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Identify the "youngest" anthropological subdiscipline, which can also be practiced by anthropologists in any one of the traditional subfields.

Applied Anthropology

The earliest anthropologists are remembered as _________ anthropologists because they did not conduct fieldwork themselves, but rather relied on secondhand accounts to construct their cultural theories.


What early hominin species does the taung child belong to?

Australopithecus africanus

When a combination of different alleles (genes) is favored over a homozygous pair, this is referred to as:

Balancing selection

Which of the following is NOT a type of evidence archaeologists and paleoanthropologists typically rely on to learn about the past?


Lin is researching the Akha, an ethnic group that lives in mountainous regions across Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and China. The Akha practice both Buddhism and a folk religion best described as animism. Although Lin is a devout Catholic, she does not judge the Akha based on their religious practices, nor think less of their society for practicing a religion that is different from her own. This is an example of:

Cultural Relativism

Trisha's biological mother has curly dark hair, while her biological father has straight blonde hair. That Trisha has the same dark curly hair as her mother is an expression of a __________ trait.


Ju is conducting research on Mississippians' shifting attitudes on marriage equality from 1950 to the present. They have collected archival materials, testimonies, and interview transcripts in addition to ethnographic data produced in that time period. What type of anthropological research best describes Ju's project?


Which of the following is NOT a focus (or specialization) of Biological Anthropology?


Darwinists believe that anatomically modern humans evolved from chimpanzees.


Replicability is essential to anthropological research, and all anthropological studies must be demonstrably replicable.


The Amish community in eastern Pennsylvania are the descendants of approximately 200 individuals that immigrated from Germany over 300 years ago. Because the Amish are largely isolated and tend to marry within their own community, certain genetic mutations, such as polydactylism (possessing extra fingers and toes), are more prevalent. This is an example of

Founder effect

Social Darwinists manipulated principles of Darwinian evolution to support their political agenda, which promoted restrictive immigration and involuntary sterilization of individuals deemed "biologically unfit." Which condition of natural selection did the Social Darwinists ignore or misapply to support their positions?

Genetic Variability

American bison were once very prevalent in North America but were hunted close to extinction in the late 1800s. The rapid decrease in population size has resulted in a reduction of genetic variability, an effect known as:

Genetic drift

One feature that distinguishes anthropology among the social sciences is that anthropologists take a/an __________ approach to the study of human beings


According to lecture, what was one major critique of Lewis Henry Morgan's theory of cultural evolution?

It was ethnocentric

The fact that Ashkenazi Jews living in the U.S. have a lower mortality rate for tuberculosis than non

Jews is most likely because _______________.- the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews were exposed for many years to tuberculosis in crowded, European ghettos, giving a selective advantage to tuberculosis resistant genotypes

Jamal is an anthropologist studying Silbo Gomero, a form of whistled Spanish that is "spoken" in the Canary Islands. What anthropological subdiscipline best fits Jamal's research?

Linguistic anthropology

The earliest undisputed anthropoid remains date to approximately 34 million years aho, divided into which of the following two groups?

Parapithecids and propliopithecids

Lucy and Maria Aylmer are fraternal twin sisters, however one sister (Lucy) identifies as white, while the other (Maria) identifies as Black. This best exemplifies what type of difference?


What is the most common feature encountered by archaeologists in the field?


Ibrahim is excavating a site in Eastern Africa that is estimated to date to approximately 1.2 million years ago. The site is rich with volcanic deposits. What absolute dating technique is best suited to Ibrahim's research site?

Potassium-Argon dating

Sam has three siblings, all of whom have dark brown eyes. However, Sam has bright blue eyes. Sam's eye color is an example of a __________ trait.


What regional dialect(s) have linguistics argued might offer insight into the origins of AAVE in colonial and post

Revolutionary America?- Gullah/geeche

Which of the following is NOT a subdiscipline of anthropology?


Brett just moved from Maine to Mississippi to start college. Although at first the humid subtropical climate feels sweltering, within a few weeks he hardly notices it. This is an example of _______ adaptation.


Repressive culture, favoring one cultural group but not the other, is also called _____.


