Anthropology Unit II Exam

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________ are similar anatomical features in different species that do not have a known common ancestor. a) analogies

## CORRECT --> Analogous structures have the same function or form. The wings of bats and bees are examples. These similarities are deceptive because they might lead you to incorrectly assume that these very different kinds of animals are related.

A 19th century naturalist named ___________ observed that among warm-blooded animals, individuals in populations of the same species living in warm climates near the equator tend to have longer limbs than do populations living further away from the equator in colder environments.

## CORRECT --> This is Allen`s Rule.

Anthropologists during the early 20th century believed that people could be divided into racial groups on the basis of the regular occurrence together of certain physical traits. This race concept is the same as the ______________ model.

typological ## CORRECT --> Typological refers to the unfounded belief that there is a set of common physical traits that can be easily identified for each race or type of person.

About how many species have been given scientific names so far?

1 3/4 million ## CORRECT --> Only about 1 3/4 million species of plants, animals, and other types of creatures have been scientifically described and named. However, most biologists now believe that there are actually about 13-14 million species alive today.

The Linnaean system groups organisms The Linnaean system groups organisms together into the same or similar classification categories based on presumed: a) homologies b) homoplasies c) neither of the above

A. Homologies. are due to evolutionary closeness. The more homologies there are, the closer two species must be. Very similar species may be members of the same genus, while somewhat less similar ones may be only in the same family.

Which of the following statements is true about adaptations and adjustments?

Adaptations may be biologically inherited. ## CORRECT --> Adaptations are genetic changes that are brought about by natural selection over generations. Genetic changes can be inherited. Adjustments are changes that occur during an individual`s lifetime and do not change one`s genetic makeup.

Which of the following statements is true about human skin color? a) It ranges from pure white to pure black. b) It is primarily due to the presence of a pigment called melanin which is found in all normal humans. c) It may be due in part to the presence of blood flowing near the skin. d) B and C

B&C. ## CORRECT --> Melanin particles cause most of the coloration in human skin and hair. The more melanin, the darker brown we appear. We also get some skin coloration from red hemoglobin in our blood just under the skin (especially in lighter complexioned people).

Evolutionary processes that may alter the frequency of genetically inherited traits in modern human populations usually include: a) natural selection b) social selection (e.g., discrimination in choosing a mate) c) migration d) all of the above

D. all of the above. ## CORRECT --> Natural and social selection are very strong forces that can operate at the same time. There also can be the introduction or removal of genes from a population due to migration. In addition, genetic drift and other processes may be determining factors.

Which of the following is likely to occur among individuals who have successfully adjusted to desert environments? a) The volume of their urine is reduced. b) The salt concentration in their sweat is reduced. c) Blood vessels near the surface of their skin dilate, or expand. d) all of the above

D. all of the above. ## CORRECT --> In hot, dry environments, the danger is dehydrating and losing salts necessary for blood electrolyte balance. Reduction in urine volume and salt content in sweat will help prevent this. Increased peripheral blood flow will help get rid of excess heat.

What is the effect of shivering?

It indirectly produces more body heat. ## CORRECT --> The increased muscle activity in shivering results in some heat production. As a result, it can be an effective short-term warming technique.

Which of the following is true of the melanin in human skin?

It is produced in our skin.

Which of the following statements is true concerning hypoxia among humans?

It usually begins at 1-2 miles altitude. ## CORRECT --> Hypoxia can begin at as low as one mile altitude, especially if the trip to that elevation occurs in less than a day. While some people can live at higher altitudes, there are few permanent settlements above 3 miles and none above 4 miles altitude.

Native populations that include people who have the Diego positive blood type can be found in _______________________ .

Japan and South America ## CORRECT --> East Asians and Native Americans apparently are the only people in the world who have the Diego positive blood type. This supports the hypothesis of an East Asian origin for Native Americans.

Which of the following statements is true? a) Genetic adaptation and the various types of adjustments to environmental stresses are always distinct phenomena. b) Adaptability to specific environmental stresses rarely varies from person to person. c) Our cultural technology has allowed us to adapt to new environments without having to first evolve biological adaptations.

Our cultural technology has allowed us to adapt to new environments without having to first evolve biological adaptations. ## CORRECT --> Houses, clothing, and fire permitted us to live in temperate and ultimately arctic regions despite the fact we still essentially have the bodies of tropical animals.

Which of the following statements is true about melanin?

