ANTH 225 Final

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3 competing theories regarding the origin of modern humans o Complete ..... o M..... o ......

3 competing theories regarding the origin of modern humans o Assimilation o Multi-regional continuity o Complete replacement

Homo .... leaves Africa about 120 ka, and then again after 90 ka Interbred with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other MP Homo populations wherever they went

Homo sapiens

1.. ....., Germany: 400 000 years old 2. Several 6 ft long wooden ....recovered, alongside stone tools and botched .... 3. Suggest sophisticated culture and hunting techniques far earlier than previously believed (True or False)

1. Schoningen 2. spears; horses 3. True

....Tools -1st appear 1.7 Ma at .... Fora and then .... Gorge -true HAND-AXES and .... +bi-facially worked -usually associated with Homo .... -expansion of the brain enabled H..... to develop sophisticated tools +the ...., a stone worked on both sides, was used to cut, scrape, pound and dig +thousands of .... handaxes have been found with remains of large aniamls

Acheulean Koobi Fora and then Olduvai Gorge cleavers ERECTUS erectus bifacial Acheulean

Development of stone tool technology in Eastern Africa +...... : hand .... +....

+Acheulean: hand axes +Oldwan

Origin of Human Culture -....... manufacture and use was once thought to be the exclusive domain of Homo -The earliest ..... were probably ...., ..... items -.... .... bone appears at 3.4 M.a -deliberately ...... tools 1st recorded at about 3.3 M.a -this means that Australopiths made and used ......

-Stone tool manufacture -The earliest tools were probably opportunistic, perishable items -cut marked bone flaked stone tools stone tools

-...., South Africa (1.9 M.a) was the 1st site to reveal contemporaneous Homo erectus and Paranthropus -Showed that H. erectus rapidly dispersed widely both north and south

-Swartkrans, South Africa (1.9 M.a) was the 1st site to reveal contemporaneous Homo erectus and Paranthropus -Showed that H. erectus rapidly dispersed widely both north and south

What is this description for? S.... , Russia - 28ka Multiple burials with elaborate grave goods including thousands of beads, adornments, carvings, and straightened mammoth tusk appears


U.S. Census Historical Concepts of Race 1. .... (1050/1150/1250/1350) BCE - .... (Europeans/Egyptians/Asians) accurately depicted various groups of people in he region 2. .... (240/330/380/450) BCE - .... (Latins/Greeks/Hispanics/Romans) traveled extensively, encountering many different peoples; H.... (1 st one to put judgment on different groups) considered most people to be inferior to .... (Latins/Greeks/Hispanics/Romans) .....: regarding other groups (inferior) only in comparison with one's own group (superior)

1. 1350 BCE - Egyptians 2. 450 BCE - Greeks Herodotus Greeks Ethnocentrism

Upper Paleolithic Technology 1. Upper Paleolithic began about ...(30/40/50/60) Ka 2. Most of ....covered by tundra and steppe, therefore excellent ....(hunting/fishing/crafting/planting/sewing) 3. Also included significant ....(hunt/fish/craft/plant/sew)and fowl for the first time 4. Large, permanent shelters appear (True or False) 5. Climate fluctuations did not match by human cultural innovation. (True or False)

1. 40 2. Eurasia 3. HUNTING 4. fish 5. Sewn clothing 6. True 7. False, matched

1. ...., France - 400 kya 2. .... site probably occupied on multiple occasions 3. Numerous stone tools and bone reminds (True or False) 4. Activity centers can be not recognized 5. Stone .... brought in to level floor

1. Arago 2. Cave 3. True 4. False recognized 5. slabs

Neanderthal culture 1. .....: blank core technique where expedient tools removed as needed 2. Proficient hunters using thrusting .... 3. Only .... (rarely/mostly) used bone, ivory, or antler 4. Artwork ... (small/large), personal, .... (uncommon/common) 5. Controlled ..., probably wore simple clothing (True or False) 6. Debate over whether they could speak (True or False) 7. Lived in open sites, caves, and rock shelters (True or False) 8. Windbreaks placed in cave openings (True or False)

