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In foraging/band societies, leadership can be a function of

All of the above

In recent years, writing about one's own culture has become more common. What factors have driven this trend?

All of the above

Regarding the actual treatment and use of cows in India

All of the above

What cultural economic principles are demonstrated by the dictator and ultimatum games?

All of the above

Which of the following have greatly impacted family patterns?

All of the above

Which of the following issues did Claire Sterk face while doing research, according to the article "Tricking & Tripping: Field Work on Pr

All of the above

Linguist William Labov is best known for which of the following:

Analyzing the speech of African American teens and demonstrating that it was neither logically nor structurally inferior to any other sort of speech

Sociolinguistics can best be described as:

Answer: The study of the relationship between language and culture and the ways language is used in varying social contexts

Which of the following is a way that anthropology is unique and different from other social sciences?

Anthropology works to create new and useful ways to think about culture.

Open class systems are primarily based on achieved status whereas closed systems are based on:

Ascribed status

The United States is culturally defined as what kind of class system?

Both C and D

Which of the following was NOT a core image of Orientalist painting?

Children at play

During what historical period did the U.S. begin to shift from assimilation to multiculturalism?

Civil Rights Era

Which of the following anthropologist did important studies of the Navajo in the 1940's and 1950's where negative reciprocity was employed

Clyde Kluckhohn

Which of the following is false, according to the article "Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Race" (PBS)?

Colorblindness will end racism

Which of the following is not part of the four main castes in India?


After World War II and the decline of colonialism, virtually all nations were drawn into the conflict between:

Eastern and Western bloc nations.

Although the use of language is controlled by many genes, biology suggests a relationship between language and a gene called


Which of the following 'new occupations' in India opens up opportunities for individuals in lower and middle castes to break the boundary between caste and occupation?

Factory work and information technology

Bride service is most commonly found in what type of society?

Foraging societies.

Compared to the United States, what nation(s) results in higher rates of children born to unmarried mothers?

France and UK A/D

Which anthropologist critiqued the idea of races as hierarchically arranged natural categories characterized by physical, cultural, intellectual, and moral differences at a time when most scientists supported these misconceptions?

Franz Boas

What is the primary goal of a multinational corporation?

Generate profit for shareholders

What colonial power first settled among the Nukumanu?


Who promoted the idea that 'Brazilianness' resulted from mixing among people of European, African, and indigenous ancestry.

Gilberto Freyer

Which environmental impact is most threatening Arctic lifestyles?

Global warming

What are the Torajan tau taus?

Handmade effigies (like dolls) of the spirits of deceased nobles

In "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari", why was Richard Lee (and the ox he bought to be slaughtered) the target of insults?

He had been stingy with his food during fieldwork and then talked proudly about his gift of the ox for the Christmas feast

What does Ping Chong mean by the phrase "young man sitting on a cultural fence?"

He is referring to the ethnic diversity in New York.

How does Marvin Harris explain the sacredness of the cow in India?

He says that cows are sacred because they are essential to the subsistence (agricultural) system in India and killing them could cause the downfall of the system

A theoretical position in anthropology associated with American anthropologists of the early 20th century that focuses on providing objective descriptions of cultures within their historical and environmental contexts.

Historical particularism

Which statement about biology and culture is most correct?

Human biology and culture both shape and are shaped by each other.

According to the article "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari", why is "enforcing humility" important in !Kung society?

Humility is important for encouraging sharing and equality in this society

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

In open social systems, people of different classes are not allowed to marry

What is the "cultural defense" and when can it be used?

In the U.S., it is a defense an immigrant husband can invoke to attempt to explain why he has perpetrated domestic violence against his wife.

Caste-like systems exist in several cultures but caste is mainly identified with what country?


'Key informants' can best be understood as:

Individuals who are believed to be well informed and eager to talk with anthropologists

What is the significance of Horace Miner's "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"?

It illustrates how culture can be viewed from more than one perspective.

How is art in the modern West different compared to most other societies?

It is produced or performed--in many cases--to express an artist's individuality and it prizes originality.

What is the primary function of divination?

It provides people with confidence in their decisions.

What was the influence of postmodernism on anthropology?

It urged anthropologists to become more sensitive to issues of voice, history, and power.

What anthropologist emphasizes that 'involuntary minorities' such as African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans perceive social stratification in the United States as unfair, permanent, and systemically discriminatory, and develop cultural traits that hinder their success, while 'voluntary minorities,' or immigrants emphasize education as the main route to economic success and accordingly exhibit higher degrees of educational achievement?

