anthro quiz

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Who taught Washoe (an ape) American Sign Language?

Allen and Beatrix Gardener

Koko and Washo were two primates who had learned

American sign language

The nineteenth-century British anthropologist credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evolutionary perspective was

E. B Tylor

"Why Isn't the Sky Blue": Which society was the earliest to have a term for the color blue in the written literature?


"Evolution as Fact and Theory" uses all of the following are arguments to support evolution as fact EXCEPT: - The abundant, direct observational evidence of evolution in action from the lab and field -The imperfection of nature reveals that evolution occurred as there are many examples of species that could have been better designed by an engineer -Transitional forms found in the fossil record -Genetic evidence proving modern humans descended from chimpanzees

Genetic evidence proving modern humans descended from chimpanzees

Some of the early resistance to NAGPRA came from anthropologists and archaeologists because they felt that

Native American prehistory was part of human heritage

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major sub-fields of anthropology?


This assumes a close relationship between language and culture and claims that language defines people's experiences

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Who, along with Niles Eldredge, developed the theory of punctuated equilibrium?

Stephen Jay Gould

"Why Isn't the Sky Blue": What is the name of the British Prime Minister who was fascinated with the stories of Homer?

William gladstone

A key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is

a goal of synthesizing the entire context of human experience

Talking about sports as a battlefield is an example of

a metaphor

Chronometric dating techniques used by archaeologists help establish

a more specific age for a fossil or something organic

Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

a pidgin language

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is called

action research

Cultural determinism is unproductive for cultural analysis because

all of the above : it explains all human action as the product of culture alone, it can justify atrocities, it denies the influence of factors like physical environment and biology on humans

Who was Kennewick Man?

all the above: The name generally given to the skeletal remains of a prehistoric Paleoamerican man found on a bank of the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington, The subject of a controversial nine-year court case between the United States Army Corps of Engineers, scientists, and Native American tribes who claimed ownership of the remains, One of the most complete set of skeletal remains ever found

A century ago, studies of objects were largely studies of material culture and the technology available to people living in small-scale societies with simple technologies. The modern anthropological approach to objects has done which of the following?

all the above: caused anthropologists to challenge whether these museum collections were representative of the technologies of the time or if they were biased, led anthropologists to recognize that objects change meaning over time, pushed anthropologists to take a critical approach to the motives of the collectors of these early museum collections

Edward Sapir, who had been a student of Franz Boas's, saw himself as both a cultural anthropologist and a professionally trained linguist. He urged cultural anthropologists to pay close attention to language during field research because

all the above: language is a guide to "social reality", the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built from the language habits of a particular social group, we understand the material world through the language we speak

When anthropologists look at an object according to the dimension of history, they are referring to

all the above: where and by whom it was made, how the object was produced, how interpretations of the object have changed over time

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm?

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures is called


According to "Our Babies Ourselves", which of the following is NOT typical of child-rearing practices in the United States. (bottle-feeding over breast feeding, bed-sharing with child, longer periods of crying to teach self-reliance, adult supervision of small children)

bed-sharing with child

The evolution of the tail among New World monkeys reflects an adaptation to their environment and would be of interest to a

behavioral ecologist

Which of the following is NOT a concept key to the human culture as discussed in the lecture? (Culture is shared , Culture is shared, Culture is isolated, culture is transformative)

culture is isolated

According to the "Survival of the Fittest" video , what trait of the Rock Pocket Mouse was best adapted to survival on the lava flow?

dark fur

Collections in a museum are a completely reliable way to establish the ownership of an object.


Countries find it relatively easy to decide what language its citizens will speak.


In order to study culture one must travel to distant, far-off places.


In order to truly practice cultural relativism, one could never make a judgement on what is right and wrong.


In science, a theory is an educated guess and is not well-accepted among the scientific community.


Languages always change very slowly, taking generations or even centuries.


Most anthropologists believe in a single unified theory of culture.


NAGPRA as a solution to grave goods and cultural object ownership applies in all countries that are UNESCO members.


The aesthetic dimension of an object is universally shared.


Shaking hands when you meet someone is an example of a


If you wanted to study patterns of kin relations in a community, which method would you use?

genealogical method

Which method would be best when doing a study on the genetic propensity for cancer in a given population?

genealogical method

Uniformitarianism is the idea that change occurs:

gradually and through the result of processes that are still observable today

Alfred Russell Wallace is known for:

hitting upon the idea of natural selection at about the same time as Darwin

Which of the following is not one of the key benefits of full-time bipedalism?

increases speed against predators

The defining feature of historical particularism is

individual societies develop particular cultural traits and undergo a unique process of change

According Becoming Human (and Daniel Lieberman), the most compelling hypothesis for why bipedalism developed in early hominins is

it conserved energy

The name most closely associated with the system traditionally used to classify living things is:


Which skeletal feature is paleoanthropologists' best indicator of bipedalism in a fossil?

location of the foramen magnum

In some species of primates, females and their relatives and young are socially organized around

matrifocal units

"Owning" culture

means controlling symbols that give meaning

For much of its early history, physical anthropology was associated with what methodology?

measurement and classification of skulls according to racial characteristics

If you observed gradual changes in environmental temperature and, at the same time, observed that there were changes in the phenotype of a butterfly species over fifteen generations, which theory might best help explain what is going on?

natural selection

Which type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants?

participant observation

In archaeology, this is a division of prehistory based on gross changes in subsistence patterns, climatic changes, housing and burial styles, etc.


Reconnaissance work in archaeology is also known as:

phase I

The idea that embraces dynamic cultural processes and the idea that the observer of cultural processes can never see culture completely objectively represent


Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing

quantitative data

Cultural anthropologists face an ethical responsibility in their work and so must disclose to informants

reasons for doing the research

The argument that modern H. sapiens appeared as a new species in Africa about 200,000 years ago is called the

recent African origin model

According to "Our Babies Ourselves", which of the following is NOT one of the "3 R's" of child rearing in Dutch society? ( cleanliness, regularity, rest, respect)


In anthropology, holism refers to:

seeking to understand how all aspects of our species are related

Native American tribes using CRM differ from non-Indian agencies in how they view heritage management, because the latter almost always see heritage resources as

tangible things that can be studied scientifically

Gregor Mendel's findings about inheritance among pea plants stemmed from what key ability that he possessed?

the ability to observe closely

The idea that things have social lives refers to which of the following?

the fact that objects are deeply intertwined with people's lives

The emergence of increased cultural capacity in H. erectus can be seen in their changed diet, tools, and

the use of fire and cooking

Jonathan Marks notes that while we do have a 98% similarity in DNA to chimpanzees, this is not what it seems because between different human populations

there is considerable variation in both frequency and presence of alleles

How, in general, does Marvin Harris (a materialist) explain the biblical dietary laws?

they resulted from some practical, usually economic considerations

A critical reason for taking field notes is that there may be a long lag time between fieldwork and writing and publishing about it.


Anthropologists like E. E. Evans-Pritchard and Renato Rosaldo do not see cultural anthropology as a science.


Gene flow is the movement of genetic material across different populations.


Historical markers are generally something that conveys a limited range of meaning about an object, place, or event.


Neanderthals and modern humans share the same genus and species classification (Homo sapien).


The physical characteristics of any organism that can be seen are known as the phenotype.


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