1. Mousterian 2. spears 3. rarely 4. small, common 5. fire; True 6. True 7. True 8. True

1. At 400 Ka, ..... might represent a Neanderthal precursor. 2. (..Mostly concentrated in ...(Asia/Europe/Afric)) 3. ... (Small/Large) cranial capacity (1500cc; EQ 4.78) 4. .... (Short/Long), ... (low/high), ... (flat/round) cranial vaults (... (weak/strong) forehead) 5. Occipital bun typically not present (True or False) 6. ... (Small/Large), .... brow ridges (not straight as in H. ....) 7. Massive, projecting mid face with enormous nasal aperture (True or False) 8. Lacking a developed chin (True or False) 9. .....molars and ....-shaped incisors 10. Averaged about 6 ft tall (True or False) 11. Powerful, robust, heavily muscled skeleton (True or False) 12. ... (Short/Long) extremities with robust, slightly curved .... (short/long) bones 13. Hands and fingers short and stubby (True or False) 14. Feet different to humans

1. Sima de los Huesos 2. Europe 3. small 4. Long, low, flat; weak 5. False 6. Large; arching; Erectus 7. True 8. True 9. Taurodont; shovel 10. False, 5 11. True 12. long, long 13. True 14. False, similar

1. T.... - 300kya 2. Numerous oval "..." housed 10-20 people 3. Constructed of branches supported by .... 4. Hearths, working sites and sleeping areas visible 5. The people hunted birds, fish, turtles, and large mammals 6. Short stays are indicated, .... rebuilt annually 7. ..... Cave: cave shelter possibly with skins on wooden framework 8. ..... and ....: elephant carcass apparently butchered on one side 9. L... ....: numerous mammoth skeletons associated with stone tools

1. Terra Amaya 2. huts 3. rocks 6. huts 7. Lazaret 8. Torralba and Ambrosia 9. La Cote de Saint-Brelade

Race 1. Humans are ....- populations differ in expression of various genetic traits 2. Today race is used as if it were a ...term, but it has enormous ...significance 3. In the .... (1850/1940/1950/1980)'s the use of the term "..." was replaced with "...." in public discourse

1. polytechnic 2. biological; social 3. 1950 "Race" "ethnicity"

11. 50 ka people arrived in A.... and New .... (carrying some .... genes with them) 12. 40 ka they arrive in .... (Asia/Africa/Europe) 13. Eventually expanded into regions previously uninhabited by their archaic forebears (True or False) 14. There was likely one place where humans originated in .... (Asia/Africa/Europe) 15. They indicated with LOCAL populations (including ... homo) wherever they met them 16. The ....that makes us humans likely appeared piecemeal from multiple sources

11. Australia and New Guinea; Denisovan 12. Europe 13. True 14. Africa 15. Middle Pleistocene 16. morphology

Homo erectus and "ergaster" -some scientists hold that early Homo should be split into ... groups: +Homo .... (....(Asia/Europe/Africa/America) +Homo ..... (....(Asia/Europe/Africa/America) -recent fossil discoveries show features of both "....." in ... skull(s)

2 groups +Homo erectus (Asia) +Homo ergaster (Africa) Species 1

Earliest Homo -The oldest fossils that are hypothesized to belong to our own genus are between .... - ... M.a -However, they are all small fragments of uncertain identity -The oldest clearly identifiable fossils of early Homo date to around .... Ma -at present, do we know who the ancestor Homo was? -A. .... is about 1.98 Ma -H. habilis, H.rudolfensis, and H.erectus appear 1.90 Ma -suggests an ADAPTIVE RADIATION of human-like hominins at around.... M.A

2.8 - 2.3 2.0 No sediba 2.0

3. .... (1350/1400/1450/1500/1650)s - .... (Asian/Egyptian/European/Chinese) explorers encountered many new peoples everywhere they went 4. Explorers considered people they encountered to be .... (uncivilized/civilized) ...... 5. .... (1450/1500/1550/1600/1700)s - .... was used to refer to culturally defined groups 6. .... (1500/1650/1700/1800/1850)s - humans codified into .... races (....., ...., ...., ...., and ....) 7. ... (1700/1750/1800/1900/1940)s - early "...." seek biological methods of diving races o Always assumed whites to be superior, blacks inferior (True or False)

3. 1500s - European 4. 7 uncivilized pagans. 5. 1600s - race 6. 1700s - humans codified into 5 races (white, red, yellow, black, brown) 7. 1800s - early "anthropologists" True

4. Another group of MP Homo descendants settled in EASTERN Asia and became the .... 5. A 40 ka tooth and toe bone are all that we have of them (from a young girl with brown skin, hair, and eyes) 6. DNA indicates they did not interbred with Neanderthals (True Or False) o They must have ranged widely across EUROPE (True Or False) They also interbred with humans (True Or False) o Ex. They share genes with .... Islanders