Skin may vary seasonally in the amount it contains. ## CORRECT --> Ultraviolet radiation from the sun stimulates melanocytes in the skin to produce more melanin which in turn makes the skin browner. This seasonal tanning is most noticeable among light complexioned people. It has the effect of shielding the inner skin.

Efficient high altitude acclimatization occurs when:

Some are better adapted to high altitude stresses. ## CORRECT --> Mountain peoples such as the Andean Indians and Tibetans are physiologically much better adapted to low air pressure conditions of high altitudes. Nature has selected these characteristics among their ancestors for thousands of years.

Which of the following atmospheric changes occur as you climb higher up a tall mountain?

The air pressure goes down, but the percent of the air that is oxygen remains the same. ## CORRECT --> Atmospheric pressure progressively drops below the 14.7 pounds per square inch found at sea level. However, the amount of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gasses that make up our atmosphere remain in essentially the same ratios regardless of altitude.

Gloger's Rule

The general rule that says within the same species of warm-blooded animals, there is a tendency for more heavily pigmented skin to occur in animals near the equator and lighter pigmented skin farther from it.

Bergmann's Rule

The general rule that within the same species of warm-blooded animals, individuals from populations living in colder environments usually have greater body mass than do those from populations in warmer areas.

Allen's Rule

The general rule that within the same species of warm-blooded animals, individuals from populations living in colder environments usually have shorter appendages than do those from populations in warmer areas.

Which of the following statements is true concerning different populations of humans?

They are not equal in their ability to handle these stresses. ## CORRECT --> Natural selection has resulted in genetic differences between populations that allow them to be more or less successful in adapting to particular stresses. Populations that have been exposed to a stress the longest generally have the best adaptation.

Which of the following statements is true about human races as they are commonly defined in North America?

They primarily reflect social rather than biological realities. ## CORRECT --> There are no distinct biological races of humans today. However, we still often misuse the concept to label each other. Commonly defined races usually are groups of people who share ethnic identity and some broad physical similarities.

What is the connection between ultraviolet radiation and the production of vitamin D in humans?

Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamin D in our bodies. ## CORRECT --> Some ultraviolet radiation must penetrate the outer skin layer in order for the body to produce vitamin D. This is important because vitamin D is vital for the intestines to absorb calcium and phosphorus from food for bone growth and repair.

Which of the following might occur if you are exposed to high temperatures for many days in a desert?

You may develop hyperthermia as a result of not eliminating body heat fast enough. ## CORRECT --> When sweating and simple radiation no longer keep your core body temperature down to normal levels, you can rapidly develop hyperthermia. This can be fatal.

Comparing two animals with the same body shape, we should expect that the larger one has ______________ body mass to skin surface area ratio.

a larger ## CORRECT --> The greater the mass means that there are more body cells producing heat. At the same time the proportionally smaller increase in the amount of skin means that more of the heat is kept within the body rather than radiated off into the air.

The wings of a bird and the wings of a butterfly are: a) analogous structures b) homologous structures c) both of the above

a) analogous structures ## CORRECT --> Bird and butterfly wings are similar structures in that both are used in flight by flapping and gliding. Therefore, they are analogies. In addition, they are homoplasies because these animals did not inherit wings from a known common ancestor.

For Carolus Linnaeus, living things: a) are today as they were when they were created by God b) have evolved in the past but not now c) have evolved in the past and continue to evolve today

a) are today as they were when they were created by God ## CORRECT --> Linnaeus and other European scientists of his day believed in a divinely created, static world of nature. By spending their lives describing the great diversity of living things, they reinforced their belief in an all powerful creator God.

The evolution of similar behavioral patterns by some Australian marsupials and placental mammals living elsewhere in the world is a result of: a) convergent evolution b) inheritance from a common ancestor c) neither of the above

a) convergent evolution ## CORRECT --> The common ancestor for marsupials and placental mammals lived during the age of dinosaurs. It is most likely that the similar behavior patterns of some species evolved independently since then due to similar natural selection factors.

Blood types are: a) genetically inherited b) acquired after birth as a result of environmental factors c) genetically inherited but may be changed after birth as a result of natural selection

a) genetically inherited ## CORRECT --> Blood types are acquired only by inheritance from parents and they cannot be changed. However, natural selection can have an effect on whether an individual survives to reproduce and pass on the alleles for his or her blood type.