Imagine that a bird is born with a longer beak than the other members of its species. The longer beak helps the bird catch more food, which makes it healthier and able to breed more than the other birds. Scientists would describe this trait as:


Which subdiscipline primarily studies past societies through excavating and analyzing their material culture


If your brother gives you a cd for your birthday and a few months later you send him a book for his birthday, this is an example of ____________.

balanced reciprocity

How were the fossilized remains of Australopithecus sediba at the Malapa site initially exposed

blasting from limestone miners

Anthropologists recognize that oftentimes, marriages are accompanied by an economic exchange of goods and/or labor. What term refers to a gift of goods or money given to the bride's kin by the groom (or his kin)?

bride price


called "designer" dog breeds such as the Labradoodle (labrador/poodle hybrid) and the Puggle (beagle/pug hybrid) are an example of:

Blumenbach's "racial taxonomy" was ethnocentric because it attempted to rank the so

called "races of man" based on perceptions of beauty.- true


cell anemia (or sicklemia) is a genetic condition that can be fatal without direct medical intervention. However, evidence suggests that for __________ individuals, receiving one sickle-cell allele offers some resistance against malaria.- heterozygous

Which of the following species is best adapted for suspensory swinging locomotion


Human Taxonomy: Match each taxonomic nomenclature (name) to its corresponding category. Note, not all responses can be selected.

class, mammalia, order, primates, suborder, haplorhini,parvorder, catarrhine,superfamily, hominoidea, family, hominindae, subfamily, homininae, tribe, hominini, genus, homo, species, sapiens

In all but two states (Arizona and Hawaii), Daylight Savings Time (DST) in 2020 will end on November 1. Although DST started in the United States during WWI as a way to conserve electricity, today many have argued that it is an outdated system and that gaining (and then losing) an hour of sleep can cause physical and mental stress. What anthropological term best describes this perspective on DST?

cultural lag

Compared to other species in the genus, Homo floresiensis is much smaller in size. Given evidence that this population was isolated from other hominins, what mechanism of natural selection might account for its greatly reduced stature?

directional selection

Archaeology is a sub

discipline of Cultural Anthropology- False

Which of the following species is the least domesticated

domestic cats

What anthropological term refers to a society in which leadership is not hereditary and group members are generally equal


This term refers to a group of people who share common national origins, heritage, language, and other selected aspects of cultural difference:


anelle is interested in the economic system of the Ainu, an ethnic group that lives in Japan. What anthropological method is best suited to Janelle's research project?


Most societies in the ethnographic and archaeological record live in:

extended families

According to the documentary, most paleoanthropologists believe that both Aus. sediba and H. naledi are direct ancestors for modern Homo sapiens.


Contemporary anthropologists believe that monotheistic religions are more complex and advanced than polytheistic religions.


Despite its prevalence in popular culture, magic is not practices in any recognized religious system


In contrast to patrilineal societies, women in matrilineal societies universally hold more power and authority than men.


Most scientists believe that natural selection operates in the evolution of culture


Natural selection is always progressive that is will result in an ideal type or specimen


Our species homosapiens descended from modern chimpanzees


The hominin fossil record offers clear and distinct evidence for speciation, that is, it is simple to know what species a particular individual belongs to.


The leader of a tribal society is most commonly a chief


Theories cannot be rejected


Match the historical figure with the concept or theory they established: Franz Boas, 4

field approach, Bronislaw Malinowski, Ethnographic methods, Francis Galton, Eugenics, Herbert Spencer, Survival of the fittest, Charles Darwin, Natural Selection, Julian Steward, Cultural Ecology, Charles Linnaeus, Binomial Nomenclature, Rosalind Franklin, DNA, Lewis Henry Morgan, Unilinear Evolution, Clifford Geertz, thick description

Zeynep is a first

generation Turkish American born to working-class parents, but received a scholarship to a prestigious university and found a stable middle-class job after graduating. This scenario is most likely in a/an:- open class system

Which of the following is a common measurement of inequality in societies

gini coeffiecient

Which rule states that populations of birds and mammals living in warmer climates have more melanin, and therefore darker skin, fur, or feathers, than do populations of the same species living in cooler areas?

gloger's rule

Which of the following species uses knuckle walking


According to the lecture presentation, using cladistic classification, tarsiers belong to which primate suborder?