4. Denisovans 6. False, interbred False, Asia True Pacific Islanders

5. .... : changes in morphology that vary with geographic distance 6. Continuous change across space and time (True or False) 7. Where does one draw the line between "Races"? (....squirrel sampling) exhibits gradients of change.... 8. Races are human constructs with a biological meaning (True or False)

5. Clinal variation 6. True 7. Douglas squirrel sampling 8. False, no biological meaning

7. HUMANS first left .... (Asia/Africa/Europe/) about 120 ka, but did not get much farther than modern day Israel (True or False) 8. Interbred with ..... (Neanderthals/Erectus/Nadeli/Middle Pleistocene) in ...., remained in place

7. Africa; True 8. Neanderthals (middle Pleistocene) ;Israel

9. Humans left .... (Asia/Africa/Europe) again between 65-90 ka 10. Interbred with local populations of .... people they met (again) o Ex: Neanderthals, Denisovans.

9. Africa 10. middle Pleistocene

9. ...was used for cooking, warmth, light, and keep predators at bay 10. Neanderthals were very .... (ineffective/effective) large-game hunters 11. They lacked .... (short/long) distance projectiles - hunted using .... (close/distant)-proximity weapons 12. The extensive healed injuries of neanderthals suggests that they were frequently in close encounters with dangerous large ... 13. Besides meat, neanderthals ate berries, nuts and other plants (True or False) 14. Due to the bitter cold of the last glacial period, it is assumed that neanderthals wore simple clothing (True or False) 15. They also used their front teeth extensively, possibly for working animals hides (True or False)

9. Fire 10. effective 11. long; close 12. ungulates 13. True 14. True 15. True

9. ....: the notion that once something is given a name, it must exist in reality 10. The amount of genetic variability between groups (....%) is vastly exceeded by the genetic variability within groups (....%) 11. Discrete human races simply do exist (True or False) 12. Any definition of the term race is ARBITRARY; no scientific criteria exist on how to distinguish races (True or False) 13. No race has exclusive possession of any particular GENES, or GENE combinations (True or False) 14. Differences between individuals within a race are smaller than the differences between races (True or False)

9. Reification 10. (6%) (94%) 11. False, do not exist 12. True 13. True 14. False, greater

What is this description for? France - 28 Ka, the first ancient human fossils discovered in Europe A. Cro-Magnon, B. Dolni Vestonice C. Solutrean D. Sungir

A. Cro-Magnon

..... (America/Africa/Europe/Asia) -.... 1.9 Ma. -represent the oldest H.erectus known -Lowis Leakey recovered several skulls from .... (1.2 Ma - 0.6 M.a) -numerous specimens are known from North ..... (America/Africa/Europe/Asia), dating to about 700 Ka -Swartkrans, South ..... (America/Africa/Europe/Asia) (1.9 M.a) was the 1st site to reveal contemporaneous Homo .....and ....(Austropithropus/Paranthropus) -Showed that H. ....rapidly dispersed widely both north and south

Africa Koobi Fora Olduvai Gorge Africa Homo erectus and Paranthropus

....'s Rule: species living in cold areas tend to have shorter extremities ....'s Rule: species living in cold areas tend to have greater body bulk Neanderthals have ... (short/long) limbs and great body mass - ... (hot/cold) adapted people

Allen Bergman short cold

Homo sapiens in .... (Australia/Europe/India/America) Ancestors of Native Americans reached the New World though migration over the .... Bridge At present, the earliest direct evidence of humans in the New World dates to about 15 Ka, though it could be older. (True or False)

America Bering Land Bridge True

...... What is this in 3 competing theories regarding the origin of modern humans? Modern humans originate in Africa about 200 ka Disperse throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe, occasionally ......with local populations Genetic ..... eventually washed out most middle Pleistocene morphology Several skulls in .... (London, Portugal, Israel, Paris, Indonesia) show both HUMAN and Neanderthal features 100ka Human child skeleton in .... (London, Portugal, Israel, Paris, Indonesia) exhibiting some Neanderthal features 24.5 ka; hybridization?

