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Grooming Claw

(shared derived) in streps to groom

Tapetum Lucidum

-reflective layer in back of eye -primate mammal trait -(shine light in eye, get light back to you) -useful in conditions of low light

When do platyrrhines first appear in the fossil record? From where do they likely originate*? How did they most likely get to the New World?

12-14 ma rafting

When do Old World monkeys first appear in the fossil record, and what is an example of an early family/member of this group?*

20 mil years ago in the miocene Victiapitecidae Africa and Eurasia

K-Pg boundary

65 ma extinction of dinosaurs herbivores and so on went extinct


65-56 ma debate on if these are primates Not all primate traits are applicable to these Many are too derived to be ancestral to primates although many were extinct by the beginning of the paleocene They may have been the first mammals to have finger nails in place of claws

Postorbital Bar

ALL primates have this -no post orbital closure or post orbital plate in strepsirrhines

What behaviors do nearly all lemurs have in common?

Almost all species are seasonal breeders - Allows for mating and birth synchrony - Births occur during resource rich months • Many species show female dominance • Many species show a lack of sexual dimorphism

What family represents Old World monkeys? What shared derived traits distinguish this family@@ from other primates?


To what family do dwarf lemurs belong? What is a distinguishing feature of dwarf lemurs compared to al living primates?


To what family do mouse lemurs belong? What is a distinguishing feature of mouse lemurs compared to all living primates?*

Cheirogaleidae most primitive primate smallest PRIMATE?* nocturnal

To what family do aye-ayes belong? What is their foraging behavior similar to, and what distinguishing features do they have related to foraging?

Daubentoniidae their foraging behavior is similar to a woodpecker long nail to hear whats going on under the tree bark

Topic: Strepsirhines What traits do strepsirhines share? Which of these are shared derived traits {as opposed to primitive mammalian retentions?}THE SAME AS SHARED PRIMITIVE FEATURES

Derived • Dentalcomb • Well developed sublingua Primitive • Rhinarium • Retentionof2+pairsof mammary glands (in some) • Prominent vibrissae • Vomeronasal organ • Dichromatic vision • Grooming claw

Adapids and Omomyids*

Eocene 2 families have all primate traits but were very primitive true primates new world?

The Fayum *

Fossil remains exist from the Late Eocene in Africa at the Fayum

To what family do galagos belong? Where are galagos found?

Galagidea mainland Africa

To what family do sifakas belong? What type of locomotion do all members of this family exhibit?

Indridae Vertical clinging and leaping

Vomernasal Organ

It is a patch of sensory cells within the main nasal chamber that detects heavy moisture-borne odour particles. functionality in strepsirhine

To what family do ring-tailed lemurs belong? What is unusual about their locomotion compared to other lemurs?

Lemuridae unusual locomotion: Terrestrial

To what family do lorises and pottos belong? Where are lorises and pottos found?

Lorisidae mainland africa

Topic: Lemurs Where are lemurs found? Why does this place have such high levels of biodiversity?*

Madagascar because it has the most different kinds of climates more niches for more species

What shared derived features unite the living apes?

No tail - Y-5 molar pattern - Suspensory adaptations

What shared derived traits distinguish catarrhines from other primates?

Nose is raised butt pads: ISCHIAL CALLOSITES bilophadont molars

Arboreal Hypothesis

Primate traits evolved as a result of arboreal living

Visual Predation Hypothesis

Primate traits evolved due to predation by primates on small prey

Angiosperm Coevolution Hypothesis (Terminal Branch Feeding Hypothesis)

Primate traits evolved in conjunction with the rise of angiosperms (flowering plants)

To what family do spider monkeys belong? How have they converged behaviorally on apes, and how is this reflected in their skeletons?

ateliidea converged anatomically with apes locomotion wise thumb is reduced

To what family do howler monkeys belong? What is unique about these monkeys compared to other primates? What is unique about their diet for New World monkeys?



belongs to the family Galagidae

To what family do marmosets and tamarins belong? What anatomical adaptations@ and aspects of social behavior make these monkeys unique?

callitrichidae one female and multi male make them unique? one female breeds

To what family do capuchins belong? What behaviors are these monkeys known for? What enables them to conduct these activities?*

cebidae being able to open clams using them as tools?

