Anthropology 1: Chapter 12 (Professor L.W. Hasten)
Anders Retzius was the first European scientist to classify humans into races.
The majority of modern anthropologists regard biological determinism as a valid mode of explaining human racial differences.
The most interesting fact about human skin color is that there appears to be no adaptive significance whatsoever to population-level variations in skin color.
The term race currently has only biological connotations and is without any social significance.
Who was responsible for popularizing eugenics among 19th century Europeans?
Francis Galton
The frequency of the O allele is almost 100 percent in indigenous
South Americans
What is significant about areas in the DNA that contain repeated segments?
They are the basis for DNA fingerprinting
Developmental acclimatization occurs in high-altitude natives during growth and development.
Forensic anthropologists must deal with the race concept because they are asked by law enforcement agencies to identify an individual's race from skeletal remains.
Francis Galton, Darwin's cousin, originated the eugenics approach to "race improvement."
Infectious diseases have exerted enormous selective pressures on our species.
What is AIDS caused by?
a virus
Acclimatization refers to which of the following?
an individual's short-term physiological responses to the environment
What causes rickets?
an insufficient amount of vitamin D
What is the false belief that there is a relationship between physical traits and certain behavioral traits such as intelligence and morality?
biological determinism
Deterministic (or racist) views concerning human variation were once or presently held by all of the following except
Lactose intolerance can be characterized by all of the following except
does not involve a person's ability to digest milk
What is the term for the philosophy of "race improvement" through the forced sterilization of some groups and the encouraged reproduction of others?
Developmental acclimatization occurs in those individuals who
grow up in high altitude environments
Categorizing people on the basis of skin color
has a long history and has been practiced by many peoples
The application of evolutionary principles to the study of human variation
helped replace earlier views based solely on observed phenotypes
Biological systems are balanced systems maintained by the interaction of physiological mechanisms that compensate for both external and internal changes. Such a balanced system is in
The ABO system is interesting from an anthropological perspective because it
illustrates that some allele frequencies DO vary among populations
The eugenics movement
is a now discredited view of racial purity
A polytypic species
is one composed of local populations that differ from one another with regard to the expression of one or more traits
The evolutionary development of the species H. sapiens
is the result of both genetic and environmental factors
Light-skinned people, when compared to dark skinned people
lack melanin
Adaptations are
long term evolutionary changes
Which of following protects from ultraviolet radiation?
Which of the following contributes most to skin color?
What is an extensive outbreak of disease affecting large numbers of people over a wide area called?
What are disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses called?
permits cooling through evaporation
produce melanin
In its most common biological usage, the term race
refers to the geographically patterned phenotypic variation within a species
Ultraviolet radiation can be an important factor in selection for increased melanin production because UV radiation can cause which of the following?
skin cancer
Mechanisms for radiating body heat include which of the following?