Assimilation interbreeding Genetic swamping Israel Portugal

Racism ..... - the idea that behavior is governed by biological factors o False belief that intellect and cultural factors are inherited along with .... (biological/physical ) characteristics

Biological determinism physical

What is this description for? 40-26 Ka in Europe and SW Asia Many cultural first appearances (in Europe): o Earliest figurative art o Earliest musical instruments o Earliest cave painting o Earliest personal adornment A. Cro-Magnon B. Aurignacian C. Solutrean D. Magdalenian

B. Aurignacian

What is this description for? 18-10 in western Europe o Very sophisticated tool kits evident A. Cro-Magnon B. Magdalenian C. Dolni Vestonice D. Sungir

B. Magdalenian

What is this description for? 21-18 ka in western Europe o Well manufactured stone tools, bone needles and fishing hooks A. Cro-Magnon, B. Dolni Vestonice C. Solutrean D. Sungir

C. Solutrean

..... -Fossils discovered in ...., near .....(600-414 KA) -... (how many?) male and female adults and children have been found at .... +the site was thought to be occupied for 250.000 years +originally thought to represent H.....hearths +however, hominids, artifacts and ash layers are not consistently associated (True or False) other caves in ....have revealed very young (Ca. 250Ka) remains

China China Zhoukoudian 40 Zhoukoudian erectus True China

..... What is this in 3 competing theories regarding the origin of modern humans? Modern humans originate in .... (Asia/Europe/Africa) about 200 Ka and spread outward These modern humans replaced all other archaic human populations they met worldwide - no hybridization (True or False) Requires genetic .... of all other humans - a genetic ..... Nuclear DNA evidence used to support the model, but now discredited by mitochondrial DNA (True or False)

Complete Replacement Africa True genetic extinction a genetic holocaust False, Mitochondrial DNA evidence used to support the model, but now discredited by nuclear DNA

What is this description for? 30 ka site possibly representing the earliest village Numerous huts made from mammoth bone with large central hearths Stone and bone tools, decorative items, clay figurines, net hunting A. Cro-Magnon B. Aurignacian C. Sungir D. Dolni Vestonice

D. Dolni Vestonice

What is this description for? Romania - 35 Ka, the oldest human fossils in Europe A. Magdalenian B. Dolni Vestonice C. Sungir D. Oase Cave

D. Oase Cave

Dark skin prevents .... deficiencies Light skin prevents ...... deficiencies Europeans possess a muted gene (....) that inhibits .... production ..... - controls hair color and skin pigmentation .... evolution (malaria, lactose intolerance)

Dark skin prevents folate deficiencies Light skin prevents vitamin D deficiencies (SCL24A5) that inhibits melanin production MC1R Biocultural evolution

Diet and Ecology ....hypothesis - human females live longer than they should, possibly to help younger generations .... hypothesis - too many brains, too few guts .......was likely used as social currency, driving evolution of cognitive development

Diet and Ecology Grandmother hypothesis Expensive tissue hypothesis Hunted meat

Modern humans .... (Differ/Resemble) from Middle Pleistocene homo populations: 1. .... (Decreased/Increased) cranial height 2. .... (Thinner/Thicker) skull bones 3. .... (Less/More) vertical forehead 4. Facial and brow ridge reduction (True or False) 5. Reduction in posterior teeth 6. .... (Decreased /Increased) prognathism 7. Mental ....(.....) 8. .... (Decreased /Increased) skeletal robusticity

Differ 1. Increased cranial height 2. Thinner skull bones 3. More vertical forehead 4. True 5. False, anterior teeth 6. Reduced prognathism 7. Mental eminence (chin) 8. Decreased skeletal robusticity

D....., G...... ◎ 1.77 Ma, a date that accords well with the dates from Java ◎ Demonstrate H.erectus was capable of surviving outside of ..... (America/Africa/Europe/Asia)very early on ◎ H.erectus migrated from ..... (America/Africa/Europe/Asia) to .... to .... in a relatively ... (short/long) time

Dmanisi, Georgia Africa very migrated from Africa to Dmanisi to Java short time

Still yet even more cannibalism ... ., Spain, 49 Ka 13 .... (Neanderthals/Nadeli) o 7 adults, 3 adolescents, 2 juveniles, 1 infant DNA indicates they .... (were not/were) a family group All stuffed chronic nutritional stress Their bones show extensive ... marks and ... stone marks They ... (were not/were) cannabalizaed!