John Ogbu

In what Native American groups did potlatches occur most frequently in the early 1800s?

Kwakiutl and Tlingit

What ethnic group makes up the largest number of immigrants in the United States?


The Dutch fought for a monopoly on which spices in Java?

Mace, nutmeg, and clove

According to the article "Baseball Magic" by George Gmelch, which of the following statements is true?

Magic gives players a sense of control and added confidence

Why do anthropologists say that race lacks BIOLOGICAL meaning?

Measurements reveal that people are as different from others classified in the same race as they are from those in different races.

What do we call the model of progress that starts with the presumption that former colonies are poor because they have underdeveloped, backward economies?

Modernization theory

A system for creating words from sounds is known as


A cultural and political philosophy that embraces the free market and private initiative as the solution to social problems is considered:


Which artistic media did Malek Alloula call "the comic strip of colonial morality?"


This theory holds that female subordination is based on women's universal role as mothers and homemakers.

Public/private dichotomy

What is the relationship between religion and social order?

Religion usually preserves the social order, but it can also change it.

During an informal interview:

Researchers engage in, overhear, remember, and write down conversations from their daily experience

Unstructured interviews can best be described as:

Researchers engage with another in a scheduled conversation. Researchers may have a plan but informants are allowed to express themselves as they choose

Which countries are currently embroiled in what is called "Africa's World War?"

Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

What is the main constraint on the Pintupi people of the Gibson desert of Australia

Scarcity of water

What was distinct about the art of Maria Martinez?

She produced a new black on black pottery style.

Why does Laura Bohannan decide to tell the Tiv people the story of Hamlet in the article "Shakespeare in the Bush"?

She wanted to prove that Hamlet has a universal meaning that everyone can understand

What is mana?

Spiritual power in Polynesia

Which of the following are swidden cultivators

The Lua', a horticultural society in Southeast Asia

What is the major narrative of ethnicity in the United States?

The US is a nation of immigrants who are welcomed into this country to pursue freedom and the "American Dream".

Why did the Chagossians find themselves stranded in Mauritius?

The United States and British governments took control of their lands and evicted them from their homeland of Diego Garcia.

What kind of problem is "built into" being a bigman?

The bigman gives large amounts of goods to his competitors in order to shame them and reduce their prestige. This leaves little for his (or her) followers.

What is a negative impact of Brazil offering an official denial of race?

The denial that race is a social issue has led to a widespread refusal to take discrimination and racial stratification seriously.

Which of the following comparative statements is NOT correct?

The middle class worldwide grew 47 percent in the last two years.

Conventionality can best be described:

The notion that, in human language, words are only arbitrarily or conventionally connected to the things for which they stand

Which of the following is a weakness in using an organic analogy for human culture?

The organic analogy implies that properly functioning human societies are stable and conflict-free.

What is the etic perspective?

The scientific perspective

Tau taus were transformed once they became global art commodities. Which of the following is NOT a way that they were transformed?

The tau taus were made in a much larger size so that tourists could easily display them in their houses.

Which of the following affects how the Tiv understand the story of Hamlet told by Laura Bohannan in the article "Shakespeare in the Bush"?

Their belief that widows should marry their brother-in-law if their husband dies

What is true about family relationships among the Mosuo (or Na) of China described in the "Land of the Walking Marriage" article?

There is no marriage recognized in the culture; men only visit women temporarily (at night) and leave. Fathers do not have obligations to their children. Families consist of the women, their children, and their maternal relatives.

Which of the following is true, regarding Fa'afafine people?

They are biologically male, but embody both masculine and feminine traits

What are religious myths?

They are stories about events, people, and gods/spirits that members of a religion hold to be sacred and true.

What do The Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic have in common?

They have stocked consumer goods that were produced in factories with poor working conditions

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all religions?

They involve the belief in a supreme deity.

Why do people outside of India often have trouble making sense of the sacredness of cows there?

They think that given the high level of poverty, people should be eating cows/beef

Which of the following statements best describes the Arab Spring?

This was a period in which several northern African nations had changes of political power affected by both internal and external uprisings calling for a more transparent political process.

By what means do people enact their religion?

Through ritual

Polyandry is relatively rare, but is found mainly in what geographic region(s)?

Tibet and Nepal

What was the primary goal of European colonialism?

To extract wealth from colonies

In which phase of the rite of passage would we expect to find liminality?


