans never annexed Ireland: influenced via commerce, cultural/religious, and military; specifically St. Patrick in 5th century (Romano-British Christian missionary)

Ireland and Scotland: Neolithic period

- Sedentary Farmers - 4000-3000 BC - Archaeological evidence: ditches, posthole for structures, cereal grains, animal remains (sheep, cattle, pigs) Pictures on slide: Ballykeel dolmen - Ireland ; Skara Brae - Orkney Islands, Scotland 3000 BC


- Stout (dry): made from roasted malt, roasted barley, hops, water, and yeast - 1759: Arthur Guinness gets 9,000 year lease for 45 Irish pounds per year - Brewed in 50 countries and available in over 120 - annual sales: 850 million liters (220 million US gal) - high iron content led to it being given to post-operative patients, as well as to blood donors - at one point, pregnant women and nursing mothers were even advised to drink it

Ireland and Scotland: Whiskey/Whisky

- Uisce beatha (Irish) uisge-beatha (Gaelic) = "water of life" - Distilling brought to Ireland by Irish monks when they returned from Mediterranean in 1000 AD (most likely for distilling perfumes) - Earliest refence is Jun1, 1495, Exchequer Rolls of Scotland states: "To Friar John Cor, by order of the King, to make aqua vitae, VIII bolls of malt - John Cor was a Tironenisian monk who lived at Lindores Abbey

Russia: wine

- Viticulture along the shores of the Black Sea - world's oldest wine region - Armenia - Areni-1 Winery - 4000 BC - 6100 years old winery!

Ireland: drinking culture

- alcohol consumption in Ireland has dropped from 11.5 liters per adult in 2012 to 10.6 liters per adult in 2013 - However, misuse of alcohol in Ireland remains a problem with research showing that in 2013, 75% of alcohol was consumed as part of binge drinking sessions

Ghana: Palm Wine

- created from the sap of a palm tree - within 2 hours it's at 4% abv

Ghana: prehistory

- first inhabitants: homo erectus (1.5 million years ago) - Early humans: 12,000 BC - Dagomba Kingdoms (AD 1400-1700)

Ireland and Scotland: Poitin

- made from cereal grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc) or potatoes, sugar beets, molasses - 40%-90% ABV - Irish moonshine

Ghana: Drinking culture

- public intoxication is not acceptable - bring a bottle to a house - if you invite someone to a bar you are expected to pay for everything - pour out the few last drops of every glass picture on slide: alcohol in sachets

Scandinavia: Snaps

- small shot of a strong alcoholic beverage (flavored aquavit)

Ireland and Scotland: environments

- temperate and oceanic climates - precipitation throughout the year - rugged mountains - lowland plains - Scotland has 790 islands

Ghana: environments

- tropical - North (hot and dry) - East (warm and comparatively dry) - South (hot and humid)

Uganda: Alcoholic Beverages

- waragi - malwa (millet beer) - tonto (banana beer)

Russia: Saloons in old Russia

-Ivan G. Pryzhov (1827 - 1885) -Ethnographer - Participant observer -The History of Saloons in Russia in Relation to the History of the Russian People (1863) -The History of Saloons in Russia in Relation to the History of the Russian People (1868) -Communal brewing - AD 900-1300s -Drinking in korchmas (taverns) - korchma derives from the Persian word chorden = to eat. -17th century beer and mead were prohibited -Only vodka for sale -18th - 19th century -Massive changes in alcohol laws, but the drinking culture in Russian was forever affected.

Russia: Alcoholic Beverages

-Vodka -Kvas -Medovukha -Tarasun (airag - Mongolian) -Wine -Beers

Drinking and Driving in Norway

0.02 - in Norway every offender goes to jail for a minimum of 3 weeks if he/she is caught driving under the influence - there is a prison in the small village of Ilseng where drunk driving offenders spend time

Drinking and Driving in Denmark


Norwegian Drinking Song: Norges Skaal

1. For Norge, Kiæmpers Fødeland, Vi denne Skaal vil tømme, Og naar vi først faae Blod paa Tand, Vi sødt om Frihed drømme; Dog vaagne vi vel op engang Og bryde Lænker, Baand og Tvang; For Norge, Kjæmpers Fødeland, Vi denne Skaal udtømme! 1. For Norway, birthplace of giants, we this Toast will empty! And when we first get our blood in a boil, we sweetly of liberty dream. Though we will someday wake up and break chains, ties, and force. For Norway, birthplace of giants, we this Toast will empty!

Russia: how to drink

1.Wait for the toast to be made 2.Down your shot, chug a hefty amount of beer, or take a healthy sip of wine 3.Eat snacks (zakuski) You need to eat between toasts or you could be labeled as a drunk.

Russia: Population

144 million

Russia: History- Russian Empire

1721 - 1917 •Peter the Great -Tsar (1682-1721) -Emperor (1721-1725) •Elizabeth of Russia (1741-1762) -University of Moscow -Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg •Catherine the Great (1762-1796) -Golden Age of the Russian Empire -Smolny Institute (1st state financed institution of higher education for women in Europe)

Russia: History - Russian Federation

1992-present •Boris Yeltsin - first elected president of Russia - Privatization and free market - This led to an economic collapse - Extreme corruption - 50% decline in GDP - Birth rate plummeted - Death rate skyrocketed - 1.5% poverty rate in 1991 - 40%-50% poverty rate in 1993 •Boris Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned in 1999 - Handing over power to Vladmir Putin

Russia: History - Revolution and Russian Republic

1917-1918 •1914 entered WWI •A period of dual power -Provisional Government - nobility -Soviets - allegiance of the working class and political left •Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the Provisional Government -Created the world's first socialist state