The clinical model of human variation is based on the fact that: a) genetically inherited traits will gradually change in frequency among the people you encounter as you travel from one geographic area to another b) genetically inherited traits will abruptly change in frequency as you go from one population to another c) there are no significant differences in the frequency of genetically inherited traits among the populations of the world

a) genetically inherited traits will gradually change in frequency among the people you encounter as you travel from one geographic area to another ## CORRECT --> Advocates of this model construct clinal maps to help visualize the gradual changes. An example was the map in the tutorial of the clinal distribution of the B blood type allele in Europe.

Which of the Linnaean classification categories listed below is the highest level? a) genus b) species c) sapiens

a) genus ## CORRECT --> Genus is one level higher than species. For instance, we are Homo sapiens. Homo is our genus and sapiens is our species.

The worldwide frequency distribution of the different ABO blood types: Map Help a) is complex, having both clinal and discontinuous patterns b) follows latitude lines, indicating that climate is an important selective factor for this trait c) is simple and predictable, with each continent having its own exclusive type among the native populations

a) is complex, having both clinal and discontinuous patterns ## CORRECT --> This suggests that natural selection, migrations, genetic drift, the founder principle, and non-random mating were all potentially important factors in our evolutionary history.

The great diversity of life was largely caused by: a) natural selection and adaptive radiation b) taxonomy c) Charles Darwin

a) natural selection and adaptive radiation ## CORRECT --> Populations of a species become separated and adapt to different ecological niches. Ultimately, this causes them to evolve into different species. Natural selection is the principle mechanism driving this adaptive radiation.

It is more accurate to define new species by: a) observing breeding patterns of living organisms b) comparing the appearance of fossils

a) observing breeding patterns of living organisms ## CORRECT --> It is better to either observe breeding patterns or to carry out breeding experiments. Usually only members of the same species can produce fertile offspring. Using fossils as data for establishing species is much more speculative and prone to error.

Which of the following is the highest level of classification? a) order b) genus c) family

a) order ## CORRECT --> Order is above family, which in turn is higher than genus. In the Linnaean system, the higher the level of classification, the more inclusive it is. In other words, there are many families within a single order and many genera within a family.

Humans mostly classify animals with their sense of: a) vision b) smelling c) hearing

a) vision ## CORRECT --> We sense the world primarily with our eyes. As a result, we generally classify things based mainly on what they look like to us. However, some animal classifications also include secondary characteristics that involve sounds and smells.

Which of the following statements is true? a) With the exception of identical twins, each of us is unique in terms of the combination of tens of thousands of genetically determined characteristics that we possess. b) Dark brown skin is found only among Africans and people whose ancestors came from Africa in recent centuries c) Non-African peoples with dark brown skin color share a close common ancestry with Africans

a. With the exception of identical twins, each of us is unique in terms of the combination of tens of thousands of genetically determined characteristics that we possess. ## CORRECT --> Except for monozygotic (identical) twins, it is highly likely that every one of us is genetically different from every other human who ever lived.

When did the Western biological sciences begin to think of taxonomy as a reflection of evolutionary distances? a) 1700's b) 1800's c) 1900's

b) 1800's ## CORRECT --> Largely as a result of Charles Darwin`s research, many other 19th century naturalists began to reject the idea of a static natural world in favor of an evolving one. It was only a small step, then, to see the results of it in taxonomy.

The system of biological classification used today was created by: a) Charles Darwin b) Carolus Linnaeus c) Stephen Jay Gould

b) Carolus Linnaeus ## CORRECT --> The botanist Carolus Linnaeus (Karl von Linné) described this system in a 1735 publication. His genius was in visualizing a system of hierarchical categories that could be expanded as new discoveries were made.

Which of the following statements is true? a) The worldwide distribution patterns for the ABO blood system support the typological model of human variation. b) Human blood can be unambiguously typed--there are no degrees of difference. c) Mapping the distribution of blood types has proven to be a poor tool for studying the nature of human variation.

b) Human blood can be unambiguously typed--there are no degrees of difference. ## CORRECT --> Unlike such traits as skin color and hair texture, blood comes in specific, non-blending types. There are not shades of difference--you cannot be halfway between type O and A.

Which of the following statements is true about the worldwide frequency distributions of blood types B and O? a) They neatly overlap, indicating that whatever factors have been selecting for type B have also been at work selecting for type O. b) Where type O is unusually high in frequency, type B is usually relatively low. c) They both are very similar to the distribution pattern of skin color, suggesting that the same factors have been selecting for blood types and skin pigmentation. d) B and C

b) Where type O is unusually high in frequency, type B is usually relatively low. ## CORRECT --> Type O is most common among Native Americans. However, type B is extremely low in the Americas.