This person described the deeply impoverished lives, terrible working conditions, and hopelessness of workers in Chicago's slaughterhouses.

Upton Sinclair

Which of the following statements about human language is correct?

WRONG a. Although animals can and do communicate, they are not able to use any human-like vocabularies and language structures.

Which of the following statements is correct?

When religion does not meet the needs of its followers, prophets may come forth to create new religions.

Which of the following is true regarding Sworn Virgins in Albania?

Women choose to become Sworn Virgins out of social and economic necessity

Bhangra is:

a type of Punjabi folk music mixed with British pop music and reggae.

Why did colonizers use taxation on subject peoples?


Demands from the Arab Spring included all of the following EXCEPT:

ability to travel abroad with passports.

This term describes a change in the biological structures or lifeways of an individual or population by which it becomes better fitted to survive and reproduce in its environment


In ___________, the same piece of land is permanently cultivated with use of the plow, draft animals, and more complex techniques of water and soil control.


In wealthy Western nations, old age has become associated with a long dying process and potentially incapacitating diseases such as:

all of the above

What is an example of marriage exchange?

all of the above

What is an explanation for the practice of dowry?

all of the above

Which of the following are ways Americans avoid full participation in the capitalist economy?

all of the above

Which of the following is an example of how creative expression legitimates social hierarchy and power, leading to stability:

all of the above

According to the article "Strings Attached", what is a purpose of gift-giving?

all of these

The norms governing production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society is known as:

an economic system

Which of the following is not included in the Code of Ethics for anthropologists:

anthropologists have the freedom to withold the results of the research to the individuals and groups likely to be affected

Forms of creative expression guided by aesthetic principles that involve imagination, skill, and styles are collectively called:


Applied anthropology is practiced in which of the following subdisciplines?

b. Archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology

According to Horace Miner in "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema", Nacirema ritual is based on the belief that:

b. the human body has a natural tendency to get sick and diseased.

According to Lee Cronk (in Strings Attached), in many societies, reciprocation is expected when gifts are given

but it is crucial to defer reciprocation to a later time in order to maintain social relationships

Torajan tongkonan are:

carved houses for ancestral spirits.

The three most important reasons that colonies were granted independence are:

changing political structures, changing economic structures, and civil disobedience.

An individual who switches from African American Vernacular English to Standard American English must learn which of the following


What type of anthropologists attempts to displace the themselves as the sole author representing a group, turning research into a joint process between researcher and subject?

collaborative anthropologists

A territory under immediate control of a nation-state is called a:


The development of which human biological structure most contributed to the human species being freed from solely relying on the slow process of biological adaptation?

complex brain

An autograph from a celebrity would be classified as:

contagious magic.

The main source of female solidarity in horticultural societies is:

cooperation and bonds among female kin.

The unpaid work demanded of native populations by a governing authority was called:

corveé labor.

The study of the development of contemporary social networks through the technology of Facebook is an example of research in:

cultural anthropology

In the United States, anthropology has traditionally included four subdisciplines. They are:

cultural anthropology, anthropological linguistics, archaeology, and biological anthropology.

The ages at which sexual activity should begin and end are:

cultural constructions.

This term describes the spread of cultural elements from one society to another.


The primary indirect advantage that the Europeans had over the people they encountered abroad was:


Flipping coins and reading your horoscope are classified as:


What term is used to describe the culture with the greatest wealth and power in a society?

dominant culture

Robert Carneiro argues that the Inca Empire emerged primarily in response to __________ factors.


A theoretical position in anthropology that focuses on recording and examining the ways in which members of a culture use language to classify and organize their cognitive world.


An anthropologist who works as part of a crime-solving unit for an urban police department is most likely a(n):

forensic anthropologist

All of the following help integrate tribal societies EXCEPT:

formal court systems.

The modernization theory was popular

from the end of World War II until the 1970s

Which of the following plays an important role in organizing labor?


Different languages have different subclasses of nouns, frequently referred to as __________


The total value of all of a nation's production and its estimate of national prosperity is called the:

gross national income.

"To the limit" punishments such as stoning for adultery, amputation of limbs for theft, and flogging for moral offenses are known as

hadd punishments

In the U.S., the upper classes are more likely to do all of the following EXCEPT:

have children before they are married.