To what family do owl monkeys belong? What is unique about owl monkeys?$

cebidae only nocturnal monkey

To which Old World monkey group* does the mandrill belong? What is a distinguishing feature of the mandrill when compared to other primates (and mammals)? What type of selection has shaped this feature (be as specific as possible)?*

check pouch the males are very pretty but very rude sexual selection has shaped the males being pretty

What are the two major groups of living Old World monkey? What distinguishes them from one another?

colobus and cheek pouch money

What is the threat status of orangutans? What is the primary threat they face in the wild? What is unusual about their interbirth interval?

deforestation lack of resources in the wild give birth every 9 years its very sporadic

What are the traits that distinguish platyrrhines from catarrhines?

dental formula prehensile tail only in plat nose ring exclusively arboreal(plat)

What are features generally shared by the haplorhines?

dry nose detached upper reduced vibrissae lack of vomeronasal Dichromatic or trichromatic vision lack of claws and grooming claw lack of tapetum lucidem

Topic: Primate Origins What are plesiadapiforms? When did they exist? What is their relevance to primate origins?*

earliest form of primates 65 to 56 ma

When did lorises diverge from galagos? How do we know? From where is the evidence found?*

eocene 23-55 ma

Topic: Primate Origins What are the first true primates that appear in the fossil record?* When do they appear? How are they related to modern primates?

eocene 56 ma Adapids and Omomyids* seen as New world monkeys

Adult social interactions within gorilla societies occur primarily among what individuals?

females and silver back males

What are two alternative mating strategies for adult male orangutans?

flanged and un-falanged

What is the largest primate to have ever lived?


To what family do gorillas belong? What is the genus name for these primates? Where are they found? How many species are there? What is their social structure and mating system? What is their diet? Locomotion?

homoinidae gorilla auric low lands and in swamp areas One-Male Multi-Female, Polygynous folivorous knuckle walking

To what family do chimpanzees and bonobos belong? What are the genus and species names for these primates? Where are they found? What is their social structure and mating system? What is their diet? Locomotion?

homoinidae pan Africa muli male multi female

To what family do gibbons and siamangs belong? Where are they found? What is their social structure? Mating system? Diet?

hylobatidea south east Asia pair bonded monogamous the males will sing songs to mates

To which Old World monkey group do the colobus monkeys belong? Where are colobus monkeys found? Given the lack of fossils for the living colobus monkeys, how do we know when they diverged back in time? What evolutionary force helps us determine this, and how?

leaf eating Africa

To which Old World monkey group does the proboscis monkey belong? What distinguishing feature does the proboscis monkey have? What type of selection has shaped this feature (be as specific as possible)?

leaf eating their nose looks like a dick sexual selection

How do lorises and galagos differ from galagos in locomotion?*

lorises slow climb and galagos vertical clinging and leaping


more nasal turbinates in strep. turbinates divide the nasal airway into four groove-like air passages, and are responsible for forcing inhaled air to flow in a steady, regular pattern around the largest possible surface of cilia and climate-controlling tissue

What is the tarsier activity pattern? What adaptations does it show for this, and why is it unusual?*

nocturnal HUGE EYES instead of the tapetum lucidm

To what family does the white-faced saki belong?# What type of diet does it have, and what adaptation does it have for this food resource?

pithecidae Granivorous, Frugivorous incisors that jut forward and flat molars

To what family do orangutans belong? What is the genus name for these primates? Where are they found? How many species are there? What is their social structure and mating system? What is their diet? Locomotion?

pongo asia: semantra and borena

What special adaptations do lorises have for their locomotion?*

reduction in the index finger causing them to slow climb or because they have increased blood flow

Why has it been it problematic to place tarsiers in the primate phylogenetic tree?* What is unusual about the tarsier diet?

tarsiers are strictly carnivorous retain some of the primitive traits of strep and derived traits of haplorhinies

To what family do tarsiers belong? Where are tarsiers found?

tarsiidae se asia

Why is the Miocene known as the "Age of Apes?" # What is different about ape and monkey diversity in the Miocene compared to today?

that was the time period apes appeared there were a lot more

To which Old World monkey group does the gelada baboon belong? Where are modern gelada baboons found? What is unique about their diet? Their communication? What type of social system do they display?

the gelada baboons are check much monkeys they eat with their hands and they have a one male multi male society

What is unusual about the leaf eating monkey infant/neonatal coat pattern?

the infants have different color fur than their parents

To which Old World monkey group does the macaque belong? What is extraordinary about macaques in regard to their geographic distribution?

the macaques along to the cheek much monkey they can live in snow


the moist, naked surface around the nostrils of the nose in most mammals

Tooth Comb

the teeth on the bottom jut forward

What do we know (or not know) about lemur evolutionary history based on their fossil record?*

there is no old fossils of at least 17 species have gone extinct

What is unique about gibbon locomotion and how are they adapted to this mode of travel? How do they compare to other primates in regard to quickness and agility in the trees?

they are ****in quick as shit

What is highly unusual about the orangutan social structure? Why do they display this type of structure? Under what condition does their social structure change?

they live in solitude (Nayu) they portray this because resources are scarce and they only have a kid every 9 years they all come together to eat fruit-this is where their social structure changes


under the tongue: used to clean degree off tooth comb


whiskers, reduced in monkeys and apes -processing sensory informaton -primitive mammalian character but lost in the more derived primates

Where are Old World monkeys found, and what is outstanding about their distribution compared to other living non-human primates?

widely distributed around se Asia and Mainland Africa

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