When a biologist narrowly defines species based primarily on minor differences, he or she is: a) a lumper b) a splitter c) inevitably correct

b) a splitter ## CORRECT --> Splitters tend to define as many species as possible. By doing so, they sometimes make a mistake and put varieties or even males and females into separate species. Lumpers, in contrast, emphasize major similarities and end up defining fewer species.

In which of the following is the common ancestor the most distant in the past? a) parallel evolution b) convergent evolution

b) convergent evolution ## CORRECT --> Convergent evolution (or convergence) is the term that refers to the evolution of similar traits after divergence from a very distant ancestor. In the case of parallel evolution (or parallelism), the common ancestor is more recent in time.

Nonhomologous structures can result: a) only from convergent evolution b) from either convergent or parallel evolution c) neither of the above

b) from either convergent or parallel evolution ## CORRECT --> Nonhomologous structures, such as similarities in body shape and behavior patterns, can result from both convergent and parallel evolution.

When two species both have similar anatomical structures that were inherited from the same ancestor that also had them, the similarities are referred to as being: a) homoplasies b) homologies c) neither of the above

b) homologies ## CORRECT --> This is the definition of homologies or homologous structures. The key is that the common ancestor had the traits and passed them on to both descendent lines. Closely related species are likely to have many homologies.

The three long bones in your arm and in the wing of a bird are: a) homoplastic structures b) homologous structures c) neither of the above

b) homologous structures ## CORRECT --> Both birds and humans have the same types of bones (humerus, radius, and ulna) in their front appendages because they evolved from a common reptilian ancestor that also had them. Therefore, this is a case of homology or homologous structures.

Nonhomologous structures are: a) androgynous b) homoplasies c) neither of the above

b) homoplasies ## CORRECT --> If two organisms have similar structures but they do not share an ancestor that also possessed them, the structures are homoplasies. Homoplastic structures can result from parallelism, convergence, analogy, or simply chance.

The highest classification category in the Linnaean system is: a) phylum b) kingdom c) Chordata

b) kingdom ## CORRECT --> Kingdom is the highest category and phylum comes below it.

Most ancient species: a) are still surviving today b) probably became extinct without leaving fossils c) neither of the above

b. probably became extinct without leaving fossils ## CORRECT --> Fossils are the only way that we know of specific species from the past. Most of those species have already become extinct, and, if the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould is correct, 99% of them left no fossils for us to discover.

Humans respond to environmental stresses:

both biologically and culturally ## CORRECT --> Cultural responses include such things as wearing clothing and creating fires. Biological responses include acclimatization, developmental adjustments, and evolution.

If someone says that his or her blood is A+, this refers to the: a) ABO type b) Rh type c) ABO and Rh types

c) ABO and Rh types ## CORRECT --> The A is an ABO type and the + is an Rh type (Rh positive). While these are medically the most important blood type systems, keep in mind that we all have many others that we could be typed for as well.

Which of the following statements is true of human blood? a) Our blood typing systems are unique to our species. b) It is common around the world for people to use blood types as criteria for selecting marriage partners. c) Each of us can be categorized on the basis of a number of different blood typing systems.

c) Each of us can be categorized on the basis of a number of different blood typing systems. ## CORRECT --> Since each of us has specific types for all of the many blood systems, the chances of 2 genetically unrelated people having 100% identical blood is low. Fortunately, we can tolerate incompatibilities for many of the types when we receive a transfusion.

Which of the following statements is true? a) All genetically inherited traits have a clinal distribution. b) Human biological races really exist. c) Of the three models presented in the tutorial, the clinal one comes closest to grasping the real nature of human variation.

c) Of the three models presented in the tutorial, the clinal one comes closest to grasping the real nature of human variation. ## CORRECT --> The typological model is scientifically unsound. The populational model is theoretically sound but of little value since we do not have distinct breeding populations. Only the clinal model explains most of human variation as we know it to be.

Which of the following statements is true about the distribution patterns of human traits around the world? a) They have remained essentially the same for the last few centuries. b) They only change as a result of natural selection. c) They have been constantly changing during the last few centuries.

c) They have been constantly changing during the last few centuries. ## CORRECT --> The distribution of human traits regularly varies through time. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the development of inexpensive intercontinental travel along with the creation of millions of refugees has resulted in an acceleration of population mixing.