Russia: History - Soviet Union

1922-1991 •Mass repressions - Under Joseph Stalin •Both agricultural and industrial transformation - Often with penal labor camps •WWII (~26 million lives lost) - 1/3 of all WWII causalities - US lost 415,000 soldiers (1.3 million US lives lost in all wars) - Siege of Leningrad •Sputnik (1957) •USSR dissolved (December 25, 1991)

Denmark capital


Scotland: name meaning

From the Latin word scotia (land of the Gaels)

Uganda: Waragi

Generic term for distilled beverage - Created to give soldiers confidence in battle - 1960 - "Dutch Courage" - WarGin - Made from either cassava, bananas, millet, or sugar cane - manioc - yuca - Tapioca balls (bubble tea)

Swedish Drinking Song: Helan gar

Helan går Sjung hopp faderallan lallan lej Helan går Sjung hopp faderallan lej Och den som inte helan tar* Han heller inte halvan får Helan går (Drink) Sjung hopp faderallan lej Here's the first Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la la la" Here's the first Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la" He who doesn't drink the first Shall never, ever quench his thirst Here's the first [Drink] Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la" More verbatim the song translates to: The whole one goes down Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la la la" The whole one goes down Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la" And he who doesn't take the whole Doesn't get the half one either The whole one goes down [drink] Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la"

Danish Drinking song: Hun Skal Leve

Hun skal leve, Hun skal leve, Hun skal leve højt hurra Hurra, hurra, den skål den var bra, Hurra hurra den skål den var bra, Hun skal leve, Hun skal leve, Hun skal leve højt hurra. Live for long, Live for long, Live for long, big hooray! Hooray, hooray, this was good cheers. Hooray, hooray, this was good cheers. Live for long, Live for long, Live for long, big hooray!

Russia: Medovukha

Russian Hopped Mead -Essentially a honey mead -med/miod = honey and mead - Hops, herbs, spices, roots, etc. - 8% - 12% ABV -9th - 10th centuries -Folk drink (people's beer) -Eclipsed by vodka in the 17th century - Medovukha was also a traditional drink at weddings. - Bride and groom were supposed to drink "weak medovukha" for one month starting from their wedding day. - People believed that this would help in the conception of a baby boy.

`Sweden Capital


Scandinavia: Alcoholic beverages

_ Akvavit - snaps - Brannvin - Vodka - Wine - Beers "alkohol"

Ireland: name meaning

from the Irish word Eriu (abundant land)

Russia: Kvas

•0.5% - 1.5% ABV •Made from rye bread •Earliest mention of kvas was in AD 996 -But no doubt it was in use earlier •Made by the natural fermentation of bread - Add some fruit or sugar - Yeast culture

Russian: History Grand Duchy of Moscow

•1283 - 1547 •Vassal state of the Golden Horde (1283-1480) •Ivan III (the Great) •Little Ice Age and plague created hardships •Ivan III claimed succession of the Eastern Roman Empire in 1453

Russia: History- Tsardom of Russia

•1547 - 1721 •Ivan IV (the Terrible) crowned 1st Tsar (Caesar) •1st Russian parliament instituted a code of laws •Russian territory expanded greatly

Russia: Overview

•17,075,200 km2 (6,592,800 mi2) •Largest in the world •1/8 of Earth's inhabited land area •9 time zones The united states is 9,833,520 km2 for comparison

Scandinavia: Overview

•928,057 km2 (358,325 mi2) •21 million people

Russia: History - Kievan Rus'

•AD 862 - 1240 •A federation of east Slavic tribes •First East Slavic State •Slavic origin (near the Black Sea) •Influenced by Scandinavia (Vikings) •Ended with Mongol invasion •Chinggis Khan

Sweden: History

•Christianized (AD 1050) •Kingdom of Sweden (950-1611) •Very complicated (1611-present) -Constitutional monarchy -Parliamentary democracy Pictured on slide: The battle of Poltava in 1709. In the years following Poltava, Russia and her allies occupied all the Swedish dominions on the Baltic dominions and even Finland.

Denmark: History

•Christianized (AD 965) •Danish Colonial Empire (1536-1953) •Constitutional monarchy (1849-present) - Parliamentary democracy Picture on slide: Hogensborg estate on St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1833

Russia: Vodka

•Earliest evidence is in Poland -AD 1405 by a recorder of deeds -Vodka at that time referred to medicines or cosmetic cleansers -Slavic word voda (water) -Diminutive form -- vodka (littlewater) •Distillation of cereal grains or potatoes -But can be made out of anything that ferments. -Rice, sugar beets, grapes, soybeans -Sometimes even the byproducts of oil refining or wood pulp processing

Scandinavia: Prehistory (first inhabitants and Fosna-Hensbacka)

•First inhabitants - Modern Human - Maybe 100,000 years ago? -15,000 years ago -Following reindeer herds as the ice receded •Fosna-Hensbacka culture - 8300 BC - 7300 BC - Similar to the cultures of northern Canada and Alaska - Warmer and more humid

Russia: environments

•Humid Continental Climate •Tundra •Humid Subtropical - Mount Elbrus, the highest point of the Caucasus, Russia and Europe - Forests of Taiga - Sochi

Scandinavia: Prehistory (Nordic Bronze Age)

•Nordic Bronze Age -1700 BC - 500 BC -No written language -Ships and seafaring very important -High quality metallurgy -Ended with colder wetter climate

Scandinavia: Languages

•North Germanic -East Scandinavian branch (Danish and Swedish -West Scandinavia branch (Norwegian) •Sami languages - Lapps or Laplanders

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