El Sidron Neanderthals were cut marks and hammer stone marks were

Homo .... First to reach a human adaptive grade The longest lived ever Unique skull size and shape compared to both early homo and modern humans - Is it human? 1 st ever leave Africa to Asia and Europe Are stone tools required to survive ? Intense exploitation of large mammals meat

Erects Not yet yes, very reliant on tools

Where are these homo sapiens from? Oase Cave Cro-Magnon Aurignacian Solutrean Magdalenian Dolni Vestonice Sungir


.... (Africa/Asia/Europe)- cannibalism **.... - Sima de los Hudson's Deep cavern housing the remains of dozens of hominids, represented by thousands of bones Likely represents systematic disposal of the dead Possible ancestor of the ......

Europe Atapuerca Neanderthals

Homo Erectus (True or False for all) 1. Except for slightly curved fingers, the hand is very Astralopith-like 2. Possesses a very powerful thumb 3. Pelvis is widely flared like a human but with thick pubic bones like Australopith 4. Femoral neck long and thin like a human, but entire leg is long and strongly muscled like an Australopith 5. Foot is very human-like, though with slightly curved toes 6. Those parts of the body that most directly contact the environment are the most human-like 7. With so many GENERALIZED features, the H. Naledi lineage must have branched at or AFTERthe appearance of H. Erectus 8. This will NOT have a profound impact on our understanding of the archaeological record of Africa

False, Homo Naledi 1. False, human-like 2. True 3. False, Australopith; H.erectus. 4. False, an Australopith, a human 5. True 6. True 7. False, primitive features; after 8. False, will have

Neanderthal DNA The entire Neanderthal genome was recently not sequenced (True or False) ....% of DNA shared with humans Neanderthals shared genes with ..... humans Used to estimate a divergence of .... Ka.

False, sequenced 99.84% non-African humans 440-270 Ka.

"Cultural how F....." The idea that modern humans only began to behave in modern ways .... Ka Based on strong ..... bias Homo .... first appear at least 200 Ka (300 ka) Found in Australia, Europe and Asia by ca. 40-50 Ka how did they interact with other "humans" already present in other parts of the world?

Fluorescence 40 Ka Eurocentric bias Homo sapiens how did they interact with other "humans" already present in other parts of the world?

Where H. Erectus found indicating that they lived in the condition which they are not biologically adapted?

Georgia (Dmanisi)

Homo ....: compared to autralopiths has a larger brain, plus a more gracile skull, jaws, and teeth (smaller but brain is larger) - bipedal ape - the oldest


Homo ..... -1st discovered at Olduvai Gorge by Lowis Leakey in ...(1960/1970/1980) -Dates from Ca. 1.9 to 1.65 Ma in .... (Asia/East Africa/East Europe/West Europe) -initial description re-diagnosed the genus Homo, redefining what it meant to be human -..... (decreased/increased) brain size (.... cc) and complexity (EQ = .... (2.9/3.0/3.1/3.3)

Habilis 1960 East Africa increased 650 3.1

Find its Homo? 1. As a species, existed for over 1.5 M.a 2. Dates to 1.9 - 1.6 Ma. in East Africa 3.1st discovered at Olduvai Gorge by Lowis Leakey in 1960. Dates from Ca. 1.9 to 1.65 Ma in East Africa

Habilis rudolfensis Erectus

Homo ..... Stone tools found on the island of Flores, suggest that H.erectus constructed ....-going vessels (850Ka) Recent fossil discoveries of hominids might represent new species of .... human (60ka) Very controversial - could this be some kind of pathology? Or is it a real species? (These are true or false)

Homo Floresiensis ocean-going vessels tiny human True

Homo ..... Awesome new species so far known only from the ca. 250 Ka Rising Star Cave Body size and proportions similar to humans, but with a .... less than HALF the size Mixture of both australopith-like and HUMAN -like features throughout the skeleton Those parts of the body that most directly contact the environment are the most human-like (hand, teeth) Must have evolved ... (before/after) H.Erectus Likely represents deliberate body disposal. A lot of skeletons found

Homo Naledi BRAIN before

Homo .... (Neanderthals/Naledi/Erectus) 1. Recently discovered in South Africa -about 250ka 2. At least 17 individuals ranging in age from babies to very old adults 3. Represents a unique lineage of human ancestors that was entirely unknown prior to 2013 4. Body size and proportions similar to modern humans 5. But with a brain less than half the size of a human's 6. Teeth are small and simple-crowned (Like .....(Australopiths/Humans/Neanderthal), but increase in size towards the back (like .....(Australopiths/Humans/Neanderthal)) 7. Thorax tapered at the top (like an ape)but very robust at the bottom (like a .....(Australopiths/Humans/Neanderthal)) 8. Shoulder mount positioned high and lateral, like an ape