Charles Darwin believed that: a) evolution occurs b) natural selection is the cause of evolution c) both of the above

c) both of the above ## CORRECT --> Darwin not only brought together the evidence that evolution occurs but he made the concepts of biological evolution and natural selection as its driving force acceptable to the scientists and many lay people of his day.

The populational model of human variation assumes that: a) each continent is the home of a distinct race b) Mongoloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids are different species of people today c) if geographic and cultural barriers to mating break down, previously isolated populations will cease having distinct sets of physical traits setting them apart.

c) if geographic and cultural barriers to mating break down, previously isolated populations will cease having distinct sets of physical traits setting them apart. ## CORRECT --> The populational model assumes that the only biologically distinct groups of people are those that have had long breeding isolation. When the isolation breaks down, the genetic distinctness of such groups also ceases.

In the Linnaean classification system, the word "genera" refers to: a) the category just above genus b) the category just below genus c) the plural of genus

c) the plural of genus ## CORRECT --> It is also useful to know that all Linnaean classification designations above species have their first letter capitalized. That is the reason the H in Homo is capitalized but not the s in sapiens.

Into how many kingdoms do biologists now usually divide living things? a) 2 b) 3 c) 5

c. 5 ## CORRECT --> The Linnaean system began with the recognition of 2 kingdoms (Plantae and Animalia). During the last 2 centuries, however, 3 more were added to accommodate very different kinds of organisms (Monera, Protista, and Fungi).

Biological kingdoms are distinguished based on whether they have species that are: a) single or multicelled b) absorbers, ingesters, or producers of food c) both of the above

c. both of the above ## CORRECT --> Cellular organization and methods of nutrition are the major criteria. An additional criterion is whether or not the cell nucleus is enclosed by a membrane.

"Naming, describing, and classifying organisms into different categories based on their characteristics" is a definition of: a) adaptive radiation b) natural selection c) taxonomy

c. taxonomy ## CORRECT --> This is a definition of taxonomy. When naturalists describe and name species, they are doing taxonomy.

Newly discovered species are given ___________________ designations. a) genus and species b) binomen c) Latin name d) all of the above

d) all of the above ## CORRECT --> Within the Linnaean classification system, a binomen is a dual Latin name designation for an organism. The first name is the genus and the second is the species. For instance, we are Homo sapiens.

Using a fire to warm your body on a very cold day is an example of: a) developmental adjustment b) long-term acclimatization c) seasonal acclimatization d) none of the above

d. None of the above. ## CORRECT --> Using fire for warmth is a cultural response to the environmental stress of a cold climate. In contrast, developmental adjustment and the two kinds of acclimatization are biological responses.

Common early symptoms of hypoxia at high altitudes include: a) difficulty with normal levels of physical activity b) fatigue c) difficulty in thinking clearly d) all of the above

d. all of the above ## CORRECT --> With time, most people acclimatize to this environmental stress. However, they rarely achieve the same level of physiological conditioning that they had at sea level. In severe cases, hypoxia results in pneumonia-like symptoms that can be fatal.

Lactase deficiency is: a) equally common throughout the world b) at its highest frequency in Europe c) at its lowest frequency in Asia d) none of the above

d. none of the above. ## CORRECT --> Lactase deficiency has a non-random distribution. Generally, it is the least common among Europeans. Asians and Native Americans have very high frequencies. In Africa, there are regions of extremely high frequency and others of low frequency.

When using the typological race model, adding more distinguishing traits will ____________ the number of people who fit into the defined racial groups. a) increase b) decrease c) have no effect on

decrease ## CORRECT --> With 2-4 broad traits, there can be millions who fit a racial type. However, as the number of traits increases to 10 or more, very few people in the world will still fit the type. The more precisely a race is defined the less useful the concept becomes.

The Ju/'hoansi of southwestern Africa and the Aborigines of Australia usually respond physiologically to the cold by:

developing thick insulating fat around the vital organs of the chest and abdomen. ## CORRECT --> In addition, their skin cools due to vasoconstriction. As a result, heat loss is reduced and the core body temperature remains normal. This response would not be adaptive if they lived in consistently freezing environments because of frostbite.

The old Chinese practice of permanently changing the foot shape of daughters by tightly wrapping them with cloth in early childhood is an example of:

developmental adjustment ## CORRECT --> This cultural practice had the effect of permanently altering the shape, size, and position of foot bones so that their feet were smaller and subsequently, more attractive to the Chinese. This is a classic example of developmental adjustment.