Which primate group typically displays the most sexual dimorphism


The first hominid to expand out of Africa and inhabit Europe and asia was

homo erectus

In The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection (1858), Charles Darwin argued that humans descended from a non

human primate ancestor.- False

According to the documentary Talking Black in America (2017), the differences between Standard American English and African American Vernacular English (AAVE) have grown over the past one hundred years as a consequence of:

increased linguistic isolation due to racial segregation

Anthropologists agree that race

is a cultural category

All human societies have language, however the fact that over 6,000 mutually unintelligible languages have been identified indicates that language development:

is not completely biologically determined.

According to the documentary, discoveries like Aus. sediba and H. naledi prove that hominin evolution is more "bushy" rather than directional or "chain

like."- true

What is the most common artifacts from the past that archaeologists discover in the field?


Anthropologists refer to a post

marital residence pattern in which married persons live with or near either the husband's or wife's kin as:- bilocal

A religious system that believes in only one high god that all other supernatural beings are subordinate to, is referred to by anthropologists as:


Beginning between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago, the world's population had increased and it became more difficult to make a living hunting and gathering, many cultures turned to agriculture. Which of the following characteristics was NOT associated with an agricultural way of life?

more free time

All anthropologists believe that their research is objective, and that non

objective studies have no relevance in anthropology.- False

The oldest or earliest toolmaking tradition associated with the genus homo is


In contrast to the majority of extant primate species, humans (h sapiens) are distinct due to their lack of a/an

opposable hallux

José is leading an archaeological dig on federally

owned land. One of his crewmembers unearths human skeletal remains. As soon as he is informed, José halts the excavation until tribal representatives and the tribal archaeologist arrive. Which congressional act requires that all objects of cultural patrimony, including human remains, be returned or are overseen by Native and Indigenous descendants?- NAGPRA

What linguistic term best refers to the awkward silence that happens when an instructor asks a question and no one answers them?


What anthropological kinship term refers to a society that traces familial descent exclusively through the male line?


When populations first turned to agriculture:

people experienced more diseases, such as dysentery, related to poor sanitation and water supply

Archaeic Mesoamerican agriculturists are credited with which of the following innovations

planting different crops in the same field

Using anthropometry, Franz Boas disproved theories of racial inferiority by instead showing that human populations exhibit high levels of:


What type of societies are characterized by unequal access to prestige, but more equal access to resources for all members?


What is the name of the cave system where homo naledi was discovered

rising star

The _____________ suggests that the language you speak can shape your perception of reality.

sapir-whorf hypothesis

Without exception, recent and modern industrial and post industrial societies are

socially stratified

Which of the following sub

specializations of biological anthropology studies our closest evolutionary cousins, such as chimpanzees, lemurs, and baboons?- Primatology

Which of the following is NOT a popular explanatory theory for the preagricultural switch to broad

spectrum collecting?- state warfare

Of the following, which is the most stratified


African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a distinct linguistic system that originated in:

the Caribbean and American south

Which fossil confirmed that homo naledi was in fact a member of the genus homo

the cranium

What major historical event led to the demographic transition of the African American population from predominantly southern rural to northern urban?

the great migration

Domestication is an example of a culturally

transmitted practice that originated in the Near East and was then spread via trade and travel to other parts of the world- false

All living primates, including humans, evolved from primates that are now extinct


All societies known to anthropologists recognize some form of kinship and family


Archaeological data suggests that for the majority o human history, most societies were relatively egalitarian


Compared to chimpanzees and gorillas, humans (Homo sapiens) are less sexually dimorphic.


Genetic mutations are random


One Limitation of creationism is that there is solid empirical evidence for speciation


Theories cannot be proven.


To date, no one has figured out a way to recover artifacts, eco facts, fossils, and features without destroying the site in the process



verbal signals, such as hand gestures or whistling, are considered a form of communication.- true

You are a paleoanthropologist examining a set of fossil remains. Where would you look to determine whether or not the specimen was a biped (an upright

walker)?- foramen magnum

What percentage of genetic variation exists between local or regional human populations?


Critics amidst the 1995

97 ebonics controversy argued that AAVE should not be taught in school on the erroneous assumption that:- aave is not its own linguistic system with rules and grammatical structures

How old are the earliest unambiguous fossils of homo sapiens


How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?


Natural selection will always select against maladaptive traits, which will disappear within 2

3 generations.- False

According to your textbook, when do we see the first evidence for writing in human societies

3000 bce

What controversial theory did Raymond Dart originate in the 1920s

30s that has been largely disproven by the discoveries of Aus. sediba and H. naledi?- the killer ape theory

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