Homo Naledi humans Australopiths Neanderthal

Homo .... -As a species, H. .....existed for over 1.5 M.a -1st hominin to leave Africa -1st hominin to control fire -1st hominin to become reliant on tools -1st hominin with body proportions similar to us -1st hominin to engage in big game hunting? -1st hominin at a human adaptive grade -large-bodied, large-brained, fully terrestrial, striding biped with human-like body proportions -more like humans than anything that came before (True or False) -1.9 m.a Homo .....1st appears in .... (Asia/Europe/Africa/America) -by 1.6 Ma Homo .... appears in .... (Ethiopia/Indonesia/Singapore/Malaysia) -Survives in ... (Asia/Europe/Africa/America) until 200 Ka (perhaps less) -Did they scavenge and hunt meat? -early on, used the same stone tool as Homo ....

Homo erectus True Africa Indonesia Asia Yes habilis

Homo .... in ... (Asia/Africa/Europe/Australia) There are only 7 early human localities in all of ... (Asia/Africa/Europe) They date to less than 40 ka Show features of modern humans as well as Middle Pleistocene Homo (True or False)

Homo sapiens in Asia Asia True

Homo ... in... (Asia/Africa/Europe/Australia) Humans first arrive perhaps 55 ka at LAKE MUNGO More recent skulls appear very ... (unlike/like) other humans in the region (including Australians) K.. ... 14-9 Ka-very robust, with archaic traits o Multiple populations arriving in ... (Asia/Africa/Europe/Australia)?

Homo sapiens in Australia unlike Kow Swamp

Homo floresiensis: (tiny human) - ....- weird face, teeth -


.... period: increased rain fall (Good for the population) .....period: reduced rainfall, increased aridity, expansion of deserts (Bad)

Interglacial Glacial

-many of the H. erectus skulls from ....and .... have their cranial bases missing +Cannibalism

Java China

..... -1891 Eugene DUBOIS discoveries fossilized remains of H. ..... -most sites between 1.6 - 1.0 Ma -In ..., no artifacts have been found that can be associated with H. ....

Java erectus Java erectus

Even more cannibalism Broken up .... ....(Nadeli/Neanderthal) fossils thought to indicate cannibalism Foramen magnum of M... ....removed to eat the brains (not really)

Krapina Neanderthal Monte Circeo

.... Homo Intermediate between H.erectus and modern humans, with multiple variants across Africa, Asia, and Europe This group is esp. variable in appearance Dating is insecure, taxonomy controversial Larger brains, different skull shape and tooth proportions relative to Homo erectus Homo heidelbergensis? NOT HUMAN YET and NO LONG H.erectus Developed a new tool making technique (Levallois) alongside many other technological advances Likely practiced deliberate body disposal Created wooden javelins in Europe Levelled floors and built structures in caves for comfort Began to exploit new animal resources

Middle Pleistocene

Middle ..... (Paleocene/Pleistocene) homo 1. Fossils from Africa, Europe, and Asia o No longer Homo erectus (True or False) o Not yet Homo sapiens (True or False) 2. Some of them have brains larger than humans, others have smaller (True or False) 3. Some have massive faces, jaws, and teeth, others have smaller (True or False) 4. Some have skulls shaped like H. Erectus, others don't (True or False) 5. Dating of most of these fossils is secure (True or False) 6. No consensus on taxonomy; not controversial 7. We are clearly dealing with an ........ 8. Mosaic evolution is not evident (True or False) 9. Do we recognize separate species? Where do we draw the line? 10. Homo ....'s Is considered by some to be an intermediate species between H. Erectus and H.sapiens 11. Fossils from Europe, Asia and Africa 780 - 120 Kya are referred to it 12. No agreement on which fossils belong to this species (True or False)

Middle Pleistocene homo 1. True True 2.. True 3. True 4.. True 5. False, insecure 6. False, controversial 7. evolutionary continuum 8. False, evident 9. NA 10. Heidelberg 11. NA 12. True

Yet even more Cannibalism Cave site of M... ...., about 100-120 Ka Clear defleshing marks indicating Neanderthal skeletons were processed .... (different/similar)to other animals found in the cave At last: cannibals! o H.....

Moula Guercy similar Hooray

...... What is this in 3 competing theories regarding the origin of modern humans? Regional populations of middle Pleistocene Homo gradually evolved into .... populations that occupy those regions today Species integrity maintained by continual .... . Regional separation resulted in modern "...."