A woman who has become taller than her parents as a result of good nutrition during her growing years is an example of:

developmental adjustment ## CORRECT --> This woman has experienced a permanent change in stature from what would likely have been the case if nutrition had been poor during her growing years. Therefore, this is an example of developmental adjustment.

The Inuit people of northern Alaska and Canada keep their bodies warm mostly by:

eating more high calorie food ## CORRECT --> By eating more high calorie foods (especially fats), the Inuit maintain a high basal metabolic rate. The net effect is that their bodies produce significantly more heat. This is a simple solution to reducing the likelihood of hypothermia.

Which of the following is a method by which human bodies successfully adjust to hot climates?

evaporation of sweat from the skin surface ## CORRECT --> When sweat evaporates, it cools the skin surface. This evaporative cooling helps people reduce their core body temperatures. This is one of the most effective automatic cooling mechanisms for humans in hot climates.

Which of the following processes becomes less effective in cooling your body when the weather is hot and humid?

evaporative cooling ## CORRECT --> When the moisture content of air goes up, it becomes increasingly more difficult for sweat to evaporate. The sweat stays on our skin and we feel clammy. As a result, we do not get the cooling effect of rapid evaporation.

Hypothermia begins to occur in humans when their core body temperature: a) falls below 94º F. b) falls below 32º F. c) rises above 105º F. d) rises above 120º F.

falls below 94º F. ## CORRECT --> However, keep in mind that skin temperature can be significantly below 94º F. without life threatening hypothermia occurring. Individuals who have very little insulating fat are the most susceptible to hypothermia.

The Inuits of Alaska, Northern Canada, and Greenland traditionally ate foods that were very high in:

fats. ## CORRECT --> Much of their diet consisted of animals fats. This provided great numbers of calories to help keep their bodies warm. Dairy products were essentially non-existent for them, and vegetable foods were very scarce in their arctic environment.

Our own personal physical characteristics are the result of:

genetic inheritance primarily but with some shaping by environmental forces ## CORRECT --> We are mostly the product of the combination of genes that we inherited from our parents. However, environmental influences also have an effect. For example, severely undernourished children are not likely to reach their full potential stature.

Sweating is most effective as a cooling mechanism when the air is:

hot and dry ## CORRECT --> We normally do not sweat much unless it is hot. When the air is humid, or heavily laden with moisture, very little of the sweat will evaporate and our bodies remain hot. However, if the air is dry, sweat will rapidly evaporate causing a cooling of skin.

## CORRECT --> Hypo means low or little and oxia refers to oxygen. Someone will experience severe hypoxia if they choke and stop breathing. Less acute hypoxia normally occurs at high altitudes. It is often referred to as high altitude sickness.

hypoxia When someone has physiological problems as a result of oxygen deprivation, they are experiencing:

Which of the following physiological changes are you likely to experience during the first few days at high altitude?

increased blood pressure. ## CORRECT --> Your heart would be working harder to pump oxygen carrying blood to the cells of your body. As a result, both your pulse rate and blood pressure would be significantly elevated. You also would most likely be tired and not much interested in food.

Sickle-cell trait was selected for by nature in west and central Africa because:

it provides some immunity to malaria ## CORRECT --> The microscopic organisms that cause malaria are parasites on normal red blood cells. Full-blown sicklers produce abnormal, deformed red cells. As a result they are poor hosts for this disease and are immune. However, they are frequently anemic.

A diet that has an adequate amount of carbohydrate calories but extremely little protein will likely cause ____________ in a child. a) marasmus b) kwashiorkor c) rickets

kwashiorkor. ## CORRECT --> Symptoms are edema (or swelling) due to water retention (especially in the abdomen), stick-like legs and arms with little fat or muscle mass, apathy, and loss of hair and skin pigmentation in patches. It results in death or stunted growth in children.

Lactose intolerance is usually due to:

lactase deficiency

According to Bergmann's Rule, we would expect that the body mass of people from cold climates will be _______________ those from hot ones.

larger than## CORRECT --> A larger body mass would be more efficient in maintaining body heat because there would be less skin area to radiate heat relative to the amount of body cells producing it.