The Spanish bullfight is an aesthetic performance. The "matador" has the primary goal of displaying his behavior as:


A group of people united by kinship or other links who share a residence and organize production, consumption, and distribution among themselves is known as:


In Claire Sterk's article, "Tricking & Tripping: Field Work on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS" the author

is interested in women's own perspectives of their lives and prostitution

There were many effects of slavery. The massive transport of people have all of the following effects EXCEPT:

it stabilized governments in Africa.

Posture, visual expressions, eye contact, and other body movements that communicate something are examples of what kind of nonverbal communication?


In comparison with horticulture, the greater productivity associated with agriculture comes from all of the following EXCEPT:

leaving farm land fallow every 5 years

The total stock of words in a language is known as:


Kin groups that trace descent from a common ancestor and who can demonstrate those genealogical links among themselves are called:


The customs, rules, and obligations that establish a socially-endorsed relationship between adults and children and between the kin groups of the married partners is called:


The terms "knocker," "splitter," and "sticker" are associated with:

meat industry

In their recent book, Creating Breakthrough Products, Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel have coined the term _____________ to refer to vital services that anthropologists can offer to business as a result of their skills and insights.

new product ethnography

In an attempt to deal with educational disparities in Brazil, the Brazilian government recently passed a new law requiring public universities to reserve _____ of their seats for the mostly poor students in Brazil's public schools.


Which of the following lead to the division of labor in society becoming more specialized and complex?

only b and c

To Buddhists, spinning special wheels is a form of:


New practices, tools, or principles may emerge from within a society and gain wide acceptance. Anthropologist sometimes call these

primary innovations

The three main patterns of exchange are:

reciprocity, redistribution, and the market

Artistic representations of the "other:"

reveal the artist's mind-set about other cultural identities.

Rituals directed toward reinforcing the values and norms of the community and strengthening group identity and well-being are called:

rites of intensification.

In Nairobi, Kenya, 'street boys' earn money in all of the following ways except:

selling sex on the street

Unlike many other European colonies, colonies in North America and Australia were primarily used for:


For the first time, the 2000 U.S Census permitted people to self-identify as more than one race, and _________ million people---almost half of whom were under 18---chose to do so.


Prior to the arrival of Europeans, the Tahitians initiated and expressed sexual intimacy by:

smelling each other.

The relative access individuals and groups have to basic material resources, wealth, power, and prestige is known as:

social differentiation.

A group of people who depend on each other for survival and who structure their lives together into a series of statuses and roles is called:


A group within a society that shares norms and values significantly different from those of the dominant culture


What crop from the Caribbean region was the most important to the British (and other Europeans) during colonialism?


According to the textbook, the most dramatic and long-lasting result of the Industrial Revolution worldwide was:

the creation of inequality between and within nations.

Linguistic anthropologists focus on all of the following EXCEPT:

the evolution of vocal cords

Today, with the greater understanding of the complexity and variability in gender stratification systems, anthropologists focus on studying:

the incidence of gender stratification cross-culturally.

The artistic depiction of the trickster culture-hero is most associated with:

the resistance of social hierarchy.

The precolonial Asante state was associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

the state elevated the commoners and a work ethic far above the wealthy elites.

All of the following statements about multinational corporations and pollution are correct EXCEPT:

they are leading the fight for more stringent environmental protection around the world

The hijras perform at:

weddings and childbirths.

Which of the following crops is most important to the Musha?


What are two major explanations of social stratification?

A and B

Which of the following is NOT associated with global warming?

A decrease in accessibility of fossil fuels

Agriculture can best be described by which of the following?

A form of food production in which fields are in permanent cultivation using plows, animals, and techniques of soil and water control

What is the Muslim hijab?

A headscarf

Conflict theory is best described as:

A perspective on social stratification that focuses on economic inequality as a source of conflict and change.

Subsistence patterns develop in response to which of the following?


What effects has industrialism had on the economy, society, and culture?


Which of the following are critical social issues of industrialized societies


Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

. All shared mental models are biological constructs in humans.

Approximately how many children are believed to currently be living on the streets without homes?

100 million

Most of the nations of the Americas gained their independence in the:

18 th and 19 th centuries.

After what year did Brazil abolish slavery and attempt to 'whiten' its population by encouraging European immigration and teaching only Euro-Brazilian history and culture?


Today, an estimated __________ people live outside of their countries of birth.

200 million

Most human languages only have how many sounds?

30-40 sounds

What percent of the world's societies are traditionally neolocal?


By 1999, world population had reached:

6 billion

About what percent of the world's cultures permit polygyny?


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