Multiregional Continuity modern gene flow "races"

Middle Pleistocene homo and the ...... The Pleistocene The Pleistocene, often called the .... , was marked by massive continental GLACIATIONS o At least 15 major and 50 minor GLACIAL advances have been documented in .....(Asia/Europe/Africa) o Were Hominids impacted as the climate, flora, and animal life shifted?

Neanderthals Ice Age Europe Yes

.... First discovered in 1856 Badly maligned as being brutish, stupid, incapable of speech or proper bipedalism, and not well adapted for survival ....are known from Europe and from west and Central Asia They date from 130 Ka to about 28 Ka "...." .....features appear by 75 Ka

Neanderthals Neanderthals "Classic" Neanderthal

Neanderthals Descended from MPH in Europe (....?) Distinctive skulls and skeletons ...Neanderthals date from 75 ka ... (Hot/Cold) adapted Developed - based on Levallois but, don't hang on it Effective big game hunters Good evidence of cannibalism - M.... G...., E. .... Deliberately buried their dead Genetically different from modern humans, though sharing DNA with us o 1-4% of human genes are ultimately Neanderthals in origin

Neanderthals Sima de los Huesos Classic Cold Mousterian disposal Moula Guercy, El Sidron

Origin of modern humans Recognizably human skulls and skeletons appear by 200 K.A .... vanish by 28ka, likely by being absorbed into the larger human population Outside of Africa, ..-....% of human genes are shared with Neanderthals MP Homo leaves Africa ca. ....ka o In Europe they became ... o In Asia they became ....

Neanderthals 1-4 400ka neanderthals Denisovans

Does Homo Erectus discovered at Ethiopia by Olduvai Gorge?

No, at Olduvai Gorge by Lowis Leakey

.... Tools -Simple stone tools comprised of unifacially worked cores -chipped into ....and .... -later on crude .... forms appear (developed ....) -technological stasis for 1+ Ma (2.6 - 1.5 Ma)

Oldowan flakes choppers bifacial Oldowan are simple, unifacially worked cored and flakes are bifacially worked hand-axes that are typically associated with Homo Erectus - essentials for survival - everybody making them, using them - required

Oldowan tools Acheulean tools

Middle .....(Paleocene/Pleistocene) Homo 1. ....: tool making technique invented by middle Pleistocene homo in Africa and Europe 2. Different stone tool industries co-existed in some areas (True or False) 3. Different peoples? Activities? Local resources? 4. Dwellings included caves, open-air sites and temporary structures 5. Big game indicated 6. Began fishing (True or False) 7. Body ....probably appeared

Pleistocene 1. Levallois 2. True 5. hunting 6. True 7. decoration

Neanderthal Symbolism Probably capable of articulate .... (human level?) Deliberately .... their ....: o At least 100 Ka o Perhaps 400 Ka if Sima de los Huesos is Neanderthal ancestor Included simple .... goods Some .... covered with stone slabs and flowers

Probably capable of articulate speech buried their dead simple grave goods graves

.... is the doctrine of superiority by which one group justified the dehumanization of others based on their distinctive PHYSICAL characteristics o A value judgment is placed on possession of certain PHYSICAL features NOT a cultural, a biological phenomenon, and is found worldwide. (True or False)

Racism Racism False, a cultural, NOT a biological

The .... cave system: Homo Naledi fossil site deep in the Dinaledi Chamber (fossil site) Bone ....: hundreds fossils have been recovered, most excavated from a pit mere yard square. Only H. Naledi fossils found in here.

Rising Star Bonanza

Homo ... (Asia/Africa/Europe/Australia) 1. ..... - 195 modern human-like cranium 2. ..., Middle Awash - recent discovery of the earliest anatomically modern humans 160 ka 3. ... (750/950/1350/1450) cc cranial capacity 4. Skull is heavily built, but clearly Neanderthal (True or False) o ***DEFINITE ....(Neanderthal/Human) 5. Shows an African origin for all humans (True or False) 6. Some sites in NORTH Africa (J.... I.....) might show humans appeared as early as 300 ka o Though again, the ....that makes us human likely appeared PIECEMEAL from MULTIPLE sources 7. A continent wide dispersal of humans within Africa occurred long .... (before/after) they migrated out of Africa

Sapiens in Africa 1. Omo-Kibish 2. Herto 3. 1450 4. False, not clearly Human 5. True 6. Jebel Irhoud 7. morphology 8. before

Europe The oldest H.erectus fossil from Europe is a mandible from ..... at 1.2 Ma

Sima del Elefante

Even more cannibalism Some believe that the base of the .... skull was removed to access to the brain


Structural violence: physical and/or psychological harm caused by impersonal, exploitative, and unjust social, political, and economic systems o A social structure or institution may harm people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs

Structural violence

True or False Human fossils, though they still display a mixture of modern and archaic features.