Compared to most other animal species, humans:

live in more environmental zones around the world ## CORRECT --> In addition to temperate zones, we live in humid tropical regions as well as dry, hot deserts and even extremely cold arctic wastelands. Many other animal species are limited to only one type of environment. Plants are often even more restricted.

Most species:

live in tropical regions ## CORRECT --> The tropical regions are incredibly rich in species. By comparison, the cooler temperate and arctic regions have far fewer.

According to Allen's Rule, the best suited human body for a hot, tropical region would be one with _________________ legs, fingers, and toes.

long and slender## CORRECT --> A long, slender torso and appendages results in relatively large skin surface area to dissipate body heat. Nature selects for this body shape since it is more efficient when the environment is consistently hot.

The most severe high altitude stress for humans is usually:

low air pressure ## CORRECT --> High winds and climate extremes can be severe stresses at high altitudes. However, low air pressure is the most difficult stress for humans. To go above 20,000 feet altitude, most of us require pressurized air tanks to assist in breathing.

The isolated pockets of red-haired people in the British Isles is an example of discontinuous distribution. This distribution pattern is most likely the result of:

migrations of red-haired people ## CORRECT --> This distribution pattern is most likely the result of migrations of groups of red-haired people into areas where other hair colors predominated. However, it could also result from discriminatory marriage partner selection.

Many people get an upset stomach and diarrhea when they drink milk. A common cause of this problem is:

milk sugar intolerance ## CORRECT --> Milk sugar, or lactose, is difficult for many adults to digest due to an inability of their bodies to produce enough of a particular chemical to break it down. Keep in mind that there also are other possible causes of these symptoms, including allergies.

How can we best account for the fact that, contrary to Gloger's Rule, millions of dark complexioned people live in temperate and even arctic latitudes today?

mostly in the middle latitudes, between 20 degrees north and south of the equator ## CORRECT --> Keep in mind that the transitions between regions of lighter and darker complexions were mostly gradual.

Which of the following statements is true concerning nutrition? a) People all over the world require about the same number of calories to maintain normal body weight. b) All human bodies process food in the same way. c) neither is true

neither is true ## CORRECT --> There are major differences between individuals and populations in terms of caloric requirements and the ability to digest particular kinds of food. These differences are due to body size, age, gender, and peculiar variations in digestive systems.

Those individuals who inherit a trait that Those individuals who inherit a trait that provides a biological advantage in responding to a particular environmental stress: a) are less likely to survive b) are less likely to pass on their genes to the next generation c) neither of the above

neither of the above## CORRECT --> If individuals can respond more successfully, they will usually be more healthy and vigorous. As a result, they are more likely to live longer and to reproduce. The net result will be that their genes will be more common in subsequent generations.

Gloger's Rule implies that:

over many generations, natural selection is largely responsible for changes in human skin color ## CORRECT --> There is a selective advantage for people with dark complexions in regions of intense solar radiation. Similarly, light complexion is an advantage in areas with significantly less sunlight. This is due to the fact that melanin is a protective shield.

The ability of the environment to somewhat mold our bodies as we grow is due to our:

physiological plasticity ## CORRECT --> Environmental stresses we are subject to while we are growing can have the effect of permanently altering our bodies. For instance, prolonged starvation of children can result in stunted growth. Physiological plasticity refers to this moldability.

The increasing frequency of yellow-brown hair among Australian Aborigines as one moves inland from the southwest coast of Australia is an example of:

progressive gradation ## CORRECT --> The gradual, more or less continuous change in hair color from one group of Aborigines to another is not random or haphazard. There probably is a progressive gradation because there are different evolutionary pressures from one region to another.

Except on very hot, dry days, most human body heat loss is due to:

radiation ## CORRECT --> About 60% of body heat loss is a result of radiation directly from the skin surface. This heat is radiated as infrared heat waves into the air. In extreme desert environments, cooling resulting from the evaporation of sweat may exceed radiation.

Developing a suntan in response to ultraviolet radiation from the sun during the summer months is an example of:

seasonal acclimatization ## CORRECT --> Most humans are capable of tanning, or producing more melanin in their skin, in response to ultraviolet radiation. In the winter, there usually is less ultraviolet radiation and our bodies respond by producing less melanin--we lose our tans.

Genetic change in response to an environmental stress is more likely to occur if the stress is:

severe and constant over many generations ## CORRECT --> Natural selection is most likely to result in the genetic change of a population when a stress is severe, constant, and long term. Selection usually will favor the successful adaptation resulting in its increased frequency in subsequent generations.

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