Spread of ..... Peoples 1. A population (s?) of Middle ....(MP) Homo LEFT Africa some 400+ ka 2. Did they replaced H. erectus when they encountered them (interbreeding?)? 3. One group of their descendants settled in WESTERN ASIA and EUROPE and became the .... (Nadeli/Neanderthals/Humans) o S.... is likely an early representation of this population (Interbreed with everybody)

Upper Paleolithic 1. Middle Pleistocene Homo 2. Yes 3. Neanderthals; Sima de los Huesos

Do Habilis and rudolfensis survive at the same time? Along with A.sediba, early Homo represents an .... of a successful new set of adaptations.

Yes adaptive radiation

4. The concept of race has NO...

biological validity

More cannibalism Body appears to have been defleshed - .... (Africa/Asia/Europe) (At a glance)

cannibalism Europe

+ Herodotus (1 st one to put on .......groups) considered most people to be ... (inferior/superior) to Greeks + Ethnocentrism: regarding other groups (... (inferior/superior)) only in comparison with one's own group (... (inferior/superior))

judgment different inferior Inferior; Superior

Homo erecturs -.... (short/long), .... (low/high) cranium -cranium .... (narrowest/widest) at the BASE -....(flat/round) frontal bone with pronounced ... RIDGES -still shows .... constriction -midline thickening of frontal .... -frontal .... -back of the skull sharply angled (....( not rounded/rounded)) with distinct .... (ridge) for neck muscles -... (thin/thick) cranial vault bones -cranial capacity ranging from .... (500-1100/600-1200/700-1300) cc, averages about ... (700/800/900) cc -Mandibles lacking mental .... (....) -Molar teeth have large pulp cavities (....) and upper central incisors are .....-shaped

long, low widest flat frontal bone with pronounced brow ridges post-orbital constriction frontal bone-frontal keel not rounded with distinct torus (ridge) for neck thick cranial vault bones 700-1300 cc 900cc mental eminence (chin) taurodent shovel-shaped

Neanderthal DNA Recent studies of neanderthal .... (mitochondrial /nuclear) DNA indicates that ..... with humans ..... (Outside/Inside) of Africa, 1-4% of human genes are shared with neanderthals Neanderthals vanished by 28 ka, likely by being absorbed into the .... population (more .... DNA) ==> This settles the debate: humans spread out from .Europe and not interbred with local Middle Pleistocene populations (extensively!) (True or False)

nuclear DNA indicates that interbred with humans Outside of Africa the larger human population (more human DNA) False, Africa and interbred with

polytechnic - populations differ in ....of various .... traits

populations differ in expression of various genetic traits

Early homo fossils are .... (rare/popular) and ... (uncontroversial/controversial)

rare controversial

Homo Habilis -Larger brain produce .... (sharper/rounder) skulls -.... (smaller/larger), .... (flatter/rounder) face than .... (Australopiths/Parapiths/Erectus) -.... begins to appear -tooth grows increasingly .... -jaws are .... (smaller/larger) than .... (Australopiths/Parapiths/Erectus) -dental proportions more human-like (True or False)

rounder smaller, rounder Australopiths forehead parabolic Smaller Australopiths True

Homo ..... -Originally thought to be part of H.Habilis, but now considered a distinct taxon (True or False) -dates to 1.9 - 1.6 Ma. in .... (Asia/East Africa/East Europe/West Europe) - small cranium (300 cc) (True or False) -relatively .... (flat/round) face -lacking ... RIDGES -.... (small/large), ... (narrow/broad) PALATA -very ....JAWS -relatively ... (small/large) premolars and molars

rudolfensis True East Africa False, large cranium (750cc) -relatively flat face -lacking brow ridges -large, broad palate -very robust jaws -relatively large premolars and molars

Homo ....: even larger than H.habilis, with a relatively flat face and large jaws and teeth (bigger brain, larger jaws and teeth than Habilis - -indicated something change in homo ....) - the ....lobe becomes emphasized - new adapted strategy

rudolfensis rudolfensis frontal

Definite human is Homo ....

sapients in Africa

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